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# Copyright (C) 2021-2024, Mindee.
# This program is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
# See LICENSE or go to <> for full license details.
# Greatly inspired by
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import layers
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from ....datasets import VOCABS
from ...utils import conv_sequence, load_pretrained_params
__all__ = [
default_cfgs: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {
"mobilenet_v3_large": {
"mean": (0.694, 0.695, 0.693),
"std": (0.299, 0.296, 0.301),
"input_shape": (32, 32, 3),
"classes": list(VOCABS["french"]),
"url": "",
"mobilenet_v3_large_r": {
"mean": (0.694, 0.695, 0.693),
"std": (0.299, 0.296, 0.301),
"input_shape": (32, 32, 3),
"classes": list(VOCABS["french"]),
"url": "",
"mobilenet_v3_small": {
"mean": (0.694, 0.695, 0.693),
"std": (0.299, 0.296, 0.301),
"input_shape": (32, 32, 3),
"classes": list(VOCABS["french"]),
"url": "",
"mobilenet_v3_small_r": {
"mean": (0.694, 0.695, 0.693),
"std": (0.299, 0.296, 0.301),
"input_shape": (32, 32, 3),
"classes": list(VOCABS["french"]),
"url": "",
"mobilenet_v3_small_crop_orientation": {
"mean": (0.694, 0.695, 0.693),
"std": (0.299, 0.296, 0.301),
"input_shape": (128, 128, 3),
"classes": [0, -90, 180, 90],
"url": "",
"mobilenet_v3_small_page_orientation": {
"mean": (0.694, 0.695, 0.693),
"std": (0.299, 0.296, 0.301),
"input_shape": (512, 512, 3),
"classes": [0, -90, 180, 90],
"url": None,
def hard_swish(x: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
return x * tf.nn.relu6(x + 3.0) / 6.0
def _make_divisible(v: float, divisor: int, min_value: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
if min_value is None:
min_value = divisor
new_v = max(min_value, int(v + divisor / 2) // divisor * divisor)
# Make sure that round down does not go down by more than 10%.
if new_v < 0.9 * v:
new_v += divisor
return new_v
class SqueezeExcitation(Sequential):
"""Squeeze and Excitation."""
def __init__(self, chan: int, squeeze_factor: int = 4) -> None:
layers.Dense(chan // squeeze_factor, activation="relu"),
layers.Dense(chan, activation="hard_sigmoid"),
layers.Reshape((1, 1, chan)),
def call(self, inputs: tf.Tensor, **kwargs: Any) -> tf.Tensor:
x = super().call(inputs, **kwargs)
x = tf.math.multiply(inputs, x)
return x
class InvertedResidualConfig:
def __init__(
input_channels: int,
kernel: int,
expanded_channels: int,
out_channels: int,
use_se: bool,
activation: str,
stride: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]],
width_mult: float = 1,
) -> None:
self.input_channels = self.adjust_channels(input_channels, width_mult)
self.kernel = kernel
self.expanded_channels = self.adjust_channels(expanded_channels, width_mult)
self.out_channels = self.adjust_channels(out_channels, width_mult)
self.use_se = use_se
self.use_hs = activation == "HS"
self.stride = stride
def adjust_channels(channels: int, width_mult: float):
return _make_divisible(channels * width_mult, 8)
class InvertedResidual(layers.Layer):
"""InvertedResidual for mobilenet
conf: configuration object for inverted residual
def __init__(
conf: InvertedResidualConfig,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
_kwargs = {"input_shape": kwargs.pop("input_shape")} if isinstance(kwargs.get("input_shape"), tuple) else {}
act_fn = hard_swish if conf.use_hs else tf.nn.relu
_is_s1 = (isinstance(conf.stride, tuple) and conf.stride == (1, 1)) or conf.stride == 1
self.use_res_connect = _is_s1 and conf.input_channels == conf.out_channels
_layers = []
# expand
if conf.expanded_channels != conf.input_channels:
_layers.extend(conv_sequence(conf.expanded_channels, act_fn, kernel_size=1, bn=True, **_kwargs))
# depth-wise
if conf.use_se:
# project
self.block = Sequential(_layers)
def call(
inputs: tf.Tensor,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> tf.Tensor:
out = self.block(inputs, **kwargs)
if self.use_res_connect:
out = tf.add(out, inputs)
return out
class MobileNetV3(Sequential):
"""Implements MobileNetV3, inspired from both:
and <>`_.
def __init__(
layout: List[InvertedResidualConfig],
include_top: bool = True,
head_chans: int = 1024,
num_classes: int = 1000,
cfg: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
input_shape: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int]] = None,
) -> None:
_layers = [
layout[0].input_channels, hard_swish, True, kernel_size=3, strides=2, input_shape=input_shape
for idx, conf in enumerate(layout):
InvertedResidual(conf, name=f"inverted_{idx}"),
Sequential(conv_sequence(6 * layout[-1].out_channels, hard_swish, True, kernel_size=1), name="final_block")
if include_top:
layers.Dense(head_chans, activation=hard_swish),
self.cfg = cfg
def _mobilenet_v3(arch: str, pretrained: bool, rect_strides: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> MobileNetV3:
kwargs["num_classes"] = kwargs.get("num_classes", len(default_cfgs[arch]["classes"]))
kwargs["input_shape"] = kwargs.get("input_shape", default_cfgs[arch]["input_shape"])
kwargs["classes"] = kwargs.get("classes", default_cfgs[arch]["classes"])
_cfg = deepcopy(default_cfgs[arch])
_cfg["num_classes"] = kwargs["num_classes"]
_cfg["classes"] = kwargs["classes"]
_cfg["input_shape"] = kwargs["input_shape"]
# cf. Table 1 & 2 of the paper
if arch.startswith("mobilenet_v3_small"):
inverted_residual_setting = [
InvertedResidualConfig(16, 3, 16, 16, True, "RE", 2), # C1
InvertedResidualConfig(16, 3, 72, 24, False, "RE", (2, 1) if rect_strides else 2), # C2
InvertedResidualConfig(24, 3, 88, 24, False, "RE", 1),
InvertedResidualConfig(24, 5, 96, 40, True, "HS", (2, 1) if rect_strides else 2), # C3
InvertedResidualConfig(40, 5, 240, 40, True, "HS", 1),
InvertedResidualConfig(40, 5, 240, 40, True, "HS", 1),
InvertedResidualConfig(40, 5, 120, 48, True, "HS", 1),
InvertedResidualConfig(48, 5, 144, 48, True, "HS", 1),
InvertedResidualConfig(48, 5, 288, 96, True, "HS", (2, 1) if rect_strides else 2), # C4
InvertedResidualConfig(96, 5, 576, 96, True, "HS", 1),
InvertedResidualConfig(96, 5, 576, 96, True, "HS", 1),
head_chans = 1024
inverted_residual_setting = [
InvertedResidualConfig(16, 3, 16, 16, False, "RE", 1),
InvertedResidualConfig(16, 3, 64, 24, False, "RE", 2), # C1
InvertedResidualConfig(24, 3, 72, 24, False, "RE", 1),
InvertedResidualConfig(24, 5, 72, 40, True, "RE", (2, 1) if rect_strides else 2), # C2
InvertedResidualConfig(40, 5, 120, 40, True, "RE", 1),
InvertedResidualConfig(40, 5, 120, 40, True, "RE", 1),
InvertedResidualConfig(40, 3, 240, 80, False, "HS", (2, 1) if rect_strides else 2), # C3
InvertedResidualConfig(80, 3, 200, 80, False, "HS", 1),
InvertedResidualConfig(80, 3, 184, 80, False, "HS", 1),
InvertedResidualConfig(80, 3, 184, 80, False, "HS", 1),
InvertedResidualConfig(80, 3, 480, 112, True, "HS", 1),
InvertedResidualConfig(112, 3, 672, 112, True, "HS", 1),
InvertedResidualConfig(112, 5, 672, 160, True, "HS", (2, 1) if rect_strides else 2), # C4
InvertedResidualConfig(160, 5, 960, 160, True, "HS", 1),
InvertedResidualConfig(160, 5, 960, 160, True, "HS", 1),
head_chans = 1280
kwargs["num_classes"] = _cfg["num_classes"]
kwargs["input_shape"] = _cfg["input_shape"]
# Build the model
model = MobileNetV3(
# Load pretrained parameters
if pretrained:
load_pretrained_params(model, default_cfgs[arch]["url"])
return model
def mobilenet_v3_small(pretrained: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> MobileNetV3:
"""MobileNetV3-Small architecture as described in
`"Searching for MobileNetV3",
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> from doctr.models import mobilenet_v3_small
>>> model = mobilenet_v3_small(pretrained=False)
>>> input_tensor = tf.random.uniform(shape=[1, 512, 512, 3], maxval=1, dtype=tf.float32)
>>> out = model(input_tensor)
pretrained: boolean, True if model is pretrained
**kwargs: keyword arguments of the MobileNetV3 architecture
a keras.Model
return _mobilenet_v3("mobilenet_v3_small", pretrained, False, **kwargs)
def mobilenet_v3_small_r(pretrained: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> MobileNetV3:
"""MobileNetV3-Small architecture as described in
`"Searching for MobileNetV3",
<>`_, with rectangular pooling.
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> from doctr.models import mobilenet_v3_small_r
>>> model = mobilenet_v3_small_r(pretrained=False)
>>> input_tensor = tf.random.uniform(shape=[1, 512, 512, 3], maxval=1, dtype=tf.float32)
>>> out = model(input_tensor)
pretrained: boolean, True if model is pretrained
**kwargs: keyword arguments of the MobileNetV3 architecture
a keras.Model
return _mobilenet_v3("mobilenet_v3_small_r", pretrained, True, **kwargs)
def mobilenet_v3_large(pretrained: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> MobileNetV3:
"""MobileNetV3-Large architecture as described in
`"Searching for MobileNetV3",
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> from doctr.models import mobilenet_v3_large
>>> model = mobilenet_v3_large(pretrained=False)
>>> input_tensor = tf.random.uniform(shape=[1, 512, 512, 3], maxval=1, dtype=tf.float32)
>>> out = model(input_tensor)
pretrained: boolean, True if model is pretrained
**kwargs: keyword arguments of the MobileNetV3 architecture
a keras.Model
return _mobilenet_v3("mobilenet_v3_large", pretrained, False, **kwargs)
def mobilenet_v3_large_r(pretrained: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> MobileNetV3:
"""MobileNetV3-Large architecture as described in
`"Searching for MobileNetV3",
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> from doctr.models import mobilenet_v3_large_r
>>> model = mobilenet_v3_large_r(pretrained=False)
>>> input_tensor = tf.random.uniform(shape=[1, 512, 512, 3], maxval=1, dtype=tf.float32)
>>> out = model(input_tensor)
pretrained: boolean, True if model is pretrained
**kwargs: keyword arguments of the MobileNetV3 architecture
a keras.Model
return _mobilenet_v3("mobilenet_v3_large_r", pretrained, True, **kwargs)
def mobilenet_v3_small_crop_orientation(pretrained: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> MobileNetV3:
"""MobileNetV3-Small architecture as described in
`"Searching for MobileNetV3",
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> from doctr.models import mobilenet_v3_small_crop_orientation
>>> model = mobilenet_v3_small_crop_orientation(pretrained=False)
>>> input_tensor = tf.random.uniform(shape=[1, 512, 512, 3], maxval=1, dtype=tf.float32)
>>> out = model(input_tensor)
pretrained: boolean, True if model is pretrained
**kwargs: keyword arguments of the MobileNetV3 architecture
a keras.Model
return _mobilenet_v3("mobilenet_v3_small_crop_orientation", pretrained, include_top=True, **kwargs)
def mobilenet_v3_small_page_orientation(pretrained: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> MobileNetV3:
"""MobileNetV3-Small architecture as described in
`"Searching for MobileNetV3",
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> from doctr.models import mobilenet_v3_small_page_orientation
>>> model = mobilenet_v3_small_page_orientation(pretrained=False)
>>> input_tensor = tf.random.uniform(shape=[1, 512, 512, 3], maxval=1, dtype=tf.float32)
>>> out = model(input_tensor)
pretrained: boolean, True if model is pretrained
**kwargs: keyword arguments of the MobileNetV3 architecture
a keras.Model
return _mobilenet_v3("mobilenet_v3_small_page_orientation", pretrained, include_top=True, **kwargs)