No application file
No application file
# Adapted from Bio.AlignIO.FastaIO copyright 2008-2011 by Peter Cock. | |
# Copyright 2012 by Wibowo Arindrarto. | |
# All rights reserved. | |
# This file is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by your | |
# choice of the "Biopython License Agreement" or the "BSD 3-Clause License". | |
# Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included as part of this | |
# package. | |
r"""Bio.SearchIO support for Bill Pearson's FASTA tools. | |
This module adds support for parsing FASTA outputs. FASTA is a suite of | |
programs that finds regions of local or global similarity between protein | |
or nucleotide sequences, either by searching databases or identifying | |
local duplications. | |
Bio.SearchIO.FastaIO was tested on the following FASTA flavors and versions: | |
- flavors: fasta, ssearch, tfastx | |
- versions: 35, 36 | |
Other flavors and/or versions may introduce some bugs. Please file a bug report | |
if you see such problems to Biopython's bug tracker. | |
More information on FASTA are available through these links: | |
- Website: | |
- User guide: | |
Supported Formats | |
================= | |
Bio.SearchIO.FastaIO supports parsing and indexing FASTA outputs triggered by | |
the -m 10 flag. Other formats that mimic other programs (e.g. the BLAST tabular | |
format using the -m 8 flag) may be parseable but using SearchIO's other parsers | |
(in this case, using the 'blast-tab' parser). | |
fasta-m10 | |
========= | |
Note that in FASTA -m 10 outputs, HSPs from different strands are considered to | |
be from different hits. They are listed as two separate entries in the hit | |
table. FastaIO recognizes this and will group HSPs with the same hit ID into a | |
single Hit object, regardless of strand. | |
FASTA also sometimes output extra sequences adjacent to the HSP match. These | |
extra sequences are discarded by FastaIO. Only regions containing the actual | |
sequence match are extracted. | |
The following object attributes are provided: | |
+-----------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| Object | Attribute | Value | | |
+=================+=========================+==================================+ | |
| QueryResult | description | query sequence description | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | id | query sequence ID | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | program | FASTA flavor | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | seq_len | full length of query sequence | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | target | target search database | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | version | FASTA version | | |
+-----------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| Hit | seq_len | full length of the hit sequence | | |
+-----------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| HSP | bitscore | \*_bits line | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | evalue | \*_expect line | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | ident_pct | \*_ident line | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | init1_score | \*_init1 line | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | initn_score | \*_initn line | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | opt_score | \*_opt line, \*_s-w opt line | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | pos_pct | \*_sim line | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | sw_score | \*_score line | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | z_score | \*_z-score line | | |
+-----------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| HSPFragment | aln_annotation | al_cons block, if present | | |
| (also via HSP) +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | hit | hit sequence | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | hit_end | hit sequence end coordinate | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | hit_start | hit sequence start coordinate | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | hit_strand | hit sequence strand | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | query | query sequence | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | query_end | query sequence end coordinate | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | query_start | query sequence start coordinate | | |
| +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
| | query_strand | query sequence strand | | |
+-----------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | |
""" | |
import re | |
from Bio.SearchIO._index import SearchIndexer | |
from Bio.SearchIO._model import QueryResult, Hit, HSP, HSPFragment | |
__all__ = ("FastaM10Parser", "FastaM10Indexer") | |
# precompile regex patterns | |
# regex for program name | |
_RE_FLAVS = re.compile(r"t?fast[afmsxy]|pr[sf][sx]|lalign|[gs]?[glso]search") | |
# regex for sequence ID and length ~ deals with both \n and \r\n | |
_PTR_ID_DESC_SEQLEN = r">>>(.+?)\s+(.*?) *- (\d+) (?:aa|nt)\s*$" | |
_RE_ID_DESC_SEQLEN_IDX = re.compile(_PTR_ID_DESC_SEQLEN.encode()) | |
# regex for qresult, hit, or hsp attribute value | |
_RE_ATTR = re.compile(r"^; [a-z]+(_[ \w-]+):\s+(.*)$") | |
# regex for capturing excess start and end sequences in alignments | |
_RE_START_EXC = re.compile(r"^-*") | |
_RE_END_EXC = re.compile(r"-*$") | |
# attribute name mappings | |
_HSP_ATTR_MAP = { | |
"_initn": ("initn_score", int), | |
"_init1": ("init1_score", int), | |
"_opt": ("opt_score", int), | |
"_s-w opt": ("opt_score", int), | |
"_z-score": ("z_score", float), | |
"_bits": ("bitscore", float), | |
"_expect": ("evalue", float), | |
"_score": ("sw_score", int), | |
"_ident": ("ident_pct", float), | |
"_sim": ("pos_pct", float), | |
} | |
# state flags | |
_STATE_NONE = 0 | |
def _set_qresult_hits(qresult, hit_rows=()): | |
"""Append Hits without alignments into QueryResults (PRIVATE).""" | |
for hit_row in hit_rows: | |
hit_id, remainder = hit_row.split(" ", 1) | |
# TODO: parse hit and hsp properties properly; by dealing with: | |
# - any character in the description (brackets, spaces, etc.) | |
# - possible [f] or [r] presence (for frame info) | |
# - possible presence of E2() column | |
# - possible incomplete hit_id due to column length limit | |
# The current method only looks at the Hit ID, none of the things above | |
if hit_id not in qresult: | |
frag = HSPFragment(hit_id, | |
hsp = HSP([frag]) | |
hit = Hit([hsp]) | |
qresult.append(hit) | |
return qresult | |
def _set_hsp_seqs(hsp, parsed, program): | |
"""Set HSPs sequences (PRIVATE). | |
:param hsp: HSP whose properties will be set | |
:type hsp: HSP | |
:param parsed: parsed values of the HSP attributes | |
:type parsed: dictionary {string: object} | |
:param program: program name | |
:type program: string | |
""" | |
# get aligned sequences and check if they have equal lengths | |
start = 0 | |
for seq_type in ("hit", "query"): | |
if "tfast" not in program: | |
pseq = parsed[seq_type] | |
# adjust start and end coordinates based on the amount of | |
# filler characters | |
start, stop = _get_aln_slice_coords(pseq) | |
start_adj = len(, pseq["seq"]).group(0)) | |
stop_adj = len(, pseq["seq"]).group(0)) | |
start = start + start_adj | |
stop = stop + start_adj - stop_adj | |
parsed[seq_type]["seq"] = pseq["seq"][start:stop] | |
if len(parsed["query"]["seq"]) != len(parsed["hit"]["seq"]): | |
raise ValueError( | |
"Length mismatch: %r %r" | |
% (len(parsed["query"]["seq"]), len(parsed["hit"]["seq"])) | |
) | |
if "similarity" in hsp.aln_annotation: | |
# only using 'start' since FASTA seems to have trimmed the 'excess' | |
# end part | |
hsp.aln_annotation["similarity"] = hsp.aln_annotation["similarity"][start:] | |
# hit or query works equally well here | |
assert len(hsp.aln_annotation["similarity"]) == len(parsed["hit"]["seq"]) | |
# query and hit sequence types must be the same | |
assert parsed["query"]["_type"] == parsed["hit"]["_type"] | |
type_val = parsed["query"]["_type"] # hit works fine too | |
molecule_type = "DNA" if type_val == "D" else "protein" | |
setattr(hsp.fragment, "molecule_type", molecule_type) | |
for seq_type in ("hit", "query"): | |
# get and set start and end coordinates | |
start = int(parsed[seq_type]["_start"]) | |
end = int(parsed[seq_type]["_stop"]) | |
setattr(hsp.fragment, seq_type + "_start", min(start, end) - 1) | |
setattr(hsp.fragment, seq_type + "_end", max(start, end)) | |
# set seq and molecule type | |
setattr(hsp.fragment, seq_type, parsed[seq_type]["seq"]) | |
if molecule_type != "protein": | |
# get strand from coordinate; start <= end is plus | |
# start > end is minus | |
if start <= end: | |
setattr(hsp.fragment, seq_type + "_strand", 1) | |
else: | |
setattr(hsp.fragment, seq_type + "_strand", -1) | |
else: | |
setattr(hsp.fragment, seq_type + "_strand", 0) | |
def _get_aln_slice_coords(parsed_hsp): | |
"""Get HSPs sequences (PRIVATE). | |
To get the actual pairwise alignment sequences, we must first | |
translate the un-gapped sequence based coordinates into positions | |
in the gapped sequence (which may have a flanking region shown | |
using leading - characters). To date, I have never seen any | |
trailing flanking region shown in the m10 file, but the | |
following code should also cope with that. | |
Note that this code seems to work fine even when the "sq_offset" | |
entries are present as a result of using the -X command line option. | |
""" | |
seq = parsed_hsp["seq"] | |
seq_stripped = seq.strip("-") | |
disp_start = int(parsed_hsp["_display_start"]) | |
start = int(parsed_hsp["_start"]) | |
stop = int(parsed_hsp["_stop"]) | |
if start <= stop: | |
start = start - disp_start | |
stop = stop - disp_start + 1 | |
else: | |
start = disp_start - start | |
stop = disp_start - stop + 1 | |
stop += seq_stripped.count("-") | |
if not (0 <= start and start < stop and stop <= len(seq_stripped)): | |
raise ValueError( | |
"Problem with sequence start/stop,\n%s[%i:%i]\n%s" | |
% (seq, start, stop, parsed_hsp) | |
) | |
return start, stop | |
class FastaM10Parser: | |
"""Parser for Bill Pearson's FASTA suite's -m 10 output.""" | |
def __init__(self, handle, __parse_hit_table=False): | |
"""Initialize the class.""" | |
self.handle = handle | |
self._preamble = self._parse_preamble() | |
def __iter__(self): | |
"""Iterate over FastaM10Parser object yields query results.""" | |
for qresult in self._parse_qresult(): | |
# re-set desc, for hsp query description | |
qresult.description = qresult.description | |
yield qresult | |
def _parse_preamble(self): | |
"""Parse the Fasta preamble for Fasta flavor and version (PRIVATE).""" | |
preamble = {} | |
while True: | |
line = self.handle.readline() | |
# this should be the line just before the first qresult | |
if line.startswith("Query"): | |
break | |
# try to match for version line | |
elif line.startswith(" version"): | |
preamble["version"] = line.split(" ")[2] | |
else: | |
# try to match for flavor line | |
flav_match = re.match(_RE_FLAVS, line.lower()) | |
if flav_match: | |
preamble["program"] = | |
self.line = line | |
return preamble | |
def __parse_hit_table(self): | |
"""Parse hit table rows.""" | |
# parse hit table until we see an empty line | |
hit_rows = [] | |
while True: | |
line = self.handle.readline() | |
if (not line) or line.strip(): | |
break | |
hit_rows.append("") | |
self.line = line | |
return hit_rows | |
def _parse_qresult(self): | |
"""Parse query result (PRIVATE).""" | |
# initial qresult value | |
qresult = None | |
hit_rows = [] | |
# state values | |
state_QRES_NEW = 1 | |
state_QRES_HITTAB = 3 | |
state_QRES_CONTENT = 5 | |
state_QRES_END = 7 | |
line = self.line | |
while True: | |
# one line before the hit table | |
if line.startswith("The best scores are:"): | |
qres_state = state_QRES_HITTAB | |
# the end of a query or the file altogether | |
elif line.strip() == ">>>///" or not line: | |
qres_state = state_QRES_END | |
# the beginning of a new query | |
elif not line.startswith(">>>") and ">>>" in line: | |
qres_state = state_QRES_NEW | |
# the beginning of the query info and its hits + hsps | |
elif line.startswith(">>>") and not line.strip() == ">>><<<": | |
qres_state = state_QRES_CONTENT | |
# default qres mark | |
else: | |
qres_state = None | |
if qres_state is not None: | |
if qres_state == state_QRES_HITTAB: | |
# parse hit table if flag is set | |
hit_rows = self.__parse_hit_table() | |
line = self.handle.readline() | |
elif qres_state == state_QRES_END: | |
yield _set_qresult_hits(qresult, hit_rows) | |
break | |
elif qres_state == state_QRES_NEW: | |
# if qresult is filled, yield it first | |
if qresult is not None: | |
yield _set_qresult_hits(qresult, hit_rows) | |
regx =, line) | |
query_id = | |
seq_len = | |
desc = | |
qresult = QueryResult(id=query_id) | |
qresult.seq_len = int(seq_len) | |
# get target from the next line | |
line = self.handle.readline() | | = [x for x in line.split(" ") if x][1].strip() | |
if desc is not None: | |
qresult.description = desc | |
# set values from preamble | |
for key, value in self._preamble.items(): | |
setattr(qresult, key, value) | |
line = self.handle.readline() | |
elif qres_state == state_QRES_CONTENT: | |
assert line[3:].startswith(, line | |
for hit, strand in self._parse_hit(query_id): | |
# HACK: re-set desc, for hsp hit and query description | |
hit.description = hit.description | |
hit.query_description = qresult.description | |
# if hit is not in qresult, append it | |
if not in qresult: | |
qresult.append(hit) | |
# otherwise, it might be the same hit with a different strand | |
else: | |
# make sure strand is different and then append hsp to | |
# existing hit | |
for hsp in hit.hsps: | |
assert strand != hsp.query_strand | |
qresult[].append(hsp) | |
line = self.line | |
else: | |
line = self.handle.readline() | |
self.line = line | |
def _parse_hit(self, query_id): | |
"""Parse hit on query identifier (PRIVATE).""" | |
while True: | |
line = self.handle.readline() | |
if line.startswith(">>"): | |
break | |
state = _STATE_NONE | |
strand = None | |
hsp_list = [] | |
hsp = None | |
parsed_hsp = None | |
hit_desc = None | |
seq_len = None | |
while True: | |
# yield hit if we've reached the start of a new query or | |
# the end of the search | |
self.line = self.handle.readline() | |
if self.line.strip() in [">>><<<", ">>>///"] or ( | |
not self.line.startswith(">>>") and ">>>" in self.line | |
): | |
# append last parsed_hsp['hit']['seq'] line | |
if state == _STATE_HIT_BLOCK: | |
parsed_hsp["hit"]["seq"] += line.strip() | |
elif state == _STATE_CONS_BLOCK: | |
hsp.aln_annotation["similarity"] += line.strip("\r\n") | |
# process HSP alignment and coordinates | |
_set_hsp_seqs(hsp, parsed_hsp, self._preamble["program"]) | |
hit = Hit(hsp_list) | |
hit.description = hit_desc | |
hit.seq_len = seq_len | |
yield hit, strand | |
hsp_list = [] | |
break | |
# yield hit and create a new one if we're still in the same query | |
elif line.startswith(">>"): | |
# try yielding, if we have hsps | |
if hsp_list: | |
_set_hsp_seqs(hsp, parsed_hsp, self._preamble["program"]) | |
hit = Hit(hsp_list) | |
hit.description = hit_desc | |
hit.seq_len = seq_len | |
yield hit, strand | |
hsp_list = [] | |
# try to get the hit id and desc, and handle cases without descs | |
try: | |
hit_id, hit_desc = line[2:].strip().split(" ", 1) | |
except ValueError: | |
hit_id = line[2:].strip().split(" ", 1)[0] | |
hit_desc = "" | |
# create the HSP object for Hit | |
frag = HSPFragment(hit_id, query_id) | |
hsp = HSP([frag]) | |
hsp_list.append(hsp) | |
# set or reset the state to none | |
state = _STATE_NONE | |
parsed_hsp = {"query": {}, "hit": {}} | |
# create and append a new HSP if line starts with '>--' | |
elif line.startswith(">--"): | |
# set seq attributes of previous hsp | |
_set_hsp_seqs(hsp, parsed_hsp, self._preamble["program"]) | |
# and create a new one | |
frag = HSPFragment(hit_id, query_id) | |
hsp = HSP([frag]) | |
hsp_list.append(hsp) | |
# set the state ~ none yet | |
state = _STATE_NONE | |
parsed_hsp = {"query": {}, "hit": {}} | |
# this is either query or hit data in the HSP, depending on the state | |
elif line.startswith(">"): | |
if state == _STATE_NONE: | |
# make sure it's the correct query | |
if not query_id.startswith(line[1:].split(" ")[0]): | |
raise ValueError(f"{query_id!r} vs {line!r}") | |
state = _STATE_QUERY_BLOCK | |
parsed_hsp["query"]["seq"] = "" | |
elif state == _STATE_QUERY_BLOCK: | |
# make sure it's the correct hit | |
assert hit_id.startswith(line[1:].split(" ")[0]) | |
state = _STATE_HIT_BLOCK | |
parsed_hsp["hit"]["seq"] = "" | |
# check for conservation block | |
elif line.startswith("; al_cons"): | |
state = _STATE_CONS_BLOCK | |
hsp.fragment.aln_annotation["similarity"] = "" | |
elif line.startswith(";"): | |
# Fasta outputs do not make a clear distinction between Hit | |
# and HSPs, so we check the attribute names to determine | |
# whether it belongs to a Hit or HSP | |
regx =, line.strip()) | |
name = | |
value = | |
# for values before the '>...' query block | |
if state == _STATE_NONE: | |
if name in _HSP_ATTR_MAP: | |
attr_name, caster = _HSP_ATTR_MAP[name] | |
if caster is not str: | |
value = caster(value) | |
if name in ["_ident", "_sim"]: | |
value *= 100 | |
setattr(hsp, attr_name, value) | |
# otherwise, pool the values for processing later | |
elif state == _STATE_QUERY_BLOCK: | |
parsed_hsp["query"][name] = value | |
elif state == _STATE_HIT_BLOCK: | |
if name == "_len": | |
seq_len = int(value) | |
else: | |
parsed_hsp["hit"][name] = value | |
# for values in the hit block | |
else: | |
raise ValueError("Unexpected line: %r" % line) | |
# otherwise, it must be lines containing the sequences | |
else: | |
assert ">" not in line | |
# if we're in hit, parse into hsp.hit | |
if state == _STATE_HIT_BLOCK: | |
parsed_hsp["hit"]["seq"] += line.strip() | |
elif state == _STATE_QUERY_BLOCK: | |
parsed_hsp["query"]["seq"] += line.strip() | |
elif state == _STATE_CONS_BLOCK: | |
hsp.fragment.aln_annotation["similarity"] += line.strip("\r\n") | |
# we should not get here! | |
else: | |
raise ValueError("Unexpected line: %r" % line) | |
line = self.line | |
class FastaM10Indexer(SearchIndexer): | |
"""Indexer class for Bill Pearson's FASTA suite's -m 10 output.""" | |
_parser = FastaM10Parser | |
def __init__(self, filename): | |
"""Initialize the class.""" | |
SearchIndexer.__init__(self, filename) | |
def __iter__(self): | |
"""Iterate over FastaM10Indexer; yields query results' keys, start offsets, offset lengths.""" | |
handle = self._handle | | | |
start_offset = handle.tell() | |
qresult_key = None | |
query_mark = b">>>" | |
line = handle.readline() | |
while True: | |
end_offset = handle.tell() | |
if not line.startswith(query_mark) and query_mark in line: | |
regx =, line) | |
qresult_key = | |
start_offset = end_offset - len(line) | |
# yield whenever we encounter a new query or at the end of the file | |
if qresult_key is not None: | |
if not line: | |
yield qresult_key, start_offset, end_offset - start_offset | |
break | |
line = handle.readline() | |
if not line.startswith(query_mark) and query_mark in line: | |
yield qresult_key, start_offset, end_offset - start_offset | |
start_offset = end_offset | |
else: | |
line = handle.readline() | |
def get_raw(self, offset): | |
"""Return the raw record from the file as a bytes string.""" | |
handle = self._handle | |
qresult_raw = b"" | |
query_mark = b">>>" | |
# read header first | | | |
line = handle.readline() | |
while True: | |
qresult_raw += line | |
line = handle.readline() | |
if not line.startswith(query_mark) and query_mark in line: | |
break | |
# and read the qresult raw string | | | |
line = handle.readline() | |
while True: | |
# preserve whitespace, don't use read_forward | |
if not line: | |
break | |
qresult_raw += line | |
line = handle.readline() | |
# break when we've reached qresult end | |
if not line.startswith(query_mark) and query_mark in line: | |
break | |
# append mock end marker to qresult_raw, since it's not always present | |
return qresult_raw + b">>><<<\n" | |
# if not used as a module, run the doctest | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
from Bio._utils import run_doctest | |
run_doctest() | |