# Copyright (C) 2009 by Eric Talevich (eric.talevich@gmail.com) # # This file is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by your # choice of the "Biopython License Agreement" or the "BSD 3-Clause License". # Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included as part of this # package. """PhyloXML reader/parser, writer, and associated functions. Instantiates tree elements from a parsed PhyloXML file, and constructs an XML file from a ``Bio.Phylo.PhyloXML`` object. About capitalization: - phyloXML means the file format specification - PhyloXML means the Biopython module ``Bio.Phylo.PhyloXML`` and its classes - Phyloxml means the top-level class used by ``PhyloXMLIO.read`` (but not ``Bio.Phylo.read``!), containing a list of Phylogenies (objects derived from ``BaseTree.Tree``) """ from xml.etree import ElementTree from Bio.Phylo import PhyloXML as PX # Recognize the phyloXML namespace when parsing # See http://effbot.org/zone/element-namespaces.htm NAMESPACES = {"phy": "http://www.phyloxml.org"} try: register_namespace = ElementTree.register_namespace except AttributeError: if not hasattr(ElementTree, "_namespace_map"): # cElementTree needs the pure-Python xml.etree.ElementTree from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET_py ElementTree._namespace_map = ET_py._namespace_map def register_namespace(prefix, uri): """Set the namespace for ElementTree.""" ElementTree._namespace_map[uri] = prefix for prefix, uri in NAMESPACES.items(): register_namespace(prefix, uri) # Tell ElementTree how to write to text handles DEFAULT_ENCODING = "unicode" class PhyloXMLError(Exception): """Exception raised when PhyloXML object construction cannot continue. XML syntax errors will be found and raised by the underlying ElementTree module; this exception is for valid XML that breaks the phyloXML specification. """ pass # --------------------------------------------------------- # Public API def read(file): """Parse a phyloXML file or stream and build a tree of Biopython objects. The children of the root node are phylogenies and possibly other arbitrary (non-phyloXML) objects. :returns: a single ``Bio.Phylo.PhyloXML.Phyloxml`` object. """ return Parser(file).read() def parse(file): """Iterate over the phylogenetic trees in a phyloXML file. This ignores any additional data stored at the top level, but may be more memory-efficient than the ``read`` function. :returns: a generator of ``Bio.Phylo.PhyloXML.Phylogeny`` objects. """ return Parser(file).parse() def write(obj, file, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING, indent=True): """Write a phyloXML file. :Parameters: obj an instance of ``Phyloxml``, ``Phylogeny`` or ``BaseTree.Tree``, or an iterable of either of the latter two. The object will be converted to a Phyloxml object before serialization. file either an open handle or a file name. """ def fix_single(tree): if isinstance(tree, PX.Phylogeny): return tree if isinstance(tree, PX.Clade): return tree.to_phylogeny() if isinstance(tree, PX.BaseTree.Tree): return PX.Phylogeny.from_tree(tree) if isinstance(tree, PX.BaseTree.Clade): return PX.Phylogeny.from_tree(PX.BaseTree.Tree(root=tree)) else: raise ValueError("iterable must contain Tree or Clade types") if isinstance(obj, PX.Phyloxml): pass elif isinstance(obj, (PX.BaseTree.Tree, PX.BaseTree.Clade)): obj = fix_single(obj).to_phyloxml() elif hasattr(obj, "__iter__"): obj = PX.Phyloxml({}, phylogenies=(fix_single(t) for t in obj)) else: raise ValueError( "First argument must be a Phyloxml, Phylogeny, " "Tree, or iterable of Trees or Phylogenies." ) return Writer(obj).write(file, encoding=encoding, indent=indent) # --------------------------------------------------------- # Functions I wish ElementTree had def _local(tag): """Extract the local tag from a namespaced tag name (PRIVATE).""" if tag[0] == "{": return tag[tag.index("}") + 1 :] return tag def _split_namespace(tag): """Split a tag into namespace and local tag strings (PRIVATE).""" try: return tag[1:].split("}", 1) except ValueError: return ("", tag) def _ns(tag, namespace=NAMESPACES["phy"]): """Format an XML tag with the given namespace (PRIVATE).""" return f"{{{namespace}}}{tag}" def _get_child_as(parent, tag, construct): """Find a child node by tag, and pass it through a constructor (PRIVATE). Returns None if no matching child is found. """ child = parent.find(_ns(tag)) if child is not None: return construct(child) def _get_child_text(parent, tag, construct=str): """Find a child node by tag; pass its text through a constructor (PRIVATE). Returns None if no matching child is found. """ child = parent.find(_ns(tag)) if child is not None and child.text: return construct(child.text) def _get_children_as(parent, tag, construct): """Find child nodes by tag; pass each through a constructor (PRIVATE). Returns an empty list if no matching child is found. """ return [construct(child) for child in parent.findall(_ns(tag))] def _get_children_text(parent, tag, construct=str): """Find child nodes by tag; pass each node's text through a constructor (PRIVATE). Returns an empty list if no matching child is found. """ return [construct(child.text) for child in parent.findall(_ns(tag)) if child.text] def _indent(elem, level=0): """Add line breaks and indentation to ElementTree in-place (PRIVATE). Sources: - http://effbot.org/zone/element-lib.htm#prettyprint - http://infix.se/2007/02/06/gentlemen-indent-your-xml """ i = "\n" + level * " " if len(elem): if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip(): elem.text = i + " " for e in elem: _indent(e, level + 1) if not e.tail or not e.tail.strip(): e.tail = i + " " if not e.tail or not e.tail.strip(): e.tail = i else: if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()): elem.tail = i # --------------------------------------------------------- # INPUT # --------------------------------------------------------- def _str2bool(text): """Convert string to boolean (PRIVATE).""" if text == "true" or text == "1": return True if text == "false" or text == "0": return False raise ValueError("String could not be converted to boolean: " + text) def _dict_str2bool(dct, keys): """Return a new dictionary where string values are replaced with booleans (PRIVATE).""" out = dct.copy() for key in keys: if key in out: out[key] = _str2bool(out[key]) return out def _int(text): """Return text as an integer (PRIVATE).""" if text is not None: try: return int(text) except Exception: return None def _float(text): """Return text as a float (PRIVATE).""" if text is not None: try: return float(text) except Exception: return None def _collapse_wspace(text): """Replace all spans of whitespace with a single space character (PRIVATE). Also remove leading and trailing whitespace. See "Collapse Whitespace Policy" in the phyloXML spec glossary: http://phyloxml.org/documentation/version_100/phyloxml.xsd.html#Glossary """ if text is not None: return " ".join(text.split()) # NB: Not currently used def _replace_wspace(text): """Replace tab, LF and CR characters with spaces, but don't collapse (PRIVATE). See "Replace Whitespace Policy" in the phyloXML spec glossary: http://phyloxml.org/documentation/version_100/phyloxml.xsd.html#Glossary """ for char in ("\t", "\n", "\r"): if char in text: text = text.replace(char, " ") return text class Parser: """Methods for parsing all phyloXML nodes from an XML stream. To minimize memory use, the tree of ElementTree parsing events is cleared after completing each phylogeny, clade, and top-level 'other' element. Elements below the clade level are kept in memory until parsing of the current clade is finished -- this shouldn't be a problem because clade is the only recursive element, and non-clade nodes below this level are of bounded size. """ def __init__(self, file): """Initialize the class.""" # Get an iterable context for XML parsing events context = iter(ElementTree.iterparse(file, events=("start", "end"))) event, root = next(context) self.root = root self.context = context def read(self): """Parse the phyloXML file and create a single Phyloxml object.""" phyloxml = PX.Phyloxml({_local(key): val for key, val in self.root.items()}) other_depth = 0 for event, elem in self.context: namespace, localtag = _split_namespace(elem.tag) if event == "start": if namespace != NAMESPACES["phy"]: other_depth += 1 continue if localtag == "phylogeny": phylogeny = self._parse_phylogeny(elem) phyloxml.phylogenies.append(phylogeny) if event == "end" and namespace != NAMESPACES["phy"]: # Deal with items not specified by phyloXML other_depth -= 1 if other_depth == 0: # We're directly under the root node -- evaluate otr = self.other(elem, namespace, localtag) phyloxml.other.append(otr) self.root.clear() return phyloxml def parse(self): """Parse the phyloXML file incrementally and return each phylogeny.""" phytag = _ns("phylogeny") for event, elem in self.context: if event == "start" and elem.tag == phytag: yield self._parse_phylogeny(elem) # Special parsing cases -- incremental, using self.context def _parse_phylogeny(self, parent): """Parse a single phylogeny within the phyloXML tree (PRIVATE). Recursively builds a phylogenetic tree with help from parse_clade, then clears the XML event history for the phylogeny element and returns control to the top-level parsing function. """ phylogeny = PX.Phylogeny( **_dict_str2bool(parent.attrib, ["rooted", "rerootable"]) ) list_types = { # XML tag, plural attribute "confidence": "confidences", "property": "properties", "clade_relation": "clade_relations", "sequence_relation": "sequence_relations", } for event, elem in self.context: namespace, tag = _split_namespace(elem.tag) if event == "start" and tag == "clade": if phylogeny.root is not None: raise ValueError("Phylogeny object should only have 1 clade") phylogeny.root = self._parse_clade(elem) continue if event == "end": if tag == "phylogeny": parent.clear() break # Handle the other non-recursive children if tag in list_types: getattr(phylogeny, list_types[tag]).append(getattr(self, tag)(elem)) # Complex types elif tag in ("date", "id"): setattr(phylogeny, tag, getattr(self, tag)(elem)) # Simple types elif tag in ("name", "description"): setattr(phylogeny, tag, _collapse_wspace(elem.text)) # Unknown tags elif namespace != NAMESPACES["phy"]: phylogeny.other.append(self.other(elem, namespace, tag)) parent.clear() else: # NB: This shouldn't happen in valid files raise PhyloXMLError("Misidentified tag: " + tag) return phylogeny _clade_complex_types = ["color", "events", "binary_characters", "date"] _clade_list_types = { "confidence": "confidences", "distribution": "distributions", "reference": "references", "property": "properties", } _clade_tracked_tags = ( set(_clade_complex_types) .union(_clade_list_types.keys()) .union(["branch_length", "name", "node_id", "width"]) ) def _parse_clade(self, parent): """Parse a Clade node and its children, recursively (PRIVATE).""" clade = PX.Clade(**parent.attrib) if clade.branch_length is not None: clade.branch_length = float(clade.branch_length) # NB: Only evaluate nodes at the current level tag_stack = [] for event, elem in self.context: namespace, tag = _split_namespace(elem.tag) if event == "start": if tag == "clade": clade.clades.append(self._parse_clade(elem)) continue if tag == "taxonomy": clade.taxonomies.append(self._parse_taxonomy(elem)) continue if tag == "sequence": clade.sequences.append(self._parse_sequence(elem)) continue if tag in self._clade_tracked_tags: tag_stack.append(tag) if event == "end": if tag == "clade": elem.clear() break if tag != tag_stack[-1]: continue tag_stack.pop() # Handle the other non-recursive children if tag in self._clade_list_types: getattr(clade, self._clade_list_types[tag]).append( getattr(self, tag)(elem) ) elif tag in self._clade_complex_types: setattr(clade, tag, getattr(self, tag)(elem)) elif tag == "branch_length": # NB: possible collision with the attribute if clade.branch_length is not None: raise PhyloXMLError( "Attribute branch_length was already set for this Clade." ) clade.branch_length = _float(elem.text) elif tag == "width": clade.width = _float(elem.text) elif tag == "name": clade.name = _collapse_wspace(elem.text) elif tag == "node_id": clade.node_id = PX.Id( elem.text.strip(), elem.attrib.get("provider") ) elif namespace != NAMESPACES["phy"]: clade.other.append(self.other(elem, namespace, tag)) elem.clear() else: raise PhyloXMLError("Misidentified tag: " + tag) return clade def _parse_sequence(self, parent): """Parse a molecular sequence (PRIVATE).""" sequence = PX.Sequence(**parent.attrib) for event, elem in self.context: namespace, tag = _split_namespace(elem.tag) if event == "end": if tag == "sequence": parent.clear() break if tag in ("accession", "mol_seq", "uri", "domain_architecture"): setattr(sequence, tag, getattr(self, tag)(elem)) elif tag == "annotation": sequence.annotations.append(self.annotation(elem)) elif tag == "name": sequence.name = _collapse_wspace(elem.text) elif tag in ("symbol", "location"): setattr(sequence, tag, elem.text) elif namespace != NAMESPACES["phy"]: sequence.other.append(self.other(elem, namespace, tag)) parent.clear() return sequence def _parse_taxonomy(self, parent): """Parse taxonomic information for a clade (PRIVATE).""" taxonomy = PX.Taxonomy(**parent.attrib) for event, elem in self.context: namespace, tag = _split_namespace(elem.tag) if event == "end": if tag == "taxonomy": parent.clear() break if tag in ("id", "uri"): setattr(taxonomy, tag, getattr(self, tag)(elem)) elif tag == "common_name": taxonomy.common_names.append(_collapse_wspace(elem.text)) elif tag == "synonym": taxonomy.synonyms.append(elem.text) elif tag in ("code", "scientific_name", "authority", "rank"): # ENH: check_str on rank setattr(taxonomy, tag, elem.text) elif namespace != NAMESPACES["phy"]: taxonomy.other.append(self.other(elem, namespace, tag)) parent.clear() return taxonomy def other(self, elem, namespace, localtag): """Create an Other object, a non-phyloXML element.""" return PX.Other( localtag, namespace, elem.attrib, value=elem.text and elem.text.strip() or None, children=[ self.other(child, *_split_namespace(child.tag)) for child in elem ], ) # Complex types def accession(self, elem): """Create accession object.""" return PX.Accession(elem.text.strip(), elem.get("source")) def annotation(self, elem): """Create annotation object.""" return PX.Annotation( desc=_collapse_wspace(_get_child_text(elem, "desc")), confidence=_get_child_as(elem, "confidence", self.confidence), properties=_get_children_as(elem, "property", self.property), uri=_get_child_as(elem, "uri", self.uri), **elem.attrib, ) def binary_characters(self, elem): """Create binary characters object.""" def bc_getter(elem): """Get binary characters from subnodes.""" return _get_children_text(elem, "bc") return PX.BinaryCharacters( type=elem.get("type"), gained_count=_int(elem.get("gained_count")), lost_count=_int(elem.get("lost_count")), present_count=_int(elem.get("present_count")), absent_count=_int(elem.get("absent_count")), # Flatten BinaryCharacterList sub-nodes into lists of strings gained=_get_child_as(elem, "gained", bc_getter), lost=_get_child_as(elem, "lost", bc_getter), present=_get_child_as(elem, "present", bc_getter), absent=_get_child_as(elem, "absent", bc_getter), ) def clade_relation(self, elem): """Create clade relationship object.""" return PX.CladeRelation( elem.get("type"), elem.get("id_ref_0"), elem.get("id_ref_1"), distance=elem.get("distance"), confidence=_get_child_as(elem, "confidence", self.confidence), ) def color(self, elem): """Create branch color object.""" red, green, blue = ( _get_child_text(elem, color, int) for color in ("red", "green", "blue") ) return PX.BranchColor(red, green, blue) def confidence(self, elem): """Create confidence object.""" return PX.Confidence(_float(elem.text), elem.get("type")) def date(self, elem): """Create date object.""" return PX.Date( unit=elem.get("unit"), desc=_collapse_wspace(_get_child_text(elem, "desc")), value=_get_child_text(elem, "value", float), minimum=_get_child_text(elem, "minimum", float), maximum=_get_child_text(elem, "maximum", float), ) def distribution(self, elem): """Create geographic distribution object.""" return PX.Distribution( desc=_collapse_wspace(_get_child_text(elem, "desc")), points=_get_children_as(elem, "point", self.point), polygons=_get_children_as(elem, "polygon", self.polygon), ) def domain(self, elem): """Create protein domain object.""" return PX.ProteinDomain( elem.text.strip(), int(elem.get("from")) - 1, int(elem.get("to")), confidence=_float(elem.get("confidence")), id=elem.get("id"), ) def domain_architecture(self, elem): """Create domain architecture object.""" return PX.DomainArchitecture( length=int(elem.get("length")), domains=_get_children_as(elem, "domain", self.domain), ) def events(self, elem): """Create events object.""" return PX.Events( type=_get_child_text(elem, "type"), duplications=_get_child_text(elem, "duplications", int), speciations=_get_child_text(elem, "speciations", int), losses=_get_child_text(elem, "losses", int), confidence=_get_child_as(elem, "confidence", self.confidence), ) def id(self, elem): """Create identifier object.""" provider = elem.get("provider") or elem.get("type") return PX.Id(elem.text.strip(), provider) def mol_seq(self, elem): """Create molecular sequence object.""" is_aligned = elem.get("is_aligned") if is_aligned is not None: is_aligned = _str2bool(is_aligned) return PX.MolSeq(elem.text.strip(), is_aligned=is_aligned) def point(self, elem): """Create point object, coordinates of a point.""" return PX.Point( elem.get("geodetic_datum"), _get_child_text(elem, "lat", float), _get_child_text(elem, "long", float), alt=_get_child_text(elem, "alt", float), alt_unit=elem.get("alt_unit"), ) def polygon(self, elem): """Create polygon object, list of points.""" return PX.Polygon(points=_get_children_as(elem, "point", self.point)) def property(self, elem): """Create properties from external resources.""" return PX.Property( elem.text.strip(), elem.get("ref"), elem.get("applies_to"), elem.get("datatype"), unit=elem.get("unit"), id_ref=elem.get("id_ref"), ) def reference(self, elem): """Create literature reference object.""" return PX.Reference(doi=elem.get("doi"), desc=_get_child_text(elem, "desc")) def sequence_relation(self, elem): """Create sequence relationship object, relationship between two sequences.""" return PX.SequenceRelation( elem.get("type"), elem.get("id_ref_0"), elem.get("id_ref_1"), distance=_float(elem.get("distance")), confidence=_get_child_as(elem, "confidence", self.confidence), ) def uri(self, elem): """Create uri object, expected to be a url.""" return PX.Uri( elem.text.strip(), desc=_collapse_wspace(elem.get("desc")), type=elem.get("type"), ) # --------------------------------------------------------- # OUTPUT # --------------------------------------------------------- def _serialize(value): """Convert a Python primitive to a phyloXML-compatible string (PRIVATE).""" if isinstance(value, float): return str(value).upper() elif isinstance(value, bool): return str(value).lower() return str(value) def _clean_attrib(obj, attrs): """Create a dictionary from an object's specified, non-None attributes (PRIVATE).""" out = {} for key in attrs: val = getattr(obj, key) if val is not None: out[key] = _serialize(val) return out def _handle_complex(tag, attribs, subnodes, has_text=False): """Handle to serialize nodes with subnodes (PRIVATE).""" def wrapped(self, obj): """Wrap nodes and subnodes as elements.""" elem = ElementTree.Element(tag, _clean_attrib(obj, attribs)) for subn in subnodes: if isinstance(subn, str): # singular object: method and attribute names are the same if getattr(obj, subn) is not None: elem.append(getattr(self, subn)(getattr(obj, subn))) else: # list: singular method, pluralized attribute name method, plural = subn for item in getattr(obj, plural): elem.append(getattr(self, method)(item)) if has_text: elem.text = _serialize(obj.value) return elem wrapped.__doc__ = f"Serialize a {tag} and its subnodes, in order." return wrapped def _handle_simple(tag): """Handle to serialize simple nodes (PRIVATE).""" def wrapped(self, obj): """Wrap node as element.""" elem = ElementTree.Element(tag) elem.text = _serialize(obj) return elem wrapped.__doc__ = f"Serialize a simple {tag} node." return wrapped class Writer: """Methods for serializing a PhyloXML object to XML.""" def __init__(self, phyloxml): """Build an ElementTree from a PhyloXML object.""" assert isinstance(phyloxml, PX.Phyloxml), "Not a Phyloxml object" self._tree = ElementTree.ElementTree(self.phyloxml(phyloxml)) def write(self, file, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING, indent=True): """Write PhyloXML to a file.""" if indent: _indent(self._tree.getroot()) self._tree.write(file, encoding) return len(self._tree.getroot()) # Convert classes to ETree elements def phyloxml(self, obj): """Convert phyloxml to Etree element.""" elem = ElementTree.Element("phyloxml", obj.attributes) # Namespaces for tree in obj.phylogenies: elem.append(self.phylogeny(tree)) for otr in obj.other: elem.append(self.other(otr)) return elem def other(self, obj): """Convert other to Etree element.""" elem = ElementTree.Element(_ns(obj.tag, obj.namespace), obj.attributes) elem.text = obj.value for child in obj.children: elem.append(self.other(child)) return elem phylogeny = _handle_complex( "phylogeny", ("rooted", "rerootable", "branch_length_unit", "type"), ( "name", "id", "description", "date", ("confidence", "confidences"), "clade", ("clade_relation", "clade_relations"), ("sequence_relation", "sequence_relations"), ("property", "properties"), ("other", "other"), ), ) clade = _handle_complex( "clade", ("id_source",), ( "name", "branch_length", ("confidence", "confidences"), "width", "color", "node_id", ("taxonomy", "taxonomies"), ("sequence", "sequences"), "events", "binary_characters", ("distribution", "distributions"), "date", ("reference", "references"), ("property", "properties"), ("clade", "clades"), ("other", "other"), ), ) accession = _handle_complex("accession", ("source",), (), has_text=True) annotation = _handle_complex( "annotation", ("ref", "source", "evidence", "type"), ("desc", "confidence", ("property", "properties"), "uri"), ) def binary_characters(self, obj): """Serialize a binary_characters node and its subnodes.""" elem = ElementTree.Element( "binary_characters", _clean_attrib( obj, ("type", "gained_count", "lost_count", "present_count", "absent_count"), ), ) for subn in ("gained", "lost", "present", "absent"): subelem = ElementTree.Element(subn) for token in getattr(obj, subn): subelem.append(self.bc(token)) elem.append(subelem) return elem clade_relation = _handle_complex( "clade_relation", ("id_ref_0", "id_ref_1", "distance", "type"), ("confidence",) ) color = _handle_complex("color", (), ("red", "green", "blue")) confidence = _handle_complex("confidence", ("type",), (), has_text=True) date = _handle_complex("date", ("unit",), ("desc", "value", "minimum", "maximum")) distribution = _handle_complex( "distribution", (), ("desc", ("point", "points"), ("polygon", "polygons")) ) def domain(self, obj): """Serialize a domain node.""" elem = ElementTree.Element( "domain", {"from": str(obj.start + 1), "to": str(obj.end)} ) if obj.confidence is not None: elem.set("confidence", _serialize(obj.confidence)) if obj.id is not None: elem.set("id", obj.id) elem.text = _serialize(obj.value) return elem domain_architecture = _handle_complex( "domain_architecture", ("length",), (("domain", "domains"),) ) events = _handle_complex( "events", (), ("type", "duplications", "speciations", "losses", "confidence") ) id = _handle_complex("id", ("provider",), (), has_text=True) mol_seq = _handle_complex("mol_seq", ("is_aligned",), (), has_text=True) node_id = _handle_complex("node_id", ("provider",), (), has_text=True) point = _handle_complex( "point", ("geodetic_datum", "alt_unit"), ("lat", "long", "alt") ) polygon = _handle_complex("polygon", (), (("point", "points"),)) property = _handle_complex( "property", ("ref", "unit", "datatype", "applies_to", "id_ref"), (), has_text=True, ) reference = _handle_complex("reference", ("doi",), ("desc",)) sequence = _handle_complex( "sequence", ("type", "id_ref", "id_source"), ( "symbol", "accession", "name", "location", "mol_seq", "uri", ("annotation", "annotations"), "domain_architecture", ("other", "other"), ), ) sequence_relation = _handle_complex( "sequence_relation", ("id_ref_0", "id_ref_1", "distance", "type"), ("confidence",), ) taxonomy = _handle_complex( "taxonomy", ("id_source",), ( "id", "code", "scientific_name", "authority", ("common_name", "common_names"), ("synonym", "synonyms"), "rank", "uri", ("other", "other"), ), ) uri = _handle_complex("uri", ("desc", "type"), (), has_text=True) # Primitive types # Floating point alt = _handle_simple("alt") branch_length = _handle_simple("branch_length") lat = _handle_simple("lat") long = _handle_simple("long") maximum = _handle_simple("maximum") minimum = _handle_simple("minimum") value = _handle_simple("value") width = _handle_simple("width") # Integers blue = _handle_simple("blue") duplications = _handle_simple("duplications") green = _handle_simple("green") losses = _handle_simple("losses") red = _handle_simple("red") speciations = _handle_simple("speciations") # Strings bc = _handle_simple("bc") code = _handle_simple("code") common_name = _handle_simple("common_name") desc = _handle_simple("desc") description = _handle_simple("description") location = _handle_simple("location") name = _handle_simple("name") rank = _handle_simple("rank") scientific_name = _handle_simple("scientific_name") symbol = _handle_simple("symbol") synonym = _handle_simple("synonym") type = _handle_simple("type")