import logging import os from collections import defaultdict from pathlib import Path import librosa import numpy as np from python_speech_features import fbank from tqdm import tqdm from deep_speaker.constants import SAMPLE_RATE, NUM_FBANKS from deep_speaker.utils import find_files, ensures_dir logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def read_mfcc(input_filename, sample_rate): audio =, sample_rate) energy = np.abs(audio) silence_threshold = np.percentile(energy, 95) offsets = np.where(energy > silence_threshold)[0] # left_blank_duration_ms = (1000.0 * offsets[0]) // self.sample_rate # frame_id to duration (ms) # right_blank_duration_ms = (1000.0 * (len(audio) - offsets[-1])) // self.sample_rate # TODO: could use trim_silence() here or a better VAD. audio_voice_only = audio[offsets[0]:offsets[-1]] mfcc = mfcc_fbank(audio_voice_only, sample_rate) return mfcc def extract_speaker_and_utterance_ids(filename: str): # LIBRI. # 'audio/dev-other/116/288045/116-288045-0000.flac' speaker, _, basename = Path(filename).parts[-3:] filename.split('-') utterance = os.path.splitext(basename.split('-', 1)[-1])[0] assert basename.split('-')[0] == speaker return speaker, utterance class Audio: def __init__(self, cache_dir: str, audio_dir: str = None, sample_rate: int = SAMPLE_RATE, ext='flac'): self.ext = ext self.cache_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, 'audio-fbanks') ensures_dir(self.cache_dir) if audio_dir is not None: self.build_cache(os.path.expanduser(audio_dir), sample_rate) self.speakers_to_utterances = defaultdict(dict) for cache_file in find_files(self.cache_dir, ext='npy'): # /path/to/speaker_utterance.npy speaker_id, utterance_id = Path(cache_file).stem.split('_') self.speakers_to_utterances[speaker_id][utterance_id] = cache_file @property def speaker_ids(self): return sorted(self.speakers_to_utterances) @staticmethod def trim_silence(audio, threshold): """Removes silence at the beginning and end of a sample.""" # pylint: disable=E1121 energy = librosa.feature.rms(audio) frames = np.nonzero(np.array(energy > threshold)) indices = librosa.core.frames_to_samples(frames)[1] # Note: indices can be an empty array, if the whole audio was silence. audio_trim = audio[0:0] left_blank = audio[0:0] right_blank = audio[0:0] if indices.size: audio_trim = audio[indices[0]:indices[-1]] left_blank = audio[:indices[0]] # slice before. right_blank = audio[indices[-1]:] # slice after. return audio_trim, left_blank, right_blank @staticmethod def read(filename, sample_rate=SAMPLE_RATE): audio, sr = librosa.load(filename, sr=sample_rate, mono=True, dtype=np.float32) assert sr == sample_rate return audio def build_cache(self, audio_dir, sample_rate):'audio_dir: {audio_dir}.')'sample_rate: {sample_rate:,} hz.') audio_files = find_files(audio_dir, ext=self.ext) audio_files_count = len(audio_files) assert audio_files_count != 0, f'Could not find any {self.ext} files in {audio_dir}.''Found {audio_files_count:,} files in {audio_dir}.') with tqdm(audio_files) as bar: for audio_filename in bar: bar.set_description(audio_filename) self.cache_audio_file(audio_filename, sample_rate) def cache_audio_file(self, input_filename, sample_rate): sp, utt = extract_speaker_and_utterance_ids(input_filename) cache_filename = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, f'{sp}_{utt}.npy') if not os.path.isfile(cache_filename): try: mfcc = read_mfcc(input_filename, sample_rate), mfcc) except librosa.util.exceptions.ParameterError as e: logger.error(e) def pad_mfcc(mfcc, max_length): # num_frames, nfilt=64. if len(mfcc) < max_length: mfcc = np.vstack((mfcc, np.tile(np.zeros(mfcc.shape[1]), (max_length - len(mfcc), 1)))) return mfcc def mfcc_fbank(signal: np.array, sample_rate: int): # 1D signal array. # Returns MFCC with shape (num_frames, n_filters, 3). filter_banks, energies = fbank(signal, samplerate=sample_rate, nfilt=NUM_FBANKS) frames_features = normalize_frames(filter_banks) # delta_1 = delta(filter_banks, N=1) # delta_2 = delta(delta_1, N=1) # frames_features = np.transpose(np.stack([filter_banks, delta_1, delta_2]), (1, 2, 0)) return np.array(frames_features, dtype=np.float32) # Float32 precision is enough here. def normalize_frames(m, epsilon=1e-12): return [(v - np.mean(v)) / max(np.std(v), epsilon) for v in m]