import { app } from '../../../scripts/app.js' | |
//from melmass | |
export function makeUUID() { | |
let dt = new Date().getTime() | |
const uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, (c) => { | |
const r = ((dt + Math.random() * 16) % 16) | 0 | |
dt = Math.floor(dt / 16) | |
return (c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8).toString(16) | |
}) | |
return uuid | |
} | |
export const loadScript = ( | |
async = true, | |
type = 'text/javascript', | |
) => { | |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { | |
try { | |
// Check if the script already exists | |
const existingScript = document.querySelector(`script[src="${FILE_URL}"]`) | |
if (existingScript) { | |
resolve({ status: true, message: 'Script already loaded' }) | |
return | |
} | |
const scriptEle = document.createElement('script') | |
scriptEle.type = type | |
scriptEle.async = async | |
scriptEle.src = FILE_URL | |
scriptEle.addEventListener('load', (ev) => { | |
resolve({ status: true }) | |
}) | |
scriptEle.addEventListener('error', (ev) => { | |
reject({ | |
status: false, | |
message: `Failed to load the script ${FILE_URL}`, | |
}) | |
}) | |
document.body.appendChild(scriptEle) | |
} catch (error) { | |
reject(error) | |
} | |
}) | |
} | |
const create_documentation_stylesheet = () => { | |
const tag = 'kj-pointseditor-stylesheet' | |
let styleTag = document.head.querySelector(tag) | |
if (!styleTag) { | |
styleTag = document.createElement('style') | |
styleTag.type = 'text/css' | | = tag | |
styleTag.innerHTML = ` | |
.points-editor { | |
position: absolute; | |
font: 12px monospace; | |
line-height: 1.5em; | |
padding: 10px; | |
z-index: 0; | |
overflow: hidden; | |
} | |
` | |
document.head.appendChild(styleTag) | |
} | |
} | |
loadScript('/kjweb_async/svg-path-properties.min.js').catch((e) => { | |
console.log(e) | |
}) | |
loadScript('/kjweb_async/protovis.min.js').catch((e) => { | |
console.log(e) | |
}) | |
create_documentation_stylesheet() | |
function chainCallback(object, property, callback) { | |
if (object == undefined) { | |
//This should not happen. | |
console.error("Tried to add callback to non-existant object") | |
return; | |
} | |
if (property in object) { | |
const callback_orig = object[property] | |
object[property] = function () { | |
const r = callback_orig.apply(this, arguments); | |
callback.apply(this, arguments); | |
return r | |
}; | |
} else { | |
object[property] = callback; | |
} | |
} | |
app.registerExtension({ | |
name: 'KJNodes.PointEditor', | |
async beforeRegisterNodeDef(nodeType, nodeData) { | |
if (nodeData?.name === 'PointsEditor') { | |
chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onNodeCreated", function () { | |
hideWidgetForGood(this, this.widgets.find(w => === "coordinates")) | |
hideWidgetForGood(this, this.widgets.find(w => === "neg_coordinates")) | |
hideWidgetForGood(this, this.widgets.find(w => === "bboxes")) | |
var element = document.createElement("div"); | |
this.uuid = makeUUID() | | = `points-editor-${this.uuid}` | |
// fake image widget to allow copy/paste | |
const fakeimagewidget = this.addWidget("COMBO", "image", null, () => { }, {}); | |
hideWidgetForGood(this, fakeimagewidget) | |
this.pointsEditor = this.addDOMWidget(, "PointsEditorWidget", element, { | |
serialize: false, | |
hideOnZoom: false, | |
}); | |
// context menu | |
this.contextMenu = document.createElement("div"); | | = "context-menu"; | | = "none"; | | = "absolute"; | | = "#202020"; | | = "100px"; | | = "0px 8px 16px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)"; | | = "100"; | | = "5px"; | |
function styleMenuItem(menuItem) { | | = "block"; | | = "5px"; | | = "#FFF"; | | = "Arial, sans-serif"; | | = "16px"; | | = "none"; | | = "5px"; | |
} | |
function createMenuItem(id, textContent) { | |
let menuItem = document.createElement("a"); | |
menuItem.href = "#"; | | = `menu-item-${id}`; | |
menuItem.textContent = textContent; | |
styleMenuItem(menuItem); | |
return menuItem; | |
} | |
// Create an array of menu items using the createMenuItem function | |
this.menuItems = [ | |
createMenuItem(0, "Load Image"), | |
createMenuItem(1, "Clear Image"), | |
]; | |
// Add mouseover and mouseout event listeners to each menu item for styling | |
this.menuItems.forEach(menuItem => { | |
menuItem.addEventListener('mouseover', function () { | | = "gray"; | |
}); | |
menuItem.addEventListener('mouseout', function () { | | = "#202020"; | |
}); | |
}); | |
// Append each menu item to the context menu | |
this.menuItems.forEach(menuItem => { | |
this.contextMenu.appendChild(menuItem); | |
}); | |
document.body.appendChild(this.contextMenu); | |
this.addWidget("button", "New canvas", null, () => { | |
if (! || !("points" in { | |
this.editor = new PointsEditor(this); | |
this.addProperty("points", this.constructor.type, "string"); | |
this.addProperty("neg_points", this.constructor.type, "string"); | |
} | |
else { | |
this.editor = new PointsEditor(this, true); | |
} | |
}); | |
this.setSize([550, 550]); | |
this.resizable = false; | |
this.pointsEditor.parentEl = document.createElement("div"); | |
this.pointsEditor.parentEl.className = "points-editor"; | | = `points-editor-${this.uuid}` | |
element.appendChild(this.pointsEditor.parentEl); | |
chainCallback(this, "onConfigure", function () { | |
this.editor = new PointsEditor(this); | |
}); | |
chainCallback(this, "onExecuted", function (message) { | |
let bg_image = message["bg_image"]; | | = { | |
name: "bg_image", | |
base64: bg_image | |
}; | |
this.editor.refreshBackgroundImage(this); | |
}); | |
}); // onAfterGraphConfigured | |
}//node created | |
} //before register | |
})//register | |
class PointsEditor { | |
constructor(context, reset = false) { | |
this.node = context; | |
this.reset = reset; | |
const self = this; // Keep a reference to the main class context | |
console.log("creatingPointEditor") | |
this.node.pasteFile = (file) => { | |
if (file.type.startsWith("image/")) { | |
this.handleImageFile(file); | |
return true; | |
} | |
return false; | |
}; | |
this.node.onDragOver = function (e) { | |
if (e.dataTransfer && e.dataTransfer.items) { | |
return [...e.dataTransfer.items].some(f => f.kind === "file" && f.type.startsWith("image/")); | |
} | |
return false; | |
}; | |
// On drop upload files | |
this.node.onDragDrop = (e) => { | |
console.log("onDragDrop called"); | |
let handled = false; | |
for (const file of e.dataTransfer.files) { | |
if (file.type.startsWith("image/")) { | |
this.handleImageFile(file); | |
handled = true; | |
} | |
} | |
return handled; | |
}; | |
// context menu | |
this.createContextMenu(); | |
if (reset && context.pointsEditor.element) { | |
context.pointsEditor.element.innerHTML = ''; // Clear the container | |
} | |
this.pos_coordWidget = context.widgets.find(w => === "coordinates"); | |
this.neg_coordWidget = context.widgets.find(w => === "neg_coordinates"); | |
this.pointsStoreWidget = context.widgets.find(w => === "points_store"); | |
this.widthWidget = context.widgets.find(w => === "width"); | |
this.heightWidget = context.widgets.find(w => === "height"); | |
this.bboxStoreWidget = context.widgets.find(w => === "bbox_store"); | |
this.bboxWidget = context.widgets.find(w => === "bboxes"); | |
//widget callbacks | |
this.widthWidget.callback = () => { | |
this.width = this.widthWidget.value; | |
if (this.width > 256) { | |
context.setSize([this.width + 45, context.size[1]]); | |
} | |
this.vis.width(this.width); | |
this.updateData(); | |
} | |
this.heightWidget.callback = () => { | |
this.height = this.heightWidget.value | |
this.vis.height(this.height) | |
context.setSize([context.size[0], this.height + 300]); | |
this.updateData(); | |
} | |
this.pointsStoreWidget.callback = () => { | |
this.points = JSON.parse(pointsStoreWidget.value).positive; | |
this.neg_points = JSON.parse(pointsStoreWidget.value).negative; | |
this.updateData(); | |
} | |
this.bboxStoreWidget.callback = () => { | |
this.bbox = JSON.parse(bboxStoreWidget.value) | |
this.updateData(); | |
} | |
this.width = this.widthWidget.value; | |
this.height = this.heightWidget.value; | |
var i = 3; | |
this.points = []; | |
this.neg_points = []; | |
this.bbox = [{}]; | |
var drawing = false; | |
// Initialize or reset points array | |
if (!reset && this.pointsStoreWidget.value != "") { | |
this.points = JSON.parse(this.pointsStoreWidget.value).positive; | |
this.neg_points = JSON.parse(this.pointsStoreWidget.value).negative; | |
this.bbox = JSON.parse(this.bboxStoreWidget.value); | |
console.log(this.bbox) | |
} else { | |
this.points = [ | |
{ | |
x: this.width / 2, // Middle point horizontally centered | |
y: this.height / 2 // Middle point vertically centered | |
} | |
]; | |
this.neg_points = [ | |
{ | |
x: 0, // Middle point horizontally centered | |
y: 0 // Middle point vertically centered | |
} | |
]; | |
const combinedPoints = { | |
positive: this.points, | |
negative: this.neg_points, | |
}; | |
this.pointsStoreWidget.value = JSON.stringify(combinedPoints); | |
this.bboxStoreWidget.value = JSON.stringify(this.bbox); | |
} | |
//create main canvas panel | |
this.vis = new pv.Panel() | |
.width(this.width) | |
.height(this.height) | |
.fillStyle("#222") | |
.strokeStyle("gray") | |
.lineWidth(2) | |
.antialias(false) | |
.margin(10) | |
.event("mousedown", function () { | |
if (pv.event.shiftKey && pv.event.button === 2) { // Use pv.event to access the event object | |
let scaledMouse = { | |
x: this.mouse().x / app.canvas.ds.scale, | |
y: this.mouse().y / app.canvas.ds.scale | |
}; | |
i = self.neg_points.push(scaledMouse) - 1; | |
self.updateData(); | |
return this; | |
} | |
else if (pv.event.shiftKey) { | |
let scaledMouse = { | |
x: this.mouse().x / app.canvas.ds.scale, | |
y: this.mouse().y / app.canvas.ds.scale | |
}; | |
i = self.points.push(scaledMouse) - 1; | |
self.updateData(); | |
return this; | |
} | |
else if (pv.event.ctrlKey) { | |
console.log("start drawing at " + this.mouse().x / app.canvas.ds.scale + ", " + this.mouse().y / app.canvas.ds.scale); | |
drawing = true; | |
self.bbox[0].startX = this.mouse().x / app.canvas.ds.scale; | |
self.bbox[0].startY = this.mouse().y / app.canvas.ds.scale; | |
} | |
else if (pv.event.button === 2) { | | = 'block'; | | = `${pv.event.clientX}px`; | | = `${pv.event.clientY}px`; | |
} | |
}) | |
.event("mousemove", function () { | |
if (drawing) { | |
self.bbox[0].endX = this.mouse().x / app.canvas.ds.scale; | |
self.bbox[0].endY = this.mouse().y / app.canvas.ds.scale; | |
self.vis.render(); | |
} | |
}) | |
.event("mouseup", function () { | |
console.log("end drawing at " + this.mouse().x / app.canvas.ds.scale + ", " + this.mouse().y / app.canvas.ds.scale); | |
drawing = false; | |
self.updateData(); | |
}); | |
this.backgroundImage = this.vis.add(pv.Image).visible(false) | |
//create bounding box | |
this.bounding_box = this.vis.add(pv.Area) | |
.data(function () { | |
if (drawing || (self.bbox && self.bbox[0] && Object.keys(self.bbox[0]).length > 0)) { | |
return [self.bbox[0].startX, self.bbox[0].endX]; | |
} else { | |
return []; | |
} | |
}) | |
.bottom(function () {return self.height - Math.max(self.bbox[0].startY, self.bbox[0].endY); }) | |
.left(function (d) {return d; }) | |
.height(function () {return Math.abs(self.bbox[0].startY - self.bbox[0].endY);}) | |
.fillStyle("rgba(70, 130, 180, 0.5)") | |
.strokeStyle("steelblue") | |
.visible(function () {return drawing || Object.keys(self.bbox[0]).length > 0; }) | |
.add(pv.Dot) | |
.visible(function () {return drawing || Object.keys(self.bbox[0]).length > 0; }) | |
.data(() => { | |
if (self.bbox && Object.keys(self.bbox[0]).length > 0) { | |
return [{ | |
x: self.bbox[0].endX, | |
y: self.bbox[0].endY | |
}]; | |
} else { | |
return []; | |
} | |
}) | |
.left(d => d.x) | |
.top(d => d.y) | |
.radius(Math.log(Math.min(self.width, self.height)) * 1) | |
.shape("square") | |
.cursor("move") | |
.strokeStyle("steelblue") | |
.lineWidth(2) | |
.fillStyle(function () { return "rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.6)"; }) | |
.event("mousedown", pv.Behavior.drag()) | |
.event("drag", function () { | |
let adjustedX = this.mouse().x / app.canvas.ds.scale; // Adjust the new position by the inverse of the scale factor | |
let adjustedY = this.mouse().y / app.canvas.ds.scale; | |
// Adjust the new position if it would place the dot outside the bounds of the vis.Panel | |
adjustedX = Math.max(0, Math.min(self.vis.width(), adjustedX)); | |
adjustedY = Math.max(0, Math.min(self.vis.height(), adjustedY)); | |
self.bbox[0].endX = this.mouse().x / app.canvas.ds.scale; | |
self.bbox[0].endY = this.mouse().y / app.canvas.ds.scale; | |
self.vis.render(); | |
}) | |
.event("dragend", function () { | |
self.updateData(); | |
}); | |
//create positive points | |
this.vis.add(pv.Dot) | |
.data(() => this.points) | |
.left(d => d.x) | |
.top(d => d.y) | |
.radius(Math.log(Math.min(self.width, self.height)) * 4) | |
.shape("circle") | |
.cursor("move") | |
.strokeStyle(function () { return i == this.index ? "#07f907" : "#139613"; }) | |
.lineWidth(4) | |
.fillStyle(function () { return "rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.6)"; }) | |
.event("mousedown", pv.Behavior.drag()) | |
.event("dragstart", function () { | |
i = this.index; | |
}) | |
.event("dragend", function () { | |
if (pv.event.button === 2 && i !== 0 && i !== self.points.length - 1) { | |
this.index = i; | |
self.points.splice(i--, 1); | |
} | |
self.updateData(); | |
}) | |
.event("drag", function () { | |
let adjustedX = this.mouse().x / app.canvas.ds.scale; // Adjust the new X position by the inverse of the scale factor | |
let adjustedY = this.mouse().y / app.canvas.ds.scale; // Adjust the new Y position by the inverse of the scale factor | |
// Determine the bounds of the vis.Panel | |
const panelWidth = self.vis.width(); | |
const panelHeight = self.vis.height(); | |
// Adjust the new position if it would place the dot outside the bounds of the vis.Panel | |
adjustedX = Math.max(0, Math.min(panelWidth, adjustedX)); | |
adjustedY = Math.max(0, Math.min(panelHeight, adjustedY)); | |
self.points[this.index] = { x: adjustedX, y: adjustedY }; // Update the point's position | |
self.vis.render(); // Re-render the visualization to reflect the new position | |
}) | |
.anchor("center") | |
.add(pv.Label) | |
.left(d => d.x < this.width / 2 ? d.x + 30 : d.x - 35) // Shift label to right if on left half, otherwise shift to left | |
.top(d => d.y < this.height / 2 ? d.y + 25 : d.y - 25) // Shift label down if on top half, otherwise shift up | |
.font(25 + "px sans-serif") | |
.text(d => {return this.points.indexOf(d); }) | |
.textStyle("#139613") | |
.textShadow("2px 2px 2px black") | |
.add(pv.Dot) // Add smaller point in the center | |
.data(() => this.points) | |
.left(d => d.x) | |
.top(d => d.y) | |
.radius(2) // Smaller radius for the center point | |
.shape("circle") | |
.fillStyle("red") // Color for the center point | |
.lineWidth(1); // Stroke thickness for the center point | |
//create negative points | |
this.vis.add(pv.Dot) | |
.data(() => this.neg_points) | |
.left(d => d.x) | |
.top(d => d.y) | |
.radius(Math.log(Math.min(self.width, self.height)) * 4) | |
.shape("circle") | |
.cursor("move") | |
.strokeStyle(function () { return i == this.index ? "#f91111" : "#891616"; }) | |
.lineWidth(4) | |
.fillStyle(function () { return "rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.6)"; }) | |
.event("mousedown", pv.Behavior.drag()) | |
.event("dragstart", function () { | |
i = this.index; | |
}) | |
.event("dragend", function () { | |
if (pv.event.button === 2 && i !== 0 && i !== self.neg_points.length - 1) { | |
this.index = i; | |
self.neg_points.splice(i--, 1); | |
} | |
self.updateData(); | |
}) | |
.event("drag", function () { | |
let adjustedX = this.mouse().x / app.canvas.ds.scale; // Adjust the new X position by the inverse of the scale factor | |
let adjustedY = this.mouse().y / app.canvas.ds.scale; // Adjust the new Y position by the inverse of the scale factor | |
// Determine the bounds of the vis.Panel | |
const panelWidth = self.vis.width(); | |
const panelHeight = self.vis.height(); | |
// Adjust the new position if it would place the dot outside the bounds of the vis.Panel | |
adjustedX = Math.max(0, Math.min(panelWidth, adjustedX)); | |
adjustedY = Math.max(0, Math.min(panelHeight, adjustedY)); | |
self.neg_points[this.index] = { x: adjustedX, y: adjustedY }; // Update the point's position | |
self.vis.render(); // Re-render the visualization to reflect the new position | |
}) | |
.anchor("center") | |
.add(pv.Label) | |
.left(d => d.x < this.width / 2 ? d.x + 30 : d.x - 35) // Shift label to right if on left half, otherwise shift to left | |
.top(d => d.y < this.height / 2 ? d.y + 25 : d.y - 25) // Shift label down if on top half, otherwise shift up | |
.font(25 + "px sans-serif") | |
.text(d => {return this.neg_points.indexOf(d); }) | |
.textStyle("red") | |
.textShadow("2px 2px 2px black") | |
.add(pv.Dot) // Add smaller point in the center | |
.data(() => this.neg_points) | |
.left(d => d.x) | |
.top(d => d.y) | |
.radius(2) // Smaller radius for the center point | |
.shape("circle") | |
.fillStyle("red") // Color for the center point | |
.lineWidth(1); // Stroke thickness for the center point | |
if (this.points.length != 0) { | |
this.vis.render(); | |
} | |
var svgElement = this.vis.canvas(); | |['zIndex'] = "2" | |['position'] = "relative" | |
this.node.pointsEditor.element.appendChild(svgElement); | |
if (this.width > 256) { | |
this.node.setSize([this.width + 45, this.node.size[1]]); | |
} | |
this.node.setSize([this.node.size[0], this.height + 300]); | |
this.updateData(); | |
this.refreshBackgroundImage(); | |
}//end constructor | |
updateData = () => { | |
if (this.points.length == 0) { | |
console.log("no points") | |
return | |
} | |
const combinedPoints = { | |
positive: this.points, | |
negative: this.neg_points, | |
}; | |
this.pointsStoreWidget.value = JSON.stringify(combinedPoints); | |
this.pos_coordWidget.value = JSON.stringify(this.points); | |
this.neg_coordWidget.value = JSON.stringify(this.neg_points); | |
if (this.bbox.length != 0) { | |
let bboxString = JSON.stringify(this.bbox); | |
this.bboxStoreWidget.value = bboxString; | |
this.bboxWidget.value = bboxString; | |
} | |
this.vis.render(); | |
}; | |
handleImageLoad = (img, file, base64String) => { | |
console.log(img.width, img.height); // Access width and height here | |
this.widthWidget.value = img.width; | |
this.heightWidget.value = img.height; | |
if (img.width != this.vis.width() || img.height != this.vis.height()) { | |
if (img.width > 256) { | |
this.node.setSize([img.width + 45, this.node.size[1]]); | |
} | |
this.node.setSize([this.node.size[0], img.height + 300]); | |
this.vis.width(img.width); | |
this.vis.height(img.height); | |
this.height = img.height; | |
this.width = img.width; | |
this.updateData(); | |
} | |
this.backgroundImage.url(file ? URL.createObjectURL(file) : `data:${};base64,${base64String}`).visible(true).root.render(); | |
}; | |
processImage = (img, file) => { | |
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); | |
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); | |
const maxWidth = 800; // maximum width | |
const maxHeight = 600; // maximum height | |
let width = img.width; | |
let height = img.height; | |
// Calculate the new dimensions while preserving the aspect ratio | |
if (width > height) { | |
if (width > maxWidth) { | |
height *= maxWidth / width; | |
width = maxWidth; | |
} | |
} else { | |
if (height > maxHeight) { | |
width *= maxHeight / height; | |
height = maxHeight; | |
} | |
} | |
canvas.width = width; | |
canvas.height = height; | |
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height); | |
// Get the compressed image data as a Base64 string | |
const base64String = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 0.5).replace('data:', '').replace(/^.+,/, ''); // 0.5 is the quality from 0 to 1 | | = { | |
name:, | |
lastModified: file.lastModified, | |
size: file.size, | |
type: file.type, | |
base64: base64String | |
}; | |
handleImageLoad(img, file, base64String); | |
}; | |
handleImageFile = (file) => { | |
const reader = new FileReader(); | |
reader.onloadend = () => { | |
const img = new Image(); | |
img.src = reader.result; | |
img.onload = () => processImage(img, file); | |
}; | |
reader.readAsDataURL(file); | |
const imageUrl = URL.createObjectURL(file); | |
const img = new Image(); | |
img.src = imageUrl; | |
img.onload = () => this.handleImageLoad(img, file, null); | |
}; | |
refreshBackgroundImage = () => { | |
if ( && { | |
const base64String =; | |
const imageUrl = `data:${};base64,${base64String}`; | |
const img = new Image(); | |
img.src = imageUrl; | |
img.onload = () => this.handleImageLoad(img, null, base64String); | |
} | |
}; | |
createContextMenu = () => { | |
self = this; | |
document.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (e) { | |
e.preventDefault(); | |
}); | |
document.addEventListener('click', function (e) { | |
if (!self.node.contextMenu.contains( { | | = 'none'; | |
} | |
}); | |
this.node.menuItems.forEach((menuItem, index) => { | |
self = this; | |
menuItem.addEventListener('click', function (e) { | |
e.preventDefault(); | |
switch (index) { | |
case 0: | |
// Create file input element | |
const fileInput = document.createElement('input'); | |
fileInput.type = 'file'; | |
fileInput.accept = 'image/*'; // Accept only image files | |
// Listen for file selection | |
fileInput.addEventListener('change', function (event) { | |
const file =[0]; // Get the selected file | |
if (file) { | |
const imageUrl = URL.createObjectURL(file); | |
let img = new Image(); | |
img.src = imageUrl; | |
img.onload = () => self.handleImageLoad(img, file, null); | |
} | |
}); | |; | | = 'none'; | |
break; | |
case 1: | |
self.backgroundImage.visible(false).root.render(); | | = null; | | = 'none'; | |
break; | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
}//end createContextMenu | |
}//end class | |
//from melmass | |
export function hideWidgetForGood(node, widget, suffix = '') { | |
widget.origType = widget.type | |
widget.origComputeSize = widget.computeSize | |
widget.origSerializeValue = widget.serializeValue | |
widget.computeSize = () => [0, -4] // -4 is due to the gap litegraph adds between widgets automatically | |
widget.type = "converted-widget" + suffix | |
// widget.serializeValue = () => { | |
// // Prevent serializing the widget if we have no input linked | |
// const w = node.inputs?.find((i) => i.widget?.name ===; | |
// if (w?.link == null) { | |
// return undefined; | |
// } | |
// return widget.origSerializeValue ? widget.origSerializeValue() : widget.value; | |
// }; | |
// Hide any linked widgets, e.g. seed+seedControl | |
if (widget.linkedWidgets) { | |
for (const w of widget.linkedWidgets) { | |
hideWidgetForGood(node, w, ':' + | |
} | |
} | |
} |