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# Copyright 2003 Yair Benita. All rights reserved.
# This file is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by your
# choice of the "Biopython License Agreement" or the "BSD 3-Clause License".
# Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included as part of this
# package.
"""Codon adaption indexes, including Sharp and Li (1987) E. coli index.
Currently this module only defines a single codon adaption index from
Sharp & Li, Nucleic Acids Res. 1987.
import warnings
from Bio import BiopythonDeprecationWarning
"This module has been DEPRECATED. Please use the CodonAdaptationIndex "
"class in Bio.SeqUtils instead. Note that this class has been updated to "
"use modern Python, and may give slightly different results from the "
"CodonAdaptationIndex class in Bio.SeqUtils.CodonUsage, as the code was "
"changed to be consistent with the published paper by Sharp and Li. The "
"code in the old CodonAdaptationIndex class in Bio.SeqUtils.CodonUsage was "
"not changed.",
# Turn black code style off
# fmt: off
SharpEcoliIndex = {
"GCA": 0.586, "GCC": 0.122, "GCG": 0.424, "GCT": 1, "AGA": 0.004,
"AGG": 0.002, "CGA": 0.004, "CGC": 0.356, "CGG": 0.004, "CGT": 1, "AAC": 1,
"AAT": 0.051, "GAC": 1, "GAT": 0.434, "TGC": 1, "TGT": 0.5, "CAA": 0.124,
"CAG": 1, "GAA": 1, "GAG": 0.259, "GGA": 0.01, "GGC": 0.724, "GGG": 0.019,
"GGT": 1, "CAC": 1, "CAT": 0.291, "ATA": 0.003, "ATC": 1, "ATT": 0.185,
"CTA": 0.007, "CTC": 0.037, "CTG": 1, "CTT": 0.042, "TTA": 0.02,
"TTG": 0.02, "AAA": 1, "AAG": 0.253, "ATG": 1, "TTC": 1, "TTT": 0.296,
"CCA": 0.135, "CCC": 0.012, "CCG": 1, "CCT": 0.07, "AGC": 0.41,
"AGT": 0.085, "TCA": 0.077, "TCC": 0.744, "TCG": 0.017, "TCT": 1,
"ACA": 0.076, "ACC": 1, "ACG": 0.099, "ACT": 0.965, "TGG": 1, "TAC": 1,
"TAT": 0.239, "GTA": 0.495, "GTC": 0.066, "GTG": 0.221, "GTT": 1}
# Turn black code style on
# fmt: on