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<title>ML Audio Demo</title> |
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<h1>Audio Intent Clasification Demo</h1> |
<section id="recording-section"> |
<p id="recording-instructions">The system is activated by pressing Start and calling a name <i>Marvin</i>.</p> |
<p id="recording-instructions">After that the system listens to an audio query and classifies its intention.</p> |
<p id="recording-instructions">Model is trained on <i>PolyAI/minds14</i>. Dataset covers 14 intents extracted from a commercial system in the e-banking domain.</p> |
<h3>Start the System:</h3> |
<button id="startBtn">Start</button> |
<div id="restart-button-container"></div> |
</section> |
<section id="audio-chunks-section"> |
<h3>Partial Predictions:</h3> |
<div id="audio-chunks">Partial results will appear here...</div> |
</section> |
<section id="results-section"> |
<h3>Final Result:</h3> |
<div id="results"><b>Intent classification will appear here...</b></div> |
</section> |
<section id="class-list-section"> |
<button id="toggleClassListBtn">see all classes</button> |
<div id="class-list" style="display: none;"> |
<p>1.abroad</p> |
<p>2.address</p> |
<p>3.app_error</p> |
<p>4.atm_limit</p> |
<p>5.balance</p> |
<p>6.business_loan</p> |
<p>7.card_issues</p> |
<p>8.cash_deposit</p> |
<p>9.direct_debit</p> |
<p>10.freeze</p> |
<p>11.high_value_payment</p> |
<p>12.joint_account</p> |
<p>13.latest_transactions</p> |
<p>14.pay_bill</p> |
</div> |
</section> |
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<script src="/static/script.js?v=9"></script> |
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