Updated code for saving temp directory for google drive documents. a1de13c TalatMasood commited on 16 days ago
Log google drive documents in the mongodb, add source of the document and made chunks to overlap text. acdfaa9 TalatMasood commited on 19 days ago
Changed 'EMBEDDING_MODEL', 'all-MiniLM-L6-v2' for produciton also. 3a56021 TalatMasood commited on 20 days ago
Updated embedding to produciton, changed the depenedency for magic library c2e0ca0 TalatMasood commited on 20 days ago
Updarte chatbot with deployment configurations on the Render 415595f TalatMasood commited on 21 days ago
DOne some testing and fixed the retrieving context by date. f36ab64 TalatMasood commited on 26 days ago
Implementation for Google drive is done. Now it is working fine, except need a new function that can delete the chunks if a document is removed from google drive. aee2bfd TalatMasood commited on about 1 month ago
Enhanced the support for the excel file and added endpoint to have optimized vector store and Rag for the Excel. b953016 TalatMasood commited on Feb 10