Studify /
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import streamlit as st
import os
import time
from groq import Groq
/* General background and text styles */
html, body, [data-testid="stAppViewContainer"] {
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transform: translateX(100%); /* Start off-screen to the right */
100% {
transform: translateX(0); /* End at the normal position */
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display: inline-block;
animation: slide-right 2s ease-out;
/* Subtitle slide-left animation */
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display: inline-block;
animation: slide-left 2s ease-out;
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client = Groq(api_key=("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"))
ss = st.session_state
session_vars = ["area", "subject", "subtopic", "level" , "tone", "language", "explanation", "mcqs", "answers", "feedback", "topic"]
for var in session_vars:
ss.setdefault(var, None)
def get_response(prompt):
chat_completion =
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": prompt}],
return chat_completion.choices[0].message.content
def main_interface():
st.markdown('<h1 class="header-slide-right">Studify</h1>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.markdown('<h6 class="header_description">Learn the way you like!</h6>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
if not ss.topic:
area =
"Options:",("Select a Subject", "Search Manually"), horizontal = True)
if area == "Select a Subject":
st.write("Choose a subject from the list to explore specific topics and exercises.")
elif area == "Search Manually":
st.write("Use the search bar to manually find specific content or topics.")
ss.area = area
if ss.area == "Search Manually":
topic = st.text_input("Type any kind of subject or topic you want to learn about:")
elif ss.area == "Select a Subject":
topics = {
"English": {
"Grammar": ["Grammar", "Tenses", "Parts of Speech", "Sentence Structure", "Active Passive Voice", "Direct Indirect"],
"Vocabulary": ["Vocabulary", "Synonyms", "Antonyms", "Prefixes/ Suffixes", "Homophones"],
"Reading Comprehension": ["Reading Comprehension", "Essay Reading", "Story Reading", "New Article Reading"],
"Essay Writing": ["Essay Writing", "Introduction", "Body Paragraphs", "Conclusion"],
"Literature Analysis": ["Literature Analysis", "Poetry", "Non-fiction", "Novels", "Dramas"],
"Creative Writing": ["Creative Writing", "Story Writing", "Dialogue Writing", "Script Writing"],
"Speaking": ["Speaking", "Conversational", "Interviews", "Debate", "Public Speaking"],
"Poetry Analysis": ["Poetry Analysis", "Rhythm", "Meter", "Imagery"]
"Maths": {
"Word Problems": ["Word Problems", "Distance-Speed-Time", "Age Problems", "Work and Time", "Probability Problems"],
"Algebra": ["Algebra", "Linear Equations", "Quadratic Equations", "Polynomials", "Exponents", "Factoring"],
"Geometry": ["Geometry", "Lines and Angles", "Triangles", "Circles", "Surface Area and Volume", "Coordinate Geometry"],
"Trigonometry": ["Trigonometry", "Trigonometric Ratios", "Sine, Cosine, Tangent", "Trigonometric Identities", "Height and Distance"],
"Fractions": ["Fractions", "Simplifying Fractions", "Adding/Subtracting Fractions", "Multiplying/Dividing Fractions", "Mixed Numbers"],
"Percentages": ["Percentages", "Percentage Increase/Decrease", "Discounts", "Profit and Loss", "Interest Calculation"],
"Arithmetic Operations": ["Arithmetic Operations", "Addition", "Subtraction", "Multiplication", "Division", "Order of Operations (BODMAS)"]
"Science": {
"Human Body Systems": ["Human Body Systems", "Circulatory System", "Respiratory System", "Nervous System", "Muscular System", "Digestive System"],
"Atomic structure": ["Atomic structure", "Atoms", "Protons, Neutrons, Electrons", "Electron Configurations", "Periodic Table"],
"Ecosystems": ["Ecosystems", "Food Chains", "Energy Flow", "Ecological Pyramids", "Biomes", "Environmental Factors"],
"Forces and Motion": ["Forces and Motion", "Newton's Laws", "Friction", "Work and Energy", "Acceleration"],
"States of Matter": ["States of Matter", "Solids", "Liquids", "Gases", "Plasma", "Changes in State"],
"Energy and Work": ["Energy and Work", "Kinetic Energy", "Potential Energy", "Work-Energy Theorem", "Power"],
"Plants": ["Plants", "Photosynthesis", "Plant Reproduction", "Plant Anatomy", "Types of Plants"],
"Solar System": ["Solar System", "Planets", "Moons", "Asteroids", "Comets", "The Sun"]
"Social Studies": {
"International Organizations": ["International Organizations", "United Nations", "World Health Organization", "World Bank", "International Monetary Fund"],
"Climate Change": ["Climate Change", "Global Warming", "Carbon Footprint", "Effects of Climate Change", "Mitigation Strategies"],
"Government and Democracy": ["Government and Democracy", "Types of Governments", "Democratic Systems", "Elections", "Political Rights"],
"Human Rights and Responsibilities": ["Human Rights and Responsibilities", "Rights of Citizens", "International Human Rights", "Social Justice"],
"Population Studies": ["Population Studies", "Population Growth", "Demographic Transition", "Urbanization", "Migration"],
"World Cultures": ["World Cultures", "Cultural Diversity", "Globalization", "Cultural Identity", "Traditions and Customs"],
"Religions": ["Religions", "Christianity", "Islam", "Hinduism", "Buddhism", "Judaism"],
"Globalization and Trade": ["Globalization and Trade", "International Trade", "Economic Interdependence", "Trade Agreements", "Global Markets"]
"History": {
"Islamic History": ["Islamic History", "The Origin of Humanity", "Early Islamic Civilization", "Golden Age of Islam", "Islamic Empires"],
"Sub-Continent History": ["Sub-Continent History", "Ancient India", "Mughal Empire", "British India", "Partition of India"],
"European History": ["European History", "Ancient Greece", "Roman Empire", "Middle Ages", "World Wars"],
"American History": ["American History", "Colonial America", "American Revolution", "Civil War", "Modern America"],
"Ancient Civilizations": ["Ancient Civilizations", "Mesopotamia", "Ancient Egypt", "Indus Valley Civilization", "Ancient China"],
"Turkish (Ottoman) History": ["Turkish History", "Ottoman Empire", "Suleiman the Magnificent", "Decline of the Ottoman Empire"],
"World Wars": ["World Wars", "World War I", "World War II", "Causes of War", "Aftermath and Consequences"]
"Islamiat": {
"Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)": ["Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)", "Birth and Early Life", "Prophethood", "Migration to Medina", "The Farewell Sermon"],
"Five Pillars of Islam": ["Five Pillars of Islam", "Shahada", "Salah", "Zakat", "Sawm", "Hajj"],
"The Quran": ["The Quran", "Revelation", "Surahs", "Ayahs", "Exegesis of the Quran"],
"Hadith": ["Hadith", "Types of Hadith", "Sahih Hadith", "Prophet's Sayings"],
"Major Prophets": ["Major Prophets", "Prophet Adam (AS)", "Prophet Nuh (AS)" "Prophet Ibrahim (AS)", "Prophet Musa (AS)", "Prophet Isa (AS)", "Prophet Yusuf (AS)", "Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)"],
"Shariah Law": ["Shariah Law", "Islamic Jurisprudence", "Rights and Duties", "Islamic Criminal Law"],
"Jihad": ["Jihad", "Types of Jihad", "Jihad in Islam", "Jihad and Peace","The reality of Jihad"],
"Islamic Ethics": ["Islamic Ethics", "Moral Teachings", "Rights of Others", "Social Justice in Islam"]
"Physics": {
"Mechanics (Force, Motion)": ["Mechanics", "Newton's Laws", "Force", "Momentum", "Circular Motion"],
"Electricity": ["Electricity", "Ohm's Law", "Circuits", "Electric Current", "Electromagnetic Fields"],
"Magnetism": ["Magnetism", "Magnetic Fields", "Electromagnetic Induction", "Magnets", "Magnetic Force"],
"Thermodynamics": ["Thermodynamics", "Laws of Thermodynamics", "Heat Transfer", "Entropy", "Internal Energy"],
"Optics (Light and Mirrors)": ["Optics", "Reflection", "Refraction", "Lenses", "Optical Instruments"],
"Waves and Sound": ["Waves and Sound", "Wave Properties", "Sound Waves", "Wave Interference", "Doppler Effect"],
"Kinematics": ["Kinematics", "Velocity", "Acceleration", "Free Fall", "Projectile Motion"]
"Chemistry": {
"Atomic Structure": ["Atomic Structure", "Atoms", "Protons, Neutrons, Electrons", "Electron Configuration", "Periodic Table"],
"Periodic Table": ["Periodic Table", "Elements", "Groups and Periods", "Metals and Nonmetals", "Periodic Trends"],
"Chemical Bonding": ["Chemical Bonding", "Ionic Bonds", "Covalent Bonds", "Metallic Bonds", "Molecular Geometry"],
"Acids, Bases, and Salts": ["Acids, Bases, and Salts", "Properties of Acids and Bases", "Neutralization", "pH Scale"],
"Chemical Reactions": ["Chemical Reactions", "Types of Reactions", "Balancing Equations", "Reaction Rates"],
"Organic Chemistry": ["Organic Chemistry", "Hydrocarbons", "Alcohols", "Aldehydes and Ketones", "Polymerization"],
"Biochiometry": ["Biochemistry", "Proteins", "Carbohydrates", "Lipids", "Nucleic Acids"],
"Solutions and Mixtures": ["Solutions and Mixtures", "Solubility", "Concentration", "Types of Solutions"]
"Biology": {
"Human Systems": ["Human Systems", "Circulatory System", "Digestive System", "Respiratory System", "Excretory System"],
"Cell Structure and Function": ["Cell Structure and Function", "Prokaryotic Cells", "Eukaryotic Cells", "Cell Organelles", "Cell Membrane"],
"Genetics and Heredity": ["Genetics", "DNA", "Gene Expression", "Inheritance", "Genetic Disorders"],
"Human Anatomy and Physiology": ["Human Anatomy and Physiology", "Musculoskeletal System", "Nervous System", "Endocrine System"],
"Plant Biology": ["Plant Biology", "Photosynthesis", "Plant Cells", "Plant Reproduction", "Plant Growth"],
"Microorganisms": ["Microorganisms", "Bacteria", "Viruses", "Fungi", "Algae"],
"Animal Kingdom": ["Animal Kingdom", "Vertebrates", "Invertebrates", "Mammals", "Amphibians"]
"Computer Studies": {
"Programming Languages": ["Programming Languages", "Python", "Java", "C++", "JavaScript", "Ruby", "Swift"],
"Programming Fundamentals": ["Programming Fundamentals", "Variables", "Loops", "Conditionals", "Functions"],
"Algorithms and Data Structures": ["Algorithms", "Sorting", "Searching", "Arrays", "Linked Lists"],
"Basics of Databases": ["Databases", "SQL", "Relational Databases", "Normalization", "Database Management"],
"Computer Hardware and Software": ["Computer Hardware", "CPU", "RAM", "Motherboard", "Operating Systems"],
"Networking Basics": ["Networking Basics", "IP Addressing", "Subnetting", "Routing", "Switching"],
"Cybersecurity Essentials": ["Cybersecurity", "Encryption", "Firewall", "Malware", "Ethical Hacking"],
"Artificial Intelligence Basics": ["AI Basics", "Machine Learning", "Neural Networks", "Natural Language Processing", "Computer Vision"],
"Operating Systems": ["Operating Systems", "Linux", "Windows", "MacOS", "File Systems", "Process Management"]
subject = st.selectbox("Choose a subject:", list(topics.keys()))
topic ="Choose a topic for {subject}:", list(topics[subject].keys()))
subtopic = st.selectbox(f"Choose a subtopic for {topic}:", topics[subject][topic])
if ss.area:
level ="Please select your proficiency level in the selected topic:", ("Beginner", "Intermediate", "Advanced"), horizontal=True)
if st.button("Continue"):
if ss.area == "Select a Subject":
ss.subject = subject
ss.subtopic = subtopic
ss.level = level
ss.topic = topic
if ss.topic:
if st.button("⬅️ Go Back", key="back", help="Go back"):
for var in session_vars:
if var != "area":
setattr(ss, var, None)
tone ="Kindly select the way you want to learn the selected topic:",("Simple and easy", "Interesting and Engaging", "Detailed", "Storytelling"),horizontal = True)
language ="Kindly select the Language you want to learn the selected topic:",("English", "Roman Urdu", "Hindi", "Urdu"),horizontal = True)
if st.button("Let's Learn"):
ss.tone = tone
ss.language = language
ss.explanation = None
ss.answers = None = None
ss.mcqs = None
if ss.area == "Select a Subject":
explanation_prompt = f"Provide an explanation on '{ss.subtopic}' related to '{ss.topic}', in a '{ss.tone}' tone, suitable for a '{ss.level}' level learner, strictly in '{ss.language}'. Avoid introductory phrases."
elif ss.area == "Search Manually":
explanation_prompt = f"Explain the topic {ss.topic}' in a '{ss.tone}' manner at the '{ss.level} level strictly in '{ss.language}'.\nDon't add any intro"
explanation = get_response(explanation_prompt)
ss.explanation = explanation
if ss.explanation:
if st.button("Take a test"):
mcq_prompt = f"Generate 5 'SHORT' multiple-choice questions related to the topic '{ss.topic}', strictly at the '{ss.level}' level.\nThe explanation used to explain the topic is:\n '{ss.explanation}'.\nPlease ensure each answer option is on a new line, and do not specify the correct answers."
ss.mcqs = get_response(mcq_prompt)
if ss.mcqs:
st.subheader("Test: Answer the following questions")
answer = st.text_area("Write your answers here:", height=120, placeholder="Please attempt the answers like:\n1. A\n2. C\n3. B..." )
if st.button("Submit Answers"):
ss.answers = answer
feedback_prompt = f"Evaluate and provide concise feedback in simple words on the following answers to the questions related to '{ss.topic}.'\nThe explanation used to explain the topic is: '{ss.explanation}.'\nThe mcqs are: '{ss.mcqs}.'\nThe answers given by me are: '{ss.answers}.'\nSpecify how many ansers are correct strictly accurately, if the answers are none or irrelevant say something like: 'Kindly give the answers correctly', and if there are some answers missing then specify which ones and request that they be done." = get_response(feedback_prompt)