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# Copyright 2008 Michiel de Hoon.
# Revisions copyright 2009 Leighton Pritchard.
# Revisions copyright 2010 Peter Cock.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by your
# choice of the "Biopython License Agreement" or the "BSD 3-Clause License".
# Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included as part of this
# package.
"""Code to parse output from the EMBOSS eprimer3 program.
As elsewhere in Biopython there are two input functions, read and parse,
for single record output and multi-record output. For primer3, a single
record object is created for each target sequence and may contain
multiple primers.
i.e. If you ran eprimer3 with a single target sequence, use the read
function. If you ran eprimer3 with multiple targets, use the parse
function to iterate over the retsults.
# --- primer3
class Record:
"""Represent information from a primer3 run finding primers.
- primers - list of Primer objects describing primer pairs for
this target sequence.
- comments - the comment line(s) for the record
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the class."""
self.comments = ""
self.primers = []
class Primers:
"""A primer set designed by Primer3.
- size - length of product, note you can use len(primer) as an
alternative to primer.size
- forward_seq
- forward_start
- forward_length
- forward_tm
- forward_gc
- reverse_seq
- reverse_start
- reverse_length
- reverse_tm
- reverse_gc
- internal_seq
- internal_start
- internal_length
- internal_tm
- internal_gc
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the class."""
self.size = 0
self.forward_seq = ""
self.forward_start = 0
self.forward_length = 0
self.forward_tm = 0.0
self.forward_gc = 0.0
self.reverse_seq = ""
self.reverse_start = 0
self.reverse_length = 0
self.reverse_tm = 0.0
self.reverse_gc = 0.0
self.internal_seq = ""
self.internal_start = 0
self.internal_length = 0
self.internal_tm = 0.0
self.internal_gc = 0.0
def __len__(self):
"""Length of the primer product (i.e. product size)."""
return self.size
def parse(handle):
"""Iterate over primer3 output as Bio.Emboss.Primer3.Record objects."""
# Skip blank lines at head of file
while True:
line = handle.readline()
if line.strip():
break # Starting a record
# Read each record
record = None
primer = None
while True:
if line.startswith("# EPRIMER3") or line.startswith("# PRIMER3"):
# Record data
if record is not None:
yield record
record = Record()
record.comments += line
primer = None
elif line.startswith("#"):
if (
!= "# Start Len Tm GC% Sequence"
record.comments += line
elif not line.strip():
elif line[5:19] == "PRODUCT SIZE: ":
primer = Primers()
primer.size = int(line[19:])
elif line[5:19] == "FORWARD PRIMER":
words = line.split()
if not primer or primer.size == 0:
primer = Primers()
primer.forward_start = int(words[2])
primer.forward_length = int(words[3])
primer.forward_tm = float(words[4])
primer.forward_gc = float(words[5])
primer.forward_seq = words[6]
elif line[5:19] == "REVERSE PRIMER":
words = line.split()
if not primer or primer.size == 0:
primer = Primers()
primer.reverse_start = int(words[2])
primer.reverse_length = int(words[3])
primer.reverse_tm = float(words[4])
primer.reverse_gc = float(words[5])
primer.reverse_seq = words[6]
elif line[5:19] == "INTERNAL OLIGO":
words = line.split()
if not primer or primer.size == 0:
primer = Primers()
primer.internal_start = int(words[2])
primer.internal_length = int(words[3])
primer.internal_tm = float(words[4])
primer.internal_gc = float(words[5])
primer.internal_seq = words[6]
except IndexError: # eprimer3 reports oligo without sequence
primer.internal_seq = ""
line = next(handle)
except StopIteration:
if record:
yield record
def read(handle):
"""Parse primer3 output into a Bio.Emboss.Primer3.Record object.
This is for when there is one and only one target sequence. If
designing primers for multiple sequences, use the parse function.
iterator = parse(handle)
record = next(iterator)
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError("No records found in handle") from None
raise ValueError("More than one record found in handle")
except StopIteration:
return record