import tempfile
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
from torch import nn

from TTS.cs_api import CS_API
from import save_wav
from TTS.utils.manage import ModelManager
from TTS.utils.synthesizer import Synthesizer

class TTS(nn.Module):
    """TODO: Add voice conversion and Capacitron support."""

    def __init__(
        model_name: str = "",
        model_path: str = None,
        config_path: str = None,
        vocoder_path: str = None,
        vocoder_config_path: str = None,
        progress_bar: bool = True,
        cs_api_model: str = "XTTS",
        """🐸TTS python interface that allows to load and use the released models.

        Example with a multi-speaker model:
            >>> from TTS.api import TTS
            >>> tts = TTS(TTS.list_models()[0])
            >>> wav = tts.tts("This is a test! This is also a test!!", speaker=tts.speakers[0], language=tts.languages[0])
            >>> tts.tts_to_file(text="Hello world!", speaker=tts.speakers[0], language=tts.languages[0], file_path="output.wav")

        Example with a single-speaker model:
            >>> tts = TTS(model_name="tts_models/de/thorsten/tacotron2-DDC", progress_bar=False, gpu=False)
            >>> tts.tts_to_file(text="Ich bin eine Testnachricht.", file_path="output.wav")

        Example loading a model from a path:
            >>> tts = TTS(model_path="/path/to/checkpoint_100000.pth", config_path="/path/to/config.json", progress_bar=False, gpu=False)
            >>> tts.tts_to_file(text="Ich bin eine Testnachricht.", file_path="output.wav")

        Example voice cloning with YourTTS in English, French and Portuguese:
            >>> tts = TTS(model_name="tts_models/multilingual/multi-dataset/your_tts", progress_bar=False, gpu=True)
            >>> tts.tts_to_file("This is voice cloning.", speaker_wav="my/cloning/audio.wav", language="en", file_path="thisisit.wav")
            >>> tts.tts_to_file("C'est le clonage de la voix.", speaker_wav="my/cloning/audio.wav", language="fr", file_path="thisisit.wav")
            >>> tts.tts_to_file("Isso é clonagem de voz.", speaker_wav="my/cloning/audio.wav", language="pt", file_path="thisisit.wav")

        Example Fairseq TTS models (uses ISO language codes in
            >>> tts = TTS(model_name="tts_models/eng/fairseq/vits", progress_bar=False, gpu=True)
            >>> tts.tts_to_file("This is a test.", file_path="output.wav")

            model_name (str, optional): Model name to load. You can list models by ```tts.models```. Defaults to None.
            model_path (str, optional): Path to the model checkpoint. Defaults to None.
            config_path (str, optional): Path to the model config. Defaults to None.
            vocoder_path (str, optional): Path to the vocoder checkpoint. Defaults to None.
            vocoder_config_path (str, optional): Path to the vocoder config. Defaults to None.
            progress_bar (bool, optional): Whether to pring a progress bar while downloading a model. Defaults to True.
            cs_api_model (str, optional): Name of the model to use for the Coqui Studio API. Available models are
                "XTTS", "V1". You can also use `TTS.cs_api.CS_API" for more control.
                Defaults to "XTTS".
            gpu (bool, optional): Enable/disable GPU. Some models might be too slow on CPU. Defaults to False.
        self.manager = ModelManager(models_file=self.get_models_file_path(), progress_bar=progress_bar, verbose=False)

        self.synthesizer = None
        self.voice_converter = None
        self.csapi = None
        self.cs_api_model = cs_api_model
        self.model_name = ""

        if gpu:
            warnings.warn("`gpu` will be deprecated. Please use `` instead.")

        if model_name is not None:
            if "tts_models" in model_name or "coqui_studio" in model_name:
                self.load_tts_model_by_name(model_name, gpu)
            elif "voice_conversion_models" in model_name:
                self.load_vc_model_by_name(model_name, gpu)

        if model_path:
                model_path, config_path, vocoder_path=vocoder_path, vocoder_config=vocoder_config_path, gpu=gpu

    def models(self):
        return self.manager.list_tts_models()

    def is_multi_speaker(self):
        if hasattr(self.synthesizer.tts_model, "speaker_manager") and self.synthesizer.tts_model.speaker_manager:
            return self.synthesizer.tts_model.speaker_manager.num_speakers > 1
        return False

    def is_coqui_studio(self):
        if self.model_name is None:
            return False
        return "coqui_studio" in self.model_name

    def is_multi_lingual(self):
        # Not sure what sets this to None, but applied a fix to prevent crashing.
        if isinstance(self.model_name, str) and "xtts" in self.model_name:
            return True
        if hasattr(self.synthesizer.tts_model, "language_manager") and self.synthesizer.tts_model.language_manager:
            return self.synthesizer.tts_model.language_manager.num_languages > 1
        return False

    def speakers(self):
        if not self.is_multi_speaker:
            return None
        return self.synthesizer.tts_model.speaker_manager.speaker_names

    def languages(self):
        if not self.is_multi_lingual:
            return None
        return self.synthesizer.tts_model.language_manager.language_names

    def get_models_file_path():
        return Path(__file__).parent / ".models.json"

    def list_models(self):
            csapi = CS_API(model=self.cs_api_model)
            models = csapi.list_speakers_as_tts_models()
        except ValueError as e:
            models = []
        manager = ModelManager(models_file=TTS.get_models_file_path(), progress_bar=False, verbose=False)
        return manager.list_tts_models() + models

    def download_model_by_name(self, model_name: str):
        model_path, config_path, model_item = self.manager.download_model(model_name)
        if "fairseq" in model_name or (model_item is not None and isinstance(model_item["model_url"], list)):
            # return model directory if there are multiple files
            # we assume that the model knows how to load itself
            return None, None, None, None, model_path
        if model_item.get("default_vocoder") is None:
            return model_path, config_path, None, None, None
        vocoder_path, vocoder_config_path, _ = self.manager.download_model(model_item["default_vocoder"])
        return model_path, config_path, vocoder_path, vocoder_config_path, None

    def load_vc_model_by_name(self, model_name: str, gpu: bool = False):
        """Load one of the voice conversion models by name.

            model_name (str): Model name to load. You can list models by ```tts.models```.
            gpu (bool, optional): Enable/disable GPU. Some models might be too slow on CPU. Defaults to False.
        self.model_name = model_name
        model_path, config_path, _, _, _ = self.download_model_by_name(model_name)
        self.voice_converter = Synthesizer(vc_checkpoint=model_path, vc_config=config_path, use_cuda=gpu)

    def load_tts_model_by_name(self, model_name: str, gpu: bool = False):
        """Load one of 🐸TTS models by name.

            model_name (str): Model name to load. You can list models by ```tts.models```.
            gpu (bool, optional): Enable/disable GPU. Some models might be too slow on CPU. Defaults to False.

        TODO: Add tests
        self.synthesizer = None
        self.csapi = None
        self.model_name = model_name

        if "coqui_studio" in model_name:
            self.csapi = CS_API()
            model_path, config_path, vocoder_path, vocoder_config_path, model_dir = self.download_model_by_name(

            # init synthesizer
            # None values are fetch from the model
            self.synthesizer = Synthesizer(

    def load_tts_model_by_path(
        self, model_path: str, config_path: str, vocoder_path: str = None, vocoder_config: str = None, gpu: bool = False
        """Load a model from a path.

            model_path (str): Path to the model checkpoint.
            config_path (str): Path to the model config.
            vocoder_path (str, optional): Path to the vocoder checkpoint. Defaults to None.
            vocoder_config (str, optional): Path to the vocoder config. Defaults to None.
            gpu (bool, optional): Enable/disable GPU. Some models might be too slow on CPU. Defaults to False.

        self.synthesizer = Synthesizer(

    def _check_arguments(
        speaker: str = None,
        language: str = None,
        speaker_wav: str = None,
        emotion: str = None,
        speed: float = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Check if the arguments are valid for the model."""
        if not self.is_coqui_studio:
            # check for the coqui tts models
            if self.is_multi_speaker and (speaker is None and speaker_wav is None):
                raise ValueError("Model is multi-speaker but no `speaker` is provided.")
            if self.is_multi_lingual and language is None:
                raise ValueError("Model is multi-lingual but no `language` is provided.")
            if not self.is_multi_speaker and speaker is not None and "voice_dir" not in kwargs:
                raise ValueError("Model is not multi-speaker but `speaker` is provided.")
            if not self.is_multi_lingual and language is not None:
                raise ValueError("Model is not multi-lingual but `language` is provided.")
            if not emotion is None and not speed is None:
                raise ValueError("Emotion and speed can only be used with Coqui Studio models.")
            if emotion is None:
                emotion = "Neutral"
            if speed is None:
                speed = 1.0
            # check for the studio models
            if speaker_wav is not None:
                raise ValueError("Coqui Studio models do not support `speaker_wav` argument.")
            if speaker is not None:
                raise ValueError("Coqui Studio models do not support `speaker` argument.")
            if language is not None and language != "en":
                raise ValueError("Coqui Studio models currently support only `language=en` argument.")
            if emotion not in ["Neutral", "Happy", "Sad", "Angry", "Dull"]:
                raise ValueError(f"Emotion - `{emotion}` - must be one of `Neutral`, `Happy`, `Sad`, `Angry`, `Dull`.")

    def tts_coqui_studio(
        text: str,
        speaker_name: str = None,
        language: str = None,
        emotion: str = None,
        speed: float = 1.0,
        file_path: str = None,
    ) -> Union[np.ndarray, str]:
        """Convert text to speech using Coqui Studio models. Use `CS_API` class if you are only interested in the API.

            text (str):
                Input text to synthesize.
            speaker_name (str, optional):
                Speaker name from Coqui Studio. Defaults to None.
            language (str): Language of the text. If None, the default language of the speaker is used. Language is only
                supported by `XTTS` model.
            emotion (str, optional):
                Emotion of the speaker. One of "Neutral", "Happy", "Sad", "Angry", "Dull". Emotions are only available
                with "V1" model. Defaults to None.
            speed (float, optional):
                Speed of the speech. Defaults to 1.0.
            pipe_out (BytesIO, optional):
                Flag to stdout the generated TTS wav file for shell pipe.
            file_path (str, optional):
                Path to save the output file. When None it returns the `np.ndarray` of waveform. Defaults to None.

            Union[np.ndarray, str]: Waveform of the synthesized speech or path to the output file.
        speaker_name = self.model_name.split("/")[2]
        if file_path is not None:
            return self.csapi.tts_to_file(
        return self.csapi.tts(text=text, speaker_name=speaker_name, language=language, speed=speed, emotion=emotion)[0]

    def tts(
        text: str,
        speaker: str = None,
        language: str = None,
        speaker_wav: str = None,
        emotion: str = None,
        speed: float = None,
        """Convert text to speech.

            text (str):
                Input text to synthesize.
            speaker (str, optional):
                Speaker name for multi-speaker. You can check whether loaded model is multi-speaker by
                `tts.is_multi_speaker` and list speakers by `tts.speakers`. Defaults to None.
            language (str): Language of the text. If None, the default language of the speaker is used. Language is only
                supported by `XTTS` model.
            speaker_wav (str, optional):
                Path to a reference wav file to use for voice cloning with supporting models like YourTTS.
                Defaults to None.
            emotion (str, optional):
                Emotion to use for 🐸Coqui Studio models. If None, Studio models use "Neutral". Defaults to None.
            speed (float, optional):
                Speed factor to use for 🐸Coqui Studio models, between 0 and 2.0. If None, Studio models use 1.0.
                Defaults to None.
            speaker=speaker, language=language, speaker_wav=speaker_wav, emotion=emotion, speed=speed, **kwargs
        if self.csapi is not None:
            return self.tts_coqui_studio(
                text=text, speaker_name=speaker, language=language, emotion=emotion, speed=speed
        wav = self.synthesizer.tts(
        return wav

    def tts_to_file(
        text: str,
        speaker: str = None,
        language: str = None,
        speaker_wav: str = None,
        emotion: str = None,
        speed: float = 1.0,
        file_path: str = "output.wav",
        """Convert text to speech.

            text (str):
                Input text to synthesize.
            speaker (str, optional):
                Speaker name for multi-speaker. You can check whether loaded model is multi-speaker by
                `tts.is_multi_speaker` and list speakers by `tts.speakers`. Defaults to None.
            language (str, optional):
                Language code for multi-lingual models. You can check whether loaded model is multi-lingual
                `tts.is_multi_lingual` and list available languages by `tts.languages`. Defaults to None.
            speaker_wav (str, optional):
                Path to a reference wav file to use for voice cloning with supporting models like YourTTS.
                Defaults to None.
            emotion (str, optional):
                Emotion to use for 🐸Coqui Studio models. Defaults to "Neutral".
            speed (float, optional):
                Speed factor to use for 🐸Coqui Studio models, between 0.0 and 2.0. Defaults to None.
            pipe_out (BytesIO, optional):
                Flag to stdout the generated TTS wav file for shell pipe.
            file_path (str, optional):
                Output file path. Defaults to "output.wav".
            kwargs (dict, optional):
                Additional arguments for the model.
        self._check_arguments(speaker=speaker, language=language, speaker_wav=speaker_wav, **kwargs)

        if self.csapi is not None:
            return self.tts_coqui_studio(
        wav = self.tts(text=text, speaker=speaker, language=language, speaker_wav=speaker_wav, **kwargs)
        self.synthesizer.save_wav(wav=wav, path=file_path, pipe_out=pipe_out)
        return file_path

    def voice_conversion(
        source_wav: str,
        target_wav: str,
        """Voice conversion with FreeVC. Convert source wav to target speaker.

            source_wav (str):
                Path to the source wav file.
            target_wav (str):`
                Path to the target wav file.
        wav = self.voice_converter.voice_conversion(source_wav=source_wav, target_wav=target_wav)
        return wav

    def voice_conversion_to_file(
        source_wav: str,
        target_wav: str,
        file_path: str = "output.wav",
        """Voice conversion with FreeVC. Convert source wav to target speaker.

            source_wav (str):
                Path to the source wav file.
            target_wav (str):
                Path to the target wav file.
            file_path (str, optional):
                Output file path. Defaults to "output.wav".
        wav = self.voice_conversion(source_wav=source_wav, target_wav=target_wav)
        save_wav(wav=wav, path=file_path,
        return file_path

    def tts_with_vc(self, text: str, language: str = None, speaker_wav: str = None):
        """Convert text to speech with voice conversion.

        It combines tts with voice conversion to fake voice cloning.

        - Convert text to speech with tts.
        - Convert the output wav to target speaker with voice conversion.

            text (str):
                Input text to synthesize.
            language (str, optional):
                Language code for multi-lingual models. You can check whether loaded model is multi-lingual
                `tts.is_multi_lingual` and list available languages by `tts.languages`. Defaults to None.
            speaker_wav (str, optional):
                Path to a reference wav file to use for voice cloning with supporting models like YourTTS.
                Defaults to None.
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".wav", delete=False) as fp:
            # Lazy code... save it to a temp file to resample it while reading it for VC
            self.tts_to_file(text=text, speaker=None, language=language,, speaker_wav=speaker_wav)
        if self.voice_converter is None:
        wav = self.voice_converter.voice_conversion(, target_wav=speaker_wav)
        return wav

    def tts_with_vc_to_file(
        self, text: str, language: str = None, speaker_wav: str = None, file_path: str = "output.wav"
        """Convert text to speech with voice conversion and save to file.

        Check `tts_with_vc` for more details.

            text (str):
                Input text to synthesize.
            language (str, optional):
                Language code for multi-lingual models. You can check whether loaded model is multi-lingual
                `tts.is_multi_lingual` and list available languages by `tts.languages`. Defaults to None.
            speaker_wav (str, optional):
                Path to a reference wav file to use for voice cloning with supporting models like YourTTS.
                Defaults to None.
            file_path (str, optional):
                Output file path. Defaults to "output.wav".
        wav = self.tts_with_vc(text=text, language=language, speaker_wav=speaker_wav)
        save_wav(wav=wav, path=file_path,