# Copyright (C) 2013 by Ben Morris (ben@bendmorris.com) # Based on Bio.Nexus, copyright 2005-2008 by Frank Kauff & Cymon J. Cox # and Bio.Phylo.Newick, copyright 2009 by Eric Talevich. # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by your # choice of the "Biopython License Agreement" or the "BSD 3-Clause License". # Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included as part of this # package. """I/O function wrappers for the RDF/CDAO file format. This is an RDF format that conforms to the Comparative Data Analysis Ontology (CDAO). See: http://evolutionaryontology.org/cdao This module requires the librdf Python bindings (http://www.librdf.org) The CDAOIO.Parser, in addition to parsing text files, can also parse directly from a triple store that implements the Redland storage interface; similarly, the CDAOIO.Writer can store triples in a triple store instead of serializing them to a file. """ import os from io import StringIO from Bio import MissingPythonDependencyError from Bio.Phylo import CDAO from ._cdao_owl import cdao_namespaces, resolve_uri # import of cdao_elements from ._cdao_owl removed in Biopython 1.74 try: import rdflib rdfver = rdflib.__version__ if rdfver[0] in ["1", "2"] or (rdfver in ["3.0.0", "3.1.0", "3.2.0"]): raise MissingPythonDependencyError( "Support for CDAO tree format requires RDFlib v3.2.1 or later." ) except ImportError: raise MissingPythonDependencyError( "Support for CDAO tree format requires RDFlib." ) from None RDF_NAMESPACES = { "owl": "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#", "rdf": "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#", "rdfs": "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#", } RDF_NAMESPACES.update(cdao_namespaces) # pad node ids with zeroes until they're at least this length ZEROES = 8 def qUri(x): """Resolve URI for librdf.""" return resolve_uri(x, namespaces=RDF_NAMESPACES) def format_label(x): """Format label for librdf.""" return x.replace("_", " ") # --------------------------------------------------------- # Public API def parse(handle, **kwargs): """Iterate over the trees in a CDAO file handle. :returns: generator of Bio.Phylo.CDAO.Tree objects. """ return Parser(handle).parse(**kwargs) def write(trees, handle, plain=False, **kwargs): """Write a trees in CDAO format to the given file handle. :returns: number of trees written. """ return Writer(trees).write(handle, plain=plain, **kwargs) # --------------------------------------------------------- # Input class Parser: """Parse a CDAO tree given a file handle.""" def __init__(self, handle=None): """Initialize CDAO tree parser.""" self.handle = handle self.graph = None self.node_info = None self.children = {} self.rooted = False @classmethod def from_string(cls, treetext): """Instantiate the class from the given string.""" handle = StringIO(treetext) return cls(handle) def parse(self, **kwargs): """Parse the text stream this object was initialized with.""" self.parse_handle_to_graph(**kwargs) return self.parse_graph() def parse_handle_to_graph( self, rooted=False, parse_format="turtle", context=None, **kwargs ): """Parse self.handle into RDF model self.model.""" if self.graph is None: self.graph = rdflib.Graph() graph = self.graph for k, v in RDF_NAMESPACES.items(): graph.bind(k, v) self.rooted = rooted if "base_uri" in kwargs: base_uri = kwargs["base_uri"] else: # Windows style slashes cannot be used in an RDF URI base_uri = "file://" + os.path.abspath(self.handle.name).replace("\\", "/") graph.parse(file=self.handle, publicID=base_uri, format=parse_format) return self.parse_graph(graph, context=context) def parse_graph(self, graph=None, context=None): """Iterate over RDF model yielding CDAO.Tree instances.""" if graph is None: graph = self.graph # look up branch lengths/TUs for all nodes self.get_node_info(graph, context=context) for root_node in self.tree_roots: clade = self.parse_children(root_node) yield CDAO.Tree(root=clade, rooted=self.rooted) def new_clade(self, node): """Return a CDAO.Clade object for a given named node.""" result = self.node_info[node] kwargs = {} if "branch_length" in result: kwargs["branch_length"] = result["branch_length"] if "label" in result: kwargs["name"] = result["label"].replace("_", " ") if "confidence" in result: kwargs["confidence"] = result["confidence"] clade = CDAO.Clade(**kwargs) return clade def get_node_info(self, graph, context=None): """Create a dictionary containing information about all nodes in the tree.""" self.node_info = {} self.obj_info = {} self.children = {} self.nodes = set() self.tree_roots = set() assignments = { qUri("cdao:has_Parent"): "parent", qUri("cdao:belongs_to_Edge_as_Child"): "edge", qUri("cdao:has_Annotation"): "annotation", qUri("cdao:has_Value"): "value", qUri("cdao:represents_TU"): "tu", qUri("rdfs:label"): "label", qUri("cdao:has_Support_Value"): "confidence", } for s, v, o in graph: # process each RDF triple in the graph sequentially s, v, o = str(s), str(v), str(o) if s not in self.obj_info: self.obj_info[s] = {} this = self.obj_info[s] try: # if the predicate is one we care about, store information for # later this[assignments[v]] = o except KeyError: pass if v == qUri("rdf:type"): if o in (qUri("cdao:AncestralNode"), qUri("cdao:TerminalNode")): # this is a tree node; store it in set of all nodes self.nodes.add(s) if v == qUri("cdao:has_Root"): # this is a tree; store its root in set of all tree roots self.tree_roots.add(o) for node in self.nodes: # for each node, look up all information needed to create a # CDAO.Clade self.node_info[node] = {} node_info = self.node_info[node] obj = self.obj_info[node] if "edge" in obj: # if this object points to an edge, we need a branch length from # the annotation on that edge edge = self.obj_info[obj["edge"]] if "annotation" in edge: annotation = self.obj_info[edge["annotation"]] if "value" in annotation: node_info["branch_length"] = float(annotation["value"]) if "tu" in obj: # if this object points to a TU, we need the label of that TU tu = self.obj_info[obj["tu"]] if "label" in tu: node_info["label"] = tu["label"] if "parent" in obj: # store this node as a child of its parent, if it has one, # so that the tree can be traversed from parent to children parent = obj["parent"] if parent not in self.children: self.children[parent] = [] self.children[parent].append(node) def parse_children(self, node): """Traverse the tree to create a nested clade structure. Return a CDAO.Clade, and calls itself recursively for each child, traversing the entire tree and creating a nested structure of CDAO.Clade objects. """ clade = self.new_clade(node) children = self.children[node] if node in self.children else [] clade.clades = [self.parse_children(child_node) for child_node in children] return clade # --------------------------------------------------------- # Output class Writer: """Based on the writer in Bio.Nexus.Trees (str, to_string).""" prefixes = RDF_NAMESPACES def __init__(self, trees): """Initialize parameters for writing a CDAO tree.""" self.trees = trees self.node_counter = 0 self.edge_counter = 0 self.tu_counter = 0 self.tree_counter = 0 def write( self, handle, tree_uri="", record_complete_ancestry=False, rooted=False, **kwargs, ): """Write this instance's trees to a file handle.""" self.rooted = rooted self.record_complete_ancestry = record_complete_ancestry if tree_uri and not tree_uri.endswith("/"): tree_uri += "/" trees = self.trees if tree_uri: handle.write(f"@base <{tree_uri}>\n") for k, v in self.prefixes.items(): handle.write(f"@prefix {k}: <{v}> .\n") handle.write(f"<{self.prefixes['cdao']}> a owl:Ontology .\n") for tree in trees: self.tree_counter += 1 self.tree_uri = "tree%s" first_clade = tree.clade statements = self.process_clade(first_clade, root=tree) for stmt in statements: self.add_stmt_to_handle(handle, stmt) def add_stmt_to_handle(self, handle, stmt): """Add URI prefix to handle.""" # apply URI prefixes stmt_strings = [] for n, part in enumerate(stmt): if isinstance(part, rdflib.URIRef): node_uri = str(part) changed = False for prefix, uri in self.prefixes.items(): if node_uri.startswith(uri): node_uri = node_uri.replace(uri, f"{prefix}:", 1) if node_uri == "rdf:type": node_uri = "a" changed = True if changed or ":" in node_uri: stmt_strings.append(node_uri) else: stmt_strings.append(f"<{node_uri}>") elif isinstance(part, rdflib.Literal): stmt_strings.append(part.n3()) else: stmt_strings.append(str(part)) handle.write(f"{' '.join(stmt_strings)} .\n") def process_clade(self, clade, parent=None, root=False): """Recursively generate triples describing a tree of clades.""" self.node_counter += 1 clade.uri = f"node{str(self.node_counter).zfill(ZEROES)}" if parent: clade.ancestors = parent.ancestors + [parent.uri] else: clade.ancestors = [] def nUri(s): # nUri = lambda s: rdflib.URIRef(s) return rdflib.URIRef(s) def pUri(s): # pUri = lambda s: rdflib.URIRef(qUri(s)) return rdflib.URIRef(qUri(s)) tree_id = nUri("") statements = [] if root is not False: # create a cdao:RootedTree with reference to the tree root tree_type = ( pUri("cdao:RootedTree") if self.rooted else pUri("cdao:UnrootedTree") ) statements += [ (tree_id, pUri("rdf:type"), tree_type), (tree_id, pUri("cdao:has_Root"), nUri(clade.uri)), ] try: tree_attributes = root.attributes except AttributeError: tree_attributes = [] for predicate, obj in tree_attributes: statements.append((tree_id, predicate, obj)) if clade.name: # create TU self.tu_counter += 1 tu_uri = f"tu{str(self.tu_counter).zfill(ZEROES)}" statements += [ (nUri(tu_uri), pUri("rdf:type"), pUri("cdao:TU")), (nUri(clade.uri), pUri("cdao:represents_TU"), nUri(tu_uri)), ( nUri(tu_uri), pUri("rdfs:label"), rdflib.Literal(format_label(clade.name)), ), ] try: tu_attributes = clade.tu_attributes except AttributeError: tu_attributes = [] for predicate, obj in tu_attributes: yield (nUri(tu_uri), predicate, obj) # create this node node_type = "cdao:TerminalNode" if clade.is_terminal() else "cdao:AncestralNode" statements += [ (nUri(clade.uri), pUri("rdf:type"), pUri(node_type)), (nUri(clade.uri), pUri("cdao:belongs_to_Tree"), tree_id), ] if parent is not None: # create edge from the parent node to this node self.edge_counter += 1 edge_uri = f"edge{str(self.edge_counter).zfill(ZEROES)}" statements += [ (nUri(edge_uri), pUri("rdf:type"), pUri("cdao:DirectedEdge")), (nUri(edge_uri), pUri("cdao:belongs_to_Tree"), tree_id), (nUri(edge_uri), pUri("cdao:has_Parent_Node"), nUri(parent.uri)), (nUri(edge_uri), pUri("cdao:has_Child_Node"), nUri(clade.uri)), ( nUri(clade.uri), pUri("cdao:belongs_to_Edge_as_Child"), nUri(edge_uri), ), (nUri(clade.uri), pUri("cdao:has_Parent"), nUri(parent.uri)), ( nUri(parent.uri), pUri("cdao:belongs_to_Edge_as_Parent"), nUri(edge_uri), ), ] try: confidence = clade.confidence except AttributeError: pass else: if confidence is not None: confidence = rdflib.Literal( confidence, datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal" ) statements += [ (nUri(clade.uri), pUri("cdao:has_Support_Value"), confidence) ] if self.record_complete_ancestry and len(clade.ancestors) > 0: statements += [ (nUri(clade.uri), pUri("cdao:has_Ancestor"), nUri(ancestor)) for ancestor in clade.ancestors ] if clade.branch_length is not None: # add branch length edge_ann_uri = f"edge_annotation{str(self.edge_counter).zfill(ZEROES)}" branch_length = rdflib.Literal( clade.branch_length, datatype=rdflib.URIRef("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal"), ) statements += [ (nUri(edge_ann_uri), pUri("rdf:type"), pUri("cdao:EdgeLength")), (nUri(edge_uri), pUri("cdao:has_Annotation"), nUri(edge_ann_uri)), (nUri(edge_ann_uri), pUri("cdao:has_Value"), branch_length), ] try: edge_attributes = clade.edge_attributes except AttributeError: edge_attributes = [] for predicate, obj in edge_attributes: yield (nUri(edge_uri), predicate, obj) yield from statements try: clade_attributes = clade.attributes except AttributeError: clade_attributes = [] for predicate, obj in clade_attributes: yield (nUri(clade.uri), predicate, obj) if not clade.is_terminal(): for new_clade in clade.clades: yield from self.process_clade(new_clade, parent=clade, root=False)