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# Copyright 2011, 2012 by Andrew Sczesnak. All rights reserved.
# Revisions Copyright 2011, 2017 by Peter Cock. All rights reserved.
# Revisions Copyright 2014, 2015 by Adam Novak. All rights reserved.
# Revisions Copyright 2015, 2017 by Blaise Li. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by your
# choice of the "Biopython License Agreement" or the "BSD 3-Clause License".
# Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included as part of this
# package.
"""Bio.Align support for the "maf" multiple alignment format.
The Multiple Alignment Format, described by UCSC, stores a series of
multiple alignments in a single file. It is suitable for whole-genome
to whole-genome alignments, metadata such as source chromosome, start
position, size, and strand can be stored.
See http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format5
You are expected to use this module via the Bio.Align functions.
Coordinates in the MAF format are defined in terms of zero-based start
positions (like Python) and aligning region sizes.
A minimal aligned region of length one and starting at first position in the
source sequence would have ``start == 0`` and ``size == 1``.
As we can see on this example, ``start + size`` will give one more than the
zero-based end position. We can therefore manipulate ``start`` and
``start + size`` as python list slice boundaries.
import shlex
import itertools
from Bio.Align import Alignment
from Bio.Align import interfaces
from Bio.Seq import Seq, reverse_complement
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
class AlignmentWriter(interfaces.AlignmentWriter):
"""Accepts Alignment objects, writes a MAF file."""
fmt = "MAF"
def _write_trackline(self, metadata):
stream = self.stream
for key, value in metadata.items():
if key in ("name", "description", "frames"):
elif key == "mafDot":
if value not in ("on", "off"):
raise ValueError(
"mafDot value must be 'on' or 'off' (received '%s')" % value
elif key == "visibility":
if value not in ("dense", "pack", "full"):
raise ValueError(
"visibility value must be 'dense', 'pack', or 'full' (received '%s')"
% value
elif key == "speciesOrder":
value = " ".join(value)
if " " in value:
value = '"%s"' % value
stream.write(f" {key}={value}")
def write_header(self, alignments):
"""Write the MAF header."""
stream = self.stream
metadata = alignments.metadata
except AttributeError:
metadata = {"MAF Version": "1"}
track_keys = (
for key in track_keys:
if key in metadata:
for key, value in metadata.items():
if key in track_keys:
if key == "Comments":
if key == "MAF Version":
if value != "1":
raise ValueError("MAF version must be 1")
key = "version"
elif key == "Scoring":
key = "scoring"
elif key == "Program":
key = "program"
raise ValueError("Unexpected key '%s' for header" % key)
stream.write(f" {key}={value}")
comments = metadata.get("Comments")
if comments is not None:
for comment in comments:
stream.write(f"# {comment}\n")
def _format_score_line(self, alignment, annotations):
score = alignment.score
except AttributeError:
line = "a"
line = f"a score={score:.6f}"
value = annotations.get("pass")
if value is not None:
line += f" pass={value}"
return line + "\n"
def format_alignment(self, alignment):
"""Return a string with a single alignment formatted as a MAF block."""
if not isinstance(alignment, Alignment):
raise TypeError("Expected an Alignment object")
alignment_annotations = alignment.annotations
except AttributeError:
alignment_annotations = {}
lines = []
line = self._format_score_line(alignment, alignment_annotations)
name_width = 0
start_width = 0
size_width = 0
length_width = 0
n = len(alignment.sequences)
for i in range(n):
record = alignment.sequences[i]
coordinates = alignment.coordinates[i]
name = record.id
except AttributeError:
name = "sequence_%d" % i
start = coordinates[0]
end = coordinates[-1]
length = len(record)
if start < end:
size = end - start
size = start - end
start = length - start
name_width = max(name_width, len(name))
start_width = max(start_width, len(str(start)))
size_width = max(size_width, len(str(size)))
length_width = max(length_width, len(str(length)))
for i, empty in enumerate(alignment_annotations.get("empty", [])):
record, segment, status = empty
name = record.id
except AttributeError:
name = "sequence_%d" % (i + n)
name_width = max(name_width, len(name))
start, end = segment
length = len(record.seq)
if start <= end:
size = end - start
size = start - end
start = length - start
start_width = max(start_width, len(str(start)))
size_width = max(size_width, len(str(size)))
length_width = max(length_width, len(str(length)))
quality_width = name_width + start_width + size_width + length_width + 5
for i in range(n):
record = alignment.sequences[i]
coordinates = alignment.coordinates[i]
record_id = record.id
except AttributeError:
record_id = "sequence_%d" % i
start = coordinates[0]
end = coordinates[-1]
length = len(record)
if start < end:
size = end - start
strand = "+"
size = start - end
start = length - start
strand = "-"
text = alignment[i]
name = record_id.ljust(name_width)
start = str(start).rjust(start_width)
size = str(size).rjust(size_width)
length = str(length).rjust(length_width)
line = f"s {name} {start} {size} {strand} {length} {text}\n"
annotations = record.annotations
except AttributeError:
annotations = None
if annotations is not None:
quality = annotations.get("quality")
if quality is not None:
gapped_quality = ""
j = 0
for letter in text:
if letter == "-":
gapped_quality += "-"
gapped_quality += quality[j]
j += 1
name = record_id.ljust(quality_width)
line = f"q {name} {gapped_quality}\n"
leftStatus = annotations["leftStatus"]
leftCount = annotations["leftCount"]
rightStatus = annotations["rightStatus"]
rightCount = annotations["rightCount"]
except KeyError:
name = record_id.ljust(name_width)
line = f"i {name} {leftStatus} {leftCount} {rightStatus} {rightCount}\n"
for i, empty in enumerate(alignment_annotations.get("empty", [])):
record, segment, status = empty
name = record.id
except AttributeError:
name = "sequence_%d" % (i + n)
name = name.ljust(name_width)
start, end = segment
length = len(record.seq)
if start <= end:
size = end - start
strand = "+"
size = start - end
start = length - start
strand = "-"
start = str(start).rjust(start_width)
size = str(size).rjust(size_width)
length = str(length).rjust(length_width)
line = f"e {name} {start} {size} {strand} {length} {status}\n"
return "".join(lines)
class AlignmentIterator(interfaces.AlignmentIterator):
"""Alignment iterator for Multiple Alignment Format files.
The file may contain multiple concatenated alignments, which are loaded
and returned incrementally.
File meta-data are stored in the ``.metadata`` attribute of the returned
iterator. Alignment annotations are stored in the ``.annotations``
attribute of the ``Alignment`` object, except for the alignment score,
which is stored as an attribute. Sequence information of empty parts in
the alignment block (sequences that connect the previous alignment block to
the next alignment block, but do not align to the current alignment block)
is stored in the alignment annotations under the ``"empty"`` key.
Annotations specific to each line in the alignment are stored in the
``.annotations`` attribute of the corresponding sequence record.
fmt = "MAF"
status_characters = ("C", "I", "N", "n", "M", "T")
empty_status_characters = ("C", "I", "M", "n")
def _read_header(self, stream):
metadata = {}
line = next(stream)
if line.startswith("track "):
words = shlex.split(line)
for word in words[1:]:
key, value = word.split("=")
if key in ("name", "description", "frames"):
elif key == "mafDot":
if value not in ("on", "off"):
raise ValueError(
"Variable mafDot in track line has unexpected value '%s'"
% value
elif key == "visibility":
if value not in ("dense", "pack", "full"):
raise ValueError(
"Variable visibility in track line has unexpected value '%s'"
% value
elif key == "speciesOrder":
value = value.split()
raise ValueError("Unexpected variable '%s' in track line" % key)
metadata[key] = value
line = next(stream)
words = line.split()
if words[0] != "##maf":
raise ValueError("header line does not start with ##maf")
for word in words[1:]:
key, value = word.split("=")
if key == "version":
key = "MAF Version"
elif key == "scoring":
key = "Scoring"
elif key == "program":
key = "Porgram"
raise ValueError("Unexpected variable '%s' in header line" % key)
metadata[key] = value
if metadata.get("MAF Version") != "1":
raise ValueError("MAF version must be 1")
comments = []
for line in stream:
if line.strip():
if not line.startswith("#"):
self._line = line
comment = line[1:].strip()
if comments:
metadata["Comments"] = comments
self.metadata = metadata
def _read_next_alignment(self, stream):
line = self._line
if line is None:
lines = itertools.chain([line], stream)
alignment = self._create_alignment(lines)
return alignment
def _create_alignment(self, lines):
records = []
strands = []
column_annotations = {}
aligned_sequences = []
annotations = {}
line = next(lines)
assert line.startswith("a")
words = line[1:].split()
for word in words:
key, value = word.split("=")
if key == "score":
score = float(value)
elif key == "pass":
value = int(value)
if value <= 0:
raise ValueError("pass value must be positive (found %d)" % value)
annotations["pass"] = value
raise ValueError("Unknown annotation variable '%s'" % key)
for line in lines:
if line.startswith("a"):
self._line = line
elif line.startswith("s "):
words = line.strip().split()
if len(words) != 7:
raise ValueError(
"Error parsing alignment - 's' line must have 7 fields"
src = words[1]
start = int(words[2])
size = int(words[3])
strand = words[4]
srcSize = int(words[5])
text = words[6]
for gap_char in ".=_":
text = text.replace(gap_char, "-")
sequence = text.replace("-", "")
if len(sequence) != size:
raise ValueError(
"sequence size is incorrect (found %d, expected %d)"
% (len(sequence), size)
if strand == "-":
sequence = reverse_complement(sequence)
start = srcSize - start - size
seq = Seq({start: sequence}, length=srcSize)
record = SeqRecord(seq, id=src, name="", description="")
elif line.startswith("i "):
words = line.strip().split()
assert len(words) == 6
assert words[1] == src # from the previous "s" line
leftStatus = words[2]
leftCount = int(words[3])
rightStatus = words[4]
rightCount = int(words[5])
assert leftStatus in AlignmentIterator.status_characters
assert rightStatus in AlignmentIterator.status_characters
record.annotations["leftStatus"] = leftStatus
record.annotations["leftCount"] = leftCount
record.annotations["rightStatus"] = rightStatus
record.annotations["rightCount"] = rightCount
elif line.startswith("e"):
words = line[1:].split()
assert len(words) == 6
src = words[0]
start = int(words[1])
size = int(words[2])
strand = words[3]
srcSize = int(words[4])
status = words[5]
assert status in AlignmentIterator.empty_status_characters
sequence = Seq(None, length=srcSize)
record = SeqRecord(sequence, id=src, name="", description="")
end = start + size
if strand == "+":
segment = (start, end)
segment = (srcSize - start, srcSize - end)
empty = (record, segment, status)
annotation = annotations.get("empty")
if annotation is None:
annotation = []
annotations["empty"] = annotation
elif line.startswith("q "):
words = line.strip().split()
assert len(words) == 3
assert words[1] == src # from the previous "s" line
value = words[2].replace("-", "")
record.annotations["quality"] = value
elif not line.strip():
# reached the end of the alignment, but keep reading until we
# find the next alignment
raise ValueError(f"Error parsing alignment - unexpected line:\n{line}")
self._line = None
coordinates = Alignment.infer_coordinates(aligned_sequences)
for record, strand, row in zip(records, strands, coordinates):
if strand == "-":
row[:] = row[-1] - row[0] - row
start = record.seq.defined_ranges[0][0]
row += start
alignment = Alignment(records, coordinates)
if annotations is not None:
alignment.annotations = annotations
if column_annotations is not None:
alignment.column_annotations = column_annotations
if score is not None:
alignment.score = score
return alignment