File size: 4,036 Bytes
c30f358 |
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from flask import Blueprint, jsonify, request
import io
from app.utils import OCRModel
main = Blueprint('main', __name__)
ocr_model = OCRModel()
# تحديد امتدادات الملفات المسموح بها
ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = {'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg'}
# قائمة الحساسيات المعروفة (يمكن تخصيصها حسب الحاجة)
'gluten': ['wheat', 'barley', 'gluten'],
'dairy': ['milk', 'yogurt', 'cheese', 'lactose'],
'nuts': ['nuts', 'peanuts', 'almonds', 'walnuts'],
'eggs': ['eggs'],
'soy': ['soy'],
'fish': ['fish'],
'shellfish': ['oyster', 'shrimp', 'shrimp'],
def allowed_file(filename):
"""التحقق من صحة امتداد الملف"""
return '.' in filename and filename.rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS
def find_allergens(text, user_allergens):
"""البحث عن الحساسيات في النص"""
text = text.lower()
found_allergens = set()
allergen_details = {}
for allergen in user_allergens:
allergen = allergen.strip().lower()
# البحث في القائمة الرئيسية للحساسيات
if allergen in KNOWN_ALLERGENS:
for variant in KNOWN_ALLERGENS[allergen]:
if variant.lower() in text:
allergen_details[allergen] = variant
# البحث المباشر عن النص المدخل
elif allergen in text:
allergen_details[allergen] = allergen
return found_allergens, allergen_details
def index():
return jsonify({
"message": "Welcome to the Text Recognition and Sensitivity Checking Service",
"endpoints": {
"/api/ocr": "POST - Image analysis and sensitivity testing",
"supported_formats": list(ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS),
"known_allergens": list(KNOWN_ALLERGENS.keys())
@main.route('/api/ocr', methods=['POST'])
def process_image():
# التحقق من وجود الملف
if 'file' not in request.files:
return jsonify({"error": "No file uploaded"}), 400
# التحقق من وجود قائمة الحساسيات
if 'allergens' not in request.form:
return jsonify({"error": "Sensitivities not specified"}), 400
file = request.files['file']
if file.filename == '':
return jsonify({"error": "No file selected"}), 400
# التحقق من نوع الملف
if not allowed_file(file.filename):
return jsonify({
"error": "File type not supported",
"supported_formats": list(ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS)
}), 400
# تحضير قائمة الحساسيات
user_allergens = request.form['allergens'].split(',')
# قراءة الصورة
file_bytes =
file_stream = io.BytesIO(file_bytes)
# معالجة الصورة
extracted_text = ocr_model.process_image(file_stream)
# البحث عن الحساسيات
found_allergens, allergen_details = find_allergens(extracted_text, user_allergens)
# تحضير الرد
response = {
"success": True,
"extracted_text": extracted_text,
"analysis": {
"found_allergens": list(found_allergens),
"allergen_details": allergen_details,
"has_allergens": len(found_allergens) > 0,
"warning": "Warning: Allergens found!" if found_allergens else "No allergens found"
return jsonify(response)
except Exception as e:
return jsonify({
"error": "An error occurred while processing the image.",
"details": str(e)
}), 500
@main.route('/api/allergens', methods=['GET'])
def get_known_allergens():
return jsonify({
"allergens": KNOWN_ALLERGENS
}) |