import { app } from "../../../scripts/app.js"; app.registerExtension({ name: "pysssss.ContextMenuHook", init() { const getOrSet = (target, name, create) => { if (name in target) return target[name]; return (target[name] = create()); }; const symbol = getOrSet(window, "__pysssss__", () => Symbol("__pysssss__")); const store = getOrSet(window, symbol, () => ({})); const contextMenuHook = getOrSet(store, "contextMenuHook", () => ({})); for (const e of ["ctor", "preAddItem", "addItem"]) { if (!contextMenuHook[e]) { contextMenuHook[e] = []; } } // Big ol' hack to get allow customizing the context menu // Replace the addItem function with our own that wraps the context of "this" with a proxy // That proxy then replaces the constructor with another proxy // That proxy then calls the custom ContextMenu that supports filters const ctorProxy = new Proxy(LiteGraph.ContextMenu, { construct(target, args) { return new LiteGraph.ContextMenu(...args); }, }); function triggerCallbacks(name, getArgs, handler) { const callbacks = contextMenuHook[name]; if (callbacks && callbacks instanceof Array) { for (const cb of callbacks) { const r = cb(...getArgs()); handler?.call(this, r); } } else { console.warn("[pysssss 🐍]", `invalid ${name} callbacks`, callbacks, name in contextMenuHook); } } const addItem = LiteGraph.ContextMenu.prototype.addItem; LiteGraph.ContextMenu.prototype.addItem = function () { const proxy = new Proxy(this, { get(target, prop) { if (prop === "constructor") { return ctorProxy; } return target[prop]; }, }); proxy.__target__ = this; let el; let args = arguments; triggerCallbacks( "preAddItem", () => [el, this, args], (r) => { if (r !== undefined) el = r; } ); if (el === undefined) { el = addItem.apply(proxy, arguments); } triggerCallbacks( "addItem", () => [el, this, args], (r) => { if (r !== undefined) el = r; } ); return el; }; // We also need to patch the ContextMenu constructor to unwrap the parent else it fails a LiteGraph type check const ctxMenu = LiteGraph.ContextMenu; LiteGraph.ContextMenu = function (values, options) { if (options?.parentMenu) { if (options.parentMenu.__target__) { options.parentMenu = options.parentMenu.__target__; } } triggerCallbacks("ctor", () => [values, options]);, values, options); }; LiteGraph.ContextMenu.prototype = ctxMenu.prototype; }, });