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import { app } from "../../../scripts/app.js";
import { ComfyWidgets } from "../../../scripts/widgets.js";
const REROUTE_PRIMITIVE = "ReroutePrimitive|pysssss";
const MULTI_PRIMITIVE = "MultiPrimitive|pysssss";
const LAST_TYPE = Symbol("LastType");
name: "pysssss.ReroutePrimitive",
init() {
// On graph configure, fire onGraphConfigured to create widgets
const graphConfigure = LGraph.prototype.configure;
LGraph.prototype.configure = function () {
const r = graphConfigure.apply(this, arguments);
for (const n of app.graph._nodes) {
if (n.type === REROUTE_PRIMITIVE) {
return r;
// Hide this node as it is no longer supported
const getNodeTypesCategories = LiteGraph.getNodeTypesCategories;
LiteGraph.getNodeTypesCategories = function() {
return getNodeTypesCategories.apply(this, arguments).filter(c => !c.startsWith("__hidden__"));
const graphToPrompt = app.graphToPrompt;
app.graphToPrompt = async function () {
const res = await graphToPrompt.apply(this, arguments);
const multiOutputs = [];
for (const nodeId in res.output) {
const output = res.output[nodeId];
if (output.class_type === MULTI_PRIMITIVE) {
multiOutputs.push({ id: nodeId, inputs: output.inputs });
function permute(outputs) {
function generatePermutations(inputs, currentIndex, currentPermutation, result) {
if (currentIndex === inputs.length) {
result.push({ ...currentPermutation });
const input = inputs[currentIndex];
for (const k in input) {
currentPermutation[currentIndex] = input[k];
generatePermutations(inputs, currentIndex + 1, currentPermutation, result);
const inputs = outputs.map((output) => output.inputs);
const result = [];
const current = new Array(inputs.length);
generatePermutations(inputs, 0, current, result);
return outputs.map((output, index) => ({
inputs: result.reduce((p, permutation) => {
const count = Object.keys(p).length;
p["value" + (count || "")] = permutation[index];
return p;
}, {}),
const permutations = permute(multiOutputs);
for (let i = 0; i < permutations.length; i++) {
res.output[multiOutputs[i].id].inputs = permutations[i].inputs;
return res;
async beforeRegisterNodeDef(nodeType, nodeData, app) {
function addOutputHandler() {
// Finds the first non reroute output node down the chain
nodeType.prototype.getFirstReroutedOutput = function (slot) {
if (nodeData.name === MULTI_PRIMITIVE) {
slot = 0;
const links = this.outputs[slot].links;
if (!links) return null;
const search = [];
for (const l of links) {
const link = app.graph.links[l];
if (!link) continue;
const node = app.graph.getNodeById(link.target_id);
if (node.type !== REROUTE_PRIMITIVE && node.type !== MULTI_PRIMITIVE) {
return { node, link };
search.push({ node, link });
for (const { link, node } of search) {
const r = node.getFirstReroutedOutput(link.target_slot);
if (r) {
return r;
if (nodeData.name === REROUTE_PRIMITIVE) {
const configure = nodeType.prototype.configure || LGraphNode.prototype.configure;
const onConnectionsChange = nodeType.prototype.onConnectionsChange;
const onAdded = nodeType.prototype.onAdded;
nodeType.title_mode = LiteGraph.NO_TITLE;
function hasAnyInput(node) {
for (const input of node.inputs) {
if (input.link) {
return true;
return false;
// Remove input text
nodeType.prototype.onAdded = function () {
onAdded?.apply(this, arguments);
this.inputs[0].label = "";
this.outputs[0].label = "value";
// Restore any widgets
nodeType.prototype.onGraphConfigured = function () {
if (hasAnyInput(this)) return;
const outputNode = this.getFirstReroutedOutput(0);
if (outputNode) {
// Check if we need to create (or remove) a widget on the node
nodeType.prototype.checkPrimitiveWidget = function ({ node, link }) {
let widgetType = link.type;
let targetLabel = widgetType;
const input = node.inputs[link.target_slot];
if (input.widget?.config?.[0] instanceof Array) {
targetLabel = input.widget.name;
widgetType = "COMBO";
if (widgetType in ComfyWidgets) {
if (!this.widgets?.length) {
let v;
if (this.widgets_values?.length) {
v = this.widgets_values[0];
let config = [link.type, {}];
if (input.widget?.config) {
config = input.widget.config;
const { widget } = ComfyWidgets[widgetType](this, "value", config, app);
if (v !== undefined && (!this[LAST_TYPE] || this[LAST_TYPE] === widgetType)) {
widget.value = v;
this[LAST_TYPE] = widgetType;
} else if (this.widgets) {
this.widgets.length = 0;
return targetLabel;
// Finds all input nodes from the current reroute
nodeType.prototype.getReroutedInputs = function (slot) {
let nodes = [{ node: this }];
let node = this;
while (node?.type === REROUTE_PRIMITIVE) {
const input = node.inputs[slot];
if (input.link) {
const link = app.graph.links[input.link];
node = app.graph.getNodeById(link.origin_id);
slot = link.origin_slot;
} else {
node = null;
return nodes;
// Update the type of all reroutes in a chain
nodeType.prototype.changeRerouteType = function (slot, type, label) {
const color = LGraphCanvas.link_type_colors[type];
const output = this.outputs[slot];
this.inputs[slot].label = " ";
output.label = label || (type === "*" ? "value" : type);
output.type = type;
// Process all linked outputs
for (const linkId of output.links || []) {
const link = app.graph.links[linkId];
if (!link) continue;
link.color = color;
const node = app.graph.getNodeById(link.target_id);
if (node.changeRerouteType) {
// Recursively update reroutes
node.changeRerouteType(link.target_slot, type, label);
} else {
// Validate links to 'real' nodes
const theirType = node.inputs[link.target_slot].type;
if (theirType !== type && theirType !== "*") {
if (this.inputs[slot].link) {
const link = app.graph.links[this.inputs[slot].link];
if (link) link.color = color;
// Override configure so we can flag that we are configuring to avoid link validation breaking
let configuring = false;
nodeType.prototype.configure = function () {
configuring = true;
const r = configure?.apply(this, arguments);
configuring = false;
return r;
Object.defineProperty(nodeType, "title_mode", {
get() {
return app.canvas.current_node?.widgets?.length ? LiteGraph.NORMAL_TITLE : LiteGraph.NO_TITLE;
nodeType.prototype.onConnectionsChange = function (type, _, connected, link_info) {
// If configuring treat everything as OK as links may not be set by litegraph yet
if (configuring) return;
const isInput = type === LiteGraph.INPUT;
const slot = isInput ? link_info.target_slot : link_info.origin_slot;
let targetLabel = null;
let targetNode = null;
let targetType = "*";
let targetSlot = slot;
const inputPath = this.getReroutedInputs(slot);
const rootInput = inputPath[inputPath.length - 1];
const outputNode = this.getFirstReroutedOutput(slot);
if (rootInput.node.type === REROUTE_PRIMITIVE) {
// Our input node is a reroute, so see if we have an output
if (outputNode) {
targetType = outputNode.link.type;
} else if (rootInput.node.widgets) {
rootInput.node.widgets.length = 0;
targetNode = rootInput;
targetSlot = rootInput.link?.target_slot ?? slot;
} else {
// We have a real input, so we want to use that type
targetNode = inputPath[inputPath.length - 2];
targetType = rootInput.node.outputs[rootInput.link.origin_slot].type;
targetSlot = rootInput.link.target_slot;
if (this.widgets && inputPath.length > 1) {
// We have an input node so remove our widget
this.widgets.length = 0;
if (outputNode && rootInput.node.checkPrimitiveWidget) {
// We have an output, check if we need to create a widget
targetLabel = rootInput.node.checkPrimitiveWidget(outputNode);
// Trigger an update of the type to all child nodes
targetNode.node.changeRerouteType(targetSlot, targetType, targetLabel);
return onConnectionsChange?.apply(this, arguments);
// When collapsed fix the size to just the dot
const computeSize = nodeType.prototype.computeSize || LGraphNode.prototype.computeSize;
nodeType.prototype.computeSize = function () {
const r = computeSize.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.flags?.collapsed) {
return [1, 25];
} else if (this.widgets?.length) {
return r;
} else {
let w = 75;
if (this.outputs?.[0]?.label) {
const t = LiteGraph.NODE_TEXT_SIZE * this.outputs[0].label.length * 0.6 + 30;
if (t > w) {
w = t;
return [w, r[1]];
// On collapse shrink the node to just a dot
const collapse = nodeType.prototype.collapse || LGraphNode.prototype.collapse;
nodeType.prototype.collapse = function () {
collapse.apply(this, arguments);
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this.setDirtyCanvas(true, true);
// Shift the bounding area up slightly as LiteGraph miscalculates it for collapsed nodes
nodeType.prototype.onBounding = function (area) {
if (this.flags?.collapsed) {
area[1] -= 15;
} else if (nodeData.name === MULTI_PRIMITIVE) {
nodeType.prototype.onConnectionsChange = function (type, _, connected, link_info) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.inputs.length - 1; i++) {
if (!this.inputs[i].link) {
if (this.inputs[this.inputs.length - 1].link) {
this.addInput("v" + +new Date(), this.inputs[0].type).label = "value";