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# this is an example for config.yaml file, you can rename it to config.yaml if you want to use it
# ###############################################################################################
# This path is for custom pressesor models base folder. default is "./ckpts"
# you can also use absolute paths like: "/root/ComfyUI/custom_nodes/comfyui_controlnet_aux/ckpts" or "D:\\ComfyUI\\custom_nodes\\comfyui_controlnet_aux\\ckpts"
annotator_ckpts_path: "./ckpts"
# ###############################################################################################
# This path is for downloading temporary files.
# You SHOULD use absolute path for this like"D:\\temp", DO NOT use relative paths. Empty for default.
# ###############################################################################################
# if you already have downloaded ckpts via huggingface hub into default cache path like: ~/.cache/huggingface/hub, you can set this True to use symlinks to save space
# ###############################################################################################
# EP_list is a list of execution providers for onnxruntime, if one of them is not available or not working well, you can delete that provider from here(config.yaml)
# you can find all available providers here: https://onnxruntime.ai/docs/execution-providers
# for example, if you have CUDA installed, you can set it to: ["CUDAExecutionProvider", "CPUExecutionProvider"]
# empty list or only keep ["CPUExecutionProvider"] means you use cv2.dnn.readNetFromONNX to load onnx models
# if your onnx models can only run on the CPU or have other issues, we recommend using pt model instead.
# default value is ["CUDAExecutionProvider", "DirectMLExecutionProvider", "OpenVINOExecutionProvider", "ROCMExecutionProvider", "CPUExecutionProvider"]
EP_list: ["CUDAExecutionProvider", "DirectMLExecutionProvider", "OpenVINOExecutionProvider", "ROCMExecutionProvider", "CPUExecutionProvider"]