// @ts-check | |
import { ComfyButton } from "../components/button.js"; | |
import { prop, getStorageValue, setStorageValue } from "../../utils.js"; | |
import { $el } from "../../ui.js"; | |
import { api } from "../../api.js"; | |
import { ComfyPopup } from "../components/popup.js"; | |
import { createSpinner } from "../spinner.js"; | |
import { ComfyWorkflow, trimJsonExt } from "../../workflows.js"; | |
import { ComfyAsyncDialog } from "../components/asyncDialog.js"; | |
export class ComfyWorkflowsMenu { | |
#first = true; | |
element = $el("div.comfyui-workflows"); | |
get open() { | |
return; | |
} | |
set open(open) { | | = open; | |
} | |
/** | |
* @param {import("../../app.js").ComfyApp} app | |
*/ | |
constructor(app) { | | = app; | |
this.#bindEvents(); | |
const classList = { | |
"comfyui-workflows-button": true, | |
"comfyui-button": true, | |
unsaved: getStorageValue("Comfy.PreviousWorkflowUnsaved") === "true", | |
running: false, | |
}; | |
this.buttonProgress = $el("div.comfyui-workflows-button-progress"); | |
this.workflowLabel = $el("span.comfyui-workflows-label", ""); | |
this.button = new ComfyButton({ | |
content: $el("div.comfyui-workflows-button-inner", [$el("i.mdi.mdi-graph"), this.workflowLabel, this.buttonProgress]), | |
icon: "chevron-down", | |
classList, | |
}); | |
this.element.append(this.button.element); | |
this.popup = new ComfyPopup({ target: this.element, classList: "comfyui-workflows-popup" }); | |
this.content = new ComfyWorkflowsContent(app, this.popup); | |
this.popup.children = [this.content.element]; | |
this.popup.addEventListener("change", () => { | |
this.button.icon = "chevron-" + ( ? "up" : "down"); | |
}); | |
this.button.withPopup(this.popup); | |
this.unsaved = prop(this, "unsaved", classList.unsaved, (v) => { | |
classList.unsaved = v; | |
this.button.classList = classList; | |
setStorageValue("Comfy.PreviousWorkflowUnsaved", v); | |
}); | |
} | |
#updateProgress = () => { | |
const prompt =; | |
let percent = 0; | |
if ( === prompt?.workflow) { | |
const total = Object.values(prompt.nodes); | |
const done = total.filter(Boolean); | |
percent = (done.length / total.length) * 100; | |
} | | = percent + "%"; | |
}; | |
#updateActive = () => { | |
const active =; | |
this.button.tooltip = active.path; | |
this.workflowLabel.textContent =; | |
this.unsaved = active.unsaved; | |
if (this.#first) { | |
this.#first = false; | |
this.content.load(); | |
} | |
this.#updateProgress(); | |
}; | |
#bindEvents() { | |"changeWorkflow", this.#updateActive); | |"rename", this.#updateActive); | |"delete", this.#updateActive); | |"save", () => { | |
this.unsaved =; | |
}); | |"execute", (e) => { | |
this.#updateProgress(); | |
}); | |
api.addEventListener("graphChanged", () => { | |
this.unsaved = true; | |
}); | |
} | |
#getMenuOptions(callback) { | |
const menu = []; | |
const directories = new Map(); | |
for (const workflow of || []) { | |
const path = workflow.pathParts; | |
if (!path) continue; | |
let parent = menu; | |
let currentPath = ""; | |
for (let i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) { | |
currentPath += "/" + path[i]; | |
let newParent = directories.get(currentPath); | |
if (!newParent) { | |
newParent = { | |
title: path[i], | |
has_submenu: true, | |
submenu: { | |
options: [], | |
}, | |
}; | |
parent.push(newParent); | |
newParent = newParent.submenu.options; | |
directories.set(currentPath, newParent); | |
} | |
parent = newParent; | |
} | |
parent.push({ | |
title: trimJsonExt(path[path.length - 1]), | |
callback: () => callback(workflow), | |
}); | |
} | |
return menu; | |
} | |
#getFavoriteMenuOptions(callback) { | |
const menu = []; | |
for (const workflow of || []) { | |
if (workflow.isFavorite) { | |
menu.push({ | |
title: "⭐ " +, | |
callback: () => callback(workflow), | |
}); | |
} | |
} | |
return menu; | |
} | |
/** | |
* @param {import("../../app.js").ComfyApp} app | |
*/ | |
registerExtension(app) { | |
const self = this; | |
app.registerExtension({ | |
name: "Comfy.Workflows", | |
async beforeRegisterNodeDef(nodeType) { | |
function getImageWidget(node) { | |
const inputs = { ...node.constructor?.nodeData?.input?.required, ...node.constructor?.nodeData?.input?.optional }; | |
for (const input in inputs) { | |
if (inputs[input][0] === "IMAGEUPLOAD") { | |
const imageWidget = node.widgets.find((w) => === (inputs[input]?.[1]?.widget ?? "image")); | |
if (imageWidget) return imageWidget; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
function setWidgetImage(node, widget, img) { | |
const url = new URL(img.src); | |
const filename = url.searchParams.get("filename"); | |
const subfolder = url.searchParams.get("subfolder"); | |
const type = url.searchParams.get("type"); | |
const imageId = `${subfolder ? subfolder + "/" : ""}${filename} [${type}]`; | |
widget.value = imageId; | |
node.imgs = [img]; | |
app.graph.setDirtyCanvas(true, true); | |
} | |
/** | |
* @param {HTMLImageElement} img | |
* @param {ComfyWorkflow} workflow | |
*/ | |
async function sendToWorkflow(img, workflow) { | |
const openWorkflow = app.workflowManager.openWorkflows.find((w) => w.path === workflow.path); | |
if (openWorkflow) { | |
workflow = openWorkflow; | |
} | |
await workflow.load(); | |
let options = []; | |
const nodes = app.graph.computeExecutionOrder(false); | |
for (const node of nodes) { | |
const widget = getImageWidget(node); | |
if (widget == null) continue; | |
if (node.title?.toLowerCase().includes("input")) { | |
options = [{ widget, node }]; | |
break; | |
} else { | |
options.push({ widget, node }); | |
} | |
} | |
if (!options.length) { | |
alert("No image nodes have been found in this workflow!"); | |
return; | |
} else if (options.length > 1) { | |
const dialog = new WidgetSelectionDialog(options); | |
const res = await; | |
if (!res) return; | |
options = [res]; | |
} | |
setWidgetImage(options[0].node, options[0].widget, img); | |
} | |
const getExtraMenuOptions = nodeType.prototype["getExtraMenuOptions"]; | |
nodeType.prototype["getExtraMenuOptions"] = function (_, options) { | |
const r = getExtraMenuOptions?.apply?.(this, arguments); | |
const setting = app.ui.settings.getSettingValue("Comfy.UseNewMenu", false); | |
if (setting && setting != "Disabled") { | |
const t = /** @type { {imageIndex?: number, overIndex?: number, imgs: string[]} } */ /** @type {any} */ (this); | |
let img; | |
if (t.imageIndex != null) { | |
// An image is selected so select that | |
img = t.imgs?.[t.imageIndex]; | |
} else if (t.overIndex != null) { | |
// No image is selected but one is hovered | |
img = t.img?.s[t.overIndex]; | |
} | |
if (img) { | |
let pos = options.findIndex((o) => o.content === "Save Image"); | |
if (pos === -1) { | |
pos = 0; | |
} else { | |
pos++; | |
} | |
options.splice(pos, 0, { | |
content: "Send to workflow", | |
has_submenu: true, | |
submenu: { | |
options: [ | |
{ | |
callback: () => sendToWorkflow(img, app.workflowManager.activeWorkflow), | |
title: "[Current workflow]", | |
}, | |
...self.#getFavoriteMenuOptions(sendToWorkflow.bind(null, img)), | |
null, | |
...self.#getMenuOptions(sendToWorkflow.bind(null, img)), | |
], | |
}, | |
}); | |
} | |
} | |
return r; | |
}; | |
}, | |
}); | |
} | |
} | |
export class ComfyWorkflowsContent { | |
element = $el("div.comfyui-workflows-panel"); | |
treeState = {}; | |
treeFiles = {}; | |
/** @type { Map<ComfyWorkflow, WorkflowElement> } */ | |
openFiles = new Map(); | |
/** @type {WorkflowElement} */ | |
activeElement = null; | |
/** | |
* @param {import("../../app.js").ComfyApp} app | |
* @param {ComfyPopup} popup | |
*/ | |
constructor(app, popup) { | | = app; | |
this.popup = popup; | |
this.actions = $el("div.comfyui-workflows-actions", [ | |
new ComfyButton({ | |
content: "Default", | |
icon: "file-code", | |
iconSize: 18, | |
classList: "comfyui-button primary", | |
tooltip: "Load default workflow", | |
action: () => { | | = false; | |
app.loadGraphData(); | |
app.resetView(); | |
}, | |
}).element, | |
new ComfyButton({ | |
content: "Browse", | |
icon: "folder", | |
iconSize: 18, | |
tooltip: "Browse for an image or exported workflow", | |
action: () => { | | = false; | |
app.ui.loadFile(); | |
}, | |
}).element, | |
new ComfyButton({ | |
content: "Blank", | |
icon: "plus-thick", | |
iconSize: 18, | |
tooltip: "Create a new blank workflow", | |
action: () => { | |
app.workflowManager.setWorkflow(null); | |
app.clean(); | |
app.graph.clear(); | |
app.workflowManager.activeWorkflow.track(); | | = false; | |
}, | |
}).element, | |
]); | |
this.spinner = createSpinner(); | |
this.element.replaceChildren(this.actions, this.spinner); | |
this.popup.addEventListener("open", () => this.load()); | |
this.popup.addEventListener("close", () => this.element.replaceChildren(this.actions, this.spinner)); | |"favorite", (e) => { | |
const workflow = e["detail"]; | |
const button = this.treeFiles[workflow.path]?.primary; | |
if (!button) return; // Can happen when a workflow is renamed | |
button.icon = this.#getFavoriteIcon(workflow); | |
button.overIcon = this.#getFavoriteOverIcon(workflow); | |
this.updateFavorites(); | |
}); | |
for (const e of ["save", "open", "close", "changeWorkflow"]) { | |
// TODO: dont be lazy and just update the specific element | |
app.workflowManager.addEventListener(e, () => this.updateOpen()); | |
} | |"rename", () => this.load()); | |"execute", (e) => this.#updateActive()); | |
} | |
async load() { | |
await; | |
this.updateTree(); | |
this.updateFavorites(); | |
this.updateOpen(); | |
this.element.replaceChildren(this.actions, this.openElement, this.favoritesElement, this.treeElement); | |
} | |
updateOpen() { | |
const current = this.openElement; | |
this.openFiles.clear(); | |
this.openElement = $el("div.comfyui-workflows-open", [ | |
$el("h3", "Open"), | | => { | |
const wrapper = new WorkflowElement(this, w, { | |
primary: { element: $el("i.mdi.mdi-18px.mdi-progress-pencil") }, | |
buttons: [ | |
this.#getRenameButton(w), | |
new ComfyButton({ | |
icon: "close", | |
iconSize: 18, | |
classList: "comfyui-button comfyui-workflows-file-action", | |
tooltip: "Close workflow", | |
action: (e) => { | |
e.stopImmediatePropagation(); | |; | |
}, | |
}), | |
], | |
}); | |
if (w.unsaved) { | |
wrapper.element.classList.add("unsaved"); | |
} | |
if(w === { | |
wrapper.element.classList.add("active"); | |
} | |
this.openFiles.set(w, wrapper); | |
return wrapper.element; | |
}), | |
]); | |
this.#updateActive(); | |
current?.replaceWith(this.openElement); | |
} | |
updateFavorites() { | |
const current = this.favoritesElement; | |
const favorites = [ => w.isFavorite)]; | |
this.favoritesElement = $el("div.comfyui-workflows-favorites", [ | |
$el("h3", "Favorites"), | |
...favorites | |
.map((w) => { | |
return this.#getWorkflowElement(w).element; | |
}) | |
.filter(Boolean), | |
]); | |
current?.replaceWith(this.favoritesElement); | |
} | |
filterTree() { | |
if (!this.filterText) { | |
this.treeRoot.classList.remove("filtered"); | |
// Unfilter whole tree | |
for (const item of Object.values(this.treeFiles)) { | |"display"); | |
this.showTreeParents(item.element.parentElement); | |
} | |
return; | |
} | |
this.treeRoot.classList.add("filtered"); | |
const searchTerms = this.filterText.toLocaleLowerCase().split(" "); | |
for (const item of Object.values(this.treeFiles)) { | |
const parts = item.workflow.pathParts; | |
let termIndex = 0; | |
let valid = false; | |
for (const part of parts) { | |
let currentIndex = 0; | |
do { | |
currentIndex = part.indexOf(searchTerms[termIndex], currentIndex); | |
if (currentIndex > -1) currentIndex += searchTerms[termIndex].length; | |
} while (currentIndex !== -1 && ++termIndex < searchTerms.length); | |
if (termIndex >= searchTerms.length) { | |
valid = true; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
if (valid) { | |"display"); | |
this.showTreeParents(item.element.parentElement); | |
} else { | | = "none"; | |
this.hideTreeParents(item.element.parentElement); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
hideTreeParents(element) { | |
// Hide all parents if no children are visible | |
if (element.parentElement?.classList.contains("comfyui-workflows-tree") === false) { | |
for (let i = 1; i < element.parentElement.children.length; i++) { | |
const c = element.parentElement.children[i]; | |
if ( !== "none") { | |
return; | |
} | |
} | | = "none"; | |
this.hideTreeParents(element.parentElement); | |
} | |
} | |
showTreeParents(element) { | |
if (element.parentElement?.classList.contains("comfyui-workflows-tree") === false) { | |"display"); | |
this.showTreeParents(element.parentElement); | |
} | |
} | |
updateTree() { | |
const current = this.treeElement; | |
const nodes = {}; | |
let typingTimeout; | |
this.treeFiles = {}; | |
this.treeRoot = $el("ul.comfyui-workflows-tree"); | |
this.treeElement = $el("section", [ | |
$el("header", [ | |
$el("h3", "Browse"), | |
$el("div.comfy-ui-workflows-search", [ | |
$el("i.mdi.mdi-18px.mdi-magnify"), | |
$el("input", { | |
placeholder: "Search", | |
value: this.filterText ?? "", | |
oninput: (e) => { | |
this.filterText =["value"]?.trim(); | |
clearTimeout(typingTimeout); | |
typingTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.filterTree(), 250); | |
}, | |
}), | |
]), | |
]), | |
this.treeRoot, | |
]); | |
for (const workflow of { | |
if (!workflow.pathParts) continue; | |
let currentPath = ""; | |
let currentRoot = this.treeRoot; | |
for (let i = 0; i < workflow.pathParts.length; i++) { | |
currentPath += (currentPath ? "\\" : "") + workflow.pathParts[i]; | |
const parentNode = nodes[currentPath] ?? this.#createNode(currentPath, workflow, i, currentRoot); | |
nodes[currentPath] = parentNode; | |
currentRoot = parentNode; | |
} | |
} | |
current?.replaceWith(this.treeElement); | |
this.filterTree(); | |
} | |
#expandNode(el, workflow, thisPath, i) { | |
const expanded = !el.classList.toggle("closed"); | |
if (expanded) { | |
let c = ""; | |
for (let j = 0; j <= i; j++) { | |
c += (c ? "\\" : "") + workflow.pathParts[j]; | |
this.treeState[c] = true; | |
} | |
} else { | |
let c = thisPath; | |
for (let j = i + 1; j < workflow.pathParts.length; j++) { | |
c += (c ? "\\" : "") + workflow.pathParts[j]; | |
delete this.treeState[c]; | |
} | |
delete this.treeState[thisPath]; | |
} | |
} | |
#updateActive() { | |
this.#removeActive(); | |
const active =; | |
if (!active?.workflow) return; | |
const open = this.openFiles.get(active.workflow); | |
if (!open) return; | |
this.activeElement = open; | |
const total = Object.values(active.nodes); | |
const done = total.filter(Boolean); | |
const percent = done.length / total.length; | |
open.element.classList.add("running"); | |"--progress", percent * 100 + "%"); | |
open.primary.element.classList.remove("mdi-progress-pencil"); | |
open.primary.element.classList.add("mdi-play"); | |
} | |
#removeActive() { | |
if (!this.activeElement) return; | |
this.activeElement.element.classList.remove("running"); | |"--progress"); | |
this.activeElement.primary.element.classList.add("mdi-progress-pencil"); | |
this.activeElement.primary.element.classList.remove("mdi-play"); | |
} | |
/** @param {ComfyWorkflow} workflow */ | |
#getFavoriteIcon(workflow) { | |
return workflow.isFavorite ? "star" : "file-outline"; | |
} | |
/** @param {ComfyWorkflow} workflow */ | |
#getFavoriteOverIcon(workflow) { | |
return workflow.isFavorite ? "star-off" : "star-outline"; | |
} | |
/** @param {ComfyWorkflow} workflow */ | |
#getFavoriteTooltip(workflow) { | |
return workflow.isFavorite ? "Remove this workflow from your favorites" : "Add this workflow to your favorites"; | |
} | |
/** @param {ComfyWorkflow} workflow */ | |
#getFavoriteButton(workflow, primary) { | |
return new ComfyButton({ | |
icon: this.#getFavoriteIcon(workflow), | |
overIcon: this.#getFavoriteOverIcon(workflow), | |
iconSize: 18, | |
classList: "comfyui-button comfyui-workflows-file-action-favorite" + (primary ? " comfyui-workflows-file-action-primary" : ""), | |
tooltip: this.#getFavoriteTooltip(workflow), | |
action: (e) => { | |
e.stopImmediatePropagation(); | |
workflow.favorite(!workflow.isFavorite); | |
}, | |
}); | |
} | |
/** @param {ComfyWorkflow} workflow */ | |
#getDeleteButton(workflow) { | |
const deleteButton = new ComfyButton({ | |
icon: "delete", | |
tooltip: "Delete this workflow", | |
classList: "comfyui-button comfyui-workflows-file-action", | |
iconSize: 18, | |
action: async (e, btn) => { | |
e.stopImmediatePropagation(); | |
if (btn.icon === "delete-empty") { | |
btn.enabled = false; | |
await workflow.delete(); | |
await this.load(); | |
} else { | |
btn.icon = "delete-empty"; | | = "red"; | |
} | |
}, | |
}); | |
deleteButton.element.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => { | |
deleteButton.icon = "delete"; | |"background"); | |
}); | |
return deleteButton; | |
} | |
/** @param {ComfyWorkflow} workflow */ | |
#getInsertButton(workflow) { | |
return new ComfyButton({ | |
icon: "file-move-outline", | |
iconSize: 18, | |
tooltip: "Insert this workflow into the current workflow", | |
classList: "comfyui-button comfyui-workflows-file-action", | |
action: (e) => { | |
if (! { | | = false; | |
} | |
e.stopImmediatePropagation(); | |
if (! { | | = false; | |
} | |
workflow.insert(); | |
}, | |
}); | |
} | |
/** @param {ComfyWorkflow} workflow */ | |
#getRenameButton(workflow) { | |
return new ComfyButton({ | |
icon: "pencil", | |
tooltip: workflow.path ? "Rename this workflow" : "This workflow can't be renamed as it hasn't been saved.", | |
classList: "comfyui-button comfyui-workflows-file-action", | |
iconSize: 18, | |
enabled: !!workflow.path, | |
action: async (e) => { | |
e.stopImmediatePropagation(); | |
const newName = prompt("Enter new name", workflow.path); | |
if (newName) { | |
await workflow.rename(newName); | |
} | |
}, | |
}); | |
} | |
/** @param {ComfyWorkflow} workflow */ | |
#getWorkflowElement(workflow) { | |
return new WorkflowElement(this, workflow, { | |
primary: this.#getFavoriteButton(workflow, true), | |
buttons: [this.#getInsertButton(workflow), this.#getRenameButton(workflow), this.#getDeleteButton(workflow)], | |
}); | |
} | |
/** @param {ComfyWorkflow} workflow */ | |
#createLeafNode(workflow) { | |
const fileNode = this.#getWorkflowElement(workflow); | |
this.treeFiles[workflow.path] = fileNode; | |
return fileNode; | |
} | |
#createNode(currentPath, workflow, i, currentRoot) { | |
const part = workflow.pathParts[i]; | |
const parentNode = $el("ul" + (this.treeState[currentPath] ? "" : ".closed"), { | |
$: (el) => { | |
el.onclick = (e) => { | |
this.#expandNode(el, workflow, currentPath, i); | |
e.stopImmediatePropagation(); | |
}; | |
}, | |
}); | |
currentRoot.append(parentNode); | |
// Create a node for the current part and an inner UL for its children if it isnt a leaf node | |
const leaf = i === workflow.pathParts.length - 1; | |
let nodeElement; | |
if (leaf) { | |
nodeElement = this.#createLeafNode(workflow).element; | |
} else { | |
nodeElement = $el("li", [$el("i.mdi.mdi-18px.mdi-folder"), $el("span", part)]); | |
} | |
parentNode.append(nodeElement); | |
return parentNode; | |
} | |
} | |
class WorkflowElement { | |
/** | |
* @param { ComfyWorkflowsContent } parent | |
* @param { ComfyWorkflow } workflow | |
*/ | |
constructor(parent, workflow, { tagName = "li", primary, buttons }) { | |
this.parent = parent; | |
this.workflow = workflow; | |
this.primary = primary; | |
this.buttons = buttons; | |
this.element = $el( | |
tagName + ".comfyui-workflows-tree-file", | |
{ | |
onclick: () => { | |
workflow.load(); | | = false; | |
}, | |
title: this.workflow.path, | |
}, | |
[this.primary?.element, $el("span",, => b.element)] | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
class WidgetSelectionDialog extends ComfyAsyncDialog { | |
#options; | |
/** | |
* @param {Array<{widget: {name: string}, node: {pos: [number, number], title: string, id: string, type: string}}>} options | |
*/ | |
constructor(options) { | |
super(); | |
this.#options = options; | |
} | |
show(app) { | |
this.element.classList.add("comfy-widget-selection-dialog"); | |
return | |
$el("div", [ | |
$el("h2", "Select image target"), | |
$el( | |
"p", | |
"This workflow has multiple image loader nodes, you can rename a node to include 'input' in the title for it to be automatically selected, or select one below." | |
), | |
$el( | |
"section", | | => { | |
return $el("div.comfy-widget-selection-item", [ | |
$el("span", { dataset: { id: } }, `${opt.node.title ?? opt.node.type} ${}`), | |
$el( | |
"button.comfyui-button", | |
{ | |
onclick: () => { | |
app.canvas.ds.offset[0] = -opt.node.pos[0] + 50; | |
app.canvas.ds.offset[1] = -opt.node.pos[1] + 50; | |
app.canvas.selectNode(opt.node); | |
app.graph.setDirtyCanvas(true, true); | |
}, | |
}, | |
"Show" | |
), | |
$el( | |
"button.comfyui-button.primary", | |
{ | |
onclick: () => { | |
this.close(opt); | |
}, | |
}, | |
"Select" | |
), | |
]); | |
}) | |
), | |
]) | |
); | |
} | |
} |