use anyhow::Result; use clap::ValueEnum; use half::f16; use ndarray::{Array, CowArray, IxDyn}; use ort::execution_providers::{CUDAExecutionProviderOptions, TensorRTExecutionProviderOptions}; use ort::tensor::TensorElementDataType; use ort::{Environment, ExecutionProvider, Session, SessionBuilder, Value}; use regex::Regex; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, ValueEnum)] pub enum YOLOTask { // YOLO tasks Classify, Detect, Pose, Segment, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub enum OrtEP { // ONNXRuntime execution provider Cpu, Cuda(u32), Trt(u32), } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Batch { pub opt: u32, pub min: u32, pub max: u32, } impl Default for Batch { fn default() -> Self { Self { opt: 1, min: 1, max: 1, } } } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct OrtInputs { // ONNX model inputs attrs pub shapes: Vec>, pub dtypes: Vec, pub names: Vec, pub sizes: Vec>, } impl OrtInputs { pub fn new(session: &Session) -> Self { let mut shapes = Vec::new(); let mut dtypes = Vec::new(); let mut names = Vec::new(); for i in session.inputs.iter() { let shape: Vec = i .dimensions() .map(|x| if let Some(x) = x { x as i32 } else { -1i32 }) .collect(); shapes.push(shape); dtypes.push(i.input_type); names.push(; } Self { shapes, dtypes, names, ..Default::default() } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct OrtConfig { // ORT config pub f: String, pub task: Option, pub ep: OrtEP, pub trt_fp16: bool, pub batch: Batch, pub image_size: (Option, Option), } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct OrtBackend { // ORT engine session: Session, task: YOLOTask, ep: OrtEP, batch: Batch, inputs: OrtInputs, } impl OrtBackend { pub fn build(args: OrtConfig) -> Result { // build env & session let env = Environment::builder() .with_name("YOLOv8") .with_log_level(ort::LoggingLevel::Verbose) .build()? .into_arc(); let session = SessionBuilder::new(&env)?.with_model_from_file(&args.f)?; // get inputs let mut inputs = OrtInputs::new(&session); // batch size let mut batch = args.batch; let batch = if inputs.shapes[0][0] == -1 { batch } else { assert_eq!( inputs.shapes[0][0] as u32, batch.opt, "Expected batch size: {}, got {}. Try using `--batch {}`.", inputs.shapes[0][0] as u32, batch.opt, inputs.shapes[0][0] as u32 ); batch.opt = inputs.shapes[0][0] as u32; batch }; // input size: height and width let height = if inputs.shapes[0][2] == -1 { match args.image_size.0 { Some(height) => height, None => panic!("Failed to get model height. Make it explicit with `--height`"), } } else { inputs.shapes[0][2] as u32 }; let width = if inputs.shapes[0][3] == -1 { match args.image_size.1 { Some(width) => width, None => panic!("Failed to get model width. Make it explicit with `--width`"), } } else { inputs.shapes[0][3] as u32 }; inputs.sizes.push(vec![height, width]); // build provider let (ep, provider) = match args.ep { OrtEP::Cuda(device_id) => Self::set_ep_cuda(device_id), OrtEP::Trt(device_id) => Self::set_ep_trt(device_id, args.trt_fp16, &batch, &inputs), _ => (OrtEP::Cpu, ExecutionProvider::CPU(Default::default())), }; // build session again with the new provider let session = SessionBuilder::new(&env)? // .with_optimization_level(ort::GraphOptimizationLevel::Level3)? .with_execution_providers([provider])? .with_model_from_file(args.f)?; // task: using given one or guessing let task = match args.task { Some(task) => task, None => match session.metadata() { Err(_) => panic!("No metadata found. Try making it explicit by `--task`"), Ok(metadata) => match metadata.custom("task") { Err(_) => panic!("Can not get custom value. Try making it explicit by `--task`"), Ok(value) => match value { None => panic!("No correspoing value of `task` found in metadata. Make it explicit by `--task`"), Some(task) => match task.as_str() { "classify" => YOLOTask::Classify, "detect" => YOLOTask::Detect, "pose" => YOLOTask::Pose, "segment" => YOLOTask::Segment, x => todo!("{:?} is not supported for now!", x), }, }, }, }, }; Ok(Self { session, task, ep, batch, inputs, }) } pub fn fetch_inputs_from_session( session: &Session, ) -> (Vec>, Vec, Vec) { // get inputs attrs from ONNX model let mut shapes = Vec::new(); let mut dtypes = Vec::new(); let mut names = Vec::new(); for i in session.inputs.iter() { let shape: Vec = i .dimensions() .map(|x| if let Some(x) = x { x as i32 } else { -1i32 }) .collect(); shapes.push(shape); dtypes.push(i.input_type); names.push(; } (shapes, dtypes, names) } pub fn set_ep_cuda(device_id: u32) -> (OrtEP, ExecutionProvider) { // set CUDA if ExecutionProvider::CUDA(Default::default()).is_available() { ( OrtEP::Cuda(device_id), ExecutionProvider::CUDA(CUDAExecutionProviderOptions { device_id, ..Default::default() }), ) } else { println!("> CUDA is not available! Using CPU."); (OrtEP::Cpu, ExecutionProvider::CPU(Default::default())) } } pub fn set_ep_trt( device_id: u32, fp16: bool, batch: &Batch, inputs: &OrtInputs, ) -> (OrtEP, ExecutionProvider) { // set TensorRT if ExecutionProvider::TensorRT(Default::default()).is_available() { let (height, width) = (inputs.sizes[0][0], inputs.sizes[0][1]); // dtype match checking if inputs.dtypes[0] == TensorElementDataType::Float16 && !fp16 { panic!( "Dtype mismatch! Expected: Float32, got: {:?}. You should use `--fp16`", inputs.dtypes[0] ); } // dynamic shape: input_tensor_1:dim_1xdim_2x...,input_tensor_2:dim_3xdim_4x...,... let mut opt_string = String::new(); let mut min_string = String::new(); let mut max_string = String::new(); for name in inputs.names.iter() { let s_opt = format!("{}:{}x3x{}x{},", name, batch.opt, height, width); let s_min = format!("{}:{}x3x{}x{},", name, batch.min, height, width); let s_max = format!("{}:{}x3x{}x{},", name, batch.max, height, width); opt_string.push_str(s_opt.as_str()); min_string.push_str(s_min.as_str()); max_string.push_str(s_max.as_str()); } let _ = opt_string.pop(); let _ = min_string.pop(); let _ = max_string.pop(); ( OrtEP::Trt(device_id), ExecutionProvider::TensorRT(TensorRTExecutionProviderOptions { device_id, fp16_enable: fp16, timing_cache_enable: true, profile_min_shapes: min_string, profile_max_shapes: max_string, profile_opt_shapes: opt_string, ..Default::default() }), ) } else { println!("> TensorRT is not available! Try using CUDA..."); Self::set_ep_cuda(device_id) } } pub fn fetch_from_metadata(&self, key: &str) -> Option { // fetch value from onnx model file by key match self.session.metadata() { Err(_) => None, Ok(metadata) => match metadata.custom(key) { Err(_) => None, Ok(value) => value, }, } } pub fn run(&self, xs: Array, profile: bool) -> Result>> { // ORT inference match self.dtype() { TensorElementDataType::Float16 => self.run_fp16(xs, profile), TensorElementDataType::Float32 => self.run_fp32(xs, profile), _ => todo!(), } } pub fn run_fp16(&self, xs: Array, profile: bool) -> Result>> { // f32->f16 let t = std::time::Instant::now(); let xs = xs.mapv(f16::from_f32); if profile { println!("[ORT f32->f16]: {:?}", t.elapsed()); } // h2d let t = std::time::Instant::now(); let xs = CowArray::from(xs); let xs = vec![Value::from_array(self.session.allocator(), &xs)?]; if profile { println!("[ORT H2D]: {:?}", t.elapsed()); } // run let t = std::time::Instant::now(); let ys =; if profile { println!("[ORT Inference]: {:?}", t.elapsed()); } // d2h Ok(ys .iter() .map(|x| { // d2h let t = std::time::Instant::now(); let x = x.try_extract::<_>().unwrap().view().clone().into_owned(); if profile { println!("[ORT D2H]: {:?}", t.elapsed()); } // f16->f32 let t_ = std::time::Instant::now(); let x = x.mapv(f16::to_f32); if profile { println!("[ORT f16->f32]: {:?}", t_.elapsed()); } x }) .collect::>>()) } pub fn run_fp32(&self, xs: Array, profile: bool) -> Result>> { // h2d let t = std::time::Instant::now(); let xs = CowArray::from(xs); let xs = vec![Value::from_array(self.session.allocator(), &xs)?]; if profile { println!("[ORT H2D]: {:?}", t.elapsed()); } // run let t = std::time::Instant::now(); let ys =; if profile { println!("[ORT Inference]: {:?}", t.elapsed()); } // d2h Ok(ys .iter() .map(|x| { let t = std::time::Instant::now(); let x = x.try_extract::<_>().unwrap().view().clone().into_owned(); if profile { println!("[ORT D2H]: {:?}", t.elapsed()); } x }) .collect::>>()) } pub fn output_shapes(&self) -> Vec> { let mut shapes = Vec::new(); for o in &self.session.outputs { let shape: Vec<_> = o .dimensions() .map(|x| if let Some(x) = x { x as i32 } else { -1i32 }) .collect(); shapes.push(shape); } shapes } pub fn output_dtypes(&self) -> Vec { let mut dtypes = Vec::new(); self.session .outputs .iter() .for_each(|x| dtypes.push(x.output_type)); dtypes } pub fn input_shapes(&self) -> &Vec> { &self.inputs.shapes } pub fn input_names(&self) -> &Vec { &self.inputs.names } pub fn input_dtypes(&self) -> &Vec { &self.inputs.dtypes } pub fn dtype(&self) -> TensorElementDataType { self.input_dtypes()[0] } pub fn height(&self) -> u32 { self.inputs.sizes[0][0] } pub fn width(&self) -> u32 { self.inputs.sizes[0][1] } pub fn is_height_dynamic(&self) -> bool { self.input_shapes()[0][2] == -1 } pub fn is_width_dynamic(&self) -> bool { self.input_shapes()[0][3] == -1 } pub fn batch(&self) -> u32 { self.batch.opt } pub fn is_batch_dynamic(&self) -> bool { self.input_shapes()[0][0] == -1 } pub fn ep(&self) -> &OrtEP { &self.ep } pub fn task(&self) -> YOLOTask { self.task.clone() } pub fn names(&self) -> Option> { // class names, metadata parsing // String format: `{0: 'person', 1: 'bicycle', 2: 'sports ball', ..., 27: "yellow_lady's_slipper"}` match self.fetch_from_metadata("names") { Some(names) => { let re = Regex::new(r#"(['"])([-()\w '"]+)(['"])"#).unwrap(); let mut names_ = vec![]; for (_, [_, name, _]) in re.captures_iter(&names).map(|x| x.extract()) { names_.push(name.to_string()); } Some(names_) } None => None, } } pub fn nk(&self) -> Option { // num_keypoints, metadata parsing: String `nk` in onnx model: `[17, 3]` match self.fetch_from_metadata("kpt_shape") { None => None, Some(kpt_string) => { let re = Regex::new(r"([0-9]+), ([0-9]+)").unwrap(); let caps = re.captures(&kpt_string).unwrap(); Some(caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str().parse::().unwrap()) } } } pub fn nc(&self) -> Option { // num_classes match self.names() { // by names Some(names) => Some(names.len() as u32), None => match self.task() { // by task calculation YOLOTask::Classify => Some(self.output_shapes()[0][1] as u32), YOLOTask::Detect => { if self.output_shapes()[0][1] == -1 { None } else { // cxywhclss Some(self.output_shapes()[0][1] as u32 - 4) } } YOLOTask::Pose => { match self.nk() { None => None, Some(nk) => { if self.output_shapes()[0][1] == -1 { None } else { // cxywhclss3*kpt Some(self.output_shapes()[0][1] as u32 - 4 - 3 * nk) } } } } YOLOTask::Segment => { if self.output_shapes()[0][1] == -1 { None } else { // cxywhclssnm Some((self.output_shapes()[0][1] - self.output_shapes()[1][1]) as u32 - 4) } } }, } } pub fn nm(&self) -> Option { // num_masks match self.task() { YOLOTask::Segment => Some(self.output_shapes()[1][1] as u32), _ => None, } } pub fn na(&self) -> Option { // num_anchors match self.task() { YOLOTask::Segment | YOLOTask::Detect | YOLOTask::Pose => { if self.output_shapes()[0][2] == -1 { None } else { Some(self.output_shapes()[0][2] as u32) } } _ => None, } } pub fn author(&self) -> Option { self.fetch_from_metadata("author") } pub fn version(&self) -> Option { self.fetch_from_metadata("version") } }