diff --git a/plugins/__init__.py b/plugins/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 45d1e4d76d93978bf394c0da906e3c286ea1bfe9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-import asyncio
-import os
-import time
-from random import choice
-import requests
-from telethon import Button, events
-from telethon.tl import functions, types # pylint:ignore
-from telethon.tl.custom.message import CustomMarkdown
-from pyUltroid import *
-from pyUltroid._misc._assistant import asst_cmd, callback, in_pattern
-from pyUltroid._misc._decorators import ultroid_cmd
-from pyUltroid._misc._wrappers import eod, eor
-from pyUltroid.dB import DEVLIST, ULTROID_IMAGES
-from pyUltroid.fns.helper import *
-from pyUltroid.fns.misc import *
-from pyUltroid.fns.tools import *
-from pyUltroid.startup._database import _BaseDatabase as Database
-from pyUltroid.version import __version__, ultroid_version
-from strings import get_help, get_string
-udB: Database
-Redis = udB.get_key
-con = TgConverter
-quotly = Quotly()
-OWNER_NAME = ultroid_bot.full_name
-OWNER_ID = ultroid_bot.uid
-ultroid_bot: UltroidClient
-asst: UltroidClient
-ultroid_bot.parse_mode = CustomMarkdown()
-def inline_pic():
- INLINE_PIC = udB.get_key("INLINE_PIC")
- if INLINE_PIC is None:
- elif INLINE_PIC == False:
- return INLINE_PIC
-Telegraph = telegraph_client()
-List = []
-Dict = {}
-InlinePlugin = {}
-N = 0
-cmd = ultroid_cmd
-STUFF = {}
-# Chats, which needs to be ignore for some cases
-# Considerably, there can be many
-# Feel Free to Add Any other...
- -1001361294038, # UltroidSupportChat
- -1001387666944, # PyrogramChat
- -1001109500936, # TelethonChat
- -1001050982793, # Python
- -1001256902287, # DurovsChat
- -1001473548283, # SharingUserbot
- "Using Witchery to kang this sticker...",
- "Plagiarising hehe...",
- "Inviting this sticker over to my pack...",
- "Kanging this sticker...",
- "Hey that's a nice sticker!\nMind if I kang?!..",
- "Hehe me stel ur stiker...",
- "Ay look over there (☉。☉)!→\nWhile I kang this...",
- "Roses are red violets are blue, kanging this sticker so my pack looks cool",
- "Imprisoning this sticker...",
- "Mr.Steal-Your-Sticker is stealing this sticker... ",
- "DarkCyan",
- "DeepSkyBlue",
- "DarkTurquoise",
- "Cyan",
- "LightSkyBlue",
- "Turquoise",
- "MediumVioletRed",
- "Aquamarine",
- "Lightcyan",
- "Azure",
- "Moccasin",
- "PowderBlue",
diff --git a/plugins/_chatactions.py b/plugins/_chatactions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index be6379a6c2c673b4134f842a8935321ef95c5a9d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/_chatactions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-import asyncio
-from telethon import events
-from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import UserNotParticipantError
-from telethon.tl.functions.channels import GetParticipantRequest
-from telethon.utils import get_display_name
-from pyUltroid.dB import stickers
-from pyUltroid.dB.echo_db import check_echo
-from pyUltroid.dB.forcesub_db import get_forcesetting
-from pyUltroid.dB.gban_mute_db import is_gbanned
-from pyUltroid.dB.greetings_db import get_goodbye, get_welcome, must_thank
-from pyUltroid.dB.nsfw_db import is_profan
-from pyUltroid.fns.helper import check_reply_to, inline_mention
-from pyUltroid.fns.tools import (
- async_searcher,
- create_tl_btn,
- get_chatbot_reply,
- get_oracle_reply,
- from ProfanityDetector import detector
-except ImportError:
- detector = None
-from . import LOG_CHANNEL, LOGS, asst, get_string, types, udB, ultroid_bot
-from ._inline import something
-if not udB.get_key("ORACLE_USERS"):
- udB.set_key("ORACLE_USERS", {})
-if not udB.get_key("CHATBOT_USERS"):
- udB.set_key("CHATBOT_USERS", {})
-async def Function(event):
- try:
- await DummyHandler(event)
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
-async def DummyHandler(ult):
- # clean chat actions
- key = udB.get_key("CLEANCHAT") or []
- if ult.chat_id in key:
- try:
- await ult.delete()
- except BaseException:
- pass
- # thank members
- if must_thank(ult.chat_id):
- chat_count = (await ult.client.get_participants(ult.chat_id, limit=0)).total
- if chat_count % 100 == 0:
- stik_id = chat_count / 100 - 1
- sticker = stickers[stik_id]
- await ult.respond(file=sticker)
- # force subscribe
- if (
- udB.get_key("FORCESUB")
- and ((ult.user_joined or ult.user_added))
- and get_forcesetting(ult.chat_id)
- ):
- user = await ult.get_user()
- if not user.bot:
- joinchat = get_forcesetting(ult.chat_id)
- try:
- await ultroid_bot(GetParticipantRequest(int(joinchat), user.id))
- except UserNotParticipantError:
- await ultroid_bot.edit_permissions(
- ult.chat_id, user.id, send_messages=False
- )
- res = await ultroid_bot.inline_query(
- asst.me.username, f"fsub {user.id}_{joinchat}"
- )
- await res[0].click(ult.chat_id, reply_to=ult.action_message.id)
- if ult.user_joined or ult.added_by:
- user = await ult.get_user()
- chat = await ult.get_chat()
- # gbans and @UltroidBans checks
- if udB.get_key("ULTROID_BANS"):
- try:
- is_banned = await async_searcher(
- "https://bans.ultroid.tech/api/status",
- json={"userId": user.id},
- post=True,
- re_json=True,
- )
- if is_banned["is_banned"]:
- await ult.client.edit_permissions(
- chat.id,
- user.id,
- view_messages=False,
- )
- await ult.respond(
- f'**@UltroidBans:** Banned user detected and banned!\n`{str(is_banned)}`.\nBan reason: {is_banned["reason"]}',
- )
- except BaseException:
- pass
- reason = is_gbanned(user.id)
- if reason and chat.admin_rights:
- try:
- await ult.client.edit_permissions(
- chat.id,
- user.id,
- view_messages=False,
- )
- gban_watch = get_string("can_1").format(inline_mention(user), reason)
- await ult.reply(gban_watch)
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- # greetings
- elif get_welcome(ult.chat_id):
- user = await ult.get_user()
- chat = await ult.get_chat()
- title = chat.title or "this chat"
- count = (
- chat.participants_count
- or (await ult.client.get_participants(chat, limit=0)).total
- )
- mention = inline_mention(user)
- name = user.first_name
- fullname = get_display_name(user)
- uu = user.username
- username = f"@{uu}" if uu else mention
- wel = get_welcome(ult.chat_id)
- msgg = wel["welcome"]
- med = wel["media"] or None
- userid = user.id
- msg = None
- if msgg:
- msg = msgg.format(
- mention=mention,
- group=title,
- count=count,
- name=name,
- fullname=fullname,
- username=username,
- userid=userid,
- )
- if wel.get("button"):
- btn = create_tl_btn(wel["button"])
- await something(ult, msg, med, btn)
- elif msg:
- send = await ult.reply(
- msg,
- file=med,
- )
- await asyncio.sleep(150)
- await send.delete()
- else:
- await ult.reply(file=med)
- elif (ult.user_left or ult.user_kicked) and get_goodbye(ult.chat_id):
- user = await ult.get_user()
- chat = await ult.get_chat()
- title = chat.title or "this chat"
- count = (
- chat.participants_count
- or (await ult.client.get_participants(chat, limit=0)).total
- )
- mention = inline_mention(user)
- name = user.first_name
- fullname = get_display_name(user)
- uu = user.username
- username = f"@{uu}" if uu else mention
- wel = get_goodbye(ult.chat_id)
- msgg = wel["goodbye"]
- med = wel["media"]
- userid = user.id
- msg = None
- if msgg:
- msg = msgg.format(
- mention=mention,
- group=title,
- count=count,
- name=name,
- fullname=fullname,
- username=username,
- userid=userid,
- )
- if wel.get("button"):
- btn = create_tl_btn(wel["button"])
- await something(ult, msg, med, btn)
- elif msg:
- send = await ult.reply(
- msg,
- file=med,
- )
- await asyncio.sleep(150)
- await send.delete()
- else:
- await ult.reply(file=med)
-async def chatBot_replies(e):
- if e.sender_id in udB.get_key("CHATBOT_USERS"):
- xxrep = await check_reply_to(e)
- else:
- return
- if xxrep:
- sender = await e.get_sender()
- if not isinstance(sender, types.User) or sender.bot:
- return
- if check_echo(e.chat_id, e.sender_id):
- try:
- await e.respond(e.message)
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- key = udB.get_key("CHATBOT_USERS") or {}
- if e.text and key.get(e.chat_id) and sender.id in key[e.chat_id]:
- # Simulate typing indicator
- async with e.client.action(e.chat_id, "typing"):
- msg = await get_chatbot_reply(e.message.message)
- if msg:
- sleep = udB.get_key("CHATBOT_SLEEP") or 1.5
- await asyncio.sleep(sleep)
- # Check if the message length exceeds a certain threshold
- if len(msg) > 4096:
- # Create a temporary text file
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
- mode="w+", delete=False
- ) as temp_file:
- temp_file.write(msg)
- # Send the text file with a caption
- await e.client.send_file(
- e.chat_id,
- temp_file.name,
- caption="Here is the response in a text file.",
- )
- # Delete the temporary text file
- os.remove(temp_file.name)
- else:
- # Send the message directly
- await e.reply(msg)
- chat = await e.get_chat()
- if e.is_group and sender.username:
- await uname_stuff(e.sender_id, sender.username, sender.first_name)
- elif e.is_private and chat.username:
- await uname_stuff(e.sender_id, chat.username, chat.first_name)
- if detector and is_profan(e.chat_id) and e.text:
- x, y = detector(e.text)
- if y:
- await e.delete()
-async def oracleBot_replies(e):
- if e.sender_id in udB.get_key("ORACLE_USERS"):
- xxxrep = await check_reply_to(e)
- else:
- return
- if xxxrep:
- sender = await e.get_sender()
- if not isinstance(sender, types.User) or sender.bot:
- return
- if check_echo(e.chat_id, e.sender_id):
- try:
- await e.respond(e.message)
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- key = udB.get_key("ORACLE_USERS") or {}
- if e.text and key.get(e.chat_id) and sender.id in key[e.chat_id]:
- # Simulate typing indicator
- async with e.client.action(e.chat_id, "typing"):
- msg = await get_oracle_reply(
- e.message.message, user_id=sender.id, mongo_url=MONGO_URI
- )
- if msg:
- sleep = udB.get_key("ORACLE_SLEEP") or 1.5
- await asyncio.sleep(sleep)
- # Check if the message length exceeds a certain threshold
- if len(msg) > 4096:
- # Create a temporary text file
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
- mode="w+", delete=False
- ) as temp_file:
- temp_file.write(msg)
- # Send the text file with a caption
- await e.client.send_file(
- e.chat_id,
- temp_file.name,
- caption="Here is the response in a text file",
- )
- # Delete the temporary text file
- os.remove(temp_file.name)
- else:
- # Send the message directly
- await e.reply(msg)
- chat = await e.get_chat()
- if e.is_group and sender.username:
- await uname_stuff(e.sender_id, sender.username, sender.first_name)
- elif e.is_private and chat.username:
- await uname_stuff(e.sender_id, chat.username, chat.first_name)
- if detector and is_profan(e.chat_id) and e.text:
- x, y = detector(e.text)
- if y:
- await e.delete()
-async def uname_change(e):
- await uname_stuff(e.user_id, e.usernames[0] if e.usernames else None, e.first_name)
-async def uname_stuff(id, uname, name):
- if udB.get_key("USERNAME_LOG"):
- old_ = udB.get_key("USERNAME_DB") or {}
- old = old_.get(id)
- # Ignore Name Logs
- if old and old == uname:
- return
- if old and uname:
- await asst.send_message(
- get_string("can_2").format(old, uname),
- )
- elif old:
- await asst.send_message(
- get_string("can_3").format(f"[{name}](tg://user?id={id})", old),
- )
- elif uname:
- await asst.send_message(
- get_string("can_4").format(f"[{name}](tg://user?id={id})", uname),
- )
- old_[id] = uname
- udB.set_key("USERNAME_DB", old_)
diff --git a/plugins/_help.py b/plugins/_help.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b36101e7f5d5769f2c309797905e265bdc7e8f1a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/_help.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import (
- BotInlineDisabledError,
- BotMethodInvalidError,
- BotResponseTimeoutError,
-from telethon.tl.custom import Button
-from pyUltroid.dB._core import HELP, LIST
-from pyUltroid.fns.tools import cmd_regex_replace
-from . import HNDLR, LOGS, OWNER_NAME, asst, get_string, inline_pic, udB, ultroid_cmd
-_main_help_menu = [
- [
- Button.inline(get_string("help_4"), data="uh_Official_"),
- Button.inline(get_string("help_5"), data="uh_Addons_"),
- ],
- [
- Button.inline(get_string("help_6"), data="uh_VCBot_"),
- Button.inline(get_string("help_7"), data="inlone"),
- ],
- [
- Button.inline(get_string("help_8"), data="ownr"),
- Button.url(
- get_string("help_9"), url=f"https://t.me/{asst.me.username}?start=set"
- ),
- ],
- [Button.inline(get_string("help_10"), data="close")],
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="help( (.*)|$)")
-async def _help(ult):
- plug = ult.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- chat = await ult.get_chat()
- if plug:
- try:
- if plug in HELP["Official"]:
- output = f"**Plugin** - `{plug}`\n"
- for i in HELP["Official"][plug]:
- output += i
- output += "\n© @TeamUltroid"
- await ult.eor(output)
- elif HELP.get("Addons") and plug in HELP["Addons"]:
- output = f"**Plugin** - `{plug}`\n"
- for i in HELP["Addons"][plug]:
- output += i
- output += "\n© @TeamUltroid"
- await ult.eor(output)
- elif HELP.get("VCBot") and plug in HELP["VCBot"]:
- output = f"**Plugin** - `{plug}`\n"
- for i in HELP["VCBot"][plug]:
- output += i
- output += "\n© @TeamUltroid"
- await ult.eor(output)
- else:
- try:
- x = get_string("help_11").format(plug)
- for d in LIST[plug]:
- x += HNDLR + d
- x += "\n"
- x += "\n© @TeamUltroid"
- await ult.eor(x)
- except BaseException:
- file = None
- compare_strings = []
- for file_name in LIST:
- compare_strings.append(file_name)
- value = LIST[file_name]
- for j in value:
- j = cmd_regex_replace(j)
- compare_strings.append(j)
- if j.strip() == plug:
- file = file_name
- break
- if not file:
- # the enter command/plugin name is not found
- text = f"`{plug}` is not a valid plugin!"
- best_match = None
- for _ in compare_strings:
- if plug in _ and not _.startswith("_"):
- best_match = _
- break
- if best_match:
- text += f"\nDid you mean `{best_match}`?"
- return await ult.eor(text)
- output = f"**Command** `{plug}` **found in plugin** - `{file}`\n"
- if file in HELP["Official"]:
- for i in HELP["Official"][file]:
- output += i
- elif HELP.get("Addons") and file in HELP["Addons"]:
- for i in HELP["Addons"][file]:
- output += i
- elif HELP.get("VCBot") and file in HELP["VCBot"]:
- for i in HELP["VCBot"][file]:
- output += i
- output += "\n© @TeamUltroid"
- await ult.eor(output)
- except BaseException as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- await ult.eor("Error 🤔 occured.")
- else:
- try:
- results = await ult.client.inline_query(asst.me.username, "ultd")
- except BotMethodInvalidError:
- z = []
- for x in LIST.values():
- z.extend(x)
- cmd = len(z) + 10
- if udB.get_key("MANAGER") and udB.get_key("DUAL_HNDLR") == "/":
- _main_help_menu[2:3] = [[Button.inline("• Manager Help •", "mngbtn")]]
- return await ult.reply(
- get_string("inline_4").format(
- len(HELP["Official"]),
- len(HELP["Addons"] if "Addons" in HELP else []),
- cmd,
- ),
- file=inline_pic(),
- buttons=_main_help_menu,
- )
- except BotResponseTimeoutError:
- return await ult.eor(
- get_string("help_2").format(HNDLR),
- )
- except BotInlineDisabledError:
- return await ult.eor(get_string("help_3"))
- await results[0].click(chat.id, reply_to=ult.reply_to_msg_id, hide_via=True)
- await ult.delete()
diff --git a/plugins/_inline.py b/plugins/_inline.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bcda7ee726539e975a10ad783b401be2f6677a49..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/_inline.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,451 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-import re
-import time
-from datetime import datetime
-from os import remove
-from git import Repo
-from telethon import Button
-from telethon.tl.types import InputWebDocument, Message
-from telethon.utils import resolve_bot_file_id
-from pyUltroid._misc._assistant import callback, in_pattern
-from pyUltroid.dB._core import HELP, LIST
-from pyUltroid.fns.helper import gen_chlog, time_formatter, updater
-from pyUltroid.fns.misc import split_list
-from . import (
- InlinePlugin,
- asst,
- get_string,
- inline_pic,
- split_list,
- start_time,
- udB,
-from ._help import _main_help_menu
-# ================================================#
-helps = get_string("inline_1")
-add_ons = udB.get_key("ADDONS")
-zhelps = get_string("inline_3") if add_ons is False else get_string("inline_2")
-PLUGINS = HELP.get("Official", [])
-ADDONS = HELP.get("Addons", [])
-upage = 0
-# ============================================#
-# --------------------BUTTONS--------------------#
- [
- Button.url("• Repo •", url="https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid"),
- Button.url("• Support •", url="t.me/UltroidSupportChat"),
- ],
-# --------------------BUTTONS--------------------#
-@in_pattern(owner=True, func=lambda x: not x.text)
-async def inline_alive(o):
- TLINK = inline_pic() or "https://graph.org/file/74d6259983e0642923fdb.jpg"
- MSG = "• **Ultroid Userbot •**"
- WEB0 = InputWebDocument(
- "https://graph.org/file/acd4f5d61369f74c5e7a7.jpg", 0, "image/jpg", []
- )
- RES = [
- await o.builder.article(
- type="photo",
- text=MSG,
- include_media=True,
- buttons=SUP_BUTTONS,
- title="Ultroid Userbot",
- description="Userbot | Telethon",
- url=TLINK,
- thumb=WEB0,
- content=InputWebDocument(TLINK, 0, "image/jpg", []),
- )
- ]
- await o.answer(
- RES,
- private=True,
- cache_time=300,
- switch_pm="👥 ULTROID PORTAL",
- switch_pm_param="start",
- )
-@in_pattern("ultd", owner=True)
-async def inline_handler(event):
- z = []
- for x in LIST.values():
- z.extend(x)
- text = get_string("inline_4").format(
- len(HELP.get("Official", [])),
- len(HELP.get("Addons", [])),
- len(z),
- )
- if inline_pic():
- result = await event.builder.photo(
- file=inline_pic(),
- link_preview=False,
- text=text,
- buttons=_main_help_menu,
- )
- else:
- result = await event.builder.article(
- title="Ultroid Help Menu", text=text, buttons=_main_help_menu
- )
- await event.answer([result], private=True, cache_time=300, gallery=True)
-@in_pattern("pasta", owner=True)
-async def _(event):
- ok = event.text.split("-")[1]
- link = f"https://spaceb.in/{ok}"
- raw = f"https://spaceb.in/api/{ok}/raw"
- result = await event.builder.article(
- title="Paste",
- text="Pasted to Spacebin 🌌",
- buttons=[
- [
- Button.url("SpaceBin", url=link),
- Button.url("Raw", url=raw),
- ],
- ],
- )
- await event.answer([result])
-@callback("ownr", owner=True)
-async def setting(event):
- z = []
- for x in LIST.values():
- z.extend(x)
- await event.edit(
- get_string("inline_4").format(
- len(HELP.get("Official", [])),
- len(HELP.get("Addons", [])),
- len(z),
- ),
- file=inline_pic(),
- link_preview=False,
- buttons=[
- [
- Button.inline("•Pɪɴɢ•", data="pkng"),
- Button.inline("•Uᴘᴛɪᴍᴇ•", data="upp"),
- ],
- [
- Button.inline("•Stats•", data="alive"),
- Button.inline("•Uᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ•", data="doupdate"),
- ],
- [Button.inline("« Bᴀᴄᴋ", data="open")],
- ],
- )
-_strings = {"Official": helps, "Addons": zhelps, "VCBot": get_string("inline_6")}
-@callback(re.compile("uh_(.*)"), owner=True)
-async def help_func(ult):
- key, count = ult.data_match.group(1).decode("utf-8").split("_")
- if key == "VCBot" and HELP.get("VCBot") is None:
- return await ult.answer(get_string("help_12"), alert=True)
- elif key == "Addons" and HELP.get("Addons") is None:
- return await ult.answer(get_string("help_13").format(HNDLR), alert=True)
- if "|" in count:
- _, count = count.split("|")
- count = int(count) if count else 0
- text = _strings.get(key, "").format(OWNER_NAME, len(HELP.get(key)))
- await ult.edit(text, buttons=page_num(count, key), link_preview=False)
-@callback(re.compile("uplugin_(.*)"), owner=True)
-async def uptd_plugin(event):
- key, file = event.data_match.group(1).decode("utf-8").split("_")
- index = None
- if "|" in file:
- file, index = file.split("|")
- key_ = HELP.get(key, [])
- hel_p = f"Plugin Name - `{file}`\n"
- help_ = ""
- try:
- for i in key_[file]:
- help_ += i
- except BaseException:
- if file in LIST:
- help_ = get_string("help_11").format(file)
- for d in LIST[file]:
- help_ += HNDLR + d
- help_ += "\n"
- if not help_:
- help_ = f"{file} has no Detailed Help!"
- help_ += "\n© @TeamUltroid"
- buttons = []
- if inline_pic():
- data = f"sndplug_{key}_{file}"
- if index is not None:
- data += f"|{index}"
- buttons.append(
- [
- Button.inline(
- "« Sᴇɴᴅ Pʟᴜɢɪɴ »",
- data=data,
- )
- ]
- )
- data = f"uh_{key}_"
- if index is not None:
- data += f"|{index}"
- buttons.append(
- [
- Button.inline("« Bᴀᴄᴋ", data=data),
- ]
- )
- try:
- await event.edit(help_, buttons=buttons)
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- help = f"Do `{HNDLR}help {key}` to get list of commands."
- await event.edit(help, buttons=buttons)
-@callback(data="doupdate", owner=True)
-async def _(event):
- if not await updater():
- return await event.answer(get_string("inline_9"), cache_time=0, alert=True)
- if not inline_pic():
- return await event.answer(f"Do '{HNDLR}update' to update..")
- repo = Repo.init()
- changelog, tl_chnglog = await gen_chlog(
- repo, f"HEAD..upstream/{repo.active_branch}"
- )
- changelog_str = changelog + "\n\n" + get_string("inline_8")
- if len(changelog_str) > 1024:
- await event.edit(get_string("upd_4"))
- with open("ultroid_updates.txt", "w+") as file:
- file.write(tl_chnglog)
- await event.edit(
- get_string("upd_5"),
- file="ultroid_updates.txt",
- buttons=[
- [Button.inline("• Uᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ Nᴏᴡ •", data="updatenow")],
- [Button.inline("« Bᴀᴄᴋ", data="ownr")],
- ],
- )
- remove("ultroid_updates.txt")
- else:
- await event.edit(
- changelog_str,
- buttons=[
- [Button.inline("Update Now", data="updatenow")],
- [Button.inline("« Bᴀᴄᴋ", data="ownr")],
- ],
- parse_mode="html",
- )
-@callback(data="pkng", owner=True)
-async def _(event):
- start = datetime.now()
- end = datetime.now()
- ms = (end - start).microseconds
- pin = f"🌋Pɪɴɢ = {ms} microseconds"
- await event.answer(pin, cache_time=0, alert=True)
-@callback(data="upp", owner=True)
-async def _(event):
- uptime = time_formatter((time.time() - start_time) * 1000)
- pin = f"🙋Uᴘᴛɪᴍᴇ = {uptime}"
- await event.answer(pin, cache_time=0, alert=True)
-@callback(data="inlone", owner=True)
-async def _(e):
- _InButtons = [
- Button.switch_inline(_, query=InlinePlugin[_], same_peer=True)
- for _ in list(InlinePlugin.keys())
- ]
- InButtons = split_list(_InButtons, 2)
- button = InButtons.copy()
- button.append(
- [
- Button.inline("« Bᴀᴄᴋ", data="open"),
- ],
- )
- await e.edit(buttons=button, link_preview=False)
-@callback(data="open", owner=True)
-async def opner(event):
- z = []
- for x in LIST.values():
- z.extend(x)
- await event.edit(
- get_string("inline_4").format(
- len(HELP.get("Official", [])),
- len(HELP.get("Addons", [])),
- len(z),
- ),
- buttons=_main_help_menu,
- link_preview=False,
- )
-@callback(data="close", owner=True)
-async def on_plug_in_callback_query_handler(event):
- await event.edit(
- get_string("inline_5"),
- buttons=Button.inline("Oᴘᴇɴ Aɢᴀɪɴ", data="open"),
- )
-def page_num(index, key):
- rows = udB.get_key("HELP_ROWS") or 5
- cols = udB.get_key("HELP_COLUMNS") or 2
- loaded = HELP.get(key, [])
- emoji = udB.get_key("EMOJI_IN_HELP") or "✘"
- List = [
- Button.inline(f"{emoji} {x} {emoji}", data=f"uplugin_{key}_{x}|{index}")
- for x in sorted(loaded)
- ]
- all_ = split_list(List, cols)
- fl_ = split_list(all_, rows)
- try:
- new_ = fl_[index]
- except IndexError:
- new_ = fl_[0] if fl_ else []
- index = 0
- if index == 0 and len(fl_) == 1:
- new_.append([Button.inline("« Bᴀᴄᴋ »", data="open")])
- else:
- new_.append(
- [
- Button.inline(
- "« Pʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs",
- data=f"uh_{key}_{index-1}",
- ),
- Button.inline("« Bᴀᴄᴋ »", data="open"),
- Button.inline(
- "Nᴇxᴛ »",
- data=f"uh_{key}_{index+1}",
- ),
- ]
- )
- return new_
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-STUFF = {}
-@in_pattern("stf(.*)", owner=True)
-async def ibuild(e):
- n = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- builder = e.builder
- if not (n and n.isdigit()):
- return
- ok = STUFF.get(int(n))
- txt = ok.get("msg")
- pic = ok.get("media")
- btn = ok.get("button")
- if not (pic or txt):
- txt = "Hey!"
- if pic:
- try:
- include_media = True
- mime_type, _pic = None, None
- cont, results = None, None
- try:
- ext = str(pic).split(".")[-1].lower()
- except BaseException:
- ext = None
- if ext in ["img", "jpg", "png"]:
- _type = "photo"
- mime_type = "image/jpg"
- elif ext in ["mp4", "mkv", "gif"]:
- mime_type = "video/mp4"
- _type = "gif"
- else:
- try:
- if "telethon.tl.types" in str(type(pic)):
- _pic = pic
- else:
- _pic = resolve_bot_file_id(pic)
- except BaseException:
- pass
- if _pic:
- results = [
- await builder.document(
- _pic,
- title="Ultroid Op",
- text=txt,
- description="@TeamUltroid",
- buttons=btn,
- link_preview=False,
- )
- ]
- else:
- _type = "article"
- include_media = False
- if not results:
- if include_media:
- cont = InputWebDocument(pic, 0, mime_type, [])
- results = [
- await builder.article(
- title="Ultroid Op",
- type=_type,
- text=txt,
- description="@TeamUltroid",
- include_media=include_media,
- buttons=btn,
- thumb=cont,
- content=cont,
- link_preview=False,
- )
- ]
- return await e.answer(results)
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- result = [
- await builder.article("Ultroid Op", text=txt, link_preview=False, buttons=btn)
- ]
- await e.answer(result)
-async def something(e, msg, media, button, reply=True, chat=None):
- if e.client._bot:
- return await e.reply(msg, file=media, buttons=button)
- num = len(STUFF) + 1
- STUFF.update({num: {"msg": msg, "media": media, "button": button}})
- try:
- res = await e.client.inline_query(asst.me.username, f"stf{num}")
- return await res[0].click(
- chat or e.chat_id,
- reply_to=bool(isinstance(e, Message) and reply),
- hide_via=True,
- silent=True,
- )
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
diff --git a/plugins/_ultroid.py b/plugins/_ultroid.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b2a3e2a6fb4bbf30e35f0fe5979307c2b3c145e2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/_ultroid.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from telethon.errors import (
- BotMethodInvalidError,
- ChatSendInlineForbiddenError,
- ChatSendMediaForbiddenError,
-from . import LOG_CHANNEL, LOGS, Button, asst, eor, get_string, ultroid_cmd
-REPOMSG = """
-• Repo - [Click Here](https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid)
-• Addons - [Click Here](https://github.com/TeamUltroid/UltroidAddons)
-• Support - @UltroidSupportChat
- [
- Button.url(get_string("bot_3"), "https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid"),
- Button.url("Addons", "https://github.com/TeamUltroid/UltroidAddons"),
- ],
- [Button.url("Support Group", "t.me/UltroidSupportChat")],
-ULTSTRING = """🎇 **Thanks for Deploying Ultroid Userbot!**
-• Here, are the Some Basic stuff from, where you can Know, about its Usage."""
- pattern="repo$",
- manager=True,
-async def repify(e):
- try:
- q = await e.client.inline_query(asst.me.username, "")
- await q[0].click(e.chat_id)
- return await e.delete()
- except (
- ChatSendInlineForbiddenError,
- ChatSendMediaForbiddenError,
- BotMethodInvalidError,
- ):
- pass
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.info(f"Error while repo command : {str(er)}")
- await e.eor(REPOMSG)
-async def useUltroid(rs):
- button = Button.inline("Start >>", "initft_2")
- msg = await asst.send_message(
- file="https://graph.org/file/54a917cc9dbb94733ea5f.jpg",
- buttons=button,
- )
- if not (rs.chat_id == LOG_CHANNEL and rs.client._bot):
- await eor(rs, f"**[Click Here]({msg.message_link})**")
diff --git a/plugins/_userlogs.py b/plugins/_userlogs.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0696ce5b2edfe0b7dad6b98b6ea7e9f8ae499abb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/_userlogs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-import os
-import re
-from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import (
- ChannelPrivateError,
- ChatWriteForbiddenError,
- MediaCaptionTooLongError,
- MediaEmptyError,
- MessageTooLongError,
- PeerIdInvalidError,
- UserNotParticipantError,
-from telethon.tl.types import MessageEntityMention, MessageEntityMentionName, User
-from telethon.utils import get_display_name
-from pyUltroid.dB.botchat_db import tag_add, who_tag
-from . import (
- Button,
- asst,
- callback,
- events,
- get_string,
- inline_mention,
- udB,
- ultroid_bot,
- events.NewMessage(
- incoming=True,
- func=lambda e: (e.mentioned),
- ),
-async def all_messages_catcher(e):
- x = await e.get_sender()
- if isinstance(x, User) and (x.bot or x.verified):
- return
- if not udB.get_key("TAG_LOG"):
- return
- NEEDTOLOG = udB.get_key("TAG_LOG")
- buttons = await parse_buttons(e)
- try:
- sent = await asst.send_message(NEEDTOLOG, e.message, buttons=buttons)
- if TAG_EDITS.get(e.chat_id):
- TAG_EDITS[e.chat_id].update({e.id: {"id": sent.id, "msg": e}})
- else:
- TAG_EDITS.update({e.chat_id: {e.id: {"id": sent.id, "msg": e}}})
- tag_add(sent.id, e.chat_id, e.id)
- except MediaEmptyError as er:
- LOGS.debug(f"handling {er}.")
- try:
- msg = await asst.get_messages(e.chat_id, ids=e.id)
- sent = await asst.send_message(NEEDTOLOG, msg, buttons=buttons)
- if TAG_EDITS.get(e.chat_id):
- TAG_EDITS[e.chat_id].update({e.id: {"id": sent.id, "msg": e}})
- else:
- TAG_EDITS.update({e.chat_id: {e.id: {"id": sent.id, "msg": e}}})
- tag_add(sent.id, e.chat_id, e.id)
- except Exception as me:
- if not isinstance(me, (PeerIdInvalidError, ValueError)):
- LOGS.exception(me)
- if e.photo or e.sticker or e.gif:
- try:
- media = await e.download_media()
- sent = await asst.send_message(
- NEEDTOLOG, e.message.text, file=media, buttons=buttons
- )
- if TAG_EDITS.get(e.chat_id):
- TAG_EDITS[e.chat_id].update({e.id: {"id": sent.id, "msg": e}})
- else:
- TAG_EDITS.update({e.chat_id: {e.id: {"id": sent.id, "msg": e}}})
- return os.remove(media)
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- await asst.send_message(NEEDTOLOG, get_string("com_4"), buttons=buttons)
- except (PeerIdInvalidError, ValueError) as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- try:
- except KeyError:
- await asst.send_message(
- udB.get_key("LOG_CHANNEL"), get_string("userlogs_1")
- )
- CACHE_SPAM.update({NEEDTOLOG: True})
- except ChatWriteForbiddenError:
- try:
- await asst.get_permissions(NEEDTOLOG, "me")
- MSG = get_string("userlogs_4")
- except UserNotParticipantError:
- MSG = get_string("userlogs_2")
- try:
- except KeyError:
- await asst.send_message(LOG_CHANNEL, MSG)
- CACHE_SPAM.update({NEEDTOLOG: True})
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
-if udB.get_key("TAG_LOG"):
- @ultroid_bot.on(events.MessageEdited(func=lambda x: not x.out))
- async def upd_edits(event):
- x = event.sender
- if isinstance(x, User) and (x.bot or x.verified):
- return
- if event.chat_id not in TAG_EDITS:
- if event.sender_id == udB.get_key("TAG_LOG"):
- return
- if event.is_private:
- return
- if entities := event.get_entities_text():
- is_self = False
- username = event.client.me.username
- if username:
- username = username.lower()
- for ent, text in entities:
- if isinstance(ent, MessageEntityMention):
- is_self = text[1:].lower() == username
- elif isinstance(ent, MessageEntityMentionName):
- is_self = ent.user_id == event.client.me.id
- if is_self:
- text = f"**#Edited & #Mentioned**\n\n{event.text}"
- try:
- sent = await asst.send_message(
- udB.get_key("TAG_LOG"),
- text,
- buttons=await parse_buttons(event),
- )
- except Exception as er:
- return LOGS.exception(er)
- if TAG_EDITS.get(event.chat_id):
- TAG_EDITS[event.chat_id].update({event.id: {"id": sent.id}})
- else:
- TAG_EDITS.update({event.chat_id: {event.id: {"id": sent.id}}})
- return
- d_ = TAG_EDITS[event.chat_id]
- if not d_.get(event.id):
- return
- d_ = d_[event.id]
- if d_["msg"].text == event.text:
- return
- msg = None
- if d_.get("count"):
- d_["count"] += 1
- else:
- msg = True
- d_.update({"count": 1})
- if d_["count"] > 10:
- return # some limit to take edits
- try:
- MSG = await asst.get_messages(udB.get_key("TAG_LOG"), ids=d_["id"])
- except Exception as er:
- return LOGS.exception(er)
- TEXT = MSG.text
- if msg:
- TEXT += "\n\n🖋 **Later Edited to !**"
- strf = event.edit_date.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
- if "\n" not in event.text:
- TEXT += f"\n• `{strf}` : {event.text}"
- else:
- TEXT += f"\n• `{strf}` :\n-> {event.text}"
- if d_["count"] == 10:
- TEXT += "\n\n• __Only the first 10 Edits are shown.__"
- try:
- msg = await MSG.edit(TEXT, buttons=await parse_buttons(event))
- d_["msg"] = msg
- except (MessageTooLongError, MediaCaptionTooLongError):
- del TAG_EDITS[event.chat_id][event.id]
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- @ultroid_bot.on(
- events.NewMessage(
- outgoing=True,
- chats=[udB.get_key("TAG_LOG")],
- func=lambda e: e.reply_to,
- )
- )
- async def idk(e):
- id = e.reply_to_msg_id
- chat, msg = who_tag(id)
- if chat and msg:
- try:
- await ultroid_bot.send_message(chat, e.message, reply_to=msg)
- except BaseException as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
-# log for assistant/user joins/add
-async def when_added_or_joined(event):
- user = await event.get_user()
- chat = await event.get_chat()
- if not (user and user.is_self):
- return
- if getattr(chat, "username", None):
- chat = f"[{chat.title}](https://t.me/{chat.username}/{event.action_message.id})"
- else:
- chat = f"[{chat.title}](https://t.me/c/{chat.id}/{event.action_message.id})"
- key = "bot" if event.client._bot else "user"
- buttons = Button.inline(
- get_string("userlogs_3"), data=f"leave_ch_{event.chat_id}|{key}"
- )
- if event.user_added:
- tmp = event.added_by
- text = f"#ADD_LOG\n\n{inline_mention(tmp)} just added {inline_mention(user)} to {chat}."
- elif event.from_request:
- text = f"#APPROVAL_LOG\n\n{inline_mention(user)} just got Chat Join Approval to {chat}."
- else:
- text = f"#JOIN_LOG\n\n{inline_mention(user)} just joined {chat}."
- await asst.send_message(udB.get_key("LOG_CHANNEL"), text, buttons=buttons)
- when_added_or_joined, events.ChatAction(func=lambda x: x.user_added)
- when_added_or_joined,
- events.ChatAction(func=lambda x: x.user_added or x.user_joined),
-_client = {"bot": asst, "user": ultroid_bot}
- re.compile(
- "leave_ch_(.*)",
- ),
- from_users=[ultroid_bot.uid],
-async def leave_ch_at(event):
- cht = event.data_match.group(1).decode("UTF-8")
- ch_id, client = cht.split("|")
- try:
- client = _client[client]
- except KeyError:
- return
- try:
- name = (await client.get_entity(int(ch_id))).title
- await client.delete_dialog(int(ch_id))
- except UserNotParticipantError:
- pass
- except ChannelPrivateError:
- return await event.edit(
- "`[CANT_ACCESS_CHAT]` `Maybe already left or got banned.`"
- )
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- return await event.answer(str(er))
- await event.edit(get_string("userlogs_5").format(name))
-async def _(event):
- await event.answer()
-async def parse_buttons(event):
- y, x = event.chat, event.sender
- where_n, who_n = get_display_name(y), get_display_name(x)
- where_l = event.message_link
- buttons = [[Button.url(where_n, where_l)]]
- if isinstance(x, User) and x.username:
- try:
- buttons.append(
- [Button.mention(who_n, await asst.get_input_entity(x.username))]
- )
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- buttons.append([Button.url(who_n, f"t.me/{x.username}")])
- elif getattr(x, "username"):
- buttons.append([Button.url(who_n, f"t.me/{x.username}")])
- else:
- buttons.append([Button.url(who_n, where_l)])
- replied = await event.get_reply_message()
- if replied and replied.out:
- button = Button.url("Replied to", replied.message_link)
- if len(who_n) > 7:
- buttons.append([button])
- else:
- buttons[-1].append(button)
- return buttons
diff --git a/plugins/_wspr.py b/plugins/_wspr.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f46def7dadebbc0e02e845fe53070f99224aac0a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/_wspr.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-import re
-from telethon import Button
-from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import (
- BotInlineDisabledError,
- BotResponseTimeoutError,
- MessageNotModifiedError,
-from telethon.tl import types
-from telethon.tl.functions.users import GetFullUserRequest as gu
-from . import (
- asst,
- callback,
- get_string,
- in_pattern,
- inline_mention,
- ultroid_bot,
- ultroid_cmd,
-buddhhu = {}
- pattern="wspr( (.*)|$)",
-async def _(e):
- if e.reply_to_msg_id:
- okk = await e.get_reply_message()
- put = f"@{okk.sender.username}" if okk.sender.username else okk.sender_id
- else:
- put = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if put:
- try:
- results = await e.client.inline_query(asst.me.username, f"msg {put}")
- except BotResponseTimeoutError:
- return await e.eor(
- get_string("help_2").format(HNDLR),
- )
- except BotInlineDisabledError:
- return await e.eor(get_string("help_3"))
- await results[0].click(e.chat_id, reply_to=e.reply_to_msg_id, hide_via=True)
- return await e.delete()
- await e.eor(get_string("wspr_3"))
-@in_pattern("wspr", owner=True)
-async def _(e):
- iuser = e.query.user_id
- zzz = e.text.split(maxsplit=2)
- try:
- query = zzz[1]
- if query.isdigit():
- query = int(query)
- logi = await ultroid_bot.get_entity(query)
- if not isinstance(logi, types.User):
- raise ValueError("Invalid Username.")
- except IndexError:
- sur = await e.builder.article(
- title="Give Username",
- description="You Didn't Type Username or id.",
- text="You Didn't Type Username or id.",
- )
- return await e.answer([sur])
- except ValueError as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- sur = await e.builder.article(
- title="User Not Found",
- description="Make sure username or id is correct.",
- text="Make sure username or id is correct.",
- )
- return await e.answer([sur])
- try:
- desc = zzz[2]
- except IndexError:
- sur = await e.builder.article(
- title="Type ur msg", text="You Didn't Type Your Msg"
- )
- return await e.answer([sur])
- button = [
- [
- Button.inline("Secret Msg", data=f"dd_{e.id}"),
- Button.inline("Delete Msg", data=f"del_{e.id}"),
- ],
- [
- Button.switch_inline(
- "New", query=f"wspr {logi.username or logi.id}", same_peer=True
- )
- ],
- ]
- us = logi.username or logi.first_name
- sur = await e.builder.article(
- title=logi.first_name,
- description=desc,
- text=get_string("wspr_1").format(us),
- buttons=button,
- )
- buddhhu.update({e.id: [logi.id, iuser, desc]})
- await e.answer([sur])
-@in_pattern("msg", owner=True)
-async def _(e):
- zzz = e.text.split(maxsplit=1)
- desc = "Touch me"
- try:
- query = zzz[1]
- if query.isdigit():
- query = int(query)
- logi = await ultroid_bot(gu(id=query))
- user = logi.users[0]
- mention = inline_mention(user)
- x = user.status
- if isinstance(x, types.UserStatusOnline):
- status = "Online"
- elif isinstance(x, types.UserStatusOffline):
- status = "Offline"
- elif isinstance(x, types.UserStatusRecently):
- status = "Last Seen Recently"
- elif isinstance(x, types.UserStatusLastMonth):
- status = "Last seen months ago"
- elif isinstance(x, types.UserStatusLastWeek):
- status = "Last seen weeks ago"
- else:
- status = "Can't Tell"
- text = f"**Name:** `{user.first_name}`\n"
- text += f"**Id:** `{user.id}`\n"
- if user.username:
- text += f"**Username:** `{user.username}`\n"
- url = f"https://t.me/{user.username}"
- else:
- text += f"**Mention:** `{mention}`\n"
- url = f"tg://user?id={user.id}"
- text += f"**Status:** `{status}`\n"
- text += f"**About:** `{logi.full_user.about}`"
- button = [
- Button.url("Private", url=url),
- Button.switch_inline(
- "Secret msg",
- query=f"wspr {query} Hello 👋",
- same_peer=True,
- ),
- ]
- sur = e.builder.article(
- title=user.first_name,
- description=desc,
- text=text,
- buttons=button,
- )
- except IndexError:
- sur = e.builder.article(
- title="Give Username",
- description="You Didn't Type Username or id.",
- text="You Didn't Type Username or id.",
- )
- except BaseException as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- name = get_string("wspr_4").format(query)
- sur = e.builder.article(
- title=name,
- text=name,
- )
- await e.answer([sur])
- re.compile(
- "dd_(.*)",
- ),
-async def _(e):
- ids = int(e.pattern_match.group(1).strip().decode("UTF-8"))
- if buddhhu.get(ids):
- if e.sender_id in buddhhu[ids]:
- await e.answer(buddhhu[ids][-1], alert=True)
- else:
- await e.answer("Not For You", alert=True)
- else:
- await e.answer(get_string("wspr_2"), alert=True)
-async def _(e):
- ids = int(e.pattern_match.group(1).strip().decode("UTF-8"))
- if buddhhu.get(ids):
- if e.sender_id in buddhhu[ids]:
- buddhhu.pop(ids)
- try:
- await e.edit(get_string("wspr_2"))
- except MessageNotModifiedError:
- pass
- else:
- await e.answer(get_string("wspr_5"), alert=True)
diff --git a/plugins/admintools.py b/plugins/admintools.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d402ff2d6a220a1d884460ae595012a97d4e47a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/admintools.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_admintools")
-import asyncio
-from telethon.errors import BadRequestError
-from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import ChatNotModifiedError, UserIdInvalidError
-from telethon.tl.functions.channels import EditAdminRequest, GetFullChannelRequest
-from telethon.tl.functions.messages import GetFullChatRequest, SetHistoryTTLRequest
-from telethon.tl.types import InputMessagesFilterPinned
-from telethon.utils import get_display_name
-from pyUltroid.dB import DEVLIST
-from pyUltroid.fns.admins import ban_time
-from pyUltroid.fns.info import get_uinfo
-from . import HNDLR, LOGS, eod, eor, get_string, inline_mention, types, ultroid_cmd
- pattern="promote( (.*)|$)",
- admins_only=True,
- manager=True,
- require="add_admins",
- fullsudo=True,
-async def prmte(ult):
- xx = await ult.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- user, rank = await get_uinfo(ult)
- rank = rank or "Admin"
- FullRight = False
- if not user:
- return await xx.edit(get_string("pro_1"))
- if rank.split()[0] == "-f":
- try:
- rank = rank.split(maxsplit=1)[1]
- except IndexError:
- rank = "Admin"
- FullRight = True
- try:
- if FullRight:
- await ult.client(
- EditAdminRequest(ult.chat_id, user.id, ult.chat.admin_rights, rank)
- )
- else:
- await ult.client.edit_admin(
- ult.chat_id,
- user.id,
- invite_users=True,
- ban_users=True,
- delete_messages=True,
- pin_messages=True,
- manage_call=True,
- title=rank,
- )
- await eod(
- xx, get_string("pro_2").format(inline_mention(user), ult.chat.title, rank)
- )
- except Exception as ex:
- return await xx.edit(f"`{ex}`")
- pattern="demote( (.*)|$)",
- admins_only=True,
- manager=True,
- require="add_admins",
- fullsudo=True,
-async def dmote(ult):
- xx = await ult.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- user, rank = await get_uinfo(ult)
- if not rank:
- rank = "Not Admin"
- if not user:
- return await xx.edit(get_string("de_1"))
- try:
- await ult.client.edit_admin(
- ult.chat_id,
- user.id,
- invite_users=None,
- ban_users=None,
- delete_messages=None,
- pin_messages=None,
- manage_call=None,
- title=rank,
- )
- await eod(xx, get_string("de_2").format(inline_mention(user), ult.chat.title))
- except Exception as ex:
- return await xx.edit(f"`{ex}`")
- pattern="ban( (.*)|$)",
- admins_only=True,
- manager=True,
- require="ban_users",
- fullsudo=True,
-async def bban(ult):
- something = await get_uinfo(ult)
- if not something:
- return
- user, reason = something
- if not user:
- return await eod(ult, get_string("ban_1"))
- if user.id in DEVLIST:
- return await eod(ult, get_string("ban_2"))
- try:
- await ult.client.edit_permissions(ult.chat_id, user.id, view_messages=False)
- except UserIdInvalidError:
- return await eod(ult, get_string("adm_1"))
- except BadRequestError:
- return await eod(ult, get_string("ban_3"))
- senderme = inline_mention(await ult.get_sender())
- userme = inline_mention(user)
- text = get_string("ban_4").format(userme, senderme, ult.chat.title)
- if reason:
- text += get_string("ban_5").format(reason)
- await eod(ult, text)
- pattern="unban( (.*)|$)",
- admins_only=True,
- manager=True,
- require="ban_users",
- fullsudo=True,
-async def uunban(ult):
- xx = await ult.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- if ult.text[1:].startswith("unbanall"):
- return
- something = await get_uinfo(ult)
- if not something:
- return
- user, reason = something
- if not user:
- return await xx.edit(get_string("unban_1"))
- try:
- await ult.client.edit_permissions(ult.chat_id, user.id, view_messages=True)
- except UserIdInvalidError:
- return await eod(ult, get_string("adm_1"))
- except BadRequestError:
- return await xx.edit(get_string("adm_2"))
- sender = inline_mention(await ult.get_sender())
- text = get_string("unban_3").format(inline_mention(user), sender, ult.chat.title)
- if reason:
- text += get_string("ban_5").format(reason)
- await xx.edit(text)
- pattern="kick( (.*)|$)",
- manager=True,
- require="ban_users",
- fullsudo=True,
-async def kck(ult):
- if "kickme" in ult.text:
- return
- if ult.is_private:
- return await ult.eor("`Use this in Group/Channel.`", time=5)
- ml = ult.text.split(" ", maxsplit=1)[0]
- xx = await ult.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- something = await get_uinfo(ult)
- if not something:
- return
- user, reason = something
- if not user:
- return await xx.edit(get_string("adm_1"))
- if user.id in DEVLIST:
- return await xx.edit(get_string("kick_2"))
- if getattr(user, "is_self", False):
- return await xx.edit(get_string("kick_3"))
- try:
- await ult.client.kick_participant(ult.chat_id, user.id)
- except BadRequestError as er:
- LOGS.info(er)
- return await xx.edit(get_string("kick_1"))
- except Exception as e:
- LOGS.exception(e)
- return
- text = get_string("kick_4").format(
- inline_mention(user), inline_mention(await ult.get_sender()), ult.chat.title
- )
- if reason:
- text += get_string("ban_5").format(reason)
- await xx.edit(text)
- pattern="tban( (.*)|$)",
- admins_only=True,
- manager=True,
- require="ban_users",
- fullsudo=True,
-async def tkicki(e):
- huh = e.text.split()
- inputt = None
- try:
- tme = huh[1]
- except IndexError:
- return await e.eor(get_string("adm_3"), time=15)
- try:
- inputt = huh[2]
- except IndexError:
- if e.reply_to_msg_id:
- inputt = (await e.get_reply_message()).sender_id
- if not inputt:
- return await e.eor(get_string("tban_1"))
- userid = await e.client.parse_id(inputt)
- try:
- user = await e.client.get_entity(userid)
- except Exception as ex:
- return await eor(e, f"`{ex}`")
- try:
- bun = ban_time(tme)
- await e.client.edit_permissions(
- e.chat_id, user.id, until_date=bun, view_messages=False
- )
- await eod(
- e,
- get_string("tban_2").format(inline_mention(user), e.chat.title, tme),
- time=15,
- )
- except Exception as m:
- return await e.eor(str(m))
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="pin$", manager=True, require="pin_messages", fullsudo=True)
-async def pin(msg):
- if not msg.is_reply:
- return await eor(msg, get_string("pin_1"))
- me = await msg.get_reply_message()
- if me.is_private:
- text = "`Pinned.`"
- else:
- text = f"Pinned [This Message]({me.message_link}) !"
- try:
- await msg.client.pin_message(msg.chat_id, me.id, notify=False)
- except BadRequestError:
- return await eor(msg, get_string("adm_2"))
- except Exception as e:
- return await eor(msg, f"**ERROR:**`{e}`")
- await eor(msg, text)
- pattern="unpin($| (.*))",
- manager=True,
- require="pin_messages",
- fullsudo=True,
-async def unp(ult):
- xx = await ult.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- ch = (ult.pattern_match.group(1).strip()).strip()
- msg = None
- if ult.is_reply:
- msg = ult.reply_to_msg_id
- elif ch != "all":
- return await xx.edit(get_string("unpin_1").format(HNDLR))
- try:
- await ult.client.unpin_message(ult.chat_id, msg)
- except BadRequestError:
- return await xx.edit(get_string("adm_2"))
- except Exception as e:
- return await xx.edit(f"**ERROR:**`{e}`")
- await xx.edit("`Unpinned!`")
- pattern="tpin( (.*)|$)",
- admins_only=True,
- manager=True,
- require="pin_messages",
- fullsudo=True,
-async def pin_message(ult):
- match = ult.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not ult.is_reply:
- return await ult.eor("`Reply to message..`", time=6)
- if not match:
- return await ult.eor("`Please provide time..`", time=8)
- msg = await ult.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- msg_id = ult.reply_to_msg_id
- try:
- time = ban_time(match)
- await ult.client.pin_message(ult.chat_id, msg_id)
- await msg.eor(f"`pinned for time` `{time}`", time=8)
- except Exception as er:
- return await msg.edit(str(er))
- await asyncio.sleep(time)
- try:
- await ult.client.unpin_message(ult.chat_id, msg_id)
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="purge( (.*)|$)", manager=True, require="delete_messages")
-async def fastpurger(purg):
- match = purg.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- try:
- ABC = purg.text[6]
- except IndexError:
- ABC = None
- if ABC and purg.text[6] in ["m", "a"]:
- return
- if not purg._client._bot and (
- (match)
- or (purg.is_reply and (purg.is_private or isinstance(purg.chat, types.Chat)))
- ):
- p = 0
- async for msg in purg.client.iter_messages(
- purg.chat_id,
- limit=int(match) if match else None,
- min_id=purg.reply_to_msg_id if purg.is_reply else None,
- ):
- await msg.delete()
- p += 0
- return await eor(purg, f"Purged {p} Messages! ", time=5)
- if not purg.reply_to_msg_id:
- return await eor(purg, get_string("purge_1"), time=10)
- try:
- await purg.client.delete_messages(
- purg.chat_id, list(range(purg.reply_to_msg_id, purg.id))
- )
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.info(er)
- await purg.eor("__Fast purge complete!__", time=5)
- pattern="purgeme( (.*)|$)",
-async def fastpurgerme(purg):
- if num := purg.pattern_match.group(1).strip():
- try:
- nnt = int(num)
- except BaseException:
- await eor(purg, get_string("com_3"), time=5)
- return
- mp = 0
- async for mm in purg.client.iter_messages(
- purg.chat_id, limit=nnt, from_user="me"
- ):
- await mm.delete()
- mp += 1
- await eor(purg, f"Purged {mp} Messages!", time=5)
- return
- elif not purg.reply_to_msg_id:
- return await eod(
- purg,
- "`Reply to a message to purge from or use it like ``purgeme `",
- time=10,
- )
- chat = await purg.get_input_chat()
- msgs = []
- async for msg in purg.client.iter_messages(
- chat,
- from_user="me",
- min_id=purg.reply_to_msg_id,
- ):
- msgs.append(msg)
- if msgs:
- await purg.client.delete_messages(chat, msgs)
- await purg.eor(
- "__Fast purge complete!__\n**Purged** `" + str(len(msgs)) + "` **messages.**",
- time=5,
- )
- pattern="purgeall$",
-async def _(e):
- if not e.is_reply:
- return await eod(
- e,
- get_string("purgeall_1"),
- )
- msg = await e.get_reply_message()
- name = msg.sender
- try:
- await e.client.delete_messages(e.chat_id, from_user=msg.sender_id)
- await e.eor(get_string("purgeall_2").format(name.first_name), time=5)
- except Exception as er:
- return await e.eor(str(er), time=5)
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="pinned", manager=True, groups_only=True)
-async def djshsh(event):
- chat = await event.get_chat()
- if isinstance(chat, types.Chat):
- FChat = await event.client(GetFullChatRequest(chat.id))
- elif isinstance(chat, types.Channel):
- FChat = await event.client(GetFullChannelRequest(chat.id))
- else:
- return
- msg_id = FChat.full_chat.pinned_msg_id
- if not msg_id:
- return await event.eor(get_string("pinned_1"))
- msg = await event.client.get_messages(chat.id, ids=msg_id)
- if msg:
- await event.eor(get_string("pinned_2").format(msg.message_link))
- pattern="listpinned$",
-async def get_all_pinned(event):
- x = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- chat_id = (str(event.chat_id)).replace("-100", "")
- chat_name = get_display_name(event.chat)
- a = ""
- c = 1
- async for i in event.client.iter_messages(
- event.chat_id, filter=InputMessagesFilterPinned
- ):
- if i.message:
- t = " ".join(i.message.split()[:4])
- txt = f"{t}...."
- else:
- txt = "Go to message."
- a += f"{c}. {txt}\n"
- c += 1
- if c == 1:
- m = f"The pinned message in {chat_name}:\n\n"
- else:
- m = f"List of pinned message(s) in {chat_name}:\n\n"
- if not a:
- return await eor(x, get_string("listpin_1"), time=5)
- await x.edit(m + a, parse_mode="html")
- pattern="autodelete( (.*)|$)",
- admins_only=True,
-async def autodelte(ult):
- match = ult.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not match or match not in ["24h", "7d", "1m", "off"]:
- return await ult.eor("`Please Use in Proper Format..`", time=5)
- if match == "24h":
- tt = 3600 * 24
- elif match == "7d":
- tt = 3600 * 24 * 7
- elif match == "1m":
- tt = 3600 * 24 * 31
- else:
- tt = 0
- try:
- await ult.client(SetHistoryTTLRequest(ult.chat_id, period=tt))
- except ChatNotModifiedError:
- return await ult.eor(
- f"Auto Delete Setting is Already same to `{match}`", time=5
- )
- await ult.eor(f"Auto Delete Status Changed to `{match}` !")
diff --git a/plugins/afk.py b/plugins/afk.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 830136a449f960298a7a45fe2f4e6c717df31615..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/afk.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_afk")
-import asyncio
-from telegraph import upload_file as uf
-from telethon import events
-from pyUltroid.dB.afk_db import add_afk, del_afk, is_afk
-from pyUltroid.dB.base import KeyManager
-from . import (
- Redis,
- asst,
- get_string,
- mediainfo,
- udB,
- ultroid_bot,
- ultroid_cmd,
-old_afk_msg = []
-is_approved = KeyManager("PMPERMIT", cast=list).contains
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="afk( (.*)|$)", owner_only=True)
-async def set_afk(event):
- if event.client._bot or is_afk():
- return
- text, media, media_type = None, None, None
- if event.pattern_match.group(1).strip():
- text = event.text.split(maxsplit=1)[1]
- reply = await event.get_reply_message()
- if reply:
- if reply.text and not text:
- text = reply.text
- if reply.media:
- media_type = mediainfo(reply.media)
- if media_type.startswith(("pic", "gif")):
- file = await event.client.download_media(reply.media)
- iurl = uf(file)
- media = f"https://graph.org{iurl[0]}"
- else:
- media = reply.file.id
- await event.eor("`Done`", time=2)
- add_afk(text, media_type, media)
- ultroid_bot.add_handler(remove_afk, events.NewMessage(outgoing=True))
- ultroid_bot.add_handler(
- on_afk,
- events.NewMessage(
- incoming=True, func=lambda e: bool(e.mentioned or e.is_private)
- ),
- )
- msg1, msg2 = None, None
- if text and media:
- if "sticker" in media_type:
- msg1 = await ultroid_bot.send_file(event.chat_id, file=media)
- msg2 = await ultroid_bot.send_message(
- event.chat_id, get_string("afk_5").format(text)
- )
- else:
- msg1 = await ultroid_bot.send_message(
- event.chat_id, get_string("afk_5").format(text), file=media
- )
- elif media:
- if "sticker" in media_type:
- msg1 = await ultroid_bot.send_file(event.chat_id, file=media)
- msg2 = await ultroid_bot.send_message(event.chat_id, get_string("afk_6"))
- else:
- msg1 = await ultroid_bot.send_message(
- event.chat_id, get_string("afk_6"), file=media
- )
- elif text:
- msg1 = await event.respond(get_string("afk_5").format(text))
- else:
- msg1 = await event.respond(get_string("afk_6"))
- old_afk_msg.append(msg1)
- if msg2:
- old_afk_msg.append(msg2)
- return await asst.send_message(LOG_CHANNEL, msg2.text)
- await asst.send_message(LOG_CHANNEL, msg1.text)
-async def remove_afk(event):
- if event.is_private and udB.get_key("PMSETTING") and not is_approved(event.chat_id):
- return
- elif "afk" in event.text.lower():
- return
- elif event.chat_id in NOSPAM_CHAT:
- return
- if is_afk():
- _, _, _, afk_time = is_afk()
- del_afk()
- off = await event.reply(get_string("afk_1").format(afk_time))
- await asst.send_message(LOG_CHANNEL, get_string("afk_2").format(afk_time))
- for x in old_afk_msg:
- try:
- await x.delete()
- except BaseException:
- pass
- await asyncio.sleep(10)
- await off.delete()
-async def on_afk(event):
- if event.is_private and Redis("PMSETTING") and not is_approved(event.chat_id):
- return
- elif "afk" in event.text.lower():
- return
- elif not is_afk():
- return
- if event.chat_id in NOSPAM_CHAT:
- return
- sender = await event.get_sender()
- if sender.bot or sender.verified:
- return
- text, media_type, media, afk_time = is_afk()
- msg1, msg2 = None, None
- if text and media:
- if "sticker" in media_type:
- msg1 = await event.reply(file=media)
- msg2 = await event.reply(get_string("afk_3").format(afk_time, text))
- else:
- msg1 = await event.reply(
- get_string("afk_3").format(afk_time, text), file=media
- )
- elif media:
- if "sticker" in media_type:
- msg1 = await event.reply(file=media)
- msg2 = await event.reply(get_string("afk_4").format(afk_time))
- else:
- msg1 = await event.reply(get_string("afk_4").format(afk_time), file=media)
- elif text:
- msg1 = await event.reply(get_string("afk_3").format(afk_time, text))
- else:
- msg1 = await event.reply(get_string("afk_4").format(afk_time))
- for x in old_afk_msg:
- try:
- await x.delete()
- except BaseException:
- pass
- old_afk_msg.append(msg1)
- if msg2:
- old_afk_msg.append(msg2)
-if udB.get_key("AFK_DB"):
- ultroid_bot.add_handler(remove_afk, events.NewMessage(outgoing=True))
- ultroid_bot.add_handler(
- on_afk,
- events.NewMessage(
- incoming=True, func=lambda e: bool(e.mentioned or e.is_private)
- ),
- )
diff --git a/plugins/afscrp.py b/plugins/afscrp.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 56f02a5de24c38bbb0dd38879a80457f4eda6bc5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/afscrp.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
-from googleapiclient.discovery import build
-from . import ultroid_cmd, async_searcher, run_async, LOGS
-import asyncio
-from io import BytesIO
-async def fetch_full_content(url):
- try:
- api_url = f"https://scraper.api.airforce/scrape?url={url}"
- response = await async_searcher(api_url)
- soup = BeautifulSoup(response, "html.parser")
- main_content = soup.select_one("article") or soup.select_one("main") or soup
- paragraphs = [
- para.get_text(separator=" ").strip()
- for para in main_content.find_all("p")
- if len(para.get_text(strip=True)) > 30
- and not any(
- keyword in para.get_text().lower()
- for keyword in [
- "privacy",
- "cookie",
- "subscribe",
- "sign up",
- "terms",
- "all rights reserved",
- "see all",
- "see more",
- ]
- )
- ]
- full_text = (
- " ".join(paragraphs[:5]) if paragraphs else "No main content available."
- )
- return full_text
- except Exception as e:
- return f"Error fetching content: {e}"
-async def google_search(query):
- api_key = " AIzaSyCDOnsWu0cF8W-6jnWceUSHeuSmpC7b2g0 "
- cse_id = "a44275f02ca2946da"
- service = build("customsearch", "v1", developerKey=api_key)
- results = service.cse().list(q=query, cx=cse_id, gl="AU").execute()
- search_items = results.get("items", [])
- search_results = await asyncio.gather(
- *(fetch_search_result(item) for item in search_items)
- )
- return search_results
-async def fetch_search_result(item):
- title = item.get("title")
- link = item.get("link")
- snippet = item.get("snippet")
- full_content = await fetch_full_content(link)
- return (title, link, snippet, full_content)
-async def display_readable_results(results):
- readable_res = ""
- for idx, result in enumerate(results, start=1):
- title, link, snippet, full_content = result
- full_content = (
- full_content if full_content else "No additional content available."
- )
- readable_res += f"Result {idx}:\n"
- readable_res += f"Title: {title}\n"
- readable_res += f"Link: {link}\n"
- readable_res += f"Snippet: {snippet}\n"
- readable_res += f"Full Content: {full_content.strip()}\n"
- readable_res += "\n" + "=" * 80 + "\n"
- return readable_res
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="afscrp(?: (.*)|$)")
-async def google_search_cmd(event):
- query = event.pattern_match.group(1)
- if not query:
- return await event.eor("Please provide a query to search.")
- moi = await event.eor("Searching Google...")
- results = await google_search(query)
- readable_results = await display_readable_results(results)
- if len(readable_results) < 4095:
- await moi.edit(readable_results)
- else:
- with BytesIO(readable_results.encode()) as file:
- file.name = "google_search_results.txt"
- await event.client.send_file(
- event.chat_id, file, caption=f"Search results for: {query}", reply_to=event.reply_to_msg_id
- )
- await moi.delete()
diff --git a/plugins/antiflood.py b/plugins/antiflood.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 82225c16956e7096bb3e05457ef1892fa14541ef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/antiflood.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_antiflood")
-import re
-from telethon.events import NewMessage as NewMsg
-from pyUltroid.dB import DEVLIST
-from pyUltroid.dB.antiflood_db import get_flood, get_flood_limit, rem_flood, set_flood
-from pyUltroid.fns.admins import admin_check
-from . import Button, Redis, asst, callback, eod, get_string, ultroid_bot, ultroid_cmd
-_check_flood = {}
-if Redis("ANTIFLOOD"):
- @ultroid_bot.on(
- NewMsg(
- chats=list(get_flood().keys()),
- ),
- )
- async def flood_checm(event):
- count = 1
- chat = (await event.get_chat()).title
- if event.chat_id in _check_flood.keys():
- if event.sender_id == list(_check_flood[event.chat_id].keys())[0]:
- count = _check_flood[event.chat_id][event.sender_id]
- _check_flood[event.chat_id] = {event.sender_id: count + 1}
- else:
- _check_flood[event.chat_id] = {event.sender_id: count}
- else:
- _check_flood[event.chat_id] = {event.sender_id: count}
- if await admin_check(event, silent=True) or getattr(event.sender, "bot", None):
- return
- if event.sender_id in DEVLIST:
- return
- if _check_flood[event.chat_id][event.sender_id] >= int(
- get_flood_limit(event.chat_id)
- ):
- try:
- name = event.sender.first_name
- await event.client.edit_permissions(
- event.chat_id, event.sender_id, send_messages=False
- )
- del _check_flood[event.chat_id]
- await event.reply(f"#AntiFlood\n\n{get_string('antiflood_3')}")
- await asst.send_message(
- int(Redis("LOG_CHANNEL")),
- f"#Antiflood\n\n`Muted `[{name}](tg://user?id={event.sender_id})` in {chat}`",
- buttons=Button.inline(
- "Unmute", data=f"anti_{event.sender_id}_{event.chat_id}"
- ),
- )
- except BaseException:
- pass
- re.compile(
- "anti_(.*)",
- ),
-async def unmuting(e):
- ino = (e.data_match.group(1)).decode("UTF-8").split("_")
- user = int(ino[0])
- chat = int(ino[1])
- user_name = (await ultroid_bot.get_entity(user)).first_name
- chat_title = (await ultroid_bot.get_entity(chat)).title
- await ultroid_bot.edit_permissions(chat, user, send_messages=True)
- await e.edit(
- f"#Antiflood\n\n`Unmuted `[{user_name}](tg://user?id={user})` in {chat_title}`"
- )
- pattern="setflood ?(\\d+)",
- admins_only=True,
-async def setflood(e):
- input_ = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not input_:
- return await e.eor("`What?`", time=5)
- if not input_.isdigit():
- return await e.eor(get_string("com_3"), time=5)
- if m := set_flood(e.chat_id, input_):
- return await eod(e, get_string("antiflood_4").format(input_))
- pattern="remflood$",
- admins_only=True,
-async def remove_flood(e):
- hmm = rem_flood(e.chat_id)
- try:
- del _check_flood[e.chat_id]
- except BaseException:
- pass
- if hmm:
- return await e.eor(get_string("antiflood_1"), time=5)
- await e.eor(get_string("antiflood_2"), time=5)
- pattern="getflood$",
- admins_only=True,
-async def getflood(e):
- if ok := get_flood_limit(e.chat_id):
- return await e.eor(get_string("antiflood_5").format(ok), time=5)
- await e.eor(get_string("antiflood_2"), time=5)
diff --git a/plugins/asstcmd.py b/plugins/asstcmd.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b88446ef7d5e50d4578c2f59e6742e90fd06f89e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/asstcmd.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_asstcmd")
-import os
-from pyUltroid.dB.asstcmd_db import add_cmd, cmd_reply, list_cmds, rem_cmd
-from pyUltroid.fns.tools import create_tl_btn, format_btn, get_msg_button
- from telegraph import upload_file as uf
-except ImportError:
- uf = None
-from telethon import events, utils
-from . import asst, get_string, mediainfo, udB, ultroid_cmd
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="addcmd( (.*)|$)")
-async def ac(e):
- wrd = (e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()).lower()
- wt = await e.get_reply_message()
- if not (wt and wrd):
- return await e.eor(get_string("asstcmd_1"), time=5)
- if "/" in wrd:
- wrd = wrd.replace("/", "")
- btn = format_btn(wt.buttons) if wt.buttons else None
- if wt and wt.media:
- wut = mediainfo(wt.media)
- if wut.startswith(("pic", "gif")):
- dl = await e.client.download_media(wt.media)
- variable = uf(dl)
- os.remove(dl)
- m = f"https://graph.org{variable[0]}"
- elif wut == "video":
- if wt.media.document.size > 8 * 1000 * 1000:
- return await e.eor(get_string("com_4"), time=5)
- dl = await e.client.download_media(wt.media)
- variable = uf(dl)
- os.remove(dl)
- m = f"https://graph.org{variable[0]}"
- else:
- m = utils.pack_bot_file_id(wt.media)
- if wt.text:
- txt = wt.text
- if not btn:
- txt, btn = get_msg_button(wt.text)
- add_cmd(wrd, txt, m, btn)
- else:
- add_cmd(wrd, None, m, btn)
- else:
- txt = wt.text
- if not btn:
- txt, btn = get_msg_button(wt.text)
- add_cmd(wrd, txt, None, btn)
- asst.add_handler(
- astcmds,
- events.NewMessage(
- func=lambda x: x.text.startswith("/") and x.text[1:] in list(list_cmds())
- ),
- )
- await e.eor(get_string("asstcmd_4").format(wrd))
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="remcmd( (.*)|$)")
-async def rc(e):
- wrd = (e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()).lower()
- if not wrd:
- return await e.eor(get_string("asstcmd_2"), time=5)
- wrd = wrd.replace("/", "")
- rem_cmd(wrd)
- await e.eor(get_string("asstcmd_3").format(wrd))
-async def lscmd(e):
- if list_cmds():
- ok = get_string("asstcmd_6")
- for x in list_cmds():
- ok += f"/{x}" + "\n"
- return await e.eor(ok)
- return await e.eor(get_string("asstcmd_5"))
-async def astcmds(e):
- xx = (e.text.replace("/", "")).lower().split()[0]
- if cmd_reply(xx):
- msg, media, bt = cmd_reply(xx)
- if bt:
- bt = create_tl_btn(bt)
- await e.reply(msg, file=media, buttons=bt)
-if udB.get_key("ASST_CMDS"):
- asst.add_handler(
- astcmds,
- events.NewMessage(
- func=lambda x: x.text.startswith("/") and x.text[1:] in list(list_cmds())
- ),
- )
diff --git a/plugins/audiotools.py b/plugins/audiotools.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f8c0b52558cc3642647a2145d8693182305a6c98..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/audiotools.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-import os
-import time
-from datetime import datetime as dt
-from pyUltroid.fns.tools import set_attributes
-from . import (
- ULTConfig,
- bash,
- downloader,
- eod,
- eor,
- genss,
- get_help,
- get_string,
- humanbytes,
- mediainfo,
- stdr,
- time_formatter,
- ultroid_cmd,
- uploader,
-__doc__ = get_help("help_audiotools")
-async def vnc(e):
- if not e.reply_to:
- return await eod(e, get_string("audiotools_1"))
- r = await e.get_reply_message()
- if not mediainfo(r.media).startswith(("audio", "video")):
- return await eod(e, get_string("spcltool_1"))
- xxx = await e.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- file, _ = await e.client.fast_downloader(
- r.document,
- )
- await xxx.edit(get_string("audiotools_2"))
- await bash(
- f"ffmpeg -i '{file.name}' -map 0:a -codec:a libopus -b:a 100k -vbr on out.opus"
- )
- try:
- await e.client.send_message(
- e.chat_id, file="out.opus", force_document=False, reply_to=r
- )
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- return await xxx.edit("`Failed to convert in Voice...`")
- await xxx.delete()
- os.remove(file.name)
- os.remove("out.opus")
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="atrim( (.*)|$)")
-async def trim_aud(e):
- sec = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not sec or "-" not in sec:
- return await eod(e, get_string("audiotools_3"))
- a, b = sec.split("-")
- if int(a) >= int(b):
- return await eod(e, get_string("audiotools_4"))
- vido = await e.get_reply_message()
- if vido and vido.media and mediainfo(vido.media).startswith(("video", "audio")):
- if hasattr(vido.media, "document"):
- vfile = vido.media.document
- name = vido.file.name
- else:
- vfile = vido.media
- name = ""
- if not name:
- name = dt.now().isoformat("_", "seconds") + ".mp4"
- xxx = await e.eor(get_string("audiotools_5"))
- c_time = time.time()
- file = await downloader(
- f"resources/downloads/{name}",
- vfile,
- xxx,
- c_time,
- f"Downloading {name}...",
- )
- o_size = os.path.getsize(file.name)
- d_time = time.time()
- diff = time_formatter((d_time - c_time) * 1000)
- file_name = (file.name).split("/")[-1]
- out = file_name.replace(file_name.split(".")[-1], "_trimmed.aac")
- if int(b) > int(await genss(file.name)):
- os.remove(file.name)
- return await eod(xxx, get_string("audiotools_6"))
- ss, dd = stdr(int(a)), stdr(int(b))
- xxx = await xxx.edit(
- f"Downloaded `{file.name}` of `{humanbytes(o_size)}` in `{diff}`.\n\nNow Trimming Audio from `{ss}` to `{dd}`..."
- )
- cmd = f'ffmpeg -i "{file.name}" -preset ultrafast -ss {ss} -to {dd} -vn -acodec copy "{out}" -y'
- await bash(cmd)
- os.remove(file.name)
- f_time = time.time()
- mmmm = await uploader(out, out, f_time, xxx, f"Uploading {out}...")
- attributes = await set_attributes(out)
- caption = get_string("audiotools_7").format(ss, dd)
- await e.client.send_file(
- e.chat_id,
- mmmm,
- thumb=ULTConfig.thumb,
- caption=caption,
- attributes=attributes,
- force_document=False,
- reply_to=e.reply_to_msg_id,
- )
- await xxx.delete()
- else:
- await e.eor(get_string("audiotools_1"), time=5)
-async def ex_aud(e):
- reply = await e.get_reply_message()
- if not (reply and reply.media and mediainfo(reply.media).startswith("video")):
- return await e.eor(get_string("audiotools_8"))
- name = reply.file.name or "video.mp4"
- vfile = reply.media.document
- msg = await e.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- c_time = time.time()
- file = await downloader(
- f"resources/downloads/{name}",
- vfile,
- msg,
- c_time,
- f"Downloading {name}...",
- )
- out_file = f"{file.name}.aac"
- cmd = f"ffmpeg -i {file.name} -vn -acodec copy {out_file}"
- o, err = await bash(cmd)
- os.remove(file.name)
- attributes = await set_attributes(out_file)
- f_time = time.time()
- try:
- fo = await uploader(out_file, out_file, f_time, msg, f"Uploading {out_file}...")
- except FileNotFoundError:
- return await eor(msg, get_string("audiotools_9"))
- await e.reply(
- get_string("audiotools_10"),
- file=fo,
- thumb=ULTConfig.thumb,
- attributes=attributes,
- )
- await msg.delete()
diff --git a/plugins/autoban.py b/plugins/autoban.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 597323213b309398b1f2a8f047f095aa904dc0df..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/autoban.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_autoban")
-from telethon import events
-from pyUltroid.dB.base import KeyManager
-from . import LOGS, asst, ultroid_bot, ultroid_cmd
-Keym = KeyManager("DND_CHATS", cast=list)
-def join_func(e):
- return e.user_joined and Keym.contains(e.chat_id)
-async def dnd_func(event):
- for user in event.users:
- try:
- await (await event.client.kick_participant(event.chat_id, user)).delete()
- except Exception as ex:
- LOGS.error("Error in DND:")
- LOGS.exception(ex)
- await event.delete()
- pattern="autokick (on|off)$",
- admins_only=True,
- manager=True,
- require="ban_users",
- fullsudo=True,
-async def _(event):
- match = event.pattern_match.group(1)
- if match == "on":
- if Keym.contains(event.chat_id):
- return await event.eor("`Chat already in do not disturb mode.`", time=3)
- Keym.add(event.chat_id)
- event.client.add_handler(dnd_func, events.ChatAction(func=join_func))
- await event.eor("`Do not disturb mode activated for this chat.`", time=3)
- elif match == "off":
- if not Keym.contains(event.chat_id):
- return await event.eor("`Chat is not in do not disturb mode.`", time=3)
- Keym.remove(event.chat_id)
- await event.eor("`Do not disturb mode deactivated for this chat.`", time=3)
-if Keym.get():
- ultroid_bot.add_handler(dnd_func, events.ChatAction(func=join_func))
- asst.add_handler(dnd_func, events.ChatAction(func=join_func))
diff --git a/plugins/autopic.py b/plugins/autopic.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f6e5127662bc1aaf78bf85ba4bcda347ffc841a3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/autopic.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-import asyncio
-import os
-import random
-from random import shuffle
-from telethon.tl.functions.photos import UploadProfilePhotoRequest
-from pyUltroid.fns.helper import download_file
-from pyUltroid.fns.tools import get_google_images
-from . import LOGS, get_help, get_string, udB, ultroid_bot, ultroid_cmd
-__doc__ = get_help("help_autopic")
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="autopic( (.*)|$)")
-async def autopic(e):
- search = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if udB.get_key("AUTOPIC") and not search:
- udB.del_key("AUTOPIC")
- return await e.eor(get_string("autopic_5"))
- if not search:
- return await e.eor(get_string("autopic_1"), time=5)
- e = await e.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- gi = googleimagesdownload()
- args = {
- "keywords": search,
- "limit": 50,
- "format": "jpg",
- "output_directory": "./resources/downloads/",
- }
- try:
- pth = await gi.download(args)
- ok = pth[0][search]
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- return await e.eor(str(er))
- if not ok:
- return await e.eor(get_string("autopic_2").format(search), time=5)
- await e.eor(get_string("autopic_3").format(search))
- udB.set_key("AUTOPIC", search)
- SLEEP_TIME = udB.get_key("SLEEP_TIME") or 1221
- while True:
- for lie in ok:
- if udB.get_key("AUTOPIC") != search:
- return
- file = await e.client.upload_file(lie)
- await e.client(UploadProfilePhotoRequest(file))
- await asyncio.sleep(SLEEP_TIME)
- shuffle(ok)
-if search := udB.get_key("AUTOPIC"):
- images = {}
- sleep = udB.get_key("SLEEP_TIME") or 1221
- async def autopic_func():
- search = udB.get_key("AUTOPIC")
- if images.get(search) is None:
- images[search] = await get_google_images(search)
- if not images.get(search):
- return
- img = random.choice(images[search])
- filee = await download_file(img["original"], "resources/downloads/autopic.jpg")
- file = await ultroid_bot.upload_file(filee)
- await ultroid_bot(UploadProfilePhotoRequest(file))
- os.remove(filee)
- try:
- from apscheduler.schedulers.asyncio import AsyncIOScheduler
- schedule = AsyncIOScheduler()
- schedule.add_job(autopic_func, "interval", seconds=sleep)
- schedule.start()
- except ModuleNotFoundError as er:
- LOGS.error(f"autopic: '{er.name}' not installed.")
diff --git a/plugins/beautify.py b/plugins/beautify.py
deleted file mode 100644
index efe307d26d6557212168df78c8e333673d802e14..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/beautify.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_beautify")
-import os
-import random
-from telethon.utils import get_display_name
-from urllib.parse import urlencode
-from . import Carbon, ultroid_cmd, get_string, inline_mention, LOGS
-from secrets import token_hex
-_colorspath = "resources/colorlist.txt"
-if os.path.exists(_colorspath):
- with open(_colorspath, "r") as f:
- all_col = f.read().split()
- all_col = []
- pattern="(rc|c)arbon",
-async def cr_bn(event):
- xxxx = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- te = event.pattern_match.group(1)
- col = random.choice(all_col) if te[0] == "r" else "White"
- if event.reply_to_msg_id:
- temp = await event.get_reply_message()
- if temp.media:
- b = await event.client.download_media(temp)
- with open(b) as a:
- code = a.read()
- os.remove(b)
- else:
- code = temp.message
- else:
- try:
- code = event.text.split(" ", maxsplit=1)[1]
- except IndexError:
- return await xxxx.eor(get_string("carbon_2"))
- xx = await Carbon(code=code, file_name="ultroid_carbon", backgroundColor=col)
- if isinstance(xx, dict):
- await xxxx.edit(f"`{xx}`")
- return
- await xxxx.delete()
- await event.reply(
- f"Carbonised by {inline_mention(event.sender)}",
- file=xx,
- )
- pattern="ccarbon( (.*)|$)",
-async def crbn(event):
- match = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not match:
- return await event.eor(get_string("carbon_3"))
- msg = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- if event.reply_to_msg_id:
- temp = await event.get_reply_message()
- if temp.media:
- b = await event.client.download_media(temp)
- with open(b) as a:
- code = a.read()
- os.remove(b)
- else:
- code = temp.message
- else:
- try:
- match = match.split(" ", maxsplit=1)
- code = match[1]
- match = match[0]
- except IndexError:
- return await msg.eor(get_string("carbon_2"))
- xx = await Carbon(code=code, backgroundColor=match)
- await msg.delete()
- await event.reply(
- f"Carbonised by {inline_mention(event.sender)}",
- file=xx,
- )
-RaySoTheme = [
- "meadow",
- "breeze",
- "raindrop",
- "candy",
- "crimson",
- "falcon",
- "sunset",
- "noir",
- "midnight",
- "bitmap",
- "ice",
- "sand",
- "forest",
- "mono"
-async def pass_on(ult):
- try:
- from playwright.async_api import async_playwright
- except ImportError:
- await ult.eor("`playwright` is not installed!\nPlease install it to use this command..")
- return
- proc = await ult.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- spli = ult.text.split()
- theme, dark, title, text = None, True, get_display_name(ult.chat), None
- if len(spli) > 2:
- if spli[1] in RaySoTheme:
- theme = spli[1]
- dark = spli[2].lower().strip() in ["true", "t"]
- elif len(spli) > 1:
- if spli[1] in RaySoTheme:
- theme = spli[1]
- elif spli[1] == "list":
- text = "**List of Rayso Themes:**\n" + "\n".join([f"- `{th_}`" for th_ in RaySoTheme])
- await proc.eor(text)
- return
- else:
- try:
- text = ult.text.split(maxsplit=1)[1]
- except IndexError:
- pass
- if not theme or theme not in RaySoTheme:
- theme = random.choice(RaySoTheme)
- if ult.is_reply:
- try:
- msg = await ult.get_reply_message()
- text = msg.message
- title = get_display_name(msg.sender)
- except Exception as sam:
- ErrInfo(sam)
- if not text:
- await proc.eor("No text to beautify!")
- return
- cleaned_text = "\n".join([line.strip() for line in text.splitlines()])
- name = token_hex(8) + ".png"
- data = {"darkMode": dark, "theme": theme, "title": title}
- url = f"https://ray.so/#{urlencode(data)}"
- async with async_playwright() as play:
- try:
-# browser = await play.chromium.launch(headless=False) # Set to False for debugging
- browser = await play.chromium.launch(headless=True, args=["--disable-crash-reporter"])
- page = await browser.new_page()
- await page.goto(url, timeout=60000) # Increase timeout
- await page.wait_for_load_state("networkidle")
- try:
- await page.wait_for_selector("div[class*='Editor_editor__']", timeout=60000)
- editor = await page.query_selector("div[class*='Editor_editor__']")
- await editor.focus()
- await editor.click()
- for line in cleaned_text.split("\n"):
- await page.keyboard.type(line)
- await page.keyboard.press("Enter")
- await page.evaluate("""() => {
- const button = document.querySelector('button[aria-label="Export as PNG"]');
- button.click();
- }""")
- async with page.expect_download() as download_info:
- download = await download_info.value
- await download.save_as(name)
- except playwright._impl._errors.TimeoutError:
- LOGS.info("Timeout error: Selector not found within 60 seconds.")
- await proc.eor("Failed to find the editor within 60 seconds.")
- return
- except Exception as e:
- LOGS.info(f"Error occurred during playwright operation: {e}")
- await proc.eor("An error occurred during the operation.")
- return
- finally:
- if os.path.exists(name):
- try:
- await ult.reply(file=name)
- await proc.try_delete()
- os.remove(name)
- except Exception as e:
- LOGS.info(f"Error occurred while replying with the file: {e}")
- await proc.eor("Failed to send the file.")
- else:
- LOGS.info(f"Error: File {name} not found or inaccessible.")
- await proc.eor("Failed to save the file.")
diff --git a/plugins/blacklist.py b/plugins/blacklist.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 78f2d42afe65f3cf377a7b28654333fa806446ba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/blacklist.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_blacklist")
-from pyUltroid.dB.blacklist_db import (
- add_blacklist,
- get_blacklist,
- list_blacklist,
- rem_blacklist,
-from . import events, get_string, udB, ultroid_bot, ultroid_cmd
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="blacklist( (.*)|$)", admins_only=True)
-async def af(e):
- wrd = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- chat = e.chat_id
- if not (wrd):
- return await e.eor(get_string("blk_1"), time=5)
- wrd = e.text[11:]
- heh = wrd.split(" ")
- for z in heh:
- add_blacklist(int(chat), z.lower())
- ultroid_bot.add_handler(blacklist, events.NewMessage(incoming=True))
- await e.eor(get_string("blk_2").format(wrd))
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="remblacklist( (.*)|$)", admins_only=True)
-async def rf(e):
- wrd = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- chat = e.chat_id
- if not wrd:
- return await e.eor(get_string("blk_3"), time=5)
- wrd = e.text[14:]
- heh = wrd.split(" ")
- for z in heh:
- rem_blacklist(int(chat), z.lower())
- await e.eor(get_string("blk_4").format(wrd))
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="listblacklist$", admins_only=True)
-async def lsnote(e):
- if x := list_blacklist(e.chat_id):
- sd = get_string("blk_5")
- return await e.eor(sd + x)
- await e.eor(get_string("blk_6"))
-async def blacklist(e):
- if x := get_blacklist(e.chat_id):
- text = e.text.lower().split()
- if any((z in text) for z in x):
- try:
- await e.delete()
- except BaseException:
- pass
-if udB.get_key("BLACKLIST_DB"):
- ultroid_bot.add_handler(blacklist, events.NewMessage(incoming=True))
diff --git a/plugins/bot.py b/plugins/bot.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2209c64b66ee550c74bcf0c991428b02b8e9eb02..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/bot.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_bot")
-import os
-import sys
-import time
-from platform import python_version as pyver
-from random import choice
-from telethon import __version__
-from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import (
- BotMethodInvalidError,
- ChatSendMediaForbiddenError,
-from pyUltroid.version import __version__ as UltVer
-from . import HOSTED_ON, LOGS
- from git import Repo
-except ImportError:
- LOGS.error("bot: 'gitpython' module not found!")
- Repo = None
-from telethon.utils import resolve_bot_file_id
-from . import (
- Button,
- Carbon,
- Telegraph,
- Var,
- allcmds,
- asst,
- bash,
- call_back,
- callback,
- def_logs,
- eor,
- get_string,
- heroku_logs,
- in_pattern,
- inline_pic,
- restart,
- shutdown,
- start_time,
- time_formatter,
- udB,
- ultroid_cmd,
- ultroid_version,
- updater,
-def ULTPIC():
- return inline_pic() or choice(ULTROID_IMAGES)
-buttons = [
- [
- Button.url(get_string("bot_3"), "https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid"),
- Button.url(get_string("bot_4"), "t.me/UltroidSupportChat"),
- ]
-# Will move to strings
-alive_txt = """
-The Ultroid Userbot
- ◍ Version - {}
- ◍ Py-Ultroid - {}
- ◍ Telethon - {}
-in_alive = "{}\n\n🌀 Ultroid Version -> {}
\n🌀 PyUltroid -> {}
\n🌀 Python -> {}
\n🌀 Uptime -> {}
\n🌀 Branch ->[ {} ]\n\n• Join @TeamUltroid"
-async def alive(event):
- text = alive_txt.format(ultroid_version, UltVer, __version__)
- await event.answer(text, alert=True)
- pattern="alive( (.*)|$)",
-async def lol(ult):
- match = ult.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- inline = None
- if match in ["inline", "i"]:
- try:
- res = await ult.client.inline_query(asst.me.username, "alive")
- return await res[0].click(ult.chat_id)
- except BotMethodInvalidError:
- pass
- except BaseException as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- inline = True
- pic = udB.get_key("ALIVE_PIC")
- if isinstance(pic, list):
- pic = choice(pic)
- uptime = time_formatter((time.time() - start_time) * 1000)
- header = udB.get_key("ALIVE_TEXT") or get_string("bot_1")
-# y = Repo().active_branch
- y = "main"
-# xx = Repo().remotes[0].config_reader.get("url")
- xx = "https://github.com/ufoptg/UltroidBackup.git"
- rep = xx.replace(".git", f"/tree/{y}")
- kk = f" `[{y}]({rep})` "
- if inline:
- kk = f"{y}"
- parse = "html"
- als = in_alive.format(
- header,
- f"{ultroid_version} [{HOSTED_ON}]",
- UltVer,
- pyver(),
- uptime,
- kk,
- )
- if _e := udB.get_key("ALIVE_EMOJI"):
- als = als.replace("🌀", _e)
- else:
- parse = "md"
- als = (get_string("alive_1")).format(
- header,
- f"{ultroid_version} [{HOSTED_ON}]",
- UltVer,
- uptime,
- pyver(),
- __version__,
- kk,
- )
- if a := udB.get_key("ALIVE_EMOJI"):
- als = als.replace("✵", a)
- if pic:
- try:
- await ult.reply(
- als,
- file=pic,
- parse_mode=parse,
- link_preview=False,
- buttons=buttons if inline else None,
- )
- return await ult.try_delete()
- except ChatSendMediaForbiddenError:
- pass
- except BaseException as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- try:
- await ult.reply(file=pic)
- await ult.reply(
- als,
- parse_mode=parse,
- buttons=buttons if inline else None,
- link_preview=False,
- )
- return await ult.try_delete()
- except BaseException as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- await eor(
- ult,
- als,
- parse_mode=parse,
- link_preview=False,
- buttons=buttons if inline else None,
- )
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="ping$", chats=[], type=["official", "assistant"])
-async def _(event):
- start = time.time()
- x = await event.eor("Pong !")
- end = round((time.time() - start) * 1000)
- uptime = time_formatter((time.time() - start_time) * 1000)
- await x.edit(get_string("ping").format(end, uptime))
- pattern="cmds$",
-async def cmds(event):
- await allcmds(event, Telegraph)
-heroku_api = Var.HEROKU_API
- pattern="restart$",
- fullsudo=True,
-async def restartbt(ult):
- ok = await ult.eor(get_string("bot_5"))
- call_back()
- who = "bot" if ult.client._bot else "user"
- udB.set_key("_RESTART", f"{who}_{ult.chat_id}_{ok.id}")
- if heroku_api:
- return await restart(ok)
- await bash("git pull && pip3 install -r requirements.txt")
- if len(sys.argv) > 1:
- os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, "main.py")
- else:
- os.execl(sys.executable, sys.executable, "-m", "pyUltroid")
- pattern="shutdown$",
- fullsudo=True,
-async def shutdownbot(ult):
- await shutdown(ult)
- pattern="logs( (.*)|$)",
- chats=[],
-async def _(event):
- opt = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- file = f"ultroid{sys.argv[-1]}.log" if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "ultroid.log"
- if opt == "heroku":
- await heroku_logs(event)
- elif opt == "carbon" and Carbon:
- event = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- with open(file, "r") as f:
- code = f.read()[-2500:]
- file = await Carbon(
- file_name="ultroid-logs",
- code=code,
- backgroundColor=choice(ATRA_COL),
- )
- if isinstance(file, dict):
- await event.eor(f"`{file}`")
- return
- await event.reply("**Ultroid Logs.**", file=file)
- elif opt == "open":
- with open("ultroid.log", "r") as f:
- file = f.read()[-4000:]
- return await event.eor(f"`{file}`")
- else:
- await def_logs(event, file)
- await event.try_delete()
-@in_pattern("alive", owner=True)
-async def inline_alive(ult):
- pic = udB.get_key("ALIVE_PIC")
- if isinstance(pic, list):
- pic = choice(pic)
- uptime = time_formatter((time.time() - start_time) * 1000)
- header = udB.get_key("ALIVE_TEXT") or get_string("bot_1")
- y = Repo().active_branch
- xx = Repo().remotes[0].config_reader.get("url")
- rep = xx.replace(".git", f"/tree/{y}")
- kk = f"{y}"
- als = in_alive.format(
- header, f"{ultroid_version} [{HOSTED_ON}]", UltVer, pyver(), uptime, kk
- )
- if _e := udB.get_key("ALIVE_EMOJI"):
- als = als.replace("🌀", _e)
- builder = ult.builder
- if pic:
- try:
- if ".jpg" in pic:
- results = [
- await builder.photo(
- pic, text=als, parse_mode="html", buttons=buttons
- )
- ]
- else:
- if _pic := resolve_bot_file_id(pic):
- pic = _pic
- buttons.insert(
- 0, [Button.inline(get_string("bot_2"), data="alive")]
- )
- results = [
- await builder.document(
- pic,
- title="Inline Alive",
- description="@TeamUltroid",
- parse_mode="html",
- buttons=buttons,
- )
- ]
- return await ult.answer(results)
- except BaseException as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- result = [
- await builder.article(
- "Alive", text=als, parse_mode="html", link_preview=False, buttons=buttons
- )
- ]
- await ult.answer(result)
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="update( (.*)|$)")
-async def _(e):
- xx = await e.eor(get_string("upd_1"))
- if e.pattern_match.group(1).strip() and (
- "fast" in e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- or "soft" in e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- ):
- await bash("git pull -f && pip3 install -r requirements.txt")
- call_back()
- await xx.edit(get_string("upd_7"))
- os.execl(sys.executable, "python3", "-m", "pyUltroid")
- # return
- m = await updater()
- branch = (Repo.init()).active_branch
- if m:
- x = await asst.send_file(
- udB.get_key("LOG_CHANNEL"),
- caption="• **Update Available** •",
- force_document=False,
- buttons=Button.inline("Changelogs", data="changes"),
- )
- Link = x.message_link
- await xx.edit(
- f'[ChangeLogs]',
- parse_mode="html",
- link_preview=False,
- )
- else:
- await xx.edit(
- f'Your BOT is
up-to-date with
- parse_mode="html",
- link_preview=False,
- )
-@callback("updtavail", owner=True)
-async def updava(event):
- await event.delete()
- await asst.send_file(
- udB.get_key("LOG_CHANNEL"),
- caption="• **Update Available** •",
- force_document=False,
- buttons=Button.inline("Changelogs", data="changes"),
- )
diff --git a/plugins/broadcast.py b/plugins/broadcast.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f8aedf2f086d04c9a54d45d90b9d031af2ad66ae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/broadcast.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_broadcast")
-import asyncio
-import io
-from telethon.utils import get_display_name
-from pyUltroid.dB.base import KeyManager
-from . import HNDLR, LOGS, eor, get_string, udB, ultroid_bot, ultroid_cmd
-KeyM = KeyManager("BROADCAST", cast=list)
- pattern="addch( (.*)|$)",
- allow_sudo=False,
-async def broadcast_adder(event):
- msgg = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- x = await event.eor(get_string("bd_1"))
- if msgg == "all":
- await x.edit(get_string("bd_2"))
- chats = [
- e.entity
- for e in await event.client.get_dialogs()
- if (e.is_group or e.is_channel)
- ]
- new = 0
- for i in chats:
- try:
- if (
- i.broadcast
- and (i.creator or i.admin_rights)
- and not KeyM.contains(i.id)
- ):
- new += 1
- cid = f"-100{i.id}"
- KeyM.add(int(cid))
- except Exception as Ex:
- LOGS.exception(Ex)
- await x.edit(get_string("bd_3").format(KeyM.count(), new))
- return
- if event.reply_to_msg_id:
- previous_message = await event.get_reply_message()
- raw_text = previous_message.text
- lines = raw_text.split("\n")
- length = len(lines)
- for line_number in range(1, length - 2):
- channel_id = lines[line_number][4:-1]
- if not KeyM.contains(channel_id):
- KeyM.add(channel_id)
- await x.edit(get_string("bd_4"))
- await asyncio.sleep(3)
- await event.delete()
- return
- chat_id = event.chat_id
- if chat_id == udB.get_key("LOG_CHANNEL"):
- return
- if KeyM.contains(chat_id):
- await x.edit(get_string("bd_6"))
- elif xx := KeyM.add(chat_id):
- await x.edit(get_string("bd_5"))
- else:
- await x.edit(get_string("sf_8"))
- await asyncio.sleep(3)
- await x.delete()
- pattern="remch( (.*)|$)",
- allow_sudo=False,
-async def broadcast_remover(event):
- chat_id = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip() or event.chat_id
- x = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- if chat_id == "all":
- await x.edit(get_string("bd_8"))
- udB.del_key("BROADCAST")
- await x.edit("Database cleared.")
- return
- if KeyM.contains(chat_id):
- KeyM.remove(chat_id)
- await x.edit(get_string("bd_7"))
- else:
- await x.edit(get_string("bd_9"))
- await asyncio.sleep(3)
- await x.delete()
- pattern="listchannels$",
-async def list_all(event):
- x = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- channels = KeyM.get()
- num = KeyM.count()
- if not channels:
- return await eor(x, "No chats were added.", time=5)
- msg = "Channels in database:\n"
- for channel in channels:
- name = ""
- try:
- name = get_display_name(await event.client.get_entity(channel))
- except ValueError:
- name = ""
- msg += f"=> **{name}** [`{channel}`]\n"
- msg += f"\nTotal {num} channels."
- if len(msg) > 4096:
- MSG = msg.replace("*", "").replace("`", "")
- with io.BytesIO(str.encode(MSG)) as out_file:
- out_file.name = "channels.txt"
- await event.reply(
- "Channels in Database",
- file=out_file,
- force_document=True,
- allow_cache=False,
- )
- await x.delete()
- else:
- await x.edit(msg)
- pattern="forward$",
- allow_sudo=False,
-async def forw(event):
- if not event.is_reply:
- return await event.eor(get_string("ex_1"))
- ultroid_bot = event.client
- channels = KeyM.get()
- x = await event.eor("Sending...")
- if not channels:
- return await x.edit(f"Please add channels by using `{HNDLR}add` in them.")
- error_count = 0
- sent_count = 0
- previous_message = await event.get_reply_message()
- error_count = 0
- for channel in channels:
- try:
- await ultroid_bot.forward_messages(channel, previous_message)
- sent_count += 1
- await x.edit(
- f"Sent : {sent_count}\nError : {error_count}\nTotal : {len(channels)}",
- )
- except Exception:
- try:
- await ultroid_bot.send_message(
- udB.get_key("LOG_CHANNEL"),
- f"Error in sending at {channel}.",
- )
- except Exception as Em:
- LOGS.info(Em)
- error_count += 1
- await x.edit(
- f"Sent : {sent_count}\nError : {error_count}\nTotal : {len(channels)}",
- )
- await x.edit(f"{sent_count} messages sent with {error_count} errors.")
- if error_count > 0:
- await ultroid_bot.send_message(
- udB.get_key("LOG_CHANNEL"), f"{error_count} Errors"
- )
- pattern="broadcast( (.*)|$)",
- allow_sudo=False,
-async def sending(event):
- x = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- if not event.is_reply:
- return await x.edit(get_string("ex_1"))
- channels = KeyM.get()
- if not channels:
- return await x.edit(f"Please add channels by using `{HNDLR}add` in them.")
- await x.edit("Sending....")
- if event.reply_to_msg_id:
- previous_message = await event.get_reply_message()
- if previous_message.poll:
- return await x.edit(f"Reply `{HNDLR}forward` for polls.")
- if previous_message:
- error_count = 0
- sent_count = 0
- for channel in channels:
- try:
- await ultroid_bot.send_message(channel, previous_message)
- sent_count += 1
- await x.edit(
- f"Sent : {sent_count}\nError : {error_count}\nTotal : {len(channels)}",
- )
- except Exception as error:
- await ultroid_bot.send_message(
- udB.get_key("LOG_CHANNEL"),
- f"Error in sending at {channel}.\n\n{error}",
- )
- error_count += 1
- await x.edit(
- f"Sent : {sent_count}\nError : {error_count}\nTotal : {len(channels)}",
- )
- await x.edit(f"{sent_count} messages sent with {error_count} errors.")
- if error_count > 0:
- await ultroid_bot.send_message(
- udB.get_key("LOG_CHANNEL"),
- f"{error_count} Errors",
- )
diff --git a/plugins/button.py b/plugins/button.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b3d616d709be1a04ede2c6996d393bf12ac27f56..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/button.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_button")
-import os
-from telegraph import upload_file as uf
-from telethon.utils import pack_bot_file_id
-from pyUltroid.fns.tools import create_tl_btn, get_msg_button
-from . import HNDLR, get_string, mediainfo, ultroid_cmd
-from ._inline import something
-async def butt(event):
- media, wut, text = None, None, None
- if event.reply_to:
- wt = await event.get_reply_message()
- if wt.text:
- text = wt.text
- if wt.media:
- wut = mediainfo(wt.media)
- if wut and wut.startswith(("pic", "gif")):
- dl = await wt.download_media()
- variable = uf(dl)
- media = f"https://graph.org{variable[0]}"
- elif wut == "video":
- if wt.media.document.size > 8 * 1000 * 1000:
- return await event.eor(get_string("com_4"), time=5)
- dl = await wt.download_media()
- variable = uf(dl)
- os.remove(dl)
- media = f"https://graph.org{variable[0]}"
- else:
- media = pack_bot_file_id(wt.media)
- try:
- text = event.text.split(maxsplit=1)[1]
- except IndexError:
- if not text:
- return await event.eor(
- f"**Please give some text in correct format.**\n\n`{HNDLR}help button`",
- )
- text, buttons = get_msg_button(text)
- if buttons:
- buttons = create_tl_btn(buttons)
- await something(event, text, media, buttons)
- await event.delete()
diff --git a/plugins/calculator.py b/plugins/calculator.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 28f2bae144d25287460e4a08daa452c6acba2f9f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/calculator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_calculator")
-import re
-from . import Button, asst, callback, get_string, in_pattern, udB, ultroid_cmd
-CALC = {}
-m = [
- "AC",
- "C",
- "⌫",
- "%",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "+",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "-",
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "x",
- "00",
- "0",
- ".",
- "÷",
-tultd = [Button.inline(f"{x}", data=f"calc{x}") for x in m]
-lst = list(zip(tultd[::4], tultd[1::4], tultd[2::4], tultd[3::4]))
-lst.append([Button.inline("=", data="calc=")])
-async def icalc(e):
- udB.del_key("calc")
- if e.client._bot:
- return await e.reply(get_string("calc_1"), buttons=lst)
- results = await e.client.inline_query(asst.me.username, "calc")
- await results[0].click(e.chat_id, silent=True, hide_via=True)
- await e.delete()
-@in_pattern("calc", owner=True)
-async def _(e):
- calc = e.builder.article("Calc", text=get_string("calc_1"), buttons=lst)
- await e.answer([calc])
-@callback(re.compile("calc(.*)"), owner=True)
-async def _(e):
- x = (e.data_match.group(1)).decode()
- user = e.query.user_id
- get = None
- if x == "AC":
- if CALC.get(user):
- CALC.pop(user)
- await e.edit(
- get_string("calc_1"),
- buttons=[Button.inline(get_string("calc_2"), data="recalc")],
- )
- elif x == "C":
- if CALC.get(user):
- CALC.pop(user)
- await e.answer("cleared")
- elif x == "⌫":
- if CALC.get(user):
- get = CALC[user]
- if get:
- CALC.update({user: get[:-1]})
- await e.answer(str(get[:-1]))
- elif x == "%":
- if CALC.get(user):
- get = CALC[user]
- if get:
- CALC.update({user: f"{get}/100"})
- await e.answer(str(f"{get}/100"))
- elif x == "÷":
- if CALC.get(user):
- get = CALC[user]
- if get:
- CALC.update({user: f"{get}/"})
- await e.answer(str(f"{get}/"))
- elif x == "x":
- if CALC.get(user):
- get = CALC[user]
- if get:
- CALC.update({user: f"{get}*"})
- await e.answer(str(f"{get}*"))
- elif x == "=":
- if CALC.get(user):
- get = CALC[user]
- if get:
- if get.endswith(("*", ".", "/", "-", "+")):
- get = get[:-1]
- out = eval(get)
- try:
- num = float(out)
- await e.answer(f"Answer : {num}", cache_time=0, alert=True)
- except BaseException:
- CALC.pop(user)
- await e.answer(get_string("sf_8"), cache_time=0, alert=True)
- await e.answer("None")
- else:
- if CALC.get(user):
- get = CALC[user]
- if get:
- CALC.update({user: get + x})
- return await e.answer(str(get + x))
- CALC.update({user: x})
- await e.answer(str(x))
-@callback("recalc", owner=True)
-async def _(e):
- m = [
- "AC",
- "C",
- "⌫",
- "%",
- "7",
- "8",
- "9",
- "+",
- "4",
- "5",
- "6",
- "-",
- "1",
- "2",
- "3",
- "x",
- "00",
- "0",
- ".",
- "÷",
- ]
- tultd = [Button.inline(f"{x}", data=f"calc{x}") for x in m]
- lst = list(zip(tultd[::4], tultd[1::4], tultd[2::4], tultd[3::4]))
- lst.append([Button.inline("=", data="calc=")])
- await e.edit(get_string("calc_1"), buttons=lst)
diff --git a/plugins/channelhacks.py b/plugins/channelhacks.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d333249a0fc0a82ec5cd8f37ec3014b25c21bcb6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/channelhacks.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_channelhacks")
-import asyncio
-import io
-from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import FloodWaitError
-from telethon.utils import get_display_name, get_peer_id
-from pyUltroid.dB.base import KeyManager
-from . import LOGS, asst, eor, events, get_string, udB, ultroid_bot, ultroid_cmd
-ERROR = {}
-SourceM = KeyManager("CH_SOURCE", cast=list)
-DestiM = KeyManager("CH_DESTINATIONS", cast=list)
-async def autopost_func(e):
- if not udB.get_key("AUTOPOST"):
- return
- x = SourceM.get()
- th = await e.get_chat()
- if get_peer_id(th) not in x:
- return
- y = DestiM.get()
- for ys in y:
- try:
- await e.client.send_message(int(ys), e.message)
- except Exception as ex:
- try:
- ERROR[str(ex)]
- except KeyError:
- ERROR.update({str(ex): ex})
- Error = f"**Error on AUTOPOST**\n\n`{ex}`"
- await asst.send_message(udB.get_key("LOG_CHANNEL"), Error)
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="shift (.*)")
-async def _(e):
- x = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- z = await e.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- a, b = x.split("|")
- try:
- c = await e.client.parse_id(a)
- except Exception:
- await z.edit(get_string("cha_1"))
- return
- try:
- d = await e.client.parse_id(b)
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- await z.edit(get_string("cha_1"))
- return
- async for msg in e.client.iter_messages(int(c), reverse=True):
- try:
- await asyncio.sleep(2)
- await e.client.send_message(int(d), msg)
- except FloodWaitError as er:
- await asyncio.sleep(er.seconds + 5)
- await e.client.send_message(int(d), msg)
- except BaseException as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- await z.edit("Done")
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="asource (.*)")
-async def source(e):
- if x := e.pattern_match.group(1).strip():
- try:
- y = await e.client.parse_id(x)
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- return
- else:
- y = e.chat_id
- if not SourceM.contains(y):
- SourceM.add(y)
- await e.eor(get_string("cha_2"))
- ultroid_bot.add_handler(autopost_func, events.NewMessage())
- else:
- await e.eor(get_string("cha_3"))
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="dsource( (.*)|$)")
-async def dd(event):
- chat_id = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- x = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- if chat_id == "all":
- await x.edit(get_string("bd_8"))
- udB.del_key("CH_SOURCE")
- await x.edit(get_string("cha_4"))
- return
- if chat_id:
- try:
- y = await event.client.parse_id(chat_id)
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- return
- else:
- y = event.chat_id
- if SourceM.contains(y):
- SourceM.remove(y)
- await eor(x, get_string("cha_5"), time=5)
- else:
- await eor(x, "Source channel is already removed from database. ", time=3)
-async def list_all(event):
- x = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- num = SourceM.count()
- if not num:
- return await eor(x, "No chats were added.", time=5)
- msg = get_string("cha_8")
- channels = SourceM.get()
- for channel in channels:
- name = ""
- try:
- name = get_display_name(await event.client.get_entity(int(channel)))
- except BaseException:
- name = ""
- msg += f"\n=> **{name}** [`{channel}`]"
- msg += f"\nTotal {num} channels."
- if len(msg) > 4096:
- MSG = msg.replace("*", "").replace("`", "")
- with io.BytesIO(str.encode(MSG)) as out_file:
- out_file.name = "channels.txt"
- await event.reply(
- "Channels in database",
- file=out_file,
- force_document=True,
- allow_cache=False,
- )
- await x.delete()
- else:
- await x.edit(msg)
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="adest (.*)")
-async def destination(e):
- if x := e.pattern_match.group(1).strip():
- try:
- y = await e.client.parse_id(x)
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- return
- else:
- y = e.chat_id
- if not DestiM.contains(y):
- DestiM.add(y)
- await e.eor("Destination added succesfully")
- else:
- await e.eor("Destination channel already added")
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="ddest( (.*)|$)")
-async def dd(event):
- chat_id = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- x = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- if chat_id == "all":
- await x.edit(get_string("bd_8"))
- udB.del_key("CH_DESTINATION")
- await x.edit("Destinations database cleared.")
- return
- if chat_id:
- try:
- y = await event.client.parse_id(chat_id)
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- return
- else:
- y = event.chat_id
- if DestiM.contains(y):
- DestiM.remove(y)
- await eor(x, "Destination removed from database")
- else:
- await eor(x, "Destination channel is already removed from database. ", time=5)
-async def list_all(event):
- ultroid_bot = event.client
- x = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- channels = DestiM.get()
- num = len(channels)
- if not num:
- return await eor(x, "No chats were added.", time=5)
- msg = get_string("cha_7")
- for channel in channels:
- name = ""
- try:
- name = get_display_name(await ultroid_bot.get_entity(int(channel)))
- except BaseException:
- name = ""
- msg += f"\n=> **{name}** [`{channel}`]"
- msg += f"\nTotal {num} channels."
- if len(msg) > 4096:
- MSG = msg.replace("*", "").replace("`", "")
- with io.BytesIO(str.encode(MSG)) as out_file:
- out_file.name = "channels.txt"
- await ultroid_bot.send_file(
- event.chat_id,
- out_file,
- force_document=True,
- allow_cache=False,
- caption="Destination channels in database",
- reply_to=event,
- )
- await x.delete()
- else:
- await x.edit(msg)
-if udB.get_key("AUTOPOST"):
- ultroid_bot.add_handler(autopost_func, events.NewMessage())
diff --git a/plugins/chatbot.py b/plugins/chatbot.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dfcec7359f0976288e4ef885567bd21180e90ba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/chatbot.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2024 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_chatbot")
-from pyUltroid.fns.tools import get_chatbot_reply, get_oracle_reply
-from . import LOGS, eod, get_string, inline_mention, udB, ultroid_bot, ultroid_cmd
- mongouri = udB.get_key("MONGO_URI")
-except AttributeError:
- if udB.get_key("MONGO_URI"):
- mongouri = udB.get_key("MONGO_URI")
- else:
- udB.set_key("MONGO_URI", "")
- LOGS.error("PLeasde set a MONGO_URI")
-async def im_oracle(event):
- if event.reply_to:
- message = (await event.get_reply_message()).text.strip()
- else:
- try:
- message = event.text.split(" ", 1)[1]
- except IndexError:
- return await eod(event, get_string("tban_1"), time=10)
- reply_ = await get_oracle_reply(
- query=message, user_id=ultroid_bot.me.id, mongo_url=mongouri
- )
- await event.eor(reply_)
-async def add_oracle(event):
- await oracle_bot_fn(event, type_="add")
-async def rem_oracle(event):
- await oracle_bot_fn(event, type_="remov")
-async def listoracle(event):
- key = udB.get_key("ORACLE_USERS") or {}
- users = key.get(event.chat_id, [])
- if not users:
- return await event.eor(get_string("chab_2"), time=5)
- msg = "**Total List Of Oracle Enabled Users In This Chat :**\n\n"
- for i in users:
- try:
- user = await event.client.get_entity(int(i))
- user = inline_mention(user)
- except BaseException:
- user = f"`{i}`"
- msg += f"• {user}\n"
- await event.eor(msg, link_preview=False)
-async def oracle_bot_fn(event, type_):
- if event.reply_to:
- user_ = (await event.get_reply_message()).sender
- else:
- temp = event.text.split(maxsplit=1)
- try:
- user_ = await event.client.get_entity(await event.client.parse_id(temp[1]))
- except BaseException as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- user_ = event.chat if event.is_private else None
- if not user_:
- return await eod(
- event,
- get_string("chab_1"),
- )
- key = udB.get_key("ORACLE_USERS") or {}
- chat = event.chat_id
- user = user_.id
- if type_ == "add":
- if key.get(chat):
- if user not in key[chat]:
- key[chat].append(user)
- else:
- key.update({chat: [user]})
- elif type_ == "remov":
- if key.get(chat):
- if user in key[chat]:
- key[chat].remove(user)
- if chat in key and not key[chat]:
- del key[chat]
- udB.set_key("ORACLE_USERS", key)
- await event.eor(f"**Oracle:**\n{type_}ed {inline_mention(user_)}")
-async def im_lonely_chat_with_me(event):
- if event.reply_to:
- message = (await event.get_reply_message()).message
- else:
- try:
- message = event.text.split(" ", 1)[1]
- except IndexError:
- return await eod(event, get_string("tban_1"), time=10)
- reply_ = await get_chatbot_reply(message=message)
- await event.eor(reply_)
-async def add_chatBot(event):
- await chat_bot_fn(event, type_="add")
-async def rem_chatBot(event):
- await chat_bot_fn(event, type_="remov")
-async def lister(event):
- key = udB.get_key("CHATBOT_USERS") or {}
- users = key.get(event.chat_id, [])
- if not users:
- return await event.eor(get_string("chab_2"), time=5)
- msg = "**Total List Of AI Enabled Users In This Chat :**\n\n"
- for i in users:
- try:
- user = await event.client.get_entity(int(i))
- user = inline_mention(user)
- except BaseException:
- user = f"`{i}`"
- msg += f"• {user}\n"
- await event.eor(msg, link_preview=False)
-async def chat_bot_fn(event, type_):
- if event.reply_to:
- user_ = (await event.get_reply_message()).sender
- else:
- temp = event.text.split(maxsplit=1)
- try:
- user_ = await event.client.get_entity(await event.client.parse_id(temp[1]))
- except BaseException as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- user_ = event.chat if event.is_private else None
- if not user_:
- return await eod(
- event,
- get_string("chab_1"),
- )
- key = udB.get_key("CHATBOT_USERS") or {}
- chat = event.chat_id
- user = user_.id
- if type_ == "add":
- if key.get(chat):
- if user not in key[chat]:
- key[chat].append(user)
- else:
- key.update({chat: [user]})
- elif type_ == "remov":
- if key.get(chat):
- if user in key[chat]:
- key[chat].remove(user)
- if chat in key and not key[chat]:
- del key[chat]
- udB.set_key("CHATBOT_USERS", key)
- await event.eor(f"**ChatBot:**\n{type_}ed {inline_mention(user_)}")
diff --git a/plugins/chats.py b/plugins/chats.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ef171b1de3fd9f5ac67936cd116d1c9885189fe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/chats.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_chats")
-from telethon.errors import ChatAdminRequiredError as no_admin
-from telethon.tl.functions.channels import (
- CreateChannelRequest,
- DeleteChannelRequest,
- EditPhotoRequest,
- GetFullChannelRequest,
- UpdateUsernameRequest,
-from telethon.tl.functions.messages import (
- CreateChatRequest,
- ExportChatInviteRequest,
- GetFullChatRequest,
-from telethon.tl.types import (
- ChannelParticipantsKicked,
- User,
- UserStatusEmpty,
- UserStatusLastMonth,
- UserStatusLastWeek,
- UserStatusOffline,
- UserStatusOnline,
- UserStatusRecently,
-from . import HNDLR, LOGS, asst, con, get_string, mediainfo, os, types, udB, ultroid_cmd
- pattern="delchat",
- groups_only=True,
-async def _(e):
- xx = await e.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- try:
- match = e.text.split(" ", maxsplit=1)[1]
- chat = await e.client.parse_id(match)
- except IndexError:
- chat = e.chat_id
- try:
- await e.client(DeleteChannelRequest(chat))
- except TypeError:
- return await xx.eor(get_string("chats_1"), time=10)
- except no_admin:
- return await xx.eor(get_string("chats_2"), time=10)
- await e.client.send_message(
- int(udB.get_key("LOG_CHANNEL")), get_string("chats_6").format(e.chat_id)
- )
- pattern="getlink( (.*)|$)",
- groups_only=True,
- manager=True,
-async def _(e):
- reply = await e.get_reply_message()
- match = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if reply and not isinstance(reply.sender, User):
- chat = await reply.get_sender()
- else:
- chat = await e.get_chat()
- if hasattr(chat, "username") and chat.username:
- return await e.eor(f"Username: @{chat.username}")
- request, usage, title, link = None, None, None, None
- if match:
- split = match.split(maxsplit=1)
- request = split[0] in ["r", "request"]
- title = "Created by Ultroid"
- if len(split) > 1:
- match = split[1]
- spli = match.split(maxsplit=1)
- if spli[0].isdigit():
- usage = int(spli[0])
- if len(spli) > 1:
- title = spli[1]
- elif not request:
- if match.isdigit():
- usage = int(match)
- else:
- title = match
- if request and usage:
- usage = 0
- if request or title:
- try:
- r = await e.client(
- ExportChatInviteRequest(
- e.chat_id,
- request_needed=request,
- usage_limit=usage,
- title=title,
- ),
- )
- except no_admin:
- return await e.eor(get_string("chats_2"), time=10)
- link = r.link
- else:
- if isinstance(chat, types.Chat):
- FC = await e.client(GetFullChatRequest(chat.id))
- elif isinstance(chat, types.Channel):
- FC = await e.client(GetFullChannelRequest(chat.id))
- else:
- return
- Inv = FC.full_chat.exported_invite
- if Inv and not Inv.revoked:
- link = Inv.link
- if link:
- return await e.eor(f"Link:- {link}")
- await e.eor("`Failed to getlink!\nSeems like link is inaccessible to you...`")
- pattern="create (b|g|c)(?: |$)(.*)",
-async def _(e):
- type_of_group = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- group_name = e.pattern_match.group(2)
- username = None
- if " ; " in group_name:
- group_ = group_name.split(" ; ", maxsplit=1)
- group_name = group_[0]
- username = group_[1]
- xx = await e.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- if type_of_group == "b":
- try:
- r = await e.client(
- CreateChatRequest(
- users=[asst.me.username],
- title=group_name,
- ),
- )
- created_chat_id = r.chats[0].id
- result = await e.client(
- ExportChatInviteRequest(
- peer=created_chat_id,
- ),
- )
- await xx.edit(
- get_string("chats_4").format(group_name, result.link),
- link_preview=False,
- )
- except Exception as ex:
- await xx.edit(str(ex))
- elif type_of_group in ["g", "c"]:
- try:
- r = await e.client(
- CreateChannelRequest(
- title=group_name,
- about=get_string("chats_5"),
- megagroup=type_of_group != "c",
- )
- )
- created_chat_id = r.chats[0].id
- if username:
- await e.client(UpdateUsernameRequest(created_chat_id, username))
- result = f"https://t.me/{username}"
- else:
- result = (
- await e.client(
- ExportChatInviteRequest(
- peer=created_chat_id,
- ),
- )
- ).link
- await xx.edit(
- get_string("chats_6").format(f"[{group_name}]({result})"),
- link_preview=False,
- )
- except Exception as ex:
- await xx.edit(str(ex))
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------- #
- pattern="setgpic( (.*)|$)", admins_only=True, manager=True, require="change_info"
-async def _(ult):
- if not ult.is_reply:
- return await ult.eor("`Reply to a Media..`", time=5)
- match = ult.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not ult.client._bot and match:
- try:
- chat = await ult.client.parse_id(match)
- except Exception as ok:
- return await ult.eor(str(ok))
- else:
- chat = ult.chat_id
- reply = await ult.get_reply_message()
- if reply.photo or reply.sticker or reply.video:
- replfile = await reply.download_media()
- elif reply.document and reply.document.thumbs:
- replfile = await reply.download_media(thumb=-1)
- else:
- return await ult.eor("Reply to a Photo or Video..")
- mediain = mediainfo(reply.media)
- if "animated" in mediain:
- replfile = await con.convert(replfile, convert_to="mp4")
- else:
- replfile = await con.convert(
- replfile, outname="chatphoto", allowed_formats=["jpg", "png", "mp4"]
- )
- file = await ult.client.upload_file(replfile)
- try:
- if "pic" not in mediain:
- file = types.InputChatUploadedPhoto(video=file)
- await ult.client(EditPhotoRequest(chat, file))
- await ult.eor("`Group Photo has Successfully Changed !`", time=5)
- except Exception as ex:
- await ult.eor(f"Error occured.\n`{str(ex)}`", time=5)
- os.remove(replfile)
- pattern="delgpic( (.*)|$)", admins_only=True, manager=True, require="change_info"
-async def _(ult):
- match = ult.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- chat = ult.chat_id
- if not ult.client._bot and match:
- chat = match
- try:
- await ult.client(EditPhotoRequest(chat, types.InputChatPhotoEmpty()))
- text = "`Removed Chat Photo..`"
- except Exception as E:
- text = str(E)
- return await ult.eor(text, time=5)
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="unbanall$", manager=True, admins_only=True, require="ban_users")
-async def _(event):
- xx = await event.eor("Searching Participant Lists.")
- p = 0
- title = (await event.get_chat()).title
- async for i in event.client.iter_participants(
- event.chat_id,
- filter=ChannelParticipantsKicked,
- aggressive=True,
- ):
- try:
- await event.client.edit_permissions(event.chat_id, i, view_messages=True)
- p += 1
- except no_admin:
- pass
- except BaseException as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- await xx.eor(f"{title}: {p} unbanned", time=5)
- pattern="rmusers( (.*)|$)",
- groups_only=True,
- admins_only=True,
- fullsudo=True,
-async def _(event):
- xx = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- input_str = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- p, a, b, c, d, m, n, y, w, o, q, r = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
- async for i in event.client.iter_participants(event.chat_id):
- p += 1 # Total Count
- if isinstance(i.status, UserStatusEmpty):
- if "empty" in input_str:
- try:
- await event.client.kick_participant(event.chat_id, i)
- c += 1
- except BaseException:
- pass
- else:
- y += 1
- if isinstance(i.status, UserStatusLastMonth):
- if "month" in input_str:
- try:
- await event.client.kick_participant(event.chat_id, i)
- c += 1
- except BaseException:
- pass
- else:
- m += 1
- if isinstance(i.status, UserStatusLastWeek):
- if "week" in input_str:
- try:
- await event.client.kick_participant(event.chat_id, i)
- c += 1
- except BaseException:
- pass
- else:
- w += 1
- if isinstance(i.status, UserStatusOffline):
- if "offline" in input_str:
- try:
- await event.client.kick_participant(event.chat_id, i)
- c += 1
- except BaseException:
- pass
- else:
- o += 1
- if isinstance(i.status, UserStatusOnline):
- if "online" in input_str:
- try:
- await event.client.kick_participant(event.chat_id, i)
- c += 1
- except BaseException:
- pass
- else:
- q += 1
- if isinstance(i.status, UserStatusRecently):
- if "recently" in input_str:
- try:
- await event.client.kick_participant(event.chat_id, i)
- c += 1
- except BaseException:
- pass
- else:
- r += 1
- if i.bot:
- if "bot" in input_str:
- try:
- await event.client.kick_participant(event.chat_id, i)
- c += 1
- except BaseException:
- pass
- else:
- b += 1
- elif i.deleted:
- if "deleted" in input_str:
- try:
- await event.client.kick_participant(event.chat_id, i)
- c += 1
- except BaseException:
- pass
- else:
- d += 1
- elif i.status is None:
- if "none" in input_str:
- try:
- await event.client.kick_participant(event.chat_id, i)
- c += 1
- except BaseException:
- pass
- else:
- n += 1
- if input_str:
- required_string = f"**>> Kicked** `{c} / {p}` **users**\n\n"
- else:
- required_string = f"**>> Total** `{p}` **users**\n\n"
- required_string += f" `{HNDLR}rmusers deleted` **••** `{d}`\n"
- required_string += f" `{HNDLR}rmusers empty` **••** `{y}`\n"
- required_string += f" `{HNDLR}rmusers month` **••** `{m}`\n"
- required_string += f" `{HNDLR}rmusers week` **••** `{w}`\n"
- required_string += f" `{HNDLR}rmusers offline` **••** `{o}`\n"
- required_string += f" `{HNDLR}rmusers online` **••** `{q}`\n"
- required_string += f" `{HNDLR}rmusers recently` **••** `{r}`\n"
- required_string += f" `{HNDLR}rmusers bot` **••** `{b}`\n"
- required_string += f" `{HNDLR}rmusers none` **••** `{n}`"
- await xx.eor(required_string)
diff --git a/plugins/cleanaction.py b/plugins/cleanaction.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ebc65752f3267e175da561ea383edc31cb5bfa20..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/cleanaction.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_cleanaction")
-from telethon.utils import get_display_name
-from . import get_string, udB, ultroid_cmd
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="addclean$", admins_only=True)
-async def _(e):
- key = udB.get_key("CLEANCHAT") or []
- if e.chat_id in key:
- return await eod(e, get_string("clan_5"))
- key.append(e.chat_id)
- udB.set_key("CLEANCHAT", key)
- await e.eor(get_string("clan_1"), time=5)
-async def _(e):
- key = udB.get_key("CLEANCHAT") or []
- if e.chat_id in key:
- key.remove(e.chat_id)
- udB.set_key("CLEANCHAT", key)
- await e.eor(get_string("clan_2"), time=5)
-async def _(e):
- if k := udB.get_key("CLEANCHAT"):
- o = ""
- for x in k:
- try:
- title = get_display_name(await e.client.get_entity(x))
- except BaseException:
- title = get_string("clan_3")
- o += f"{x} {title}\n"
- return await e.eor(o)
- await e.eor(get_string("clan_4"), time=5)
diff --git a/plugins/codefix.py b/plugins/codefix.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1340eabeacb96651cdf196fc8ddd93274af246a1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/codefix.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-import os
-from collections import deque
-from io import BytesIO
-from . import (
- ultroid_cmd,
- async_searcher,
- udB,
- get_paste,
-CR_O_CHAT_HISTORY = deque(maxlen=30)
-TELEGRAM_CHAR_LIMIT = 4096 # Telegram's message character limit
-initprompt = """
-You are an expert coding assistant. Your primary goal is to analyze, repair, and enhance the code provided by the user.
-Follow this structured approach:
-1. **Clarify Code Intent:**
- * If the purpose of the code is unclear, ask the user for clarification.
- * Understand what the code is supposed to achieve.
-2. **Analyze and Diagnose:**
- * Identify errors, bugs, security vulnerabilities, or logical flaws.
- * Look for performance inefficiencies and suggest improvements.
- * Ensure adherence to coding standards and best practices (e.g., PEP 8 for Python).
-3. **Repair and Optimize:**
- * Correct bugs, errors, and vulnerabilities, providing explanations for each fix.
- * Optimize the code for speed, memory usage, or overall efficiency.
- * Recommend alternative libraries or methods where they might offer better solutions.
-4. **Enhance Readability and Maintainability:**
- * Apply consistent formatting and clean coding practices.
- * Add meaningful comments to clarify complex logic or structures.
-5. **Summarize Improvements:**
- * Present the corrected, optimized code.
- * Provide a brief summary of the changes made and explain the benefits of each.
-initset = False
-async def pastee(data):
- err, linky = await get_paste(data)
- if err:
- return f">> [Raw Code Pasted Here](https://spaceb.in/{linky})\n"
- else:
- LOGS.error(linky)
- return ""
- pattern=r"codefix( ([\s\S]*))?$",
-async def openai_chat_gpt(e):
- global initset
- api_key = "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"
- if not api_key:
- return await e.eor("`OPENAI_API` key missing..", time=10)
- query = e.pattern_match.group(2)
- reply = await e.get_reply_message()
- file_content = None
- if query:
- # Check if query contains 'from filename'
- if ' from ' in query:
- query_text, filename = query.split(' from ', 1)
- query_text = query_text.strip()
- filename = filename.strip()
- # Attempt to find and read the file from media in chat
- file_found = False
- async for message in e.client.iter_messages(e.chat_id, reverse=True, limit=50):
- if message.media and message.file.name == filename:
- if (message.file.name.endswith(".txt") or message.file.name.endswith(".py")):
- file = await e.client.download_media(message)
- try:
- with open(file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
- file_content = f.read()
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.error(f"Error reading file: {exc}")
- return await e.eor("`Failed to read file content.`", time=5)
- finally:
- os.remove(file)
- file_found = True
- break
- if not file_found:
- return await e.eor(f"`File {filename} not found in recent messages.`", time=5)
- if file_content:
- query = f"{query_text}\n\n{file_content}" if query_text else file_content
- else:
- return await e.eor("`Failed to read file content.`", time=5)
- else:
- if reply and reply.media and (reply.file.name.endswith(".txt") or reply.file.name.endswith(".py")):
- # Use the query and the replied file content
- file = await e.client.download_media(reply)
- try:
- with open(file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
- file_content = f.read()
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.error(f"Error reading file: {exc}")
- return await e.eor("`Failed to read file content.`", time=5)
- finally:
- os.remove(file)
- query = f"{query}\n\n{file_content}"
- elif reply and reply.message:
- # Use the query and the replied text message content
- query = f"{query}\n\n{reply.message}"
- # Else, use query as is
- else:
- if reply and reply.media and (reply.file.name.endswith(".txt") or reply.file.name.endswith(".py")):
- # Use the replied file content
- file = await e.client.download_media(reply)
- try:
- with open(file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
- file_content = f.read()
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.error(f"Error reading file: {exc}")
- return await e.eor("`Failed to read file content.`", time=5)
- finally:
- os.remove(file)
- query = file_content
- elif reply and reply.message:
- # Use the replied text message content
- query = reply.message
- else:
- return await e.eor("`Please provide a question or reply to a message or .txt/.py file.`", time=5)
- if query.strip() == "-c":
- initset = False
- return await e.eor("__Cleared o1-mini Chat History!__", time=6)
- if initset == False:
- CR_O_CHAT_HISTORY.append({"role": "user", "content": initprompt})
- try:
- data = {
- "model": "o1-mini",
- "messages": list(CR_O_CHAT_HISTORY),
- }
- request = await async_searcher(
- "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions",
- headers={
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}",
- },
- json=data,
- re_json=True,
- post=True,
- )
- response = request["choices"][0]["message"]["content"]
- CR_O_CHAT_HISTORY.append({"role": "assistant", "content": response})
- initset = True
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.warning(exc, exc_info=True)
- return await e.edit(
- f"**Error while requesting data from OpenAI:** \n> `{exc}`"
- )
- eris = await e.eor(f"__Generating answer for:__\n`{query[:20]} ...`")
- CR_O_CHAT_HISTORY.append({"role": "user", "content": query})
- try:
- data = {
- "model": "o1-mini",
- "messages": list(CR_O_CHAT_HISTORY),
- }
- request = await async_searcher(
- "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions",
- headers={
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}",
- },
- json=data,
- re_json=True,
- post=True,
- )
- response = request["choices"][0]["message"]["content"]
- CR_O_CHAT_HISTORY.append({"role": "assistant", "content": response})
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.warning(exc, exc_info=True)
- return await eris.edit(
- f"**Error while requesting data from OpenAI:** \n> `{exc}`"
- )
- LOGS.debug(f'Tokens Used on query: {request["usage"]["completion_tokens"]}')
- # Truncate query to 50 characters for display
- truncated_query = query[:100]
- # Prepare the full message
- full_message = f"**Query:**\n~ __{truncated_query}__\n\n**o1-mini:**\n~ {response}"
- # Check if response contains code blocks
- code_blocks = []
- in_code_block = False
- code_block_lines = []
- for line in response.split('\n'):
- if line.strip().startswith('```'):
- if in_code_block:
- # End of code block
- in_code_block = False
- code_blocks.append('\n'.join(code_block_lines))
- code_block_lines = []
- else:
- # Start of code block
- in_code_block = True
- elif in_code_block:
- code_block_lines.append(line)
- # If the response contains code blocks, select the largest one and paste it
- if code_blocks:
- # Select the largest code block based on length
- largest_code_block = max(code_blocks, key=lambda block: len(block))
- # Upload the largest code block to spaceb.in and get the link
- paste_link = await pastee(largest_code_block)
- else:
- paste_link = ""
- if len(full_message) <= TELEGRAM_CHAR_LIMIT:
- # If it fits within the limit, send as a message
- await eris.edit(full_message + f"\n\n{paste_link}")
- else:
- # If it exceeds the limit, send as a file and include paste link
- file = BytesIO(full_message.encode('utf-8'))
- file.name = "o1-mini-output.txt"
- await eris.respond(
- "__The query and response were too long, so they have been sent as a file.__\n\n" + paste_link,
- file=file,
- reply_to=e.reply_to_msg_id or e.id,
- link_preview=False
- )
- await eris.delete()
diff --git a/plugins/codegpt.py b/plugins/codegpt.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ca3b6d545ac389119aaddd155722c1bc9852aa0d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/codegpt.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-import os
-from collections import deque
-from io import BytesIO
-from . import (
- ultroid_cmd,
- async_searcher,
- udB,
- get_paste,
-CG_GPT_CHAT_HISTORY = deque(maxlen=30)
-TELEGRAM_CHAR_LIMIT = 4096 # Telegram's message character limit
-initprompt = """
-Your name is User Coding Helper. Your task is to create plugins for the Ultroid Telegram userbot. Follow these guidelines:
-1. Imports: Include all necessary imports as demonstrated in the example code provided below.
-2. Command Creation: Generate a random, suitable Ultroid command. Ensure that this command can either:
- - Process a query, or
- - Be used directly with the command.
-3. Code Submission: Do not send any code without a corresponding post request or without the user providing a code snippet.
-Example Code:
-from os import system, remove
-from io import BytesIO
- import openai
-except ImportError:
- system("pip install -q openai")
- import openai
-from . import ultroid_cmd, check_filename, udB, LOGS, fast_download, run_async
-def get_gpt_answer(gen_image, question, api_key):
- openai.api_key = api_key
- if gen_image:
- x = openai.Image.create(
- prompt=question,
- n=1,
- size="1024x1024",
- user="arc",
- )
- return x["data"][0]["url"]
- x = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
- model="gpt-3.5-turbo",
- messages=[{"role": "user", "content": question}],
- )
- LOGS.debug(f'Token Used on ({question}) > {x["usage"]["total_tokens"]}')
- return x["choices"][0]["message"]["content"].lstrip("+AFw-n")
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="(chat)?gpt( (.*)|$)")
-async def openai_chat_gpt(e):
- api_key = udB.get_key("OPENAI_API")
- gen_image = False
- if not api_key:
- return await e.eor("OPENAI_API key missing..")
- args = e.pattern_match.group(3)
- reply = await e.get_reply_message()
- if not args:
- if reply and reply.text:
- args = reply.message
- if not args:
- return await e.eor("Gimme a Question to ask from ChatGPT")
- moi = await e.eor(f"+2D3cIw")
- if args.startswith("-i"):
- gen_image = True
- args = args[2:].strip()
- try:
- response = await get_gpt_answer(gen_image, args, api_key)
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.warning(exc, exc_info=True)
- return await moi.edit(f"Error: +AFw-n> {exc}")
- else:
- if gen_image:
- path, _ = await fast_download(
- response, filename=check_filename("dall-e.png")
- )
- await e.client.send_file(
- e.chat_id,
- path,
- caption=f"{args[:1020]}",
- reply_to=e.reply_to_msg_id,
- )
- await moi.delete()
- return remove(path)
- if len(response) < 4095:
- answer = f"+AFw-n {response}"
- return await moi.edit(answer, parse_mode="html")
- with BytesIO(response.encode()) as file:
- file.name = "gpt_response.txt"
- await e.client.send_file(
- e.chat_id, file, caption=f"{args[:1020]}", reply_to=e.reply_to_msg_id
- )
- await moi.delete()
-Based on this template, whenever a new prompt is given, create a suitable Ultroid plugin code snippet that includes a POST request, handles the query, and assigns a new command.
-initset = False
-async def pastee(data):
- err, linky = await get_paste(data)
- if err:
- return f">> [Raw Code Pasted Here](https://spaceb.in/{linky})\n"
- else:
- LOGS.error(linky)
- return ""
- pattern=r"codegen( ([\s\S]*))?$",
-async def openai_chat_gpt(e):
- global initset
- api_key = "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"
- if not api_key:
- return await e.eor("`OPENAI_API` key missing..", time=10)
- query = e.pattern_match.group(2)
- reply = await e.get_reply_message()
- file_content = None
- if query:
- # Check if query contains 'from filename'
- if ' from ' in query:
- query_text, filename = query.split(' from ', 1)
- query_text = query_text.strip()
- filename = filename.strip()
- # Attempt to find and read the file from media in chat
- file_found = False
- async for message in e.client.iter_messages(e.chat_id, reverse=True, limit=50):
- if message.media and message.file.name == filename:
- if (message.file.name.endswith(".txt") or message.file.name.endswith(".py")):
- file = await e.client.download_media(message)
- try:
- with open(file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
- file_content = f.read()
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.error(f"Error reading file: {exc}")
- return await e.eor("`Failed to read file content.`", time=5)
- finally:
- os.remove(file)
- file_found = True
- break
- if not file_found:
- return await e.eor(f"`File {filename} not found in recent messages.`", time=5)
- if file_content:
- query = f"{query_text}\n\n{file_content}" if query_text else file_content
- else:
- return await e.eor("`Failed to read file content.`", time=5)
- else:
- if reply and reply.media and (reply.file.name.endswith(".txt") or reply.file.name.endswith(".py")):
- # Use the query and the replied file content
- file = await e.client.download_media(reply)
- try:
- with open(file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
- file_content = f.read()
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.error(f"Error reading file: {exc}")
- return await e.eor("`Failed to read file content.`", time=5)
- finally:
- os.remove(file)
- query = f"{query}\n\n{file_content}"
- elif reply and reply.message:
- # Use the query and the replied text message content
- query = f"{query}\n\n{reply.message}"
- # Else, use query as is
- else:
- if reply and reply.media and (reply.file.name.endswith(".txt") or reply.file.name.endswith(".py")):
- # Use the replied file content
- file = await e.client.download_media(reply)
- try:
- with open(file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
- file_content = f.read()
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.error(f"Error reading file: {exc}")
- return await e.eor("`Failed to read file content.`", time=5)
- finally:
- os.remove(file)
- query = file_content
- elif reply and reply.message:
- # Use the replied text message content
- query = reply.message
- else:
- return await e.eor("`Please provide a question or reply to a message or .txt/.py file.`", time=5)
- if query.strip() == "-c":
- return await e.eor("__Cleared o1-mini Chat History!__", time=6)
- if initset == False:
- CG_GPT_CHAT_HISTORY.append({"role": "user", "content": initprompt})
- try:
- data = {
- "model": "o1-mini",
- "messages": list(CG_GPT_CHAT_HISTORY),
- }
- request = await async_searcher(
- "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions",
- headers={
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}",
- },
- json=data,
- re_json=True,
- post=True,
- )
- response = request["choices"][0]["message"]["content"]
- CG_GPT_CHAT_HISTORY.append({"role": "assistant", "content": response})
- initset = True
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.warning(exc, exc_info=True)
- return await eris.edit(
- f"**Error while requesting data from OpenAI:** \n> `{exc}`"
- )
- eris = await e.eor(f"__Generating answer for:__\n`{query[:20]} ...`")
- CG_GPT_CHAT_HISTORY.append({"role": "user", "content": query})
- try:
- data = {
- "model": "o1-mini",
- "messages": list(CG_GPT_CHAT_HISTORY),
- }
- request = await async_searcher(
- "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions",
- headers={
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}",
- },
- json=data,
- re_json=True,
- post=True,
- )
- response = request["choices"][0]["message"]["content"]
- CG_GPT_CHAT_HISTORY.append({"role": "assistant", "content": response})
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.warning(exc, exc_info=True)
- return await eris.edit(
- f"**Error while requesting data from OpenAI:** \n> `{exc}`"
- )
- LOGS.debug(f'Tokens Used on query: {request["usage"]["completion_tokens"]}')
- # Truncate query to 50 characters for display
- truncated_query = query[:100]
- # Prepare the full message
- full_message = f"**Query:**\n~ __{truncated_query}__\n\n**o1-mini:**\n~ {response}"
- # Check if response contains code blocks
- code_blocks = []
- in_code_block = False
- code_block_lines = []
- for line in response.split('\n'):
- if line.strip().startswith('```'):
- if in_code_block:
- # End of code block
- in_code_block = False
- code_blocks.append('\n'.join(code_block_lines))
- code_block_lines = []
- else:
- # Start of code block
- in_code_block = True
- elif in_code_block:
- code_block_lines.append(line)
- # If the response contains code blocks, select the largest one and paste it
- if code_blocks:
- # Select the largest code block based on length
- largest_code_block = max(code_blocks, key=lambda block: len(block))
- # Upload the largest code block to spaceb.in and get the link
- paste_link = await pastee(largest_code_block)
- else:
- paste_link = ""
- if len(full_message) <= TELEGRAM_CHAR_LIMIT:
- # If it fits within the limit, send as a message
- await eris.edit(full_message + f"\n\n{paste_link}")
- else:
- # If it exceeds the limit, send as a file and include paste link
- file = BytesIO(full_message.encode('utf-8'))
- file.name = "o1-mini-output.txt"
- await eris.respond(
- "__The query and response were too long, so they have been sent as a file.__\n\n" + paste_link,
- file=file,
- reply_to=e.reply_to_msg_id or e.id,
- link_preview=False
- )
- await eris.delete()
diff --git a/plugins/compressor.py b/plugins/compressor.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4161a9f4fa6d397ccd225ceda0ef031f80458a1b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/compressor.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_compressor")
-import asyncio
-import os
-import re
-import time
-from datetime import datetime as dt
-from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import MessageNotModifiedError
-from telethon.tl.types import DocumentAttributeVideo
-from pyUltroid.fns.tools import metadata
-from . import (
- ULTConfig,
- bash,
- downloader,
- get_string,
- humanbytes,
- math,
- mediainfo,
- time_formatter,
- ultroid_cmd,
- uploader,
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="compress( (.*)|$)")
-async def _(e):
- cr = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- crf = 27
- to_stream = False
- if cr:
- k = e.text.split()
- if len(k) == 2:
- crf = int(k[1]) if k[1].isdigit() else 27
- elif len(k) > 2:
- crf = int(k[1]) if k[1].isdigit() else 27
- to_stream = "stream" in k[2]
- vido = await e.get_reply_message()
- if vido and vido.media and "video" in mediainfo(vido.media):
- if hasattr(vido.media, "document"):
- vfile = vido.media.document
- name = vido.file.name
- else:
- vfile = vido.media
- name = ""
- if not name:
- name = "video_" + dt.now().isoformat("_", "seconds") + ".mp4"
- xxx = await e.eor(get_string("audiotools_5"))
- c_time = time.time()
- file = await downloader(
- f"resources/downloads/{name}",
- vfile,
- xxx,
- c_time,
- f"Downloading {name}...",
- )
- o_size = os.path.getsize(file.name)
- d_time = time.time()
- diff = time_formatter((d_time - c_time) * 1000)
- file_name = (file.name).split("/")[-1]
- out = file_name.replace(file_name.split(".")[-1], "compressed.mkv")
- await xxx.edit(
- f"`Downloaded {file.name} of {humanbytes(o_size)} in {diff}.\nNow Compressing...`"
- )
- x, y = await bash(
- f'mediainfo --fullscan """{file.name}""" | grep "Frame count"'
- )
- if y and y.endswith("NOT_FOUND"):
- return await xxx.edit(f"ERROR: `{y}`")
- total_frames = x.split(":")[1].split("\n")[0]
- progress = f"progress-{c_time}.txt"
- with open(progress, "w"):
- pass
- proce = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell(
- f'ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel quiet -progress {progress} -i """{file.name}""" -preset ultrafast -vcodec libx265 -crf {crf} -c:a copy """{out}""" -y',
- stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE,
- )
- while proce.returncode != 0:
- await asyncio.sleep(3)
- with open(progress, "r+") as fil:
- text = fil.read()
- frames = re.findall("frame=(\\d+)", text)
- size = re.findall("total_size=(\\d+)", text)
- speed = 0
- if len(frames):
- elapse = int(frames[-1])
- if len(size):
- size = int(size[-1])
- per = elapse * 100 / int(total_frames)
- time_diff = time.time() - int(d_time)
- speed = round(elapse / time_diff, 2)
- if int(speed) != 0:
- some_eta = ((int(total_frames) - elapse) / speed) * 1000
- text = f"`Compressing {file_name} at {crf} CRF.\n`"
- progress_str = "`[{0}{1}] {2}%\n\n`".format(
- "".join("●" for _ in range(math.floor(per / 5))),
- "".join("" for _ in range(20 - math.floor(per / 5))),
- round(per, 2),
- )
- e_size = f"{humanbytes(size)} of ~{humanbytes((size / per) * 100)}"
- eta = f"~{time_formatter(some_eta)}"
- try:
- await xxx.edit(
- text
- + progress_str
- + "`"
- + e_size
- + "`"
- + "\n\n`"
- + eta
- + "`"
- )
- except MessageNotModifiedError:
- pass
- os.remove(file.name)
- c_size = os.path.getsize(out)
- f_time = time.time()
- difff = time_formatter((f_time - d_time) * 1000)
- await xxx.edit(
- f"`Compressed {humanbytes(o_size)} to {humanbytes(c_size)} in {difff}\nTrying to Upload...`"
- )
- differ = 100 - ((c_size / o_size) * 100)
- caption = f"**Original Size: **`{humanbytes(o_size)}`\n"
- caption += f"**Compressed Size: **`{humanbytes(c_size)}`\n"
- caption += f"**Compression Ratio: **`{differ:.2f}%`\n"
- caption += f"\n**Time Taken To Compress: **`{difff}`"
- mmmm = await uploader(out, out, f_time, xxx, f"Uploading {out}...")
- if to_stream:
- data = await metadata(out)
- width = data["width"]
- height = data["height"]
- duration = data["duration"]
- attributes = [
- DocumentAttributeVideo(
- duration=duration, w=width, h=height, supports_streaming=True
- )
- ]
- await e.client.send_file(
- e.chat_id,
- mmmm,
- thumb=ULTConfig.thumb,
- caption=caption,
- attributes=attributes,
- force_document=False,
- reply_to=e.reply_to_msg_id,
- )
- else:
- await e.client.send_file(
- e.chat_id,
- mmmm,
- thumb=ULTConfig.thumb,
- caption=caption,
- force_document=True,
- reply_to=e.reply_to_msg_id,
- )
- await xxx.delete()
- os.remove(out)
- os.remove(progress)
- else:
- await e.eor(get_string("audiotools_8"), time=5)
diff --git a/plugins/converter.py b/plugins/converter.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ed3e36037be740b8b23b96ef8f9073644f8dd47..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/converter.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_converter")
-import os
-import time
-from . import LOGS
- import cv2
-except ImportError:
- cv2 = None
- from PIL import Image
-except ImportError:
- LOGS.info(f"{__file__}: PIL not Installed.")
- Image = None
-from telegraph import upload_file as uf
-from . import (
- ULTConfig,
- bash,
- con,
- downloader,
- get_paste,
- get_string,
- udB,
- ultroid_cmd,
- uploader,
-opn = []
- pattern="thumbnail$",
-async def _(e):
- r = await e.get_reply_message()
- if r.photo:
- dl = await r.download_media()
- elif r.document and r.document.thumbs:
- dl = await r.download_media(thumb=-1)
- else:
- return await e.eor("`Reply to Photo or media with thumb...`")
- variable = uf(dl)
- os.remove(dl)
- nn = f"https://graph.org{variable[0]}"
- udB.set_key("CUSTOM_THUMBNAIL", str(nn))
- await bash(f"wget {nn} -O resources/extras/ultroid.jpg")
- await e.eor(get_string("cvt_6").format(nn), link_preview=False)
- pattern="rename( (.*)|$)",
-async def imak(event):
- reply = await event.get_reply_message()
- t = time.time()
- if not reply:
- return await event.eor(get_string("cvt_1"))
- inp = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not inp:
- return await event.eor(get_string("cvt_2"))
- xx = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- if reply.media:
- if hasattr(reply.media, "document"):
- file = reply.media.document
- image = await downloader(
- reply.file.name or str(time.time()),
- reply.media.document,
- xx,
- t,
- get_string("com_5"),
- )
- file = image.name
- else:
- file = await event.client.download_media(reply.media)
- if os.path.exists(inp):
- os.remove(inp)
- await bash(f'mv """{file}""" """{inp}"""')
- if not os.path.exists(inp) or os.path.exists(inp) and not os.path.getsize(inp):
- os.rename(file, inp)
- k = time.time()
- xxx = await uploader(inp, inp, k, xx, get_string("com_6"))
- await event.reply(
- f"`{xxx.name}`",
- file=xxx,
- force_document=True,
- thumb=ULTConfig.thumb,
- )
- os.remove(inp)
- await xx.delete()
-conv_keys = {
- "img": "png",
- "sticker": "webp",
- "webp": "webp",
- "image": "png",
- "webm": "webm",
- "gif": "gif",
- "json": "json",
- "tgs": "tgs",
- pattern="convert( (.*)|$)",
-async def uconverter(event):
- xx = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- a = await event.get_reply_message()
- if a is None:
- return await event.eor("`Reply to Photo or media with thumb...`")
- input_ = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- b = await a.download_media("resources/downloads/")
- if not b and (a.document and a.document.thumbs):
- b = await a.download_media(thumb=-1)
- if not b:
- return await xx.edit(get_string("cvt_3"))
- try:
- convert = conv_keys[input_]
- except KeyError:
- return await xx.edit(get_string("sts_3").format("gif/img/sticker/webm"))
- file = await con.convert(b, outname="ultroid", convert_to=convert)
- if file:
- await event.client.send_file(
- event.chat_id, file, reply_to=event.reply_to_msg_id or event.id
- )
- os.remove(file)
- await xx.delete()
- pattern="doc( (.*)|$)",
-async def _(event):
- input_str = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not (input_str and event.is_reply):
- return await event.eor(get_string("cvt_1"), time=5)
- xx = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- a = await event.get_reply_message()
- if not a.message:
- return await xx.edit(get_string("ex_1"))
- with open(input_str, "w") as b:
- b.write(str(a.message))
- await xx.edit(f"**Packing into** `{input_str}`")
- await event.reply(file=input_str, thumb=ULTConfig.thumb)
- await xx.delete()
- os.remove(input_str)
- pattern="open( (.*)|$)",
-async def _(event):
- a = await event.get_reply_message()
- b = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not ((a and a.media) or (b and os.path.exists(b))):
- return await event.eor(get_string("cvt_7"), time=5)
- xx = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- rem = None
- if not b:
- b = await a.download_media()
- rem = True
- try:
- with open(b) as c:
- d = c.read()
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- return await xx.eor(get_string("cvt_8"), time=5)
- try:
- await xx.edit(f"```{d}```")
- except BaseException:
- what, key = await get_paste(d)
- await xx.edit(
- f"**MESSAGE EXCEEDS TELEGRAM LIMITS**\n\nSo Pasted It On [SPACEBIN](https://spaceb.in/{key})"
- )
- if rem:
- os.remove(b)
diff --git a/plugins/core.py b/plugins/core.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6664fa5800275464bee832f87e88a1b2238cc5e5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/core.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_core")
-import os
-from pyUltroid.startup.loader import load_addons
-from . import LOGS, async_searcher, eod, get_string, safeinstall, ultroid_cmd, un_plug
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="install", fullsudo=True)
-async def install(event):
- await safeinstall(event)
- pattern=r"unload( (.*)|$)",
-async def unload(event):
- shortname = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not shortname:
- await event.eor(get_string("core_9"))
- return
- lsd = os.listdir("addons")
- zym = f"{shortname}.py"
- if zym in lsd:
- try:
- un_plug(shortname)
- await event.eor(f"**Uɴʟᴏᴀᴅᴇᴅ** `{shortname}` **Sᴜᴄᴄᴇssғᴜʟʟʏ.**", time=3)
- except Exception as ex:
- LOGS.exception(ex)
- return await event.eor(str(ex))
- elif zym in os.listdir("plugins"):
- return await event.eor(get_string("core_11"), time=3)
- else:
- await event.eor(f"**Nᴏ Pʟᴜɢɪɴ Nᴀᴍᴇᴅ** `{shortname}`", time=3)
- pattern=r"uninstall( (.*)|$)",
-async def uninstall(event):
- shortname = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not shortname:
- await event.eor(get_string("core_13"))
- return
- lsd = os.listdir("addons")
- zym = f"{shortname}.py"
- if zym in lsd:
- try:
- un_plug(shortname)
- await event.eor(f"**Uɴɪɴsᴛᴀʟʟᴇᴅ** `{shortname}` **Sᴜᴄᴄᴇssғᴜʟʟʏ.**", time=3)
- os.remove(f"addons/{shortname}.py")
- except Exception as ex:
- return await event.eor(str(ex))
- elif zym in os.listdir("plugins"):
- return await event.eor(get_string("core_15"), time=3)
- else:
- return await event.eor(f"**Nᴏ Pʟᴜɢɪɴ Nᴀᴍᴇᴅ** `{shortname}`", time=3)
- pattern=r"load( (.*)|$)",
- fullsudo=True,
-async def load(event):
- shortname = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not shortname:
- await event.eor(get_string("core_16"))
- return
- try:
- try:
- un_plug(shortname)
- except BaseException:
- pass
- load_addons(f"addons/{shortname}.py")
- await event.eor(get_string("core_17").format(shortname), time=3)
- except Exception as e:
- LOGS.exception(e)
- await eod(
- event,
- get_string("core_18").format(shortname, e),
- time=3,
- )
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="getaddons( (.*)|$)", fullsudo=True)
-async def get_the_addons_lol(event):
- thelink = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- xx = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- fool = get_string("gas_1")
- if thelink is None:
- return await xx.eor(fool, time=10)
- split_thelink = thelink.split("/")
- if not ("raw" in thelink and thelink.endswith(".py")):
- return await xx.eor(fool, time=10)
- name_of_it = split_thelink[-1]
- plug = await async_searcher(thelink)
- fil = f"addons/{name_of_it}"
- await xx.edit("Packing the codes...")
- with open(fil, "w", encoding="utf-8") as uult:
- uult.write(plug)
- await xx.edit("Packed. Now loading the plugin..")
- shortname = name_of_it.split(".")[0]
- try:
- load_addons(fil)
- await xx.eor(get_string("core_17").format(shortname), time=15)
- except Exception as e:
- LOGS.exception(e)
- await eod(
- xx,
- get_string("core_18").format(shortname, e),
- time=3,
- )
diff --git a/plugins/database.py b/plugins/database.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c50ea2a3a80b452217dfdfdeca18fa4ae380279..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/database.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_database")
-import re
-from . import Redis, eor, get_string, udB, ultroid_cmd
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="setdb( (.*)|$)", fullsudo=True)
-async def _(ult):
- match = ult.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not match:
- return await ult.eor("Provide key and value to set!")
- try:
- delim = " " if re.search("[|]", match) is None else " | "
- data = match.split(delim, maxsplit=1)
- if data[0] in ["--extend", "-e"]:
- data = data[1].split(maxsplit=1)
- data[1] = f"{str(udB.get_key(data[0]))} {data[1]}"
- udB.set_key(data[0], data[1])
- await ult.eor(
- f"**DB Key Value Pair Updated\nKey :** `{data[0]}`\n**Value :** `{data[1]}`"
- )
- except BaseException:
- await ult.eor(get_string("com_7"))
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="deldb( (.*)|$)", fullsudo=True)
-async def _(ult):
- key = ult.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not key:
- return await ult.eor("Give me a key name to delete!", time=5)
- _ = key.split(maxsplit=1)
- try:
- if _[0] == "-m":
- for key in _[1].split():
- k = udB.del_key(key)
- key = _[1]
- else:
- k = udB.del_key(key)
- if k == 0:
- return await ult.eor("`No Such Key.`")
- await ult.eor(f"`Successfully deleted key {key}`")
- except BaseException:
- await ult.eor(get_string("com_7"))
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="rendb( (.*)|$)", fullsudo=True)
-async def _(ult):
- match = ult.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not match:
- return await ult.eor("`Provide Keys name to rename..`")
- delim = " " if re.search("[|]", match) is None else " | "
- data = match.split(delim)
- if Redis(data[0]):
- try:
- udB.rename(data[0], data[1])
- await eor(
- ult,
- f"**DB Key Rename Successful\nOld Key :** `{data[0]}`\n**New Key :** `{data[1]}`",
- )
- except BaseException:
- await ult.eor(get_string("com_7"))
- else:
- await ult.eor("Key not found")
diff --git a/plugins/dbx.py b/plugins/dbx.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 970a5a0000b89ff68a54a4dc54dcd50a5d466b34..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/dbx.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-import dns.resolver
-import re
-from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient
-from telethon import errors
-from . import ultroid_cmd, LOGS, run_async
-dns.resolver.default_resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver(configure=False)
-dns.resolver.default_resolver.nameservers = ['']
-MONGO_URI = "mongodb+srv://xannychef:GlZdS1tZ4CiKDrcN@vouchdb.elfcz.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority&appName=vouchdb"
-mongo_client = AsyncIOMotorClient(MONGO_URI)
-db = mongo_client['vouchdata']
-vouch_collection = db['vouches']
-BATCH_SIZE = 1000
-AUTHORIZED_USERS = [5575183435]
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern=r"dbx(?: |$)(.*)", allow_sudo=True)
-async def db_command_handler(event):
- try:
- args = event.pattern_match.group(1).split()
- user_id = event.sender_id
- if user_id not in AUTHORIZED_USERS:
- await event.reply("❌ You are not authorized to use this command.")
- return
- if len(args) < 2:
- await event.reply("❌ Invalid command. Usage:\n.db -index \n.db -update ")
- return
- command = args[0]
- try:
- channel_id = int(args[1])
- except ValueError:
- await event.reply("❌ Channel ID must be an integer.")
- return
- from_message_id = int(args[2]) if command == "-update" and len(args) > 2 else None
- if command not in ["-index", "-update"]:
- await event.reply("❌ Invalid flag. Use -index or -update.")
- return
- processing_msg = await event.reply("🔍 Starting to process messages from the channel...")
- total_message_count = 0
- batch_data = []
- progress_update_interval = 10000
- try:
- channel = await event.client.get_entity(channel_id)
- except errors.ChannelPrivateError:
- await processing_msg.edit("❌ Cannot access the specified channel. It might be private or you lack permissions.")
- return
- except Exception as e:
- await processing_msg.edit(f"❌ Error accessing the channel: {str(e)}")
- return
- try:
- if command == "-index":
- total_messages = (await event.client.get_messages(channel, limit=1)).total
- await processing_msg.edit(f"🔍 Total messages to process: {total_messages}")
- async for message in event.client.iter_messages(channel_id):
- await process_message(message, batch_data, processing_msg, total_message_count, progress_update_interval)
- total_message_count += 1
- elif command == "-update":
- if not from_message_id:
- await processing_msg.edit("❌ For -update, you must provide a from_message_id.")
- return
- async for message in event.client.iter_messages(channel_id, min_id=from_message_id):
- await process_message(message, batch_data, processing_msg, total_message_count, progress_update_interval)
- total_message_count += 1
- if batch_data:
- await vouch_collection.insert_many(batch_data)
- batch_data.clear()
- await processing_msg.edit(f"✅ Completed {command[1:]}ing {total_message_count} messages.")
- except Exception as e:
- LOGS.error(f"Error during {command[1:]}ing: {str(e)}")
- await processing_msg.edit(f"❌ Error during {command[1:]}ing: {str(e)}")
- except Exception as e:
- LOGS.error(f"Unexpected error: {str(e)}")
- await event.reply(f"❌ An unexpected error occurred: {str(e)}")
-async def process_message(message, batch_data, processing_msg, total_message_count, progress_update_interval):
- if message.sender and message.sender.username and message.sender.username.lower().endswith('bot'):
- return
- vouched_by = message.sender.username if message.sender else "Unknown"
- description = message.message or "No description"
- message_id = message.id
- vouched_user_match = re.search(r"@\w+", description)
- vouched_user = vouched_user_match.group(0) if vouched_user_match else "Unknown"
- vouch_data = {
- "vouched_by": vouched_by,
- "description": description,
- "vouched_user": vouched_user,
- "message_id": message_id,
- "channel_id": message.chat_id
- }
- existing_document = await vouch_collection.find_one({"message_id": message_id, "channel_id": message.chat_id})
- if existing_document:
- await vouch_collection.update_one({"_id": existing_document["_id"]}, {"$set": vouch_data})
- else:
- batch_data.append(vouch_data)
- if len(batch_data) >= BATCH_SIZE:
- await vouch_collection.insert_many(batch_data)
- batch_data.clear()
- if total_message_count and total_message_count % progress_update_interval == 0:
- await processing_msg.edit(f"🔄 Processed {total_message_count} messages...")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/devtools.py b/plugins/devtools.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bd773ba97c7245739d3db4fd169a54b6ff246856..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/devtools.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_devtools")
-import inspect
-import sys
-import traceback
-from io import BytesIO, StringIO
-from os import remove
-from pprint import pprint
-from telethon.utils import get_display_name
-from pyUltroid import _ignore_eval
-from . import *
-# Used for Formatting Eval Code, if installed
- import black
-except ImportError:
- black = None
-from random import choice
- from yaml import safe_load
-except ImportError:
- from pyUltroid.fns.tools import safe_load
- from telegraph import upload_file as uf
-except ImportError:
- uf = None
-from telethon.tl import functions
-fn = functions
- pattern="sysinfo$",
-async def _(e):
- try:
- remove("Dockerfile")
- except Exception:
- pass
- xx = await e.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- x, y = await bash("neofetch|sed 's/\x1B\\[[0-9;\\?]*[a-zA-Z]//g' >> neo.txt")
- if y and y.endswith("NOT_FOUND"):
- return await xx.edit(f"Error: `{y}`")
- with open("neo.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as neo:
- p = (neo.read()).replace("\n\n", "")
- haa = await Carbon(code=p, file_name="neofetch", backgroundColor=choice(ATRA_COL))
- if isinstance(haa, dict):
- await xx.edit(f"`{haa}`")
- else:
- await e.reply(file=haa)
- await xx.delete()
- remove("neo.txt")
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="bash", fullsudo=True, only_devs=True)
-async def _(event):
- try:
- remove("Dockerfile")
- except Exception:
- pass
- carb, rayso, yamlf = None, None, False
- try:
- cmd = event.text.split(" ", maxsplit=1)[1]
- if cmd.split()[0] in ["-c", "--carbon"]:
- cmd = cmd.split(maxsplit=1)[1]
- carb = True
- if cmd.split()[0] in ["-r", "--rayso"]:
- cmd = cmd.split(maxsplit=1)[1]
- rayso = True
- except IndexError:
- return await event.eor(get_string("devs_1"), time=10)
- xx = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- reply_to_id = event.reply_to_msg_id or event.id
- stdout, stderr = await bash(cmd, run_code=1)
- OUT = f"**[👩💻](emoji/5301083932211550593) Ⲃⲁⲋⲏ\n\n• COMMAND:**\n`{cmd}` \n\n"
- err, out = "", ""
- if stderr:
- err = f"**[⚠️](emoji/5213205860498549992) Ⲉɴfⲟʀmⲁtⲓⲟɴ:** \n`{stderr}`\n\n"
- if stdout:
- if (carb or udB.get_key("CARBON_ON_BASH")) and (
- event.is_private
- or event.chat.admin_rights
- or event.chat.creator
- or event.chat.default_banned_rights.embed_links
- ):
- li = await Carbon(
- code=stdout,
- file_name="bash",
- download=True,
- backgroundColor=choice(ATRA_COL),
- )
- if isinstance(li, dict):
- await xx.edit(
- f"Unknown Response from Carbon: `{li}`\n\nstdout`:{stdout}`\nstderr: `{stderr}`"
- )
- return
- url = f"https://graph.org{uf(li)[-1]}"
- OUT = f"[\xad]({url}){OUT}"
- out = f"**[👨💻](emoji/5319161050128459957) Ⲟυⲧⲣυⲧ:**"
- remove(li)
- elif (rayso or udB.get_key("RAYSO_ON_BASH")) and (
- event.is_private
- or event.chat.admin_rights
- or event.chat.creator
- or event.chat.default_banned_rights.embed_links
- ):
- li = await Carbon(
- code=stdout,
- file_name="bash",
- download=True,
- backgroundColor=choice(ATRA_COL),
- rayso=True,
- )
- if isinstance(li, dict):
- await xx.edit(
- f"Unknown Response from Carbon: `{li}`\n\nstdout`:{stdout}`\nstderr: `{stderr}`"
- )
- return
- url = f"https://graph.org{uf(li)[-1]}"
- OUT = f"[\xad]({url}){OUT}"
- out = f"**[👨💻](emoji/5319161050128459957) Ⲟυⲧⲣυⲧ:**"
- remove(li)
- else:
- if "pip" in cmd and all(":" in line for line in stdout.split("\n")):
- try:
- load = safe_load(stdout)
- stdout = ""
- for data in list(load.keys()):
- res = load[data] or ""
- if res and "http" not in str(res):
- res = f"`{res}`"
- stdout += f"**{data}** : {res}\n"
- yamlf = True
- except Exception as er:
- stdout = f"`{stdout}`"
- LOGS.exception(er)
- else:
- stdout = f"`{stdout}`"
- out = f"**[👨💻](emoji/5319161050128459957) Ⲟυⲧⲣυⲧ:**\n{stdout}"
- if not stderr and not stdout:
- out = f"**[👨💻](emoji/5319161050128459957) Ⲟυⲧⲣυⲧ:**\n`Ⲋυⲥⲥⲉⲋⲋ`"
- OUT += err + out
- if len(OUT) > 4096:
- ultd = err + out
- with BytesIO(str.encode(ultd)) as out_file:
- out_file.name = "bash.txt"
- await event.client.send_file(
- event.chat_id,
- out_file,
- force_document=True,
- thumb=ULTConfig.thumb,
- allow_cache=False,
- caption=f"`{cmd}`" if len(cmd) < 998 else None,
- reply_to=reply_to_id,
- )
- await xx.delete()
- else:
- await xx.edit(OUT, link_preview=not yamlf)
-pp = pprint # ignore: pylint
-bot = ultroid = ultroid_bot
-class u:
- _ = ""
-def _parse_eval(value=None):
- if not value:
- return value
- if hasattr(value, "stringify"):
- try:
- return value.stringify()
- except TypeError:
- pass
- elif isinstance(value, dict):
- try:
- return json_parser(value, indent=1)
- except BaseException:
- pass
- elif isinstance(value, list):
- newlist = "["
- for index, child in enumerate(value):
- newlist += "\n " + str(_parse_eval(child))
- if index < len(value) - 1:
- newlist += ","
- newlist += "\n]"
- return newlist
- return str(value)
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="eval", fullsudo=True, only_devs=True)
-async def _(event):
- try:
- remove("Dockerfile")
- except Exception:
- pass
- try:
- cmd = event.text.split(maxsplit=1)[1]
- except IndexError:
- return await event.eor(get_string("devs_2"), time=5)
- xx = None
- mode = ""
- spli = cmd.split()
- async def get_():
- try:
- cm = cmd.split(maxsplit=1)[1]
- except IndexError:
- await event.eor("->> Wrong Format <<-")
- cm = None
- return cm
- if spli[0] in ["-s", "--silent"]:
- await event.delete()
- mode = "silent"
- elif spli[0] in ["-n", "-noedit"]:
- mode = "no-edit"
- xx = await event.reply(get_string("com_1"))
- elif spli[0] in ["-gs", "--source"]:
- mode = "gsource"
- elif spli[0] in ["-ga", "--args"]:
- mode = "g-args"
- if mode:
- cmd = await get_()
- if not cmd:
- return
- if mode != "silent" and not xx:
- xx = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- if black:
- try:
- cmd = black.format_str(cmd, mode=black.Mode())
- except BaseException:
- # Consider it as Code Error, and move on to be shown ahead.
- pass
- reply_to_id = event.reply_to_msg_id or event
- if (
- any(item in cmd for item in KEEP_SAFE().All)
- and not event.out
- and event.sender_id != ultroid_bot.uid
- ):
- warning = await event.forward_to(udB.get_key("LOG_CHANNEL"))
- await warning.reply(
- f"Malicious Activities suspected by {inline_mention(await event.get_sender())}"
- )
- _ignore_eval.append(event.sender_id)
- return await xx.edit(
- f"`Malicious Activities suspected\nReported to owner. Aborted this request!`"
- )
- old_stderr = sys.stderr
- old_stdout = sys.stdout
- redirected_output = sys.stdout = StringIO()
- redirected_error = sys.stderr = StringIO()
- stdout, stderr, exc, timeg = None, None, None, None
- tima = time.time()
- try:
- value = await aexec(cmd, event)
- except Exception:
- value = None
- exc = traceback.format_exc()
- tima = time.time() - tima
- stdout = redirected_output.getvalue()
- stderr = redirected_error.getvalue()
- sys.stdout = old_stdout
- sys.stderr = old_stderr
- if value:
- try:
- if mode == "gsource":
- exc = inspect.getsource(value)
- elif mode == "g-args":
- args = inspect.signature(value).parameters.values()
- name = ""
- if hasattr(value, "__name__"):
- name = value.__name__
- exc = f"**{name}**\n\n" + "\n ".join([str(arg) for arg in args])
- except Exception:
- exc = traceback.format_exc()
- evaluation = exc or stderr or stdout or _parse_eval(value) or get_string("instu_4")
- if mode == "silent":
- if exc:
- msg = f"[⚠️](emoji/5213205860498549992) EVAL Ⲉʀʀⲟʀ\n\n• CHAT: {get_display_name(event.chat)}
- msg += f"\n\n∆ CODE:\n{cmd}
\n\n∆ Ⲉʀʀⲟʀ:\n{exc}
- log_chat = udB.get_key("LOG_CHANNEL")
- if len(msg) > 4000:
- with BytesIO(msg.encode()) as out_file:
- out_file.name = "Eval-Error.txt"
- return await event.client.send_message(
- log_chat, f"`{cmd}`", file=out_file
- )
- await event.client.send_message(log_chat, msg, parse_mode="html")
- return
- tmt = tima * 1000
- timef = time_formatter(tmt)
- timeform = timef if timef != "0s" else f"{tmt:.3f}ms"
- final_output = (
- "{} **Ⲉⳳⲁⳑ** (__in {}__)\n```{}``` \n\n{} **Ⲟυⲧⲣυⲧ**: \n```{}``` \n".format(
- f"[👩💻](emoji/5300928913956938544)",
- timeform,
- cmd,
- f"[👨💻](emoji/5319161050128459957)",
- evaluation,
- )
- )
- if len(final_output) > 4096:
- final_output = evaluation
- with BytesIO(str.encode(final_output)) as out_file:
- out_file.name = "eval.txt"
- await event.client.send_file(
- event.chat_id,
- out_file,
- force_document=True,
- thumb=ULTConfig.thumb,
- allow_cache=False,
- caption=f"```{cmd}```" if len(cmd) < 998 else None,
- reply_to=reply_to_id,
- )
- return await xx.delete()
- await xx.edit(final_output)
-def _stringify(text=None, *args, **kwargs):
- if text:
- u._ = text
- text = _parse_eval(text)
- return print(text, *args, **kwargs)
-async def aexec(code, event):
- exec(
- (
- "async def __aexec(e, client): "
- + "\n print = p = _stringify"
- + "\n message = event = e"
- + "\n u.r = reply = await event.get_reply_message()"
- + "\n chat = event.chat_id"
- + "\n u.lr = locals()"
- )
- + "".join(f"\n {l}" for l in code.split("\n"))
- )
- return await locals()["__aexec"](event, event.client)
-DUMMY_CPP = """#include
-using namespace std;
-int main(){
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="cpp", only_devs=True)
-async def doie(e):
- match = e.text.split(" ", maxsplit=1)
- try:
- match = match[1]
- except IndexError:
- return await e.eor(get_string("devs_3"))
- msg = await e.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- if "main(" not in match:
- new_m = "".join(" " * 4 + i + "\n" for i in match.split("\n"))
- match = DUMMY_CPP.replace("!code", new_m)
- open("cpp-ultroid.cpp", "w").write(match)
- m = await bash("g++ -o CppUltroid cpp-ultroid.cpp")
- o_cpp = f"• **Eval-Cpp**\n`{match}`"
- if m[1]:
- o_cpp += f"\n\n**• Error :**\n`{m[1]}`"
- if len(o_cpp) > 3000:
- os.remove("cpp-ultroid.cpp")
- if os.path.exists("CppUltroid"):
- os.remove("CppUltroid")
- with BytesIO(str.encode(o_cpp)) as out_file:
- out_file.name = "error.txt"
- return await msg.reply(f"`{match}`", file=out_file)
- return await eor(msg, o_cpp)
- m = await bash("./CppUltroid")
- if m[0] != "":
- o_cpp += f"\n\n**• Output :**\n`{m[0]}`"
- if m[1]:
- o_cpp += f"\n\n**• Error :**\n`{m[1]}`"
- if len(o_cpp) > 3000:
- with BytesIO(str.encode(o_cpp)) as out_file:
- out_file.name = "eval.txt"
- await msg.reply(f"`{match}`", file=out_file)
- else:
- await eor(msg, o_cpp)
- os.remove("CppUltroid")
- os.remove("cpp-ultroid.cpp")
diff --git a/plugins/downloadupload.py b/plugins/downloadupload.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 003da9fad7ae8c7bd92c83f4c71a44b1b18a83d0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/downloadupload.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_downloadupload")
-import asyncio
-import glob
-import os
-import time
-from datetime import datetime as dt
-from aiohttp.client_exceptions import InvalidURL
-from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import MessageNotModifiedError
-from pyUltroid.fns.helper import time_formatter
-from pyUltroid.fns.tools import get_chat_and_msgid, set_attributes
-from . import (
- ULTConfig,
- downloader,
- eor,
- fast_download,
- get_all_files,
- get_string,
- progress,
- time_formatter,
- ultroid_cmd,
- pattern="download( (.*)|$)",
-async def down(event):
- matched = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- msg = await event.eor(get_string("udl_4"))
- if not matched:
- return await eor(msg, get_string("udl_5"), time=5)
- try:
- splited = matched.split(" | ")
- link = splited[0]
- filename = splited[1]
- except IndexError:
- filename = None
- s_time = time.time()
- try:
- filename, d = await fast_download(
- link,
- filename,
- progress_callback=lambda d, t: asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(
- progress(
- d,
- t,
- msg,
- s_time,
- f"Downloading from {link}",
- )
- ),
- )
- except InvalidURL:
- return await msg.eor("`Invalid URL provided :(`", time=5)
- await msg.eor(f"`{filename}` `downloaded in {time_formatter(d*1000)}.`")
- pattern="dl( (.*)|$)",
-async def download(event):
- match = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if match and "t.me/" in match:
- chat, msg = get_chat_and_msgid(match)
- if not (chat and msg):
- return await event.eor(get_string("gms_1"))
- match = ""
- ok = await event.client.get_messages(chat, ids=msg)
- elif event.reply_to_msg_id:
- ok = await event.get_reply_message()
- else:
- return await event.eor(get_string("cvt_3"), time=8)
- xx = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- if not (ok and ok.media):
- return await xx.eor(get_string("udl_1"), time=5)
- s = dt.now()
- k = time.time()
- if hasattr(ok.media, "document"):
- file = ok.media.document
- mime_type = file.mime_type
- filename = match or ok.file.name
- if not filename:
- if "audio" in mime_type:
- filename = "audio_" + dt.now().isoformat("_", "seconds") + ".ogg"
- elif "video" in mime_type:
- filename = "video_" + dt.now().isoformat("_", "seconds") + ".mp4"
- try:
- result = await downloader(
- f"resources/downloads/{filename}",
- file,
- xx,
- k,
- f"Downloading {filename}...",
- )
- except MessageNotModifiedError as err:
- return await xx.edit(str(err))
- file_name = result.name
- else:
- d = "resources/downloads/"
- file_name = await event.client.download_media(
- ok,
- d,
- progress_callback=lambda d, t: asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(
- progress(
- d,
- t,
- xx,
- k,
- get_string("com_5"),
- ),
- ),
- )
- e = dt.now()
- t = time_formatter(((e - s).seconds) * 1000)
- await xx.eor(get_string("udl_2").format(file_name, t))
- pattern="ul( (.*)|$)",
-async def _(event):
- msg = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- match = event.pattern_match.group(1)
- if match:
- match = match.strip()
- if not event.out and match == ".env":
- return await event.reply("`You can't do this...`")
- stream, force_doc, delete, thumb = (
- False,
- True,
- False,
- ULTConfig.thumb,
- )
- if "--stream" in match:
- stream = True
- force_doc = False
- if "--delete" in match:
- delete = True
- if "--no-thumb" in match:
- thumb = None
- arguments = ["--stream", "--delete", "--no-thumb"]
- if any(item in match for item in arguments):
- match = (
- match.replace("--stream", "")
- .replace("--delete", "")
- .replace("--no-thumb", "")
- .strip()
- )
- if match.endswith("/"):
- match += "*"
- results = glob.glob(match)
- if not results and os.path.exists(match):
- results = [match]
- if not results:
- try:
- await event.reply(file=match)
- return await event.try_delete()
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- return await msg.eor(get_string("ls1"))
- for result in results:
- if os.path.isdir(result):
- c, s = 0, 0
- for files in get_all_files(result):
- attributes = None
- if stream:
- try:
- attributes = await set_attributes(files)
- except KeyError as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- try:
- file, _ = await event.client.fast_uploader(
- files, show_progress=True, event=msg, to_delete=delete
- )
- await event.client.send_file(
- event.chat_id,
- file,
- supports_streaming=stream,
- force_document=force_doc,
- thumb=thumb,
- attributes=attributes,
- caption=f"`Uploaded` `{files}` `in {time_formatter(_*1000)}`",
- reply_to=event.reply_to_msg_id or event,
- )
- s += 1
- except (ValueError, IsADirectoryError):
- c += 1
- break
- attributes = None
- if stream:
- try:
- attributes = await set_attributes(result)
- except KeyError as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- file, _ = await event.client.fast_uploader(
- result, show_progress=True, event=msg, to_delete=delete
- )
- await event.client.send_file(
- event.chat_id,
- file,
- supports_streaming=stream,
- force_document=force_doc,
- thumb=thumb,
- attributes=attributes,
- caption=f"`Uploaded` `{result}` `in {time_formatter(_*1000)}`",
- )
- await msg.try_delete()
diff --git a/plugins/echo.py b/plugins/echo.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 03c4d0e860a4988ec57111db09abb2216c0102b8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/echo.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_echo")
-from telethon.utils import get_display_name
-from pyUltroid.dB.echo_db import add_echo, check_echo, list_echo, rem_echo
-from . import inline_mention, ultroid_cmd
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="addecho( (.*)|$)")
-async def echo(e):
- r = await e.get_reply_message()
- if r:
- user = r.sender_id
- else:
- try:
- user = e.text.split()[1]
- if user.startswith("@"):
- ok = await e.client.get_entity(user)
- user = ok.id
- else:
- user = int(user)
- except BaseException:
- return await e.eor("Reply To A user.", time=5)
- if check_echo(e.chat_id, user):
- return await e.eor("Echo already activated for this user.", time=5)
- add_echo(e.chat_id, user)
- ok = await e.client.get_entity(user)
- user = inline_mention(ok)
- await e.eor(f"Activated Echo For {user}.")
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="remecho( (.*)|$)")
-async def rm(e):
- r = await e.get_reply_message()
- if r:
- user = r.sender_id
- else:
- try:
- user = e.text.split()[1]
- if user.startswith("@"):
- ok = await e.client.get_entity(user)
- user = ok.id
- else:
- user = int(user)
- except BaseException:
- return await e.eor("Reply To A User.", time=5)
- if check_echo(e.chat_id, user):
- rem_echo(e.chat_id, user)
- ok = await e.client.get_entity(user)
- user = f"[{get_display_name(ok)}](tg://user?id={ok.id})"
- return await e.eor(f"Deactivated Echo For {user}.")
- await e.eor("Echo not activated for this user")
-async def lstecho(e):
- if k := list_echo(e.chat_id):
- user = "**Activated Echo For Users:**\n\n"
- for x in k:
- ok = await e.client.get_entity(int(x))
- kk = f"[{get_display_name(ok)}](tg://user?id={ok.id})"
- user += f"•{kk}" + "\n"
- await e.eor(user)
- else:
- await e.eor("`List is Empty, For echo`", time=5)
diff --git a/plugins/extra.py b/plugins/extra.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f9abda572addb4a676be73d4faf38abe6cb60bbc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/extra.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("extra")
-import asyncio
-from . import get_string, ultroid_cmd
- pattern="del$",
- manager=True,
-async def delete_it(delme):
- msg_src = await delme.get_reply_message()
- if not msg_src:
- return
- await msg_src.try_delete()
- await delme.try_delete()
- pattern="copy$",
-async def copy(e):
- reply = await e.get_reply_message()
- if reply:
- await reply.reply(reply)
- return await e.try_delete()
- await e.eor(get_string("ex_1"), time=5)
- pattern="edit",
-async def editer(edit):
- message = edit.text
- chat = await edit.get_input_chat()
- string = str(message[6:])
- reply = await edit.get_reply_message()
- if reply and reply.text:
- try:
- await reply.edit(string)
- await edit.delete()
- except BaseException:
- pass
- else:
- i = 1
- async for message in edit.client.iter_messages(chat, from_user="me", limit=2):
- if i == 2:
- await message.edit(string)
- await edit.delete()
- break
- i += 1
- pattern="reply$",
-async def _(e):
- if e.reply_to_msg_id:
- chat = e.chat_id
- try:
- msg = (await e.client.get_messages(e.chat_id, limit=1, max_id=e.id))[0]
- except IndexError:
- return await e.eor(
- "`You have previously sent no message to reply again...`", time=5
- )
- except BaseException as er:
- return await e.eor(f"**ERROR:** `{er}`")
- await asyncio.wait(
- [
- e.client.delete_messages(chat, [e.id, msg.id]),
- e.client.send_message(chat, msg, reply_to=e.reply_to_msg_id),
- ]
- )
- else:
- await e.try_delete()
diff --git a/plugins/fakeaction.py b/plugins/fakeaction.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f4b25492e2c4b9afbae3f6972dd400f2acf504a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/fakeaction.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_fakeaction")
-import math
-import time
-from pyUltroid.fns.admins import ban_time
-from . import asyncio, get_string, ultroid_cmd
- pattern="f(typing|audio|contact|document|game|location|sticker|photo|round|video)( (.*)|$)"
-async def _(e):
- act = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- t = e.pattern_match.group(2)
- if act in ["audio", "round", "video"]:
- act = f"record-{act}"
- if t.isdigit():
- t = int(t)
- elif t.endswith(("s", "h", "d", "m")):
- t = math.ceil((ban_time(t)) - time.time())
- else:
- t = 60
- await e.eor(get_string("fka_1").format(str(t)), time=5)
- async with e.client.action(e.chat_id, act):
- await asyncio.sleep(t)
diff --git a/plugins/fileshare.py b/plugins/fileshare.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 430e8cd5beddec9e679000014085639e3926bf29..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/fileshare.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_fileshare")
-import os
-from pyUltroid.dB.filestore_db import del_stored, get_stored_msg, list_all_stored_msgs
-from pyUltroid.fns.tools import get_file_link
-from . import HNDLR, asst, get_string, in_pattern, udB, ultroid_bot, ultroid_cmd
-async def filestoreplg(event):
- msg = await event.get_reply_message()
- if not msg:
- return await event.eor(get_string("fsh_3"), time=10)
- # allow storing both messages and media.
- filehash = await get_file_link(msg)
- link_to_file = f"https://t.me/{asst.me.username}?start={filehash}"
- await event.eor(
- get_string("fsh_2").format(link_to_file),
- link_preview=False,
- )
-@ultroid_cmd("delstored ?(.*)")
-async def _(event):
- match = event.pattern_match.group(1)
- if not match:
- return await event.eor("`Give stored film's link to delete.`", time=5)
- match = match.split("?start=")
- botusername = match[0].split("/")[-1]
- if botusername != asst.me.username:
- return await event.eor(
- "`Message/Media of provided link was not stored by this bot.`", time=5
- )
- msg_id = get_stored_msg(match[1])
- if not msg_id:
- return await event.eor(
- "`Message/Media of provided link was already deleted.`", time=5
- )
- del_stored(match[1])
- await ultroid_bot.delete_messages(udB.get_key("LOG_CHANNEL"), int(msg_id))
- await event.eor("__Deleted__")
-async def liststored(event):
- files = list_all_stored_msgs()
- if not files:
- return await event.eor(get_string("fsh_4"), time=5)
- msg = "**Stored files:**\n"
- for c, i in enumerate(files, start=1):
- msg += f"`{c}`. https://t.me/{asst.me.username}?start={i}\n"
- if len(msg) > 4095:
- with open("liststored.txt", "w") as f:
- f.write(msg.replace("**", "").replace("`", ""))
- await event.reply(get_string("fsh_1"), file="liststored.txt")
- os.remove("liststored.txt")
- return
- await event.eor(msg, link_preview=False)
-@in_pattern("filestore", owner=True)
-async def file_short(event):
- all_ = list_all_stored_msgs()
- res = []
- if all_:
- LOG_CHA = udB.get_key("LOG_CHANNEL")
- for msg in all_[:50]:
- m_id = get_stored_msg(msg)
- if not m_id:
- continue
- message = await asst.get_messages(LOG_CHA, ids=m_id)
- if not message:
- continue
- if message.media:
- res.append(await event.builder.document(title=msg, file=message.media))
- elif message.text:
- res.append(
- await event.builder.article(title=message.text, text=message.text)
- )
- if not res:
- title = "You have no stored file :("
- text = f"{title}\n\nRead `{HNDLR}help fileshare` to know how to store."
- return await event.answer([await event.builder.article(title=title, text=text)])
- await event.answer(res, switch_pm="• File Store •", switch_pm_param="start")
diff --git a/plugins/filter.py b/plugins/filter.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 84ab5931efb3e1d9c9ee359f52483ae45f6a5731..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/filter.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_filter")
-import os
-import re
-from telegraph import upload_file as uf
-from telethon.tl.types import User
-from telethon.utils import pack_bot_file_id
-from pyUltroid.dB.filter_db import add_filter, get_filter, list_filter, rem_filter
-from pyUltroid.fns.tools import create_tl_btn, format_btn, get_msg_button
-from . import events, get_string, mediainfo, udB, ultroid_bot, ultroid_cmd
-from ._inline import something
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="addfilter( (.*)|$)")
-async def af(e):
- wrd = (e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()).lower()
- wt = await e.get_reply_message()
- chat = e.chat_id
- if not (wt and wrd):
- return await e.eor(get_string("flr_1"))
- btn = format_btn(wt.buttons) if wt.buttons else None
- if wt and wt.media:
- wut = mediainfo(wt.media)
- if wut.startswith(("pic", "gif")):
- dl = await wt.download_media()
- variable = uf(dl)
- m = f"https://graph.org{variable[0]}"
- elif wut == "video":
- if wt.media.document.size > 8 * 1000 * 1000:
- return await e.eor(get_string("com_4"), time=5)
- dl = await wt.download_media()
- variable = uf(dl)
- os.remove(dl)
- m = f"https://graph.org{variable[0]}"
- else:
- m = pack_bot_file_id(wt.media)
- if wt.text:
- txt = wt.text
- if not btn:
- txt, btn = get_msg_button(wt.text)
- add_filter(chat, wrd, txt, m, btn)
- else:
- add_filter(chat, wrd, None, m, btn)
- else:
- txt = wt.text
- if not btn:
- txt, btn = get_msg_button(wt.text)
- add_filter(chat, wrd, txt, None, btn)
- await e.eor(get_string("flr_4").format(wrd))
- ultroid_bot.add_handler(filter_func, events.NewMessage())
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="remfilter( (.*)|$)")
-async def rf(e):
- wrd = (e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()).lower()
- chat = e.chat_id
- if not wrd:
- return await e.eor(get_string("flr_3"))
- rem_filter(int(chat), wrd)
- await e.eor(get_string("flr_5").format(wrd))
-async def lsnote(e):
- if x := list_filter(e.chat_id):
- sd = "Filters Found In This Chats Are\n\n"
- return await e.eor(sd + x)
- await e.eor(get_string("flr_6"))
-async def filter_func(e):
- if isinstance(e.sender, User) and e.sender.bot:
- return
- xx = (e.text).lower()
- chat = e.chat_id
- if x := get_filter(chat):
- for c in x:
- pat = r"( |^|[^\w])" + re.escape(c) + r"( |$|[^\w])"
- if re.search(pat, xx):
- if k := x.get(c):
- msg = k["msg"]
- media = k["media"]
- if k.get("button"):
- btn = create_tl_btn(k["button"])
- return await something(e, msg, media, btn)
- await e.reply(msg, file=media)
-if udB.get_key("FILTERS"):
- ultroid_bot.add_handler(filter_func, events.NewMessage())
diff --git a/plugins/flux2.py b/plugins/flux2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8aded2e5955ecf309c1a03e8dc132c2ac98664d3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/flux2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-import requests
-import os
-import json
-from . import ultroid_cmd, LOGS, fast_download
-async def codegen(e):
- # Default to "portrait_16_9" if no specific command is provided
- args = e.pattern_match.group(2)
- size_option = e.pattern_match.group(1) or "portrait_16_9"
- # Map the size_option to the corresponding image size
- size_mapping = {
- "-p1": "portrait_4_3",
- "-p2": "portrait_16_9",
- "-l1": "landscape_4_3",
- "-l2": "landscape_16_9",
- "-s1": "square",
- "-s2": "square_hd",
- "-hd": "square_hd"
- }
- image_size = size_mapping.get(size_option, "portrait_16_9")
- # Handle when no prompt is provided
- if not args:
- reply = await e.get_reply_message()
- if reply and reply.text:
- args = reply.text
- if not args:
- return await e.eor("Please provide a prompt to generate images.")
- # Prepare the request
- API_URL = "http://fal.run/fal-ai/flux/schnell"
- headers = {
- "user-agent": "Python/3.x",
- "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
- "accept-encoding": "gzip",
- "authorization": "Key f2438e21-b687-46c3-998f-0ed0deed8778:6a073a3d9bb73a9ed1c7aa8e8d905ced"
- }
- data = {
- "prompt": args,
- "image_size": image_size,
- "num_inference_steps": 4,
- "num_images": 4,
- "embeddings": [],
- "format": "jpeg",
- "sync_mode": False,
- "seed": "0",
- "enable_safety_checker": False
- }
- # Notify the user that image generation is in progress
- moi = await e.eor("🔄 Generating images, please wait...")
- try:
- response = requests.post(API_URL, headers=headers, json=data)
- if response.status_code != 200:
- LOGS.error(f"Request failed with status code {response.status_code}")
- return await moi.edit("Failed to generate images. Please try again later.")
- images = response.json().get("images", [])
- if not images:
- return await moi.edit("No images were generated.")
- # Download images
- image_paths = await download_images([img["url"] for img in images])
- # Send images as a group
- await send_images_as_group(e, args, image_paths)
- # Clean up the files after sending
- for path in image_paths:
- os.remove(path)
- await moi.delete()
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.error(f"Error: {exc}")
- await moi.edit(f"An error occurred: {exc}")
-async def download_images(image_urls):
- downloaded_paths = []
- for i, url in enumerate(image_urls, start=1):
- filename = f"image_{i}.png"
- path, _ = await fast_download(url, filename=filename)
- downloaded_paths.append(path)
- return downloaded_paths
-async def send_images_as_group(e, query, image_paths):
- caption = f"^^{query}^^"
- media = [await e.client.upload_file(path) for path in image_paths]
- await e.client.send_message(
- e.chat_id, caption, file=media, parse_mode="markdown", reply_to=e.reply_to_msg_id
- )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/fontgen.py b/plugins/fontgen.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cce172bef98b71597fbf085ce14ae1df696ac28..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/fontgen.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-from . import get_help
-__doc__ = get_help("help_fontgen")
-import string
-from . import eod, ultroid_cmd
-_default = string.ascii_letters
-Fonts = {
- "small caps": "ᴀʙᴄᴅᴇғɢʜɪᴊᴋʟᴍɴᴏᴘϙʀsᴛᴜᴠᴡxʏᴢABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",
- "monospace": "𝚊𝚋𝚌𝚍𝚎𝚏𝚐𝚑𝚒𝚓𝚔𝚕𝚖𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚚𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚟𝚠𝚡𝚢𝚣𝙰𝙱𝙲𝙳𝙴𝙵𝙶𝙷𝙸𝙹𝙺𝙻𝙼𝙽𝙾𝙿𝚀𝚁𝚂𝚃𝚄𝚅𝚆𝚇𝚈𝚉",
- "double stroke": "𝕒𝕓𝕔𝕕𝕖𝕗𝕘𝕙𝕚𝕛𝕜𝕝𝕞𝕟𝕠𝕡𝕢𝕣𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕧𝕨𝕩𝕪𝕫𝔸𝔹ℂ𝔻𝔼𝔽𝔾ℍ𝕀𝕁𝕂𝕃𝕄ℕ𝕆ℙℚℝ𝕊𝕋𝕌𝕍𝕎𝕏𝕐ℤ",
- "script royal": "𝒶𝒷𝒸𝒹𝑒𝒻𝑔𝒽𝒾𝒿𝓀𝓁𝓂𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓆𝓇𝓈𝓉𝓊𝓋𝓌𝓍𝓎𝓏𝒜ℬ𝒞𝒟ℰℱ𝒢ℋℐ𝒥𝒦ℒℳ𝒩𝒪𝒫𝒬ℛ𝒮𝒯𝒰𝒱𝒲𝒳𝒴𝒵",
- pattern="font( (.*)|$)",
-async def _(e):
- input = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- reply = await e.get_reply_message()
- if not input:
- m = "**Available Fonts**\n\n"
- for x in Fonts.keys():
- m += f"• `{x}`\n"
- return await e.eor(m, time=5)
- if not reply:
- try:
- _ = input.split(":", maxsplit=1)
- font = _[0][:-1]
- text = _[1]
- except IndexError:
- return await eod(e, help)
- elif not input:
- return await eod(e, "`Give font dude :/`")
- else:
- font = input
- text = reply.message
- if font not in Fonts.keys():
- return await e.eor(f"`{font} not in font list`.", time=5)
- msg = gen_font(text, Fonts[font])
- await e.eor(msg)
-def gen_font(text, new_font):
- new_font = " ".join(new_font).split()
- for q in text:
- if q in _default:
- new = new_font[_default.index(q)]
- text = text.replace(q, new)
- return text
diff --git a/plugins/forcesubscribe.py b/plugins/forcesubscribe.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9804b28687bd4f6082783323a8aab989300e9ff4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/forcesubscribe.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-✘ Commands Available -
-• `{i}fsub `
- Enable ForceSub in Used Chat !
-• `{i}checkfsub`
- Check/Get Active ForceSub Setting of Used Chat.
-• `{i}remfsub`
- Remove ForceSub from Used Chat !
- Note - You Need to be Admin in Both Channel/Chats
- in order to Use ForceSubscribe.
-import re
-from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import ChatAdminRequiredError, UserNotParticipantError
-from telethon.tl.custom import Button
-from telethon.tl.functions.channels import GetParticipantRequest
-from telethon.tl.functions.messages import ExportChatInviteRequest
-from telethon.tl.types import (
- Channel,
- ChannelParticipantBanned,
- ChannelParticipantLeft,
- User,
-from pyUltroid.dB.forcesub_db import add_forcesub, get_forcesetting, rem_forcesub
-from . import (
- asst,
- callback,
- events,
- get_string,
- in_pattern,
- inline_mention,
- udB,
- ultroid_bot,
- ultroid_cmd,
-CACHE = {}
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="fsub( (.*)|$)", admins_only=True, groups_only=True)
-async def addfor(e):
- match = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not match:
- return await e.eor(get_string("fsub_1"), time=5)
- try:
- match = await e.client.parse_id(match)
- except BaseException:
- return await e.eor(get_string("fsub_2"), time=5)
- add_forcesub(e.chat_id, match)
- await e.eor("Added ForceSub in This Chat !")
- ultroid_bot.add_handler(force_sub, events.NewMessage(incoming=True))
-async def remor(e):
- res = rem_forcesub(e.chat_id)
- if not res:
- return await e.eor(get_string("fsub_3"), time=5)
- await e.eor("Removed ForceSub...")
-async def getfsr(e):
- res = get_forcesetting(e.chat_id)
- if not res:
- return await e.eor("ForceSub is Not Active In This Chat !", time=5)
- cha = await e.client.get_entity(int(res))
- await e.eor(f"**ForceSub Status** : `Active`\n- **{cha.title}** `({res})`")
-@in_pattern("fsub( (.*)|$)", owner=True)
-async def fcall(e):
- match = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- spli = match.split("_")
- user = await ultroid_bot.get_entity(int(spli[0]))
- cl = await ultroid_bot.get_entity(int(spli[1]))
- text = f"Hi {inline_mention(user)}, You Need to Join"
- text += f" {cl.title} in order to Chat in this Group."
- el = (
- f"https://t.me/{cl.username}"
- if cl.username
- else (await ultroid_bot(ExportChatInviteRequest(cl))).link
- )
- res = [
- await e.builder.article(
- title="forcesub",
- text=text,
- buttons=[
- [Button.url(text=get_string("fsub_4"), url=el)],
- [Button.inline(get_string("fsub_5"), data=f"unm_{match}")],
- ],
- )
- ]
- await e.answer(res)
-async def diesoon(e):
- match = (e.data_match.group(1)).decode("UTF-8")
- spli = match.split("_")
- if e.sender_id != int(spli[0]):
- return await e.answer(get_string("fsub_7"), alert=True)
- try:
- values = await ultroid_bot(GetParticipantRequest(int(spli[1]), int(spli[0])))
- if isinstance(values.participant, ChannelParticipantLeft) or (
- isinstance(values.participant, ChannelParticipantBanned) and values.left
- ):
- raise UserNotParticipantError("")
- except UserNotParticipantError:
- return await e.answer(
- "Please Join That Channel !\nThen Click This Button !", alert=True
- )
- await ultroid_bot.edit_permissions(
- e.chat_id, int(spli[0]), send_messages=True, until_date=None
- )
- await e.edit(get_string("fsub_8"))
-async def force_sub(ult):
- if not udB.get_key("FORCESUB"):
- return
- user = await ult.get_sender()
- joinchat = get_forcesetting(ult.chat_id)
- if (not joinchat) or (isinstance(user, User) and user.bot):
- return
- if CACHE.get(ult.chat_id):
- if CACHE[ult.chat_id].get(user.id):
- CACHE[ult.chat_id].update({user.id: CACHE[ult.chat_id][user.id] + 1})
- else:
- CACHE[ult.chat_id].update({user.id: 1})
- else:
- CACHE.update({ult.chat_id: {user.id: 1}})
- count = CACHE[ult.chat_id][user.id]
- if count == 11:
- CACHE[ult.chat_id][user.id] = 1
- return
- if count in range(2, 11):
- return
- try:
- await ultroid_bot.get_permissions(int(joinchat), user.id)
- return
- except UserNotParticipantError:
- pass
- if isinstance(user, Channel):
- try:
- await ultroid_bot.edit_permissions(
- ult.chat_id, user.id, view_messages=False
- )
- return
- except BaseException as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- try:
- await ultroid_bot.edit_permissions(ult.chat_id, user.id, send_messages=False)
- except ChatAdminRequiredError:
- return
- except Exception as e:
- await ult.delete()
- LOGS.info(e)
- res = await ultroid_bot.inline_query(asst.me.username, f"fsub {user.id}_{joinchat}")
- await res[0].click(ult.chat_id, reply_to=ult.id)
-if udB.get_key("FORCESUB"):
- ultroid_bot.add_handler(force_sub, events.NewMessage(incoming=True))
diff --git a/plugins/gdrive.py b/plugins/gdrive.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fbadce676830ef2d2b582eed78f7646c572dd606..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/gdrive.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-✘ Commands Available
-• `{i}gdul `
- Reply to file to upload on Google Drive.
- Add file name to upload on Google Drive.
-• `{i}gdown | `
- Download from Gdrive link or file id.
-• `{i}gdsearch `
- Search file name on Google Drive and get link.
-• `{i}gdlist`
- List all GDrive files.
-• `{i}gdfolder`
- Link to your Google Drive Folder.
- If added then all files will be uploaded in this folder.
-import os
-import time
-from telethon.tl.types import Message
-from pyUltroid.fns.gDrive import GDriveManager
-from pyUltroid.fns.helper import time_formatter
-from . import ULTConfig, asst, eod, eor, get_string, ultroid_cmd
- pattern="gdown( (.*)|$)",
- fullsudo=True,
-async def gdown(event):
- GDrive = GDriveManager()
- match = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not match:
- return await eod(event, "`Give file id or Gdrive link to download from!`")
- filename = match.split(" | ")[1].strip() if " | " in match else None
- eve = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- _start = time.time()
- status, response = await GDrive._download_file(eve, match, filename)
- if not status:
- return await eve.edit(response)
- await eve.edit(
- f"`Downloaded ``{response}`` in {time_formatter((time.time() - _start)*1000)}`"
- )
- pattern="gdlist$",
- fullsudo=True,
-async def files(event):
- GDrive = GDriveManager()
- if not os.path.exists(GDrive.token_file):
- return await event.eor(get_string("gdrive_6").format(asst.me.username))
- eve = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- msg = ""
- if files := GDrive._list_files:
- msg += f"{len(files.keys())} files found in gdrive.\n\n"
- for _ in files:
- msg += f"> [{files[_]}]({_})\n"
- else:
- msg += "Nothing in Gdrive"
- if len(msg) < 4096:
- await eve.edit(msg, link_preview=False)
- else:
- with open("drive-files.txt", "w") as f:
- f.write(
- msg.replace("[", "File Name: ")
- .replace("](", "\n» Link: ")
- .replace(")\n", "\n\n")
- )
- try:
- await eve.delete()
- except BaseException:
- pass
- await event.client.send_file(
- event.chat_id,
- "drive-files.txt",
- thumb=ULTConfig.thumb,
- reply_to=event,
- )
- os.remove("drive-files.txt")
- pattern="gdul( (.*)|$)",
- fullsudo=True,
-async def _(event):
- GDrive = GDriveManager()
- if not os.path.exists(GDrive.token_file):
- return await eod(event, get_string("gdrive_6").format(asst.me.username))
- input_file = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip() or await event.get_reply_message()
- if not input_file:
- return await eod(event, "`Reply to file or give its location.`")
- mone = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- if isinstance(input_file, Message):
- location = "resources/downloads"
- if input_file.photo:
- filename = await input_file.download_media(location)
- else:
- filename = input_file.file.name
- if not filename:
- filename = str(round(time.time()))
- filename = f"{location}/{filename}"
- try:
- filename, downloaded_in = await event.client.fast_downloader(
- file=input_file.media.document,
- filename=filename,
- show_progress=True,
- event=mone,
- message=get_string("com_5"),
- )
- filename = filename.name
- except Exception as e:
- return await eor(mone, str(e), time=10)
- await mone.edit(
- f"`Downloaded to ``{filename}`.`",
- )
- else:
- filename = input_file.strip()
- if not os.path.exists(filename):
- return await eod(
- mone,
- "File Not found in local server. Give me a file path :((",
- time=5,
- )
- folder_id = None
- if os.path.isdir(filename):
- files = os.listdir(filename)
- if not files:
- return await eod(
- mone, "`Requested directory is empty. Can't create empty directory.`"
- )
- folder_id = GDrive.create_directory(filename)
- c = 0
- for files in sorted(files):
- file = f"{filename}/{files}"
- if not os.path.isdir(file):
- try:
- await GDrive._upload_file(mone, path=file, folder_id=folder_id)
- c += 1
- except Exception as e:
- return await mone.edit(
- f"Exception occurred while uploading to gDrive {e}"
- )
- return await mone.edit(
- f"`Uploaded `[{filename}](https://drive.google.com/folderview?id={folder_id})` with {c} files.`"
- )
- try:
- g_drive_link = await GDrive._upload_file(
- mone,
- filename,
- )
- await mone.edit(
- get_string("gdrive_7").format(filename.split("/")[-1], g_drive_link)
- )
- except Exception as e:
- await mone.edit(f"Exception occurred while uploading to gDrive {e}")
- pattern="gdsearch( (.*)|$)",
- fullsudo=True,
-async def _(event):
- GDrive = GDriveManager()
- if not os.path.exists(GDrive.token_file):
- return await event.eor(get_string("gdrive_6").format(asst.me.username))
- input_str = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not input_str:
- return await event.eor("`Give filename to search on GDrive...`")
- eve = await event.eor(f"`Searching for {input_str} in G-Drive...`")
- files = GDrive.search(input_str)
- msg = ""
- if files:
- msg += (
- f"{len(files.keys())} files with {input_str} in title found in GDrive.\n\n"
- )
- for _ in files:
- msg += f"> [{files[_]}]({_})\n"
- else:
- msg += f"`No files with title {input_str}`"
- if len(msg) < 4096:
- await eve.eor(msg, link_preview=False)
- else:
- with open("drive-files.txt", "w") as f:
- f.write(
- msg.replace("[", "File Name: ")
- .replace("](", "\n» Link: ")
- .replace(")\n", "\n\n")
- )
- try:
- await eve.delete()
- except BaseException:
- pass
- await event.client.send_file(
- event.chat_id,
- f"{input_str}.txt",
- thumb=ULTConfig.thumb,
- reply_to=event,
- )
- os.remove(f"{input_str}.txt")
- pattern="gdfolder$",
- fullsudo=True,
-async def _(event):
- GDrive = GDriveManager()
- if not os.path.exists(GDrive.token_file):
- return await event.eor(get_string("gdrive_6").format(asst.me.username))
- if GDrive.folder_id:
- await event.eor(
- "`Your G-Drive Folder link : `\n"
- + GDrive._create_folder_link(GDrive.folder_id)
- )
- else:
- await eod(event, "Set FOLDERID from your Assistant bot's Settings ")
diff --git a/plugins/gemi.py b/plugins/gemi.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 876302a6b7af85edfe0a647d956354184ace472a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/gemi.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-# Nimbus ~ UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2023 NimbusTheCloud
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/ufoptg/Nimbus/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-# by @SoulOfSukuna
-Gemini Command Handler
-This script provides the `.gemini` command to interact with Google's Gemini AI for generating content, selecting models, and managing chat history.
-Available Gemini Models:
-- `gemini-2.0-flash-exp` ➔ Trait: `g2f-exp` (Default model)
-- `gemini-1.5-flash` ➔ Trait: `g1f`
-- `gemini-1.5-flash-8b` ➔ Trait: `g1f8b`
-- `gemini-1.5-pro` ➔ Trait: `g1p`
-1. Query Gemini AI:
- - `.gemini ` ➔ Generates a response using the currently selected model.
- - Example: `.gemini Write a poem about the stars.`
-2. Select a Model:
- - `.gemini -m ` ➔ Selects a specific model based on its trait.
- - Example: `.gemini -m g1f` ➔ Switches to the `gemini-1.5-flash` model.
- - If an invalid trait is provided, an error message will be returned.
-3. Clear Chat History:
- - `.gemini -c` ➔ Clears the chat history stored in memory.
- - Example: `.gemini -c` ➔ Removes all previous queries and responses.
-4. Handle Long Responses:
- - If the response exceeds Telegram's character limit (4096 characters), it will be sent as a `.txt` file.
-5. Reply-Based Query:
- - Reply to a message with `.gemini write a cool caption for this image` ➔ Uses the replied message's content as the query and processes the image.
-- `.gemini Tell me a joke about programmers.`
-- `.gemini -m g2f-exp`
-- `.gemini -c`
-- Reply to an image with `.gemini write a cool caption for this image`
-import asyncio
-import mimetypes
-from collections import deque, defaultdict
-from io import BytesIO
-from os import system, path, remove
-from googleapiclient.discovery import build
-import time
-import logging
-from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
- import google.generativeai as genai
-except ImportError:
- system("pip install -q google-generativeai")
- import google.generativeai as genai
- from PIL import Image
-except ImportError:
- system("pip install -q Pillow")
- from PIL import Image
-from typing import Optional
-from . import (
- ultroid_cmd,
- async_searcher,
- check_filename,
- udB,
- download_file,
- run_async,
- {"id": "gemini-2.0-flash-exp", "traits": ["g2f-exp"]},
- {"id": "gemini-1.5-flash", "traits": ["g1f"]},
- {"id": "gemini-1.5-flash-8b", "traits": ["g1f8b"]},
- {"id": "gemini-1.5-pro", "traits": ["g1p"]},
-def select_model(trait: str) -> Optional[str]:
- """Selects the Gemini model ID based on the provided trait."""
- for model in MODELS:
- if trait in model["traits"]:
- return model["id"]
- return None
-CONFIG = {"model": select_model("g2f-exp")}
-GEMINI_CHAT_HISTORY = defaultdict(lambda: deque(maxlen=80))
-async def generate_content_with_search(prompt, model):
- try:
- search_results = await google_search(prompt)
- search_summary = "\n".join(
- [f"{idx + 1}. {res['title']} - {res['snippet']}" for idx, res in enumerate(search_results)]
- )
- enhanced_prompt = (
- f"Use the following search results to create a comprehensive response:\n\n"
- f"{search_summary}\n\n"
- f"Original Query: {prompt}"
- )
- response = await model.generate_content_async(enhanced_prompt)
- return response.text.strip()
- except Exception as e:
- return f"An error occurred while including search results: {e}. Generating content...\n\n{model.generate_content(prompt).text.strip()}"
-async def fetch_full_content(url):
- try:
- api_url = f"https://scraper.api.airforce/scrape?url={url}"
- response = await async_searcher(api_url)
- soup = BeautifulSoup(response, "html.parser")
- main_content = soup.select_one("article") or soup.select_one("main") or soup
- paragraphs = [
- para.get_text(separator=" ").strip()
- for para in main_content.find_all("p")
- if len(para.get_text(strip=True)) > 30
- and not any(
- keyword in para.get_text().lower()
- for keyword in [
- "privacy",
- "cookie",
- "subscribe",
- "sign up",
- "terms",
- "all rights reserved",
- "see all",
- "see more",
- ]
- )
- ]
- full_text = (
- " ".join(paragraphs[:5]) if paragraphs else "No main content available."
- )
- return full_text
- except Exception as e:
- return f"Error fetching content: {e}"
-async def google_search(query):
- api_key = "AIzaSyAOhKEVXRX-DJbxjyUz5Ol54qCygeRQRTA"
- cse_id = "a44275f02ca2946da"
- service = build("customsearch", "v1", developerKey=api_key)
- results = service.cse().list(q=query, cx=cse_id, gl="AU").execute()
- search_items = results.get("items", [])
- search_results = await asyncio.gather(
- *(fetch_search_result(item) for item in search_items)
- )
- return search_results
-async def fetch_search_result(item):
- title = item.get("title")
- link = item.get("link")
- snippet = item.get("snippet")
- full_content = await fetch_full_content(link)
- return {
- "title": title,
- "link": link,
- "snippet": snippet,
- "full_content": full_content or "No additional content available."
- }
-async def process_file(file_path: str) -> str:
- """
- Uploads a file to Gemini and returns the file URL.
- """
- try:
- mime_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(file_path)
- if not mime_type:
- mime_type = 'application/octet-stream'
- file_url = await asyncio.to_thread(genai.upload_file, file_path, mime_type=mime_type)
- return file_url
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.error(f"File upload failed: {exc}")
- raise
-async def process_video_file(file_path: str) -> str:
- """
- Uploads a video to Gemini and returns the file URL.
- """
- try:
- video_file = await asyncio.to_thread(genai.upload_file, path=file_path)
- while video_file.state.name == "PROCESSING":
- await asyncio.sleep(10)
- video_file = genai.get_file(video_file.name)
- if video_file.state.name == "FAILED":
- raise ValueError(video_file.state.name)
- return video_file
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.error(f"File upload failed: {exc}")
- raise
-async def process_image_with_pillow(file_path: str) -> Optional[str]:
- """
- Processes an image file using PIL.Image, saves it temporarily,
- uploads it to Gemini, and returns the file URL.
- """
- try:
- with Image.open(file_path) as img:
- img = img.convert("RGB")
- buffer = BytesIO()
- buffer.name = "processed_image.jpeg"
- img.save(buffer, format="JPEG", quality=90)
- buffer.seek(0)
- temp_image_path = "temp_processed_image.jpeg"
- with open(temp_image_path, "wb") as temp_file:
- temp_file.write(buffer.read())
- file_url = await process_file(temp_image_path)
- remove(temp_image_path)
- return file_url
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.error(f"Image processing failed: {exc}")
- return None
-async def handle_multimodal_input(event, e) -> Optional[str]:
- """
- Checks and processes images, audio, or video in a replied message.
- Ensures cleanup of downloaded files.
- Returns the file URL or None if processing fails.
- """
- temp_file = None
- try:
- if event.photo:
- temp_file = await event.download_media()
- await e.eor("Processing image with Pillow...")
- return await process_image_with_pillow(temp_file)
- elif event.voice or event.audio:
- temp_file = await event.download_media()
- await e.eor("Uploading audio...")
- return await process_file(temp_file)
- elif event.video:
- temp_file = await event.download_media()
- await e.eor("Uploading video...")
- return await process_video_file(temp_file)
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.error(f"Error processing media: {exc}")
- finally:
- if temp_file and path.exists(temp_file):
- try:
- remove(temp_file)
- LOGS.info(f"Cleaned up temporary file: {temp_file}")
- except Exception as cleanup_exc:
- LOGS.warning(f"Failed to clean up temporary file: {cleanup_exc}")
- return None
-async def get_gemini_response(user_id: int, query: str, api_key: str, file_url: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
- """
- Generates a response from the selected Gemini model based on the user query.
- Includes the user's chat history in the request.
- If a file URL is provided, it is included in the content generation.
- """
- try:
- genai.configure(api_key=api_key)
- model = genai.GenerativeModel(CONFIG["model"])
- chat_history = GEMINI_CHAT_HISTORY[user_id]
- if chat_history:
- formatted_history = "\n".join(
- [f"{msg['role']}: {msg['content']}" for msg in chat_history]
- )
- if file_url:
- content = [file_url, "\n\n", f"{formatted_history}\nuser: {query}"]
- else:
- content = f"{formatted_history}\nuser: {query}"
- else:
- if file_url:
- content = [file_url, "\n\n", query]
- else:
- content = query
- # Key Addition: Handle queries without file_url using Google Search
- if not file_url:
- response = await generate_content_with_search(query, model)
- return response
- response = await asyncio.to_thread(model.generate_content, content)
- return response.text.strip()
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.error(f"Error generating response: {exc}")
- raise
-async def gemini_handler(e):
- """
- Handles the .gemini command with optional model selection.
- """
- args = e.pattern_match.group(1)
- trait = None
- user_query = None
- file_url = None
- try:
- user_id = e.sender.id
- except AttributeError:
- user_id = e.from_id.user_id
- if args:
- if args.startswith("-m"):
- trait = args[3:].lower().strip()
- selected_model = select_model(trait)
- if not selected_model:
- return await e.eor("❌ **Error:** Invalid model trait specified.", time=10)
- CONFIG["model"] = selected_model
- return await e.eor(f"✅ **Success:** Selected Model: `{CONFIG['model']}`", time=10)
- elif args.strip().lower() == "-c":
- GEMINI_CHAT_HISTORY[user_id].clear()
- return await e.eor("🧹 **Success:** Cleared your Gemini Chat History!", time=6)
- else:
- user_query = args.strip()
- api_key = udB.get_key("GEMINI_API")
- if not api_key:
- return await e.eor(
- "⚠️ **Error:** `GEMINI_API` key missing. Please set it using `.setvar GEMINI_API your_api_key_here`.",
- time=10,
- )
- query = user_query
- file_url = None
- reply = await e.get_reply_message()
- if reply:
- # New logic to handle file content
- if (
- reply.file
- and reply.file.mime_type in ["text/x-python", "text/plain"]
- ):
- # Download the file and read its content
- file = await reply.download_media(BytesIO())
- file.seek(0)
- query = file.read().decode("utf-8")
- multimodal_content = await handle_multimodal_input(reply, e)
- if multimodal_content:
- file_url = multimodal_content
- if not query:
- if reply.photo:
- query = "Analyse this image"
- elif reply.voice or reply.audio:
- query = "Analyse this audio."
- elif reply.video:
- query = "Analyse this video"
- elif reply.text and not query:
- query = reply.text.strip()
- if not query and not file_url:
- return await e.eor(
- "💬 **Usage:** `.gemini `\n*Provide a query or reply with media to generate content using Gemini AI.*",
- time=5,
- )
- processing_message = await e.eor(f"🔄 **Processing your request using `{CONFIG['model']}`...**")
- GEMINI_CHAT_HISTORY[user_id].append({"role": "user", "content": query})
- try:
- response = await get_gemini_response(user_id, query, api_key, file_url=file_url)
- GEMINI_CHAT_HISTORY[user_id].append({"role": "assistant", "content": response})
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.warning(f"Gemini response generation failed: {exc}", exc_info=True)
- if query:
- GEMINI_CHAT_HISTORY[user_id].pop()
- return await processing_message.edit(f"❌ **Error:** {exc}")
- if len(response) < 4096:
- reply_text = f"📄 **Gemini Response:**\n\n{response}"
- await processing_message.edit(reply_text, parse_mode="markdown")
- else:
- buffer = BytesIO()
- try:
- buffer.write(response.encode('utf-8'))
- buffer.seek(0)
- buffer.name = "gemini_response.txt"
- await e.client.send_file(
- e.chat_id,
- buffer,
- caption="📄 **Gemini Response:**",
- reply_to=e.reply_to_msg_id,
- )
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.error(f"Error sending file: {exc}")
- await processing_message.edit("❌ **Error:** Failed to send the response as a file.")
- finally:
- buffer.close()
- await processing_message.delete()
diff --git a/plugins/giftools.py b/plugins/giftools.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 38fdb1f79e4869ac71b7e170d692abf13697f3d1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/giftools.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-✘ Commands Available
- Make Gif Inverted(negative).
- Make Gif black and white
- Reverse a gif
- Reply To Video , It will Create Gif
- Video to Gif
-•`{i}gif `
- Send video regarding to query.
-import os
-import random
-import time
-from datetime import datetime as dt
-from . import HNDLR, LOGS, bash, downloader, get_string, mediainfo, ultroid_cmd
-async def igif(e):
- match = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- a = await e.get_reply_message()
- if not (a and a.media):
- return await e.eor("`Reply To gif only`", time=5)
- wut = mediainfo(a.media)
- if "gif" not in wut:
- return await e.eor("`Reply To Gif Only`", time=5)
- xx = await e.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- z = await a.download_media()
- if match == "bw":
- cmd = f'ffmpeg -i "{z}" -vf format=gray ult.gif -y'
- else:
- cmd = f'ffmpeg -i "{z}" -vf lutyuv="y=negval:u=negval:v=negval" ult.gif -y'
- try:
- await bash(cmd)
- await e.client.send_file(e.chat_id, "ult.gif", supports_streaming=True)
- os.remove(z)
- os.remove("ult.gif")
- await xx.delete()
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.info(er)
-async def reverse_gif(event):
- a = await event.get_reply_message()
- if not (a and a.media) and "video" not in mediainfo(a.media):
- return await event.eor("`Reply To Video only`", time=5)
- msg = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- file = await a.download_media()
- await bash(f'ffmpeg -i "{file}" -vf reverse -af areverse reversed.mp4 -y')
- await event.respond("- **Reversed Video/GIF**", file="reversed.mp4")
- await msg.delete()
- os.remove(file)
- os.remove("reversed.mp4")
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="gif( (.*)|$)")
-async def gifs(ult):
- get = ult.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- xx = random.randint(0, 5)
- n = 0
- if ";" in get:
- try:
- n = int(get.split(";")[-1])
- except IndexError:
- pass
- if not get:
- return await ult.eor(f"`{HNDLR}gif `")
- m = await ult.eor(get_string("com_2"))
- gifs = await ult.client.inline_query("gif", get)
- if not n:
- await gifs[xx].click(
- ult.chat_id, reply_to=ult.reply_to_msg_id, silent=True, hide_via=True
- )
- else:
- for x in range(n):
- await gifs[x].click(
- ult.chat_id, reply_to=ult.reply_to_msg_id, silent=True, hide_via=True
- )
- await m.delete()
-async def vtogif(e):
- a = await e.get_reply_message()
- if not (a and a.media):
- return await e.eor("`Reply To video only`", time=5)
- wut = mediainfo(a.media)
- if "video" not in wut:
- return await e.eor("`Reply To Video Only`", time=5)
- xx = await e.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- dur = a.media.document.attributes[0].duration
- tt = time.time()
- if int(dur) < 120:
- z = await a.download_media()
- await bash(
- f'ffmpeg -i {z} -vf "fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos,split[s0][s1];[s0]palettegen[p];[s1][p]paletteuse" -loop 0 ult.gif -y'
- )
- else:
- filename = a.file.name
- if not filename:
- filename = "video_" + dt.now().isoformat("_", "seconds") + ".mp4"
- vid = await downloader(filename, a.media.document, xx, tt, get_string("com_5"))
- z = vid.name
- await bash(
- f'ffmpeg -ss 3 -t 100 -i {z} -vf "fps=10,scale=320:-1:flags=lanczos,split[s0][s1];[s0]palettegen[p];[s1][p]paletteuse" -loop 0 ult.gif'
- )
- await e.client.send_file(e.chat_id, "ult.gif", support_stream=True)
- os.remove(z)
- os.remove("ult.gif")
- await xx.delete()
diff --git a/plugins/glitch.py b/plugins/glitch.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a612e959e57fe8a9c75c9af5965d03b3d8368612..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/glitch.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-✘ Commands Available -
-•`{i}glitch `
- gives a glitchy gif.
-import os
-from . import bash, get_string, mediainfo, ultroid_cmd
-async def _(e):
- try:
- import glitch_me # ignore :pylint
- except ModuleNotFoundError:
- await bash(
- "pip install -e git+https://github.com/1Danish-00/glitch_me.git#egg=glitch_me"
- )
- reply = await e.get_reply_message()
- if not reply or not reply.media:
- return await e.eor(get_string("cvt_3"))
- xx = await e.eor(get_string("glitch_1"))
- wut = mediainfo(reply.media)
- if wut.startswith(("pic", "sticker")):
- ok = await reply.download_media()
- elif reply.document and reply.document.thumbs:
- ok = await reply.download_media(thumb=-1)
- else:
- return await xx.eor(get_string("com_4"))
- cmd = f"glitch_me gif --line_count 200 -f 10 -d 50 '{ok}' ult.gif"
- await bash(cmd)
- await e.reply(file="ult.gif", force_document=False)
- await xx.delete()
- os.remove(ok)
- os.remove("ult.gif")
diff --git a/plugins/globaltools.py b/plugins/globaltools.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 087db364c488745a470477c022f0b978c7cbc6a7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/globaltools.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,753 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-✘ Commands Available -
-• `{i}gban `
-• `{i}ungban`
- Ban/Unban Globally.
-• `{i}gstat `
- Check if user is GBanned.
-• `{i}listgban` : List all GBanned users.
-• `{i}gmute` | `{i}ungmute`
- Mute/UnMute Globally.
-• `{i}gkick ` `Globally Kick User`
-• `{i}gcast ` `Globally Send msg in all grps`
-• `{i}gadmincast ` `Globally broadcast in your admin chats`
-• `{i}gucast ` `Globally send msg in all pm users`
-• `{i}gblacklist `
- globally promote user where you are admin
- - Set whether To promote only in groups/channels/all.
- Eg- `gpromote group boss` ~ promotes user in all grps.
- `gpromote @username all sar` ~ promote the user in all group & channel
-• `{i}gdemote` - `demote user globally`
-import asyncio
-import os
-from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import ChatAdminRequiredError, FloodWaitError
-from telethon.tl.functions.channels import EditAdminRequest
-from telethon.tl.functions.contacts import BlockRequest, UnblockRequest
-from telethon.tl.types import ChatAdminRights, User
-from pyUltroid.dB import DEVLIST
-from pyUltroid.dB.base import KeyManager
-from pyUltroid.dB.gban_mute_db import (
- gban,
- gmute,
- is_gbanned,
- is_gmuted,
- list_gbanned,
- ungban,
- ungmute,
-from pyUltroid.fns.tools import create_tl_btn, format_btn, get_msg_button
-from . import (
- eod,
- eor,
- get_string,
- inline_mention,
- ultroid_bot,
- ultroid_cmd,
-from ._inline import something
-_gpromote_rights = ChatAdminRights(
- add_admins=False,
- invite_users=True,
- change_info=False,
- ban_users=True,
- delete_messages=True,
- pin_messages=True,
-_gdemote_rights = ChatAdminRights(
- add_admins=False,
- invite_users=False,
- change_info=False,
- ban_users=False,
- delete_messages=False,
- pin_messages=False,
-keym = KeyManager("GBLACKLISTS", cast=list)
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="gpromote( (.*)|$)", fullsudo=True)
-async def _(e):
- x = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- ultroid_bot = e.client
- if not x:
- return await e.eor(get_string("schdl_2"), time=5)
- user = await e.get_reply_message()
- if user:
- ev = await e.eor("`Promoting Replied User Globally`")
- ok = e.text.split()
- key = "all"
- if len(ok) > 1 and (("group" in ok[1]) or ("channel" in ok[1])):
- key = ok[1]
- rank = ok[2] if len(ok) > 2 else "AdMin"
- c = 0
- user.id = user.peer_id.user_id if e.is_private else user.from_id.user_id
- async for x in e.client.iter_dialogs():
- if (
- "group" in key.lower()
- and x.is_group
- or "group" not in key.lower()
- and "channel" in key.lower()
- and x.is_channel
- ):
- try:
- await e.client(
- EditAdminRequest(
- x.id,
- user.id,
- _gpromote_rights,
- rank,
- ),
- )
- c += 1
- except BaseException:
- pass
- elif (
- ("group" not in key.lower() or x.is_group)
- and (
- "group" in key.lower()
- or "channel" not in key.lower()
- or x.is_channel
- )
- and (
- "group" in key.lower()
- or "channel" in key.lower()
- or x.is_group
- or x.is_channel
- )
- ):
- try:
- await e.client(
- EditAdminRequest(
- x.id,
- user.id,
- _gpromote_rights,
- rank,
- ),
- )
- c += 1
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.info(er)
- await eor(ev, f"Promoted The Replied Users in Total : {c} {key} chats")
- else:
- k = e.text.split()
- if not k[1]:
- return await eor(
- e, "`Give someone's username/id or replied to user.", time=5
- )
- user = k[1]
- if user.isdigit():
- user = int(user)
- try:
- name = await e.client.get_entity(user)
- except BaseException:
- return await e.eor(f"`No User Found Regarding {user}`", time=5)
- ev = await e.eor(f"`Promoting {name.first_name} globally.`")
- key = "all"
- if len(k) > 2 and (("group" in k[2]) or ("channel" in k[2])):
- key = k[2]
- rank = k[3] if len(k) > 3 else "AdMin"
- c = 0
- async for x in e.client.iter_dialogs():
- if (
- "group" in key.lower()
- and x.is_group
- or "group" not in key.lower()
- and "channel" in key.lower()
- and x.is_channel
- or "group" not in key.lower()
- and "channel" not in key.lower()
- and (x.is_group or x.is_channel)
- ):
- try:
- await ultroid_bot(
- EditAdminRequest(
- x.id,
- user,
- _gpromote_rights,
- rank,
- ),
- )
- c += 1
- except BaseException:
- pass
- await eor(ev, f"Promoted {name.first_name} in Total : {c} {key} chats.")
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="gdemote( (.*)|$)", fullsudo=True)
-async def _(e):
- x = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- ultroid_bot = e.client
- if not x:
- return await e.eor(get_string("schdl_2"), time=5)
- user = await e.get_reply_message()
- if user:
- user.id = user.peer_id.user_id if e.is_private else user.from_id.user_id
- ev = await e.eor("`Demoting Replied User Globally`")
- ok = e.text.split()
- key = "all"
- if len(ok) > 1 and (("group" in ok[1]) or ("channel" in ok[1])):
- key = ok[1]
- rank = "Not AdMin"
- c = 0
- async for x in e.client.iter_dialogs():
- if (
- "group" in key.lower()
- and x.is_group
- or "group" not in key.lower()
- and "channel" in key.lower()
- and x.is_channel
- or "group" not in key.lower()
- and "channel" not in key.lower()
- and (x.is_group or x.is_channel)
- ):
- try:
- await ultroid_bot(
- EditAdminRequest(
- x.id,
- user.id,
- _gdemote_rights,
- rank,
- ),
- )
- c += 1
- except BaseException:
- pass
- await eor(ev, f"Demoted The Replied Users in Total : {c} {key} chats")
- else:
- k = e.text.split()
- if not k[1]:
- return await eor(
- e, "`Give someone's username/id or replied to user.", time=5
- )
- user = k[1]
- if user.isdigit():
- user = int(user)
- try:
- name = await ultroid_bot.get_entity(user)
- except BaseException:
- return await e.eor(f"`No User Found Regarding {user}`", time=5)
- ev = await e.eor(f"`Demoting {name.first_name} globally.`")
- key = "all"
- if len(k) > 2 and (("group" in k[2]) or ("channel" in k[2])):
- key = k[2]
- rank = "Not AdMin"
- c = 0
- async for x in ultroid_bot.iter_dialogs():
- if (
- "group" in key.lower()
- and x.is_group
- or "group" not in key.lower()
- and "channel" in key.lower()
- and x.is_channel
- or "group" not in key.lower()
- and "channel" not in key.lower()
- and (x.is_group or x.is_channel)
- ):
- try:
- await ultroid_bot(
- EditAdminRequest(
- x.id,
- user,
- _gdemote_rights,
- rank,
- ),
- )
- c += 1
- except BaseException:
- pass
- await eor(ev, f"Demoted {name.first_name} in Total : {c} {key} chats.")
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="ungban( (.*)|$)", fullsudo=True)
-async def _(e):
- xx = await e.eor("`UnGbanning...`")
- match = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- peer = None
- if e.reply_to_msg_id:
- userid = (await e.get_reply_message()).sender_id
- elif match:
- try:
- userid = int(match)
- except ValueError:
- userid = match
- try:
- userid = (await e.client.get_entity(userid)).id
- except Exception as er:
- return await xx.edit(f"Failed to get User...\nError: {er}")
- elif e.is_private:
- userid = e.chat_id
- else:
- return await xx.eor("`Reply to some msg or add their id.`", time=5)
- if not is_gbanned(userid):
- return await xx.edit("`User/Channel is not Gbanned...`")
- try:
- if not peer:
- peer = await e.client.get_entity(userid)
- name = inline_mention(peer)
- except BaseException:
- userid = int(userid)
- name = str(userid)
- chats = 0
- if e.client._dialogs:
- dialog = e.client._dialogs
- else:
- dialog = await e.client.get_dialogs()
- e.client._dialogs.extend(dialog)
- for ggban in dialog:
- if ggban.is_group or ggban.is_channel:
- try:
- await e.client.edit_permissions(ggban.id, userid, view_messages=True)
- chats += 1
- except FloodWaitError as fw:
- LOGS.info(
- f"[FLOOD_WAIT_ERROR] : on Ungban\nSleeping for {fw.seconds+10}"
- )
- await asyncio.sleep(fw.seconds + 10)
- try:
- await e.client.edit_permissions(
- ggban.id, userid, view_messages=True
- )
- chats += 1
- except BaseException as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- except (ChatAdminRequiredError, ValueError):
- pass
- except BaseException as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- ungban(userid)
- if isinstance(peer, User):
- await e.client(UnblockRequest(userid))
- await xx.edit(
- f"`Ungbaned` {name} in {chats} `chats.\nRemoved from gbanwatch.`",
- )
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="gban( (.*)|$)", fullsudo=True)
-async def _(e):
- xx = await e.eor("`Gbanning...`")
- reason = ""
- if e.reply_to_msg_id:
- userid = (await e.get_reply_message()).sender_id
- try:
- reason = e.text.split(" ", maxsplit=1)[1]
- except IndexError:
- pass
- elif e.pattern_match.group(1).strip():
- usr = e.text.split(maxsplit=2)[1]
- try:
- userid = await e.client.parse_id(usr)
- except ValueError:
- userid = usr
- try:
- reason = e.text.split(maxsplit=2)[2]
- except IndexError:
- pass
- elif e.is_private:
- userid = e.chat_id
- try:
- reason = e.text.split(" ", maxsplit=1)[1]
- except IndexError:
- pass
- else:
- return await xx.eor("`Reply to some msg or add their id.`", time=5)
- user = None
- try:
- user = await e.client.get_entity(userid)
- name = inline_mention(user)
- except BaseException:
- userid = int(userid)
- name = str(userid)
- chats = 0
- if userid == ultroid_bot.uid:
- return await xx.eor("`I can't gban myself.`", time=3)
- elif userid in DEVLIST:
- return await xx.eor("`I can't gban my Developers.`", time=3)
- elif is_gbanned(userid):
- return await eod(
- xx,
- "`User is already gbanned and added to gbanwatch.`",
- time=4,
- )
- if e.client._dialogs:
- dialog = e.client._dialogs
- else:
- dialog = await e.client.get_dialogs()
- e.client._dialogs.extend(dialog)
- for ggban in dialog:
- if ggban.is_group or ggban.is_channel:
- try:
- await e.client.edit_permissions(ggban.id, userid, view_messages=False)
- chats += 1
- except FloodWaitError as fw:
- LOGS.info(
- f"[FLOOD_WAIT_ERROR] : on GBAN Command\nSleeping for {fw.seconds+10}"
- )
- await asyncio.sleep(fw.seconds + 10)
- try:
- await e.client.edit_permissions(
- ggban.id, userid, view_messages=False
- )
- chats += 1
- except BaseException as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- except (ChatAdminRequiredError, ValueError):
- pass
- except BaseException as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- gban(userid, reason)
- if isinstance(user, User):
- await e.client(BlockRequest(userid))
- gb_msg = f"**#Gbanned** {name} `in {chats} chats and added to gbanwatch!`"
- if reason:
- gb_msg += f"\n**Reason** : {reason}"
- await xx.edit(gb_msg)
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="g(admin|)cast( (.*)|$)", fullsudo=True)
-async def gcast(event):
- text, btn, reply = "", None, None
- if xx := event.pattern_match.group(2):
- msg, btn = get_msg_button(event.text.split(maxsplit=1)[1])
- elif event.is_reply:
- reply = await event.get_reply_message()
- msg = reply.text
- if reply.buttons:
- btn = format_btn(reply.buttons)
- else:
- msg, btn = get_msg_button(msg)
- else:
- return await eor(
- event, "`Give some text to Globally Broadcast or reply a message..`"
- )
- kk = await event.eor("`Globally Broadcasting Msg...`")
- er = 0
- done = 0
- err = ""
- if event.client._dialogs:
- dialog = event.client._dialogs
- else:
- dialog = await event.client.get_dialogs()
- event.client._dialogs.extend(dialog)
- for x in dialog:
- if x.is_group:
- chat = x.entity.id
- if (
- not keym.contains(chat)
- and int(f"-100{str(chat)}") not in NOSPAM_CHAT
- and (
- (
- event.text[2:7] != "admin"
- or (x.entity.admin_rights or x.entity.creator)
- )
- )
- ):
- try:
- if btn:
- bt = create_tl_btn(btn)
- await something(
- event,
- msg,
- reply.media if reply else None,
- bt,
- chat=chat,
- reply=False,
- )
- else:
- await event.client.send_message(
- chat, msg, file=reply.media if reply else None
- )
- done += 1
- except FloodWaitError as fw:
- await asyncio.sleep(fw.seconds + 10)
- try:
- if btn:
- bt = create_tl_btn(btn)
- await something(
- event,
- msg,
- reply.media if reply else None,
- bt,
- chat=chat,
- reply=False,
- )
- else:
- await event.client.send_message(
- chat, msg, file=reply.media if reply else None
- )
- done += 1
- except Exception as rr:
- err += f"• {rr}\n"
- er += 1
- except BaseException as h:
- err += f"• {str(h)}" + "\n"
- er += 1
- text += f"Done in {done} chats, error in {er} chat(s)"
- if err != "":
- open("gcast-error.log", "w+").write(err)
- text += f"\nYou can do `{HNDLR}ul gcast-error.log` to know error report."
- await kk.edit(text)
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="gucast( (.*)|$)", fullsudo=True)
-async def gucast(event):
- msg, btn, reply = "", None, None
- if xx := event.pattern_match.group(1).strip():
- msg, btn = get_msg_button(event.text.split(maxsplit=1)[1])
- elif event.is_reply:
- reply = await event.get_reply_message()
- msg = reply.text
- if reply.buttons:
- btn = format_btn(reply.buttons)
- else:
- msg, btn = get_msg_button(msg)
- else:
- return await eor(
- event, "`Give some text to Globally Broadcast or reply a message..`"
- )
- kk = await event.eor("`Globally Broadcasting Msg...`")
- er = 0
- done = 0
- if event.client._dialogs:
- dialog = event.client._dialogs
- else:
- dialog = await event.client.get_dialogs()
- event.client._dialogs.extend(dialog)
- for x in dialog:
- if x.is_user and not x.entity.bot:
- chat = x.id
- if not keym.contains(chat):
- try:
- if btn:
- bt = create_tl_btn(btn)
- await something(
- event,
- msg,
- reply.media if reply else None,
- bt,
- chat=chat,
- reply=False,
- )
- else:
- await event.client.send_message(
- chat, msg, file=reply.media if reply else None
- )
- done += 1
- except BaseException:
- er += 1
- await kk.edit(f"Done in {done} chats, error in {er} chat(s)")
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="gkick( (.*)|$)", fullsudo=True)
-async def gkick(e):
- xx = await e.eor("`Gkicking...`")
- if e.reply_to_msg_id:
- userid = (await e.get_reply_message()).sender_id
- elif e.pattern_match.group(1).strip():
- userid = await e.client.parse_id(e.pattern_match.group(1).strip())
- elif e.is_private:
- userid = e.chat_id
- else:
- return await xx.edit("`Reply to some msg or add their id.`", time=5)
- name = (await e.client.get_entity(userid)).first_name
- chats = 0
- if userid == ultroid_bot.uid:
- return await xx.eor("`I can't gkick myself.`", time=3)
- if userid in DEVLIST:
- return await xx.eor("`I can't gkick my Developers.`", time=3)
- if e.client._dialogs:
- dialog = e.client._dialogs
- else:
- dialog = await e.client.get_dialogs()
- e.client._dialogs.extend(dialog)
- for gkick in dialog:
- if gkick.is_group or gkick.is_channel:
- try:
- await e.client.kick_participant(gkick.id, userid)
- chats += 1
- except BaseException:
- pass
- await xx.edit(f"`Gkicked` [{name}](tg://user?id={userid}) `in {chats} chats.`")
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="gmute( (.*)|$)", fullsudo=True)
-async def _(e):
- xx = await e.eor("`Gmuting...`")
- if e.reply_to_msg_id:
- userid = (await e.get_reply_message()).sender_id
- elif e.pattern_match.group(1).strip():
- userid = await e.client.parse_id(e.pattern_match.group(1).strip())
- elif e.is_private:
- userid = e.chat_id
- else:
- return await xx.eor("`Reply to some msg or add their id.`", tome=5, time=5)
- name = await e.client.get_entity(userid)
- chats = 0
- if userid == ultroid_bot.uid:
- return await xx.eor("`I can't gmute myself.`", time=3)
- if userid in DEVLIST:
- return await xx.eor("`I can't gmute my Developers.`", time=3)
- if is_gmuted(userid):
- return await xx.eor("`User is already gmuted.`", time=4)
- if e.client._dialogs:
- dialog = e.client._dialogs
- else:
- dialog = await e.client.get_dialogs()
- e.client._dialogs.extend(dialog)
- for onmute in dialog:
- if onmute.is_group:
- try:
- await e.client.edit_permissions(onmute.id, userid, send_messages=False)
- chats += 1
- except BaseException:
- pass
- gmute(userid)
- await xx.edit(f"`Gmuted` {inline_mention(name)} `in {chats} chats.`")
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="ungmute( (.*)|$)", fullsudo=True)
-async def _(e):
- xx = await e.eor("`UnGmuting...`")
- if e.reply_to_msg_id:
- userid = (await e.get_reply_message()).sender_id
- elif e.pattern_match.group(1).strip():
- userid = await e.client.parse_id(e.pattern_match.group(1).strip())
- elif e.is_private:
- userid = e.chat_id
- else:
- return await xx.eor("`Reply to some msg or add their id.`", time=5)
- name = (await e.client.get_entity(userid)).first_name
- chats = 0
- if not is_gmuted(userid):
- return await xx.eor("`User is not gmuted.`", time=3)
- if e.client._dialogs:
- dialog = e.client._dialogs
- else:
- dialog = await e.client.get_dialogs()
- e.client._dialogs.extend(dialog)
- for hurr in dialog:
- if hurr.is_group:
- try:
- await e.client.edit_permissions(hurr.id, userid, send_messages=True)
- chats += 1
- except BaseException:
- pass
- ungmute(userid)
- await xx.edit(f"`Ungmuted` {inline_mention(name)} `in {chats} chats.`")
- pattern="listgban$",
-async def list_gengbanned(event):
- users = list_gbanned()
- x = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- msg = ""
- if not users:
- return await x.edit("`You haven't GBanned anyone!`")
- for i in users:
- try:
- name = await event.client.get_entity(int(i))
- except BaseException:
- name = i
- msg += f"User: {inline_mention(name, html=True)}\n"
- reason = users[i]
- msg += f"Reason: {reason}\n\n" if reason is not None else "\n"
- gbanned_users = f"List of users GBanned by {OWNER_NAME}:\n\n{msg}"
- if len(gbanned_users) > 4096:
- with open("gbanned.txt", "w") as f:
- f.write(
- gbanned_users.replace("", "")
- .replace("", "")
- .replace("", "")
- )
- await x.reply(
- file="gbanned.txt",
- message=f"List of users GBanned by {inline_mention(ultroid_bot.me)}",
- )
- os.remove("gbanned.txt")
- await x.delete()
- else:
- await x.edit(gbanned_users, parse_mode="html")
- pattern="gstat( (.*)|$)",
-async def gstat_(e):
- xx = await e.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- if e.is_private:
- userid = (await e.get_chat()).id
- elif e.reply_to_msg_id:
- userid = (await e.get_reply_message()).sender_id
- elif e.pattern_match.group(1).strip():
- try:
- userid = await e.client.parse_id(e.pattern_match.group(1).strip())
- except Exception as err:
- return await xx.eor(f"{err}", time=10)
- else:
- return await xx.eor("`Reply to some msg or add their id.`", time=5)
- name = (await e.client.get_entity(userid)).first_name
- msg = f"**{name} is "
- is_banned = is_gbanned(userid)
- reason = list_gbanned().get(userid)
- if is_banned:
- msg += "Globally Banned"
- msg += f" with reason** `{reason}`" if reason else ".**"
- else:
- msg += "not Globally Banned.**"
- await xx.edit(msg)
-async def blacklist_(event):
- await gblacker(event, "add")
-async def ungblacker(event):
- await gblacker(event, "remove")
-async def gblacker(event, type_):
- try:
- chat_id = int(event.text.split(maxsplit=1)[1])
- try:
- chat_id = (await event.client.get_entity(chat_id)).id
- except Exception as e:
- return await event.eor(f"**ERROR**\n`{str(e)}`")
- except IndexError:
- chat_id = event.chat_id
- if type_ == "add":
- keym.add(chat_id)
- elif type_ == "remove":
- keym.remove(chat_id)
- await event.eor(f"Global Broadcasts: \n{type_}ed {chat_id}")
diff --git a/plugins/gpt.py b/plugins/gpt.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 11f9f577fc77394f34169eec2cfeca3974b5611f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/gpt.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-import os
-from collections import deque
-from io import BytesIO
-from . import (
- ultroid_cmd,
- async_searcher,
- udB,
- get_paste,
-GPT_CHAT_HISTORY = deque(maxlen=30)
-TELEGRAM_CHAR_LIMIT = 4096 # Telegram's message character limit
-async def pastee(data):
- err, linky = await get_paste(data)
- if err:
- return f">> [Raw Code Pasted Here](https://spaceb.in/{linky})\n"
- else:
- LOGS.error(linky)
- return ""
- pattern=r"gpt( ([\s\S]*))?$",
-async def openai_chat_gpt(e):
- api_key = "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"
- if not api_key:
- return await e.eor("`OPENAI_API` key missing..", time=10)
- query = e.pattern_match.group(2)
- reply = await e.get_reply_message()
- file_content = None
- if query:
- # Check if query contains 'from filename'
- if ' from ' in query:
- query_text, filename = query.split(' from ', 1)
- query_text = query_text.strip()
- filename = filename.strip()
- # Attempt to find and read the file from media in chat
- file_found = False
- async for message in e.client.iter_messages(e.chat_id, reverse=True, limit=50):
- if message.media and message.file.name == filename:
- if (message.file.name.endswith(".txt") or message.file.name.endswith(".py")):
- file = await e.client.download_media(message)
- try:
- with open(file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
- file_content = f.read()
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.error(f"Error reading file: {exc}")
- return await e.eor("`Failed to read file content.`", time=5)
- finally:
- os.remove(file)
- file_found = True
- break
- if not file_found:
- return await e.eor(f"`File {filename} not found in recent messages.`", time=5)
- if file_content:
- query = f"{query_text}\n\n{file_content}" if query_text else file_content
- else:
- return await e.eor("`Failed to read file content.`", time=5)
- else:
- if reply and reply.media and (reply.file.name.endswith(".txt") or reply.file.name.endswith(".py")):
- # Use the query and the replied file content
- file = await e.client.download_media(reply)
- try:
- with open(file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
- file_content = f.read()
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.error(f"Error reading file: {exc}")
- return await e.eor("`Failed to read file content.`", time=5)
- finally:
- os.remove(file)
- query = f"{query}\n\n{file_content}"
- elif reply and reply.message:
- # Use the query and the replied text message content
- query = f"{query}\n\n{reply.message}"
- # Else, use query as is
- else:
- if reply and reply.media and (reply.file.name.endswith(".txt") or reply.file.name.endswith(".py")):
- # Use the replied file content
- file = await e.client.download_media(reply)
- try:
- with open(file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as f:
- file_content = f.read()
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.error(f"Error reading file: {exc}")
- return await e.eor("`Failed to read file content.`", time=5)
- finally:
- os.remove(file)
- query = file_content
- elif reply and reply.message:
- # Use the replied text message content
- query = reply.message
- else:
- return await e.eor("`Please provide a question or reply to a message or .txt/.py file.`", time=5)
- if query.strip() == "-c":
- return await e.eor("__Cleared o1-mini Chat History!__", time=6)
- eris = await e.eor(f"__Generating answer for:__\n`{query[:20]} ...`")
- GPT_CHAT_HISTORY.append({"role": "user", "content": query})
- try:
- data = {
- "model": "o1-mini",
- "messages": list(GPT_CHAT_HISTORY),
- }
- request = await async_searcher(
- "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions",
- headers={
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}",
- },
- json=data,
- re_json=True,
- post=True,
- )
- response = request["choices"][0]["message"]["content"]
- GPT_CHAT_HISTORY.append({"role": "assistant", "content": response})
- except Exception as exc:
- LOGS.warning(exc, exc_info=True)
- return await eris.edit(
- f"**Error while requesting data from OpenAI:** \n> `{exc}`"
- )
- LOGS.debug(f'Tokens Used on query: {request["usage"]["completion_tokens"]}')
- # Truncate query to 50 characters for display
- truncated_query = query[:100]
- # Prepare the full message
- full_message = f"**Query:**\n~ __{truncated_query}__\n\n**o1-mini:**\n~ {response}"
- # Check if response contains code blocks
- code_blocks = []
- in_code_block = False
- code_block_lines = []
- for line in response.split('\n'):
- if line.strip().startswith('```'):
- if in_code_block:
- # End of code block
- in_code_block = False
- code_blocks.append('\n'.join(code_block_lines))
- code_block_lines = []
- else:
- # Start of code block
- in_code_block = True
- elif in_code_block:
- code_block_lines.append(line)
- # If the response contains code blocks, select the largest one and paste it
- if code_blocks:
- # Select the largest code block based on length
- largest_code_block = max(code_blocks, key=lambda block: len(block))
- # Upload the largest code block to spaceb.in and get the link
- paste_link = await pastee(largest_code_block)
- else:
- paste_link = ""
- if len(full_message) <= TELEGRAM_CHAR_LIMIT:
- # If it fits within the limit, send as a message
- await eris.edit(full_message + f"\n\n{paste_link}")
- else:
- # If it exceeds the limit, send as a file and include paste link
- file = BytesIO(full_message.encode('utf-8'))
- file.name = "o1-mini-output.txt"
- await eris.respond(
- "__The query and response were too long, so they have been sent as a file.__\n\n" + paste_link,
- file=file,
- reply_to=e.reply_to_msg_id or e.id,
- link_preview=False
- )
- await eris.delete()
diff --git a/plugins/greetings.py b/plugins/greetings.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6254a6be539c94ee6529ae141d12cb9ab7807bf1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/greetings.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-✘ Commands Available -
----- Welcomes ----
-• `{i}setwelcome `
- Set welcome message in the current chat.
-• `{i}clearwelcome`
- Delete the welcome in the current chat.
-• `{i}getwelcome`
- Get the welcome message in the current chat.
----- GoodByes ----
-• `{i}setgoodbye `
- Set goodbye message in the current chat.
-• `{i}cleargoodbye`
- Delete the goodbye in the current chat.
-• `{i}getgoodbye`
- Get the goodbye message in the current chat.
-• `{i}thankmembers on/off`
- Send a thank you sticker on hitting a members count of 100*x in your groups.
-import os
-from telegraph import upload_file as uf
-from telethon.utils import pack_bot_file_id
-from pyUltroid.dB.greetings_db import (
- add_goodbye,
- add_thanks,
- add_welcome,
- delete_goodbye,
- delete_welcome,
- get_goodbye,
- get_welcome,
- must_thank,
- remove_thanks,
-from pyUltroid.fns.tools import create_tl_btn, format_btn, get_msg_button
-from . import HNDLR, eor, get_string, mediainfo, ultroid_cmd
-from ._inline import something
-Note = "\n\nNote: `{mention}`, `{group}`, `{count}`, `{name}`, `{fullname}`, `{username}`, `{userid}` can be used as formatting parameters.\n\n"
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="setwelcome", groups_only=True)
-async def setwel(event):
- x = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- r = await event.get_reply_message()
- btn = format_btn(r.buttons) if (r and r.buttons) else None
- try:
- text = event.text.split(maxsplit=1)[1]
- except IndexError:
- text = r.text if r else None
- if r and r.media:
- wut = mediainfo(r.media)
- if wut.startswith(("pic", "gif")):
- dl = await r.download_media()
- variable = uf(dl)
- os.remove(dl)
- m = f"https://graph.org{variable[0]}"
- elif wut == "video":
- if r.media.document.size > 8 * 1000 * 1000:
- return await eor(x, get_string("com_4"), time=5)
- dl = await r.download_media()
- variable = uf(dl)
- os.remove(dl)
- m = f"https://graph.org{variable[0]}"
- elif wut == "web":
- m = None
- else:
- m = pack_bot_file_id(r.media)
- if r.text:
- txt = r.text
- if not btn:
- txt, btn = get_msg_button(r.text)
- add_welcome(event.chat_id, txt, m, btn)
- else:
- add_welcome(event.chat_id, None, m, btn)
- await eor(x, get_string("grt_1"))
- elif text:
- if not btn:
- txt, btn = get_msg_button(text)
- add_welcome(event.chat_id, txt, None, btn)
- await eor(x, get_string("grt_1"))
- else:
- await eor(x, get_string("grt_3"), time=5)
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="clearwelcome$", groups_only=True)
-async def clearwel(event):
- if not get_welcome(event.chat_id):
- return await event.eor(get_string("grt_4"), time=5)
- delete_welcome(event.chat_id)
- await event.eor(get_string("grt_5"), time=5)
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="getwelcome$", groups_only=True)
-async def listwel(event):
- wel = get_welcome(event.chat_id)
- if not wel:
- return await event.eor(get_string("grt_4"), time=5)
- msgg, med = wel["welcome"], wel["media"]
- if wel.get("button"):
- btn = create_tl_btn(wel["button"])
- return await something(event, msgg, med, btn)
- await event.reply(f"**Welcome Note in this chat**\n\n`{msgg}`", file=med)
- await event.delete()
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="setgoodbye", groups_only=True)
-async def setgb(event):
- x = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- r = await event.get_reply_message()
- btn = format_btn(r.buttons) if (r and r.buttons) else None
- try:
- text = event.text.split(maxsplit=1)[1]
- except IndexError:
- text = r.text if r else None
- if r and r.media:
- wut = mediainfo(r.media)
- if wut.startswith(("pic", "gif")):
- dl = await r.download_media()
- variable = uf(dl)
- os.remove(dl)
- m = f"https://graph.org{variable[0]}"
- elif wut == "video":
- if r.media.document.size > 8 * 1000 * 1000:
- return await eor(x, get_string("com_4"), time=5)
- dl = await r.download_media()
- variable = uf(dl)
- os.remove(dl)
- m = f"https://graph.org{variable[0]}"
- elif wut == "web":
- m = None
- else:
- m = pack_bot_file_id(r.media)
- if r.text:
- txt = r.text
- if not btn:
- txt, btn = get_msg_button(r.text)
- add_goodbye(event.chat_id, txt, m, btn)
- else:
- add_goodbye(event.chat_id, None, m, btn)
- await eor(x, "`Goodbye note saved`")
- elif text:
- if not btn:
- txt, btn = get_msg_button(text)
- add_goodbye(event.chat_id, txt, None, btn)
- await eor(x, "`Goodbye note saved`")
- else:
- await eor(x, get_string("grt_7"), time=5)
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="cleargoodbye$", groups_only=True)
-async def clearwgb(event):
- if not get_goodbye(event.chat_id):
- return await event.eor(get_string("grt_6"), time=5)
- delete_goodbye(event.chat_id)
- await event.eor("`Goodbye Note Deleted`", time=5)
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="getgoodbye$", groups_only=True)
-async def listgd(event):
- wel = get_goodbye(event.chat_id)
- if not wel:
- return await event.eor(get_string("grt_6"), time=5)
- msgg = wel["goodbye"]
- med = wel["media"]
- if wel.get("button"):
- btn = create_tl_btn(wel["button"])
- return await something(event, msgg, med, btn)
- await event.reply(f"**Goodbye Note in this chat**\n\n`{msgg}`", file=med)
- await event.delete()
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="thankmembers (on|off)", groups_only=True)
-async def thank_set(event):
- type_ = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not type_ or type_ == "":
- await eor(
- event,
- f"**Current Chat Settings:**\n**Thanking Members:** `{must_thank(event.chat_id)}`\n\nUse `{HNDLR}thankmembers on` or `{HNDLR}thankmembers off` to toggle current settings!",
- )
- return
- chat = event.chat_id
- if type_.lower() == "on":
- add_thanks(chat)
- elif type_.lower() == "off":
- remove_thanks(chat)
- await eor(
- event,
- f"**Done! Thank you members has been turned** `{type_.lower()}` **for this chat**!",
- )
diff --git a/plugins/imagetools.py b/plugins/imagetools.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ef633427e4df89fb6d964a4fbce7f83001561f69..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/imagetools.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-✘ Commands Available -
-• `{i}border `
- To create border around that media..
- Ex - `{i}border 12,22,23`
- - `{i}border 12,22,23 ; width (in number)`
-• `{i}grey `
- To make it black nd white.
-• `{i}color `
- To make it Colorfull.
-• `{i}toon `
- To make it toon.
-• `{i}danger `
- To make it look Danger.
-• `{i}negative `
- To make negative image.
-• `{i}blur `
- To make it blurry.
-• `{i}quad `
- create a Vortex.
-• `{i}mirror `
- To create mirror pic.
-• `{i}flip `
- To make it flip.
-• `{i}sketch `
- To draw its sketch.
-• `{i}blue `
- just cool.
-• `{i}csample `
- example : `{i}csample red`
- `{i}csample #ffffff`
-• `{i}pixelator `
- Create a Pixelated Image..
-import os
-from . import LOGS, con
- import cv2
-except ImportError:
- LOGS.error(f"{__file__}: OpenCv not Installed.")
-import numpy as np
- from PIL import Image
-except ImportError:
- Image = None
- LOGS.info(f"{__file__}: PIL not Installed.")
-from telegraph import upload_file as upf
-from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import (
- ChatSendMediaForbiddenError,
- MessageDeleteForbiddenError,
-from . import (
- Redis,
- async_searcher,
- download_file,
- get_string,
- requests,
- udB,
- ultroid_cmd,
-async def _(event):
- reply = await event.get_reply_message()
- if not (reply and reply.media):
- return await event.eor("`Reply To a Black and White Image`")
- xx = await event.eor("`Coloring image 🎨🖌️...`")
- image = await reply.download_media()
- img = cv2.VideoCapture(image)
- ret, frame = img.read()
- cv2.imwrite("ult.jpg", frame)
- if udB.get_key("DEEP_API"):
- key = Redis("DEEP_API")
- else:
- key = "quickstart-QUdJIGlzIGNvbWluZy4uLi4K"
- r = requests.post(
- "https://api.deepai.org/api/colorizer",
- files={"image": open("ult.jpg", "rb")},
- headers={"api-key": key},
- )
- os.remove("ult.jpg")
- os.remove(image)
- if "status" in r.json():
- return await event.edit(
- r.json()["status"] + "\nGet api nd set `{i}setdb DEEP_API key`"
- )
- r_json = r.json()["output_url"]
- await event.client.send_file(event.chat_id, r_json, reply_to=reply)
- await xx.delete()
-async def ult_tools(event):
- match = event.pattern_match.group(1)
- ureply = await event.get_reply_message()
- if not (ureply and (ureply.media)):
- await event.eor(get_string("cvt_3"))
- return
- ultt = await ureply.download_media()
- xx = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- if ultt.endswith(".tgs"):
- xx = await xx.edit(get_string("sts_9"))
- file = await con.convert(ultt, convert_to="png", outname="ult")
- ult = cv2.imread(file)
- if match == "grey":
- ultroid = cv2.cvtColor(ult, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
- elif match == "blur":
- ultroid = cv2.GaussianBlur(ult, (35, 35), 0)
- elif match == "negative":
- ultroid = cv2.bitwise_not(ult)
- elif match == "danger":
- dan = cv2.cvtColor(ult, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
- ultroid = cv2.cvtColor(dan, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)
- elif match == "mirror":
- ish = cv2.flip(ult, 1)
- ultroid = cv2.hconcat([ult, ish])
- elif match == "flip":
- trn = cv2.flip(ult, 1)
- ish = cv2.rotate(trn, cv2.ROTATE_180)
- ultroid = cv2.vconcat([ult, ish])
- elif match == "quad":
- ult = cv2.imread(file)
- roid = cv2.flip(ult, 1)
- mici = cv2.hconcat([ult, roid])
- fr = cv2.flip(mici, 1)
- trn = cv2.rotate(fr, cv2.ROTATE_180)
- ultroid = cv2.vconcat([mici, trn])
- elif match == "sketch":
- gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(ult, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
- inverted_gray_image = 255 - gray_image
- blurred_img = cv2.GaussianBlur(inverted_gray_image, (21, 21), 0)
- inverted_blurred_img = 255 - blurred_img
- ultroid = cv2.divide(gray_image, inverted_blurred_img, scale=256.0)
- elif match == "toon":
- height, width, _ = ult.shape
- samples = np.zeros([height * width, 3], dtype=np.float32)
- count = 0
- for x in range(height):
- for y in range(width):
- samples[count] = ult[x][y]
- count += 1
- _, labels, centers = cv2.kmeans(
- samples,
- 12,
- None,
- (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 10000, 0.0001),
- 5,
- )
- centers = np.uint8(centers)
- ish = centers[labels.flatten()]
- ultroid = ish.reshape(ult.shape)
- cv2.imwrite("ult.jpg", ultroid)
- await ureply.reply(
- file="ult.jpg",
- force_document=False,
- )
- await xx.delete()
- os.remove("ult.jpg")
- os.remove(file)
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="csample (.*)")
-async def sampl(ult):
- if color := ult.pattern_match.group(1).strip():
- img = Image.new("RGB", (200, 100), f"{color}")
- img.save("csample.png")
- try:
- try:
- await ult.delete()
- await ult.respond(f"Colour Sample for `{color}` !", file="csample.png")
- except MessageDeleteForbiddenError:
- await ult.reply(f"Colour Sample for `{color}` !", file="csample.png")
- except ChatSendMediaForbiddenError:
- await ult.eor("Umm! Sending Media is disabled here!")
- else:
- await ult.eor("Wrong Color Name/Hex Code specified!")
- pattern="blue$",
-async def ultd(event):
- ureply = await event.get_reply_message()
- xx = await event.eor("`...`")
- if not (ureply and (ureply.media)):
- await xx.edit(get_string("cvt_3"))
- return
- ultt = await ureply.download_media()
- if ultt.endswith(".tgs"):
- await xx.edit(get_string("sts_9"))
- file = await con.convert(ultt, convert_to="png", outname="ult")
- got = upf(file)
- lnk = f"https://graph.org{got[0]}"
- r = await async_searcher(
- f"https://nekobot.xyz/api/imagegen?type=blurpify&image={lnk}", re_json=True
- )
- ms = r.get("message")
- if not r["success"]:
- return await xx.edit(ms)
- await download_file(ms, "ult.png")
- img = Image.open("ult.png").convert("RGB")
- img.save("ult.webp", "webp")
- await event.client.send_file(
- event.chat_id,
- "ult.webp",
- force_document=False,
- reply_to=event.reply_to_msg_id,
- )
- await xx.delete()
- os.remove("ult.png")
- os.remove("ult.webp")
- os.remove(ultt)
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="border( (.*)|$)")
-async def ok(event):
- hm = await event.get_reply_message()
- if not (hm and (hm.photo or hm.sticker)):
- return await event.eor("`Reply to Sticker or Photo..`")
- col = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- wh = 20
- if not col:
- col = [255, 255, 255]
- else:
- try:
- if ";" in col:
- col_ = col.split(";", maxsplit=1)
- wh = int(col_[1])
- col = col_[0]
- col = [int(col) for col in col.split(",")[:2]]
- except ValueError:
- return await event.eor("`Not a Valid Input...`")
- okla = await hm.download_media()
- img1 = cv2.imread(okla)
- constant = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img1, wh, wh, wh, wh, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=col)
- cv2.imwrite("output.png", constant)
- await event.client.send_file(event.chat.id, "output.png")
- os.remove("output.png")
- os.remove(okla)
- await event.delete()
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="pixelator( (.*)|$)")
-async def pixelator(event):
- reply_message = await event.get_reply_message()
- if not (reply_message and (reply_message.photo or reply_message.sticker)):
- return await event.eor("`Reply to a photo`")
- hw = 50
- try:
- hw = int(event.pattern_match.group(1).strip())
- except (ValueError, TypeError):
- pass
- msg = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- image = await reply_message.download_media()
- input_ = cv2.imread(image)
- height, width = input_.shape[:2]
- w, h = (hw, hw)
- temp = cv2.resize(input_, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
- output = cv2.resize(temp, (width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
- cv2.imwrite("output.jpg", output)
- await msg.respond("• Pixelated by Ultroid", file="output.jpg")
- await msg.delete()
- os.remove("output.jpg")
- os.remove(image)
diff --git a/plugins/imagine.py b/plugins/imagine.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bbffcb7af7b0debd8257fb48f1e3fbe74b56797..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/imagine.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-from os import system, remove
-import json
-import requests
-import urllib.request
-import os
-from . import ultroid_cmd, udB, LOGS, run_async
-# Ensure the necessary library is installed
- import requests
-except ImportError:
- system("pip install requests")
- import requests
-def generate_dalle_image(prompt, api_key):
- url = "https://aiassistquizapp899573677638.openai.azure.com/openai/deployments/Dalle3/images/generations?api-version=2024-02-15-preview"
- headers = {
- "api-key": api_key,
- "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
- "accept-encoding": "gzip",
- "user-agent": "okhttp/4.10.0"
- }
- data = {
- "response_format": "url",
- "model": "dall-e-3",
- "n": 1,
- "prompt": prompt,
- "size": "1024x1792"
- }
- response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
- if response.status_code == 200:
- result = response.json()
- return result["data"][0]
- else:
- return {"error": f"Error: {response.status_code} - {response.text}"}
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="imagine(?: |$)(.*)")
-async def dalle_generator(event):
- api_key = udB.get_key("DALL_E_API")
- if not api_key:
- return await event.eor("DALL_E_API key missing..")
- query = event.pattern_match.group(1)
- if not query:
- reply = await event.get_reply_message()
- if reply and reply.text:
- query = reply.text
- if not query:
- return await event.eor("`need a prompt to generate image! `", time=6)
- eris = await event.eor(f"__Generating image for:__\n`{query[:128]} ...`")
- response = await generate_dalle_image(query, api_key)
- if "error" in response:
- await eris.edit(response["error"])
- else:
- image_url = response["url"]
- revised_prompt = response.get("revised_prompt", "No revised prompt available.")
- image_path = "generated_image.png"
- try:
- # Download the image
- urllib.request.urlretrieve(image_url, image_path)
- # Send the image
- await event.client.send_file(
- event.chat_id,
- image_path,
- caption=f"Model: • ([source]({image_url}))\n• $${revised_prompt}$$",
- reply_to=event.id
- )
- await eris.delete()
- except Exception as e:
- await eris.edit(f"Failed to download or send image: {str(e)}")
- finally:
- # Remove the downloaded image after sending
- if os.path.exists(image_path):
- remove(image_path)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/lastonult.py b/plugins/lastonult.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 725113b93dd7b3a6073b215406a9f85703bcbecb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/lastonult.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
-❍ Commands Available -
-• `{i}lastonline`
-• `{i}seen `
- 🌀 __@TrueSaiyan__ 🌀
-import html
-import motor.motor_asyncio
-import pytz
-from telethon import events, types
-from telethon.tl.functions.channels import GetParticipantsRequest
-from telethon.tl.types import (
- ChannelParticipantsSearch,
- User,
- UserStatusOffline,
- UserStatusOnline,
- UserStatusRecently,
-from . import *
-if udB.get_key("MONg"):
- lastSeendB = udB.get_key("MONg")
- lastSeendB = "mongodb+srv://LastSeenUlt:YKzBfhfjtObPfQLD@cluster0.iil65vg.mongodb.net/"
-# MongoDB client setup
-mongo_client = motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient(lastSeendB)
-db = mongo_client["User_Status"]
-collection = db["user_data"]
-# Define the UTC timezone and Local timezone
-if udB.get_key("TIMEZONE"):
- localTZ = udB.get_key("TIMEZONE")
- localTZ = "Asia/Kolkata"
-utc_tz = pytz.utc
-perth_tz = pytz.timezone(localTZ)
-async def mention_user(user_id):
- entity = await ultroid_bot.get_entity(user_id)
- mention = get_display_name(entity)
- escaped_mention = html.escape(mention)
- permalink = f"{escaped_mention}"
- return permalink
-async def get_group_members_last_online(event):
- group = await event.client.get_entity(event.chat_id)
- participants = await event.client(
- GetParticipantsRequest(group, ChannelParticipantsSearch(""), 0, 25, hash=0)
- )
- users_currently_online = []
- users_last_online = []
- users_unknown_status = []
- for user in participants.users:
- if isinstance(user, User) and not user.bot:
- user_status = user.status
- user_id = user.id
- if isinstance(user_status, UserStatusOffline):
- was_online_utc = user_status.was_online.replace(tzinfo=utc_tz)
- users_last_online.append((was_online_utc, user))
- elif isinstance(user_status, UserStatusOnline):
- users_currently_online.append(user)
- else:
- # Check the database for last seen data
- db_user = await collection.find_one({"user_id": user_id})
- if db_user:
- last_online_db = db_user.get("last_online_time")
- if last_online_db:
- last_online_db = last_online_db.replace(tzinfo=utc_tz)
- users_last_online.append((last_online_db, user))
- else:
- users_unknown_status.append(user)
- else:
- users_unknown_status.append(user)
- users_last_online.sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
- result = "Last Online Times for Group Members:\n\n"
- for user in users_currently_online:
- mention_text = await mention_user(user.id)
- result += f"╭ User: {mention_text} ({user.id}
- result += f"⌬ Status: Currently online\n"
- result += "╰──────────────\n\n"
- for last_online_time, user in users_last_online:
- mention_text = await mention_user(user.id)
- last_online_perth = last_online_time.astimezone(perth_tz)
- readable_time = last_online_perth.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S %p %Z%z")
- result += f"╭ User: {mention_text} ({user.id}
- result += f"⌬ Last Online: {readable_time}\n"
- result += "╰──────────────\n\n"
- for user in users_unknown_status:
- mention_text = await mention_user(user.id)
- result += f"╭ User: {mention_text} ({user.id}
- result += f"⌬ Status: Unknown or unsupported\n"
- result += "╰──────────────\n\n"
- return result
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="lastonline$", manager=True)
-async def _(event):
- xx = await event.eor(
- "Fetching last online times for group members...", parse_mode="html"
- )
- try:
- result = await get_group_members_last_online(event)
- await xx.edit(result, parse_mode="html")
- except Exception as er:
- await xx.edit(f"ERROR : {er}")
-async def get_user_last_online(event, user_id):
- user = await event.client.get_entity(user_id)
- mention_text = await mention_user(user.id)
- if not user.bot:
- user_status = user.status
- # Check the database for last seen data
- db_user = await collection.find_one({"user_id": user.id})
- if db_user:
- first_seen = db_user.get("first_seen")
- current_username = db_user.get("username")
- last_online_db = db_user.get("last_online_time")
- previous_usernames = db_user.get("previous_usernames", [])
- if isinstance(user_status, UserStatusOffline) or isinstance(
- user_status, UserStatusRecently
- ):
- if last_online_db:
- last_online_db = last_online_db.replace(tzinfo=utc_tz).astimezone(
- perth_tz
- )
- readable_last_online = last_online_db.strftime(
- "%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S %p %Z%z"
- )
- if first_seen:
- if user.id == 5575183435:
- return (
- f"User: {mention_text} ({user.id}
- f"⌬ First Seen: {first_seen}
- f"⌬ Last Online: {readable_last_online}
- f"⌬ Current Username: @{current_username}
- )
- first_seen = first_seen.replace(tzinfo=utc_tz).astimezone(
- perth_tz
- )
- readable_first_seen = first_seen.strftime(
- "%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S %p %Z%z"
- )
- if previous_usernames:
- prev_usernames_text = ", @".join(previous_usernames)
- return (
- f"User: {mention_text} ({user.id}
- f"⌬ First Seen: {readable_first_seen}
- f"⌬ Last Online: {readable_last_online}
- f"⌬ Previous Usernames: @{prev_usernames_text}
- )
- return (
- f"User: {mention_text} ({user.id}
- f"⌬ First Seen: {readable_first_seen}
- f"⌬ Last Online: {readable_last_online}
- f"⌬ Current Username: @{current_username}
- )
- if previous_usernames:
- prev_usernames_text = ", @".join(previous_usernames)
- return (
- f"User: {mention_text} ({user.id}
- f"⌬ Last Online: {readable_last_online}
- f"⌬ Previous Usernames: @{prev_usernames_text}
- )
- return (
- f"User: {mention_text} ({user.id}
- f"⌬ Last Online: {readable_last_online}
- f"⌬ Current Username: @{current_username}
- )
- elif isinstance(user_status, UserStatusOnline):
- if previous_usernames:
- prev_usernames_text = ", @".join(previous_usernames)
- return (
- f"User: {mention_text} ({user.id}
- f"⌬ Status: Currently online
- f"⌬ Previous Usernames: @{prev_usernames_text}
- )
- return (
- f"User: {mention_text} ({user.id}
- f"⌬ Status: Currently online
- f"⌬ Current Username: @{current_username}
- )
- else:
- try:
- was_online_utc = user_status.was_online.replace(tzinfo=utc_tz)
- was_online_perth = was_online_utc.astimezone(perth_tz)
- readable_time = was_online_perth.strftime(
- "%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S %p %Z%z"
- )
- if previous_usernames:
- prev_usernames_text = ", @".join(previous_usernames)
- return (
- f"User: {mention_text} ({user.id}
- f"⌬ Last Online: {readable_time}
- f"⌬ Previous Usernames: @{prev_usernames_text}
- )
- return (
- f"User: {mention_text} ({user.id}
- f"⌬ Last Online: {readable_time}
- f"⌬ Current Username: @{current_username}
- )
- except Exception:
- if last_online_db:
- last_online_db = last_online_db.replace(
- tzinfo=utc_tz
- ).astimezone(perth_tz)
- readable_last_online = last_online_db.strftime(
- "%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S %p %Z%z"
- )
- if first_seen:
- first_seen = first_seen.replace(tzinfo=utc_tz).astimezone(
- perth_tz
- )
- readable_first_seen = first_seen.strftime(
- "%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S %p %Z%z"
- )
- if previous_usernames:
- prev_usernames_text = ", @".join(previous_usernames)
- return (
- f"User: {mention_text} ({user.id}
- f"⌬ First Seen: {readable_first_seen}
- f"⌬ Last Online: {readable_last_online}
- f"⌬ Previous Usernames: @{prev_usernames_text}
- )
- return (
- f"User: {mention_text} ({user.id}
- f"⌬ First Seen: {readable_first_seen}
- f"⌬ Last Online: {readable_last_online}
- f"⌬ Current Username: @{current_username}
- )
- if previous_usernames:
- prev_usernames_text = ", @".join(previous_usernames)
- return (
- f"User: {mention_text} ({user.id}
- f"⌬ Last Online: {readable_last_online}
- f"⌬ Previous Usernames: @{prev_usernames_text}
- )
- return (
- f"User: {mention_text} ({user.id}
- f"⌬ Last Online: {readable_last_online}
- f"⌬ Current Username: @{current_username}
- )
- return f"User: {mention_text} ({user.id}
)\n⌬ Status: Unknown or unsupported
- else:
- return f"User: {mention_text} ({user.id}
) is a bot and their status is not tracked."
-async def last_online_info(event, user_id):
- user = await event.client.get_entity(user_id)
- mention_text = inline_mention(user)
- if not user.bot:
- user.status
- try:
- db_user = await collection.find_one({"user_id": user.id})
- if db_user:
- db_user.get("first_seen")
- last_online_db = db_user.get("last_online_time")
- if last_online_db:
- last_online_db = last_online_db.replace(tzinfo=utc_tz).astimezone(
- perth_tz
- )
- readable_last_online = last_online_db.strftime(
- "%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S %p %Z%z"
- )
- return f"{readable_last_online}"
- return f"\n⌬ Status: Unknown or unsupported
- except Exception as e:
- LOGS.error(f"Error: {e}")
- else:
- return f"User: {mention_text} ({user.id}
) is a bot and their status is not tracked."
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="seen(?: |$)(.*)", manager=True)
-async def _(event):
- input_str = event.pattern_match.group(1)
- xx = await event.eor("Fetching last online time...", parse_mode="html")
- try:
- if input_str:
- if input_str.isdigit():
- user_id = int(input_str)
- result = await get_user_last_online(event, user_id)
- await xx.edit(result, parse_mode="html")
- else:
- user = await event.client.get_entity(input_str)
- result = await get_user_last_online(event, user.id)
- await xx.edit(result, parse_mode="html")
- else:
- reply = await event.get_reply_message()
- if reply and reply.sender_id:
- result = await get_user_last_online(event, reply.sender_id)
- await xx.edit(result, parse_mode="html")
- else:
- await xx.edit(
- "Please specify a username or user ID or reply to a user's message to get their last online time."
- )
- except Exception as e:
- await xx.edit(f"Error: {e}")
-async def all_messages_catcher(event):
- if isinstance(event, events.NewMessage.Event):
- sender = await event.get_sender()
- utc_time = event.date.replace(tzinfo=utc_tz)
- elif isinstance(event, events.ChatAction.Event):
- utc_time = event.action_message.date.replace(tzinfo=utc_tz)
- sender = await event.action_message.get_sender()
- else:
- return
- if sender is None:
- return
- if isinstance(sender, types.User) and (sender.bot or sender.verified):
- return
- perth_time = utc_time.astimezone(perth_tz)
- user_id = sender.id
- username = sender.username or None
- existing_user = await collection.find_one({"user_id": user_id})
- if existing_user:
- last_username = existing_user.get("username")
- if last_username != username:
- previous_usernames = existing_user.get("previous_usernames", [])
- if last_username:
- previous_usernames.append(last_username)
- await collection.update_one(
- {"user_id": user_id},
- {
- "$set": {
- "last_online_time": perth_time,
- "username": username,
- "previous_usernames": previous_usernames,
- }
- },
- )
- else:
- await collection.update_one(
- {"user_id": user_id}, {"$set": {"last_online_time": perth_time}}
- )
- else:
- await collection.insert_one(
- {
- "user_id": user_id,
- "username": username,
- "first_seen": perth_time,
- "last_online_time": perth_time,
- "previous_usernames": [],
- }
- )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/lipsync.py b/plugins/lipsync.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 14311573db19762c84ed8db25ee7972c683b10f1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/lipsync.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-from os import remove
-from io import BytesIO
-import random
- import requests
-except ImportError:
- system("pip install -q requests")
- import requests
-from . import ultroid_cmd, check_filename, fast_download, run_async, LOGS, async_searcher
-async def synthesize_lipsync(face_video_path, text):
- url = "https://3v305hiwo6tem3-8888.proxy.runpod.net/synthesize"
- headers = {
- "User-Agent": "Dart/3.5 (dart:io)",
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- "Accept-Encoding": "gzip",
- }
- data = {
- "face": face_video_path,
- "text": text,
- "wav2lip_settings": {
- "nosmooth": True,
- "resize_factor": 2
- },
- "tts_settings": {
- "voice_id": "LtPsVjX1k0Kl4StEMZPK"
- }
- }
- response = await async_searcher(url, headers=headers, json=data, post=True, re_json=True)
- return response
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="lipsync( (.*)|$)")
-async def lipsync(event):
- text = event.pattern_match.group(2)
- reply = await event.get_reply_message()
- if not text and reply and reply.text:
- text = reply.text
- if not text:
- return await event.eor("Please provide the text to lip-sync.")
- status_message = await event.eor("🔄 Processing lip-sync...")
- face_video_path = None
- if reply and reply.media:
- await status_message.edit("📥 Downloading face video...")
- face_video_path = await event.client.download_media(reply.media)
- else:
- # Generate a random number between 1 and 10 for the face video path
- random_number = random.randint(1, 10)
- face_video_path = f"characters/2aigo/lipsync/{random_number}.mp4"
- try:
- result = await synthesize_lipsync(face_video_path, text)
- outfile_url = result.get('outfile')
- if outfile_url:
- await status_message.edit("📤 Uploading the result...")
- result_file, _ = await fast_download(outfile_url, filename=check_filename("lipsynced_video.mp4"))
- await event.client.send_file(event.chat_id, result_file, reply_to=event.reply_to_msg_id)
- remove(result_file)
- await status_message.delete()
- else:
- await status_message.edit("❌ Failed to generate the lip-synced video.")
- except Exception as e:
- LOGS.error(e, exc_info=True)
- await status_message.edit(f"❌ An error occurred: {e}")
- finally:
- if face_video_path and not face_video_path.startswith("characters/2aigo/lipsync"):
- remove(face_video_path)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/locks.py b/plugins/locks.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 849c242164be9a5b588b513a6d868742eeb51311..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/locks.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-✘ Commands Available -
-• `{i}lock `
- Lock the Used Setting in Used Group.
-• `{i}unlock `
- UNLOCK the Used Setting in Used Group.
-from telethon.tl.functions.messages import EditChatDefaultBannedRightsRequest
-from pyUltroid.fns.admins import lock_unlock
-from . import ultroid_cmd
- pattern="(un|)lock( (.*)|$)", admins_only=True, manager=True, require="change_info"
-async def un_lock(e):
- mat = e.pattern_match.group(2).strip()
- if not mat:
- return await e.eor("`Give some Proper Input..`", time=5)
- lock = e.pattern_match.group(1) == ""
- ml = lock_unlock(mat, lock)
- if not ml:
- return await e.eor("`Incorrect Input`", time=5)
- msg = "Locked" if lock else "Unlocked"
- try:
- await e.client(EditChatDefaultBannedRightsRequest(e.chat_id, ml))
- except Exception as er:
- return await e.eor(str(er))
- await e.eor(f"**{msg}** - `{mat}` ! ")
diff --git a/plugins/logo.py b/plugins/logo.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 92531bb1bf342597c0f3a9e1e4a12a1ce7cba95d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/logo.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-✘ Commands Available -
-• `{i}logo `
- Generate a logo of the given Text
- Or Reply To image , to write ur text on it.
- Or Reply To Font File, To write with that font.
-import glob
-import os
-import random
-from telethon.tl.types import InputMessagesFilterPhotos
- from PIL import Image
-except ImportError:
- Image = None
-from pyUltroid.fns.misc import unsplashsearch
-from pyUltroid.fns.tools import LogoHelper
-from . import OWNER_ID, OWNER_NAME, download_file, get_string, mediainfo, ultroid_cmd
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="logo( (.*)|$)")
-async def logo_gen(event):
- xx = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- name = event.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not name:
- return await xx.eor("`Give a name too!`", time=5)
- bg_, font_ = None, None
- if event.reply_to_msg_id:
- temp = await event.get_reply_message()
- if temp.media:
- if hasattr(temp.media, "document") and (
- ("font" in temp.file.mime_type)
- or (".ttf" in temp.file.name)
- or (".otf" in temp.file.name)
- ):
- font_ = await temp.download_media("resources/fonts/")
- elif "pic" in mediainfo(temp.media):
- bg_ = await temp.download_media()
- if not bg_:
- SRCH = [
- "background",
- "neon",
- "anime",
- "art",
- "bridges",
- "streets",
- "computer",
- "cyberpunk",
- "nature",
- "abstract",
- "exoplanet",
- "magic",
- "3d render",
- ]
- res = await unsplashsearch(random.choice(SRCH), limit=1)
- bg_, _ = await download_file(res[0], "resources/downloads/logo.png")
- newimg = "resources/downloads/unsplash-temp.jpg"
- img_ = Image.open(bg_)
- img_.save(newimg)
- os.remove(bg_)
- bg_ = newimg
- if not font_:
- fpath_ = glob.glob("resources/fonts/*")
- font_ = random.choice(fpath_)
- if len(name) <= 8:
- strke = 10
- elif len(name) >= 9:
- strke = 5
- else:
- strke = 20
- name = LogoHelper.make_logo(
- bg_,
- name,
- font_,
- fill="white",
- stroke_width=strke,
- stroke_fill="black",
- )
- await xx.edit("`Done!`")
- await event.client.send_file(
- event.chat_id,
- file=name,
- caption=f"Logo by [{OWNER_NAME}](tg://user?id={OWNER_ID})",
- force_document=True,
- )
- os.remove(name)
- await xx.delete()
- if os.path.exists(bg_):
- os.remove(bg_)
diff --git a/plugins/mediatools.py b/plugins/mediatools.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 91773026da9ccf5e1d586cabd29d9c360d09b199..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/mediatools.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-✘ Commands Available -
-• `{i}mediainfo //`
- To get info about it.
-• `{i}rotate `
- Rotate any video/photo/media..
- Note : for video it should be angle of 90's
-import os
-import time
-from datetime import datetime as dt
-from pyUltroid.fns.misc import rotate_image
-from pyUltroid.fns.tools import make_html_telegraph
-from . import (
- Telegraph,
- bash,
- downloader,
- get_string,
- is_url_ok,
- mediainfo,
- ultroid_cmd,
- import cv2
-except ImportError:
- LOGS.info("WARNING: 'cv2' not found!")
- cv2 = None
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="mediainfo( (.*)|$)")
-async def mi(e):
- r = await e.get_reply_message()
- match = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- taime = time.time()
- extra = ""
- if r and r.media:
- xx = mediainfo(r.media)
- murl = r.media.stringify()
- url = await make_html_telegraph("Mediainfo", f"{murl}
- extra = f"**[{xx}]({url})**\n\n"
- e = await e.eor(f"{extra}`Loading More...`", link_preview=False)
- if hasattr(r.media, "document"):
- file = r.media.document
- mime_type = file.mime_type
- filename = r.file.name
- if not filename:
- if "audio" in mime_type:
- filename = "audio_" + dt.now().isoformat("_", "seconds") + ".ogg"
- elif "video" in mime_type:
- filename = "video_" + dt.now().isoformat("_", "seconds") + ".mp4"
- dl = await downloader(
- f"resources/downloads/{filename}",
- file,
- e,
- taime,
- f"{extra}`Loading More...`",
- )
- naam = dl.name
- else:
- naam = await r.download_media()
- elif match and (
- os.path.isfile(match)
- or (match.startswith("https://") and (await is_url_ok(match)))
- ):
- naam, xx = match, "file"
- else:
- return await e.eor(get_string("cvt_3"), time=5)
- out, er = await bash(f"mediainfo '{naam}'")
- if er:
- LOGS.info(er)
- out = extra or str(er)
- return await e.edit(out, link_preview=False)
- makehtml = ""
- if naam.endswith((".jpg", ".png")):
- if os.path.exists(naam):
- med = "https://graph.org" + Telegraph.upload_file(naam)[0]["src"]
- else:
- med = match
- makehtml += f"
- for line in out.split("\n"):
- line = line.strip()
- if not line:
- makehtml += "
- elif ":" not in line:
- makehtml += f"{line}
- else:
- makehtml += f"{line}
- try:
- urll = await make_html_telegraph("Mediainfo", makehtml)
- except Exception as er:
- LOGS.exception(er)
- return
- await e.eor(f"{extra}[{get_string('mdi_1')}]({urll})", link_preview=False)
- if not match:
- os.remove(naam)
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="rotate( (.*)|$)")
-async def rotate_(ult):
- match = ult.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not ult.is_reply:
- return await ult.eor("`Reply to a media...`")
- if match:
- try:
- match = int(match)
- except ValueError:
- match = None
- if not match:
- return await ult.eor("`Please provide a valid angle to rotate media..`")
- reply = await ult.get_reply_message()
- msg = await ult.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- photo = reply.game.photo if reply.game else None
- if reply.video:
- media = await reply.download_media()
- file = f"{media}.mp4"
- await bash(
- f'ffmpeg -i "{media}" -c copy -metadata:s:v:0 rotate={match} "{file}" -y'
- )
- elif photo or reply.photo or reply.sticker:
- media = await ult.client.download_media(photo or reply)
- img = cv2.imread(media)
- new_ = rotate_image(img, match)
- file = "ult.png"
- cv2.imwrite(file, new_)
- else:
- return await msg.edit("`Unsupported Media..\nReply to Photo/Video`")
- if os.path.exists(file):
- await ult.client.send_file(
- ult.chat_id, file=file, video_note=bool(reply.video_note), reply_to=reply.id
- )
- os.remove(media)
- await msg.try_delete()
diff --git a/plugins/misc.py b/plugins/misc.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a34a4ea6e1d2ebe64c530702053bc9b9189c3a3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/misc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-✘ Commands Available -
-• `{i}eod`
- `Get Event of the Today`
-• `{i}pntrst `
- Download and send pinterest pins
-• `{i}gadget `
- Gadget Search from Telegram.
-• `{i}randomuser`
- Generate details about a random user.
-• `{i}ascii `
- Convert replied image into html.
-• `{i}igdl `
- Download Instagram media
-import os
-from datetime import datetime as dt
-from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
-from telethon import events
-from telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist import YouBlockedUserError
-from telethon.tl.types import DocumentAttributeVideo
- from htmlwebshot import WebShot
-except ImportError:
- WebShot = None
- from img2html.converter import Img2HTMLConverter
-except ImportError:
- Img2HTMLConverter = None
-from . import async_searcher, get_random_user_data, get_string, re, ultroid_cmd, eod
-async def get_gallery(msg_id):
- msgs = await nimbus_bot.get_messages(
- 5210630997, ids=[*range(msg_id - 9, msg_id + 10)]
- )
- return [msg for msg in msgs if msg and msg.grouped_id == msgs[9].grouped_id]
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="igdl ?(.*)$")
-async def instagram(e):
- listx = []
- durations = []
- resolutions = []
- inp = e.pattern_match.group(1)
- chat = "@TopSaverBot"
- load = await e.eor(get_pstring("com_1"))
- async with e.client.conversation(chat) as conv:
- try:
- response = conv.wait_event(
- events.NewMessage(
- incoming=True, from_users=5210630997, func=lambda e: e.media
- )
- )
- await e.client.send_message(chat, f"{inp}")
- response = await response
- await e.client.send_read_acknowledge(conv.chat_id)
- if inp.split("/")[3] == "p":
- url = f"[Pᴏsᴛ]({inp})"
- captions = get_pstring("instagram_1").format(url)
- if inp.split("/")[3] == "reel":
- url = f"[Rᴇᴇʟ]({inp})"
- captions = get_pstring("instagram_1").format(url)
- if inp.split("/")[3] == "stories":
- url = f"[Sᴛᴏʀʏ]({inp})"
- captions = get_pstring("instagram_1").format(url)
- except YouBlockedUserError:
- await load.eor("Please Unblock the bot...", time=4)
- except Exception:
- await load.eor("No media found...", time=4)
- if response.grouped_id:
- gallery_msgs = await get_gallery(response.id)
- for msg in gallery_msgs:
- media = msg.media
- listx.append(media)
- if media and hasattr(media.document, "attributes"):
- for attribute in media.document.attributes:
- if isinstance(attribute, DocumentAttributeVideo):
- durations.append(int(attribute.duration))
- resolutions.append(f"{attribute.w}x{attribute.h}")
- else:
- listx.append(response.media)
- if response.media and hasattr(response.media.document, "attributes"):
- for attribute in response.media.document.attributes:
- if isinstance(attribute, DocumentAttributeVideo):
- durations.append(int(attribute.duration))
- resolutions.append(f"{attribute.w}x{attribute.h}")
- if durations:
- durations_str = ", ".join([f"{d}s" for d in durations])
- captions += f"\n**Dᴜʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴs**: {durations_str}"
- if resolutions:
- resolutions_str = ", ".join(resolutions)
- captions += f"\n**Rᴇsᴏʟᴜᴛɪᴏɴs**: {resolutions_str}"
- try:
- await e.client.send_file(
- e.chat_id,
- file=listx,
- caption=captions,
- )
- await load.delete()
- except Exception as er:
- await e.eor(f"Unable to send media: {er}")
-async def diela(e):
- m = await e.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- li = "https://daysoftheyear.com"
- te = "🎊 **Events of the Day**\n\n"
- da = dt.now()
- month = da.strftime("%b")
- li += f"/days/{month}/" + da.strftime("%F").split("-")[2]
- ct = await async_searcher(li, re_content=True)
- bt = bs(ct, "html.parser", from_encoding="utf-8")
- ml = bt.find_all("a", "js-link-target", href=re.compile("daysoftheyear.com/days"))
- for eve in ml[:5]:
- te += f'• [{eve.text}]({eve["href"]})\n'
- await m.edit(te, link_preview=False)
- pattern="pntrst( (.*)|$)",
-async def pinterest(e):
- m = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not m:
- return await e.eor("`Give pinterest link.`", time=3)
- soup = await async_searcher(
- "https://www.expertstool.com/download-pinterest-video/",
- data={"url": m},
- post=True,
- )
- try:
- _soup = bs(soup, "html.parser").find("table").tbody.find_all("tr")
- except BaseException:
- return await e.eor("`Wrong link or private pin.`", time=5)
- file = _soup[1] if len(_soup) > 1 else _soup[0]
- file = file.td.a["href"]
- await e.client.send_file(e.chat_id, file, caption=f"Pin:- {m}")
-@ultroid_cmd(pattern="gadget( (.*)|$)")
-async def mobs(e):
- mat = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip()
- if not mat:
- await e.eor("Please Give a Mobile Name to look for.")
- query = mat.replace(" ", "%20")
- jwala = f"https://gadgets.ndtv.com/search?searchtext={query}"
- c = await async_searcher(jwala)
- b = bs(c, "html.parser", from_encoding="utf-8")
- co = b.find_all("div", "rvw-imgbox")
- if not co:
- return await e.eor("No Results Found!")
- bt = await e.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- out = "**📱 Mobile / Gadgets Search**\n\n"
- li = co[0].find("a")
- imu, title = None, li.find("img")["title"]
- cont = await async_searcher(li["href"])
- nu = bs(cont, "html.parser", from_encoding="utf-8")
- req = nu.find_all("div", "_pdsd")
- imu = nu.find_all(
- "img", src=re.compile("https://i.gadgets360cdn.com/products/large/")
- )
- if imu:
- imu = imu[0]["src"].split("?")[0] + "?downsize=*:420&output-quality=80"
- out += f"☑️ **[{title}]({li['href']})**\n\n"
- for fp in req:
- ty = fp.findNext()
- out += f"- **{ty.text}** - `{ty.findNext().text}`\n"
- out += "_"
- if imu == []:
- imu = None
- await e.reply(out, file=imu, link_preview=False)
- await bt.delete()
-async def _gen_data(event):
- x = await event.eor(get_string("com_1"))
- msg, pic = await get_random_user_data()
- await event.reply(file=pic, message=msg)
- await x.delete()
- pattern="ascii( (.*)|$)",
-async def _(e):
- if not Img2HTMLConverter:
- return await e.eor("'img2html-converter' not installed!")
- if not e.reply_to_msg_id:
- return await e.eor(get_string("ascii_1"))
- m = await e.eor(get_string("ascii_2"))
- img = await (await e.get_reply_message()).download_media()
- char = e.pattern_match.group(1).strip() or "■"
- converter = Img2HTMLConverter(char=char)
- html = converter.convert(img)
- shot = WebShot(quality=85)
- pic = await shot.create_pic_async(html=html)
- await m.delete()
- await e.reply(file=pic)
- os.remove(pic)
- os.remove(img)
diff --git a/plugins/mute.py b/plugins/mute.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2939908fa0fb5959ef01ae54d345c1054a38ee4c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/plugins/mute.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-# Ultroid - UserBot
-# Copyright (C) 2021-2023 TeamUltroid
-# This file is a part of < https://github.com/TeamUltroid/Ultroid/ >
-# PLease read the GNU Affero General Public License in
-# .
-✘ Commands Available -
-• `{i}mute `
- Mute user in current chat.
-• `{i}unmute `
- Unmute user in current chat.
-• `{i}dmute `
- Mute user in current chat by deleting msgs.
-• `{i}undmute `
- Unmute dmuted user in current chat.
-• `{i}tmute