import readline from "readline"; |
import minimist from "minimist"; |
import { env } from "$env/dynamic/private"; |
import { faker } from "@faker-js/faker"; |
import { ObjectId } from "mongodb"; |
import { collections } from "$lib/server/database"; |
import { models } from "../src/lib/server/models.ts"; |
import type { User } from "../src/lib/types/User"; |
import type { Assistant } from "../src/lib/types/Assistant"; |
import type { Conversation } from "../src/lib/types/Conversation"; |
import type { Settings } from "../src/lib/types/Settings"; |
import { defaultEmbeddingModel } from "../src/lib/server/embeddingModels.ts"; |
import { Message } from "../src/lib/types/Message.ts"; |
import { addChildren } from "../src/lib/utils/tree/addChildren.ts"; |
import { generateSearchTokens } from "../src/lib/utils/searchTokens.ts"; |
const rl = readline.createInterface({ |
input: process.stdin, |
output: process.stdout, |
}); |
rl.on("close", function () { |
process.exit(0); |
}); |
const possibleFlags = ["reset", "all", "users", "settings", "assistants", "conversations"]; |
const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2)); |
const flags = argv["_"].filter((flag) => possibleFlags.includes(flag)); |
async function generateMessages(preprompt?: string): Promise<Message[]> { |
const isLinear = faker.datatype.boolean(0.5); |
const isInterrupted = faker.datatype.boolean(0.05); |
const messages: Message[] = []; |
messages.push({ |
id: crypto.randomUUID(), |
from: "system", |
content: preprompt ?? "", |
createdAt: faker.date.recent({ days: 30 }), |
updatedAt: faker.date.recent({ days: 30 }), |
}); |
let isUser = true; |
let lastId = messages[0].id; |
if (isLinear) { |
const convLength = faker.number.int({ min: 1, max: 25 }) * 2; |
for (let i = 0; i < convLength; i++) { |
lastId = addChildren( |
{ |
messages, |
rootMessageId: messages[0].id, |
}, |
{ |
from: isUser ? "user" : "assistant", |
content: faker.lorem.sentence({ |
min: 10, |
max: isUser ? 50 : 200, |
}), |
createdAt: faker.date.recent({ days: 30 }), |
updatedAt: faker.date.recent({ days: 30 }), |
interrupted: i === convLength - 1 && isInterrupted, |
}, |
lastId |
); |
isUser = !isUser; |
} |
} else { |
const convLength = faker.number.int({ min: 2, max: 200 }); |
for (let i = 0; i < convLength; i++) { |
addChildren( |
{ |
messages, |
rootMessageId: messages[0].id, |
}, |
{ |
from: isUser ? "user" : "assistant", |
content: faker.lorem.sentence({ |
min: 10, |
max: isUser ? 50 : 200, |
}), |
createdAt: faker.date.recent({ days: 30 }), |
updatedAt: faker.date.recent({ days: 30 }), |
interrupted: i === convLength - 1 && isInterrupted, |
}, |
faker.helpers.arrayElement([ |
messages[0].id, |
...messages.filter((m) => m.from === (isUser ? "assistant" : "user")).map((m) => m.id), |
]) |
); |
isUser = !isUser; |
} |
} |
return messages; |
} |
async function seed() { |
console.log("Seeding..."); |
const modelIds = models.map((model) => model.id); |
if (flags.includes("reset")) { |
console.log("Starting reset of DB"); |
await collections.users.deleteMany({}); |
await collections.settings.deleteMany({}); |
await collections.assistants.deleteMany({}); |
await collections.conversations.deleteMany({}); |
console.log("Reset done"); |
} |
if (flags.includes("users") || flags.includes("all")) { |
console.log("Creating 100 new users"); |
const newUsers: User[] = Array.from({ length: 100 }, () => ({ |
_id: new ObjectId(), |
createdAt: faker.date.recent({ days: 30 }), |
updatedAt: faker.date.recent({ days: 30 }), |
username: faker.internet.userName(), |
name: faker.person.fullName(), |
hfUserId: faker.string.alphanumeric(24), |
avatarUrl: faker.image.avatar(), |
})); |
await collections.users.insertMany(newUsers); |
console.log("Done creating users."); |
} |
const users = await collections.users.find().toArray(); |
if (flags.includes("settings") || flags.includes("all")) { |
console.log("Updating settings for all users"); |
users.forEach(async (user) => { |
const settings: Settings = { |
userId: user._id, |
shareConversationsWithModelAuthors: faker.datatype.boolean(0.25), |
hideEmojiOnSidebar: faker.datatype.boolean(0.25), |
ethicsModalAcceptedAt: faker.date.recent({ days: 30 }), |
activeModel: faker.helpers.arrayElement(modelIds), |
createdAt: faker.date.recent({ days: 30 }), |
updatedAt: faker.date.recent({ days: 30 }), |
customPrompts: {}, |
assistants: [], |
}; |
await collections.settings.updateOne( |
{ userId: user._id }, |
{ $set: { ...settings } }, |
{ upsert: true } |
); |
}); |
console.log("Done updating settings."); |
} |
if (flags.includes("assistants") || flags.includes("all")) { |
console.log("Creating assistants for all users"); |
await Promise.all( |
users.map(async (user) => { |
const name = faker.animal.insect(); |
const assistants = faker.helpers.multiple<Assistant>( |
() => ({ |
_id: new ObjectId(), |
name, |
createdById: user._id, |
createdByName: user.username, |
createdAt: faker.date.recent({ days: 30 }), |
updatedAt: faker.date.recent({ days: 30 }), |
userCount: faker.number.int({ min: 1, max: 100000 }), |
featured: faker.datatype.boolean(0.25), |
modelId: faker.helpers.arrayElement(modelIds), |
description: faker.lorem.sentence(), |
preprompt: faker.hacker.phrase(), |
exampleInputs: faker.helpers.multiple(() => faker.lorem.sentence(), { |
count: faker.number.int({ min: 0, max: 4 }), |
}), |
searchTokens: generateSearchTokens(name), |
last24HoursCount: faker.number.int({ min: 0, max: 1000 }), |
}), |
{ count: faker.number.int({ min: 3, max: 10 }) } |
); |
await collections.assistants.insertMany(assistants); |
await collections.settings.updateOne( |
{ userId: user._id }, |
{ $set: { assistants: assistants.map((a) => a._id.toString()) } }, |
{ upsert: true } |
); |
}) |
); |
console.log("Done creating assistants."); |
} |
if (flags.includes("conversations") || flags.includes("all")) { |
console.log("Creating conversations for all users"); |
await Promise.all( |
users.map(async (user) => { |
const conversations = faker.helpers.multiple( |
async () => { |
const settings = await collections.settings.findOne<Settings>({ userId: user._id }); |
const assistantId = |
settings?.assistants && settings.assistants.length > 0 && faker.datatype.boolean(0.1) |
? faker.helpers.arrayElement<ObjectId>(settings.assistants) |
: undefined; |
const preprompt = |
(assistantId |
? await collections.assistants |
.findOne({ _id: assistantId }) |
.then((assistant: Assistant) => assistant?.preprompt ?? "") |
: faker.helpers.maybe(() => faker.hacker.phrase(), { probability: 0.5 })) ?? ""; |
const messages = await generateMessages(preprompt); |
const conv = { |
_id: new ObjectId(), |
userId: user._id, |
assistantId, |
preprompt, |
createdAt: faker.date.recent({ days: 145 }), |
updatedAt: faker.date.recent({ days: 145 }), |
model: faker.helpers.arrayElement(modelIds), |
title: faker.internet.emoji() + " " + faker.hacker.phrase(), |
embeddingModel: defaultEmbeddingModel.id, |
messages, |
rootMessageId: messages[0].id, |
} satisfies Conversation; |
return conv; |
}, |
{ count: faker.number.int({ min: 10, max: 200 }) } |
); |
await collections.conversations.insertMany(await Promise.all(conversations)); |
}) |
); |
console.log("Done creating conversations."); |
} |
} |
(async () => { |
try { |
rl.question( |
"You're about to run a seeding script on the following MONGODB_URL: \x1b[31m" + |
"\x1b[0m\n\n With the following flags: \x1b[31m" + |
flags.join("\x1b[0m , \x1b[31m") + |
"\x1b[0m\n \n\n Are you sure you want to continue? (yes/no): ", |
async (confirm) => { |
if (confirm !== "yes") { |
console.log("Not 'yes', exiting."); |
rl.close(); |
process.exit(0); |
} |
console.log("Starting seeding..."); |
await seed(); |
console.log("Seeding done."); |
rl.close(); |
} |
); |
} catch (e) { |
console.error(e); |
process.exit(1); |
} |
})(); |