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import { app } from "../../../scripts/app.js";
// Allows you to manage preset tags for e.g. common negative prompt
// Also performs replacements on any text field e.g. allowing you to use preset text in CLIP Text encode fields
let replaceRegex;
const id = "pysssss.PresetText.Presets";
const MISSING = Symbol();
const getPresets = () => {
let items;
try {
items = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(id));
} catch (error) {}
if (!items || !items.length) {
items = [{ name: "default negative", value: "worst quality" }];
return items;
let presets = getPresets();
name: "pysssss.PresetText",
setup() {
id: "pysssss.PresetText.ReplacementRegex",
name: "🐍 Preset Text Replacement Regex",
type: "text",
defaultValue: "(?:^|[^\\w])(?<replace>@(?<id>[\\w-]+))",
"The regex should return two named capture groups: id (the name of the preset text to use), replace (the matched text to replace)",
attrs: {
style: {
fontFamily: "monospace",
onChange(value) {
if (!value) {
replaceRegex = null;
try {
replaceRegex = new RegExp(value, "g");
} catch (error) {
alert("Error creating regex for preset text replacement, no replacements will be performed.");
replaceRegex = null;
const drawNodeWidgets = LGraphCanvas.prototype.drawNodeWidgets
LGraphCanvas.prototype.drawNodeWidgets = function(node) {
const c = LiteGraph.WIDGET_BGCOLOR;
try {
if(node[MISSING]) {
LiteGraph.WIDGET_BGCOLOR = "red"
return drawNodeWidgets.apply(this, arguments);
} finally {
registerCustomNodes() {
class PresetTextNode {
constructor() {
this.isVirtualNode = true;
this.serialize_widgets = true;
this.addOutput("text", "STRING");
const widget = this.addWidget("combo", "value", presets[0].name, () => {}, {
values: presets.map((p) => p.name),
this.addWidget("button", "Manage", "Manage", () => {
const container = document.createElement("div");
Object.assign(container.style, {
display: "grid",
gridTemplateColumns: "1fr 1fr",
gap: "10px",
const addNew = document.createElement("button");
addNew.textContent = "Add New";
Object.assign(addNew.style, {
fontSize: "13px",
gridColumn: "1 / 3",
color: "dodgerblue",
width: "auto",
textAlign: "center",
addNew.onclick = () => {
addRow({ name: "", value: "" });
function addRow(p) {
const name = document.createElement("input");
const nameLbl = document.createElement("label");
name.value = p.name;
nameLbl.textContent = "Name:";
const value = document.createElement("input");
const valueLbl = document.createElement("label");
value.value = p.value;
valueLbl.textContent = "Value:";
addNew.before(nameLbl, valueLbl);
for (const p of presets) {
const help = document.createElement("span");
help.textContent = "To remove a preset set the name or value to blank";
help.style.gridColumn = "1 / 3";
const dialog = new app.ui.dialog.constructor();
const closeButton = dialog.element.querySelector("button");
closeButton.textContent = "CANCEL";
const saveButton = document.createElement("button");
saveButton.textContent = "SAVE";
saveButton.onclick = function () {
const inputs = dialog.element.querySelectorAll("input");
const p = [];
for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i += 2) {
const n = inputs[i];
const v = inputs[i + 1];
if (!n.value.trim() || !v.value.trim()) {
p.push({ name: n.value, value: v.value });
widget.options.values = p.map((p) => p.name);
if (!widget.options.values.includes(widget.value)) {
widget.value = widget.options.values[0];
presets = p;
localStorage.setItem(id, JSON.stringify(presets));
this.applyToGraph = function (workflow) {
// For each output link copy our value over the original widget value
if (this.outputs[0].links && this.outputs[0].links.length) {
for (const l of this.outputs[0].links) {
const link_info = app.graph.links[l];
const outNode = app.graph.getNodeById(link_info.target_id);
const outIn = outNode && outNode.inputs && outNode.inputs[link_info.target_slot];
if (outIn.widget) {
const w = outNode.widgets.find((w) => w.name === outIn.widget.name);
if (!w) continue;
const preset = presets.find((p) => p.name === widget.value);
if (!preset) {
this[MISSING] = true;
app.graph.setDirtyCanvas(true, true);
const msg = `Preset text '${widget.value}' not found. Please fix this and queue again.`;
throw new Error(msg);
delete this[MISSING];
w.value = preset.value;
Object.assign(PresetTextNode, {
title: "Preset Text 🐍",
PresetTextNode.category = "utils";
nodeCreated(node) {
if (node.widgets) {
// Locate dynamic prompt text widgets
const widgets = node.widgets.filter((n) => n.type === "customtext" || n.type === "text");
for (const widget of widgets) {
const callbacks = [
() => {
let prompt = widget.value;
if (replaceRegex && typeof prompt.replace !== 'undefined') {
prompt = prompt.replace(replaceRegex, (match, p1, p2, index, text, groups) => {
if (!groups.replace || !groups.id) return match; // No match, bad regex?
const preset = presets.find((p) => p.name.replaceAll(/\s/g, "-") === groups.id);
if (!preset) return match; // Invalid name
const pos = match.indexOf(groups.replace);
return match.substring(0, pos) + preset.value;
return prompt;
let inheritedSerializeValue = widget.serializeValue || null;
let called = false;
const serializeValue = async (workflowNode, widgetIndex) => {
const origWidgetValue = widget.value;
if (called) return origWidgetValue;
called = true;
let allCallbacks = [...callbacks];
if (inheritedSerializeValue) {
let valueIsUndefined = false;
for (const cb of allCallbacks) {
let value = await cb(workflowNode, widgetIndex);
// Need to check the callback return value before it is set on widget.value as it coerces it to a string (even for undefined)
if (value === undefined) valueIsUndefined = true;
widget.value = value;
const prompt = valueIsUndefined ? undefined : widget.value;
widget.value = origWidgetValue;
called = false;
return prompt;
Object.defineProperty(widget, "serializeValue", {
get() {
return serializeValue;
set(cb) {
inheritedSerializeValue = cb;