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# Copyright 2017-2019 Damien Goutte-Gattat. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by your
# choice of the "Biopython License Agreement" or the "BSD 3-Clause License".
# Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included as part of this
# package.
"""Bio.SeqIO support for the SnapGene file format.
The SnapGene binary format is the native format used by the SnapGene program
from GSL Biotech LLC.
from datetime import datetime
from re import sub
from struct import unpack
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.SeqFeature import SimpleLocation
from Bio.SeqFeature import SeqFeature
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from .Interfaces import SequenceIterator
def _iterate(handle):
"""Iterate over the packets of a SnapGene file.
A SnapGene file is made of packets, each packet being a TLV-like
structure comprising:
- 1 single byte indicating the packet's type;
- 1 big-endian long integer (4 bytes) indicating the length of the
packet's data;
- the actual data.
while True:
packet_type = handle.read(1)
if len(packet_type) < 1: # No more packet
packet_type = unpack(">B", packet_type)[0]
length = handle.read(4)
if len(length) < 4:
raise ValueError("Unexpected end of packet")
length = unpack(">I", length)[0]
data = handle.read(length)
if len(data) < length:
raise ValueError("Unexpected end of packet")
yield (packet_type, length, data)
def _parse_dna_packet(length, data, record):
"""Parse a DNA sequence packet.
A DNA sequence packet contains a single byte flag followed by the
sequence itself.
if record.seq:
raise ValueError("The file contains more than one DNA packet")
flags, sequence = unpack(">B%ds" % (length - 1), data)
record.seq = Seq(sequence.decode("ASCII"))
record.annotations["molecule_type"] = "DNA"
if flags & 0x01:
record.annotations["topology"] = "circular"
record.annotations["topology"] = "linear"
def _parse_notes_packet(length, data, record):
"""Parse a 'Notes' packet.
This type of packet contains some metadata about the sequence. They
are stored as a XML string with a 'Notes' root node.
xml = parseString(data.decode("UTF-8"))
type = _get_child_value(xml, "Type")
if type == "Synthetic":
record.annotations["data_file_division"] = "SYN"
record.annotations["data_file_division"] = "UNC"
date = _get_child_value(xml, "LastModified")
if date:
record.annotations["date"] = datetime.strptime(date, "%Y.%m.%d")
acc = _get_child_value(xml, "AccessionNumber")
if acc:
record.id = acc
comment = _get_child_value(xml, "Comments")
if comment:
record.name = comment.split(" ", 1)[0]
record.description = comment
if not acc:
record.id = record.name
def _parse_cookie_packet(length, data, record):
"""Parse a SnapGene cookie packet.
Every SnapGene file starts with a packet of this type. It acts as
a magic cookie identifying the file as a SnapGene file.
cookie, seq_type, exp_version, imp_version = unpack(">8sHHH", data)
if cookie.decode("ASCII") != "SnapGene":
raise ValueError("The file is not a valid SnapGene file")
def _parse_location(rangespec, strand, record, is_primer=False):
start, end = (int(x) for x in rangespec.split("-"))
# Account for SnapGene's 1-based coordinates
start = start - 1
if is_primer:
# Primers' coordinates in SnapGene files are shifted by -1
# for some reasons
start += 1
end += 1
if start > end:
# Range wrapping the end of the sequence
l1 = SimpleLocation(start, len(record), strand=strand)
l2 = SimpleLocation(0, end, strand=strand)
location = l1 + l2
location = SimpleLocation(start, end, strand=strand)
return location
def _parse_features_packet(length, data, record):
"""Parse a sequence features packet.
This packet stores sequence features (except primer binding sites,
which are in a dedicated Primers packet). The data is a XML string
starting with a 'Features' root node.
xml = parseString(data.decode("UTF-8"))
for feature in xml.getElementsByTagName("Feature"):
quals = {}
type = _get_attribute_value(feature, "type", default="misc_feature")
strand = +1
directionality = int(
_get_attribute_value(feature, "directionality", default="1")
if directionality == 2:
strand = -1
location = None
subparts = []
n_parts = 0
for segment in feature.getElementsByTagName("Segment"):
if _get_attribute_value(segment, "type", "standard") == "gap":
rng = _get_attribute_value(segment, "range")
n_parts += 1
next_location = _parse_location(rng, strand, record)
if not location:
location = next_location
elif strand == -1:
# Reverse segments order for reverse-strand features
location = next_location + location
location = location + next_location
name = _get_attribute_value(segment, "name")
if name:
subparts.append([n_parts, name])
if len(subparts) > 0:
# Add a "parts" qualifiers to represent "named subfeatures"
if strand == -1:
# Reverse segment indexes and order for reverse-strand features
subparts = reversed([[n_parts - i + 1, name] for i, name in subparts])
quals["parts"] = [";".join(f"{i}:{name}" for i, name in subparts)]
if not location:
raise ValueError("Missing feature location")
for qualifier in feature.getElementsByTagName("Q"):
qname = _get_attribute_value(
qualifier, "name", error="Missing qualifier name"
qvalues = []
for value in qualifier.getElementsByTagName("V"):
if value.hasAttribute("text"):
elif value.hasAttribute("predef"):
elif value.hasAttribute("int"):
quals[qname] = qvalues
name = _get_attribute_value(feature, "name")
if name:
if "label" not in quals:
# No explicit label attribute, use the SnapGene name
quals["label"] = [name]
elif name not in quals["label"]:
# The SnapGene name is different from the label,
# add a specific attribute to represent it
quals["name"] = [name]
feature = SeqFeature(location, type=type, qualifiers=quals)
def _parse_primers_packet(length, data, record):
"""Parse a Primers packet.
A Primers packet is similar to a Features packet but specifically
stores primer binding features. The data is a XML string starting
with a 'Primers' root node.
xml = parseString(data.decode("UTF-8"))
for primer in xml.getElementsByTagName("Primer"):
quals = {}
name = _get_attribute_value(primer, "name")
if name:
quals["label"] = [name]
locations = []
for site in primer.getElementsByTagName("BindingSite"):
rng = _get_attribute_value(
site, "location", error="Missing binding site location"
strand = int(_get_attribute_value(site, "boundStrand", default="0"))
if strand == 1:
strand = -1
strand = +1
location = _parse_location(rng, strand, record, is_primer=True)
simplified = int(_get_attribute_value(site, "simplified", default="0")) == 1
if simplified and location in locations:
# Duplicate "simplified" binding site, ignore
feature = SeqFeature(
_packet_handlers = {
0x00: _parse_dna_packet,
0x05: _parse_primers_packet,
0x06: _parse_notes_packet,
0x0A: _parse_features_packet,
# Helper functions to process the XML data in
# some of the segments
def _decode(text):
# Get rid of HTML tags in some values
return sub("<[^>]+>", "", text)
def _get_attribute_value(node, name, default=None, error=None):
if node.hasAttribute(name):
return _decode(node.attributes[name].value)
elif error:
raise ValueError(error)
return default
def _get_child_value(node, name, default=None, error=None):
children = node.getElementsByTagName(name)
if (
and children[0].childNodes
and children[0].firstChild.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE
return _decode(children[0].firstChild.data)
elif error:
raise ValueError(error)
return default
class SnapGeneIterator(SequenceIterator):
"""Parser for SnapGene files."""
def __init__(self, source):
"""Parse a SnapGene file and return a SeqRecord object.
Argument source is a file-like object or a path to a file.
Note that a SnapGene file can only contain one sequence, so this
iterator will always return a single record.
super().__init__(source, mode="b", fmt="SnapGene")
def parse(self, handle):
"""Start parsing the file, and return a SeqRecord generator."""
records = self.iterate(handle)
return records
def iterate(self, handle):
"""Iterate over the records in the SnapGene file."""
record = SeqRecord(None)
packets = _iterate(handle)
packet_type, length, data = next(packets)
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError("Empty file.") from None
if packet_type != 0x09:
raise ValueError("The file does not start with a SnapGene cookie packet")
_parse_cookie_packet(length, data, record)
for (packet_type, length, data) in packets:
handler = _packet_handlers.get(packet_type)
if handler is not None:
handler(length, data, record)
if not record.seq:
raise ValueError("No DNA packet in file")
yield record