UVR5 / demucs /utils.py
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# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager
import math
import os
import tempfile
import typing as tp
import errno
import functools
import hashlib
import inspect
import io
import os
import random
import socket
import tempfile
import warnings
import zlib
import tkinter as tk
from diffq import UniformQuantizer, DiffQuantizer
import torch as th
import tqdm
from torch import distributed
from torch.nn import functional as F
import torch
def unfold(a, kernel_size, stride):
"""Given input of size [*OT, T], output Tensor of size [*OT, F, K]
with K the kernel size, by extracting frames with the given stride.
This will pad the input so that `F = ceil(T / K)`.
see https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/60466
*shape, length = a.shape
n_frames = math.ceil(length / stride)
tgt_length = (n_frames - 1) * stride + kernel_size
a = F.pad(a, (0, tgt_length - length))
strides = list(a.stride())
assert strides[-1] == 1, 'data should be contiguous'
strides = strides[:-1] + [stride, 1]
return a.as_strided([*shape, n_frames, kernel_size], strides)
def center_trim(tensor: torch.Tensor, reference: tp.Union[torch.Tensor, int]):
Center trim `tensor` with respect to `reference`, along the last dimension.
`reference` can also be a number, representing the length to trim to.
If the size difference != 0 mod 2, the extra sample is removed on the right side.
ref_size: int
if isinstance(reference, torch.Tensor):
ref_size = reference.size(-1)
ref_size = reference
delta = tensor.size(-1) - ref_size
if delta < 0:
raise ValueError("tensor must be larger than reference. " f"Delta is {delta}.")
if delta:
tensor = tensor[..., delta // 2:-(delta - delta // 2)]
return tensor
def pull_metric(history: tp.List[dict], name: str):
out = []
for metrics in history:
metric = metrics
for part in name.split("."):
metric = metric[part]
return out
def EMA(beta: float = 1):
Exponential Moving Average callback.
Returns a single function that can be called to repeatidly update the EMA
with a dict of metrics. The callback will return
the new averaged dict of metrics.
Note that for `beta=1`, this is just plain averaging.
fix: tp.Dict[str, float] = defaultdict(float)
total: tp.Dict[str, float] = defaultdict(float)
def _update(metrics: dict, weight: float = 1) -> dict:
nonlocal total, fix
for key, value in metrics.items():
total[key] = total[key] * beta + weight * float(value)
fix[key] = fix[key] * beta + weight
return {key: tot / fix[key] for key, tot in total.items()}
return _update
def sizeof_fmt(num: float, suffix: str = 'B'):
Given `num` bytes, return human readable size.
Taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/1094933
for unit in ['', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi']:
if abs(num) < 1024.0:
return "%3.1f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix)
num /= 1024.0
return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix)
def temp_filenames(count: int, delete=True):
names = []
for _ in range(count):
yield names
if delete:
for name in names:
def average_metric(metric, count=1.):
Average `metric` which should be a float across all hosts. `count` should be
the weight for this particular host (i.e. number of examples).
metric = th.tensor([count, count * metric], dtype=th.float32, device='cuda')
distributed.all_reduce(metric, op=distributed.ReduceOp.SUM)
return metric[1].item() / metric[0].item()
def free_port(host='', low=20000, high=40000):
Return a port number that is most likely free.
This could suffer from a race condition although
it should be quite rare.
sock = socket.socket()
while True:
port = random.randint(low, high)
sock.bind((host, port))
except OSError as error:
if error.errno == errno.EADDRINUSE:
return port
def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='B'):
Given `num` bytes, return human readable size.
Taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/1094933
for unit in ['', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi']:
if abs(num) < 1024.0:
return "%3.1f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix)
num /= 1024.0
return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix)
def human_seconds(seconds, display='.2f'):
Given `seconds` seconds, return human readable duration.
value = seconds * 1e6
ratios = [1e3, 1e3, 60, 60, 24]
names = ['us', 'ms', 's', 'min', 'hrs', 'days']
last = names.pop(0)
for name, ratio in zip(names, ratios):
if value / ratio < 0.3:
value /= ratio
last = name
return f"{format(value, display)} {last}"
class TensorChunk:
def __init__(self, tensor, offset=0, length=None):
total_length = tensor.shape[-1]
assert offset >= 0
assert offset < total_length
if length is None:
length = total_length - offset
length = min(total_length - offset, length)
self.tensor = tensor
self.offset = offset
self.length = length
self.device = tensor.device
def shape(self):
shape = list(self.tensor.shape)
shape[-1] = self.length
return shape
def padded(self, target_length):
delta = target_length - self.length
total_length = self.tensor.shape[-1]
assert delta >= 0
start = self.offset - delta // 2
end = start + target_length
correct_start = max(0, start)
correct_end = min(total_length, end)
pad_left = correct_start - start
pad_right = end - correct_end
out = F.pad(self.tensor[..., correct_start:correct_end], (pad_left, pad_right))
assert out.shape[-1] == target_length
return out
def tensor_chunk(tensor_or_chunk):
if isinstance(tensor_or_chunk, TensorChunk):
return tensor_or_chunk
assert isinstance(tensor_or_chunk, th.Tensor)
return TensorChunk(tensor_or_chunk)
def apply_model_v1(model, mix, shifts=None, split=False, progress=False, set_progress_bar=None):
Apply model to a given mixture.
shifts (int): if > 0, will shift in time `mix` by a random amount between 0 and 0.5 sec
and apply the oppositve shift to the output. This is repeated `shifts` time and
all predictions are averaged. This effectively makes the model time equivariant
and improves SDR by up to 0.2 points.
split (bool): if True, the input will be broken down in 8 seconds extracts
and predictions will be performed individually on each and concatenated.
Useful for model with large memory footprint like Tasnet.
progress (bool): if True, show a progress bar (requires split=True)
channels, length = mix.size()
device = mix.device
progress_value = 0
if split:
out = th.zeros(4, channels, length, device=device)
shift = model.samplerate * 10
offsets = range(0, length, shift)
scale = 10
if progress:
offsets = tqdm.tqdm(offsets, unit_scale=scale, ncols=120, unit='seconds')
for offset in offsets:
chunk = mix[..., offset:offset + shift]
if set_progress_bar:
progress_value += 1
set_progress_bar(0.1, (0.8/len(offsets)*progress_value))
chunk_out = apply_model_v1(model, chunk, shifts=shifts, set_progress_bar=set_progress_bar)
chunk_out = apply_model_v1(model, chunk, shifts=shifts)
out[..., offset:offset + shift] = chunk_out
offset += shift
return out
elif shifts:
max_shift = int(model.samplerate / 2)
mix = F.pad(mix, (max_shift, max_shift))
offsets = list(range(max_shift))
out = 0
for offset in offsets[:shifts]:
shifted = mix[..., offset:offset + length + max_shift]
if set_progress_bar:
shifted_out = apply_model_v1(model, shifted, set_progress_bar=set_progress_bar)
shifted_out = apply_model_v1(model, shifted)
out += shifted_out[..., max_shift - offset:max_shift - offset + length]
out /= shifts
return out
valid_length = model.valid_length(length)
delta = valid_length - length
padded = F.pad(mix, (delta // 2, delta - delta // 2))
with th.no_grad():
out = model(padded.unsqueeze(0))[0]
return center_trim(out, mix)
def apply_model_v2(model, mix, shifts=None, split=False,
overlap=0.25, transition_power=1., progress=False, set_progress_bar=None):
Apply model to a given mixture.
shifts (int): if > 0, will shift in time `mix` by a random amount between 0 and 0.5 sec
and apply the oppositve shift to the output. This is repeated `shifts` time and
all predictions are averaged. This effectively makes the model time equivariant
and improves SDR by up to 0.2 points.
split (bool): if True, the input will be broken down in 8 seconds extracts
and predictions will be performed individually on each and concatenated.
Useful for model with large memory footprint like Tasnet.
progress (bool): if True, show a progress bar (requires split=True)
assert transition_power >= 1, "transition_power < 1 leads to weird behavior."
device = mix.device
channels, length = mix.shape
progress_value = 0
if split:
out = th.zeros(len(model.sources), channels, length, device=device)
sum_weight = th.zeros(length, device=device)
segment = model.segment_length
stride = int((1 - overlap) * segment)
offsets = range(0, length, stride)
scale = stride / model.samplerate
if progress:
offsets = tqdm.tqdm(offsets, unit_scale=scale, ncols=120, unit='seconds')
# We start from a triangle shaped weight, with maximal weight in the middle
# of the segment. Then we normalize and take to the power `transition_power`.
# Large values of transition power will lead to sharper transitions.
weight = th.cat([th.arange(1, segment // 2 + 1),
th.arange(segment - segment // 2, 0, -1)]).to(device)
assert len(weight) == segment
# If the overlap < 50%, this will translate to linear transition when
# transition_power is 1.
weight = (weight / weight.max())**transition_power
for offset in offsets:
chunk = TensorChunk(mix, offset, segment)
if set_progress_bar:
progress_value += 1
set_progress_bar(0.1, (0.8/len(offsets)*progress_value))
chunk_out = apply_model_v2(model, chunk, shifts=shifts, set_progress_bar=set_progress_bar)
chunk_out = apply_model_v2(model, chunk, shifts=shifts)
chunk_length = chunk_out.shape[-1]
out[..., offset:offset + segment] += weight[:chunk_length] * chunk_out
sum_weight[offset:offset + segment] += weight[:chunk_length]
offset += segment
assert sum_weight.min() > 0
out /= sum_weight
return out
elif shifts:
max_shift = int(0.5 * model.samplerate)
mix = tensor_chunk(mix)
padded_mix = mix.padded(length + 2 * max_shift)
out = 0
for _ in range(shifts):
offset = random.randint(0, max_shift)
shifted = TensorChunk(padded_mix, offset, length + max_shift - offset)
if set_progress_bar:
progress_value += 1
shifted_out = apply_model_v2(model, shifted, set_progress_bar=set_progress_bar)
shifted_out = apply_model_v2(model, shifted)
out += shifted_out[..., max_shift - offset:]
out /= shifts
return out
valid_length = model.valid_length(length)
mix = tensor_chunk(mix)
padded_mix = mix.padded(valid_length)
with th.no_grad():
out = model(padded_mix.unsqueeze(0))[0]
return center_trim(out, length)
def temp_filenames(count, delete=True):
names = []
for _ in range(count):
yield names
if delete:
for name in names:
def get_quantizer(model, args, optimizer=None):
quantizer = None
if args.diffq:
quantizer = DiffQuantizer(
model, min_size=args.q_min_size, group_size=8)
if optimizer is not None:
elif args.qat:
quantizer = UniformQuantizer(
model, bits=args.qat, min_size=args.q_min_size)
return quantizer
def load_model(path, strict=False):
with warnings.catch_warnings():
load_from = path
package = th.load(load_from, 'cpu')
klass = package["klass"]
args = package["args"]
kwargs = package["kwargs"]
if strict:
model = klass(*args, **kwargs)
sig = inspect.signature(klass)
for key in list(kwargs):
if key not in sig.parameters:
warnings.warn("Dropping inexistant parameter " + key)
del kwargs[key]
model = klass(*args, **kwargs)
state = package["state"]
training_args = package["training_args"]
quantizer = get_quantizer(model, training_args)
set_state(model, quantizer, state)
return model
def get_state(model, quantizer):
if quantizer is None:
state = {k: p.data.to('cpu') for k, p in model.state_dict().items()}
state = quantizer.get_quantized_state()
buf = io.BytesIO()
th.save(state, buf)
state = {'compressed': zlib.compress(buf.getvalue())}
return state
def set_state(model, quantizer, state):
if quantizer is None:
buf = io.BytesIO(zlib.decompress(state["compressed"]))
state = th.load(buf, "cpu")
return state
def save_state(state, path):
buf = io.BytesIO()
th.save(state, buf)
sig = hashlib.sha256(buf.getvalue()).hexdigest()[:8]
path = path.parent / (path.stem + "-" + sig + path.suffix)
def save_model(model, quantizer, training_args, path):
args, kwargs = model._init_args_kwargs
klass = model.__class__
state = get_state(model, quantizer)
save_to = path
package = {
'klass': klass,
'args': args,
'kwargs': kwargs,
'state': state,
'training_args': training_args,
th.save(package, save_to)
def capture_init(init):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._init_args_kwargs = (args, kwargs)
init(self, *args, **kwargs)
return __init__
class DummyPoolExecutor:
class DummyResult:
def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
self.func = func
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
def result(self):
return self.func(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
def __init__(self, workers=0):
def submit(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
return DummyPoolExecutor.DummyResult(func, *args, **kwargs)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb):