import gradio as gr from github import Github, GithubException import os import requests # Załaduj token z pliku .env lub ustaw bezpośrednio GITHUB_TOKEN = os.getenv('GITHUB_TOKEN') g = Github(GITHUB_TOKEN) def github_tool( action: str, repo_name: str = None, branch: str = "main", # domyślna gałąź path: str = None, content: str = None, message: str = None, owner: str = None, vcs_url: str = None, title: str = None, body: str = None, base: str = None, head: str = None, issue_number: int = None, labels: str = None, # etykiety oddzielone przecinkami tag: str = None, name: str = None, # nazwa release ): """Narzędzie do zarządzania repozytoriami GitHub.""" user = g.get_user() try: if action == "import_repository": if not all([owner, repo_name, vcs_url]): raise ValueError( "Brakujące parametry: owner, repo_name, vcs_url") # Sprawdź, czy repozytorium już istnieje try: repo = user.get_repo(repo_name) return "Repozytorium o tej nazwie już istnieje." except GithubException: pass headers = { 'Authorization': f'token {GITHUB_TOKEN}', 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', } import_url = f'{owner}/{repo_name}/import' payload = {'vcs_url': vcs_url, 'vcs': 'git'} response = requests.put(import_url, json=payload, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 201: return "Import repozytorium został rozpoczęty." else: return f"Błąd importu: {response.status_code}, {response.json()}" elif action == "create_repository": if not repo_name: raise ValueError("Brakujący parametr: repo_name") repo = user.create_repo(name=repo_name) return f"Repozytorium {repo_name} utworzone: {repo.html_url}" elif action == "create_file": if not all([repo_name, path, content, message]): raise ValueError( "Brakujące parametry: repo_name, path, content, message") repo = user.get_repo(repo_name) repo.create_file(path, message, content, branch=branch) return f"Plik {path} utworzony w {repo_name} na gałęzi {branch}" elif action == "get_file": if not all([repo_name, path]): raise ValueError("Brakujące parametry: repo_name, path") repo = user.get_repo(repo_name) file_content = repo.get_contents(path) return file_content.decoded_content.decode() elif action == "delete_file": if not all([repo_name, path]): raise ValueError("Brakujące parametry: repo_name, path") repo = user.get_repo(repo_name) file_contents = repo.get_contents(path, ref=branch) repo.delete_file(path, "Usunięcie pliku", file_contents.sha, branch=branch) return f"Plik {path} usunięty z {repo_name} na gałęzi {branch}" elif action == "update_file": if not all([repo_name, path, content, message]): raise ValueError( "Brakujące parametry: repo_name, path, content, message") repo = user.get_repo(repo_name) file_contents = repo.get_contents(path, ref=branch) repo.update_file(path, message, content, file_contents.sha, branch=branch) return f"Plik {path} zaktualizowany w {repo_name} na gałęzi {branch}" elif action == "list_branches": if not repo_name: raise ValueError("Brakujący parametr: repo_name") repo = user.get_repo(repo_name) branches = repo.get_branches() return [ for branch in branches] elif action == "create_branch": if not all([repo_name, base, head]): # base jako źródło, head jako nowa nazwa raise ValueError("Brakujące parametry: repo_name, base, head") repo = user.get_repo(repo_name) source_branch = repo.get_branch(base) repo.create_git_ref(ref=f"refs/heads/{head}", sha=source_branch.commit.sha) return f"Gałąź {head} utworzona z {base} w {repo_name}" elif action == "delete_branch": if not all([repo_name, branch]): raise ValueError("Brakujące parametry: repo_name, branch") repo = user.get_repo(repo_name) repo.get_git_ref(f"heads/{branch}").delete() return f"Gałąź {branch} usunięta z {repo_name}" elif action == "create_pull_request": if not all([repo_name, title, body, base, head]): raise ValueError( "Brakujące parametry: repo_name, title, body, base, head") repo = user.get_repo(repo_name) pr = repo.create_pull(title=title, body=body, base=base, head=head) return f"Pull request utworzony: {pr.html_url}" elif action == "list_open_pull_requests": if not repo_name: raise ValueError("Brakujący parametr: repo_name") repo = user.get_repo(repo_name) open_prs = repo.get_pulls(state='open') return [{'title': pr.title, 'url': pr.html_url} for pr in open_prs] elif action == "create_issue": if not all([repo_name, title, body]): raise ValueError("Brakujące parametry: repo_name, title, body") repo = user.get_repo(repo_name) issue = repo.create_issue(title=title, body=body) return f"Issue utworzone: {issue.html_url}" elif action == "list_issues": if not repo_name: raise ValueError("Brakujący parametr: repo_name") repo = user.get_repo(repo_name) issues = repo.get_issues(state='open') return [{'title': issue.title, 'url': issue.html_url} for issue in issues] elif action == "add_label_to_issue": if not all([repo_name, issue_number, labels]): raise ValueError( "Brakujące parametry: repo_name, issue_number, labels") repo = user.get_repo(repo_name) issue = repo.get_issue(number=int(issue_number)) for label in labels.split(","): issue.add_to_labels(label.strip()) return f"Etykiety dodane do issue #{issue_number} w {repo_name}" elif action == "close_issue": if not all([repo_name, issue_number]): raise ValueError("Brakujące parametry: repo_name, issue_number") repo = user.get_repo(repo_name) issue = repo.get_issue(number=int(issue_number)) issue.edit(state='closed') return f"Issue #{issue_number} zamknięte w {repo_name}" elif action == "add_comment_to_issue": if not all([repo_name, issue_number, message]): # message jako treść komentarza raise ValueError( "Brakujące parametry: repo_name, issue_number, message") repo = user.get_repo(repo_name) issue = repo.get_issue(number=int(issue_number)) issue.create_comment(body=message) return f"Komentarz dodany do issue #{issue_number} w {repo_name}" elif action == "create_release": if not all([repo_name, tag, name, message]): raise ValueError( "Brakujące parametry: repo_name, tag, name, message") repo = user.get_repo(repo_name) release = repo.create_git_release( tag=tag, name=name, message=message) return f"Release {name} utworzone w {repo_name}: {release.html_url}" elif action == "list_releases": if not repo_name: raise ValueError("Brakujący parametr: repo_name") repo = user.get_repo(repo_name) releases = repo.get_releases() return [{'tag_name': release.tag_name, 'url': release.html_url} for release in releases] elif action == "fork_repository": if not repo_name: raise ValueError("Brakujący parametr: repo_name") repo = g.get_repo(repo_name) # Pobierz repozytorium do forkowania fork = user.create_fork(repo) return f"Fork repozytorium utworzony: {fork.html_url}" elif action == "list_forks": if not repo_name: raise ValueError("Brakujący parametr: repo_name") repo = g.get_repo(repo_name) # Pobierz repo, którego forki chcesz wyświetlić forks = repo.get_forks() return [{'full_name': fork.full_name, 'url': fork.html_url} for fork in forks] elif action == "list_files": if not all([owner, repo_name]): raise ValueError("Brakujące parametry: owner, repo_name") repo = g.get_repo(f"{owner}/{repo_name}") contents = repo.get_contents(path) files = [{'name':, 'path': content.path, 'download_url': content.download_url} for content in contents] return files else: raise ValueError(f"Nieznana akcja: {action}") except GithubException as e: return f"Błąd GitHub: {str(e)}" except ValueError as e: return f"Błąd: {str(e)}" with gr.Textbox(label="Nazwa repozytorium") as demo: with gr.Row(): output = gr.Textbox(label="Nazwa repozytorium") demo.launch()