import click | |
import pandas as pd | |
import graphviz | |
import pydot | |
import as px | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import pycountry_convert as pc | |
d_tiny = pd.read_json('datasets/sample_tiny.json', lines=True) | |
d_small = pd.read_json('datasets/sample_small.json', lines=True) | |
# d_100k_lines = pd.read_json('datasets/sample_100k_lines.json', lines=True) | |
# d_400k_lines = pd.read_json('datasets/sample_400k_lines.json', lines=True) | |
def country_code_to_continent(country_code): | |
if country_code == "EU": | |
return "European Union" | |
elif country_code == "AP": | |
return "Asia/Pacific Region" | |
else: | |
try: | |
return pc.convert_continent_code_to_continent_name(pc.country_alpha2_to_continent_code(country_code)) | |
except KeyError: | |
return "Unknown country" | |
def get_views_by_country(data, doc_uuid): | |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) | |
plt.title('Views by Country') | |
plt.xlabel("Countries") | |
plt.ylabel("No. of views") | |
plt.hist(data[data['subject_doc_id'] == doc_uuid]['visitor_country']) | |
return fig | |
def get_views_by_continent(data, doc_uuid): | |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) | |
plt.title('Views by Continent') | |
plt.xlabel("Continents") | |
plt.ylabel("No. of views") | |
plt.hist(data[data['subject_doc_id'] == doc_uuid]['visitor_continent']) | |
return fig | |
def get_visitor_useragents(data): | |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) | |
data['visitor_useragent'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar') | |
return fig | |
def get_visitor_browsers(data): | |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) | |
data['visitor_browser'] = data['visitor_useragent'].str.split('/').str[0] | |
data['visitor_browser'].value_counts().plot(kind='bar') | |
return fig | |
def get_avid_readers(data): | |
return data.groupby('visitor_uuid').sum(numeric_only=True)['event_readtime'].sort_values(ascending=False).head(10) | |
def plot_avid_readers(data): | |
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 7)) | |
get_avid_readers(data).sort_values(ascending=True).plot(kind='barh') | |
return fig | |
# def get_doc_visitors(doc_uuid): | |
# return data_tiny[data_tiny['subject_doc_id'] == doc_uuid]['visitor_uuid'].unique() | |
# | |
# | |
# def get_visitor_docs(visitor_uuid): | |
# return data_tiny[data_tiny['visitor_uuid'] == visitor_uuid]['subject_doc_id'].dropna().unique() | |
# | |
# | |
# def get_also_likes_doc(doc_uuid, visitor_uuid, ascending): | |
# visitor_uuids = get_doc_visitors(doc_uuid) | |
# doc_uuids = sum([list(get_visitor_docs(reader)) for reader in visitor_uuids], []) | |
# return pd.Series(doc_uuids).value_counts(ascending=ascending) | |
# | |
# | |
# def also_like(doc_uuid, visitor_uuid, ascending): | |
# visitor_uuids = get_doc_visitors(doc_uuid) | |
# y = [] | |
# for reader in visitor_uuids: | |
# for doc in get_visitor_docs(reader): | |
# if doc != doc_uuid and doc not in get_visitor_docs(visitor_uuid).tolist(): | |
# y.append([reader, doc]) | |
# return pd.DataFrame(y) | |
# Req 5a | |
def get_doc_visitors(data, doc_uuid): | |
readers = data[data['env_type'] == "reader"] | |
return readers[readers['subject_doc_id'] == doc_uuid]['visitor_uuid'].unique() | |
# Req 5b | |
def get_visitor_docs(data, visitor_uuid): | |
readers = data[data['env_type'] == "reader"] | |
return readers[readers['visitor_uuid'] == visitor_uuid]['subject_doc_id'].dropna().unique() | |
# Req 5c, 5d | |
def also_like(data, doc_uuid, visitor_uuid, ascending, req_5=True): | |
visitor_uuids = get_doc_visitors(data, doc_uuid) | |
y = [] | |
for reader in visitor_uuids: | |
for doc in get_visitor_docs(data, reader): | |
if doc != doc_uuid and doc not in get_visitor_docs(data, visitor_uuid).tolist(): | |
y.append([reader, doc]) | |
if not req_5: | |
return pd.DataFrame(y) | |
try: | |
if ascending: | |
print("Not Here") | |
return pd.DataFrame(y).groupby(1).count().nsmallest(10, [0]).reset_index().tail(-1) | |
else: | |
print("Here") | |
return pd.DataFrame(y).groupby(1).count().nlargest(10, [0]).reset_index().tail(-1) | |
except KeyError: | |
print("Exception thrown") | |
return pd.DataFrame(y) | |
# Req 6 | |
def also_like_graph(data, doc_uuid, visitor_uuid, ascending): | |
try: | |
top_docs = also_like(data, doc_uuid, visitor_uuid, ascending, req_5=False) | |
y = top_docs[1].value_counts() | |
y = pd.DataFrame(y) | |
print(y) | |
dot = graphviz.Digraph() | |
for index, row in top_docs.iterrows(): | |
# if(index <= 7): | |
# print(row[0], row[1]) | |
dot.node(str(row[0]), str(row[0])[-4:]) | |
dot.node(str(row[1]), str(row[1])[-4:]) | |
dot.edge(str(row[0]), str(row[1])) | |
# print(dot.source) | |
dot.render('').replace('\\', '/') | |
(graph,) = pydot.graph_from_dot_file('') | |
graph.write_png('output.png') | |
return 'output.png' | |
except: | |
return "test.jpg" | |
# print(also_like(data_tiny, "100713205147-2ee05a98f1794324952eea5ca678c026", "b5d13a36dad1147b", False).groupby(1).count().nlargest(10, [0])) | |
# print(also_like("1s", "a", False).groupby(1).count()) | |
# | |
def run_task(u, d, t, f): | |
# 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4, 5d, 6, 7 | |
if t == "2a": | |
get_views_by_country(globals()[f"d_{f}"], d) | | | |
elif t == "2b": | |
get_views_by_continent(globals()[f"d_{f}"], d) | | | |
elif t == "3a": | |
get_visitor_useragents(globals()[f"d_{f}"]) | | | |
elif t == "3b": | |
get_visitor_browsers(globals()[f"d_{f}"]) | | | |
elif t == "4": | |
get_avid_readers(globals()[f"d_{f}"]) | |
elif t == "5d": | |
# print(also_like('100713205147-2ee05a98f1794324952eea5ca678c026', '19c97695f06da354', False)) | |
also_like(globals()[f"d_{f}"], d, u, False) | |
elif t == "6": | |
also_like_graph(globals()[f"d_{f}"], d, u, False) | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
run_task() | |