import numpy as np import io from PIL import Image, ImageFilter, ImageChops from torchvision import transforms def genELA(img_pil, scale=77, alpha=0.66): # Error Level Analysis for basic image forensics original = img_pil.copy() # open up the input image temp_path = 'temp.jpg' # temporary image name to save the ELA to, quality=95) # re-save the image with a quality of 95% temporary = # open up the re-saved image diff = ImageChops.difference(original, temporary) # load in the images to look at pixel by pixel differences d = diff.load() # load the image into a variable WIDTH, HEIGHT = diff.size # set the size into a tuple for x in range(WIDTH): # row by row for y in range(HEIGHT): # column by column d[x, y] = tuple(k * scale for k in d[x, y]) # set the pixels to their x,y & color based on error new_img = ImageChops.blend(temporary, diff, alpha) # blend the original w/ the ELA @ a set alpha/transparency return new_img