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"""Tests to ensure that the lxml tree builder generates good trees."""
import pickle
import pytest
import re
import warnings
from bs4.builder import LXMLTreeBuilder, LXMLTreeBuilderForXML
from bs4 import (
from bs4.element import Comment, Doctype, SoupStrainer
from . import (
reason="lxml seems not to be present, not testing its tree builder."
class TestLXMLTreeBuilder(SoupTest, HTMLTreeBuilderSmokeTest):
"""See ``HTMLTreeBuilderSmokeTest``."""
def default_builder(self):
return LXMLTreeBuilder
def test_out_of_range_entity(self):
"<p>foo&#10000000000000;bar</p>", "<p>foobar</p>")
"<p>foo&#x10000000000000;bar</p>", "<p>foobar</p>")
"<p>foo&#1000000000;bar</p>", "<p>foobar</p>")
def test_entities_in_foreign_document_encoding(self):
# We can't implement this case correctly because by the time we
# hear about markup like "&#147;", it's been (incorrectly) converted into
# a string like u'\x93'
# In lxml < 2.3.5, an empty doctype causes a segfault. Skip this
# test if an old version of lxml is installed.
not LXML_PRESENT or LXML_VERSION < (2,3,5,0),
reason="Skipping doctype test for old version of lxml to avoid segfault."
def test_empty_doctype(self):
soup = self.soup("<!DOCTYPE>")
doctype = soup.contents[0]
assert "" == doctype.strip()
def test_beautifulstonesoup_is_xml_parser(self):
# Make sure that the deprecated BSS class uses an xml builder
# if one is installed.
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
soup = BeautifulStoneSoup("<b />")
assert "<b/>" == str(soup.b)
[warning] = w
assert warning.filename == __file__
assert "BeautifulStoneSoup class is deprecated" in str(warning.message)
def test_tracking_line_numbers(self):
# The lxml TreeBuilder cannot keep track of line numbers from
# the original markup. Even if you ask for line numbers, we
# don't have 'em.
# This means that if you have a tag like <sourceline> or
# <sourcepos>, attribute access will find it rather than
# giving you a numeric answer.
soup = self.soup(
"\n <p>\n\n<sourceline>\n<b>text</b></sourceline><sourcepos></p>",
assert "sourceline" == soup.p.sourceline.name
assert "sourcepos" == soup.p.sourcepos.name
reason="lxml seems not to be present, not testing its XML tree builder."
class TestLXMLXMLTreeBuilder(SoupTest, XMLTreeBuilderSmokeTest):
"""See ``HTMLTreeBuilderSmokeTest``."""
def default_builder(self):
return LXMLTreeBuilderForXML
def test_namespace_indexing(self):
soup = self.soup(
'<?xml version="1.1"?>\n'
'<tag xmlns="http://unprefixed-namespace.com">content</tag>'
'<prefix:tag2 xmlns:prefix="http://prefixed-namespace.com">content</prefix:tag2>'
'<prefix2:tag3 xmlns:prefix2="http://another-namespace.com">'
'<subtag xmlns="http://another-unprefixed-namespace.com">'
'<subsubtag xmlns="http://yet-another-unprefixed-namespace.com">'
# The BeautifulSoup object includes every namespace prefix
# defined in the entire document. This is the default set of
# namespaces used by soupsieve.
# Un-prefixed namespaces are not included, and if a given
# prefix is defined twice, only the first prefix encountered
# in the document shows up here.
assert soup._namespaces == {
'xml': 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace',
'prefix': 'http://prefixed-namespace.com',
'prefix2': 'http://another-namespace.com'
# A Tag object includes only the namespace prefixes
# that were in scope when it was parsed.
# We do not track un-prefixed namespaces as we can only hold
# one (the first one), and it will be recognized as the
# default namespace by soupsieve, even when operating from a
# tag with a different un-prefixed namespace.
assert soup.tag._namespaces == {
'xml': 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace',
assert soup.tag2._namespaces == {
'prefix': 'http://prefixed-namespace.com',
'xml': 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace',
assert soup.subtag._namespaces == {
'prefix2': 'http://another-namespace.com',
'xml': 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace',
assert soup.subsubtag._namespaces == {
'prefix2': 'http://another-namespace.com',
'xml': 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace',
not SOUP_SIEVE_PRESENT, reason="Soup Sieve not installed"
def test_namespace_interaction_with_select_and_find(self):
# Demonstrate how namespaces interact with select* and
# find* methods.
soup = self.soup(
'<?xml version="1.1"?>\n'
'<tag xmlns="http://unprefixed-namespace.com">content</tag>'
'<prefix:tag2 xmlns:prefix="http://prefixed-namespace.com">content</tag>'
'<subtag xmlns:prefix="http://another-namespace-same-prefix.com">'
# soupselect uses namespace URIs.
assert soup.select_one('tag').name == 'tag'
assert soup.select_one('prefix|tag2').name == 'tag2'
# If a prefix is declared more than once, only the first usage
# is registered with the BeautifulSoup object.
assert soup.select_one('prefix|tag3') is None
# But you can always explicitly specify a namespace dictionary.
assert soup.select_one(
'prefix|tag3', namespaces=soup.subtag._namespaces
).name == 'tag3'
# And a Tag (as opposed to the BeautifulSoup object) will
# have a set of default namespaces scoped to that Tag.
assert soup.subtag.select_one('prefix|tag3').name=='tag3'
# the find() methods aren't fully namespace-aware; they just
# look at prefixes.
assert soup.find('tag').name == 'tag'
assert soup.find('prefix:tag2').name == 'tag2'
assert soup.find('prefix:tag3').name == 'tag3'
assert soup.subtag.find('prefix:tag3').name == 'tag3'
def test_pickle_restores_builder(self):
# The lxml TreeBuilder is not picklable, so when unpickling
# a document created with it, a new TreeBuilder of the
# appropriate class is created.
soup = self.soup("<a>some markup</a>")
assert isinstance(soup.builder, self.default_builder)
pickled = pickle.dumps(soup)
unpickled = pickle.loads(pickled)
assert "some markup" == unpickled.a.string
assert unpickled.builder != soup.builder
assert isinstance(unpickled.builder, self.default_builder)