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import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
import time
import tensorflow as tf
from utils import load_prepare_image, model_pred, fetch_recipe
import sys
from RecipeData import fetchRecipeData
IMG_SIZE = (224, 224)
model_V1 = 'Seefood_model_v1.tflite'
model_V2 = 'Seefood_model_V2.tflite'
def model_prediction(model, img_file, rescale):
img = load_prepare_image(img_file, IMG_SIZE, rescale=rescale)
prediction = model_pred(model, img)
sorceCode, recipe_data = fetchRecipeData(prediction)
return prediction, sorceCode, recipe_data
def main():
st.write('Upload a food image and get the recipe for that food and other details of that food')
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
# image uploading button
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a file")
selected_model = st.selectbox('Select Model',('model 1', 'model 2'), index=1)
if uploaded_file is not None:
uploaded_img =
col2.image(uploaded_file, width=500)
# butoon to make predictions
predict = st.button('Get Recipe!')
if predict:
if uploaded_file is not None:
with st.spinner('Please Wait 👩🍳'):
# setting model and rescalling
if selected_model == 'model 2':
pred_model = model_V2
pred_rescale = True
pred_model = model_V1
pred_rescale = False
# makeing prediction and fetching food recipe form api
food, source_code, recipe_data = model_prediction(pred_model, uploaded_img, pred_rescale)
# asssigning caleoric breakdown data
percent_Protein = recipe_data['percentProtein']
percent_fat = recipe_data['percentFat']
percent_carbs = recipe_data['percentCarbs']
# food name message
col1.success(f"It's an {food}")
if source_code == 200:
# desplay food recipe
st.header(recipe_data['title']+" Recipe")
col3, col4 = st.columns(2)
with col3:
# Ingridents of recipie
for i in recipe_data['ingridents']:"{i}")
# Inctuction for recipe
with col4:
# st.subheader('Caloric Breakdown')
## Caloric Breakdown
* Protien: {percent_Protein}%
* Fat: {percent_fat}%
* Carbohydrates: {percent_carbs}%
st.error('Something went wrong please try again :(')
st.warning('Please Upload Image')
if __name__=='__main__':
main() |