import os |
from modules import shared, utils |
from pathlib import Path |
import requests |
import tqdm |
import json |
''' |
def get_gpu_memory_usage(rank): |
return { |
'total': round(torch.cuda.get_device_properties(rank).total_memory / (1024**3), 2), |
'max': round(torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated(rank) / (1024**3), 2), |
'reserved': round(torch.cuda.memory_reserved(rank) / (1024**3), 2), |
'allocated': round(torch.cuda.memory_allocated(rank) / (1024**3), 2) |
} |
''' |
def list_subfoldersByTime(directory): |
if not directory.endswith('/'): |
directory += '/' |
subfolders = [] |
subfolders.append('None') |
path = directory |
name_list = os.listdir(path) |
full_list = [os.path.join(path,i) for i in name_list] |
time_sorted_list = sorted(full_list, key=os.path.getmtime,reverse=True) |
for entry in time_sorted_list: |
if os.path.isdir(entry): |
entry_str = f"{entry}" |
full_path = entry_str |
entry_str = entry_str.replace('\\','/') |
entry_str = entry_str.replace(f"{directory}", "") |
subfolders.append(entry_str) |
return subfolders |
def get_available_loras_local(_sortedByTime): |
model_dir = shared.args.lora_dir |
subfolders = [] |
if _sortedByTime: |
subfolders = list_subfoldersByTime(model_dir) |
else: |
subfolders = utils.get_available_loras() |
return subfolders |
def split_sentences(text: str, cutoff_len: int): |
sentences = [] |
sentence = '' |
delimiters = ['. ', '? ', '! ', '... ', '.\n', '?\n', '!\n','...\n','</s>','<//>'] |
abbreviations = ['Mr. ', 'Mrs. ', 'Dr. ', 'Ms. ', 'St. ', 'Prof. ', 'Jr. ', 'Ltd. ', 'Capt. ', 'Col. ', 'Gen. ', 'Ave. ', 'Blvd. ', 'Co. ', 'Corp. ', 'Dept. ', 'Est. ', 'Gov. ', 'Inc. ', 'Ph.D. ', 'Univ. '] |
errors = 0 |
max_cut = cutoff_len-1 |
prev_char = '' |
for char in text: |
sentence += char |
if (any(sentence.endswith(delimiter) for delimiter in delimiters) and |
not (prev_char.isupper() and len(sentence) >= 3 and sentence[-3] != ' ') and |
not any(sentence.endswith(abbreviation) for abbreviation in abbreviations)): |
tokens = shared.tokenizer.encode(sentence) |
if len(tokens) > max_cut: |
tokens = tokens[:max_cut] |
sentence = shared.tokenizer.decode(tokens, skip_special_tokens=True) |
errors = errors + 1 |
sentences.append({'text': sentence, 'size': len(tokens)}) |
sentence = '' |
prev_char = char |
if sentence: |
tokens = shared.tokenizer.encode(sentence) |
if len(tokens) > max_cut: |
tokens = tokens[:max_cut] |
sentence = shared.tokenizer.decode(tokens, skip_special_tokens=True) |
errors = errors + 1 |
sentences.append({'text': sentence, 'size': len(tokens)}) |
if errors > 0: |
print(f"Trimmed sentences beyond Cutoff Length: {errors}") |
return sentences |
def precise_cut(text: str, overlap: bool, min_chars_cut: int, eos_to_hc: bool, cutoff_len: int, hard_cut_string: str, debug_slicer:bool): |
EOSX_str = '<//>' |
EOS_str = '</s>' |
print("Precise raw text slicer: ON") |
cut_string = hard_cut_string.replace('\\n', '\n') |
text = text.replace(cut_string, EOSX_str) |
sentences = split_sentences(text, cutoff_len) |
print(f"Sentences: {len(sentences)}") |
sentencelist = [] |
currentSentence = '' |
totalLength = 0 |
max_cut = cutoff_len-1 |
half_cut = cutoff_len//2 |
halfcut_length = 0 |
edgeindex = [] |
half_index = 0 |
for index, item in enumerate(sentences): |
if halfcut_length+ item['size'] < half_cut: |
halfcut_length += item['size'] |
half_index = index |
else: |
edgeindex.append(half_index) |
halfcut_length = -2 * max_cut |
if totalLength + item['size'] < max_cut and not currentSentence.endswith(EOSX_str): |
currentSentence += item['text'] |
totalLength += item['size'] |
else: |
if len(currentSentence.strip()) > min_chars_cut: |
sentencelist.append(currentSentence.strip()) |
currentSentence = item['text'] |
totalLength = item['size'] |
halfcut_length = item['size'] |
if len(currentSentence.strip()) > min_chars_cut: |
sentencelist.append(currentSentence.strip()) |
unique_blocks = len(sentencelist) |
print(f"Text Blocks: {unique_blocks}") |
if overlap: |
for edge_idx in edgeindex: |
currentSentence = '' |
totalLength = 0 |
for item in sentences[edge_idx:]: |
if totalLength + item['size'] < max_cut: |
currentSentence += item['text'] |
totalLength += item['size'] |
else: |
if currentSentence.endswith(EOSX_str) and len(currentSentence.strip()) > min_chars_cut: |
sentencelist.append(currentSentence.strip()) |
elif EOSX_str not in currentSentence and len(currentSentence.strip()) > min_chars_cut: |
sentencelist.append(currentSentence.strip()) |
currentSentence = '' |
totalLength = 0 |
break |
print(f"+ Overlapping blocks: {len(sentencelist)-unique_blocks}") |
num_EOS = 0 |
for i in range(len(sentencelist)): |
if eos_to_hc: |
sentencelist[i] = sentencelist[i].replace(EOSX_str, EOS_str) |
else: |
sentencelist[i] = sentencelist[i].replace(EOSX_str, '') |
sentencelist[i] = sentencelist[i].replace("</s></s>", EOS_str) |
num_EOS += sentencelist[i].count(EOS_str) |
if num_EOS > 0: |
print(f"+ EOS count: {num_EOS}") |
sentencelist = [item for item in sentencelist if item.strip() != "</s>"] |
sentencelist = [item for item in sentencelist if item.strip() != ""] |
if debug_slicer: |
Path('logs').mkdir(exist_ok=True) |
sentencelist_dict = {index: sentence for index, sentence in enumerate(sentencelist)} |
output_file = "logs/sentencelist.json" |
with open(output_file, 'w') as f: |
json.dump(sentencelist_dict, f,indent=2) |
print("Saved sentencelist.json in logs folder") |
return sentencelist |
def sliding_block_cut(text: str, min_chars_cut: int, eos_to_hc: bool, cutoff_len: int, hard_cut_string: str, debug_slicer:bool): |
EOSX_str = '<//>' |
EOS_str = '</s>' |
print("Mega Block Overlap: ON") |
cut_string = hard_cut_string.replace('\\n', '\n') |
text = text.replace(cut_string, EOSX_str) |
sentences = split_sentences(text, cutoff_len) |
print(f"Sentences: {len(sentences)}") |
sentencelist = [] |
max_cut = cutoff_len-1 |
advancing_to = 0 |
prev_block_lastsentence = "" |
for i in range(len(sentences)): |
totalLength = 0 |
currentSentence = '' |
lastsentence = "" |
if i >= advancing_to: |
for k in range(i, len(sentences)): |
current_length = sentences[k]['size'] |
if totalLength + current_length <= max_cut and not currentSentence.endswith(EOSX_str): |
currentSentence += sentences[k]['text'] |
totalLength += current_length |
lastsentence = sentences[k]['text'] |
else: |
if len(currentSentence.strip()) > min_chars_cut: |
if prev_block_lastsentence!=lastsentence: |
sentencelist.append(currentSentence.strip()) |
prev_block_lastsentence = lastsentence |
advancing_to = 0 |
if currentSentence.endswith(EOSX_str): |
advancing_to = k |
currentSentence = "" |
totalLength = 0 |
break |
if currentSentence != "": |
if len(currentSentence.strip()) > min_chars_cut: |
sentencelist.append(currentSentence.strip()) |
unique_blocks = len(sentencelist) |
print(f"Text Blocks: {unique_blocks}") |
num_EOS = 0 |
for i in range(len(sentencelist)): |
if eos_to_hc: |
sentencelist[i] = sentencelist[i].replace(EOSX_str, EOS_str) |
else: |
sentencelist[i] = sentencelist[i].replace(EOSX_str, '') |
sentencelist[i] = sentencelist[i].replace("</s></s>", EOS_str) |
num_EOS += sentencelist[i].count(EOS_str) |
if num_EOS > 0: |
print(f"+ EOS count: {num_EOS}") |
sentencelist = [item for item in sentencelist if item.strip() != "</s>"] |
sentencelist = [item for item in sentencelist if item.strip() != ""] |
if debug_slicer: |
Path('logs').mkdir(exist_ok=True) |
sentencelist_dict = {index: sentence for index, sentence in enumerate(sentencelist)} |
output_file = "logs/sentencelist.json" |
with open(output_file, 'w') as f: |
json.dump(sentencelist_dict, f,indent=2) |
print("Saved sentencelist.json in logs folder") |
return sentencelist |
def download_file_from_url(url, overwrite, output_dir_in, valid_extensions = {'.txt', '.json'}): |
try: |
session = requests.Session() |
headers = {} |
mode = 'wb' |
filename = url.split('/')[-1] |
output_dir = str(output_dir_in) |
local_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, filename) |
overw = '' |
if os.path.exists(local_filename): |
if not overwrite: |
yield f"File '{local_filename}' already exists. Aborting." |
return |
else: |
overw = ' [Overwrite existing]' |
filename_lower = filename.lower() |
file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename_lower)[-1] |
if file_extension not in valid_extensions: |
yield f"Invalid file extension: {file_extension}. Only {valid_extensions} files are supported." |
return |
with session.get(url, stream=True, headers=headers, timeout=10) as r: |
r.raise_for_status() |
block_size = 1024 * 4 |
with open(local_filename, mode) as f: |
count = 0 |
for data in r.iter_content(block_size): |
f.write(data) |
count += len(data) |
yield f"Downloaded: {count} " + overw |
if os.path.exists(local_filename): |
downloaded_size = os.path.getsize(local_filename) |
if downloaded_size > 0: |
yield f"File '{filename}' downloaded to '{output_dir}' ({downloaded_size} bytes)." |
print("File Downloaded") |
else: |
print("Downloaded file is zero") |
yield f"Failed. Downloaded file size is zero)." |
else: |
print(f"Error: {local_filename} failed to download.") |
yield f"Error: {local_filename} failed to download" |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"An error occurred: {e}") |
yield f"An error occurred: {e}" |
finally: |
session.close() |