flatcherlee's picture
Upload 2334 files
3d5837a verified
import { app } from '../../../scripts/app.js'
//from melmass
export function makeUUID() {
let dt = new Date().getTime()
const uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, (c) => {
const r = ((dt + Math.random() * 16) % 16) | 0
dt = Math.floor(dt / 16)
return (c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8).toString(16)
return uuid
export const loadScript = (
async = true,
type = 'text/javascript',
) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
// Check if the script already exists
const existingScript = document.querySelector(`script[src="${FILE_URL}"]`)
if (existingScript) {
resolve({ status: true, message: 'Script already loaded' })
const scriptEle = document.createElement('script')
scriptEle.type = type
scriptEle.async = async
scriptEle.src = FILE_URL
scriptEle.addEventListener('load', (ev) => {
resolve({ status: true })
scriptEle.addEventListener('error', (ev) => {
status: false,
message: `Failed to load the script ${FILE_URL}`,
} catch (error) {
const create_documentation_stylesheet = () => {
const tag = 'kj-splineditor-stylesheet'
let styleTag = document.head.querySelector(tag)
if (!styleTag) {
styleTag = document.createElement('style')
styleTag.type = 'text/css'
styleTag.id = tag
styleTag.innerHTML = `
.spline-editor {
position: absolute;
font: 12px monospace;
line-height: 1.5em;
padding: 10px;
z-index: 0;
overflow: hidden;
loadScript('/kjweb_async/svg-path-properties.min.js').catch((e) => {
loadScript('/kjweb_async/protovis.min.js').catch((e) => {
function chainCallback(object, property, callback) {
if (object == undefined) {
//This should not happen.
console.error("Tried to add callback to non-existant object")
if (property in object) {
const callback_orig = object[property]
object[property] = function () {
const r = callback_orig.apply(this, arguments);
callback.apply(this, arguments);
return r
} else {
object[property] = callback;
name: 'KJNodes.SplineEditor',
async beforeRegisterNodeDef(nodeType, nodeData) {
if (nodeData?.name === 'SplineEditor') {
chainCallback(nodeType.prototype, "onNodeCreated", function () {
hideWidgetForGood(this, this.widgets.find(w => w.name === "coordinates"))
var element = document.createElement("div");
this.uuid = makeUUID()
element.id = `spline-editor-${this.uuid}`
this.splineEditor = this.addDOMWidget(nodeData.name, "SplineEditorWidget", element, {
serialize: false,
hideOnZoom: false,
// context menu
this.contextMenu = document.createElement("div");
this.contextMenu.id = "context-menu";
this.contextMenu.style.display = "none";
this.contextMenu.style.position = "absolute";
this.contextMenu.style.backgroundColor = "#202020";
this.contextMenu.style.minWidth = "100px";
this.contextMenu.style.boxShadow = "0px 8px 16px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)";
this.contextMenu.style.zIndex = "100";
this.contextMenu.style.padding = "5px";
function styleMenuItem(menuItem) {
menuItem.style.display = "block";
menuItem.style.padding = "5px";
menuItem.style.color = "#FFF";
menuItem.style.fontFamily = "Arial, sans-serif";
menuItem.style.fontSize = "16px";
menuItem.style.textDecoration = "none";
menuItem.style.marginBottom = "5px";
function createMenuItem(id, textContent) {
let menuItem = document.createElement("a");
menuItem.href = "#";
menuItem.id = `menu-item-${id}`;
menuItem.textContent = textContent;
return menuItem;
// Create an array of menu items using the createMenuItem function
this.menuItems = [
createMenuItem(1, "Toggle handles"),
createMenuItem(2, "Display sample points"),
createMenuItem(3, "Switch point shape"),
createMenuItem(4, "Background image"),
createMenuItem(5, "Invert point order")
// Add mouseover and mouseout event listeners to each menu item for styling
this.menuItems.forEach(menuItem => {
menuItem.addEventListener('mouseover', function() {
this.style.backgroundColor = "gray";
menuItem.addEventListener('mouseout', function() {
this.style.backgroundColor = "#202020";
// Append each menu item to the context menu
this.menuItems.forEach(menuItem => {
document.body.appendChild( this.contextMenu);
this.addWidget("button", "New spline", null, () => {
if (!this.properties || !("points" in this.properties)) {
this.addProperty("points", this.constructor.type, "string");
else {
createSplineEditor(this, true)
this.setSize([550, 950]);
this.resizable = false;
this.splineEditor.parentEl = document.createElement("div");
this.splineEditor.parentEl.className = "spline-editor";
this.splineEditor.parentEl.id = `spline-editor-${this.uuid}`
chainCallback(this, "onConfigure", function() {
}); // onAfterGraphConfigured
}//node created
} //before register
function createSplineEditor(context, reset=false) {
// context menu
function createContextMenu() {
document.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e) {
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
if (!context.contextMenu.contains(e.target)) {
context.contextMenu.style.display = 'none';
context.menuItems.forEach((menuItem, index) => {
menuItem.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
// Logic specific to each menu item based on its index or id
switch (index) {
case 0:
if (!drawHandles) {
drawHandles = true
.data(() => points.map((point, index) => ({
start: point,
end: [index]
.left(d => d.start.x)
.top(d => d.start.y)
.tension(0) // Straight lines
.strokeStyle("#ff7f0e") // Same color as control points
.visible(() => drawHandles);
} else {
drawHandles = false
context.contextMenu.style.display = 'none';
case 1:
drawSamplePoints = !drawSamplePoints;
case 2:
if (dotShape == "circle"){
dotShape = "triangle"
else {
dotShape = "circle"
case 3:
// Create file input element
const fileInput = document.createElement('input');
fileInput.type = 'file';
fileInput.accept = 'image/*'; // Accept only image files
// Listen for file selection
fileInput.addEventListener('change', function(event) {
const file = event.target.files[0]; // Get the selected file
if (file) {
// Create a URL for the selected file
const imageUrl = URL.createObjectURL(file);
// Set the backgroundImage with the new URL and make it visible
// If the backgroundImage is already visible, hide it. Otherwise, show file input.
if (backgroundImage.visible()) {
} else {
// Trigger the file input dialog
context.contextMenu.style.display = 'none';
case 4:
var dotShape = "circle";
var drawSamplePoints = false;
function updatePath() {
if (samplingMethod != "controlpoints") {
var coords = samplePoints(pathElements[0], points_to_sample, samplingMethod, w);
else {
var coords = points
if (drawSamplePoints) {
if (pointsLayer) {
// Update the data of the existing points layer
} else {
// Create the points layer if it doesn't exist
pointsLayer = vis.add(pv.Dot)
.left(function(d) { return d.x; })
.top(function(d) { return d.y; })
.radius(5) // Adjust the radius as needed
.fillStyle("red") // Change the color as needed
.strokeStyle("black") // Change the stroke color as needed
.lineWidth(1); // Adjust the line width as needed
} else {
if (pointsLayer) {
// Remove the points layer
let coordsString = JSON.stringify(coords);
pointsStoreWidget.value = JSON.stringify(points);
if (coordWidget) {
coordWidget.value = coordsString;
if (reset && context.splineEditor.element) {
context.splineEditor.element.innerHTML = ''; // Clear the container
const coordWidget = context.widgets.find(w => w.name === "coordinates");
const interpolationWidget = context.widgets.find(w => w.name === "interpolation");
const pointsWidget = context.widgets.find(w => w.name === "points_to_sample");
const pointsStoreWidget = context.widgets.find(w => w.name === "points_store");
const tensionWidget = context.widgets.find(w => w.name === "tension");
const minValueWidget = context.widgets.find(w => w.name === "min_value");
const maxValueWidget = context.widgets.find(w => w.name === "max_value");
const samplingMethodWidget = context.widgets.find(w => w.name === "sampling_method");
const widthWidget = context.widgets.find(w => w.name === "mask_width");
const heightWidget = context.widgets.find(w => w.name === "mask_height");
//const segmentedWidget = context.widgets.find(w => w.name === "segmented");
var interpolation = interpolationWidget.value
var tension = tensionWidget.value
var points_to_sample = pointsWidget.value
var rangeMin = minValueWidget.value
var rangeMax = maxValueWidget.value
var pointsLayer = null;
var samplingMethod = samplingMethodWidget.value
if (samplingMethod == "path") {
dotShape = "triangle"
interpolationWidget.callback = () => {
interpolation = interpolationWidget.value
samplingMethodWidget.callback = () => {
samplingMethod = samplingMethodWidget.value
if (samplingMethod == "path") {
dotShape = "triangle"
else if (samplingMethod == "controlpoints") {
dotShape = "circle"
drawSamplePoints = true;
tensionWidget.callback = () => {
tension = tensionWidget.value
pointsWidget.callback = () => {
points_to_sample = pointsWidget.value
minValueWidget.callback = () => {
rangeMin = minValueWidget.value
maxValueWidget.callback = () => {
rangeMax = maxValueWidget.value
widthWidget.callback = () => {
w = widthWidget.value;
if (w > 256) {
context.setSize([w + 45, context.size[1]]);
heightWidget.callback = () => {
h = heightWidget.value
context.setSize([context.size[0], h + 430]);
pointsStoreWidget.callback = () => {
points = JSON.parse(pointsStoreWidget.value);
// Initialize or reset points array
var drawHandles = false;
var hoverIndex = -1;
var isDragging = false;
var w = widthWidget.value;
var h = heightWidget.value;
var i = 3;
let points = [];
if (!reset && pointsStoreWidget.value != "") {
points = JSON.parse(pointsStoreWidget.value);
} else {
points = pv.range(1, 4).map((i, index) => {
if (index === 0) {
// First point at the bottom-left corner
return { x: 0, y: h };
} else if (index === 2) {
// Last point at the top-right corner
return { x: w, y: 0 };
} else {
// Other points remain as they were
return {
x: i * w / 5,
y: 50 + Math.random() * (h - 100)
pointsStoreWidget.value = JSON.stringify(points);
var vis = new pv.Panel()
.event("mousedown", function() {
if (pv.event.shiftKey) { // Use pv.event to access the event object
let scaledMouse = {
x: this.mouse().x / app.canvas.ds.scale,
y: this.mouse().y / app.canvas.ds.scale
i = points.push(scaledMouse) - 1;
return this;
else if (pv.event.ctrlKey) {
// Capture the clicked location
let clickedPoint = {
x: this.mouse().x / app.canvas.ds.scale,
y: this.mouse().y / app.canvas.ds.scale
// Find the two closest points to the clicked location
let { point1Index, point2Index } = findClosestPoints(points, clickedPoint);
// Calculate the midpoint between the two closest points
let midpoint = {
x: (points[point1Index].x + points[point2Index].x) / 2,
y: (points[point1Index].y + points[point2Index].y) / 2
// Insert the midpoint into the array
points.splice(point2Index, 0, midpoint);
i = point2Index;
else if (pv.event.button === 2) {
context.contextMenu.style.display = 'block';
context.contextMenu.style.left = `${pv.event.clientX}px`;
context.contextMenu.style.top = `${pv.event.clientY}px`;
var backgroundImage = vis.add(pv.Image)
.data(pv.range(0, h, 64))
.bottom(d => d)
// vis.add(pv.Rule)
// .data(pv.range(0, points_to_sample, 1))
// .left(d => d * 512 / (points_to_sample - 1))
// .strokeStyle("gray")
// .lineWidth(2)
.data(() => points)
.left(d => d.x)
.top(d => d.y)
.interpolate(() => interpolation)
.tension(() => tension)
.segmented(() => false)
.data(() => points)
.left(d => d.x)
.top(d => d.y)
.shape(function() {
return dotShape;
.angle(function() {
const index = this.index;
let angle = 0;
if (dotShape === "triangle") {
let dxNext = 0, dyNext = 0;
if (index < points.length - 1) {
dxNext = points[index + 1].x - points[index].x;
dyNext = points[index + 1].y - points[index].y;
let dxPrev = 0, dyPrev = 0;
if (index > 0) {
dxPrev = points[index].x - points[index - 1].x;
dyPrev = points[index].y - points[index - 1].y;
const dx = (dxNext + dxPrev) / 2;
const dy = (dyNext + dyPrev) / 2;
angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
angle -= Math.PI / 2;
angle = (angle + 2 * Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI);
return angle;
.strokeStyle(function() { return i == this.index ? "#ff7f0e" : "#1f77b4"; })
.fillStyle(function() { return "rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.3)"; })
.event("mousedown", pv.Behavior.drag())
.event("dragstart", function() {
i = this.index;
hoverIndex = this.index;
isDragging = true;
if (pv.event.button === 2 && i !== 0 && i !== points.length - 1) {
points.splice(i--, 1);
return this;
.event("dragend", function() {
if (this.pathElements !== null) {
isDragging = false;
.event("drag", function() {
let adjustedX = this.mouse().x / app.canvas.ds.scale; // Adjust the new X position by the inverse of the scale factor
let adjustedY = this.mouse().y / app.canvas.ds.scale; // Adjust the new Y position by the inverse of the scale factor
// Determine the bounds of the vis.Panel
const panelWidth = vis.width();
const panelHeight = vis.height();
// Adjust the new position if it would place the dot outside the bounds of the vis.Panel
adjustedX = Math.max(0, Math.min(panelWidth, adjustedX));
adjustedY = Math.max(0, Math.min(panelHeight, adjustedY));
points[this.index] = { x: adjustedX, y: adjustedY }; // Update the point's position
vis.render(); // Re-render the visualization to reflect the new position
.event("mouseover", function() {
hoverIndex = this.index; // Set the hover index to the index of the hovered dot
vis.render(); // Re-render the visualization
.event("mouseout", function() {
!isDragging && (hoverIndex = -1); // Reset the hover index when the mouse leaves the dot
vis.render(); // Re-render the visualization
.visible(function() {
return hoverIndex === this.index; // Only show the label for the hovered dot
.left(d => d.x < w / 2 ? d.x + 80 : d.x - 70) // Shift label to right if on left half, otherwise shift to left
.top(d => d.y < h / 2 ? d.y + 20 : d.y - 20) // Shift label down if on top half, otherwise shift up
.font(12 + "px sans-serif")
.text(d => {
if (samplingMethod == "path") {
return `X: ${Math.round(d.x)}, Y: ${Math.round(d.y)}`;
} else {
let frame = Math.round((d.x / w) * points_to_sample);
let normalizedY = (1.0 - (d.y / h) - 0.0) * (rangeMax - rangeMin) + rangeMin;
let normalizedX = (d.x / w);
return `F: ${frame}, X: ${normalizedX.toFixed(2)}, Y: ${normalizedY.toFixed(2)}`;
var svgElement = vis.canvas();
svgElement.style['zIndex'] = "2"
svgElement.style['position'] = "relative"
var pathElements = svgElement.getElementsByTagName('path'); // Get all path elements
if (w > 256) {
context.setSize([w + 45, context.size[1]]);
context.setSize([context.size[0], h + 430]);
function samplePoints(svgPathElement, numSamples, samplingMethod, width) {
var svgWidth = width; // Fixed width of the SVG element
var pathLength = svgPathElement.getTotalLength();
var points = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) {
if (samplingMethod === "time") {
// Calculate the x-coordinate for the current sample based on the SVG's width
var x = (svgWidth / (numSamples - 1)) * i;
// Find the point on the path that intersects the vertical line at the calculated x-coordinate
var point = findPointAtX(svgPathElement, x, pathLength);
else if (samplingMethod === "path") {
// Calculate the distance along the path for the current sample
var distance = (pathLength / (numSamples - 1)) * i;
// Get the point at the current distance
var point = svgPathElement.getPointAtLength(distance);
// Add the point to the array of points
points.push({ x: point.x, y: point.y });
return points;
function findClosestPoints(points, clickedPoint) {
// Calculate distances from clickedPoint to each point in the array
let distances = points.map(point => {
let dx = clickedPoint.x - point.x;
let dy = clickedPoint.y - point.y;
return { index: points.indexOf(point), distance: Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) };
// Sort distances and get the indices of the two closest points
let sortedDistances = distances.sort((a, b) => a.distance - b.distance);
let closestPoint1Index = sortedDistances[0].index;
let closestPoint2Index = sortedDistances[1].index;
// Ensure point1Index is always the smaller index
if (closestPoint1Index > closestPoint2Index) {
[closestPoint1Index, closestPoint2Index] = [closestPoint2Index, closestPoint1Index];
return { point1Index: closestPoint1Index, point2Index: closestPoint2Index };
function findPointAtX(svgPathElement, targetX, pathLength) {
let low = 0;
let high = pathLength;
let bestPoint = svgPathElement.getPointAtLength(0);
while (low <= high) {
let mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
let point = svgPathElement.getPointAtLength(mid);
if (Math.abs(point.x - targetX) < 1) {
return point; // The point is close enough to the target
if (point.x < targetX) {
low = mid + 1;
} else {
high = mid - 1;
// Keep track of the closest point found so far
if (Math.abs(point.x - targetX) < Math.abs(bestPoint.x - targetX)) {
bestPoint = point;
// Return the closest point found
return bestPoint;
//from melmass
export function hideWidgetForGood(node, widget, suffix = '') {
widget.origType = widget.type
widget.origComputeSize = widget.computeSize
widget.origSerializeValue = widget.serializeValue
widget.computeSize = () => [0, -4] // -4 is due to the gap litegraph adds between widgets automatically
widget.type = "converted-widget" + suffix
// widget.serializeValue = () => {
// // Prevent serializing the widget if we have no input linked
// const w = node.inputs?.find((i) => i.widget?.name === widget.name);
// if (w?.link == null) {
// return undefined;
// }
// return widget.origSerializeValue ? widget.origSerializeValue() : widget.value;
// };
// Hide any linked widgets, e.g. seed+seedControl
if (widget.linkedWidgets) {
for (const w of widget.linkedWidgets) {
hideWidgetForGood(node, w, ':' + widget.name)