import { app } from "../../../scripts/app.js"; import { $el, ComfyDialog } from "../../../scripts/ui.js"; // Allows you to specify custom default values for any widget on any node const id = "pysssss.WidgetDefaults"; const nodeDataKey = Symbol(); app.registerExtension({ name: id, beforeRegisterNodeDef(nodeType, nodeData) { nodeType[nodeDataKey] = nodeData; }, setup() { let defaults; let regexDefaults; let setting; const getNodeDefaults = (node, defaults) => { const nodeDefaults = defaults[node.type] ?? {}; const propSetBy = {}; Object.keys(regexDefaults) .filter((r) => new RegExp(r).test(node.type)) .reduce((p, n) => { const props = regexDefaults[n]; for (const k in props) { // Use the longest matching key as its probably the most specific if (!(k in nodeDefaults) || (k in propSetBy && n.length > propSetBy[k].length)) { propSetBy[k] = n; nodeDefaults[k] = props[k]; } } return p; }, nodeDefaults); return nodeDefaults; }; const applyDefaults = (defaults) => { for (const node of Object.values(LiteGraph.registered_node_types)) { const nodeData = node[nodeDataKey]; if (!nodeData) continue; const nodeDefaults = getNodeDefaults(node, defaults); if (!nodeDefaults) continue; const inputs = { ...(nodeData.input?.required || {}), ...(nodeData.input?.optional || {}) }; for (const w in nodeDefaults) { const widgetDef = inputs[w]; if (widgetDef) { let v = nodeDefaults[w]; if (widgetDef[0] === "INT" || widgetDef[0] === "FLOAT") { v = +v; } if (widgetDef[1]) { widgetDef[1].default = v; } else { widgetDef[1] = { default: v }; } } } } }; const getDefaults = () => { let items; regexDefaults = {}; try { items = JSON.parse(setting.value); items = items.reduce((p, n) => { if (n.node.startsWith("/") && n.node.endsWith("/")) { const name = n.node.substring(1, n.node.length - 1); try { // Validate regex new RegExp(name); if (!regexDefaults[name]) regexDefaults[name] = {}; regexDefaults[name][n.widget] = n.value; } catch (error) {} } if (!p[n.node]) p[n.node] = {}; p[n.node][n.widget] = n.value; return p; }, {}); } catch (error) {} if (!items) { items = {}; } applyDefaults(items); return items; }; const onNodeAdded = app.graph.onNodeAdded; app.graph.onNodeAdded = function (node) { onNodeAdded?.apply?.(this, arguments); // See if we have any defaults for this type of node const nodeDefaults = getNodeDefaults(node.constructor, defaults); if (!nodeDefaults) return; // Dont run if they are pre-configured nodes from load/pastes const stack = new Error().stack; if (stack.includes("pasteFromClipboard") || stack.includes("loadGraphData")) { return; } for (const k in nodeDefaults) { if (k.startsWith("property.")) { const name = k.substring(9); let v = nodeDefaults[k]; // Special handling for some built in values if (name in node || ["color", "bgcolor", "title"].includes(name)) { node[name] = v; } else { // Try using the correct type if (! = {}; if (typeof[name] === "number") v = +v; else if (typeof[name] === "boolean") v = v === "true"; else if (v === "true") v = true;[name] = v; } } } }; class WidgetDefaultsDialog extends ComfyDialog { constructor() { super(); this.element.classList.add("comfy-manage-templates"); this.grid = $el( "div", { style: { display: "grid", gridTemplateColumns: "1fr auto auto auto", gap: "5px", }, className: "pysssss-widget-defaults", }, [ $el("label", { textContent: "Node Class", }), $el("label", { textContent: "Widget Name", }), $el("label", { textContent: "Default Value", }), $el("label"), (this.rows = $el("div", { style: { display: "contents", }, })), ] ); } createButtons() { const btns = super.createButtons(); btns[0].textContent = "Cancel"; btns.unshift( $el("button", { type: "button", textContent: "Add New", onclick: () => this.addRow(), }), $el("button", { type: "button", textContent: "Save", onclick: () =>, }) ); return btns; } addRow(node = "", widget = "", value = "") { let nameInput; this.rows.append( $el( "div", { style: { display: "contents", }, className: "pysssss-widget-defaults-row", }, [ $el("input", { placeholder: "e.g. CheckpointLoaderSimple", value: node, }), $el("input", { placeholder: "e.g. ckpt_name", value: widget, $: (el) => (nameInput = el), }), $el("input", { placeholder: "e.g. myBestModel.safetensors", value, }), $el("button", { textContent: "Delete", style: { fontSize: "12px", color: "red", fontWeight: "normal", }, onclick: (e) => { nameInput.value = ""; = "none"; }, }), ] ) ); } save() { const rows = this.rows.children; const items = []; for (const row of rows) { const inputs = row.querySelectorAll("input"); const node = inputs[0].value.trim(); const widget = inputs[1].value.trim(); const value = inputs[2].value; if (node && widget) { items.push({ node, widget, value }); } } setting.value = JSON.stringify(items); defaults = getDefaults(); this.close(); } show() { this.rows.replaceChildren(); for (const nodeName in defaults) { const node = defaults[nodeName]; for (const widgetName in node) { this.addRow(nodeName, widgetName, node[widgetName]); } } this.addRow();; } } setting = app.ui.settings.addSetting({ id, name: "🐍 Widget Defaults", type: () => { return $el("tr", [ $el("td", [ $el("label", { for: id.replaceAll(".", "-"), textContent: "🐍 Widget & Property Defaults:", }), ]), $el("td", [ $el("button", { textContent: "Manage", onclick: () => { app.ui.settings.element.close(); const dialog = new WidgetDefaultsDialog();; }, style: { fontSize: "14px", }, }), ]), ]); }, }); defaults = getDefaults(); }, });