# Copyright (C) 2013 by Ben Morris (ben@bendmorris.com) # Based on Bio.Nexus, copyright 2005-2008 by Frank Kauff & Cymon J. Cox # and Bio.Phylo.Newick, copyright 2009 by Eric Talevich. # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by your # choice of the "Biopython License Agreement" or the "BSD 3-Clause License". # Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included as part of this # package. """I/O function wrappers for the NeXML file format. See: http://www.nexml.org """ from io import StringIO from xml.dom import minidom from xml.etree import ElementTree from Bio.Phylo import NeXML from ._cdao_owl import cdao_elements, cdao_namespaces, resolve_uri NAMESPACES = { "xsi": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", "xml": "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", "nex": "http://www.nexml.org/2009", "xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#", } NAMESPACES.update(cdao_namespaces) DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = NAMESPACES["nex"] VERSION = "0.9" SCHEMA = "http://www.nexml.org/2009/nexml/xsd/nexml.xsd" try: register_namespace = ElementTree.register_namespace except AttributeError: if not hasattr(ElementTree, "_namespace_map"): # cElementTree needs the pure-Python xml.etree.ElementTree from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET_py ElementTree._namespace_map = ET_py._namespace_map def register_namespace(prefix, uri): """Set NameSpace map.""" ElementTree._namespace_map[uri] = prefix for prefix, uri in NAMESPACES.items(): register_namespace(prefix, uri) def qUri(s): """Given a prefixed URI, return the full URI.""" return resolve_uri(s, namespaces=NAMESPACES, xml_style=True) def cdao_to_obo(s): """Optionally converts a CDAO-prefixed URI into an OBO-prefixed URI.""" return f"obo:{cdao_elements[s[len('cdao:'):]]}" def matches(s): """Check for matches in both CDAO and OBO namespaces.""" if s.startswith("cdao:"): return (s, cdao_to_obo(s)) else: return (s,) class NeXMLError(Exception): """Exception raised when NeXML object construction cannot continue.""" pass # --------------------------------------------------------- # Public API def parse(handle, **kwargs): """Iterate over the trees in a NeXML file handle. :returns: generator of Bio.Phylo.NeXML.Tree objects. """ return Parser(handle).parse(**kwargs) def write(trees, handle, plain=False, **kwargs): """Write a trees in NeXML format to the given file handle. :returns: number of trees written. """ return Writer(trees).write(handle, plain=plain, **kwargs) # --------------------------------------------------------- # Input class Parser: """Parse a NeXML tree given a file handle. Based on the parser in ``Bio.Nexus.Trees``. """ def __init__(self, handle): """Initialize parameters for NeXML file parser.""" self.handle = handle @classmethod def from_string(cls, treetext): """Convert file handle to StringIO object.""" handle = StringIO(treetext) return cls(handle) def add_annotation(self, node_dict, meta_node): """Add annotations for the NeXML parser.""" if "property" in meta_node.attrib: prop = meta_node.attrib["property"] else: prop = "meta" if prop in matches("cdao:has_Support_Value"): node_dict["confidence"] = float(meta_node.text) else: node_dict[prop] = meta_node.text def parse(self, values_are_confidence=False, rooted=False): """Parse the text stream this object was initialized with.""" nexml_doc = ElementTree.iterparse(self.handle, events=("end",)) for event, node in nexml_doc: if node.tag == qUri("nex:tree"): node_dict = {} node_children = {} root = None nodes = [] edges = [] for child in node: if child.tag == qUri("nex:node"): nodes.append(child) if child.tag == qUri("nex:edge"): edges.append(child) for node in nodes: node_id = node.attrib["id"] this_node = node_dict[node_id] = {} if "otu" in node.attrib and node.attrib["otu"]: this_node["name"] = node.attrib["otu"] if "root" in node.attrib and node.attrib["root"] == "true": root = node_id for child in node: if child.tag == qUri("nex:meta"): self.add_annotation(node_dict[node_id], child) srcs = set() tars = set() for edge in edges: src, tar = edge.attrib["source"], edge.attrib["target"] srcs.add(src) tars.add(tar) if src not in node_children: node_children[src] = set() node_children[src].add(tar) if "length" in edge.attrib: node_dict[tar]["branch_length"] = float(edge.attrib["length"]) if "property" in edge.attrib and edge.attrib["property"] in matches( "cdao:has_Support_Value" ): node_dict[tar]["confidence"] = float(edge.attrib["content"]) for child in edge: if child.tag == qUri("nex:meta"): self.add_annotation(node_dict[tar], child) if root is None: # if no root specified, start the recursive tree creation function # with the first node that's not a child of any other nodes rooted = False possible_roots = ( node.attrib["id"] for node in nodes if node.attrib["id"] in srcs and node.attrib["id"] not in tars ) root = next(possible_roots) else: rooted = True yield NeXML.Tree( root=self._make_tree(root, node_dict, node_children), rooted=rooted ) @classmethod def _make_tree(cls, node, node_dict, children): """Traverse the tree creating a nested clade structure (PRIVATE). Return a NeXML.Clade, and calls itself recursively for each child, traversing the entire tree and creating a nested structure of NeXML.Clade objects. """ this_node = node_dict[node] clade = NeXML.Clade(**this_node) if node in children: clade.clades = [ cls._make_tree(child, node_dict, children) for child in children[node] ] return clade # --------------------------------------------------------- # Output class Writer: """Based on the writer in Bio.Nexus.Trees (str, to_string).""" def __init__(self, trees): """Initialize parameters for NeXML writer.""" self.trees = trees self.node_counter = 0 self.edge_counter = 0 self.tree_counter = 0 def new_label(self, obj_type): """Create new labels for the NeXML writer.""" counter = f"{obj_type}_counter" setattr(self, counter, getattr(self, counter) + 1) return f"{obj_type}{getattr(self, counter)}" def write(self, handle, cdao_to_obo=True, **kwargs): """Write this instance's trees to a file handle.""" self.cdao_to_obo = cdao_to_obo # set XML namespaces root_node = ElementTree.Element("nex:nexml") root_node.set("version", VERSION) root_node.set("xmlns", DEFAULT_NAMESPACE) root_node.set("xsi:schemaLocation", SCHEMA) for prefix, uri in NAMESPACES.items(): root_node.set(f"xmlns:{prefix}", uri) otus = ElementTree.SubElement( root_node, "otus", **{"id": "tax", "label": "RootTaxaBlock"} ) # create trees trees = ElementTree.SubElement( root_node, "trees", **{"id": "Trees", "label": "TreesBlockFromXML", "otus": "tax"}, ) count = 0 tus = set() for tree in self.trees: this_tree = ElementTree.SubElement( trees, "tree", **{"id": self.new_label("tree")} ) first_clade = tree.clade tus.update(self._write_tree(first_clade, this_tree, rooted=tree.rooted)) count += 1 # create OTUs for tu in tus: otu = ElementTree.SubElement(otus, "otu", **{"id": tu}) # write XML document to file handle # xml_doc = ElementTree.ElementTree(root_node) # xml_doc.write(handle, # xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8', # method='xml') # use xml.dom.minodom for pretty printing rough_string = ElementTree.tostring(root_node, "utf-8") reparsed = minidom.parseString(rough_string) try: # XML handles ought to be in binary mode handle.write(reparsed.toprettyxml(indent=" ").encode("utf8")) except TypeError: # Fall back for text mode handle.write(reparsed.toprettyxml(indent=" ")) return count def _write_tree(self, clade, tree, parent=None, rooted=False): """Recursively process tree, adding nodes and edges to Tree object (PRIVATE). Returns a set of all OTUs encountered. """ tus = set() convert_uri = cdao_to_obo if self.cdao_to_obo else (lambda s: s) node_id = self.new_label("node") clade.node_id = node_id attrib = {"id": node_id, "label": node_id} root = rooted and parent is None if root: attrib["root"] = "true" if clade.name: tus.add(clade.name) attrib["otu"] = clade.name node = ElementTree.SubElement(tree, "node", **attrib) if parent is not None: edge_id = self.new_label("edge") attrib = { "id": edge_id, "source": parent.node_id, "target": node_id, "length": str(clade.branch_length), "typeof": convert_uri("cdao:Edge"), } try: confidence = clade.confidence except AttributeError: pass else: if confidence is not None: attrib.update( { "property": convert_uri("cdao:has_Support_Value"), "datatype": "xsd:float", "content": f"{confidence:1.2f}", } ) node = ElementTree.SubElement(tree, "edge", **attrib) if not clade.is_terminal(): for new_clade in clade.clades: tus.update(self._write_tree(new_clade, tree, parent=clade)) del clade.node_id return tus