import { app } from "../../../scripts/app.js"; import { importA1111 } from "../../../scripts/pnginfo.js"; import { ComfyWidgets } from "../../../scripts/widgets.js"; let getDrawTextConfig = null; let fileInput; class WorkflowImage { static accept = ""; getBounds() { // Calculate the min max bounds for the nodes on the graph const bounds = app.graph._nodes.reduce( (p, n) => { if (n.pos[0] < p[0]) p[0] = n.pos[0]; if (n.pos[1] < p[1]) p[1] = n.pos[1]; const bounds = n.getBounding(); const r = n.pos[0] + bounds[2]; const b = n.pos[1] + bounds[3]; if (r > p[2]) p[2] = r; if (b > p[3]) p[3] = b; return p; }, [99999, 99999, -99999, -99999] ); bounds[0] -= 100; bounds[1] -= 100; bounds[2] += 100; bounds[3] += 100; return bounds; } saveState() { this.state = { scale: app.canvas.ds.scale, width: app.canvas.canvas.width, height: app.canvas.canvas.height, offset: app.canvas.ds.offset, transform: app.canvas.canvas.getContext('2d').getTransform(), // Save the original transformation matrix }; } restoreState() { app.canvas.ds.scale = this.state.scale; app.canvas.canvas.width = this.state.width; app.canvas.canvas.height = this.state.height; app.canvas.ds.offset = this.state.offset; app.canvas.canvas.getContext('2d').setTransform(this.state.transform); // Reapply the original transformation matrix } updateView(bounds) { app.canvas.ds.scale = 1; app.canvas.canvas.width = bounds[2] - bounds[0]; app.canvas.canvas.height = bounds[3] - bounds[1]; app.canvas.ds.offset = [-bounds[0], -bounds[1]]; } getDrawTextConfig(_, widget) { return { x: 10, y: widget.last_y + 10, resetTransform: false, }; } async export(includeWorkflow) { // Save the current state of the canvas this.saveState(); // Update to render the whole workflow this.updateView(this.getBounds()); // Flag that we are saving and render the canvas getDrawTextConfig = this.getDrawTextConfig; app.canvas.draw(true, true); getDrawTextConfig = null; // Generate a blob of the image containing the workflow const blob = await this.getBlob(includeWorkflow ? JSON.stringify(app.graph.serialize()) : undefined); // Restore initial state and redraw this.restoreState(); app.canvas.draw(true, true); // Download the generated image; } download(blob) { const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const a = document.createElement("a"); Object.assign(a, { href: url, download: "workflow." + this.extension, style: "display: none", }); document.body.append(a);; setTimeout(function () { a.remove(); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, 0); } static import() { if (!fileInput) { fileInput = document.createElement("input"); Object.assign(fileInput, { type: "file", style: "display: none", onchange: () => { app.handleFile(fileInput.files[0]); }, }); document.body.append(fileInput); } fileInput.accept = WorkflowImage.accept;; } } class PngWorkflowImage extends WorkflowImage { static accept = ".png,image/png"; extension = "png"; n2b(n) { return new Uint8Array([(n >> 24) & 0xff, (n >> 16) & 0xff, (n >> 8) & 0xff, n & 0xff]); } joinArrayBuffer(...bufs) { const result = new Uint8Array(bufs.reduce((totalSize, buf) => totalSize + buf.byteLength, 0)); bufs.reduce((offset, buf) => { result.set(buf, offset); return offset + buf.byteLength; }, 0); return result; } crc32(data) { const crcTable = PngWorkflowImage.crcTable || (PngWorkflowImage.crcTable = (() => { let c; const crcTable = []; for (let n = 0; n < 256; n++) { c = n; for (let k = 0; k < 8; k++) { c = c & 1 ? 0xedb88320 ^ (c >>> 1) : c >>> 1; } crcTable[n] = c; } return crcTable; })()); let crc = 0 ^ -1; for (let i = 0; i < data.byteLength; i++) { crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ crcTable[(crc ^ data[i]) & 0xff]; } return (crc ^ -1) >>> 0; } async getBlob(workflow) { return new Promise((r) => { app.canvasEl.toBlob(async (blob) => { if (workflow) { // If we have a workflow embed it in the PNG const buffer = await blob.arrayBuffer(); const typedArr = new Uint8Array(buffer); const view = new DataView(buffer); const data = new TextEncoder().encode(`tEXtworkflow\0${workflow}`); const chunk = this.joinArrayBuffer(this.n2b(data.byteLength - 4), data, this.n2b(this.crc32(data))); const sz = view.getUint32(8) + 20; const result = this.joinArrayBuffer(typedArr.subarray(0, sz), chunk, typedArr.subarray(sz)); blob = new Blob([result], { type: "image/png" }); } r(blob); }); }); } } class DataReader { /** @type {DataView} */ view; /** @type {boolean | undefined} */ littleEndian; offset = 0; /** * @param {DataView} view */ constructor(view) { this.view = view; } /** * Reads N bytes and increments the offset * @param {1 | 2 | 4 | 8} size */ read(size, signed = false, littleEndian = undefined) { const v = this.peek(size, signed, littleEndian); this.offset += size; return v; } /** * Reads N bytes * @param {1 | 2 | 4 | 8} size */ peek(size, signed = false, littleEndian = undefined) { this.view.getBigInt64; let m = ""; if (size === 8) m += "Big"; m += signed ? "Int" : "Uint"; m += size * 8; m = "get" + m; if (!this.view[m]) { throw new Error("Method not found: " + m); } return this.view[m](this.offset, littleEndian == null ? this.littleEndian : littleEndian); } /** * Seeks to the specified position or by the number of bytes specified relative to the current offset * @param {number} pos * @param {boolean} relative */ seek(pos, relative = true) { if (relative) { this.offset += pos; } else { this.offset = pos; } } } class Tiff { /** @type {DataReader} */ #reader; #start; readExif(reader) { const TIFF_MARKER = 0x2a; const EXIF_IFD = 0x8769; this.#reader = reader; this.#start = this.#reader.offset; this.#readEndianness(); if (! === TIFF_MARKER) { throw new Error("Invalid TIFF: Marker not found."); } const dirOffset =; + dirOffset, false); for (const t of this.#readTags()) { if ( === EXIF_IFD) { return this.#readExifTag(t); } } throw new Error("No EXIF: TIFF Exif IFD tag not found"); } #readUserComment(tag) { + tag.offset, false); const encoding =; if (encoding !== 0x45444f43494e55n) { throw new Error("Unable to read non-Unicode data"); } const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-16be"); return decoder.decode(new DataView(this.#reader.view.buffer, this.#reader.offset, tag.count - 8)); } #readExifTag(exifTag) { const EXIF_USER_COMMENT = 0x9286; + exifTag.offset, false); for (const t of this.#readTags()) { if ( === EXIF_USER_COMMENT) { return this.#readUserComment(t); } } throw new Error("No embedded data: UserComment Exif tag not found"); } *#readTags() { const count =; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { yield { id:, type:, count:, offset:, }; } } #readEndianness() { const II = 0x4949; const MM = 0x4d4d; const endianness =; if (endianness === II) { this.#reader.littleEndian = true; } else if (endianness === MM) { this.#reader.littleEndian = false; } else { throw new Error("Invalid JPEG: Endianness marker not found."); } } } class Jpeg { /** @type {DataReader} */ #reader; /** * @param {ArrayBuffer} buffer */ readExif(buffer) { const JPEG_MARKER = 0xffd8; const EXIF_SIG = 0x45786966; this.#reader = new DataReader(new DataView(buffer)); if (! === JPEG_MARKER) { throw new Error("Invalid JPEG: SOI not found."); } const app0 = this.#readAppMarkerId(); if (app0 !== 0) { throw new Error(`Invalid JPEG: APP0 not found [found: ${app0}].`); } this.#consumeAppSegment(); const app1 = this.#readAppMarkerId(); if (app1 !== 1) { throw new Error(`No EXIF: APP1 not found [found: ${app0}].`); } // Skip size; if ( !== EXIF_SIG) { throw new Error(`No EXIF: Invalid EXIF header signature.`); } if ( !== 0) { throw new Error(`No EXIF: Invalid EXIF header.`); } return new Tiff().readExif(this.#reader); } #readAppMarkerId() { const APP0_MARKER = 0xffe0; return - APP0_MARKER; } #consumeAppSegment() { - 2); } } class SvgWorkflowImage extends WorkflowImage { static accept = ".svg,image/svg+xml"; extension = "svg"; static init() { // Override file handling to allow drag & drop of SVG const handleFile = app.handleFile; app.handleFile = async function (file) { if (file && (file.type === "image/svg+xml" ||".svg"))) { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = () => { // Extract embedded workflow from desc tags const descEnd = reader.result.lastIndexOf(""); if (descEnd !== -1) { const descStart = reader.result.lastIndexOf("", descEnd); if (descStart !== -1) { const json = reader.result.substring(descStart + 6, descEnd); this.loadGraphData(JSON.parse(SvgWorkflowImage.unescapeXml(json))); } } }; reader.readAsText(file); return; } else if (file && (file.type === "image/jpeg" ||".jpg") ||".jpeg"))) { if ( await new Promise((resolve) => { try { // This shouldnt go in here but it's easier than refactoring handleFile const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = async () => { try { const value = new Jpeg().readExif(reader.result); importA1111(app.graph, value); resolve(true); } catch (error) { resolve(false); } }; reader.onerror = () => resolve(false); reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); } catch (error) { resolve(false); } }) ) { return; } } return handleFile.apply(this, arguments); }; } static escapeXml(unsafe) { return unsafe.replaceAll("&", "&").replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(">", ">"); } static unescapeXml(safe) { return safe.replaceAll("&", "&").replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(">", ">"); } getDrawTextConfig(_, widget) { return { x: parseInt(, y: parseInt(, resetTransform: true, }; } saveState() { super.saveState(); this.state.ctx = app.canvas.ctx; } restoreState() { super.restoreState(); app.canvas.ctx = this.state.ctx; } updateView(bounds) { super.updateView(bounds); this.createSvgCtx(bounds); } createSvgCtx(bounds) { const ctx = this.state.ctx; const svgCtx = (this.svgCtx = new C2S(bounds[2] - bounds[0], bounds[3] - bounds[1])); svgCtx.canvas.getBoundingClientRect = function () { return { width: svgCtx.width, height: svgCtx.height }; }; // Override the c2s handling of images to draw images as canvases const drawImage = svgCtx.drawImage; svgCtx.drawImage = function (...args) { const image = args[0]; // If we are an image node and not a datauri then we need to replace with a canvas // we cant convert to data uri here as it is an async process if (image.nodeName === "IMG" && !image.src.startsWith("data:image/")) { const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = image.width; canvas.height = image.height; const imgCtx = canvas.getContext("2d"); imgCtx.drawImage(image, 0, 0); args[0] = canvas; } return drawImage.apply(this, args); }; // Implement missing required functions svgCtx.getTransform = function () { return ctx.getTransform(); }; svgCtx.resetTransform = function () { return ctx.resetTransform(); }; svgCtx.roundRect = svgCtx.rect; app.canvas.ctx = svgCtx; } getBlob(workflow) { let svg = this.svgCtx .getSerializedSvg(true) .replace("", `${SvgWorkflowImage.escapeXml(workflow)}`); } return new Blob([svg], { type: "image/svg+xml" }); } } app.registerExtension({ name: "pysssss.WorkflowImage", init() { // function wrapText(context, text, x, y, maxWidth, lineHeight) { var words = text.split(" "), line = "", i, test, metrics; for (i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { test = words[i]; metrics = context.measureText(test); while (metrics.width > maxWidth) { // Determine how much of the word will fit test = test.substring(0, test.length - 1); metrics = context.measureText(test); } if (words[i] != test) { words.splice(i + 1, 0, words[i].substr(test.length)); words[i] = test; } test = line + words[i] + " "; metrics = context.measureText(test); if (metrics.width > maxWidth && i > 0) { context.fillText(line, x, y); line = words[i] + " "; y += lineHeight; } else { line = test; } } context.fillText(line, x, y); } const stringWidget = ComfyWidgets.STRING; // Override multiline string widgets to draw text using canvas while saving as svg ComfyWidgets.STRING = function () { const w = stringWidget.apply(this, arguments); if (w.widget && w.widget.type === "customtext") { const draw = w.widget.draw; w.widget.draw = function (ctx) { draw.apply(this, arguments); if (this.inputEl.hidden) return; if (getDrawTextConfig) { const config = getDrawTextConfig(ctx, this); const t = ctx.getTransform();; if (config.resetTransform) { ctx.resetTransform(); } const style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this.inputEl, null); const x = config.x; const y = config.y; const w = parseInt(; const h = parseInt(; ctx.fillStyle = style.getPropertyValue("background-color"); ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h); ctx.fillStyle = style.getPropertyValue("color"); ctx.font = style.getPropertyValue("font"); const line = t.d * 12; const split = this.inputEl.value.split("\n"); let start = y; for (const l of split) { start += line; wrapText(ctx, l, x + 4, start, w, line); } ctx.restore(); } }; } return w; }; }, setup() { const script = document.createElement("script"); script.onload = function () { const formats = [SvgWorkflowImage, PngWorkflowImage]; for (const f of formats) { f.init?.call(); WorkflowImage.accept += (WorkflowImage.accept ? "," : "") + f.accept; } // Add canvas menu options const orig = LGraphCanvas.prototype.getCanvasMenuOptions; LGraphCanvas.prototype.getCanvasMenuOptions = function () { const options = orig.apply(this, arguments); options.push(null, { content: "Workflow Image", submenu: { options: [ { content: "Import", callback: () => { WorkflowImage.import(); }, }, { content: "Export", submenu: { options: formats.flatMap((f) => [ { content:"WorkflowImage", "").toLocaleLowerCase(), callback: () => { new f().export(true); }, }, { content:"WorkflowImage", "").toLocaleLowerCase() + " (no embedded workflow)", callback: () => { new f().export(); }, }, ]), }, }, ], }, }); return options; }; }; script.src = new URL(`assets/canvas2svg.js`, import.meta.url); document.body.append(script); }, });