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Todd Deshane
csv file
ID,Date and Time,Business Unit,Usage Change,Wolftech Improvement,Likelihood to Recommend,Effective Training,Most Valuable Feature
76,10/25/23 14:15,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",none,"Wolftech does not address the scheduling or vehicle needs for our operation , nor does it address the union requirements for posting schedules. This is a anti-productive system."
33,10/25/23 14:23,Newspath,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,9,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Having all station stories in one place,
68,10/25/23 14:29,KCNC,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Keeping track of stories that don't run that day.,I have not done this.
21,10/25/23 14:34,London,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",It can be useful to see planning of stories,
33,10/25/23 14:47,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The ability for all platforms to work in the same space.,Centralizing all information.
21,10/25/23 14:44,London,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Interface..,
41,10/25/23 15:21,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,9,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",BEING ABLE TO SEE THE OWNED STATIONS ASSIGNMENTS. BEING ABLE TO SEE NAT DESK AND OWNED STATIONS CALENDARS,"LAST WEEK NO ONE ANSWERING PHONES AT KPIX DURING A BREAKER, SAW INFO LOADED INTO WOLFIE SHORTLY AFTER "
41,10/25/23 14:21,Newspath,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Calendar,
63,10/25/23 15:56,WBZ,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;Wolftech has improved how I gather news;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","I find it very valuable to have all of the info in one place, instead of sifting through a series of emails.",
46,10/25/23 16:30,London,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","I gather it's useful for division managers to share info across divisions.
Not much use for me. It's slow and clunky and very 1990s.
I would hate to have to rely on this during a breaking news story, and the current situation in Israel-Gaza has shown how it's not suited for how we use editorial notes. No one is using it for sharing editorial because it's not good for that. And the only way the app will open on a cell phone is if nothing else is open! not how we work.","Can't - it hasn't. It's SLOW. And clunky. I do not find it suited to news story production at the editorial side. Honestly, it looks like a useful tool for managers but not for journalists"
56,10/25/23 21:21,KYW,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,5,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",For my particular position- the plan board,
64,10/25/23 23:45,KCAL,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",I like the sharing of photos and video. That is very useful in the field. ,The problem is getting the app to work quickly. Once I get it working the information is easy to find.
18,10/26/23 0:14,CBS Morning,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","The merger of story gathering, assignments and production from start to finish is the most valuable, however it is not a good communication/correspondence tool. ",No
7,10/26/23 1:04,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Direct access to all the stories on the list at the station ,
70,10/26/23 3:46,London,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Resource Availability,
47,10/26/23 7:52,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","If I was on the planning or production team, I would find certain features more advantageous. However when it comes to newsgathering, there is nothing about Wolftech that is of any use.",I cannot.
32,10/26/23 8:00,KCAL,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,10,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","If everyone put scripts on Wolftech, that would be valuable. But it's hit and miss right now.","Right now, it slows down my process. The app does not always load properly, and logging on through a laptop requires a few extra steps. It seems like a better tool for people who work in the station, not in the field."
55,10/26/23 9:46,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",None,"None. Too many steps, buttons are too small, no desktop app, and it freezes when copying and pasting. Too much to look at."
35,10/26/23 10:11,WCBS,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,3,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",everything in one place,"I find wolftech to be cumbersome. Because we copy and paste information, locations and elements into scripts... it is extremely annoying that when HIGHLIGHTING INFO to copy AND paste THAT windows and maps open up.
I don't want a map to open up and I don't want ANY windows to open up.
20,10/26/23 11:08,SatMo,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",daily/weekly/monthly calendars,
7,10/26/23 11:50,KCNC,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Users can add links, photos, additional information. ",
3,10/26/23 14:11,KCNC,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,10,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","While I'm sure that Wolftech is extremely valuable to the group, disseminating information and content nationwide, as an operations / engineering user there is little value as long as the system does not integrate with our iNews and Sony automation systems. ",I'm afraid not.
28,10/26/23 14:57,Guidance,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,3,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",N/A - have not started using Wolftech yet,
27,10/26/23 16:27,KYW,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",I find that Wolftech makes my job more difficult. I don't like that I have to click through multiple tabs to get information about the story and find the video for it. It's also frustrating that every time I try to copy text from a story it gives me a pop-up asking if I want to edit it.,It hasn't improved my ability to quickly update any stories.
15,10/27/23 10:07,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how inspired I am by news;,5,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The Week view / story boards,Collaboration with a different O&O.
65,10/27/23 11:13,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",ability to see and share across the platform,
64,10/27/23 11:15,Guidance,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",N/A - still waiting to onboard,
59,10/27/23 11:22,London,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,9,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Interface,
39,10/27/23 11:34,London,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",calendar,
47,10/27/23 12:09,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",A centralized calendar is nice. That's it.,It hasn't. My response time to a story has slowed significantly. Too many steps. Threading in a storyboard is not practical. It's not an attractive looking program. No DM?
23,10/27/23 18:16,KCAL,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I share news;Wolftech has improved how inspired I am by news;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","the gathering and storing of information. It's great that everyone is able to see what we have, where it came from and communicate across all the different sides of news. ","Each night Wolftech plays a huge role in how we gathering, ingest and disseminate information. We can add pics, video, links and all the text info from releases and other sources. With everything in one place, the moment news breaks, we have one location to go to see everything. "
71,10/30/23 8:54,CBS Network (All Shows),Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",None that are specific to Wolftech. ,No
51,10/30/23 21:35,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,6,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","I like that everything is on one page. However, it's jumbled, unappealing to the eye, and very analog for this day and age. ",It has not.
27,10/31/23 3:22,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","Wolftech's main draw was touted as the ability to see what multiple units are working on, and for each station and network unit to work in tandem. However, a combination of a slow rollout, a platform riddled with errors, a confusing UI, and the policy that each unit work on stories on their own story boards means that none of these things have come to pass. It is still easier to call or email a station than to download a new view, dig through to find the story board, and move the information to your own story. Wolftech has largely been a waste of time and resources.","Wolftech is an unintuitive platform that requires multiple instances of instruction by a handful of users to begin to operate. The UX is confusing and includes half-a-dozen caveats to keep from damaging someone else's work or to keep information in the correct spot. The search function is useless, not showing any relevant or desired results. The platform has been riddled with tech errors and cannot display multimedia effectively or even a simple copy-and-paste function. The notification system does not contain any pertinent information for newsgathering. Wolftech is too complicated for the average user who may already struggle with Slack. It is by far the slowest method to disseminate news and feels like the albatross hung around our neck as CBS will now be saddled by this cumbersome, bloated platform that does a dozen things terribly rather than even a single thing well."
14,10/31/23 8:52,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Scheduling future dates for news stories ,It hasnt
54,10/31/23 8:54,WCBS,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The ability to carry over stories from day to day & add new information with dates attached,
72,10/31/23 8:53,Newspath,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Calendar ,
49,10/31/23 8:57,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",don't use it ,there hasn't been any.
75,10/31/23 9:01,WBZ,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","I don't use it much as part of my job, but I do look at the feeds from time to time",
12,10/31/23 9:02,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",It's flexibility. ,
74,10/31/23 8:54,CBS Morning,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","Being shared on an ""assignment"" is helpful","I don't have any example here. I think the current system is not user-friendly and storyboards are not created in a cohesive, clear way. Stories are hard to find and I'm not easily alerted when there are developments to stories I am following/tracking. I don't understand why the desk creates new storyboards for every story they flag rather than creating one storyboard with an overarching theme (like how Slack channels are currently used).
For example, there was a storyboard created about a Michigan man who lost family members in Gaza. Why would this not go into a larger storyboard about Americans impacted by the Israel-Hamas war (for example)? I also don't think it's helpful that the desk tags everyone in every story. That makes it impossible to find anything. User tags should be used way more sparingly (in both Wolftech and Slack)."
18,10/31/23 9:05,Newspath,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,3,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Read-In notes,
40,10/31/23 9:05,SatMo,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Feeds,
50,10/31/23 9:06,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,5,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","Seeing everything about a story in one place, including photos and videos we've gathered.",It helps organize everything that's been previously gathered on stories that I've covering after a few days of others covering it.
62,10/31/23 9:05,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",I can clearly see which crews/writers/managers are assigned to reporters.,
7,10/31/23 9:07,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,8,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Sharing between stations & newspath... also the digital feature,Haven't run into an instance yet
72,10/31/23 9:21,CBS Morning,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",I have been assigned stories in Wolftech but work is largely done outside of it.,
2,10/31/23 9:41,Executive,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I share news;,5,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",seeing the day/week across all entities,
65,10/31/23 9:45,KYW,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",None,
67,10/31/23 9:59,WCBS,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Updating my assignments with comments for all to see.,I was able to input more context on a complicated story so producers could quickly understand what it was about.
23,10/31/23 10:04,West Bureau,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Having one space where story information is stored, checking on what local affiliates have gathered on a story","When I was assigned to cover the story about the Cruise autonomous taxi that ran a woman over, it was helpful to use Wolftech to collaborate with KPIX. "
48,10/31/23 10:18,Foreign Desk,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Storyboards.,No examples
1,10/31/23 11:53,CBS Morning,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Ability to aggregate and share information,No major instances/not applicable to my particular role
38,10/31/23 12:24,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",calendar,no
28,10/31/23 12:04,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","There are some small features like marking posts as ""reportable/not reportable"" that are a nice touch. Otherwise I do not find most of the program redeemable. ","Wolftech has done the opposite. It is akin to a black box seemingly designed to hide and slow the dissemination of information. Email and Slack are far more advanced, efficient, and user-friendly programs when it comes to newsgathering. If we were to transition to Wolftech only tomorrow, even after training all employees, it would trigger a catastrophic communications breakdown that would be disastrous for our broadcasts and various platforms.
Some of the main issues: notifications do not contain relevant information. Imagine getting hundreds of notifications a day that effectively say ""notification"" with little immediate insight into what you're being notified about. The UX is arcane (one colleague calls it ""prehistoric looking"") and cannot handle basic tasks--even copying and pasting is a hassle. It does not display pictures and videos well and obviously does not unfurl tweets the way Slack does. Every task involves dozens of clicks more than Email and Slack, to the point where what takes me seconds to flag in Slack takes minutes in Wolftech (not ideal for breaking news). Mastering it took weeks of fiddling around and consulting with ""super users."" It is way too overambitious--jack of all trades, master of none. I honestly have no idea what the deal is with the mobile app. Our colleagues who are more focused on reporting and producing will never fully grasp Wolftech and will resort to asking us to duplicate everything in email. One colleague from another unit who only mastered Slack in the last year just started Wolftech training--his two word review: ""OY VEY!""
While it has been nice being able to see our O&O's newsgathering, that has always been a possibility since we moved to Slack years ago--the stations just weren't told to use it nor shown how to access network's reporting (which, again, they've been able to access for years).
We have been told that the best thing about Wolftech is that it can evolve and adapt to our needs. The software developers have not yet proven this to be true. I know that CBS has presented these issues to them in far greater detail and updates are supposed to come but if this is the best they have to offer at this juncture then I am extremely doubtful they can deliver substantial structural changes. In fact, I've heard (unsure if true) that major design changes would impact other clients. Doesn't sound bespoke to me.
During my career at CBS, I've never seen a software threaten this level of chaos, and I fully believe there are only three ways to avert the worst outcome possible (in order of preference):
1. Abandon the platform entirely and fine tune our existing workflows. Create mandatory training modules for new and current employees so our processes are in writing and colleagues who struggle with tech have something to refer to.
2. Reconsider what role Wolftech should play in our workflow and drastically reduce its ambitions. Use it as a futures calendar/planner; if stations like it or shows like it as a production tool then they should keep it. But day-to-day urgent newsgathering is not realistic in its current form.
3. Pause working in the platform until Wolftech can adequately address all design flaws.
22,10/31/23 14:01,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Being able to see what stations are working on is huge, being able to see press releases and calendar items are a game changer. Also love that I do not have to be on VPN/Pulse Secure to access Wolftech. ",Daily I am able to pitch Newspath vosot ideas and share what stations are working on in a real time matter. Also I can write my Newspath abstracts sine I have access to press releases and info gathered by the station.
36,10/31/23 19:36,Newspath,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Should be able to add a business unit to a Story more easily (currently have to share to if your business unit wasn't tagged when the item was created) ,
63,10/31/23 21:00,KYW,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;Wolftech has improved how I gather news;,4,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The daily plan,
32,10/31/23 22:51,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,7,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Newsgathering on big stories,
29,11/1/23 3:21,KYW,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,9,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",none,it did not contribute to anything
75,11/1/23 5:07,WBZ,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Ability to separate content into different categories.,No
74,11/1/23 6:28,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","The ability to break stories down by board is nice, but occasionally confusing and they can be difficult to search. The lack of a way to direct message and the more limited number of tags compared to Slack also hamper my ability to communicate.","If I am directly tagged in a story, I am able to respond quickly, but even then it can be difficult keeping the order of updates in the Plan section organized."
54,11/1/23 8:59,National Desk,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,5,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Sharing storyboards with business units allows us to work closer with other divisions. ,
25,11/1/23 9:07,KYW,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",It's searchable by day/week/month. ,"I can't really think of anything. This survey should really be asking more about weaknesses. For example, on a desktop, when an info field is open for editing, it should STAY open when the scroll bar on the right is activated. It is not possible to use the mouse to scroll down a lengthy entry and still be able to edit it/highlight it, etc. because the scroll function closes the field. "
64,11/1/23 9:42,CBS Morning,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",I honestly have not used Wolftech so far. The interface is really hard to understand and it hasn't yet become a regular part of my job.,
50,11/1/23 9:49,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",National Desk Daily view is an effective tool to help me get read-in on the latest news. ,"By having our team update each story with the latest information, it allows for me to go to one location and find all relevant updates from the very beginning in one spot. "
61,11/1/23 10:30,KYW,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Drag and drop,Just adding multiple dates and it saves to that day qlso
45,11/1/23 15:32,KCNC,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,5,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The ability to create distribution points by dragging.,It helped this morning when I was working on a news story about a shooting on South Parker Road.
44,11/1/23 15:52,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Program interface is cluttered. Hard to find things. Inside the story board, it's even more cluttered with either useless information (like who was previously assigned to the story) and too much info (all the updates are hard to follow when using the same story board for continuing stories). Search feature does not work properly (i.e. can't find things using key words from story). I feel like trying to find something in wolftech is like sifting through a junk drawer. Alerts are useless because they are only visible when I'm clicked into the program, which is rare since I usually have multiple programs and windows open at once. Email alerts are also useless because they're just clogging up my already very clogged outlook email.","Wolftech has slowed down my workflow, and I feel far less informed about the stories we're covering."
15,11/1/23 16:24,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","I understand how the platform should be used, but it is not being used correctly or efficiently here. ","In my experience, it has slowed down how we communicate with the desk, and how we get information on the air. Sometimes the information will be wrong, or the slug will have nothing in it. I think those two reasons are because the assignment desk also finds it to not be user friendly. The website is also very disorganized, the search button doesn't work, and finding stories for newscasts can be complicated. "
11,11/1/23 16:25,KCAL,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Truth be told, and I'm sorry to say this, I am struggling to find any value in Wolftech. It has not made my job easier -- it has made it harder, slower, and more cumbersome. One of our assignment desk editors was helping me troubleshoot my Wolftech earlier this week and he said, ""One day, you're going to say to me 'I love Wolftech.'"" And I said, ""I cannot imagine a scenario where I will ever say that."" I'm sure the designers worked very hard to create Wolftech, and continue to work hard on modifying it. My comments are not a reflection on them or their work, but you've asked for an assessment, and my assessment is that this system, as is stands today, is not a help to producers (or at least it's not a help to the producers in our extremely busy newsroom). I would love an opportunity to speak with the designers to offer some more detail on the obstacles and challenges producers are experiencing when using Wolftech. I have given feedback to my managers, and they say they've passed it along, but I always find value in speaking directly with the source.","Unfortunately, I cannot think of a single instance where Wolftech directly contributed to my ability to quickly produce or update a story. My experience is that it slows me down, rather than speeding me up."
29,11/2/23 7:40,North Bureau,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",You have been squirting email across the system to people who do not need and don't want them - There is no easy way to be removed from the list. Even in this questionnaire you leave no space to discuss the shortcomings or ways to improve it. I find the hubris of this approach frustratingly expected.,"As a field crew we are still not integrated into your system. It would be great to have access to crew assignments and see where everyone is and what they are doing. But I guess that comes later... For now, an opt-out would be a huge improvement."
36,11/2/23 15:28,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","NONE - IT'S TERRIBLE, IT'S CONFUSING AND ULTRA TIME CONSUMING. ",I CAN NOT THINK OF ONE INSTANCE THAT HAS HELPED ME QUICKLY UPDATE A NEWS STORY.
72,11/2/23 15:31,KCAL,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",There isn't a single thing that is valuable.,"It has never contributed to me quickly producing or updating a story. It only makes everything more difficult. It's ridiculous that we have to scroll through so many columns just to find a story. And sometimes stories are in more than one column, but it's only updated in one of them. The chunky paragraphs that are in each slug make it harder to read. It was better in inews, where you could see a whole page of stories, not just the first few that pop up in a column."
43,11/3/23 13:50,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",I am still baffled by wolftech,No
39,11/14/23 10:53,North Bureau,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Organization of news planning and our calendar outlook,"I wanted to know what story I was assigned for the day, so I went on Wolftech to see the details"
7,10/29/23 3:10,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",none,"Wolftech does not address the scheduling or vehicle needs for our operation , nor does it address the union requirements for posting schedules. This is a anti-productive system."
60,11/11/23 18:35,Newspath,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,4,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Having all station stories in one place,
4,10/26/23 23:01,KCNC,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,10,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Keeping track of stories that don't run that day.,I have not done this.
77,11/5/23 17:52,London,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",It can be useful to see planning of stories,
13,10/27/23 8:34,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The ability for all platforms to work in the same space.,Centralizing all information.
31,10/29/23 18:11,London,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Interface..,
28,11/10/23 6:00,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,8,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",BEING ABLE TO SEE THE OWNED STATIONS ASSIGNMENTS. BEING ABLE TO SEE NAT DESK AND OWNED STATIONS CALENDARS,"LAST WEEK NO ONE ANSWERING PHONES AT KPIX DURING A BREAKER, SAW INFO LOADED INTO WOLFIE SHORTLY AFTER "
37,10/27/23 0:18,Newspath,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Calendar,
54,11/13/23 19:08,WBZ,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;Wolftech has improved how I gather news;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","I find it very valuable to have all of the info in one place, instead of sifting through a series of emails.",
19,10/30/23 18:46,London,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","I gather it's useful for division managers to share info across divisions.
Not much use for me. It's slow and clunky and very 1990s.
I would hate to have to rely on this during a breaking news story, and the current situation in Israel-Gaza has shown how it's not suited for how we use editorial notes. No one is using it for sharing editorial because it's not good for that. And the only way the app will open on a cell phone is if nothing else is open! not how we work.","Can't - it hasn't. It's SLOW. And clunky. I do not find it suited to news story production at the editorial side. Honestly, it looks like a useful tool for managers but not for journalists"
12,10/29/23 22:18,KYW,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,10,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",For my particular position- the plan board,
62,11/3/23 2:39,KCAL,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,5,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",I like the sharing of photos and video. That is very useful in the field. ,The problem is getting the app to work quickly. Once I get it working the information is easy to find.
75,11/3/23 2:47,CBS Morning,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","The merger of story gathering, assignments and production from start to finish is the most valuable, however it is not a good communication/correspondence tool. ",No
27,10/29/23 4:34,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Direct access to all the stories on the list at the station ,
28,11/8/23 16:54,London,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Resource Availability,
53,11/4/23 7:19,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","If I was on the planning or production team, I would find certain features more advantageous. However when it comes to newsgathering, there is nothing about Wolftech that is of any use.",I cannot.
29,11/1/23 14:10,KCAL,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","If everyone put scripts on Wolftech, that would be valuable. But it's hit and miss right now.","Right now, it slows down my process. The app does not always load properly, and logging on through a laptop requires a few extra steps. It seems like a better tool for people who work in the station, not in the field."
5,10/31/23 20:38,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",None,"None. Too many steps, buttons are too small, no desktop app, and it freezes when copying and pasting. Too much to look at."
55,11/5/23 14:04,WCBS,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",everything in one place,"I find wolftech to be cumbersome. Because we copy and paste information, locations and elements into scripts... it is extremely annoying that when HIGHLIGHTING INFO to copy AND paste THAT windows and maps open up.
I don't want a map to open up and I don't want ANY windows to open up.
25,11/2/23 9:34,SatMo,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",daily/weekly/monthly calendars,
24,10/29/23 21:15,KCNC,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Users can add links, photos, additional information. ",
45,11/3/23 5:12,KCNC,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,10,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","While I'm sure that Wolftech is extremely valuable to the group, disseminating information and content nationwide, as an operations / engineering user there is little value as long as the system does not integrate with our iNews and Sony automation systems. ",I'm afraid not.
7,11/4/23 20:49,Guidance,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,3,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",N/A - have not started using Wolftech yet,
15,11/9/23 16:32,KYW,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",I find that Wolftech makes my job more difficult. I don't like that I have to click through multiple tabs to get information about the story and find the video for it. It's also frustrating that every time I try to copy text from a story it gives me a pop-up asking if I want to edit it.,It hasn't improved my ability to quickly update any stories.
19,11/1/23 14:47,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how inspired I am by news;,2,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The Week view / story boards,Collaboration with a different O&O.
42,11/6/23 6:57,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",ability to see and share across the platform,
70,11/5/23 7:02,Guidance,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",N/A - still waiting to onboard,
20,11/5/23 15:53,London,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Interface,
3,11/4/23 11:31,London,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",calendar,
29,10/29/23 10:41,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",A centralized calendar is nice. That's it.,It hasn't. My response time to a story has slowed significantly. Too many steps. Threading in a storyboard is not practical. It's not an attractive looking program. No DM?
10,10/30/23 13:56,KCAL,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I share news;Wolftech has improved how inspired I am by news;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","the gathering and storing of information. It's great that everyone is able to see what we have, where it came from and communicate across all the different sides of news. ","Each night Wolftech plays a huge role in how we gathering, ingest and disseminate information. We can add pics, video, links and all the text info from releases and other sources. With everything in one place, the moment news breaks, we have one location to go to see everything. "
53,10/31/23 18:04,CBS Network (All Shows),Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",None that are specific to Wolftech. ,No
49,11/10/23 17:40,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","I like that everything is on one page. However, it's jumbled, unappealing to the eye, and very analog for this day and age. ",It has not.
65,11/5/23 5:38,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","Wolftech's main draw was touted as the ability to see what multiple units are working on, and for each station and network unit to work in tandem. However, a combination of a slow rollout, a platform riddled with errors, a confusing UI, and the policy that each unit work on stories on their own story boards means that none of these things have come to pass. It is still easier to call or email a station than to download a new view, dig through to find the story board, and move the information to your own story. Wolftech has largely been a waste of time and resources.","Wolftech is an unintuitive platform that requires multiple instances of instruction by a handful of users to begin to operate. The UX is confusing and includes half-a-dozen caveats to keep from damaging someone else's work or to keep information in the correct spot. The search function is useless, not showing any relevant or desired results. The platform has been riddled with tech errors and cannot display multimedia effectively or even a simple copy-and-paste function. The notification system does not contain any pertinent information for newsgathering. Wolftech is too complicated for the average user who may already struggle with Slack. It is by far the slowest method to disseminate news and feels like the albatross hung around our neck as CBS will now be saddled by this cumbersome, bloated platform that does a dozen things terribly rather than even a single thing well."
32,11/13/23 15:28,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Scheduling future dates for news stories ,It hasnt
15,10/30/23 16:48,WCBS,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The ability to carry over stories from day to day & add new information with dates attached,
48,11/11/23 0:29,Newspath,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Calendar ,
16,11/1/23 0:45,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,9,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",don't use it ,there hasn't been any.
48,10/28/23 6:11,WBZ,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","I don't use it much as part of my job, but I do look at the feeds from time to time",
47,11/7/23 7:21,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",It's flexibility. ,
5,11/2/23 23:24,CBS Morning,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,10,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","Being shared on an ""assignment"" is helpful","I don't have any example here. I think the current system is not user-friendly and storyboards are not created in a cohesive, clear way. Stories are hard to find and I'm not easily alerted when there are developments to stories I am following/tracking. I don't understand why the desk creates new storyboards for every story they flag rather than creating one storyboard with an overarching theme (like how Slack channels are currently used).
For example, there was a storyboard created about a Michigan man who lost family members in Gaza. Why would this not go into a larger storyboard about Americans impacted by the Israel-Hamas war (for example)? I also don't think it's helpful that the desk tags everyone in every story. That makes it impossible to find anything. User tags should be used way more sparingly (in both Wolftech and Slack)."
12,10/31/23 1:55,Newspath,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,8,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Read-In notes,
65,11/8/23 3:27,SatMo,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Feeds,
20,11/8/23 20:31,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","Seeing everything about a story in one place, including photos and videos we've gathered.",It helps organize everything that's been previously gathered on stories that I've covering after a few days of others covering it.
74,11/7/23 17:02,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,8,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",I can clearly see which crews/writers/managers are assigned to reporters.,
60,11/11/23 3:31,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,3,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Sharing between stations & newspath... also the digital feature,Haven't run into an instance yet
75,11/10/23 5:52,CBS Morning,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",I have been assigned stories in Wolftech but work is largely done outside of it.,
15,11/12/23 16:28,Executive,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I share news;,2,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",seeing the day/week across all entities,
14,10/31/23 2:52,KYW,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",None,
31,11/14/23 6:03,WCBS,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Updating my assignments with comments for all to see.,I was able to input more context on a complicated story so producers could quickly understand what it was about.
11,11/9/23 8:49,West Bureau,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Having one space where story information is stored, checking on what local affiliates have gathered on a story","When I was assigned to cover the story about the Cruise autonomous taxi that ran a woman over, it was helpful to use Wolftech to collaborate with KPIX. "
48,11/9/23 21:36,Foreign Desk,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Storyboards.,No examples
62,10/30/23 15:40,CBS Morning,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Ability to aggregate and share information,No major instances/not applicable to my particular role
31,10/30/23 8:22,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,8,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",calendar,no
77,11/6/23 14:41,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","There are some small features like marking posts as ""reportable/not reportable"" that are a nice touch. Otherwise I do not find most of the program redeemable. ","Wolftech has done the opposite. It is akin to a black box seemingly designed to hide and slow the dissemination of information. Email and Slack are far more advanced, efficient, and user-friendly programs when it comes to newsgathering. If we were to transition to Wolftech only tomorrow, even after training all employees, it would trigger a catastrophic communications breakdown that would be disastrous for our broadcasts and various platforms.
Some of the main issues: notifications do not contain relevant information. Imagine getting hundreds of notifications a day that effectively say ""notification"" with little immediate insight into what you're being notified about. The UX is arcane (one colleague calls it ""prehistoric looking"") and cannot handle basic tasks--even copying and pasting is a hassle. It does not display pictures and videos well and obviously does not unfurl tweets the way Slack does. Every task involves dozens of clicks more than Email and Slack, to the point where what takes me seconds to flag in Slack takes minutes in Wolftech (not ideal for breaking news). Mastering it took weeks of fiddling around and consulting with ""super users."" It is way too overambitious--jack of all trades, master of none. I honestly have no idea what the deal is with the mobile app. Our colleagues who are more focused on reporting and producing will never fully grasp Wolftech and will resort to asking us to duplicate everything in email. One colleague from another unit who only mastered Slack in the last year just started Wolftech training--his two word review: ""OY VEY!""
While it has been nice being able to see our O&O's newsgathering, that has always been a possibility since we moved to Slack years ago--the stations just weren't told to use it nor shown how to access network's reporting (which, again, they've been able to access for years).
We have been told that the best thing about Wolftech is that it can evolve and adapt to our needs. The software developers have not yet proven this to be true. I know that CBS has presented these issues to them in far greater detail and updates are supposed to come but if this is the best they have to offer at this juncture then I am extremely doubtful they can deliver substantial structural changes. In fact, I've heard (unsure if true) that major design changes would impact other clients. Doesn't sound bespoke to me.
During my career at CBS, I've never seen a software threaten this level of chaos, and I fully believe there are only three ways to avert the worst outcome possible (in order of preference):
1. Abandon the platform entirely and fine tune our existing workflows. Create mandatory training modules for new and current employees so our processes are in writing and colleagues who struggle with tech have something to refer to.
2. Reconsider what role Wolftech should play in our workflow and drastically reduce its ambitions. Use it as a futures calendar/planner; if stations like it or shows like it as a production tool then they should keep it. But day-to-day urgent newsgathering is not realistic in its current form.
3. Pause working in the platform until Wolftech can adequately address all design flaws.
26,10/29/23 7:13,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,10,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Being able to see what stations are working on is huge, being able to see press releases and calendar items are a game changer. Also love that I do not have to be on VPN/Pulse Secure to access Wolftech. ",Daily I am able to pitch Newspath vosot ideas and share what stations are working on in a real time matter. Also I can write my Newspath abstracts sine I have access to press releases and info gathered by the station.
61,11/6/23 6:45,Newspath,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Should be able to add a business unit to a Story more easily (currently have to share to if your business unit wasn't tagged when the item was created) ,
74,11/7/23 13:24,KYW,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;Wolftech has improved how I gather news;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The daily plan,
17,11/8/23 11:29,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,9,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Newsgathering on big stories,
56,11/2/23 5:17,KYW,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",none,it did not contribute to anything
34,11/6/23 6:21,WBZ,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Ability to separate content into different categories.,No
13,11/7/23 10:40,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","The ability to break stories down by board is nice, but occasionally confusing and they can be difficult to search. The lack of a way to direct message and the more limited number of tags compared to Slack also hamper my ability to communicate.","If I am directly tagged in a story, I am able to respond quickly, but even then it can be difficult keeping the order of updates in the Plan section organized."
17,11/13/23 21:59,National Desk,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,4,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Sharing storyboards with business units allows us to work closer with other divisions. ,
27,11/7/23 6:09,KYW,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",It's searchable by day/week/month. ,"I can't really think of anything. This survey should really be asking more about weaknesses. For example, on a desktop, when an info field is open for editing, it should STAY open when the scroll bar on the right is activated. It is not possible to use the mouse to scroll down a lengthy entry and still be able to edit it/highlight it, etc. because the scroll function closes the field. "
23,11/3/23 12:37,CBS Morning,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",I honestly have not used Wolftech so far. The interface is really hard to understand and it hasn't yet become a regular part of my job.,
24,11/6/23 16:07,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",National Desk Daily view is an effective tool to help me get read-in on the latest news. ,"By having our team update each story with the latest information, it allows for me to go to one location and find all relevant updates from the very beginning in one spot. "
74,11/1/23 4:49,KYW,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Drag and drop,Just adding multiple dates and it saves to that day qlso
32,11/8/23 0:58,KCNC,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The ability to create distribution points by dragging.,It helped this morning when I was working on a news story about a shooting on South Parker Road.
43,10/26/23 14:23,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Program interface is cluttered. Hard to find things. Inside the story board, it's even more cluttered with either useless information (like who was previously assigned to the story) and too much info (all the updates are hard to follow when using the same story board for continuing stories). Search feature does not work properly (i.e. can't find things using key words from story). I feel like trying to find something in wolftech is like sifting through a junk drawer. Alerts are useless because they are only visible when I'm clicked into the program, which is rare since I usually have multiple programs and windows open at once. Email alerts are also useless because they're just clogging up my already very clogged outlook email.","Wolftech has slowed down my workflow, and I feel far less informed about the stories we're covering."
11,10/25/23 20:01,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","I understand how the platform should be used, but it is not being used correctly or efficiently here. ","In my experience, it has slowed down how we communicate with the desk, and how we get information on the air. Sometimes the information will be wrong, or the slug will have nothing in it. I think those two reasons are because the assignment desk also finds it to not be user friendly. The website is also very disorganized, the search button doesn't work, and finding stories for newscasts can be complicated. "
54,11/12/23 18:24,KCAL,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Truth be told, and I'm sorry to say this, I am struggling to find any value in Wolftech. It has not made my job easier -- it has made it harder, slower, and more cumbersome. One of our assignment desk editors was helping me troubleshoot my Wolftech earlier this week and he said, ""One day, you're going to say to me 'I love Wolftech.'"" And I said, ""I cannot imagine a scenario where I will ever say that."" I'm sure the designers worked very hard to create Wolftech, and continue to work hard on modifying it. My comments are not a reflection on them or their work, but you've asked for an assessment, and my assessment is that this system, as is stands today, is not a help to producers (or at least it's not a help to the producers in our extremely busy newsroom). I would love an opportunity to speak with the designers to offer some more detail on the obstacles and challenges producers are experiencing when using Wolftech. I have given feedback to my managers, and they say they've passed it along, but I always find value in speaking directly with the source.","Unfortunately, I cannot think of a single instance where Wolftech directly contributed to my ability to quickly produce or update a story. My experience is that it slows me down, rather than speeding me up."
45,11/2/23 12:15,North Bureau,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",You have been squirting email across the system to people who do not need and don't want them - There is no easy way to be removed from the list. Even in this questionnaire you leave no space to discuss the shortcomings or ways to improve it. I find the hubris of this approach frustratingly expected.,"As a field crew we are still not integrated into your system. It would be great to have access to crew assignments and see where everyone is and what they are doing. But I guess that comes later... For now, an opt-out would be a huge improvement."
52,11/2/23 21:20,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","NONE - IT'S TERRIBLE, IT'S CONFUSING AND ULTRA TIME CONSUMING. ",I CAN NOT THINK OF ONE INSTANCE THAT HAS HELPED ME QUICKLY UPDATE A NEWS STORY.
18,10/29/23 16:41,KCAL,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",There isn't a single thing that is valuable.,"It has never contributed to me quickly producing or updating a story. It only makes everything more difficult. It's ridiculous that we have to scroll through so many columns just to find a story. And sometimes stories are in more than one column, but it's only updated in one of them. The chunky paragraphs that are in each slug make it harder to read. It was better in inews, where you could see a whole page of stories, not just the first few that pop up in a column."
66,11/7/23 15:47,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",I am still baffled by wolftech,No
28,11/9/23 21:43,North Bureau,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Organization of news planning and our calendar outlook,"I wanted to know what story I was assigned for the day, so I went on Wolftech to see the details"
9,11/5/23 21:56,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,9,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",none,"Wolftech does not address the scheduling or vehicle needs for our operation , nor does it address the union requirements for posting schedules. This is a anti-productive system."
56,10/26/23 3:33,Newspath,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,8,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Having all station stories in one place,
60,11/6/23 14:59,KCNC,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Keeping track of stories that don't run that day.,I have not done this.
77,10/26/23 14:10,London,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",It can be useful to see planning of stories,
59,11/4/23 10:18,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The ability for all platforms to work in the same space.,Centralizing all information.
60,11/11/23 12:07,London,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,10,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Interface..,
15,11/13/23 2:44,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,8,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",BEING ABLE TO SEE THE OWNED STATIONS ASSIGNMENTS. BEING ABLE TO SEE NAT DESK AND OWNED STATIONS CALENDARS,"LAST WEEK NO ONE ANSWERING PHONES AT KPIX DURING A BREAKER, SAW INFO LOADED INTO WOLFIE SHORTLY AFTER "
74,11/11/23 11:17,Newspath,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Calendar,
20,10/31/23 19:19,WBZ,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;Wolftech has improved how I gather news;,5,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","I find it very valuable to have all of the info in one place, instead of sifting through a series of emails.",
19,10/30/23 4:42,London,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","I gather it's useful for division managers to share info across divisions.
Not much use for me. It's slow and clunky and very 1990s.
I would hate to have to rely on this during a breaking news story, and the current situation in Israel-Gaza has shown how it's not suited for how we use editorial notes. No one is using it for sharing editorial because it's not good for that. And the only way the app will open on a cell phone is if nothing else is open! not how we work.","Can't - it hasn't. It's SLOW. And clunky. I do not find it suited to news story production at the editorial side. Honestly, it looks like a useful tool for managers but not for journalists"
44,11/13/23 12:24,KYW,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,4,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",For my particular position- the plan board,
46,11/9/23 4:07,KCAL,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,4,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",I like the sharing of photos and video. That is very useful in the field. ,The problem is getting the app to work quickly. Once I get it working the information is easy to find.
77,11/3/23 9:04,CBS Morning,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","The merger of story gathering, assignments and production from start to finish is the most valuable, however it is not a good communication/correspondence tool. ",No
72,11/3/23 15:50,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Direct access to all the stories on the list at the station ,
48,11/8/23 7:53,London,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Resource Availability,
56,11/9/23 20:57,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","If I was on the planning or production team, I would find certain features more advantageous. However when it comes to newsgathering, there is nothing about Wolftech that is of any use.",I cannot.
52,11/12/23 14:02,KCAL,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","If everyone put scripts on Wolftech, that would be valuable. But it's hit and miss right now.","Right now, it slows down my process. The app does not always load properly, and logging on through a laptop requires a few extra steps. It seems like a better tool for people who work in the station, not in the field."
45,11/9/23 19:26,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",None,"None. Too many steps, buttons are too small, no desktop app, and it freezes when copying and pasting. Too much to look at."
67,10/25/23 16:51,WCBS,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",everything in one place,"I find wolftech to be cumbersome. Because we copy and paste information, locations and elements into scripts... it is extremely annoying that when HIGHLIGHTING INFO to copy AND paste THAT windows and maps open up.
I don't want a map to open up and I don't want ANY windows to open up.
7,10/29/23 23:24,SatMo,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,5,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",daily/weekly/monthly calendars,
49,11/8/23 18:13,KCNC,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Users can add links, photos, additional information. ",
46,11/8/23 10:08,KCNC,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","While I'm sure that Wolftech is extremely valuable to the group, disseminating information and content nationwide, as an operations / engineering user there is little value as long as the system does not integrate with our iNews and Sony automation systems. ",I'm afraid not.
11,10/31/23 9:50,Guidance,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",N/A - have not started using Wolftech yet,
4,10/26/23 18:23,KYW,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",I find that Wolftech makes my job more difficult. I don't like that I have to click through multiple tabs to get information about the story and find the video for it. It's also frustrating that every time I try to copy text from a story it gives me a pop-up asking if I want to edit it.,It hasn't improved my ability to quickly update any stories.
11,10/29/23 13:12,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how inspired I am by news;,1,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The Week view / story boards,Collaboration with a different O&O.
36,11/9/23 20:46,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",ability to see and share across the platform,
2,10/26/23 20:17,Guidance,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,3,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",N/A - still waiting to onboard,
40,11/9/23 4:10,London,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Interface,
52,11/12/23 2:34,London,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,2,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",calendar,
15,10/29/23 5:08,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,9,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",A centralized calendar is nice. That's it.,It hasn't. My response time to a story has slowed significantly. Too many steps. Threading in a storyboard is not practical. It's not an attractive looking program. No DM?
48,11/4/23 3:51,KCAL,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I share news;Wolftech has improved how inspired I am by news;,4,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","the gathering and storing of information. It's great that everyone is able to see what we have, where it came from and communicate across all the different sides of news. ","Each night Wolftech plays a huge role in how we gathering, ingest and disseminate information. We can add pics, video, links and all the text info from releases and other sources. With everything in one place, the moment news breaks, we have one location to go to see everything. "
39,11/13/23 21:13,CBS Network (All Shows),Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",None that are specific to Wolftech. ,No
7,11/8/23 21:15,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","I like that everything is on one page. However, it's jumbled, unappealing to the eye, and very analog for this day and age. ",It has not.
76,10/28/23 7:01,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","Wolftech's main draw was touted as the ability to see what multiple units are working on, and for each station and network unit to work in tandem. However, a combination of a slow rollout, a platform riddled with errors, a confusing UI, and the policy that each unit work on stories on their own story boards means that none of these things have come to pass. It is still easier to call or email a station than to download a new view, dig through to find the story board, and move the information to your own story. Wolftech has largely been a waste of time and resources.","Wolftech is an unintuitive platform that requires multiple instances of instruction by a handful of users to begin to operate. The UX is confusing and includes half-a-dozen caveats to keep from damaging someone else's work or to keep information in the correct spot. The search function is useless, not showing any relevant or desired results. The platform has been riddled with tech errors and cannot display multimedia effectively or even a simple copy-and-paste function. The notification system does not contain any pertinent information for newsgathering. Wolftech is too complicated for the average user who may already struggle with Slack. It is by far the slowest method to disseminate news and feels like the albatross hung around our neck as CBS will now be saddled by this cumbersome, bloated platform that does a dozen things terribly rather than even a single thing well."
45,11/10/23 11:46,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Scheduling future dates for news stories ,It hasnt
2,11/14/23 5:50,WCBS,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The ability to carry over stories from day to day & add new information with dates attached,
75,11/7/23 18:47,Newspath,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Calendar ,
50,11/13/23 17:52,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",don't use it ,there hasn't been any.
19,11/7/23 16:57,WBZ,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,10,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","I don't use it much as part of my job, but I do look at the feeds from time to time",
21,11/13/23 22:55,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",It's flexibility. ,
21,11/11/23 20:16,CBS Morning,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,3,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","Being shared on an ""assignment"" is helpful","I don't have any example here. I think the current system is not user-friendly and storyboards are not created in a cohesive, clear way. Stories are hard to find and I'm not easily alerted when there are developments to stories I am following/tracking. I don't understand why the desk creates new storyboards for every story they flag rather than creating one storyboard with an overarching theme (like how Slack channels are currently used).
For example, there was a storyboard created about a Michigan man who lost family members in Gaza. Why would this not go into a larger storyboard about Americans impacted by the Israel-Hamas war (for example)? I also don't think it's helpful that the desk tags everyone in every story. That makes it impossible to find anything. User tags should be used way more sparingly (in both Wolftech and Slack)."
67,11/4/23 11:11,Newspath,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Read-In notes,
29,10/28/23 2:39,SatMo,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Feeds,
37,11/12/23 3:47,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","Seeing everything about a story in one place, including photos and videos we've gathered.",It helps organize everything that's been previously gathered on stories that I've covering after a few days of others covering it.
11,10/25/23 21:08,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,7,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",I can clearly see which crews/writers/managers are assigned to reporters.,
15,10/31/23 19:44,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Sharing between stations & newspath... also the digital feature,Haven't run into an instance yet
55,11/9/23 17:44,CBS Morning,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",I have been assigned stories in Wolftech but work is largely done outside of it.,
72,10/30/23 4:09,Executive,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I share news;,10,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",seeing the day/week across all entities,
12,10/30/23 7:03,KYW,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",None,
45,10/29/23 12:57,WCBS,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,9,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Updating my assignments with comments for all to see.,I was able to input more context on a complicated story so producers could quickly understand what it was about.
6,10/29/23 1:08,West Bureau,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Having one space where story information is stored, checking on what local affiliates have gathered on a story","When I was assigned to cover the story about the Cruise autonomous taxi that ran a woman over, it was helpful to use Wolftech to collaborate with KPIX. "
42,11/6/23 14:41,Foreign Desk,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Storyboards.,No examples
17,10/29/23 8:10,CBS Morning,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Ability to aggregate and share information,No major instances/not applicable to my particular role
16,11/3/23 18:31,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,6,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",calendar,no
1,10/31/23 3:58,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","There are some small features like marking posts as ""reportable/not reportable"" that are a nice touch. Otherwise I do not find most of the program redeemable. ","Wolftech has done the opposite. It is akin to a black box seemingly designed to hide and slow the dissemination of information. Email and Slack are far more advanced, efficient, and user-friendly programs when it comes to newsgathering. If we were to transition to Wolftech only tomorrow, even after training all employees, it would trigger a catastrophic communications breakdown that would be disastrous for our broadcasts and various platforms.
Some of the main issues: notifications do not contain relevant information. Imagine getting hundreds of notifications a day that effectively say ""notification"" with little immediate insight into what you're being notified about. The UX is arcane (one colleague calls it ""prehistoric looking"") and cannot handle basic tasks--even copying and pasting is a hassle. It does not display pictures and videos well and obviously does not unfurl tweets the way Slack does. Every task involves dozens of clicks more than Email and Slack, to the point where what takes me seconds to flag in Slack takes minutes in Wolftech (not ideal for breaking news). Mastering it took weeks of fiddling around and consulting with ""super users."" It is way too overambitious--jack of all trades, master of none. I honestly have no idea what the deal is with the mobile app. Our colleagues who are more focused on reporting and producing will never fully grasp Wolftech and will resort to asking us to duplicate everything in email. One colleague from another unit who only mastered Slack in the last year just started Wolftech training--his two word review: ""OY VEY!""
While it has been nice being able to see our O&O's newsgathering, that has always been a possibility since we moved to Slack years ago--the stations just weren't told to use it nor shown how to access network's reporting (which, again, they've been able to access for years).
We have been told that the best thing about Wolftech is that it can evolve and adapt to our needs. The software developers have not yet proven this to be true. I know that CBS has presented these issues to them in far greater detail and updates are supposed to come but if this is the best they have to offer at this juncture then I am extremely doubtful they can deliver substantial structural changes. In fact, I've heard (unsure if true) that major design changes would impact other clients. Doesn't sound bespoke to me.
During my career at CBS, I've never seen a software threaten this level of chaos, and I fully believe there are only three ways to avert the worst outcome possible (in order of preference):
1. Abandon the platform entirely and fine tune our existing workflows. Create mandatory training modules for new and current employees so our processes are in writing and colleagues who struggle with tech have something to refer to.
2. Reconsider what role Wolftech should play in our workflow and drastically reduce its ambitions. Use it as a futures calendar/planner; if stations like it or shows like it as a production tool then they should keep it. But day-to-day urgent newsgathering is not realistic in its current form.
3. Pause working in the platform until Wolftech can adequately address all design flaws.
37,10/30/23 19:17,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,3,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Being able to see what stations are working on is huge, being able to see press releases and calendar items are a game changer. Also love that I do not have to be on VPN/Pulse Secure to access Wolftech. ",Daily I am able to pitch Newspath vosot ideas and share what stations are working on in a real time matter. Also I can write my Newspath abstracts sine I have access to press releases and info gathered by the station.
16,11/4/23 13:27,Newspath,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Should be able to add a business unit to a Story more easily (currently have to share to if your business unit wasn't tagged when the item was created) ,
7,11/7/23 20:28,KYW,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;Wolftech has improved how I gather news;,2,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The daily plan,
4,11/3/23 16:10,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Newsgathering on big stories,
70,10/26/23 20:23,KYW,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",none,it did not contribute to anything
29,10/30/23 0:48,WBZ,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Ability to separate content into different categories.,No
69,11/6/23 21:29,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","The ability to break stories down by board is nice, but occasionally confusing and they can be difficult to search. The lack of a way to direct message and the more limited number of tags compared to Slack also hamper my ability to communicate.","If I am directly tagged in a story, I am able to respond quickly, but even then it can be difficult keeping the order of updates in the Plan section organized."
36,11/4/23 7:08,National Desk,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,5,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Sharing storyboards with business units allows us to work closer with other divisions. ,
43,11/12/23 7:32,KYW,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",It's searchable by day/week/month. ,"I can't really think of anything. This survey should really be asking more about weaknesses. For example, on a desktop, when an info field is open for editing, it should STAY open when the scroll bar on the right is activated. It is not possible to use the mouse to scroll down a lengthy entry and still be able to edit it/highlight it, etc. because the scroll function closes the field. "
15,11/7/23 3:49,CBS Morning,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",I honestly have not used Wolftech so far. The interface is really hard to understand and it hasn't yet become a regular part of my job.,
19,11/3/23 12:53,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",National Desk Daily view is an effective tool to help me get read-in on the latest news. ,"By having our team update each story with the latest information, it allows for me to go to one location and find all relevant updates from the very beginning in one spot. "
42,11/9/23 10:46,KYW,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Drag and drop,Just adding multiple dates and it saves to that day qlso
76,11/5/23 11:35,KCNC,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,2,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The ability to create distribution points by dragging.,It helped this morning when I was working on a news story about a shooting on South Parker Road.
40,11/4/23 1:32,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Program interface is cluttered. Hard to find things. Inside the story board, it's even more cluttered with either useless information (like who was previously assigned to the story) and too much info (all the updates are hard to follow when using the same story board for continuing stories). Search feature does not work properly (i.e. can't find things using key words from story). I feel like trying to find something in wolftech is like sifting through a junk drawer. Alerts are useless because they are only visible when I'm clicked into the program, which is rare since I usually have multiple programs and windows open at once. Email alerts are also useless because they're just clogging up my already very clogged outlook email.","Wolftech has slowed down my workflow, and I feel far less informed about the stories we're covering."
44,11/7/23 11:27,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","I understand how the platform should be used, but it is not being used correctly or efficiently here. ","In my experience, it has slowed down how we communicate with the desk, and how we get information on the air. Sometimes the information will be wrong, or the slug will have nothing in it. I think those two reasons are because the assignment desk also finds it to not be user friendly. The website is also very disorganized, the search button doesn't work, and finding stories for newscasts can be complicated. "
69,11/7/23 15:54,KCAL,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Truth be told, and I'm sorry to say this, I am struggling to find any value in Wolftech. It has not made my job easier -- it has made it harder, slower, and more cumbersome. One of our assignment desk editors was helping me troubleshoot my Wolftech earlier this week and he said, ""One day, you're going to say to me 'I love Wolftech.'"" And I said, ""I cannot imagine a scenario where I will ever say that."" I'm sure the designers worked very hard to create Wolftech, and continue to work hard on modifying it. My comments are not a reflection on them or their work, but you've asked for an assessment, and my assessment is that this system, as is stands today, is not a help to producers (or at least it's not a help to the producers in our extremely busy newsroom). I would love an opportunity to speak with the designers to offer some more detail on the obstacles and challenges producers are experiencing when using Wolftech. I have given feedback to my managers, and they say they've passed it along, but I always find value in speaking directly with the source.","Unfortunately, I cannot think of a single instance where Wolftech directly contributed to my ability to quickly produce or update a story. My experience is that it slows me down, rather than speeding me up."
29,10/30/23 19:08,North Bureau,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",You have been squirting email across the system to people who do not need and don't want them - There is no easy way to be removed from the list. Even in this questionnaire you leave no space to discuss the shortcomings or ways to improve it. I find the hubris of this approach frustratingly expected.,"As a field crew we are still not integrated into your system. It would be great to have access to crew assignments and see where everyone is and what they are doing. But I guess that comes later... For now, an opt-out would be a huge improvement."
62,10/30/23 9:57,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","NONE - IT'S TERRIBLE, IT'S CONFUSING AND ULTRA TIME CONSUMING. ",I CAN NOT THINK OF ONE INSTANCE THAT HAS HELPED ME QUICKLY UPDATE A NEWS STORY.
17,11/13/23 5:25,KCAL,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",There isn't a single thing that is valuable.,"It has never contributed to me quickly producing or updating a story. It only makes everything more difficult. It's ridiculous that we have to scroll through so many columns just to find a story. And sometimes stories are in more than one column, but it's only updated in one of them. The chunky paragraphs that are in each slug make it harder to read. It was better in inews, where you could see a whole page of stories, not just the first few that pop up in a column."
36,11/5/23 0:17,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",I am still baffled by wolftech,No
52,10/29/23 12:56,North Bureau,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,10,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Organization of news planning and our calendar outlook,"I wanted to know what story I was assigned for the day, so I went on Wolftech to see the details"
46,10/28/23 10:10,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,9,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",none,"Wolftech does not address the scheduling or vehicle needs for our operation , nor does it address the union requirements for posting schedules. This is a anti-productive system."
54,11/4/23 14:38,Newspath,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,5,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Having all station stories in one place,
27,10/26/23 12:27,KCNC,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Keeping track of stories that don't run that day.,I have not done this.
77,10/29/23 10:45,London,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",It can be useful to see planning of stories,
46,11/11/23 16:10,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,6,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The ability for all platforms to work in the same space.,Centralizing all information.
6,10/29/23 15:45,London,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,9,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Interface..,
73,10/29/23 20:44,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",BEING ABLE TO SEE THE OWNED STATIONS ASSIGNMENTS. BEING ABLE TO SEE NAT DESK AND OWNED STATIONS CALENDARS,"LAST WEEK NO ONE ANSWERING PHONES AT KPIX DURING A BREAKER, SAW INFO LOADED INTO WOLFIE SHORTLY AFTER "
70,11/12/23 11:32,Newspath,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Calendar,
34,10/29/23 22:14,WBZ,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;Wolftech has improved how I gather news;,1,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","I find it very valuable to have all of the info in one place, instead of sifting through a series of emails.",
43,10/29/23 22:11,London,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","I gather it's useful for division managers to share info across divisions.
Not much use for me. It's slow and clunky and very 1990s.
I would hate to have to rely on this during a breaking news story, and the current situation in Israel-Gaza has shown how it's not suited for how we use editorial notes. No one is using it for sharing editorial because it's not good for that. And the only way the app will open on a cell phone is if nothing else is open! not how we work.","Can't - it hasn't. It's SLOW. And clunky. I do not find it suited to news story production at the editorial side. Honestly, it looks like a useful tool for managers but not for journalists"
31,10/29/23 23:16,KYW,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,5,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",For my particular position- the plan board,
15,11/13/23 23:09,KCAL,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,5,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",I like the sharing of photos and video. That is very useful in the field. ,The problem is getting the app to work quickly. Once I get it working the information is easy to find.
11,11/10/23 20:04,CBS Morning,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","The merger of story gathering, assignments and production from start to finish is the most valuable, however it is not a good communication/correspondence tool. ",No
56,11/3/23 12:02,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Direct access to all the stories on the list at the station ,
10,11/9/23 13:18,London,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,3,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Resource Availability,
27,10/29/23 16:17,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","If I was on the planning or production team, I would find certain features more advantageous. However when it comes to newsgathering, there is nothing about Wolftech that is of any use.",I cannot.
35,11/8/23 15:15,KCAL,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","If everyone put scripts on Wolftech, that would be valuable. But it's hit and miss right now.","Right now, it slows down my process. The app does not always load properly, and logging on through a laptop requires a few extra steps. It seems like a better tool for people who work in the station, not in the field."
19,10/31/23 18:11,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,6,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",None,"None. Too many steps, buttons are too small, no desktop app, and it freezes when copying and pasting. Too much to look at."
49,11/11/23 0:50,WCBS,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",everything in one place,"I find wolftech to be cumbersome. Because we copy and paste information, locations and elements into scripts... it is extremely annoying that when HIGHLIGHTING INFO to copy AND paste THAT windows and maps open up.
I don't want a map to open up and I don't want ANY windows to open up.
18,11/14/23 0:08,SatMo,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,8,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",daily/weekly/monthly calendars,
51,11/8/23 5:43,KCNC,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Users can add links, photos, additional information. ",
64,11/3/23 16:06,KCNC,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,3,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","While I'm sure that Wolftech is extremely valuable to the group, disseminating information and content nationwide, as an operations / engineering user there is little value as long as the system does not integrate with our iNews and Sony automation systems. ",I'm afraid not.
73,11/5/23 10:19,Guidance,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",N/A - have not started using Wolftech yet,
39,11/6/23 21:19,KYW,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",I find that Wolftech makes my job more difficult. I don't like that I have to click through multiple tabs to get information about the story and find the video for it. It's also frustrating that every time I try to copy text from a story it gives me a pop-up asking if I want to edit it.,It hasn't improved my ability to quickly update any stories.
11,10/30/23 16:10,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how inspired I am by news;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The Week view / story boards,Collaboration with a different O&O.
48,11/6/23 18:36,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,9,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",ability to see and share across the platform,
14,10/27/23 16:43,Guidance,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",N/A - still waiting to onboard,
24,11/6/23 23:34,London,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,3,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Interface,
58,10/31/23 4:13,London,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,8,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",calendar,
47,11/12/23 21:23,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",A centralized calendar is nice. That's it.,It hasn't. My response time to a story has slowed significantly. Too many steps. Threading in a storyboard is not practical. It's not an attractive looking program. No DM?
35,11/11/23 21:28,KCAL,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I share news;Wolftech has improved how inspired I am by news;,2,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","the gathering and storing of information. It's great that everyone is able to see what we have, where it came from and communicate across all the different sides of news. ","Each night Wolftech plays a huge role in how we gathering, ingest and disseminate information. We can add pics, video, links and all the text info from releases and other sources. With everything in one place, the moment news breaks, we have one location to go to see everything. "
64,11/5/23 9:27,CBS Network (All Shows),Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,3,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",None that are specific to Wolftech. ,No
5,10/28/23 8:13,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","I like that everything is on one page. However, it's jumbled, unappealing to the eye, and very analog for this day and age. ",It has not.
71,11/7/23 13:04,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","Wolftech's main draw was touted as the ability to see what multiple units are working on, and for each station and network unit to work in tandem. However, a combination of a slow rollout, a platform riddled with errors, a confusing UI, and the policy that each unit work on stories on their own story boards means that none of these things have come to pass. It is still easier to call or email a station than to download a new view, dig through to find the story board, and move the information to your own story. Wolftech has largely been a waste of time and resources.","Wolftech is an unintuitive platform that requires multiple instances of instruction by a handful of users to begin to operate. The UX is confusing and includes half-a-dozen caveats to keep from damaging someone else's work or to keep information in the correct spot. The search function is useless, not showing any relevant or desired results. The platform has been riddled with tech errors and cannot display multimedia effectively or even a simple copy-and-paste function. The notification system does not contain any pertinent information for newsgathering. Wolftech is too complicated for the average user who may already struggle with Slack. It is by far the slowest method to disseminate news and feels like the albatross hung around our neck as CBS will now be saddled by this cumbersome, bloated platform that does a dozen things terribly rather than even a single thing well."
43,10/29/23 6:09,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Scheduling future dates for news stories ,It hasnt
14,11/10/23 13:32,WCBS,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The ability to carry over stories from day to day & add new information with dates attached,
1,11/4/23 11:43,Newspath,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,9,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Calendar ,
71,10/26/23 15:44,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,6,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",don't use it ,there hasn't been any.
24,11/1/23 20:34,WBZ,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","I don't use it much as part of my job, but I do look at the feeds from time to time",
51,11/6/23 17:09,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",It's flexibility. ,
67,11/8/23 17:44,CBS Morning,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","Being shared on an ""assignment"" is helpful","I don't have any example here. I think the current system is not user-friendly and storyboards are not created in a cohesive, clear way. Stories are hard to find and I'm not easily alerted when there are developments to stories I am following/tracking. I don't understand why the desk creates new storyboards for every story they flag rather than creating one storyboard with an overarching theme (like how Slack channels are currently used).
For example, there was a storyboard created about a Michigan man who lost family members in Gaza. Why would this not go into a larger storyboard about Americans impacted by the Israel-Hamas war (for example)? I also don't think it's helpful that the desk tags everyone in every story. That makes it impossible to find anything. User tags should be used way more sparingly (in both Wolftech and Slack)."
12,11/5/23 10:34,Newspath,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Read-In notes,
72,11/6/23 0:43,SatMo,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,9,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Feeds,
18,11/13/23 20:48,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","Seeing everything about a story in one place, including photos and videos we've gathered.",It helps organize everything that's been previously gathered on stories that I've covering after a few days of others covering it.
73,10/29/23 18:41,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,8,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",I can clearly see which crews/writers/managers are assigned to reporters.,
29,11/1/23 23:45,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Sharing between stations & newspath... also the digital feature,Haven't run into an instance yet
40,10/29/23 21:04,CBS Morning,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",I have been assigned stories in Wolftech but work is largely done outside of it.,
43,11/2/23 9:07,Executive,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I share news;,4,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",seeing the day/week across all entities,
72,10/25/23 14:47,KYW,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",None,
40,11/11/23 21:13,WCBS,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Updating my assignments with comments for all to see.,I was able to input more context on a complicated story so producers could quickly understand what it was about.
36,10/25/23 17:59,West Bureau,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Having one space where story information is stored, checking on what local affiliates have gathered on a story","When I was assigned to cover the story about the Cruise autonomous taxi that ran a woman over, it was helpful to use Wolftech to collaborate with KPIX. "
76,10/27/23 0:48,Foreign Desk,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Storyboards.,No examples
42,10/28/23 18:56,CBS Morning,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Ability to aggregate and share information,No major instances/not applicable to my particular role
42,11/11/23 9:33,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,1,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",calendar,no
29,10/26/23 22:22,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","There are some small features like marking posts as ""reportable/not reportable"" that are a nice touch. Otherwise I do not find most of the program redeemable. ","Wolftech has done the opposite. It is akin to a black box seemingly designed to hide and slow the dissemination of information. Email and Slack are far more advanced, efficient, and user-friendly programs when it comes to newsgathering. If we were to transition to Wolftech only tomorrow, even after training all employees, it would trigger a catastrophic communications breakdown that would be disastrous for our broadcasts and various platforms.
Some of the main issues: notifications do not contain relevant information. Imagine getting hundreds of notifications a day that effectively say ""notification"" with little immediate insight into what you're being notified about. The UX is arcane (one colleague calls it ""prehistoric looking"") and cannot handle basic tasks--even copying and pasting is a hassle. It does not display pictures and videos well and obviously does not unfurl tweets the way Slack does. Every task involves dozens of clicks more than Email and Slack, to the point where what takes me seconds to flag in Slack takes minutes in Wolftech (not ideal for breaking news). Mastering it took weeks of fiddling around and consulting with ""super users."" It is way too overambitious--jack of all trades, master of none. I honestly have no idea what the deal is with the mobile app. Our colleagues who are more focused on reporting and producing will never fully grasp Wolftech and will resort to asking us to duplicate everything in email. One colleague from another unit who only mastered Slack in the last year just started Wolftech training--his two word review: ""OY VEY!""
While it has been nice being able to see our O&O's newsgathering, that has always been a possibility since we moved to Slack years ago--the stations just weren't told to use it nor shown how to access network's reporting (which, again, they've been able to access for years).
We have been told that the best thing about Wolftech is that it can evolve and adapt to our needs. The software developers have not yet proven this to be true. I know that CBS has presented these issues to them in far greater detail and updates are supposed to come but if this is the best they have to offer at this juncture then I am extremely doubtful they can deliver substantial structural changes. In fact, I've heard (unsure if true) that major design changes would impact other clients. Doesn't sound bespoke to me.
During my career at CBS, I've never seen a software threaten this level of chaos, and I fully believe there are only three ways to avert the worst outcome possible (in order of preference):
1. Abandon the platform entirely and fine tune our existing workflows. Create mandatory training modules for new and current employees so our processes are in writing and colleagues who struggle with tech have something to refer to.
2. Reconsider what role Wolftech should play in our workflow and drastically reduce its ambitions. Use it as a futures calendar/planner; if stations like it or shows like it as a production tool then they should keep it. But day-to-day urgent newsgathering is not realistic in its current form.
3. Pause working in the platform until Wolftech can adequately address all design flaws.
38,11/2/23 8:37,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Being able to see what stations are working on is huge, being able to see press releases and calendar items are a game changer. Also love that I do not have to be on VPN/Pulse Secure to access Wolftech. ",Daily I am able to pitch Newspath vosot ideas and share what stations are working on in a real time matter. Also I can write my Newspath abstracts sine I have access to press releases and info gathered by the station.
61,11/7/23 10:14,Newspath,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Should be able to add a business unit to a Story more easily (currently have to share to if your business unit wasn't tagged when the item was created) ,
29,11/2/23 1:29,KYW,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;Wolftech has improved how I gather news;,1,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The daily plan,
58,11/9/23 18:28,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Newsgathering on big stories,
60,11/7/23 5:33,KYW,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,3,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",none,it did not contribute to anything
33,10/26/23 10:53,WBZ,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Ability to separate content into different categories.,No
50,11/14/23 3:32,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","The ability to break stories down by board is nice, but occasionally confusing and they can be difficult to search. The lack of a way to direct message and the more limited number of tags compared to Slack also hamper my ability to communicate.","If I am directly tagged in a story, I am able to respond quickly, but even then it can be difficult keeping the order of updates in the Plan section organized."
4,10/27/23 12:14,National Desk,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,4,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Sharing storyboards with business units allows us to work closer with other divisions. ,
66,11/2/23 14:52,KYW,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",It's searchable by day/week/month. ,"I can't really think of anything. This survey should really be asking more about weaknesses. For example, on a desktop, when an info field is open for editing, it should STAY open when the scroll bar on the right is activated. It is not possible to use the mouse to scroll down a lengthy entry and still be able to edit it/highlight it, etc. because the scroll function closes the field. "
39,11/11/23 11:28,CBS Morning,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",I honestly have not used Wolftech so far. The interface is really hard to understand and it hasn't yet become a regular part of my job.,
41,11/1/23 20:55,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,10,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",National Desk Daily view is an effective tool to help me get read-in on the latest news. ,"By having our team update each story with the latest information, it allows for me to go to one location and find all relevant updates from the very beginning in one spot. "
14,10/28/23 11:10,KYW,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Drag and drop,Just adding multiple dates and it saves to that day qlso
77,10/27/23 7:05,KCNC,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,3,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The ability to create distribution points by dragging.,It helped this morning when I was working on a news story about a shooting on South Parker Road.
49,11/5/23 12:55,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Program interface is cluttered. Hard to find things. Inside the story board, it's even more cluttered with either useless information (like who was previously assigned to the story) and too much info (all the updates are hard to follow when using the same story board for continuing stories). Search feature does not work properly (i.e. can't find things using key words from story). I feel like trying to find something in wolftech is like sifting through a junk drawer. Alerts are useless because they are only visible when I'm clicked into the program, which is rare since I usually have multiple programs and windows open at once. Email alerts are also useless because they're just clogging up my already very clogged outlook email.","Wolftech has slowed down my workflow, and I feel far less informed about the stories we're covering."
59,11/10/23 17:09,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","I understand how the platform should be used, but it is not being used correctly or efficiently here. ","In my experience, it has slowed down how we communicate with the desk, and how we get information on the air. Sometimes the information will be wrong, or the slug will have nothing in it. I think those two reasons are because the assignment desk also finds it to not be user friendly. The website is also very disorganized, the search button doesn't work, and finding stories for newscasts can be complicated. "
23,10/30/23 0:07,KCAL,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Truth be told, and I'm sorry to say this, I am struggling to find any value in Wolftech. It has not made my job easier -- it has made it harder, slower, and more cumbersome. One of our assignment desk editors was helping me troubleshoot my Wolftech earlier this week and he said, ""One day, you're going to say to me 'I love Wolftech.'"" And I said, ""I cannot imagine a scenario where I will ever say that."" I'm sure the designers worked very hard to create Wolftech, and continue to work hard on modifying it. My comments are not a reflection on them or their work, but you've asked for an assessment, and my assessment is that this system, as is stands today, is not a help to producers (or at least it's not a help to the producers in our extremely busy newsroom). I would love an opportunity to speak with the designers to offer some more detail on the obstacles and challenges producers are experiencing when using Wolftech. I have given feedback to my managers, and they say they've passed it along, but I always find value in speaking directly with the source.","Unfortunately, I cannot think of a single instance where Wolftech directly contributed to my ability to quickly produce or update a story. My experience is that it slows me down, rather than speeding me up."
14,11/1/23 14:06,North Bureau,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",You have been squirting email across the system to people who do not need and don't want them - There is no easy way to be removed from the list. Even in this questionnaire you leave no space to discuss the shortcomings or ways to improve it. I find the hubris of this approach frustratingly expected.,"As a field crew we are still not integrated into your system. It would be great to have access to crew assignments and see where everyone is and what they are doing. But I guess that comes later... For now, an opt-out would be a huge improvement."
19,10/27/23 17:16,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","NONE - IT'S TERRIBLE, IT'S CONFUSING AND ULTRA TIME CONSUMING. ",I CAN NOT THINK OF ONE INSTANCE THAT HAS HELPED ME QUICKLY UPDATE A NEWS STORY.
41,10/28/23 4:50,KCAL,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",There isn't a single thing that is valuable.,"It has never contributed to me quickly producing or updating a story. It only makes everything more difficult. It's ridiculous that we have to scroll through so many columns just to find a story. And sometimes stories are in more than one column, but it's only updated in one of them. The chunky paragraphs that are in each slug make it harder to read. It was better in inews, where you could see a whole page of stories, not just the first few that pop up in a column."
33,10/28/23 11:59,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",I am still baffled by wolftech,No
31,10/30/23 21:19,North Bureau,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Organization of news planning and our calendar outlook,"I wanted to know what story I was assigned for the day, so I went on Wolftech to see the details"
57,11/12/23 22:14,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",none,"Wolftech does not address the scheduling or vehicle needs for our operation , nor does it address the union requirements for posting schedules. This is a anti-productive system."
67,11/5/23 2:54,Newspath,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,8,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Having all station stories in one place,
39,11/6/23 21:54,KCNC,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Keeping track of stories that don't run that day.,I have not done this.
1,11/4/23 8:38,London,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",It can be useful to see planning of stories,
25,11/7/23 19:43,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The ability for all platforms to work in the same space.,Centralizing all information.
15,10/29/23 3:17,London,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Interface..,
10,10/28/23 16:29,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,10,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",BEING ABLE TO SEE THE OWNED STATIONS ASSIGNMENTS. BEING ABLE TO SEE NAT DESK AND OWNED STATIONS CALENDARS,"LAST WEEK NO ONE ANSWERING PHONES AT KPIX DURING A BREAKER, SAW INFO LOADED INTO WOLFIE SHORTLY AFTER "
55,11/2/23 1:57,Newspath,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Calendar,
15,11/13/23 4:54,WBZ,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;Wolftech has improved how I gather news;,2,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","I find it very valuable to have all of the info in one place, instead of sifting through a series of emails.",
10,10/30/23 3:58,London,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,10,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","I gather it's useful for division managers to share info across divisions.
Not much use for me. It's slow and clunky and very 1990s.
I would hate to have to rely on this during a breaking news story, and the current situation in Israel-Gaza has shown how it's not suited for how we use editorial notes. No one is using it for sharing editorial because it's not good for that. And the only way the app will open on a cell phone is if nothing else is open! not how we work.","Can't - it hasn't. It's SLOW. And clunky. I do not find it suited to news story production at the editorial side. Honestly, it looks like a useful tool for managers but not for journalists"
7,11/10/23 9:42,KYW,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,6,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",For my particular position- the plan board,
29,11/2/23 7:47,KCAL,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",I like the sharing of photos and video. That is very useful in the field. ,The problem is getting the app to work quickly. Once I get it working the information is easy to find.
39,11/10/23 14:10,CBS Morning,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","The merger of story gathering, assignments and production from start to finish is the most valuable, however it is not a good communication/correspondence tool. ",No
37,10/29/23 22:04,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Direct access to all the stories on the list at the station ,
42,10/27/23 15:56,London,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Resource Availability,
28,11/8/23 6:42,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","If I was on the planning or production team, I would find certain features more advantageous. However when it comes to newsgathering, there is nothing about Wolftech that is of any use.",I cannot.
59,11/3/23 3:46,KCAL,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","If everyone put scripts on Wolftech, that would be valuable. But it's hit and miss right now.","Right now, it slows down my process. The app does not always load properly, and logging on through a laptop requires a few extra steps. It seems like a better tool for people who work in the station, not in the field."
47,11/1/23 0:26,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",None,"None. Too many steps, buttons are too small, no desktop app, and it freezes when copying and pasting. Too much to look at."
60,10/28/23 0:44,WCBS,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",everything in one place,"I find wolftech to be cumbersome. Because we copy and paste information, locations and elements into scripts... it is extremely annoying that when HIGHLIGHTING INFO to copy AND paste THAT windows and maps open up.
I don't want a map to open up and I don't want ANY windows to open up.
25,11/7/23 13:29,SatMo,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",daily/weekly/monthly calendars,
74,11/13/23 4:35,KCNC,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,3,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Users can add links, photos, additional information. ",
20,10/26/23 3:15,KCNC,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","While I'm sure that Wolftech is extremely valuable to the group, disseminating information and content nationwide, as an operations / engineering user there is little value as long as the system does not integrate with our iNews and Sony automation systems. ",I'm afraid not.
76,11/10/23 2:18,Guidance,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",N/A - have not started using Wolftech yet,
17,11/10/23 11:48,KYW,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",I find that Wolftech makes my job more difficult. I don't like that I have to click through multiple tabs to get information about the story and find the video for it. It's also frustrating that every time I try to copy text from a story it gives me a pop-up asking if I want to edit it.,It hasn't improved my ability to quickly update any stories.
66,10/27/23 7:06,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how inspired I am by news;,4,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The Week view / story boards,Collaboration with a different O&O.
4,11/12/23 0:51,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",ability to see and share across the platform,
22,11/13/23 15:51,Guidance,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",N/A - still waiting to onboard,
49,10/26/23 7:45,London,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Interface,
64,11/10/23 18:13,London,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,4,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",calendar,
26,11/11/23 16:12,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",A centralized calendar is nice. That's it.,It hasn't. My response time to a story has slowed significantly. Too many steps. Threading in a storyboard is not practical. It's not an attractive looking program. No DM?
42,11/8/23 18:04,KCAL,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I share news;Wolftech has improved how inspired I am by news;,4,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","the gathering and storing of information. It's great that everyone is able to see what we have, where it came from and communicate across all the different sides of news. ","Each night Wolftech plays a huge role in how we gathering, ingest and disseminate information. We can add pics, video, links and all the text info from releases and other sources. With everything in one place, the moment news breaks, we have one location to go to see everything. "
11,11/6/23 15:28,CBS Network (All Shows),Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",None that are specific to Wolftech. ,No
74,11/12/23 2:11,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","I like that everything is on one page. However, it's jumbled, unappealing to the eye, and very analog for this day and age. ",It has not.
73,11/3/23 21:35,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","Wolftech's main draw was touted as the ability to see what multiple units are working on, and for each station and network unit to work in tandem. However, a combination of a slow rollout, a platform riddled with errors, a confusing UI, and the policy that each unit work on stories on their own story boards means that none of these things have come to pass. It is still easier to call or email a station than to download a new view, dig through to find the story board, and move the information to your own story. Wolftech has largely been a waste of time and resources.","Wolftech is an unintuitive platform that requires multiple instances of instruction by a handful of users to begin to operate. The UX is confusing and includes half-a-dozen caveats to keep from damaging someone else's work or to keep information in the correct spot. The search function is useless, not showing any relevant or desired results. The platform has been riddled with tech errors and cannot display multimedia effectively or even a simple copy-and-paste function. The notification system does not contain any pertinent information for newsgathering. Wolftech is too complicated for the average user who may already struggle with Slack. It is by far the slowest method to disseminate news and feels like the albatross hung around our neck as CBS will now be saddled by this cumbersome, bloated platform that does a dozen things terribly rather than even a single thing well."
43,11/4/23 1:00,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,3,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Scheduling future dates for news stories ,It hasnt
21,11/7/23 17:07,WCBS,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The ability to carry over stories from day to day & add new information with dates attached,
69,11/7/23 4:12,Newspath,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Calendar ,
68,11/10/23 16:58,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",don't use it ,there hasn't been any.
26,10/26/23 13:14,WBZ,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","I don't use it much as part of my job, but I do look at the feeds from time to time",
37,11/10/23 11:14,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",It's flexibility. ,
48,11/2/23 4:53,CBS Morning,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","Being shared on an ""assignment"" is helpful","I don't have any example here. I think the current system is not user-friendly and storyboards are not created in a cohesive, clear way. Stories are hard to find and I'm not easily alerted when there are developments to stories I am following/tracking. I don't understand why the desk creates new storyboards for every story they flag rather than creating one storyboard with an overarching theme (like how Slack channels are currently used).
For example, there was a storyboard created about a Michigan man who lost family members in Gaza. Why would this not go into a larger storyboard about Americans impacted by the Israel-Hamas war (for example)? I also don't think it's helpful that the desk tags everyone in every story. That makes it impossible to find anything. User tags should be used way more sparingly (in both Wolftech and Slack)."
34,11/2/23 16:54,Newspath,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,5,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Read-In notes,
36,11/6/23 17:12,SatMo,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,3,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Feeds,
44,11/2/23 5:22,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,1,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","Seeing everything about a story in one place, including photos and videos we've gathered.",It helps organize everything that's been previously gathered on stories that I've covering after a few days of others covering it.
39,11/13/23 6:44,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,8,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",I can clearly see which crews/writers/managers are assigned to reporters.,
57,11/9/23 6:22,WCBS,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Sharing between stations & newspath... also the digital feature,Haven't run into an instance yet
37,11/3/23 2:43,CBS Morning,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",I have been assigned stories in Wolftech but work is largely done outside of it.,
67,11/7/23 14:30,Executive,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I share news;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",seeing the day/week across all entities,
22,10/26/23 21:45,KYW,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",None,
48,11/11/23 5:26,WCBS,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Updating my assignments with comments for all to see.,I was able to input more context on a complicated story so producers could quickly understand what it was about.
64,11/8/23 4:39,West Bureau,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Having one space where story information is stored, checking on what local affiliates have gathered on a story","When I was assigned to cover the story about the Cruise autonomous taxi that ran a woman over, it was helpful to use Wolftech to collaborate with KPIX. "
64,11/7/23 16:20,Foreign Desk,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Storyboards.,No examples
32,10/31/23 7:11,CBS Morning,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,3,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Ability to aggregate and share information,No major instances/not applicable to my particular role
53,11/8/23 7:22,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,3,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",calendar,no
5,10/26/23 2:18,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","There are some small features like marking posts as ""reportable/not reportable"" that are a nice touch. Otherwise I do not find most of the program redeemable. ","Wolftech has done the opposite. It is akin to a black box seemingly designed to hide and slow the dissemination of information. Email and Slack are far more advanced, efficient, and user-friendly programs when it comes to newsgathering. If we were to transition to Wolftech only tomorrow, even after training all employees, it would trigger a catastrophic communications breakdown that would be disastrous for our broadcasts and various platforms.
Some of the main issues: notifications do not contain relevant information. Imagine getting hundreds of notifications a day that effectively say ""notification"" with little immediate insight into what you're being notified about. The UX is arcane (one colleague calls it ""prehistoric looking"") and cannot handle basic tasks--even copying and pasting is a hassle. It does not display pictures and videos well and obviously does not unfurl tweets the way Slack does. Every task involves dozens of clicks more than Email and Slack, to the point where what takes me seconds to flag in Slack takes minutes in Wolftech (not ideal for breaking news). Mastering it took weeks of fiddling around and consulting with ""super users."" It is way too overambitious--jack of all trades, master of none. I honestly have no idea what the deal is with the mobile app. Our colleagues who are more focused on reporting and producing will never fully grasp Wolftech and will resort to asking us to duplicate everything in email. One colleague from another unit who only mastered Slack in the last year just started Wolftech training--his two word review: ""OY VEY!""
While it has been nice being able to see our O&O's newsgathering, that has always been a possibility since we moved to Slack years ago--the stations just weren't told to use it nor shown how to access network's reporting (which, again, they've been able to access for years).
We have been told that the best thing about Wolftech is that it can evolve and adapt to our needs. The software developers have not yet proven this to be true. I know that CBS has presented these issues to them in far greater detail and updates are supposed to come but if this is the best they have to offer at this juncture then I am extremely doubtful they can deliver substantial structural changes. In fact, I've heard (unsure if true) that major design changes would impact other clients. Doesn't sound bespoke to me.
During my career at CBS, I've never seen a software threaten this level of chaos, and I fully believe there are only three ways to avert the worst outcome possible (in order of preference):
1. Abandon the platform entirely and fine tune our existing workflows. Create mandatory training modules for new and current employees so our processes are in writing and colleagues who struggle with tech have something to refer to.
2. Reconsider what role Wolftech should play in our workflow and drastically reduce its ambitions. Use it as a futures calendar/planner; if stations like it or shows like it as a production tool then they should keep it. But day-to-day urgent newsgathering is not realistic in its current form.
3. Pause working in the platform until Wolftech can adequately address all design flaws.
70,11/6/23 16:07,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,3,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Being able to see what stations are working on is huge, being able to see press releases and calendar items are a game changer. Also love that I do not have to be on VPN/Pulse Secure to access Wolftech. ",Daily I am able to pitch Newspath vosot ideas and share what stations are working on in a real time matter. Also I can write my Newspath abstracts sine I have access to press releases and info gathered by the station.
7,10/27/23 23:56,Newspath,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Should be able to add a business unit to a Story more easily (currently have to share to if your business unit wasn't tagged when the item was created) ,
43,10/27/23 14:35,KYW,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;Wolftech has improved how I gather news;,8,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The daily plan,
4,11/9/23 1:35,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,8,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Newsgathering on big stories,
41,11/1/23 11:48,KYW,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,10,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",none,it did not contribute to anything
29,10/31/23 10:57,WBZ,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,10,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Ability to separate content into different categories.,No
15,11/8/23 23:38,National Desk,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","The ability to break stories down by board is nice, but occasionally confusing and they can be difficult to search. The lack of a way to direct message and the more limited number of tags compared to Slack also hamper my ability to communicate.","If I am directly tagged in a story, I am able to respond quickly, but even then it can be difficult keeping the order of updates in the Plan section organized."
46,11/9/23 1:29,National Desk,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,7,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Sharing storyboards with business units allows us to work closer with other divisions. ,
1,10/29/23 23:25,KYW,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",It's searchable by day/week/month. ,"I can't really think of anything. This survey should really be asking more about weaknesses. For example, on a desktop, when an info field is open for editing, it should STAY open when the scroll bar on the right is activated. It is not possible to use the mouse to scroll down a lengthy entry and still be able to edit it/highlight it, etc. because the scroll function closes the field. "
76,11/6/23 13:23,CBS Morning,Do not use ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,3,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",I honestly have not used Wolftech so far. The interface is really hard to understand and it hasn't yet become a regular part of my job.,
1,10/29/23 4:14,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",National Desk Daily view is an effective tool to help me get read-in on the latest news. ,"By having our team update each story with the latest information, it allows for me to go to one location and find all relevant updates from the very beginning in one spot. "
1,11/9/23 2:28,KYW,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Drag and drop,Just adding multiple dates and it saves to that day qlso
13,10/28/23 15:19,KCNC,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,7,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The ability to create distribution points by dragging.,It helped this morning when I was working on a news story about a shooting on South Parker Road.
31,11/1/23 9:30,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,10,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Program interface is cluttered. Hard to find things. Inside the story board, it's even more cluttered with either useless information (like who was previously assigned to the story) and too much info (all the updates are hard to follow when using the same story board for continuing stories). Search feature does not work properly (i.e. can't find things using key words from story). I feel like trying to find something in wolftech is like sifting through a junk drawer. Alerts are useless because they are only visible when I'm clicked into the program, which is rare since I usually have multiple programs and windows open at once. Email alerts are also useless because they're just clogging up my already very clogged outlook email.","Wolftech has slowed down my workflow, and I feel far less informed about the stories we're covering."
6,11/8/23 2:52,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,3,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","I understand how the platform should be used, but it is not being used correctly or efficiently here. ","In my experience, it has slowed down how we communicate with the desk, and how we get information on the air. Sometimes the information will be wrong, or the slug will have nothing in it. I think those two reasons are because the assignment desk also finds it to not be user friendly. The website is also very disorganized, the search button doesn't work, and finding stories for newscasts can be complicated. "
71,11/11/23 20:08,KCAL,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","Truth be told, and I'm sorry to say this, I am struggling to find any value in Wolftech. It has not made my job easier -- it has made it harder, slower, and more cumbersome. One of our assignment desk editors was helping me troubleshoot my Wolftech earlier this week and he said, ""One day, you're going to say to me 'I love Wolftech.'"" And I said, ""I cannot imagine a scenario where I will ever say that."" I'm sure the designers worked very hard to create Wolftech, and continue to work hard on modifying it. My comments are not a reflection on them or their work, but you've asked for an assessment, and my assessment is that this system, as is stands today, is not a help to producers (or at least it's not a help to the producers in our extremely busy newsroom). I would love an opportunity to speak with the designers to offer some more detail on the obstacles and challenges producers are experiencing when using Wolftech. I have given feedback to my managers, and they say they've passed it along, but I always find value in speaking directly with the source.","Unfortunately, I cannot think of a single instance where Wolftech directly contributed to my ability to quickly produce or update a story. My experience is that it slows me down, rather than speeding me up."
59,11/11/23 15:07,North Bureau,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,3,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",You have been squirting email across the system to people who do not need and don't want them - There is no easy way to be removed from the list. Even in this questionnaire you leave no space to discuss the shortcomings or ways to improve it. I find the hubris of this approach frustratingly expected.,"As a field crew we are still not integrated into your system. It would be great to have access to crew assignments and see where everyone is and what they are doing. But I guess that comes later... For now, an opt-out would be a huge improvement."
32,11/10/23 3:29,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","NONE - IT'S TERRIBLE, IT'S CONFUSING AND ULTRA TIME CONSUMING. ",I CAN NOT THINK OF ONE INSTANCE THAT HAS HELPED ME QUICKLY UPDATE A NEWS STORY.
20,10/30/23 14:19,KCAL,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",There isn't a single thing that is valuable.,"It has never contributed to me quickly producing or updating a story. It only makes everything more difficult. It's ridiculous that we have to scroll through so many columns just to find a story. And sometimes stories are in more than one column, but it's only updated in one of them. The chunky paragraphs that are in each slug make it harder to read. It was better in inews, where you could see a whole page of stories, not just the first few that pop up in a column."
18,11/1/23 17:18,Newspath,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",I am still baffled by wolftech,No
77,10/26/23 21:37,North Bureau,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Organization of news planning and our calendar outlook,"I wanted to know what story I was assigned for the day, so I went on Wolftech to see the details"
11,11/13/23 17:10,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,3,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",none,"Wolftech does not address the scheduling or vehicle needs for our operation , nor does it address the union requirements for posting schedules. This is a anti-productive system."
11,10/29/23 10:13,Newspath,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,1,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Having all station stories in one place,
66,10/29/23 13:52,KCNC,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",Keeping track of stories that don't run that day.,I have not done this.
30,11/12/23 20:49,London,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",It can be useful to see planning of stories,
60,10/30/23 13:22,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,8,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",The ability for all platforms to work in the same space.,Centralizing all information.
50,11/4/23 23:28,London,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Interface..,
29,11/1/23 3:42,Newspath,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I gather news;Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",BEING ABLE TO SEE THE OWNED STATIONS ASSIGNMENTS. BEING ABLE TO SEE NAT DESK AND OWNED STATIONS CALENDARS,"LAST WEEK NO ONE ANSWERING PHONES AT KPIX DURING A BREAKER, SAW INFO LOADED INTO WOLFIE SHORTLY AFTER "
27,11/3/23 4:17,Newspath,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,1,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Calendar,
26,11/4/23 8:35,WBZ,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;Wolftech has improved how I gather news;,4,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech","I find it very valuable to have all of the info in one place, instead of sifting through a series of emails.",
6,11/13/23 11:14,London,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,4,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","I gather it's useful for division managers to share info across divisions.
Not much use for me. It's slow and clunky and very 1990s.
I would hate to have to rely on this during a breaking news story, and the current situation in Israel-Gaza has shown how it's not suited for how we use editorial notes. No one is using it for sharing editorial because it's not good for that. And the only way the app will open on a cell phone is if nothing else is open! not how we work.","Can't - it hasn't. It's SLOW. And clunky. I do not find it suited to news story production at the editorial side. Honestly, it looks like a useful tool for managers but not for journalists"
36,10/26/23 18:27,KYW,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I share news;,1,"Yes, the training was effective and provided me with tools to be successful in Wolftech",For my particular position- the plan board,
61,10/28/23 21:16,KCAL,Increased,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,10,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",I like the sharing of photos and video. That is very useful in the field. ,The problem is getting the app to work quickly. Once I get it working the information is easy to find.
45,11/12/23 6:56,CBS Morning,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,7,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","The merger of story gathering, assignments and production from start to finish is the most valuable, however it is not a good communication/correspondence tool. ",No
61,11/1/23 15:08,KCAL,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,10,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Direct access to all the stories on the list at the station ,
23,11/1/23 6:28,London,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",Resource Availability,
14,10/27/23 17:49,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,5,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech","If I was on the planning or production team, I would find certain features more advantageous. However when it comes to newsgathering, there is nothing about Wolftech that is of any use.",I cannot.
6,11/8/23 2:35,KCAL,Remained the same ,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,0,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements","If everyone put scripts on Wolftech, that would be valuable. But it's hit and miss right now.","Right now, it slows down my process. The app does not always load properly, and logging on through a laptop requires a few extra steps. It seems like a better tool for people who work in the station, not in the field."
22,11/13/23 0:59,National Desk,Increased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,2,"Somewhat, but the training could have used some improvements",None,"None. Too many steps, buttons are too small, no desktop app, and it freezes when copying and pasting. Too much to look at."
33,11/8/23 6:39,WCBS,Decreased,I do not feel Wolftech has improved my job;,3,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",everything in one place,"I find wolftech to be cumbersome. Because we copy and paste information, locations and elements into scripts... it is extremely annoying that when HIGHLIGHTING INFO to copy AND paste THAT windows and maps open up.
I don't want a map to open up and I don't want ANY windows to open up.
25,11/2/23 10:34,SatMo,Remained the same ,Wolftech has improved how I am informed about news;,0,"No, training did not provide me with the tools to be successful in Wolftech",daily/weekly/monthly calendars,