No application file
No application file
# ruff: noqa | |
__version__ = "5.1.2" | |
from typing import Any | |
# Necessary as mypy would see expr as the module alt.expr although due to how | |
# the imports are set up it is expr in the alt.expr module | |
expr: Any | |
# The content of __all__ is automatically written by | |
# tools/ Do not modify directly. | |
__all__ = [ | |
"Aggregate", | |
"AggregateOp", | |
"AggregateTransform", | |
"AggregatedFieldDef", | |
"Align", | |
"AllSortString", | |
"Angle", | |
"AngleDatum", | |
"AngleValue", | |
"AnyMark", | |
"AnyMarkConfig", | |
"AreaConfig", | |
"ArgmaxDef", | |
"ArgminDef", | |
"AutoSizeParams", | |
"AutosizeType", | |
"Axis", | |
"AxisConfig", | |
"AxisOrient", | |
"AxisResolveMap", | |
"BBox", | |
"BarConfig", | |
"BaseTitleNoValueRefs", | |
"Baseline", | |
"Bin", | |
"BinExtent", | |
"BinParams", | |
"BinTransform", | |
"BindCheckbox", | |
"BindDirect", | |
"BindInput", | |
"BindRadioSelect", | |
"BindRange", | |
"Binding", | |
"BinnedTimeUnit", | |
"Blend", | |
"BoxPlot", | |
"BoxPlotConfig", | |
"BoxPlotDef", | |
"BrushConfig", | |
"CalculateTransform", | |
"Categorical", | |
"Chart", | |
"Color", | |
"ColorDatum", | |
"ColorDef", | |
"ColorName", | |
"ColorScheme", | |
"ColorValue", | |
"Column", | |
"CompositeMark", | |
"CompositeMarkDef", | |
"CompositionConfig", | |
"ConcatChart", | |
"ConcatSpecGenericSpec", | |
"ConditionalAxisColor", | |
"ConditionalAxisLabelAlign", | |
"ConditionalAxisLabelBaseline", | |
"ConditionalAxisLabelFontStyle", | |
"ConditionalAxisLabelFontWeight", | |
"ConditionalAxisNumber", | |
"ConditionalAxisNumberArray", | |
"ConditionalAxisPropertyAlignnull", | |
"ConditionalAxisPropertyColornull", | |
"ConditionalAxisPropertyFontStylenull", | |
"ConditionalAxisPropertyFontWeightnull", | |
"ConditionalAxisPropertyTextBaselinenull", | |
"ConditionalAxisPropertynumberArraynull", | |
"ConditionalAxisPropertynumbernull", | |
"ConditionalAxisPropertystringnull", | |
"ConditionalAxisString", | |
"ConditionalMarkPropFieldOrDatumDef", | |
"ConditionalMarkPropFieldOrDatumDefTypeForShape", | |
"ConditionalParameterMarkPropFieldOrDatumDef", | |
"ConditionalParameterMarkPropFieldOrDatumDefTypeForShape", | |
"ConditionalParameterStringFieldDef", | |
"ConditionalParameterValueDefGradientstringnullExprRef", | |
"ConditionalParameterValueDefTextExprRef", | |
"ConditionalParameterValueDefnumber", | |
"ConditionalParameterValueDefnumberArrayExprRef", | |
"ConditionalParameterValueDefnumberExprRef", | |
"ConditionalParameterValueDefstringExprRef", | |
"ConditionalParameterValueDefstringnullExprRef", | |
"ConditionalPredicateMarkPropFieldOrDatumDef", | |
"ConditionalPredicateMarkPropFieldOrDatumDefTypeForShape", | |
"ConditionalPredicateStringFieldDef", | |
"ConditionalPredicateValueDefAlignnullExprRef", | |
"ConditionalPredicateValueDefColornullExprRef", | |
"ConditionalPredicateValueDefFontStylenullExprRef", | |
"ConditionalPredicateValueDefFontWeightnullExprRef", | |
"ConditionalPredicateValueDefGradientstringnullExprRef", | |
"ConditionalPredicateValueDefTextBaselinenullExprRef", | |
"ConditionalPredicateValueDefTextExprRef", | |
"ConditionalPredicateValueDefnumber", | |
"ConditionalPredicateValueDefnumberArrayExprRef", | |
"ConditionalPredicateValueDefnumberArraynullExprRef", | |
"ConditionalPredicateValueDefnumberExprRef", | |
"ConditionalPredicateValueDefnumbernullExprRef", | |
"ConditionalPredicateValueDefstringExprRef", | |
"ConditionalPredicateValueDefstringnullExprRef", | |
"ConditionalStringFieldDef", | |
"ConditionalValueDefGradientstringnullExprRef", | |
"ConditionalValueDefTextExprRef", | |
"ConditionalValueDefnumber", | |
"ConditionalValueDefnumberArrayExprRef", | |
"ConditionalValueDefnumberExprRef", | |
"ConditionalValueDefstringExprRef", | |
"ConditionalValueDefstringnullExprRef", | |
"Config", | |
"CsvDataFormat", | |
"Cursor", | |
"Cyclical", | |
"Data", | |
"DataFormat", | |
"DataSource", | |
"Datasets", | |
"DateTime", | |
"DatumChannelMixin", | |
"DatumDef", | |
"Day", | |
"DensityTransform", | |
"DerivedStream", | |
"Description", | |
"DescriptionValue", | |
"Detail", | |
"Dict", | |
"DictInlineDataset", | |
"DictSelectionInit", | |
"DictSelectionInitInterval", | |
"Diverging", | |
"DomainUnionWith", | |
"DsvDataFormat", | |
"Element", | |
"Encoding", | |
"EncodingSortField", | |
"ErrorBand", | |
"ErrorBandConfig", | |
"ErrorBandDef", | |
"ErrorBar", | |
"ErrorBarConfig", | |
"ErrorBarDef", | |
"ErrorBarExtent", | |
"EventStream", | |
"EventType", | |
"Expr", | |
"ExprRef", | |
"ExtentTransform", | |
"Facet", | |
"FacetChart", | |
"FacetEncodingFieldDef", | |
"FacetFieldDef", | |
"FacetMapping", | |
"FacetSpec", | |
"FacetedEncoding", | |
"FacetedUnitSpec", | |
"Feature", | |
"FeatureCollection", | |
"FeatureGeometryGeoJsonProperties", | |
"Field", | |
"FieldChannelMixin", | |
"FieldDefWithoutScale", | |
"FieldEqualPredicate", | |
"FieldGTEPredicate", | |
"FieldGTPredicate", | |
"FieldLTEPredicate", | |
"FieldLTPredicate", | |
"FieldName", | |
"FieldOneOfPredicate", | |
"FieldOrDatumDefWithConditionDatumDefGradientstringnull", | |
"FieldOrDatumDefWithConditionDatumDefnumber", | |
"FieldOrDatumDefWithConditionDatumDefnumberArray", | |
"FieldOrDatumDefWithConditionDatumDefstringnull", | |
"FieldOrDatumDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefGradientstringnull", | |
"FieldOrDatumDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShapestringnull", | |
"FieldOrDatumDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefnumber", | |
"FieldOrDatumDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefnumberArray", | |
"FieldOrDatumDefWithConditionStringDatumDefText", | |
"FieldOrDatumDefWithConditionStringFieldDefText", | |
"FieldOrDatumDefWithConditionStringFieldDefstring", | |
"FieldRange", | |
"FieldRangePredicate", | |
"FieldValidPredicate", | |
"Fill", | |
"FillDatum", | |
"FillOpacity", | |
"FillOpacityDatum", | |
"FillOpacityValue", | |
"FillValue", | |
"FilterTransform", | |
"Fit", | |
"FlattenTransform", | |
"FoldTransform", | |
"FontStyle", | |
"FontWeight", | |
"FormatConfig", | |
"Generator", | |
"GenericUnitSpecEncodingAnyMark", | |
"GeoJsonFeature", | |
"GeoJsonFeatureCollection", | |
"GeoJsonProperties", | |
"Geometry", | |
"GeometryCollection", | |
"Gradient", | |
"GradientStop", | |
"GraticuleGenerator", | |
"GraticuleParams", | |
"HConcatChart", | |
"HConcatSpecGenericSpec", | |
"Header", | |
"HeaderConfig", | |
"HexColor", | |
"Href", | |
"HrefValue", | |
"Impute", | |
"ImputeMethod", | |
"ImputeParams", | |
"ImputeSequence", | |
"ImputeTransform", | |
"InlineData", | |
"InlineDataset", | |
"Interpolate", | |
"IntervalSelectionConfig", | |
"IntervalSelectionConfigWithoutType", | |
"JoinAggregateFieldDef", | |
"JoinAggregateTransform", | |
"JsonDataFormat", | |
"JupyterChart", | |
"Key", | |
"LabelOverlap", | |
"LatLongDef", | |
"LatLongFieldDef", | |
"Latitude", | |
"Latitude2", | |
"Latitude2Datum", | |
"Latitude2Value", | |
"LatitudeDatum", | |
"LayerChart", | |
"LayerRepeatMapping", | |
"LayerRepeatSpec", | |
"LayerSpec", | |
"LayoutAlign", | |
"Legend", | |
"LegendBinding", | |
"LegendConfig", | |
"LegendOrient", | |
"LegendResolveMap", | |
"LegendStreamBinding", | |
"LineConfig", | |
"LineString", | |
"LinearGradient", | |
"LocalMultiTimeUnit", | |
"LocalSingleTimeUnit", | |
"Locale", | |
"LoessTransform", | |
"LogicalAndPredicate", | |
"LogicalNotPredicate", | |
"LogicalOrPredicate", | |
"Longitude", | |
"Longitude2", | |
"Longitude2Datum", | |
"Longitude2Value", | |
"LongitudeDatum", | |
"LookupData", | |
"LookupSelection", | |
"LookupTransform", | |
"Mark", | |
"MarkConfig", | |
"MarkDef", | |
"MarkPropDefGradientstringnull", | |
"MarkPropDefnumber", | |
"MarkPropDefnumberArray", | |
"MarkPropDefstringnullTypeForShape", | |
"MarkType", | |
"MaxRowsError", | |
"MergedStream", | |
"Month", | |
"MultiLineString", | |
"MultiPoint", | |
"MultiPolygon", | |
"MultiTimeUnit", | |
"NamedData", | |
"NonArgAggregateOp", | |
"NonLayerRepeatSpec", | |
"NonNormalizedSpec", | |
"NumberLocale", | |
"NumericArrayMarkPropDef", | |
"NumericMarkPropDef", | |
"OffsetDef", | |
"Opacity", | |
"OpacityDatum", | |
"OpacityValue", | |
"Order", | |
"OrderFieldDef", | |
"OrderOnlyDef", | |
"OrderValue", | |
"OrderValueDef", | |
"Orient", | |
"Orientation", | |
"OverlayMarkDef", | |
"Padding", | |
"Parameter", | |
"ParameterExpression", | |
"ParameterExtent", | |
"ParameterName", | |
"ParameterPredicate", | |
"Parse", | |
"ParseValue", | |
"PivotTransform", | |
"Point", | |
"PointSelectionConfig", | |
"PointSelectionConfigWithoutType", | |
"PolarDef", | |
"Polygon", | |
"Position", | |
"Position2Def", | |
"PositionDatumDef", | |
"PositionDatumDefBase", | |
"PositionDef", | |
"PositionFieldDef", | |
"PositionFieldDefBase", | |
"PositionValueDef", | |
"Predicate", | |
"PredicateComposition", | |
"PrimitiveValue", | |
"Projection", | |
"ProjectionConfig", | |
"ProjectionType", | |
"QuantileTransform", | |
"RadialGradient", | |
"Radius", | |
"Radius2", | |
"Radius2Datum", | |
"Radius2Value", | |
"RadiusDatum", | |
"RadiusValue", | |
"RangeConfig", | |
"RangeEnum", | |
"RangeRaw", | |
"RangeRawArray", | |
"RangeScheme", | |
"RectConfig", | |
"RegressionTransform", | |
"RelativeBandSize", | |
"RepeatChart", | |
"RepeatMapping", | |
"RepeatRef", | |
"RepeatSpec", | |
"Resolve", | |
"ResolveMode", | |
"Root", | |
"Row", | |
"RowColLayoutAlign", | |
"RowColboolean", | |
"RowColnumber", | |
"RowColumnEncodingFieldDef", | |
"SampleTransform", | |
"Scale", | |
"ScaleBinParams", | |
"ScaleBins", | |
"ScaleConfig", | |
"ScaleDatumDef", | |
"ScaleFieldDef", | |
"ScaleInterpolateEnum", | |
"ScaleInterpolateParams", | |
"ScaleResolveMap", | |
"ScaleType", | |
"SchemaBase", | |
"SchemeParams", | |
"SecondaryFieldDef", | |
"SelectionConfig", | |
"SelectionExpression", | |
"SelectionInit", | |
"SelectionInitInterval", | |
"SelectionInitIntervalMapping", | |
"SelectionInitMapping", | |
"SelectionParameter", | |
"SelectionPredicateComposition", | |
"SelectionResolution", | |
"SelectionType", | |
"SequenceGenerator", | |
"SequenceParams", | |
"SequentialMultiHue", | |
"SequentialSingleHue", | |
"Shape", | |
"ShapeDatum", | |
"ShapeDef", | |
"ShapeValue", | |
"SharedEncoding", | |
"SingleDefUnitChannel", | |
"SingleTimeUnit", | |
"Size", | |
"SizeDatum", | |
"SizeValue", | |
"Sort", | |
"SortArray", | |
"SortByChannel", | |
"SortByChannelDesc", | |
"SortByEncoding", | |
"SortField", | |
"SortOrder", | |
"Spec", | |
"SphereGenerator", | |
"StackOffset", | |
"StackTransform", | |
"StandardType", | |
"Step", | |
"StepFor", | |
"Stream", | |
"StringFieldDef", | |
"StringFieldDefWithCondition", | |
"StringValueDefWithCondition", | |
"Stroke", | |
"StrokeCap", | |
"StrokeDash", | |
"StrokeDashDatum", | |
"StrokeDashValue", | |
"StrokeDatum", | |
"StrokeJoin", | |
"StrokeOpacity", | |
"StrokeOpacityDatum", | |
"StrokeOpacityValue", | |
"StrokeValue", | |
"StrokeWidth", | |
"StrokeWidthDatum", | |
"StrokeWidthValue", | |
"StyleConfigIndex", | |
"SymbolShape", | |
"Text", | |
"TextBaseline", | |
"TextDatum", | |
"TextDef", | |
"TextDirection", | |
"TextValue", | |
"Theta", | |
"Theta2", | |
"Theta2Datum", | |
"Theta2Value", | |
"ThetaDatum", | |
"ThetaValue", | |
"TickConfig", | |
"TickCount", | |
"TimeInterval", | |
"TimeIntervalStep", | |
"TimeLocale", | |
"TimeUnit", | |
"TimeUnitParams", | |
"TimeUnitTransform", | |
"TimeUnitTransformParams", | |
"Title", | |
"TitleAnchor", | |
"TitleConfig", | |
"TitleFrame", | |
"TitleOrient", | |
"TitleParams", | |
"Tooltip", | |
"TooltipContent", | |
"TooltipValue", | |
"TopLevelConcatSpec", | |
"TopLevelFacetSpec", | |
"TopLevelHConcatSpec", | |
"TopLevelLayerSpec", | |
"TopLevelMixin", | |
"TopLevelParameter", | |
"TopLevelRepeatSpec", | |
"TopLevelSelectionParameter", | |
"TopLevelSpec", | |
"TopLevelUnitSpec", | |
"TopLevelVConcatSpec", | |
"TopoDataFormat", | |
"Transform", | |
"Type", | |
"TypeForShape", | |
"TypedFieldDef", | |
"URI", | |
"Undefined", | |
"UndefinedType", | |
"UnitSpec", | |
"UnitSpecWithFrame", | |
"Url", | |
"UrlData", | |
"UrlValue", | |
"UtcMultiTimeUnit", | |
"UtcSingleTimeUnit", | |
"VConcatChart", | |
"VConcatSpecGenericSpec", | |
"ValueChannelMixin", | |
"ValueDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldOrDatumDefGradientstringnull", | |
"ValueDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldOrDatumDefTypeForShapestringnull", | |
"ValueDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldOrDatumDefnumber", | |
"ValueDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldOrDatumDefnumberArray", | |
"ValueDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldOrDatumDefstringnull", | |
"ValueDefWithConditionStringFieldDefText", | |
"ValueDefnumber", | |
"ValueDefnumberwidthheightExprRef", | |
"VariableParameter", | |
"Vector10string", | |
"Vector12string", | |
"Vector2DateTime", | |
"Vector2Vector2number", | |
"Vector2boolean", | |
"Vector2number", | |
"Vector2string", | |
"Vector3number", | |
"Vector7string", | |
"VegaLite", | |
"VegaLiteSchema", | |
"ViewBackground", | |
"ViewConfig", | |
"WindowEventType", | |
"WindowFieldDef", | |
"WindowOnlyOp", | |
"WindowTransform", | |
"X", | |
"X2", | |
"X2Datum", | |
"X2Value", | |
"XDatum", | |
"XError", | |
"XError2", | |
"XError2Value", | |
"XErrorValue", | |
"XOffset", | |
"XOffsetDatum", | |
"XOffsetValue", | |
"XValue", | |
"Y", | |
"Y2", | |
"Y2Datum", | |
"Y2Value", | |
"YDatum", | |
"YError", | |
"YError2", | |
"YError2Value", | |
"YErrorValue", | |
"YOffset", | |
"YOffsetDatum", | |
"YOffsetValue", | |
"YValue", | |
"api", | |
"binding", | |
"binding_checkbox", | |
"binding_radio", | |
"binding_range", | |
"binding_select", | |
"channels", | |
"check_fields_and_encodings", | |
"compiler", | |
"concat", | |
"condition", | |
"core", | |
"curry", | |
"data", | |
"data_transformers", | |
"datum", | |
"default_data_transformer", | |
"display", | |
"expr", | |
"graticule", | |
"hconcat", | |
"jupyter", | |
"layer", | |
"limit_rows", | |
"load_ipython_extension", | |
"load_schema", | |
"mixins", | |
"overload", | |
"param", | |
"parse_shorthand", | |
"pipe", | |
"renderers", | |
"repeat", | |
"sample", | |
"schema", | |
"selection_interval", | |
"selection_point", | |
"sequence", | |
"sphere", | |
"theme", | |
"themes", | |
"to_csv", | |
"to_json", | |
"to_values", | |
"topo_feature", | |
"utils", | |
"v5", | |
"value", | |
"vconcat", | |
"vegalite", | |
"vegalite_compilers", | |
"with_property_setters", | |
] | |
def __dir__(): | |
return __all__ | |
from .vegalite import * | |
from .jupyter import JupyterChart | |
def load_ipython_extension(ipython): | |
from ._magics import vegalite | |
ipython.register_magic_function(vegalite, "cell") | |