import numpy import trimesh import trimesh.sample import trimesh.visual import trimesh.proximity import objaverse import streamlit as st import plotly.graph_objects as go import matplotlib.pyplot as plotlib def get_bytes(x: str): import io, requests return io.BytesIO(requests.get(x).content) def get_image(x: str): try: return plotlib.imread(get_bytes(x), 'auto') except Exception: raise ValueError("Invalid image", x) def model_to_pc(mesh: trimesh.Trimesh, n_sample_points=10000): f32 = numpy.float32 rad = numpy.sqrt(mesh.area / (3 * n_sample_points)) for _ in range(24): pcd, face_idx = trimesh.sample.sample_surface_even(mesh, n_sample_points, rad) rad *= 0.85 if len(pcd) == n_sample_points: break else: raise ValueError("Bad geometry, cannot finish sampling.", mesh.area) if isinstance(mesh.visual, trimesh.visual.ColorVisuals): rgba = mesh.visual.face_colors[face_idx] elif isinstance(mesh.visual, trimesh.visual.TextureVisuals): bc = trimesh.proximity.points_to_barycentric(mesh.triangles[face_idx], pcd) if mesh.visual.uv is None or len(mesh.visual.uv) < mesh.faces[face_idx].max(): uv = numpy.zeros([len(bc), 2]) st.warning("Invalid UV, filling with zeroes") else: uv = numpy.einsum('ntc,nt->nc', mesh.visual.uv[mesh.faces[face_idx]], bc) material = mesh.visual.material if hasattr(material, 'materials'): if len(material.materials) == 0: rgba = numpy.ones_like(pcd) * 0.8 texture = None st.warning("Empty MultiMaterial found, falling back to light grey") else: material = material.materials[0] if hasattr(material, 'image'): texture = material.image if texture is None: rgba = numpy.zeros([len(uv), len(material.main_color)]) + material.main_color elif hasattr(material, 'baseColorTexture'): texture = material.baseColorTexture if texture is None: rgba = numpy.zeros([len(uv), len(material.main_color)]) + material.main_color else: texture = None rgba = numpy.ones_like(pcd) * 0.8 st.warning("Unknown material, falling back to light grey") if texture is not None: rgba = trimesh.visual.uv_to_interpolated_color(uv, texture) if rgba.max() > 1: if rgba.max() > 255: rgba = rgba.astype(f32) / rgba.max() else: rgba = rgba.astype(f32) / 255.0 return numpy.concatenate([numpy.array(pcd, f32), numpy.array(rgba, f32)[:, :3]], axis=-1) def trimesh_to_pc(scene_or_mesh): if isinstance(scene_or_mesh, trimesh.Scene): meshes = [] for node_name in scene_or_mesh.graph.nodes_geometry: # which geometry does this node refer to transform, geometry_name = scene_or_mesh.graph[node_name] # get the actual potential mesh instance geometry = scene_or_mesh.geometry[geometry_name].copy() if not hasattr(geometry, 'triangles'): continue geometry: trimesh.Trimesh geometry = geometry.apply_transform(transform) meshes.append(geometry) total_area = sum(geometry.area for geometry in meshes) if total_area < 1e-6: raise ValueError("Bad geometry: total area too small (< 1e-6)") pcs = [] for geometry in meshes: pcs.append(model_to_pc(geometry, max(1, round(geometry.area / total_area * 10000)))) if not len(pcs): raise ValueError("Unsupported mesh object: no triangles found") return numpy.concatenate(pcs) else: assert isinstance(scene_or_mesh, trimesh.Trimesh) return model_to_pc(scene_or_mesh, 10000) def input_3d_shape(key=None): if key is None: objaid_key = model_key = npy_key = swap_key = None else: objaid_key = key + "_objaid" model_key = key + "_model" npy_key = key + "_npy" swap_key = key + "_swap" pc_mode = st.sidebar.selectbox( 'Choose the input for Point Cloud', ("an Objaverse ID", "a Model", "a Numpy Array") ) if pc_mode == "an Objaverse ID": objaid = st.sidebar.text_input("Enter an Objaverse ID", key=objaid_key) model = npy = None elif pc_mode == "a Model": model = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Upload a model (.glb/.obj/.ply)", key=model_key) objaid = npy = None elif pc_mode == "a Numpy Array": npy = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Upload a numpy array (.npy of Nx3 XYZ or Nx6 XYZRGB)", key=npy_key) objaid = model = None swap_yz_axes ="Gravity", ["Y is up (for most Objaverse shapes)", "Z is up"], key=swap_key) == "Z is up" f32 = numpy.float32 def load_data(prog): # load the model prog.progress(0.05, "Preparing Point Cloud") if npy is not None: pc: numpy.ndarray = numpy.load(npy) elif model is not None: pc = trimesh_to_pc(trimesh.load(model,".")[-1])) elif objaid: prog.progress(0.1, "Downloading Objaverse Object") objamodel = objaverse.load_objects([objaid])[objaid] prog.progress(0.2, "Preparing Point Cloud") pc = trimesh_to_pc(trimesh.load(objamodel)) else: raise ValueError("You have to supply 3D input!") prog.progress(0.25, "Preprocessing Point Cloud") assert pc.ndim == 2, "invalid pc shape: ndim = %d != 2" % pc.ndim assert pc.shape[1] in [3, 6], "invalid pc shape: should have 3/6 channels, got %d" % pc.shape[1] pc = pc.astype(f32) if swap_yz_axes: pc[:, [1, 2]] = pc[:, [2, 1]] pc[:, :3] = pc[:, :3] - numpy.mean(pc[:, :3], axis=0) pc[:, :3] = pc[:, :3] / numpy.linalg.norm(pc[:, :3], axis=-1).max() if pc.shape[1] == 3: pc = numpy.concatenate([pc, numpy.ones_like(pc) * 0.4], axis=-1) prog.progress(0.27, "Normalized Point Cloud") if pc.shape[0] >= 10000: pc = pc[numpy.random.permutation(len(pc))[:10000]] elif pc.shape[0] == 0: raise ValueError("Got empty point cloud!") elif pc.shape[0] < 10000: pc = numpy.concatenate([pc, pc[numpy.random.randint(len(pc), size=[10000 - len(pc)])]]) prog.progress(0.3, "Preprocessed Point Cloud") return pc.astype(f32) return load_data def render_pc(pc): rand = numpy.random.permutation(len(pc))[:2048] pc = pc[rand] rgb = (pc[:, 3:] * 255).astype(numpy.uint8) g = go.Scatter3d( x=pc[:, 0], y=pc[:, 1], z=pc[:, 2], #mode='markers', #marker=dict(size=2, color=[f'rgb({rgb[i, 0]}, {rgb[i, 1]}, {rgb[i, 2]})' for i in range(len(pc))]), ) fig = go.Figure(data=[g]) fig.update_layout(scene_camera=dict(up=dict(x=0, y=1, z=0))) fig.update_layout(scene = dict(xaxis = dict(showgrid = False,showticklabels = False), yaxis = dict(showgrid = False,showticklabels = False), zaxis = dict(showgrid = False,showticklabels = False) )) fig.update_scenes(aspectmode="cube") col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) # st.caption("Point Cloud Preview") return col2