import streamlit as st |
import numpy as np |
import numpy.linalg as la |
import pickle |
import os |
import gdown |
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
def load_glove_embeddings(glove_path="Data/embeddings.pkl"): |
with open(glove_path, "rb") as f: |
embeddings_dict = pickle.load(f, encoding="latin1") |
return embeddings_dict |
def get_model_id_gdrive(model_type): |
if model_type == "25d": |
word_index_id = "13qMXs3-oB9C6kfSRMwbAtzda9xuAUtt8" |
embeddings_id = "1-RXcfBvWyE-Av3ZHLcyJVsps0RYRRr_2" |
elif model_type == "50d": |
embeddings_id = "1DBaVpJsitQ1qxtUvV1Kz7ThDc3az16kZ" |
word_index_id = "1rB4ksHyHZ9skes-fJHMa2Z8J1Qa7awQ9" |
elif model_type == "100d": |
word_index_id = "1-oWV0LqG3fmrozRZ7WB1jzeTJHRUI3mq" |
embeddings_id = "1SRHfX130_6Znz7zbdfqboKosz-PfNvNp" |
return word_index_id, embeddings_id |
def download_glove_embeddings_gdrive(model_type): |
word_index_id, embeddings_id = get_model_id_gdrive(model_type) |
embeddings_temp = "embeddings_" + str(model_type) + "_temp.npy" |
word_index_temp = "word_index_dict_" + str(model_type) + "_temp.pkl" |
print("Downloading word index dictionary....\n") |
gdown.download(id=word_index_id, output=word_index_temp, quiet=False) |
print("Donwloading embedings...\n\n") |
gdown.download(id=embeddings_id, output=embeddings_temp, quiet=False) |
def load_glove_embeddings_gdrive(model_type): |
word_index_temp = "word_index_dict_" + str(model_type) + "_temp.pkl" |
embeddings_temp = "embeddings_" + str(model_type) + "_temp.npy" |
word_index_dict = pickle.load(open(word_index_temp, "rb"), encoding="latin") |
embeddings = np.load(embeddings_temp) |
return word_index_dict, embeddings |
@st.cache_resource() |
def load_sentence_transformer_model(model_name): |
sentenceTransformer = SentenceTransformer(model_name) |
return sentenceTransformer |
def get_sentence_transformer_embeddings(sentence, model_name="all-MiniLM-L6-v2"): |
""" |
Get sentence transformer embeddings for a sentence |
""" |
sentenceTransformer = load_sentence_transformer_model(model_name) |
try: |
return sentenceTransformer.encode(sentence) |
except: |
if model_name == "all-MiniLM-L6-v2": |
return np.zeros(384) |
else: |
return np.zeros(512) |
def get_glove_embeddings(word, word_index_dict, embeddings, model_type): |
""" |
Get glove embedding for a single word |
""" |
if word.lower() in word_index_dict: |
return embeddings[word_index_dict[word.lower()]] |
else: |
return np.zeros(int(model_type.split("d")[0])) |
def get_category_embeddings(embeddings_metadata): |
""" |
Get embeddings for each category |
1. Split categories into words |
2. Get embeddings for each word |
""" |
model_name = embeddings_metadata["model_name"] |
st.session_state["cat_embed_" + model_name] = {} |
for category in st.session_state.categories.split(" "): |
if model_name: |
if not category in st.session_state["cat_embed_" + model_name]: |
st.session_state["cat_embed_" + model_name][category] = get_sentence_transformer_embeddings(category, |
model_name=model_name) |
else: |
if not category in st.session_state["cat_embed_" + model_name]: |
st.session_state["cat_embed_" + model_name][category] = get_sentence_transformer_embeddings(category) |
def update_category_embeddings(embeddings_metadata): |
""" |
Update embeddings for each category |
""" |
get_category_embeddings(embeddings_metadata) |
def plot_piechart(sorted_cosine_scores_items): |
sorted_cosine_scores = np.array([ |
sorted_cosine_scores_items[index][1] |
for index in range(len(sorted_cosine_scores_items)) |
] |
) |
categories = st.session_state.categories.split(" ") |
categories_sorted = [ |
categories[sorted_cosine_scores_items[index][0]] |
for index in range(len(sorted_cosine_scores_items)) |
] |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
ax.pie(sorted_cosine_scores, labels=categories_sorted, autopct="%1.1f%%") |
st.pyplot(fig) |
def plot_piechart_helper(sorted_cosine_scores_items): |
sorted_cosine_scores = np.array( |
[ |
sorted_cosine_scores_items[index][1] |
for index in range(len(sorted_cosine_scores_items)) |
] |
) |
categories = st.session_state.categories.split(" ") |
categories_sorted = [ |
categories[sorted_cosine_scores_items[index][0]] |
for index in range(len(sorted_cosine_scores_items)) |
] |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3)) |
my_explode = np.zeros(len(categories_sorted)) |
my_explode[0] = 0.2 |
if len(categories_sorted) == 3: |
my_explode[1] = 0.1 |
elif len(categories_sorted) > 3: |
my_explode[2] = 0.05 |
ax.pie( |
sorted_cosine_scores, |
labels=categories_sorted, |
autopct="%1.1f%%", |
explode=my_explode, |
) |
return fig |
def plot_piecharts(sorted_cosine_scores_models): |
scores_list = [] |
categories = st.session_state.categories.split(" ") |
index = 0 |
for model in sorted_cosine_scores_models: |
scores_list.append(sorted_cosine_scores_models[model]) |
index += 1 |
if len(sorted_cosine_scores_models) == 2: |
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2) |
categories_sorted = [ |
categories[scores_list[0][index][0]] for index in range(len(scores_list[0])) |
] |
sorted_scores = np.array( |
[scores_list[0][index][1] for index in range(len(scores_list[0]))] |
) |
ax1.pie(sorted_scores, labels=categories_sorted, autopct="%1.1f%%") |
categories_sorted = [ |
categories[scores_list[1][index][0]] for index in range(len(scores_list[1])) |
] |
sorted_scores = np.array( |
[scores_list[1][index][1] for index in range(len(scores_list[1]))] |
) |
ax2.pie(sorted_scores, labels=categories_sorted, autopct="%1.1f%%") |
st.pyplot(fig) |
def plot_alatirchart(sorted_cosine_scores_models): |
models = list(sorted_cosine_scores_models.keys()) |
tabs = st.tabs(models) |
figs = {} |
for model in models: |
figs[model] = plot_piechart_helper(sorted_cosine_scores_models[model]) |
for index in range(len(tabs)): |
with tabs[index]: |
st.pyplot(figs[models[index]]) |
def cosine_similarity(x, y): |
""" |
Exponentiated cosine similarity |
1. Compute cosine similarity |
2. Exponentiate cosine similarity |
3. Return exponentiated cosine similarity |
(20 pts) |
""" |
x = np.array(x) |
y = np.array(y) |
dot_product = np.dot(x, y) |
norm_x = np.linalg.norm(x) |
norm_y = np.linalg.norm(y) |
cosine_sim = dot_product / (norm_x * norm_y) |
exp_cosine_sim = np.exp(cosine_sim) |
return exp_cosine_sim |
def averaged_glove_embeddings_gdrive(sentence, word_index_dict, embeddings, model_type=50): |
""" |
Get averaged glove embeddings for a sentence |
1. Split sentence into words |
2. Get embeddings for each word |
3. Add embeddings for each word |
4. Divide by number of words |
5. Return averaged embeddings |
(30 pts) |
""" |
embedding = np.zeros(int(model_type.split("d")[0])) |
words = sentence.lower().split() |
valid_word_count = 0 |
for word in words: |
if word in word_index_dict: |
index = word_index_dict[word] |
embedding += embeddings[index] |
valid_word_count += 1 |
if valid_word_count > 0: |
embedding /= valid_word_count |
return embedding |
def get_sorted_cosine_similarity(text_search, embeddings_metadata): |
""" |
Get sorted cosine similarity between input sentence and categories |
Steps: |
1. Get embeddings for input sentence |
2. Get embeddings for categories (if not found, update category embeddings) |
3. Compute cosine similarity between input sentence and categories |
4. Sort cosine similarity |
5. Return sorted cosine similarity |
(50 pts) |
""" |
categories = st.session_state.categories.split(" ") |
cosine_sim = {} |
if embeddings_metadata["embedding_model"] == "glove": |
word_index_dict = embeddings_metadata["word_index_dict"] |
embeddings = embeddings_metadata["embeddings"] |
model_type = embeddings_metadata["model_type"] |
input_embedding = averaged_glove_embeddings_gdrive(text_search, |
word_index_dict, |
embeddings, model_type) |
for index, category in enumerate(categories): |
category_embedding = averaged_glove_embeddings_gdrive( |
category, |
word_index_dict, |
embeddings, |
model_type) |
cosine_sim[index] = cosine_similarity(input_embedding, category_embedding) |
else: |
model_name = embeddings_metadata["model_name"] |
if not "cat_embed_" + model_name in st.session_state: |
get_category_embeddings(embeddings_metadata) |
category_embeddings = st.session_state["cat_embed_" + model_name] |
print("text_search = ", text_search) |
if model_name: |
input_embedding = get_sentence_transformer_embeddings(text_search, model_name=model_name) |
else: |
input_embedding = get_sentence_transformer_embeddings(text_search) |
for index in range(len(categories)): |
category = categories[index] |
if category in category_embeddings: |
category_embedding = category_embeddings[category] |
cosine_sim[index] = cosine_similarity(input_embedding, category_embedding) |
else: |
update_category_embeddings(embeddings_metadata) |
category_embedding = st.session_state["cat_embed_" + model_name][category] |
cosine_sim[index] = cosine_similarity(input_embedding, category_embedding) |
sorted_items = sorted(cosine_sim.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) |
return sorted_items |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
st.sidebar.title("GloVe Twitter") |
st.sidebar.markdown( |
""" |
GloVe is an unsupervised learning algorithm for obtaining vector representations for words. Pretrained on |
2 billion tweets with vocabulary size of 1.2 million. Download from [Stanford NLP](http://nlp.stanford.edu/data/glove.twitter.27B.zip). |
Jeffrey Pennington, Richard Socher, and Christopher D. Manning. 2014. *GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation*. |
""" |
) |
model_type = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose the model", ("25d", "50d", "100d"), index=1) |
st.title("Search Based Retrieval Demo") |
st.subheader( |
"Pass in space separated categories you want this search demo to be about." |
) |
st.text_input( |
label="Categories", key="categories", value="Flowers Colors Cars Weather Food" |
) |
print(st.session_state["categories"]) |
print(type(st.session_state["categories"])) |
st.subheader("Pass in an input word or even a sentence") |
text_search = st.text_input( |
label="Input your sentence", |
key="text_search", |
value="Roses are red, trucks are blue, and Seattle is grey right now", |
) |
embeddings_path = "embeddings_" + str(model_type) + "_temp.npy" |
word_index_dict_path = "word_index_dict_" + str(model_type) + "_temp.pkl" |
if not os.path.isfile(embeddings_path) or not os.path.isfile(word_index_dict_path): |
print("Model type = ", model_type) |
glove_path = "Data/glove_" + str(model_type) + ".pkl" |
print("glove_path = ", glove_path) |
with st.spinner("Downloading glove embeddings..."): |
download_glove_embeddings_gdrive(model_type) |
word_index_dict, embeddings = load_glove_embeddings_gdrive(model_type) |
if st.session_state.text_search: |
print("Glove Embedding") |
embeddings_metadata = { |
"embedding_model": "glove", |
"word_index_dict": word_index_dict, |
"embeddings": embeddings, |
"model_type": model_type, |
} |
with st.spinner("Obtaining Cosine similarity for Glove..."): |
sorted_cosine_sim_glove = get_sorted_cosine_similarity( |
st.session_state.text_search, embeddings_metadata |
) |
print("Sentence Transformer Embedding") |
embeddings_metadata = {"embedding_model": "transformers", "model_name": ""} |
with st.spinner("Obtaining Cosine similarity for 384d sentence transformer..."): |
sorted_cosine_sim_transformer = get_sorted_cosine_similarity( |
st.session_state.text_search, embeddings_metadata |
) |
print("Categories are: ", st.session_state.categories) |
st.subheader( |
"Closest word I have between: " |
+ st.session_state.categories |
+ " as per different Embeddings" |
) |
print(sorted_cosine_sim_glove) |
print(sorted_cosine_sim_transformer) |
plot_alatirchart( |
{ |
"glove_" + str(model_type): sorted_cosine_sim_glove, |
"sentence_transformer_384": sorted_cosine_sim_transformer, |
} |
) |
st.write("") |
st.write( |
"Demo developed by Hongyan Liu and Yinxiu Wang(https://www.linkedin.com/in/your_id/ - Optional)" |
) |