import { app } from "../../../scripts/app.js"; // Adds lock/unlock menu item for nodes + groups to prevent moving / resizing them const LOCKED = Symbol(); function lockArray(arr, isLocked) { const v = []; for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { v[i] = arr[i]; Object.defineProperty(arr, i, { get() { return v[i]; }, set(value) { if (!isLocked()) { v[i] = value; } }, }); } } app.registerExtension({ name: "pysssss.Locking", init() { function lockGroup(node) { node[LOCKED] = true; } // Add the locked flag to serialization const serialize = LGraphGroup.prototype.serialize; LGraphGroup.prototype.serialize = function () { const o = serialize.apply(this, arguments); o.locked = !!this[LOCKED]; return o; }; // On initial configure lock group if required const configure = LGraphGroup.prototype.configure; LGraphGroup.prototype.configure = function (o) { configure.apply(this, arguments); if (o.locked) { lockGroup(this); } }; // Allow click through locked groups const getGroupOnPos = LGraph.prototype.getGroupOnPos; LGraph.prototype.getGroupOnPos = function () { const r = getGroupOnPos.apply(this, arguments); if (r && r[LOCKED] && !new Error().stack.includes("processContextMenu")) return null; return r; }; // Add menu options for lock/unlock const getGroupMenuOptions = LGraphCanvas.prototype.getGroupMenuOptions; LGraphCanvas.prototype.getGroupMenuOptions = function (node) { const opts = getGroupMenuOptions.apply(this, arguments); opts.unshift( node[LOCKED] ? { content: "Unlock", callback: () => { delete node[LOCKED]; }, } : { content: "Lock", callback: () => lockGroup(node), }, null ); return opts; }; }, setup() { const drawNodeShape = LGraphCanvas.prototype.drawNodeShape; LGraphCanvas.prototype.drawNodeShape = function (node, ctx, size, fgcolor, bgcolor, selected, mouse_over) { const res = drawNodeShape.apply(this, arguments); if (node[LOCKED]) { ctx.fillText("🔒", node.getBounding()[2] - 20, -10); } return res; }; }, async beforeRegisterNodeDef(nodeType) { const nodesArray = (nodes) => { if (nodes) { if (nodes instanceof Array) { return nodes; } return [nodes]; } return Object.values(app.canvas.selected_nodes); }; function unlockNode(nodes) { nodes = nodesArray(nodes); for (const node of nodes) { delete node[LOCKED]; } app.graph.setDirtyCanvas(true, false); } function lockNode(nodes) { nodes = nodesArray(nodes); for (const node of nodes) { if (node[LOCKED]) continue; node[LOCKED] = true; // Same hack as above lockArray(node.pos, () => !!node[LOCKED]); // Size is set by both replacing the value and setting individual values // So define a new property that can prevent reassignment const sz = [node.size[0], node.size[1]]; Object.defineProperty(node, "size", { get() { return sz; }, set(value) { if (!node[LOCKED]) { sz[0] = value[0]; sz[1] = value[1]; } }, }); // And then lock each element if required lockArray(sz, () => !!node[LOCKED]); } app.graph.setDirtyCanvas(true, false); } // Add menu options for lock/unlock const getExtraMenuOptions = nodeType.prototype.getExtraMenuOptions; nodeType.prototype.getExtraMenuOptions = function (_, options) { const r = getExtraMenuOptions ? getExtraMenuOptions.apply(this, arguments) : undefined; options.splice( options.findIndex((o) => o?.content === "Properties") + 1, 0, null, this[LOCKED] ? { content: "Unlock", callback: () => { unlockNode(); }, } : { content: "Lock", callback: () => lockNode(), } ); return r; }; // Add the locked flag to serialization const onSerialize = nodeType.prototype.onSerialize; nodeType.prototype.onSerialize = function (o) { if (onSerialize) { onSerialize.apply(this, arguments); } o.locked = this[LOCKED]; }; // On initial configure lock node if required const onConfigure = nodeType.prototype.onConfigure; nodeType.prototype.onConfigure = function (o) { if (onConfigure) { onConfigure.apply(this, arguments); } if (o.locked) { lockNode(this); } }; }, });