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import numpy as np
def evaluate(sims, labels):
# Calculate evaluation metrics
thresholds = np.arange(0, 1.0, 0.001)
fm, tpr, acc = calculate_roc(thresholds, sims, labels)
eer = calculate_eer(thresholds, sims, labels)
return fm, tpr, acc, eer
def calculate_roc(thresholds, sims, labels):
nrof_thresholds = len(thresholds)
tprs = np.zeros((nrof_thresholds))
fprs = np.zeros((nrof_thresholds))
acc_train = np.zeros((nrof_thresholds))
precisions = np.zeros((nrof_thresholds))
fms = np.zeros((nrof_thresholds))
# Find the best threshold for the fold
for threshold_idx, threshold in enumerate(thresholds):
tprs[threshold_idx], fprs[threshold_idx], precisions[threshold_idx], fms[threshold_idx], acc_train[
threshold_idx] = calculate_accuracy(threshold, sims, labels)
bestindex = np.argmax(fms)
bestfm = fms[bestindex]
besttpr = tprs[bestindex]
bestacc = acc_train[bestindex]
return bestfm, besttpr, bestacc
def calculate_accuracy(threshold, sims, actual_issame):
predict_issame = np.greater(sims, threshold)
tp = np.sum(np.logical_and(predict_issame, actual_issame))
fp = np.sum(np.logical_and(predict_issame, np.logical_not(actual_issame)))
tn = np.sum(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(predict_issame), np.logical_not(actual_issame)))
fn = np.sum(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(predict_issame), actual_issame))
tpr = 0 if (tp + fn == 0) else float(tp) / float(tp + fn) # recall
fpr = 0 if (fp + tn == 0) else float(fp) / float(fp + tn)
precision = 0 if (tp + fp == 0) else float(tp) / float(tp + fp)
fm = 2 * precision * tpr / (precision + tpr + 1e-12)
acc = float(tp + tn) / (sims.size + 1e-12)
return tpr, fpr, precision, fm, acc
def calculate_eer(thresholds, sims, labels):
nrof_thresholds = len(thresholds)
# Find the threshold that gives FAR = far_target
far_train = np.zeros(nrof_thresholds)
frr_train = np.zeros(nrof_thresholds)
eer_index = 0
eer_diff = 100000000
for threshold_idx, threshold in enumerate(thresholds):
frr_train[threshold_idx], far_train[threshold_idx] = calculate_val_far(threshold, sims, labels)
if abs(frr_train[threshold_idx] - far_train[threshold_idx]) < eer_diff:
eer_diff = abs(frr_train[threshold_idx] - far_train[threshold_idx])
eer_index = threshold_idx
frr, far = frr_train[eer_index], far_train[eer_index]
eer = (frr + far) / 2
return eer
def calculate_val_far(threshold, sims, actual_issame):
predict_issame = np.greater(sims, threshold)
true_accept = np.sum(np.logical_and(predict_issame, actual_issame))
false_accept = np.sum(np.logical_and(predict_issame, np.logical_not(actual_issame)))
n_same = np.sum(actual_issame)
n_diff = np.sum(np.logical_not(actual_issame))
if n_diff == 0:
n_diff = 1
if n_same == 0:
return 0, 0
val = float(true_accept) / float(n_same)
frr = 1 - val
far = float(false_accept) / float(n_diff)
return frr, far