import numpy as np import cv2 import os import random #My library: from opencv_transform.annotation import BodyPart ### # # maskdet_to_maskfin # # steps: # 1. Extract annotation # 1.a: Filter by color # 1.b: Find ellipses # 1.c: Filter out ellipses by max size, and max total numbers # 1.d: Detect Problems # 1.e: Resolve the problems, or discard the transformation # 2. With the body list, draw maskfin, using maskref # ### # create_maskfin ============================================================================== # return: # ( True/False), depending on the transformation process def create_maskfin(maskref, maskdet): #Create a total green image, in which draw details ellipses details = np.zeros((512,512,3), np.uint8) details[:,:,:] = (0,255,0) # (B, G, R) #Extract body part features: bodypart_list = extractAnnotations(maskdet); #Check if the list is not empty: if bodypart_list: #Draw body part in details image: for obj in bodypart_list: if obj.w < obj.h: aMax = int(obj.h/2) #asse maggiore aMin = int(obj.w/2) #asse minore angle = 0 #angle else: aMax = int(obj.w/2) aMin = int(obj.h/2) angle = 90 x = int(obj.x) y = int(obj.y) #Draw ellipse if == "tit": cv2.ellipse(details,(x,y),(aMax,aMin),angle,0,360,(0,205,0),-1) #(0,0,0,50) elif == "aur": cv2.ellipse(details,(x,y),(aMax,aMin),angle,0,360,(0,0,255),-1) #red elif == "nip": cv2.ellipse(details,(x,y),(aMax,aMin),angle,0,360,(255,255,255),-1) #white elif == "belly": cv2.ellipse(details,(x,y),(aMax,aMin),angle,0,360,(255,0,255),-1) #purple elif == "vag": cv2.ellipse(details,(x,y),(aMax,aMin),angle,0,360,(255,0,0),-1) #blue elif == "hair": xmin = x - int(obj.w/2) ymin = y - int(obj.h/2) xmax = x + int(obj.w/2) ymax = y + int(obj.h/2) cv2.rectangle(details,(xmin,ymin),(xmax,ymax),(100,100,100),-1) #Define the green color filter f1 = np.asarray([0, 250, 0]) # green color filter f2 = np.asarray([10, 255, 10]) #From maskref, extrapolate only the green mask green_mask = cv2.bitwise_not(cv2.inRange(maskref, f1, f2)) #green is 0 # Create an inverted mask green_mask_inv = cv2.bitwise_not(green_mask) # Cut maskref and detail image, using the green_mask & green_mask_inv res1 = cv2.bitwise_and(maskref, maskref, mask = green_mask) res2 = cv2.bitwise_and(details, details, mask = green_mask_inv) # Compone: maskfin = cv2.add(res1, res2) return maskfin # extractAnnotations ============================================================================== # input parameter: # ( maskdet_img): relative path of the single maskdet image (es: testimg1/maskdet/1.png) # return: # ( bodypart_list) - for failure/error, return an empty list [] def extractAnnotations(maskdet): #Load the image #image = cv2.imread(maskdet_img) #Find body part tits_list = findBodyPart(maskdet, "tit") aur_list = findBodyPart(maskdet, "aur") vag_list = findBodyPart(maskdet, "vag") belly_list = findBodyPart(maskdet, "belly") #Filter out parts basing on dimension (area and aspect ratio): aur_list = filterDimParts(aur_list, 100, 1000, 0.5, 3); tits_list = filterDimParts(tits_list, 1000, 60000, 0.2, 3); vag_list = filterDimParts(vag_list, 10, 1000, 0.2, 3); belly_list = filterDimParts(belly_list, 10, 1000, 0.2, 3); #Filter couple (if parts are > 2, choose only 2) aur_list = filterCouple(aur_list); tits_list = filterCouple(tits_list); #Detect a missing problem: missing_problem = detectTitAurMissingProblem(tits_list, aur_list) #return a Number (code of the problem) #Check if problem is SOLVEABLE: if (missing_problem in [3,6,7,8]): resolveTitAurMissingProblems(tits_list, aur_list, missing_problem) #Infer the nips: nip_list = inferNip(aur_list) #Infer the hair: hair_list = inferHair(vag_list) #Return a combined list: return tits_list + aur_list + nip_list + vag_list + hair_list + belly_list # findBodyPart ============================================================================== # input parameters: # (image, part_name) # return # (list) def findBodyPart(image, part_name): bodypart_list = [] #empty BodyPart list #Get the correct color filter: if part_name == "tit": #Use combined color filter f1 = np.asarray([0, 0, 0]) # tit color filter f2 = np.asarray([10, 10, 10]) f3 = np.asarray([0, 0, 250]) # aur color filter f4 = np.asarray([0, 0, 255]) color_mask1 = cv2.inRange(image, f1, f2) color_mask2 = cv2.inRange(image, f3, f4) color_mask = cv2.bitwise_or(color_mask1, color_mask2) #combine elif part_name == "aur": f1 = np.asarray([0, 0, 250]) # aur color filter f2 = np.asarray([0, 0, 255]) color_mask = cv2.inRange(image, f1, f2) elif part_name == "vag": f1 = np.asarray([250, 0, 0]) # vag filter f2 = np.asarray([255, 0, 0]) color_mask = cv2.inRange(image, f1, f2) elif part_name == "belly": f1 = np.asarray([250, 0, 250]) # belly filter f2 = np.asarray([255, 0, 255]) color_mask = cv2.inRange(image, f1, f2) #find contours: contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(color_mask,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) #for every contour: for cnt in contours: if len(cnt)>5: #at least 5 points to fit ellipse #(x, y), (MA, ma), angle = cv2.fitEllipse(cnt) ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(cnt) #Fit Result: x = ellipse[0][0] #center x y = ellipse[0][1] #center y angle = ellipse[2] #angle aMin = ellipse[1][0]; #asse minore aMax = ellipse[1][1]; #asse maggiore #Detect direction: if angle == 0: h = aMax w = aMin else: h = aMin w = aMax #Normalize the belly size: if part_name == "belly": if w<15: w *= 2 if h<15: h *= 2 #Normalize the vag size: if part_name == "vag": if w<15: w *= 2 if h<15: h *= 2 #Calculate Bounding Box: xmin = int(x - (w/2)) xmax = int(x + (w/2)) ymin = int(y - (h/2)) ymax = int(y + (h/2)) bodypart_list.append(BodyPart(part_name, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, x, y, w, h )) return bodypart_list # filterDimParts ============================================================================== # input parameters: # (list, minimum area of part, max area, min aspect ratio, max aspect ratio) def filterDimParts(bp_list, min_area, max_area, min_ar, max_ar): b_filt = [] for obj in bp_list: a = obj.w*obj.h #Object AREA if ((a > min_area)and(a < max_area)): ar = obj.w/obj.h #Object ASPECT RATIO if ((ar>min_ar)and(arlist) def filterCouple(bp_list): #Remove exceed parts if (len(bp_list)>2): #trovare coppia (a,b) che minimizza bp_list[a].y-bp_list[b].y min_a = 0 min_b = 1 min_diff = abs(bp_list[min_a].y-bp_list[min_b].y) for a in range(0,len(bp_list)): for b in range(0,len(bp_list)): #TODO: avoid repetition (1,0) (0,1) if a != b: diff = abs(bp_list[a].y-bp_list[b].y) if diff tits list, aur list) # return # ( problem code) # TIT | AUR | code | SOLVE? | # 0 | 0 | 1 | NO | # 0 | 1 | 2 | NO | # 0 | 2 | 3 | YES | # 1 | 0 | 4 | NO | # 1 | 1 | 5 | NO | # 1 | 2 | 6 | YES | # 2 | 0 | 7 | YES | # 2 | 1 | 8 | YES | def detectTitAurMissingProblem(tits_list, aur_list): t_len = len(tits_list) a_len = len(aur_list) if (t_len == 0): if (a_len == 0): return 1 elif (a_len == 1): return 2 elif (a_len == 2): return 3 else: return -1 elif (t_len == 1): if (a_len == 0): return 4 elif (a_len == 1): return 5 elif (a_len == 2): return 6 else: return -1 elif (t_len == 2): if (a_len == 0): return 7 elif (a_len == 1): return 8 else: return -1 else: return -1 # resolveTitAurMissingProblems ============================================================================== # input parameters: # ( tits list, aur list, problem code) # return # none def resolveTitAurMissingProblems(tits_list, aur_list, problem_code): if problem_code == 3: random_tit_factor = random.randint(2, 5) #TOTEST #Add the first tit: new_w = aur_list[0].w * random_tit_factor #TOTEST new_x = aur_list[0].x new_y = aur_list[0].y xmin = int(new_x - (new_w/2)) xmax = int(new_x + (new_w/2)) ymin = int(new_y - (new_w/2)) ymax = int(new_y + (new_w/2)) tits_list.append(BodyPart("tit", xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, new_x, new_y, new_w, new_w )) #Add the second tit: new_w = aur_list[1].w * random_tit_factor #TOTEST new_x = aur_list[1].x new_y = aur_list[1].y xmin = int(new_x - (new_w/2)) xmax = int(new_x + (new_w/2)) ymin = int(new_y - (new_w/2)) ymax = int(new_y + (new_w/2)) tits_list.append(BodyPart("tit", xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, new_x, new_y, new_w, new_w )) elif problem_code == 6: #Find wich aur is full: d1 = abs(tits_list[0].x - aur_list[0].x) d2 = abs(tits_list[0].x - aur_list[1].x) if d1 > d2: #aur[0] is empty new_x = aur_list[0].x new_y = aur_list[0].y else: #aur[1] is empty new_x = aur_list[1].x new_y = aur_list[1].y #Calculate Bounding Box: xmin = int(new_x - (tits_list[0].w/2)) xmax = int(new_x + (tits_list[0].w/2)) ymin = int(new_y - (tits_list[0].w/2)) ymax = int(new_y + (tits_list[0].w/2)) tits_list.append(BodyPart("tit", xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, new_x, new_y, tits_list[0].w, tits_list[0].w )) elif problem_code == 7: #Add the first aur: new_w = tits_list[0].w * random.uniform(0.03, 0.1) #TOTEST new_x = tits_list[0].x new_y = tits_list[0].y xmin = int(new_x - (new_w/2)) xmax = int(new_x + (new_w/2)) ymin = int(new_y - (new_w/2)) ymax = int(new_y + (new_w/2)) aur_list.append(BodyPart("aur", xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, new_x, new_y, new_w, new_w )) #Add the second aur: new_w = tits_list[1].w * random.uniform(0.03, 0.1) #TOTEST new_x = tits_list[1].x new_y = tits_list[1].y xmin = int(new_x - (new_w/2)) xmax = int(new_x + (new_w/2)) ymin = int(new_y - (new_w/2)) ymax = int(new_y + (new_w/2)) aur_list.append(BodyPart("aur", xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, new_x, new_y, new_w, new_w )) elif problem_code == 8: #Find wich tit is full: d1 = abs(aur_list[0].x - tits_list[0].x) d2 = abs(aur_list[0].x - tits_list[1].x) if d1 > d2: #tit[0] is empty new_x = tits_list[0].x new_y = tits_list[0].y else: #tit[1] is empty new_x = tits_list[1].x new_y = tits_list[1].y #Calculate Bounding Box: xmin = int(new_x - (aur_list[0].w/2)) xmax = int(new_x + (aur_list[0].w/2)) ymin = int(new_y - (aur_list[0].w/2)) ymax = int(new_y + (aur_list[0].w/2)) aur_list.append(BodyPart("aur", xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, new_x, new_y, aur_list[0].w, aur_list[0].w )) # detectTitAurPositionProblem ============================================================================== # input parameters: # ( tits list, aur list) # return # ( True/False) def detectTitAurPositionProblem(tits_list, aur_list): diffTitsX = abs(tits_list[0].x - tits_list[1].x) if diffTitsX < 40: print("diffTitsX") #Tits too narrow (orizontally) return True diffTitsY = abs(tits_list[0].y - tits_list[1].y) if diffTitsY > 120: #Tits too distanced (vertically) print("diffTitsY") return True diffTitsW = abs(tits_list[0].w - tits_list[1].w) if ((diffTitsW < 0.1)or(diffTitsW>60)): print("diffTitsW") #Tits too equals, or too different (width) return True #Check if body position is too low (face not covered by watermark) if aur_list[0].y > 350: #tits too low #Calculate the ratio between y and aurs distance rapp = aur_list[0].y/(abs(aur_list[0].x - aur_list[1].x)) if rapp > 2.8: print("aurDown") return True return False # inferNip ============================================================================== # input parameters: # ( aur list) # return # ( nip list) def inferNip(aur_list): nip_list = [] for aur in aur_list: #Nip rules: # - circle (w == h) # - min dim: 5 # - bigger if aur is bigger nip_dim = int(5 + aur.w*random.uniform(0.03, 0.09)) #center: x = aur.x y = aur.y #Calculate Bounding Box: xmin = int(x - (nip_dim/2)) xmax = int(x + (nip_dim/2)) ymin = int(y - (nip_dim/2)) ymax = int(y + (nip_dim/2)) nip_list.append(BodyPart("nip", xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, x, y, nip_dim, nip_dim )) return nip_list # inferHair (TOTEST) ============================================================================== # input parameters: # ( vag list) # return # ( hair list) def inferHair(vag_list): hair_list = [] #70% of chanche to add hair if random.uniform(0.0, 1.0) > 0.3: for vag in vag_list: #Hair rules: hair_w = vag.w*random.uniform(0.4, 1.5) hair_h = vag.h*random.uniform(0.4, 1.5) #center: x = vag.x y = vag.y - (hair_h/2) - (vag.h/2) #Calculate Bounding Box: xmin = int(x - (hair_w/2)) xmax = int(x + (hair_w/2)) ymin = int(y - (hair_h/2)) ymax = int(y + (hair_h/2)) hair_list.append(BodyPart("hair", xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, x, y, hair_w, hair_h )) return hair_list