# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. (MPG) is # holder of all proprietary rights on this computer program. # You can only use this computer program if you have closed # a license agreement with MPG or you get the right to use the computer # program from someone who is authorized to grant you that right. # Any use of the computer program without a valid license is prohibited and # liable to prosecution. # # Copyright©2019 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung # der Wissenschaften e.V. (MPG). acting on behalf of its Max Planck Institute # for Intelligent Systems. All rights reserved. # # Contact: ps-license@tuebingen.mpg.de import os, gc import logging from lib.common.config import cfg from lib.dataset.mesh_util import ( load_checkpoint, update_mesh_shape_prior_losses, blend_rgb_norm, unwrap, remesh, tensor2variable, ) from lib.dataset.TestDataset import TestDataset from lib.net.local_affine import LocalAffine from pytorch3d.structures import Meshes from apps.ICON import ICON from termcolor import colored import numpy as np from PIL import Image import trimesh import numpy as np from tqdm import tqdm import torch torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True logging.getLogger("trimesh").setLevel(logging.ERROR) def generate_model(in_path, model_type): torch.cuda.empty_cache() config_dict = {'loop_smpl': 100, 'loop_cloth': 100, 'patience': 5, 'out_dir': './results', 'hps_type': 'pymaf', 'config': f"./configs/{model_type}.yaml"} # cfg read and merge cfg.merge_from_file(config_dict['config']) cfg.merge_from_file("./lib/pymaf/configs/pymaf_config.yaml") os.makedirs(config_dict['out_dir'], exist_ok=True) cfg_show_list = [ "test_gpus", [0], "mcube_res", 256, "clean_mesh", True, ] cfg.merge_from_list(cfg_show_list) cfg.freeze() os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" device = torch.device(f"cuda:0") # load model and dataloader model = ICON(cfg) model = load_checkpoint(model, cfg) dataset_param = { 'image_path': in_path, 'seg_dir': None, 'has_det': True, # w/ or w/o detection 'hps_type': 'pymaf' # pymaf/pare/pixie } if config_dict['hps_type'] == "pixie" and "pamir" in config_dict['config']: print(colored("PIXIE isn't compatible with PaMIR, thus switch to PyMAF", "red")) dataset_param["hps_type"] = "pymaf" dataset = TestDataset(dataset_param, device) print(colored(f"Dataset Size: {len(dataset)}", "green")) pbar = tqdm(dataset) for data in pbar: pbar.set_description(f"{data['name']}") in_tensor = {"smpl_faces": data["smpl_faces"], "image": data["image"]} # The optimizer and variables optimed_pose = torch.tensor( data["body_pose"], device=device, requires_grad=True ) # [1,23,3,3] optimed_trans = torch.tensor( data["trans"], device=device, requires_grad=True ) # [3] optimed_betas = torch.tensor( data["betas"], device=device, requires_grad=True ) # [1,10] optimed_orient = torch.tensor( data["global_orient"], device=device, requires_grad=True ) # [1,1,3,3] optimizer_smpl = torch.optim.SGD( [optimed_pose, optimed_trans, optimed_betas, optimed_orient], lr=1e-3, momentum=0.9, ) scheduler_smpl = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau( optimizer_smpl, mode="min", factor=0.5, verbose=0, min_lr=1e-5, patience=config_dict['patience'], ) losses = { # Cloth: Normal_recon - Normal_pred "cloth": {"weight": 1e1, "value": 0.0}, # Cloth: [RT]_v1 - [RT]_v2 (v1-edge-v2) "stiffness": {"weight": 1e5, "value": 0.0}, # Cloth: det(R) = 1 "rigid": {"weight": 1e5, "value": 0.0}, # Cloth: edge length "edge": {"weight": 0, "value": 0.0}, # Cloth: normal consistency "nc": {"weight": 0, "value": 0.0}, # Cloth: laplacian smoonth "laplacian": {"weight": 1e2, "value": 0.0}, # Body: Normal_pred - Normal_smpl "normal": {"weight": 1e0, "value": 0.0}, # Body: Silhouette_pred - Silhouette_smpl "silhouette": {"weight": 1e0, "value": 0.0}, } # smpl optimization loop_smpl = tqdm( range(config_dict['loop_smpl'] if cfg.net.prior_type != "pifu" else 1)) for i in loop_smpl: optimizer_smpl.zero_grad() if dataset_param["hps_type"] != "pixie": smpl_out = dataset.smpl_model( betas=optimed_betas, body_pose=optimed_pose, global_orient=optimed_orient, pose2rot=False, ) smpl_verts = ((smpl_out.vertices) + optimed_trans) * data["scale"] else: smpl_verts, _, _ = dataset.smpl_model( shape_params=optimed_betas, expression_params=tensor2variable(data["exp"], device), body_pose=optimed_pose, global_pose=optimed_orient, jaw_pose=tensor2variable(data["jaw_pose"], device), left_hand_pose=tensor2variable( data["left_hand_pose"], device), right_hand_pose=tensor2variable( data["right_hand_pose"], device), ) smpl_verts = (smpl_verts + optimed_trans) * data["scale"] # render optimized mesh (normal, T_normal, image [-1,1]) in_tensor["T_normal_F"], in_tensor["T_normal_B"] = dataset.render_normal( smpl_verts * torch.tensor([1.0, -1.0, -1.0] ).to(device), in_tensor["smpl_faces"] ) T_mask_F, T_mask_B = dataset.render.get_silhouette_image() with torch.no_grad(): in_tensor["normal_F"], in_tensor["normal_B"] = model.netG.normal_filter( in_tensor ) diff_F_smpl = torch.abs( in_tensor["T_normal_F"] - in_tensor["normal_F"]) diff_B_smpl = torch.abs( in_tensor["T_normal_B"] - in_tensor["normal_B"]) losses["normal"]["value"] = (diff_F_smpl + diff_B_smpl).mean() # silhouette loss smpl_arr = torch.cat([T_mask_F, T_mask_B], dim=-1)[0] gt_arr = torch.cat( [in_tensor["normal_F"][0], in_tensor["normal_B"][0]], dim=2 ).permute(1, 2, 0) gt_arr = ((gt_arr + 1.0) * 0.5).to(device) bg_color = ( torch.Tensor([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]).unsqueeze( 0).unsqueeze(0).to(device) ) gt_arr = ((gt_arr - bg_color).sum(dim=-1) != 0.0).float() diff_S = torch.abs(smpl_arr - gt_arr) losses["silhouette"]["value"] = diff_S.mean() # Weighted sum of the losses smpl_loss = 0.0 pbar_desc = "Body Fitting --- " for k in ["normal", "silhouette"]: pbar_desc += f"{k}: {losses[k]['value'] * losses[k]['weight']:.3f} | " smpl_loss += losses[k]["value"] * losses[k]["weight"] pbar_desc += f"Total: {smpl_loss:.3f}" loop_smpl.set_description(pbar_desc) smpl_loss.backward() optimizer_smpl.step() scheduler_smpl.step(smpl_loss) in_tensor["smpl_verts"] = smpl_verts * \ torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0, -1.0]).to(device) # visualize the optimization process # 1. SMPL Fitting # 2. Clothes Refinement os.makedirs(os.path.join(config_dict['out_dir'], cfg.name, "refinement"), exist_ok=True) # visualize the final results in self-rotation mode os.makedirs(os.path.join(config_dict['out_dir'], cfg.name, "vid"), exist_ok=True) # final results rendered as image # 1. Render the final fitted SMPL (xxx_smpl.png) # 2. Render the final reconstructed clothed human (xxx_cloth.png) # 3. Blend the original image with predicted cloth normal (xxx_overlap.png) os.makedirs(os.path.join(config_dict['out_dir'], cfg.name, "png"), exist_ok=True) # final reconstruction meshes # 1. SMPL mesh (xxx_smpl.obj) # 2. SMPL params (xxx_smpl.npy) # 3. clohted mesh (xxx_recon.obj) # 4. remeshed clothed mesh (xxx_remesh.obj) # 5. refined clothed mesh (xxx_refine.obj) os.makedirs(os.path.join(config_dict['out_dir'], cfg.name, "obj"), exist_ok=True) norm_pred = ( ((in_tensor["normal_F"][0].permute(1, 2, 0) + 1.0) * 255.0 / 2.0) .detach() .cpu() .numpy() .astype(np.uint8) ) norm_orig = unwrap(norm_pred, data) mask_orig = unwrap( np.repeat( data["mask"].permute(1, 2, 0).detach().cpu().numpy(), 3, axis=2 ).astype(np.uint8), data, ) rgb_norm = blend_rgb_norm(data["ori_image"], norm_orig, mask_orig) Image.fromarray( np.concatenate( [data["ori_image"].astype(np.uint8), rgb_norm], axis=1) ).save(os.path.join(config_dict['out_dir'], cfg.name, f"png/{data['name']}_overlap.png")) smpl_obj = trimesh.Trimesh( in_tensor["smpl_verts"].detach().cpu()[0] * torch.tensor([1.0, -1.0, 1.0]), in_tensor['smpl_faces'].detach().cpu()[0], process=False, maintains_order=True ) smpl_obj.visual.vertex_colors = (smpl_obj.vertex_normals+1.0)*255.0*0.5 smpl_obj.export( f"{config_dict['out_dir']}/{cfg.name}/obj/{data['name']}_smpl.obj") smpl_info = {'betas': optimed_betas, 'pose': optimed_pose, 'orient': optimed_orient, 'trans': optimed_trans} np.save( f"{config_dict['out_dir']}/{cfg.name}/obj/{data['name']}_smpl.npy", smpl_info, allow_pickle=True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # cloth optimization # cloth recon in_tensor.update( dataset.compute_vis_cmap( in_tensor["smpl_verts"][0], in_tensor["smpl_faces"][0] ) ) if cfg.net.prior_type == "pamir": in_tensor.update( dataset.compute_voxel_verts( optimed_pose, optimed_orient, optimed_betas, optimed_trans, data["scale"], ) ) with torch.no_grad(): verts_pr, faces_pr, _ = model.test_single(in_tensor) recon_obj = trimesh.Trimesh( verts_pr, faces_pr, process=False, maintains_order=True ) recon_obj.visual.vertex_colors = (recon_obj.vertex_normals+1.0)*255.0*0.5 recon_obj.export( os.path.join(config_dict['out_dir'], cfg.name, f"obj/{data['name']}_recon.obj") ) # Isotropic Explicit Remeshing for better geometry topology verts_refine, faces_refine = remesh(os.path.join(config_dict['out_dir'], cfg.name, f"obj/{data['name']}_recon.obj"), 0.5, device) # define local_affine deform verts mesh_pr = Meshes(verts_refine, faces_refine).to(device) local_affine_model = LocalAffine( mesh_pr.verts_padded().shape[1], mesh_pr.verts_padded().shape[0], mesh_pr.edges_packed()).to(device) optimizer_cloth = torch.optim.Adam( [{'params': local_affine_model.parameters()}], lr=1e-4, amsgrad=True) scheduler_cloth = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau( optimizer_cloth, mode="min", factor=0.1, verbose=0, min_lr=1e-5, patience=config_dict['patience'], ) final = None if config_dict['loop_cloth'] > 0: loop_cloth = tqdm(range(config_dict['loop_cloth'])) for i in loop_cloth: optimizer_cloth.zero_grad() deformed_verts, stiffness, rigid = local_affine_model( verts_refine.to(device), return_stiff=True) mesh_pr = mesh_pr.update_padded(deformed_verts) # losses for laplacian, edge, normal consistency update_mesh_shape_prior_losses(mesh_pr, losses) in_tensor["P_normal_F"], in_tensor["P_normal_B"] = dataset.render_normal( mesh_pr.verts_padded(), mesh_pr.faces_padded()) diff_F_cloth = torch.abs( in_tensor["P_normal_F"] - in_tensor["normal_F"]) diff_B_cloth = torch.abs( in_tensor["P_normal_B"] - in_tensor["normal_B"]) losses["cloth"]["value"] = (diff_F_cloth + diff_B_cloth).mean() losses["stiffness"]["value"] = torch.mean(stiffness) losses["rigid"]["value"] = torch.mean(rigid) # Weighted sum of the losses cloth_loss = torch.tensor(0.0, requires_grad=True).to(device) pbar_desc = "Cloth Refinement --- " for k in losses.keys(): if k not in ["normal", "silhouette"] and losses[k]["weight"] > 0.0: cloth_loss = cloth_loss + \ losses[k]["value"] * losses[k]["weight"] pbar_desc += f"{k}:{losses[k]['value']* losses[k]['weight']:.5f} | " pbar_desc += f"Total: {cloth_loss:.5f}" loop_cloth.set_description(pbar_desc) # update params cloth_loss.backward() optimizer_cloth.step() scheduler_cloth.step(cloth_loss) final = trimesh.Trimesh( mesh_pr.verts_packed().detach().squeeze(0).cpu(), mesh_pr.faces_packed().detach().squeeze(0).cpu(), process=False, maintains_order=True ) # without front texture final_colors = (mesh_pr.verts_normals_padded().squeeze(0).detach().cpu() + 1.0) * 0.5 * 255.0 final.visual.vertex_colors = final_colors final.export( f"{config_dict['out_dir']}/{cfg.name}/obj/{data['name']}_refine.obj") # always export visualized video regardless of the cloth refinment if final is not None: verts_lst = [verts_pr, final.vertices] faces_lst = [faces_pr, final.faces] else: verts_lst = [verts_pr] faces_lst = [faces_pr] # self-rotated video dataset.render.load_meshes( verts_lst, faces_lst) dataset.render.get_rendered_video( [data["ori_image"], rgb_norm], os.path.join(config_dict['out_dir'], cfg.name, f"vid/{data['name']}_cloth.mp4"), ) smpl_path = f"{config_dict['out_dir']}/{cfg.name}/obj/{data['name']}_smpl.obj" smpl_npy_path = f"{config_dict['out_dir']}/{cfg.name}/obj/{data['name']}_smpl.npy" recon_path = f"{config_dict['out_dir']}/{cfg.name}/obj/{data['name']}_recon.obj" refine_path = f"{config_dict['out_dir']}/{cfg.name}/obj/{data['name']}_refine.obj" video_path = os.path.join(config_dict['out_dir'], cfg.name, f"vid/{data['name']}_cloth.mp4") overlap_path = os.path.join(config_dict['out_dir'], cfg.name, f"png/{data['name']}_overlap.png") # clean all the variables for element in dir(): if 'path' not in element: del locals()[element] gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() return [smpl_path, smpl_path, smpl_npy_path, recon_path, recon_path, refine_path, refine_path, video_path, overlap_path]