import requests import re import json import gradio as gr def ReRequestUrl(url): try: if 'gravity' not in url: return '' Newurl = 'http://' + re.findall('http://(.*?)"', url)[0] signed = re.findall('sign=(.*?)&', Newurl)[0] FinnalUrl = Newurl.replace(signed, 'fsdfgasdgf34578348jiren') req = requests.get(FinnalUrl) if req.status_code == 200: return req.url except: return '' def GetList(data): if len(data) == 0: newJson = {} newJson['type'] = 'string' return newJson else: data = data[0] if type(data) == dict: newItemjson = GetJson(data) elif type(data) == list: newItemjson = GetList(data) elif type(data) == str: newItemjson = {} newItemjson['type'] = 'string' else: newItemjson = {} newItemjson['type'] = 'string' return newItemjson return 'error' def GetJson(data): newJson = {} newJson['type'] = 'object' newJson['required'] = [] propertiesJson = {} for key, value in data.items(): # print(key,value) if type(value) == str: propertiesJson[key] = {'type': 'string'} elif type(value) == int: propertiesJson[key] = {'type': 'number'} elif type(value) == list: newListJson = {} newListJson['type'] = 'array' newListJson['items'] = GetList(value) propertiesJson[key] = newListJson elif type(value) == dict: newListJson = GetJson(value) propertiesJson[key] = newListJson else: # print(value, type(value)) propertiesJson[key] = {"type":None} newJson['properties'] = propertiesJson return newJson def gerTtr(typeStr): str = str(typeStr) NewStr = re.findall('', str) return NewStr def excuJson(html, jsonOuputPath): # jsonOuputPath='jsonOutput.json' try: data = json.loads(html) except: data = json.load(html) # print(data) # newJson==GetJson(data) listL = [] dictL = {} jsonOutput = GetJson(data) # print(jsonOutput) json.dump(jsonOutput, open(jsonOuputPath, 'w', encoding='utf-8'), indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) # print(gerTtr(type('uk123'))) return jsonOutput def getHtml(url): try: headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'} res = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if res.status_code == 200: return res.text else: print('Error Code:' + str(res.status_code)) return '' except Exception as e: print(e) def getITP(Request): # Request = 'curl -H "Host:" -H "User-Agent: okhttp/3.12.13" --compressed ""' try: dataJson=json.loads(str(Request)) jsonOuputPath = 'outputJson.json' jsonOutput = excuJson(dataJson, jsonOuputPath) url='' except: url = ReRequestUrl(Request) html = getHtml(url) jsonOuputPath = 'outputJson.json' jsonOutput = excuJson(html, jsonOuputPath) return url, showJson(jsonOutput) def showJson(jsondata): jsonStr = str(jsondata).replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '') outPutJson = '' spaceCount = 0 lines = [] line = '' for i in range(len(jsonStr)): char1 = jsonStr[i] if char1 == '{': spaceCount += 1 outPutJson = outPutJson + char1 + '\n' line += char1 + '\n' + spaceCount * 2 * ' ' lines.append(line) line = '' elif char1 == '}' and i != len(jsonStr) - 1 and jsonStr[i + 1] != ',': spaceCount -= 1 outPutJson = outPutJson + '\n' + spaceCount * 2 * ' ' + char1 line += '\n' + spaceCount * 2 * ' ' + char1 lines.append(line) line = '' elif char1 == '}' and i != len(jsonStr) - 1 and jsonStr[i + 1] == ',': spaceCount -= 1 outPutJson = outPutJson + '\n' + jsonStr[i + 1] line += '\n' + spaceCount * 2 * ' ' + char1 lines.append(line) line = '' i += 1 elif char1 == ',': outPutJson = outPutJson + char1+'\n' line += char1+'\n' + spaceCount * 2 * ' ' lines.append(line) line = '' else: outPutJson = outPutJson + char1 line += char1 #print(len(lines)) #print(''.join(lines)) return ''.join(lines).replace('\'','\"').replace('None','null')+'\n'+'}' def main(): print('欢迎来到ITP监控平台系统') while True: try: Request = input('请输入从Charles中抓包的URLs:') # Request = 'curl -H "Host:" -H "User-Agent: okhttp/3.12.13" --compressed ""' url = ReRequestUrl(Request) print(url) html = getHtml(url) jsonOuputPath = 'outputJson.json' with open('jsonUrl.json', 'r') as outfile: html=str(json.load(outfile)) print(html) jsondata = excuJson(html, jsonOuputPath) NewJsonStr = showJson(jsondata) if NewJsonStr[0]==',': NewJsonStr=NewJsonStr[1:] print(NewJsonStr) except Exception as e: print(e) def GradioMain(): textbook = gr.Text(lines=2, placeholder='Requests Url') grd = gr.Interface(fn=getITP, inputs=textbook, outputs=['text', 'text'], title="ITP proudct Interface system ", description="将文件用charles 抓包得到的requests/json 转化成 可以直接用的Url 和json", examples=[[ 'curl -H "Host:" -H "User-Agent: okhttp/3.12.13" --compressed ""']]) grd.launch() if "__main__" == __name__: # main() GradioMain()