import streamlit as st from transformers import pipeline from llama import load_llama_model, generate_llama_summary, PROMPT_TEMPLATE st.set_page_config(page_title="Email Summarizer", layout="wide") @st.cache_resource def load_all_models(): """Pre-load all models during app initialization""" with st.spinner("Loading models... This may take a few minutes"): models = { "mt5-small": pipeline( "summarization", model="ak2603/mt5-small-synthetic-data-plus-translated" ), "Llama 3.2": load_llama_model(), "Llama 7b Instruct": None # Placeholder } return models # Initialize models when app loads models = load_all_models() # Streamlit UI Configuration st.title("📧 Automated Email Summarization") # Sidebar Controls with st.sidebar: st.header("Configuration") model_choice = st.selectbox( "Select Model", ["mt5-small", "Llama 3.2", "Llama 7b Instruct"], index=0 ) st.markdown("---") st.markdown("**Model Information:**")"Selected model: {model_choice}")"Total loaded models: {len([m for m in models.values() if m is not None])}") # Main Content Area col1, col2 = st.columns([2, 1]) with col1: st.subheader("Input Email") email_input = st.text_area( "Paste your email here:", height=300, key="input_text", placeholder="Enter email content here..." ) with col2: st.subheader("Summary Generation") if st.button("Generate Summary", use_container_width=True): if not email_input: st.error("Please enter some email content first!") else: try: selected_model = models[model_choice] if selected_model is None: st.error("Selected model is not implemented yet") else: with st.spinner("Generating summary..."): if model_choice == "mt5-small": result = selected_model( email_input, max_length=150, do_sample=True, repetition_penalty=1.5 )[0]['summary_text'] elif model_choice == "Llama 3.2": model_obj, tokenizer = selected_model result = generate_llama_summary( email_input, model_obj, tokenizer, PROMPT_TEMPLATE ) # Display results st.success("**Generated Summary:**") st.write(result) # Add export options st.download_button( label="Download Summary", data=result, file_name="email_summary.txt", mime="text/plain" ) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error generating summary: {str(e)}") # Footer st.markdown("---") st.markdown("_Automated email summarization system v1.0_")