import os, sys # Standard Python Libraries import xlwings as xw # pip install xlwings from docxtpl import DocxTemplate # pip install docxtpl import pandas as pd # pip install pandas import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # pip install matplotlib import win32com.client as win32 # pip install pywin32 # -- Documentation: # python-docx-template: # Change path to current working directory os.chdir(sys.path[0]) def create_barchart(df, barchart_name): """Group DataFrame by sub-category, plot barchart, save plot as PNG""" top_products = df.groupby(by=df["Sub-Category"]).sum()[["Sales"]] top_products = top_products.sort_values(by="Sales") plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 300 plot = top_products.plot(kind="barh") fig = plot.get_figure() fig.savefig(f"{barchart_name}.png", bbox_inches="tight") return None def convert_to_pdf(doc): """Convert given word document to pdf""" word = win32.DispatchEx("Word.Application") new_name = doc.replace(".docx", r".pdf") worddoc = word.Documents.Open(doc) worddoc.SaveAs(new_name, FileFormat=17) worddoc.Close() return None def main(): wb = xw.Book.caller() sht_panel = wb.sheets["PANEL"] sht_sales = wb.sheets["Sales"] doc = DocxTemplate("Copy of Last Will and Testament.docx") # -- Get values from Excel context = sht_panel.range("A2").options(dict, expand="table", numbers=int).value df = sht_sales.range("A1").options(pd.DataFrame, index=False, expand="table").value # -- Create Barchart & Replace Placeholder barchart_name = "sales_by_subcategory" create_barchart(df, barchart_name) doc.replace_pic("Placeholder_1.png", f"{barchart_name}.png") # -- Render & Save Word Document output_name = f'Sales_Report_{context["month"]}.docx' doc.render(context) # -- Convert to PDF [OPTIONAL] path_to_word_document = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), output_name) convert_to_pdf(path_to_word_document) # -- Show Message Box [OPTIONAL] show_msgbox = wb.macro("Module1.ShowMsgBox") show_msgbox("DONE!") if __name__ == "__main__": xw.Book("word_automation.xlsm").set_mock_caller() main()