# Copyright 2005-2008 by Frank Kauff & Cymon J. Cox. All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by your # choice of the "Biopython License Agreement" or the "BSD 3-Clause License". # Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included as part of this # package. """Linked list functionality for use in Bio.Nexus. Provides functionality of a linked list. Each node has one (or none) predecessor, and an arbitrary number of successors. Nodes can store arbitrary data in a NodeData class. Subclassed by Nexus.Trees to store phylogenetic trees. Bug reports to Frank Kauff (fkauff@biologie.uni-kl.de) """ class ChainException(Exception): """Provision for the management of Chain exceptions.""" pass class NodeException(Exception): """Provision for the management of Node exceptions.""" pass class Chain: """Stores a list of nodes that are linked together.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize a node chain.""" self.chain = {} self.id = -1 def _get_id(self): """Get a new id for a node in the chain (PRIVATE).""" self.id += 1 return self.id def all_ids(self): """Return a list of all node ids.""" return list(self.chain.keys()) def add(self, node, prev=None): """Attach node to another.""" if prev is not None and prev not in self.chain: raise ChainException("Unknown predecessor: " + str(prev)) else: id = self._get_id() node.set_id(id) node.set_prev(prev) if prev is not None: self.chain[prev].add_succ(id) self.chain[id] = node return id def collapse(self, id): """Delete node from chain and relinks successors to predecessor.""" if id not in self.chain: raise ChainException("Unknown ID: " + str(id)) prev_id = self.chain[id].get_prev() self.chain[prev_id].remove_succ(id) succ_ids = self.chain[id].get_succ() for i in succ_ids: self.chain[i].set_prev(prev_id) self.chain[prev_id].add_succ(succ_ids) node = self.chain[id] self.kill(id) return node def kill(self, id): """Kill a node from chain without caring to what it is connected.""" if id not in self.chain: raise ChainException("Unknown ID: " + str(id)) else: del self.chain[id] def unlink(self, id): """Disconnect node from his predecessor.""" if id not in self.chain: raise ChainException("Unknown ID: " + str(id)) else: prev_id = self.chain[id].prev if prev_id is not None: self.chain[prev_id].succ.pop(self.chain[prev_id].succ.index(id)) self.chain[id].prev = None return prev_id def link(self, parent, child): """Connect son to parent.""" if child not in self.chain: raise ChainException("Unknown ID: " + str(child)) elif parent not in self.chain: raise ChainException("Unknown ID: " + str(parent)) else: self.unlink(child) self.chain[parent].succ.append(child) self.chain[child].set_prev(parent) def is_parent_of(self, parent, grandchild): """Check if grandchild is a subnode of parent.""" if grandchild == parent or grandchild in self.chain[parent].get_succ(): return True else: for sn in self.chain[parent].get_succ(): if self.is_parent_of(sn, grandchild): return True else: return False def trace(self, start, finish): """Return a list of all node_ids between two nodes (excluding start, including end).""" if start not in self.chain or finish not in self.chain: raise NodeException("Unknown node.") if not self.is_parent_of(start, finish) or start == finish: return [] for sn in self.chain[start].get_succ(): if self.is_parent_of(sn, finish): return [sn] + self.trace(sn, finish) class Node: """A single node.""" def __init__(self, data=None): """Represent a node with one predecessor and multiple successors.""" self.id = None self.data = data self.prev = None self.succ = [] def set_id(self, id): """Set the id of a node, if not set yet.""" if self.id is not None: raise NodeException("Node id cannot be changed.") self.id = id def get_id(self): """Return the node's id.""" return self.id def get_succ(self): """Return a list of the node's successors.""" return self.succ def get_prev(self): """Return the id of the node's predecessor.""" return self.prev def add_succ(self, id): """Add a node id to the node's successors.""" if isinstance(id, type([])): self.succ.extend(id) else: self.succ.append(id) def remove_succ(self, id): """Remove a node id from the node's successors.""" self.succ.remove(id) def set_succ(self, new_succ): """Set the node's successors.""" if not isinstance(new_succ, type([])): raise NodeException("Node successor must be of list type.") self.succ = new_succ def set_prev(self, id): """Set the node's predecessor.""" self.prev = id def get_data(self): """Return a node's data.""" return self.data def set_data(self, data): """Set a node's data.""" self.data = data