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# Copyright 2002 by Jeffrey Chang.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by your
# choice of the "Biopython License Agreement" or the "BSD 3-Clause License".
# Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included as part of this
# package.
"""Code for doing logistic regressions.
- LogisticRegression Holds information for a LogisticRegression classifier.
- train Train a new classifier.
- calculate Calculate the probabilities of each class, given an observation.
- classify Classify an observation into a class.
import numpy
import numpy.linalg
class LogisticRegression:
"""Holds information necessary to do logistic regression classification.
- beta - List of the weights for each dimension.
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the class."""
self.beta = []
def train(xs, ys, update_fn=None, typecode=None):
"""Train a logistic regression classifier on a training set.
Argument xs is a list of observations and ys is a list of the class
assignments, which should be 0 or 1. xs and ys should contain the
same number of elements. update_fn is an optional callback function
that takes as parameters that iteration number and log likelihood.
if len(xs) != len(ys):
raise ValueError("xs and ys should be the same length.")
classes = set(ys)
if classes != {0, 1}:
raise ValueError("Classes should be 0's and 1's")
if typecode is None:
typecode = "d"
# Dimensionality of the data is the dimensionality of the
# observations plus a constant dimension.
N, ndims = len(xs), len(xs[0]) + 1
if N == 0 or ndims == 1:
raise ValueError("No observations or observation of 0 dimension.")
# Make an X array, with a constant first dimension.
X = numpy.ones((N, ndims), typecode)
X[:, 1:] = xs
Xt = numpy.transpose(X)
y = numpy.asarray(ys, typecode)
# Initialize the beta parameter to 0.
beta = numpy.zeros(ndims, typecode)
stepsize = 1.0
# Now iterate using Newton-Raphson until the log-likelihoods
# converge.
i = 0
old_beta = old_llik = None
# Calculate the probabilities. p = e^(beta X) / (1+e^(beta X))
ebetaX = numpy.exp(numpy.dot(beta, Xt))
p = ebetaX / (1 + ebetaX)
# Find the log likelihood score and see if I've converged.
logp = y * numpy.log(p) + (1 - y) * numpy.log(1 - p)
llik = sum(logp)
if update_fn is not None:
update_fn(iter, llik)
if old_llik is not None:
# Check to see if the likelihood decreased. If it did, then
# restore the old beta parameters and half the step size.
if llik < old_llik:
stepsize /= 2.0
beta = old_beta
# If I've converged, then stop.
if numpy.fabs(llik - old_llik) <= CONVERGE_THRESHOLD:
old_llik, old_beta = llik, beta
i += 1
W = numpy.identity(N) * p
Xtyp = numpy.dot(Xt, y - p) # Calculate the first derivative.
XtWX = numpy.dot(numpy.dot(Xt, W), X) # Calculate the second derivative.
delta = numpy.linalg.solve(XtWX, Xtyp)
if numpy.fabs(stepsize - 1.0) > 0.001:
delta *= stepsize
beta += delta # Update beta.
raise RuntimeError("Didn't converge.")
lr = LogisticRegression()
lr.beta = list(beta)
return lr
def calculate(lr, x):
"""Calculate the probability for each class.
- lr is a LogisticRegression object.
- x is the observed data.
Returns a list of the probability that it fits each class.
# Insert a constant term for x.
x = numpy.asarray([1.0] + x)
# Calculate the probability. p = e^(beta X) / (1+e^(beta X))
ebetaX = numpy.exp(numpy.dot(lr.beta, x))
p = ebetaX / (1 + ebetaX)
return [1 - p, p]
def classify(lr, x):
"""Classify an observation into a class."""
probs = calculate(lr, x)
if probs[0] > probs[1]:
return 0
return 1