# # import streamlit as st # # import torch # # from transformers import LongformerTokenizer, LongformerForSequenceClassification # # # Load the fine-tuned model and tokenizer # # model_path = "./clinical_longformer" # # tokenizer = LongformerTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path) # # model = LongformerForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_path) # # model.eval() # Set the model to evaluation mode # # # ICD-9 code columns used during training # # icd9_columns = [ # # '038.9', '244.9', '250.00', '272.0', '272.4', '276.1', '276.2', '285.1', '285.9', # # '287.5', '305.1', '311', '36.15', '37.22', '37.23', '38.91', '38.93', '39.61', # # '39.95', '401.9', '403.90', '410.71', '412', '414.01', '424.0', '427.31', '428.0', # # '486', '496', '507.0', '511.9', '518.81', '530.81', '584.9', '585.9', '599.0', # # '88.56', '88.72', '93.90', '96.04', '96.6', '96.71', '96.72', '99.04', '99.15', # # '995.92', 'V15.82', 'V45.81', 'V45.82', 'V58.61' # # ] # # # Function for making predictions # # def predict_icd9(texts, tokenizer, model, threshold=0.5): # # inputs = tokenizer( # # texts, # # padding="max_length", # # truncation=True, # # max_length=512, # # return_tensors="pt" # # ) # # with torch.no_grad(): # # outputs = model( # # input_ids=inputs["input_ids"], # # attention_mask=inputs["attention_mask"] # # ) # # logits = outputs.logits # # probabilities = torch.sigmoid(logits) # # predictions = (probabilities > threshold).int() # # predicted_icd9 = [] # # for pred in predictions: # # codes = [icd9_columns[i] for i, val in enumerate(pred) if val == 1] # # predicted_icd9.append(codes) # # return predicted_icd9 # # # Streamlit UI # # st.title("ICD-9 Code Prediction") # # st.sidebar.header("Model Options") # # model_option = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Model", [ "ClinicalLongformer"]) # # threshold = st.sidebar.slider("Prediction Threshold", 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.01) # # st.write("### Enter Medical Summary") # # input_text = st.text_area("Medical Summary", placeholder="Enter clinical notes here...") # # if st.button("Predict"): # # if input_text.strip(): # # predictions = predict_icd9([input_text], tokenizer, model, threshold) # # st.write("### Predicted ICD-9 Codes") # # for code in predictions[0]: # # st.write(f"- {code}") # # else: # # st.error("Please enter a medical summary.") # # import torch # # import pandas as pd # # import streamlit as st # # from transformers import LongformerTokenizer, LongformerForSequenceClassification # # # Load the fine-tuned model and tokenizer # # model_path = "./clinical_longformer" # # tokenizer = LongformerTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path) # # model = LongformerForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_path) # # model.eval() # Set the model to evaluation mode # # # Load the ICD-9 descriptions from CSV into a dictionary # # icd9_desc_df = pd.read_csv("D_ICD_DIAGNOSES.csv") # Adjust the path to your CSV file # # icd9_desc_df['ICD9_CODE'] = icd9_desc_df['ICD9_CODE'].astype(str) # Ensure ICD9_CODE is string type for matching # # icd9_descriptions = dict(zip(icd9_desc_df['ICD9_CODE'].str.replace('.', ''), icd9_desc_df['LONG_TITLE'])) # Remove decimals in ICD9 code for matching # # # ICD-9 code columns used during training # # icd9_columns = [ # # '038.9', '244.9', '250.00', '272.0', '272.4', '276.1', '276.2', '285.1', '285.9', # # '287.5', '305.1', '311', '36.15', '37.22', '37.23', '38.91', '38.93', '39.61', # # '39.95', '401.9', '403.90', '410.71', '412', '414.01', '424.0', '427.31', '428.0', # # '486', '496', '507.0', '511.9', '518.81', '530.81', '584.9', '585.9', '599.0', # # '88.56', '88.72', '93.90', '96.04', '96.6', '96.71', '96.72', '99.04', '99.15', # # '995.92', 'V15.82', 'V45.81', 'V45.82', 'V58.61' # # ] # # # Function for making predictions # # def predict_icd9(texts, tokenizer, model, threshold=0.5): # # inputs = tokenizer( # # texts, # # padding="max_length", # # truncation=True, # # max_length=512, # # return_tensors="pt" # # ) # # with torch.no_grad(): # # outputs = model( # # input_ids=inputs["input_ids"], # # attention_mask=inputs["attention_mask"] # # ) # # logits = outputs.logits # # probabilities = torch.sigmoid(logits) # # predictions = (probabilities > threshold).int() # # predicted_icd9 = [] # # for pred in predictions: # # codes = [icd9_columns[i] for i, val in enumerate(pred) if val == 1] # # predicted_icd9.append(codes) # # # Fetch descriptions for the predicted ICD-9 codes from the pre-loaded descriptions # # predictions_with_desc = [] # # for codes in predicted_icd9: # # code_with_desc = [(code, icd9_descriptions.get(code.replace('.', ''), "Description not found")) for code in codes] # # predictions_with_desc.append(code_with_desc) # # return predictions_with_desc # # # Streamlit UI # # st.title("ICD-9 Code Prediction") # # st.sidebar.header("Model Options") # # threshold = st.sidebar.slider("Prediction Threshold", 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.01) # # st.write("### Enter Medical Summary") # # input_text = st.text_area("Medical Summary", placeholder="Enter clinical notes here...") # # if st.button("Predict"): # # if input_text.strip(): # # predictions = predict_icd9([input_text], tokenizer, model, threshold) # # st.write("### Predicted ICD-9 Codes and Descriptions") # # for code, description in predictions[0]: # # st.write(f"- {code}: {description}") # # else: # # st.error("Please enter a medical summary.") # # import torch # # import pandas as pd # # import streamlit as st # # from transformers import LongformerTokenizer, LongformerForSequenceClassification # # # Load the fine-tuned model and tokenizer # # model_path = "./clinical_longformer" # # tokenizer = LongformerTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path) # # model = LongformerForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_path) # # model.eval() # Set the model to evaluation mode # # # Load the ICD-9 descriptions from CSV into a dictionary # # icd9_desc_df = pd.read_csv("D_ICD_DIAGNOSES.csv") # Adjust the path to your CSV file # # icd9_desc_df['ICD9_CODE'] = icd9_desc_df['ICD9_CODE'].astype(str) # Ensure ICD9_CODE is string type # # icd9_descriptions = dict(zip(icd9_desc_df['ICD9_CODE'].str.replace('.', ''), icd9_desc_df['LONG_TITLE'])) # Remove decimals for matching # # # Load the ICD-9 to ICD-10 mapping # # icd9_to_icd10 = {} # # with open("2015_I9gem.txt", "r") as file: # # for line in file: # # parts = line.strip().split() # # if len(parts) == 3: # # icd9, icd10, _ = parts # # icd9_to_icd10[icd9] = icd10 # # # ICD-9 code columns used during training # # icd9_columns = [ # # '038.9', '244.9', '250.00', '272.0', '272.4', '276.1', '276.2', '285.1', '285.9', # # '287.5', '305.1', '311', '36.15', '37.22', '37.23', '38.91', '38.93', '39.61', # # '39.95', '401.9', '403.90', '410.71', '412', '414.01', '424.0', '427.31', '428.0', # # '486', '496', '507.0', '511.9', '518.81', '530.81', '584.9', '585.9', '599.0', # # '88.56', '88.72', '93.90', '96.04', '96.6', '96.71', '96.72', '99.04', '99.15', # # '995.92', 'V15.82', 'V45.81', 'V45.82', 'V58.61' # # ] # # # Function for making predictions and mapping to ICD-10 # # def predict_icd9(texts, tokenizer, model, threshold=0.5): # # inputs = tokenizer( # # texts, # # padding="max_length", # # truncation=True, # # max_length=512, # # return_tensors="pt" # # ) # # with torch.no_grad(): # # outputs = model( # # input_ids=inputs["input_ids"], # # attention_mask=inputs["attention_mask"] # # ) # # logits = outputs.logits # # probabilities = torch.sigmoid(logits) # # predictions = (probabilities > threshold).int() # # predicted_icd9 = [] # # for pred in predictions: # # codes = [icd9_columns[i] for i, val in enumerate(pred) if val == 1] # # predicted_icd9.append(codes) # # # Fetch descriptions and map to ICD-10 codes # # predictions_with_desc = [] # # for codes in predicted_icd9: # # code_with_desc = [] # # for code in codes: # # icd9_stripped = code.replace('.', '') # # icd10_code = icd9_to_icd10.get(icd9_stripped, "Mapping not found") # # icd9_desc = icd9_descriptions.get(icd9_stripped, "Description not found") # # code_with_desc.append((code, icd9_desc, icd10_code)) # # predictions_with_desc.append(code_with_desc) # # return predictions_with_desc # # # Streamlit UI # # st.title("ICD-9 to ICD-10 Code Prediction") # # st.sidebar.header("Model Options") # # threshold = st.sidebar.slider("Prediction Threshold", 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.01) # # st.write("### Enter Medical Summary") # # input_text = st.text_area("Medical Summary", placeholder="Enter clinical notes here...") # # if st.button("Predict"): # # if input_text.strip(): # # predictions = predict_icd9([input_text], tokenizer, model, threshold) # # st.write("### Predicted ICD-9 and ICD-10 Codes with Descriptions") # # for icd9_code, description, icd10_code in predictions[0]: # # st.write(f"- ICD-9: {icd9_code} ({description}) -> ICD-10: {icd10_code}") # # else: # # st.error("Please enter a medical summary.") # # import os # # import torch # # import pandas as pd # # import streamlit as st # # from PIL import Image # # from transformers import LongformerTokenizer, LongformerForSequenceClassification # # from phi.agent import Agent # # from phi.model.google import Gemini # # from phi.tools.duckduckgo import DuckDuckGo # # # Load the fine-tuned ICD-9 model and tokenizer # # model_path = "./clinical_longformer" # # tokenizer = LongformerTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path) # # model = LongformerForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_path) # # model.eval() # Set the model to evaluation mode # # # Load the ICD-9 descriptions from CSV into a dictionary # # icd9_desc_df = pd.read_csv("D_ICD_DIAGNOSES.csv") # Adjust the path to your CSV file # # icd9_desc_df['ICD9_CODE'] = icd9_desc_df['ICD9_CODE'].astype(str) # Ensure ICD9_CODE is string type for matching # # icd9_descriptions = dict(zip(icd9_desc_df['ICD9_CODE'].str.replace('.', ''), icd9_desc_df['LONG_TITLE'])) # Remove decimals in ICD9 code for matching # # # ICD-9 code columns used during training # # icd9_columns = [ # # '038.9', '244.9', '250.00', '272.0', '272.4', '276.1', '276.2', '285.1', '285.9', # # '287.5', '305.1', '311', '36.15', '37.22', '37.23', '38.91', '38.93', '39.61', # # '39.95', '401.9', '403.90', '410.71', '412', '414.01', '424.0', '427.31', '428.0', # # '486', '496', '507.0', '511.9', '518.81', '530.81', '584.9', '585.9', '599.0', # # '88.56', '88.72', '93.90', '96.04', '96.6', '96.71', '96.72', '99.04', '99.15', # # '995.92', 'V15.82', 'V45.81', 'V45.82', 'V58.61' # # ] # # # Function for making ICD-9 predictions # # def predict_icd9(texts, tokenizer, model, threshold=0.5): # # inputs = tokenizer( # # texts, # # padding="max_length", # # truncation=True, # # max_length=512, # # return_tensors="pt" # # ) # # with torch.no_grad(): # # outputs = model( # # input_ids=inputs["input_ids"], # # attention_mask=inputs["attention_mask"] # # ) # # logits = outputs.logits # # probabilities = torch.sigmoid(logits) # # predictions = (probabilities > threshold).int() # # predicted_icd9 = [] # # for pred in predictions: # # codes = [icd9_columns[i] for i, val in enumerate(pred) if val == 1] # # predicted_icd9.append(codes) # # predictions_with_desc = [] # # for codes in predicted_icd9: # # code_with_desc = [(code, icd9_descriptions.get(code.replace('.', ''), "Description not found")) for code in codes] # # predictions_with_desc.append(code_with_desc) # # return predictions_with_desc # # Streamlit UI # # st.title("Medical Diagnosis Assistant") # # option = st.selectbox( # # "Choose Diagnosis Method", # # ("ICD-9 Code Prediction", "Medical Image Analysis") # # ) # # # ICD-9 Code Prediction # # if option == "ICD-9 Code Prediction": # # st.write("### Enter Medical Summary") # # input_text = st.text_area("Medical Summary", placeholder="Enter clinical notes here...") # # threshold = st.slider("Prediction Threshold", 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.01) # # if st.button("Predict ICD-9 Codes"): # # if input_text.strip(): # # predictions = predict_icd9([input_text], tokenizer, model, threshold) # # st.write("### Predicted ICD-9 Codes and Descriptions") # # for code, description in predictions[0]: # # st.write(f"- {code}: {description}") # # else: # # st.error("Please enter a medical summary.") # # Medical Image Analysis # # elif option == "Medical Image Analysis": # # if "GOOGLE_API_KEY" not in st.session_state: # # st.warning("Please enter your Google API Key in the sidebar to continue") # # else: # # medical_agent = Agent( # # model=Gemini( # # api_key=st.session_state.GOOGLE_API_KEY, # # id="gemini-2.0-flash-exp" # # ), # # tools=[DuckDuckGo()], # # markdown=True # # ) # # query = """ # # You are a highly skilled medical imaging expert with extensive knowledge in radiology and diagnostic imaging. Analyze the patient's medical image and structure your response as follows: # # ### 1. Image Type & Region # # - Specify imaging modality (X-ray/MRI/CT/Ultrasound/etc.) # # - Identify the patient's anatomical region and positioning # # - Comment on image quality and technical adequacy # # ### 2. Key Findings # # - List primary observations systematically # # - Note any abnormalities in the patient's imaging with precise descriptions # # - Include measurements and densities where relevant # # - Describe location, size, shape, and characteristics # # - Rate severity: Normal/Mild/Moderate/Severe # # ### 3. Diagnostic Assessment # # - Provide primary diagnosis with confidence level # # - List differential diagnoses in order of likelihood # # - Support each diagnosis with observed evidence from the patient's imaging # # - Note any critical or urgent findings # # ### 4. Patient-Friendly Explanation # # - Explain the findings in simple, clear language that the patient can understand # # - Avoid medical jargon or provide clear definitions # # - Include visual analogies if helpful # # - Address common patient concerns related to these findings # # ### 5. Research Context # # - Use the DuckDuckGo search tool to find recent medical literature about similar cases # # - Provide a list of relevant medical links # # - Include key references to support your analysis # # """ # # upload_container = st.container() # # image_container = st.container() # # analysis_container = st.container() # # with upload_container: # # uploaded_file = st.file_uploader( # # "Upload Medical Image", # # type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "dicom"], # # help="Supported formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG, DICOM" # # ) # # if uploaded_file is not None: # # with image_container: # # col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([1, 2, 1]) # # with col2: # # image = Image.open(uploaded_file) # # width, height = image.size # # aspect_ratio = width / height # # new_width = 500 # # new_height = int(new_width / aspect_ratio) # # resized_image = image.resize((new_width, new_height)) # # st.image(resized_image, caption="Uploaded Medical Image", use_container_width=True) # # analyze_button = st.button("🔍 Analyze Image") # # with analysis_container: # # if analyze_button: # # image_path = "temp_medical_image.png" # # with open(image_path, "wb") as f: # # f.write(uploaded_file.getbuffer()) # # with st.spinner("🔄 Analyzing image... Please wait."): # # try: # # response = medical_agent.run(query, images=[image_path]) # # st.markdown("### 📋 Analysis Results") # # st.markdown(response.content) # # except Exception as e: # # st.error(f"Analysis error: {e}") # # finally: # # if os.path.exists(image_path): # # os.remove(image_path) # # else: # # st.info("👆 Please upload a medical image to begin analysis") # import os # import torch # import pandas as pd # import streamlit as st # from PIL import Image # from transformers import LongformerTokenizer, LongformerForSequenceClassification # from phi.agent import Agent # from phi.model.google import Gemini # from phi.tools.duckduckgo import DuckDuckGo # # Sidebar for Google API Key input # st.sidebar.title("Settings") # st.sidebar.write("Enter your Google API Key below for the Medical Image Analysis feature.") # api_key = st.sidebar.text_input("Google API Key", type="password") # if api_key: # st.session_state["GOOGLE_API_KEY"] = api_key # else: # st.session_state.pop("GOOGLE_API_KEY", None) # # Load the fine-tuned ICD-9 model and tokenizer # model_path = "./clinical_longformer" # tokenizer = LongformerTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path) # model = LongformerForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_path) # model.eval() # Set the model to evaluation mode # # Load the ICD-9 descriptions from CSV into a dictionary # icd9_desc_df = pd.read_csv("D_ICD_DIAGNOSES.csv") # Adjust the path to your CSV file # icd9_desc_df['ICD9_CODE'] = icd9_desc_df['ICD9_CODE'].astype(str) # Ensure ICD9_CODE is string type for matching # icd9_descriptions = dict(zip(icd9_desc_df['ICD9_CODE'].str.replace('.', ''), icd9_desc_df['LONG_TITLE'])) # Remove decimals in ICD9 code for matching # # ICD-9 code columns used during training # icd9_columns = [ # '038.9', '244.9', '250.00', '272.0', '272.4', '276.1', '276.2', '285.1', '285.9', # '287.5', '305.1', '311', '36.15', '37.22', '37.23', '38.91', '38.93', '39.61', # '39.95', '401.9', '403.90', '410.71', '412', '414.01', '424.0', '427.31', '428.0', # '486', '496', '507.0', '511.9', '518.81', '530.81', '584.9', '585.9', '599.0', # '88.56', '88.72', '93.90', '96.04', '96.6', '96.71', '96.72', '99.04', '99.15', # '995.92', 'V15.82', 'V45.81', 'V45.82', 'V58.61' # ] # # Function for making ICD-9 predictions # def predict_icd9(texts, tokenizer, model, threshold=0.5): # inputs = tokenizer( # texts, # padding="max_length", # truncation=True, # max_length=512, # return_tensors="pt" # ) # with torch.no_grad(): # outputs = model( # input_ids=inputs["input_ids"], # attention_mask=inputs["attention_mask"] # ) # logits = outputs.logits # probabilities = torch.sigmoid(logits) # predictions = (probabilities > threshold).int() # predicted_icd9 = [] # for pred in predictions: # codes = [icd9_columns[i] for i, val in enumerate(pred) if val == 1] # predicted_icd9.append(codes) # predictions_with_desc = [] # for codes in predicted_icd9: # code_with_desc = [(code, icd9_descriptions.get(code.replace('.', ''), "Description not found")) for code in codes] # predictions_with_desc.append(code_with_desc) # return predictions_with_desc # # Streamlit UI # st.title("Medical Diagnosis Assistant") # option = st.selectbox( # "Choose Diagnosis Method", # ("ICD-9 Code Prediction", "Medical Image Analysis") # ) # # ICD-9 Code Prediction # if option == "ICD-9 Code Prediction": # st.write("### Enter Medical Summary") # input_text = st.text_area("Medical Summary", placeholder="Enter clinical notes here...") # threshold = st.slider("Prediction Threshold", 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.01) # if st.button("Predict ICD-9 Codes"): # if input_text.strip(): # predictions = predict_icd9([input_text], tokenizer, model, threshold) # st.write("### Predicted ICD-9 Codes and Descriptions") # for code, description in predictions[0]: # st.write(f"- {code}: {description}") # else: # st.error("Please enter a medical summary.") # # Medical Image Analysis # elif option == "Medical Image Analysis": # if "GOOGLE_API_KEY" not in st.session_state: # st.warning("Please enter your Google API Key in the sidebar to continue") # else: # medical_agent = Agent( # model=Gemini( # api_key=st.session_state["GOOGLE_API_KEY"], # id="gemini-2.0-flash-exp" # ), # tools=[DuckDuckGo()], # markdown=True # ) # query = """ # You are a highly skilled medical imaging expert with extensive knowledge in radiology and diagnostic imaging. Analyze the patient's medical image and structure your response as follows: # ### 1. Image Type & Region # - Specify imaging modality (X-ray/MRI/CT/Ultrasound/etc.) # - Identify the patient's anatomical region and positioning # - Comment on image quality and technical adequacy # ### 2. Key Findings # - List primary observations systematically # - Note any abnormalities in the patient's imaging with precise descriptions # - Include measurements and densities where relevant # - Describe location, size, shape, and characteristics # - Rate severity: Normal/Mild/Moderate/Severe # ### 3. Diagnostic Assessment # - Provide primary diagnosis with confidence level # - List differential diagnoses in order of likelihood # - Support each diagnosis with observed evidence from the patient's imaging # - Note any critical or urgent findings # ### 4. Patient-Friendly Explanation # - Explain the findings in simple, clear language that the patient can understand # - Avoid medical jargon or provide clear definitions # - Include visual analogies if helpful # - Address common patient concerns related to these findings # ### 5. Research Context # - Use the DuckDuckGo search tool to find recent medical literature about similar cases # - Provide a list of relevant medical links # - Include key references to support your analysis # """ # upload_container = st.container() # image_container = st.container() # analysis_container = st.container() # with upload_container: # uploaded_file = st.file_uploader( # "Upload Medical Image", # type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "dicom"], # help="Supported formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG, DICOM" # ) # if uploaded_file is not None: # with image_container: # col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([1, 2, 1]) # with col2: # image = Image.open(uploaded_file) # width, height = image.size # aspect_ratio = width / height # new_width = 500 # new_height = int(new_width / aspect_ratio) # resized_image = image.resize((new_width, new_height)) # st.image(resized_image, caption="Uploaded Medical Image", use_container_width=True) # analyze_button = st.button("🔍 Analyze Image") # with analysis_container: # if analyze_button: # image_path = "temp_medical_image.png" # with open(image_path, "wb") as f: # f.write(uploaded_file.getbuffer()) # with st.spinner("🔄 Analyzing image... Please wait."): # try: # response = medical_agent.run(query, images=[image_path]) # st.markdown("### 📋 Analysis Results") # st.markdown(response.content) # except Exception as e: # st.error(f"Analysis error: {e}") # finally: # if os.path.exists(image_path): # os.remove(image_path) # else: # st.info("👆 Please upload a medical image to begin analysis") import os import torch import pandas as pd import streamlit as st from PIL import Image from transformers import LongformerTokenizer, LongformerForSequenceClassification from phi.agent import Agent from phi.model.google import Gemini from phi.tools.duckduckgo import DuckDuckGo # Load the fine-tuned ICD-9 model and tokenizer model_path = "./clinical_longformer" tokenizer = LongformerTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path) model = LongformerForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_path) model.eval() # Set the model to evaluation mode # Load the ICD-9 descriptions from CSV into a dictionary icd9_desc_df = pd.read_csv("D_ICD_DIAGNOSES.csv") icd9_desc_df['ICD9_CODE'] = icd9_desc_df['ICD9_CODE'].astype(str) # Ensure ICD9_CODE is string type for matching icd9_descriptions = dict(zip(icd9_desc_df['ICD9_CODE'].str.replace('.', ''), icd9_desc_df['LONG_TITLE'])) # Remove decimals in ICD9 code for matching # ICD-9 code columns used during training icd9_columns = [ '038.9', '244.9', '250.00', '272.0', '272.4', '276.1', '276.2', '285.1', '285.9', '287.5', '305.1', '311', '36.15', '37.22', '37.23', '38.91', '38.93', '39.61', '39.95', '401.9', '403.90', '410.71', '412', '414.01', '424.0', '427.31', '428.0', '486', '496', '507.0', '511.9', '518.81', '530.81', '584.9', '585.9', '599.0', '88.56', '88.72', '93.90', '96.04', '96.6', '96.71', '96.72', '99.04', '99.15', '995.92', 'V15.82', 'V45.81', 'V45.82', 'V58.61' ] # Function for making ICD-9 predictions def predict_icd9(texts, tokenizer, model, threshold=0.5): inputs = tokenizer( texts, padding="max_length", truncation=True, max_length=512, return_tensors="pt" ) with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model( input_ids=inputs["input_ids"], attention_mask=inputs["attention_mask"] ) logits = outputs.logits probabilities = torch.sigmoid(logits) predictions = (probabilities > threshold).int() predicted_icd9 = [] for pred in predictions: codes = [icd9_columns[i] for i, val in enumerate(pred) if val == 1] predicted_icd9.append(codes) predictions_with_desc = [] for codes in predicted_icd9: code_with_desc = [(code, icd9_descriptions.get(code.replace('.', ''), "Description not found")) for code in codes] predictions_with_desc.append(code_with_desc) return predictions_with_desc # Define the API key directly in the code GOOGLE_API_KEY = "AIzaSyA24A6egT3L0NAKkkw9QHjfoizp7cJUTaA" # Streamlit UI st.title("Medical Diagnosis Assistant") option = st.selectbox( "Choose Diagnosis Method", ("ICD-9 Code Prediction", "Medical Image Analysis") ) # ICD-9 Code Prediction if option == "ICD-9 Code Prediction": st.write("### Enter Medical Summary") input_text = st.text_area("Medical Summary", placeholder="Enter clinical notes here...") threshold = st.slider("Prediction Threshold", 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.01) if st.button("Predict ICD-9 Codes"): if input_text.strip(): predictions = predict_icd9([input_text], tokenizer, model, threshold) st.write("### Predicted ICD-9 Codes and Descriptions") for code, description in predictions[0]: st.write(f"- {code}: {description}") else: st.error("Please enter a medical summary.") # Medical Image Analysis elif option == "Medical Image Analysis": medical_agent = Agent( model=Gemini( api_key=GOOGLE_API_KEY, id="gemini-2.0-flash-exp" ), tools=[DuckDuckGo()], markdown=True ) query = """ You are a highly skilled medical imaging expert with extensive knowledge in radiology and diagnostic imaging. Analyze the patient's medical image and structure your response as follows: ### 1. Image Type & Region - Specify imaging modality (X-ray/MRI/CT/Ultrasound/etc.) - Identify the patient's anatomical region and positioning - Comment on image quality and technical adequacy ### 2. Key Findings - List primary observations systematically - Note any abnormalities in the patient's imaging with precise descriptions - Include measurements and densities where relevant - Describe location, size, shape, and characteristics - Rate severity: Normal/Mild/Moderate/Severe ### 3. Diagnostic Assessment - Provide primary diagnosis with confidence level - List differential diagnoses in order of likelihood - Support each diagnosis with observed evidence from the patient's imaging - Note any critical or urgent findings ### 4. Patient-Friendly Explanation - Explain the findings in simple, clear language that the patient can understand - Avoid medical jargon or provide clear definitions - Include visual analogies if helpful - Address common patient concerns related to these findings ### 5. Research Context - Use the DuckDuckGo search tool to find recent medical literature about similar cases - Provide a list of relevant medical links - Include key references to support your analysis """ upload_container = st.container() image_container = st.container() analysis_container = st.container() with upload_container: uploaded_file = st.file_uploader( "Upload Medical Image", type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "dicom"], help="Supported formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG, DICOM" ) if uploaded_file is not None: with image_container: col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([1, 2, 1]) with col2: image = Image.open(uploaded_file) width, height = image.size aspect_ratio = width / height new_width = 500 new_height = int(new_width / aspect_ratio) resized_image = image.resize((new_width, new_height)) st.image(resized_image, caption="Uploaded Medical Image", use_container_width=True) analyze_button = st.button("🔍 Analyze Image") with analysis_container: if analyze_button: image_path = "temp_medical_image.png" with open(image_path, "wb") as f: f.write(uploaded_file.getbuffer()) with st.spinner("🔄 Analyzing image... Please wait."): try: response = medical_agent.run(query, images=[image_path]) st.markdown("### 📋 Analysis Results") st.markdown(response.content) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Analysis error: {e}") finally: if os.path.exists(image_path): os.remove(image_path) else: st.info("👆 Please upload a medical image to begin analysis")