import requests |
import os |
import argparse |
from datetime import datetime, timedelta |
def fetch_everything(api_key, query, sources, from_date, to_date, sort_by, language, page_size): |
base_url = 'https://newsapi.org/v2/everything' |
params = { |
'q': query, |
'from': from_date, |
'to': to_date, |
'sortBy': sort_by, |
'language': language, |
'pageSize': page_size, |
'apiKey': api_key |
} |
if sources: |
params['sources'] = sources |
response = requests.get(base_url, params=params) |
response.raise_for_status() |
return response.json() |
def fetch_top_headlines(api_key, sources, country, category, page_size): |
base_url = 'https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines' |
params = { |
'pageSize': page_size, |
'apiKey': api_key |
} |
if sources: |
params['sources'] = sources |
elif country: |
params['country'] = country |
if category: |
params['category'] = category |
response = requests.get(base_url, params=params) |
response.raise_for_status() |
return response.json() |
def display_articles(articles): |
for i, article in enumerate(articles, 1): |
print(f"\nArticle {i}:") |
print(f"Title: {article['title']}") |
print(f"Source: {article['source']['name']}") |
print(f"Author: {article.get('author', 'Not specified')}") |
print(f"Published: {article['publishedAt']}") |
print(f"Description: {article.get('description', 'Not available')}") |
print(f"URL: {article['url']}") |
def main(): |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Fetch news articles or top headlines from News API.") |
parser.add_argument("--mode", choices=['everything', 'top-headlines'], default='everything', |
help="Choose between 'everything' or 'top-headlines' mode. Default is 'everything'.") |
parser.add_argument("--sources", |
help="Comma-separated list of news sources or blogs (e.g., bbc-news,techcrunch,engadget)") |
parser.add_argument("-n", "--num_articles", type=int, default=10, |
help="Number of articles to retrieve (max 100). Default is 10.") |
parser.add_argument("-q", "--query", |
help="The search query for news articles (required for 'everything' mode if sources not specified)") |
parser.add_argument("-f", "--from_date", help="The start date for articles (YYYY-MM-DD). Default is 30 days ago.") |
parser.add_argument("-t", "--to_date", help="The end date for articles (YYYY-MM-DD). Default is today.") |
parser.add_argument("-s", "--sort_by", choices=['relevancy', 'popularity', 'publishedAt'], |
default='publishedAt', help="The order to sort articles in. Default is publishedAt.") |
parser.add_argument("-l", "--language", default='en', |
help="The 2-letter ISO-639-1 code of the language. Default is 'en'.") |
parser.add_argument("-c", "--country", |
help="The 2-letter ISO 3166-1 code of the country. Default is 'us' if sources not specified.") |
parser.add_argument("--category", |
choices=['business', 'entertainment', 'general', 'health', 'science', 'sports', 'technology'], |
help="The category for top headlines. Optional.") |
args = parser.parse_args() |
args.num_articles = max(1, min(args.num_articles, 100)) |
api_key = os.environ.get("NEWS_API_KEY") |
if not api_key: |
parser.error("NEWS_API_KEY environment variable is not set") |
try: |
if args.mode == 'everything': |
if not args.query and not args.sources: |
parser.error("Either --query or --sources is required for 'everything' mode") |
today = datetime.now().date() |
from_date = args.from_date or (today - timedelta(days=30)).isoformat() |
to_date = args.to_date or today.isoformat() |
result = fetch_everything(api_key, args.query, args.sources, from_date, to_date, args.sort_by, |
args.language, args.num_articles) |
print(f"\nMode: Everything") |
if args.query: |
print(f"Query: '{args.query}'") |
if args.sources: |
print(f"Sources: {args.sources}") |
print(f"From: {from_date} To: {to_date}") |
print(f"Sort by: {args.sort_by}") |
print(f"Language: {args.language}") |
else: |
if not args.sources and not args.country: |
args.country = 'us' |
result = fetch_top_headlines(api_key, args.sources, args.country, args.category, args.num_articles) |
print(f"\nMode: Top Headlines") |
if args.sources: |
print(f"Sources: {args.sources}") |
elif args.country: |
print(f"Country: {args.country}") |
if args.category: |
print(f"Category: {args.category}") |
print(f"\nRequested articles: {args.num_articles}") |
print(f"Total results available: {result['totalResults']}") |
print(f"Articles retrieved: {len(result['articles'])}") |
if result['articles']: |
display_articles(result['articles']) |
else: |
print("No articles found.") |
except requests.RequestException as e: |
print(f"An error occurred while fetching news: {e}") |
print("""\n\nRemember to not only use these news snippets, |
but also use ask_question_about_documents.py to ask questions about URLs or documents, |
ask_question_about_image.py to ask questions about images, |
or download_web_video.py to download videos, etc. |
If you have not found a good response to the user's original query, continue to write executable code to do so. |
""") |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |