All the tools listed here are free to use and open-source!
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Transcribe your interviews or audio files directly on your computer—privately, with speaker identification. Click on video or words to jump to the relevant clip. Supports 100 different languages.
Choose from dozens of unique styles and describe the image you want to create.
Upload a file and specify what you want to extract.
Paste your content to receive recommendations.
Compatible with VLC Video
Upload your document to the chatbot window and ask questions about it to the model. Your conversations are private.
Create a new assistant with the model of your choice and add the website in the "domains search" or "specific links" boxes, depending on your needs.
Runs 100% in your browser, with no limit of text size. Apache 2.0 license (free for commercial use).
Generates audio conversations à la NotebookLM.
Evaluate open-source models on different benchmarks.
OmniParser is a screen parsing tool to convert general GUI screen to structured elements.